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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comprehensive Venus boundaries model : Empirical dependency of boundaries on the upstream conditions / Gränsmodeller för Venus : Hur gränser beror av uppströmsförhållanden

Rollero, Umberto January 2023 (has links)
Since Venus is an unmagnetized planet, it doesn’t interact with the solar wind in the same way as planets with an intrinsic magnetic field do. Due to its conductive ionosphere, however, it still possesses an induced magnetosphere. Venus’s magnetosphere contains different boundaries, identified by changes in the plasma or magnetic field characteristics. The boundaries we studied in this project are the bow shock and the Ion Composition Boundary (ICB). Previous studies identified the boundaries’ locations and compared them with plasma measurements outside of the magnetosphere, finding how the boundaries react to varying solar wind upstream conditions. What has been more rarely done, instead, is to find the analytical dependency of the bow shock and ICB on the upstream conditions. This was the purpose of this project. Developing this comprehensive analytical model allows us to determine the location of the boundaries, once the upstream conditions are defined. We used a database of boundary crossings and upstream conditions measurements deriving from the Venus EXpress (VEX). The procedure we followed was first to divide the boundaries crossings into bins, analyzing one upstream condition at a time. Then, we fitted the crossings using analytical equations depending on geometrical parameters. For the bow shock we used a conic section with semi-latus rectum L and eccentricity ε as geometrical parameters, for the dayside ICB we used a circumference with the radius R as geometrical parameter. We fitted these geometrical parameters with the upstream conditions in each bin and found the final model. The final equation for the bow shock depends on the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) magnitude, the solar wind mass flux, and the angle between the IMF direction and the local shock normal. For the ICB the final equation depends on the solar wind energy flux and the solar Extreme UltraViolet (EUV) flux. Given these solar wind and IMF properties, the geometrical parameters of the boundaries are uniquely identified. Then, we were able to determine the boundaries’ locations and shapes with higher accuracy than the general fitting models that don’t consider upstream conditions. For the bow shock we improved the accuracy by 17%, for the ICB by 8%. / Eftersom Venus är en omagnetisk planet växelverkar den inte med solvinden på samma sätt som planeter med ett inneboende magnetfält. På grund av sin ledande jonosfär har den dock fortfarande en inducerad magnetosfär. Venus magnetosfär innehåller olika gränser, identifierade av förändringar i plasma- eller magnetfältets egenskaper. Gränserna vi studerade i det här projektet är bogshocken och Ion Composition Boundary (ICB). Tidigare studier identifierade gränsernas lägen och jämförde dem med plasmamätningar utanför magnetosfären, och hittade hur gränserna ändras med varierande solvind uppströms. Vad som har gjorts mer sällan är att hitta det analytiska beroendet av bogchocken och ICB på uppströmsförhållandena. Det var syftet med det här projektet. Genom att utveckla de här analytiska modellerna kan vi bestämma placering för gränserna när uppströmsförhållandena har definierats. Vi använde en databas med gränsövergångar och mätningar av uppströmsförhållanden härrörande från Venus EXpress (VEX). Proceduren vi följde var först att dela upp gränsövergångarna i dataintervall och analysera ett uppströmsläge i taget. Sedan anpassade korsningarna med hjälp av analytiska ekvationer beroende på geometriska parametrar. För bogshocken använde vi en konisk sektion med semi-latus rektum L och excentricitet ε som geometriska parametrar, för dagsida ICB använde vi en omkrets med radien R som geometrisk parameter. Vi anpassade de här geometriska parametrarna för olika uppströmsförhållanden och tog fram en modell. Den slutliga ekvationen för bogshocken beror på det interplanetära magnetfältets (IMF) magnitud, solvindens rörelsemängd och vinkeln mellan IMF och den lokala shocknormalen. För ICB beror den slutliga ekvationen på solvindenergiflödet och extrem ultraviolett (EUV) flöde. Med avseende på de här solvinds- och IMF-egenskaperna är de geometriska parametrarna för gränserna identifierade. Sedan kunde vi bestämma gränsernas placeringar och former med högre noggrannhet än de allmänna modellerna som inte tar hänsyn till uppströmsförhållanden. För bogchocken förbättrade vi noggrannheten med 17% och för ICB med 8%.

The Sociocultural Perception of the African American Woman's Bodily Aesthetics: Investigated in the Works Venus, God Don't Like Ugly, and Their Eyes Were Watching God

Loiten, Andrene 01 January 2017 (has links)
Despite contemporary movements towards tolerance and appreciation of differing cultural entities within the United States, the normative standard of beauty serves as a pinnacle of division amongst women. The normative standard of beauty—implemented by the dominant race within the States—encourages discrimination in regards to the perception of African American female beauty. Although information exists identifying the original influence pertaining to the negative perception of African American female beauty, the reason for its continued perpetuation within the African American community remains ill defined. Effects of this standard amongst African Americans are psychological and physiological. The destruction of self-image and appreciation for natural features by African American Women occur as a result. The influence of this standard extends to individuals outside of the African American community also and in turn impact their perception of African American aesthetics. Scholarly and Literary writers have chosen to comment on this topic. Some dissect the features that constitute to the considered level of attractiveness attributed of African American women. As these writers explore the realm aesthetic perception, discriminatory tendencies amongst those from the dominant race as well as the marginalized group—in this case African Americans—are revealed. Theories offering explanations in regards to the perpetuation of negative perceptions of African American female beauty arise.

Caractérisation moléculaire des Récepteurs Venus Kinase : étude fonctionnelle chez le parasite Schistosoma mansoni

Gouignard, Nadège 30 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La famille des Venus Kinase Receptors (VKR) est une nouvelle famille de Récepteurs Tyrosine Kinase découverte au laboratoire chez le ver parasite Schistosoma mansoni (SmVKR1), puis chez 14 autres organismes invertébrés, principalement des insectes. Les études réalisées au laboratoire ont montré la présence des transcrits vkr dans les organes reproducteurs des organismes adultes mais aussi dans les stades larvaires suggérant un rôle dans le développement et/ou la reproduction de ces organismes. Ma thèse concerne la caractérisation structurale, biochimique et fonctionnelle des VKRs de deux organismes d'intérêt sanitaire majeur : le schistosome, parasite responsable de la bilharziose qui représente la seconde endémie parasitaire mondiale et l'anophèle, vecteur principal du paludisme en Afrique. Dans une première partie nous avons mis en évidence la présence d'un second VKR chez le schistosome, nommé SmVKR2. Nous avons montré que ses transcrits sont exprimés à tous les stades du cycle parasitaire et principalement dans les organes génitaux de la femelle au niveau des ovocytes immatures et de l'ootype. Nous avons exprimé SmVKR1 et SmVKR2 et montré qu'ils sont tous deux des récepteurs à activité tyrosine kinase, activables respectivement par la L-Arginine et par le calcium. Des expériences complémentaires semblent indiquer qu'un ligand naturel de SmVKR1 pourrait se trouver dans le canal gynécophore des vers appariés. Parallèlement, nous avons entrepris l'identification des partenaires cytosoliques de SmVKR1 et SmVKR2 grâce au criblage d'une banque d'ADNc de vers adultes par la technique de double hybride en levure en utilisant les domaines intracellulaires (DIC) des récepteurs comme appâts. L'analyse partielle des résultats obtenus montre que les DIC de SmVKR1 et SmVKR2 interagissent en autres avec des protéines du cytosquelette et avec des protéines cytoplasmiques pourvues de domaines d'interaction protéine-protéine SH2, acteurs de voies de signalisation classique des RTKs. Nous avons montré par ARNi que la diminution des transcrits SmVKR1 et SmVKR2 a un impact majeur sur la morphologie des organes génitaux de la femelle. Les sporocystes interférés pour les deux récepteurs présentent une diminution significative de leur taille comparée aux témoins.La deuxième partie de mes travaux de thèse a été centrée sur l'étude d'AgVKR, le récepteur d'Anopheles gambiae. En utilisant deux systèmes d'expression hétérologue, nous avons pu établir que ce récepteur était lui aussi catalytiquement actif et activable par la L-arg comme SmVKR1. L'étude de la fonction d'AgVKR a été abordée grâce à la découverte récente de son expression constitutive dans une lignée de cellules d'A. gambiae nommées SuA5B et de type hémocytaire. Des expériences d'ARNi ont été mises au point dans le but de visualiser l'impact d'une diminution de transcrits sur la physiologie des cellules. Dans leur ensemble, les résultats de ces travaux participent à la compréhension des mécanismes de régulation et de la fonction des VKRs, des récepteurs qui semblent d'une grande importance pour le développement et la reproduction des organismes.

Venus in the 'Looking-glass' : para-classicism and the trans-body in the works of Igor Mitoraj and Marc Quinn

Sliwinska, Basia January 2010 (has links)
This thesis offers a theoretical investigation into concepts of beauty, the sculptured body and myths of Venus and Medusa, primarily through the works of Igor Mitoraj and Marc Quinn. These themes are transformed and inverted in the Looking-glass towards the trans-body, which is fragmented, sometimes monstrous, grotesque or ugly, but it is still complete. Resonating with Eros, it advocates a new trans-sexuality and establishes a concept of new desire , both of which question the legitimacy and limits of the concept of gender in relation to the body. This thesis proposes looking at the body beyond straightforward associations with a particular sex, incorporating approaches beyond art historical and art critical perspectives. Overall, the argument is informed by three particular concepts - paratopisms, paralogisms and parachronisms - drawn from the writings of Jean-François Lyotard. Jean Baudrillard s idea of the trans and swallowing the mirror provides another focus for the thesis. As such, this work is an attempt to go through to the other side of the mirror with respect to topos here, aesthetics and narratives; logos here, beauty and ugliness; and chronos in this research, the new desire. Through a detailed analysis of a number of case-studies I focus on the transformation of the trope of the classical into para-classical; the implosion of Venus into Medusa, beauty into ugliness, perfection into imperfection and ability into disability; and, finally, the metamorphosis of the sculptured body in the mirror. The figure of Venus is utilised in order to scrutinise the modifications and metamorphoses, both internal and external, of the body in relation to the fragment and the classical Greco-Roman ideal. The thesis aims to bring to the study of sculpture a deconstruction of the body through readings on gender, subjectivities and the gaze of the other. It focuses on the female body, represented by the figure of Venus, which is modified and appropriated according to patriarchal order, but also, as it relies on Hélène Cixous's Medusa laugh, it generates a new perspective in seeing the body as a hybrid; a metamorphosing construct, able to transform beyond and within corporeality. Viewing the body as an entity in a constant state of flux, shifting identities and gender, this study proposes this new concept - trans-body as a response to the current hyperreal simulated model of sexuality, and stimulates (and simulates) a change of focus in opticality towards illusions and trans-vesting myths.

Engineering design instrumentation for life detection planetary exploration missions

Juanes-Vallejo, Clara M. January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the research documented in this thesis was to explore issues associated with the development of instrumentation for life detection and characterisation in a planetary exploration context. Within this aim, the following objectives had to be achieved: 1. To consider current and near-future single molecule detection (ultra-low lower limit of detection) analytical techniques that would be compatible with development into a Space qualifiable in situ analytical instrument for the detection of biomarkers in a planetary exploration context. 2. To practically consider the consequences of Planetary Protection and Contamination Control on the development of a sample return instrumentation in a planetary exploration context. 3. To consider the implications of flying an in situ instrument on-board a stratospheric balloon platform in order to apply them into a specific planetary exploration mission: In order to achieve the objectives described above, the following work was pursued:  A desk-based European Space Agency (ESA) study was carried out which entailed producing a literature review on single molecule detection technologies that had to be validated by the expert community. This was done by organising an International Workshop on Single Molecule Detection Technologies for Space Applications in March 2009 at Cranfield University, UK. The approved technologies then had to be analysed with standard analytical techniques (i.e., tradeoffs) in order to propose a specific technology for development and present its breadboard implementation and test plans at the end of the study.  A sample return experiment implementing PP&CC constraints and protocols was designed, built, tested and flown on-board the ESA, Swedish Space Corporation (SSC), Swedish National Space Board (SNSB) and German Space Agency (DLR) BEXUS stratospheric balloon platform. The biological and engineering results obtained from the sample return flight were then analysed and lessons learnt obtained for future flights.  Another desk-based study was performed to research future stratospheric balloon platforms for the exploration of Venus’ cloud layer. The in situ instrument previously proposed for the detection of biomarkers for planetary exploration missions was then put forward as a possible payload for a Venusian stratospheric balloon platform and approved by experts during the Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) conference held in August 2011 in Washington D.C, USA. The first part of the research involved studying ultra-low lower limit of detection technologies as these have the potential to impact significantly on the technological and scientific requirements of future Space missions. Two systems were proposed: one based on Tandem Mass Spectrometry (with Cylindrical Ion Trap analysers) followed by Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering spectroscopy to create an MS/MS-SERS instrument for the detection of astrobiology biomarkers in Martian regolith, Europan ice and samples from Titan’s hydrocarbon lakes; and a second one as a Stand-Alone SERS system for the detection of biomarkers in Enceladean plumes, Venusian clouds and cometary coma. The second part of the research practically explored the design of instrumentation for stratospheric balloon platforms. CASS•E, the Cranfield Astrobiological Stratospheric Sampling Experiment, was a life detection experiment that aimed to be capable of detecting stratospheric microorganisms. The experiment consisted of a pump which drew air from the Stratosphere through a 0.2 μm collection filter which retained any microorganisms and >0.2 μm particulates present in the pumped air. Due to the expected rarity of microbes in the Stratosphere compared to the known levels of contamination at ground level, Planetary Protection and Contamination Control (PP&CC)constraints were introduced. Therefore PP&CC protocols were followed to implement Space qualified cleaning and sterilisation techniques; biobarrier technology was implemented to prevent re-contamination of the instrument after sterilisation; and cleanliness and contamination was monitored throughout assembly, integration and testing. The third part of the research demonstrated how an instrument from the first part of the study could be proposed as a payload on-board a stratospheric balloon platform with a focused mission context, i.e., a life detection mission for Venus. Therefore, the research concluded with the proposal of a payload for a Venus mission based on SERS technology on-board a stratospheric balloon platform to search for life above or in the mid Venusian cloud cover.

Ion Temperature Anisotropies in the Venus Plasma Environment

Bader, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
Velocity distributions are a key to understanding the interplay between particles and waves in a plasma. Any deviation from a Maxwellian distribution may be unstable and result in wave generation. Using data from the ion mass spectrometer IMA (Ion Mass Analyzer) and the magnetometer MAG on-board Venus Express,  ion distributions in the plasma environment of Venus are studied. The focus lies on temperature anisotropy, that is, the difference between the ion temperature parallel and perpendicular to the background magnetic field. This study presents spatial maps of the average ratio between the perpendicular temperature <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?T_%5Cperp" /> and parallel temperature <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?T_%5Cparallel" />, both for proton and heavy ions (atomic oxygen, molecularoxygen and carbon dioxide). Furthermore average values of <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?T_%5Cperp" /> and <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?T_%5Cparallel" /> are calculated for different spatial areas around Venus. The results show that proton <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?T_%5Cperp" /> and <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?T_%5Cparallel" /> are nearly equal in the solar wind. At the bow shock and in the magnetosheath, the ratio <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?T_%5Cperp/T_%5Cparallel" /> increases to provide conditions favoring mirror mode wave generation. An even higher anisotropy is found in the magnetotail with <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?T_%5Cperp/T_%5Cparallel%5Capprox%202" /> for both protons and heavy ions.

"Sweet Beginning but Unsavoury End": The Change in Popularity of Shakespeare's Poetry

Cowhey, Maureen R. 01 January 2019 (has links)
William Shakespeare is arguably the most famous and influential author in modern history. His plays make up a literary canon that has been translated into every language, is constantly being reproduced on the stage and on film and has persisted in popularity for centuries. Yet, Shakespeare’s first and most popular text is not a play, but the narrative poem, Venus and Adonis. The text that launched Shakespeare into popularity and gave rise to this cultural icon was a poem, rather than a play. But despite its initial success, Venus and Adonis is not a central feature of the modern literary canon and Shakespeare’s original role as a poet has been overshadowed by his achievements in theatre. This paper sets out to explore what happened to Shakespeare’s legacy in poetry by examining the commercial history and aesthetic form of two of Shakespeare’s poems: Venus and Adonis and the sonnets. I will address how the dramatic literary canon was created and why it revolves around Shakespeare as solely a playwright.

As artes de Vênus e as artes de Minerva na configuração da puella elegíaca de Propércio / The Venus arts and the Minerva arts in the configuration of the elegiac puella of Propertius

Arruda, Maria Ozana Lima de 05 February 2019 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo principal investigar a composição da figura da puella nas elegias de Propércio quanto a duas artes, a de Vênus e a de Minerva. Nesse contexto, a arte de Vênus corresponde à conduta do amante elegíaco; a arte de Minerva (a princípio a arte de fiar) corresponde à conduta feminina adequada do ponto de vista social. Assim, discutimos, no primeiro capítulo, como as duas deusas aparecem em Roma e discutimos os primeiros aspectos da relação estabelecida entre as duas na elegia de Propércio. No segundo capítulo, analisamos a deusa Vênus e seus domínios na poesia properciana, bem como a puella como a praticante das artes amorosas de Vênus, junto com o poeta, formando o par elegíaco. No terceiro capítulo, investigamos Minerva na obra de Propércio e mais especificamente a arte da tecelagem exercida pela puella, observando como tal arte participa da configuração da amante elegíaca. As investigações de que esta dissertação é fruto revelam que, de diferentes formas, as duas deusas convocam à elegia de Propércio aspectos sociais e poéticos que contribuem na composição da figura da puella. / This research aims to investigate the composition of the puella figure in the elegies of Propertius regarding two arts, Venus and Minervas. In this context, the art of Venus corresponds to the behaviour of the elegiac lover; the art of Minerva (firstly, the art of weaving) corresponds to the appropriate feminine way from a social point of view. Thus, we discussed in the first chapter how the two goddesses show up in Rome and discuss the first aspects of the relation established between the two in the elegy of Propertius. In the second chapter, we analyse the goddess Venus and her domains in Propertian poetry, as well as the puella as the practitioner of the love arts of Venus, along the poet, forming an elegiac pair. In the third chapter, we investigate Minerva in the elegies of Propertius and more specifically the art of the weaving exerted by the puella, observing how such art participates in the configuration of the elegiac lover. The investigations made in this dissertation reveal that, in different ways, the two goddesses summon to the Propertius elegies social and poetic aspects that contribute in the composition of the puella figure.

Behavioural ecology of the Woylie, Bettongia penicillata Gray, 1837, on Island A, Venus Bay, South Australia

Nelson, Lyn, n/a January 1989 (has links)
A study of the behavioural ecology of the woylie (Bettongia penicillata) was conducted between November 1986 and September 1987 on a population that had been introduced to Island A, Venus Bay in South Australia. The primary aim of the research was to establish the reasons for the success of this population of approximately 20 individuals which survives in an environment which is considerably different from the pockets of forest and woodland habitats comprising the present range of this species in Western Australia. This knowledge will assist wildlife authorities to identify suitable reintroduction sites within the former mainland range of B. penicillata. Scat analysis revealed that woylies on Island A consumed a catholic diet of dicotyledon leaf material, seasonal fruits and berries, and invertebrates. Endomycorrhizal fungal spores were common in scats during spring and are possibly derived from the gut of Scarab beetle larvae that were present in the scats at this time. Fungi are an insignificant dietary component of woylies at Venus Bay. The home ranges of woylies on Island A overlapped considerably and were significantly smaller than the "feeding" areas recorded for Western Australian conspecifics. Separate "feeding" and "nest" areas could not be identified on Island A as refuges were dispersed throughout the home range and were at a density of approximately three times that reported for Western Australian woylies. The refuge sites used by woylies on Island A were relatively simple constructions and contrasted with the more complex double-layered structures described for mainland woylies. Refuge sites on Island A were generally located beneath dense bushes. They provided little protection from prevailing temperature and relative humidity but did provide cover and ameliorate the effects of insolation. Refuges were exclusive to individuals. Males maintained a greater degree of spatial separation from one another during refuge occupation than they did from females, or females from each other. No significant difference between male and female body masses was detected, while the mean body mass recorded in December was significantly higher than at other times. The woylies at Venus Bay had significantly lower masses than those reported for a population of woylies at Tuttanning in Western Australia. The limited genetic base of the founding population and competition for food among this high density population are the most likely reasons for the lower masses of woylies on Island A. This study demonstrates that woylies can be successfully introduced into a wild, modified environment if their basic habitat requirements of suitable cover and diet are met. A broad diet, the abundance of suitable food species and adequate refuge sites within a small area, together with the absence of predators and fire, have all contributed to the success of the woylie population introduced to Island A. Active management is required to monitor and manipulate such small populations to ensure that genetic viability is maintained and the long term survival of the species is secured. Management: Recommendations 1. Monitor the population dynamics and genetic profiles of wild woylie populations in Western Australia. 2. Monitor the genetic profiles of woylies on Island A and other introduced populations. 3. Identify and acquire habitats similar to, and within, those of B. penicillata's former range, remove stock and exotic herbivores, implement and maintain predator control measures, and foster the growth of food species suitable for woylies. 4. Conduct research at proposed introduction sites to establish the fire regimes that would maintain adequate food and cover for woylies. 5. Introduce fresh genetic stock from wild Western Australian populations into the existing small populations in South Australia and simultaneously cull adults from the receiving population. 6. Maintain management practices to protect relic populations in Western Australia and newly established populations at introduction sites.

The Neutral Particle Detector on the Mars and Venus Express missions

Grigoriev, Alexander January 2007 (has links)
<p>The Neutral Particle Detector (NPD) is a new type of instrumentation for energetic neutral atom (ENA) diagnostics. This thesis deals with development of the NPD sensor designed as a part of the plasma and neutral particle packages ASPERA-3 and ASPERA-4 on board Mars Express and Venus Express, the European Space Agency (ESA) satellites to Mars and Venus, respectively. It describes how the NPD sensors were designed, developed, tested and calibrated. </p><p>It also presents the first scientific results obtained with NPD during its operation at Mars. </p><p>The NPD package consists of two identical detectors, NPD1 and NPD2. Each detector has a 9<sup>o</sup> x 90<sup>o</sup> intrinsic field-of-view divided into three sectors. The ENA detection principle is based on the surface interaction technique. NPD detects ENA differential fluxes within the energy range of 100 eV to 10 keV and is capable of resolving hydrogen and oxygen atoms by time-of-flight (TOF) measurements or pulse height analysis.</p><p>During the calibration process the detailed response of the sensor was defined, including properties such as an angular response function and energy dependent efficiency of each of the sensor sectors for different ENA species. </p><p>Based on the NPD measurements at Mars the main scientific results reported so far are:</p><p>- observation of the Martian H-ENA jet / cone and its dynamics, </p><p>- observations of ENA emissions from the Martian upper atmosphere, </p><p>- measurements of the hydrogen exosphere density profile at Mars, </p><p>- observations of the response of the Martian plasma environment to an interplanetary shock, </p><p>- observations of the H-ENA fluxes in the interplanetary medium.</p>

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