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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Relações de tradução:: SAY/DIZER em corpora de textos ficcionais

Silvana Maria de Jesus 27 June 2008 (has links)
This dissertation reports on a study developed at LETRA - Laboratory for Experimentation in Translation, Faculdade de Letras, UFMG. Building on Catford's (1965) foundational work on translation and Matthiessen's (2007) proposal of systemic functional translation studies of multilingual production and translation, it presents three different and complementary approaches to examine equivalence relations between two verbs in the pair English-Portuguese, SAY/DIZER. Equivalence is looked at from an empirical perspective drawing on data gathered from translated and non-translated fiction in both languages and in both translation directions. Using the methodology of corpus linguistics for quantitative data analysis (WordSmith Tools and SPSS - Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) and a combined corpus (comparable and parallel) compiled to that end, equivalence relations are studied from a three dimensional perspective. The first approach analyses the functions of SAY/DIZER in non-translated texts, describing functional meanings realized by these verbs, according to the metafunctional theory in systemic functional linguistics (Halliday and Matthiessen, 2004). Commonalities and differences are considered as the first step in order to look at equivalence relations. The second approach investigates the originals and their translations to search and account for possible equivalents as well as their probabilities of occurrence. Both unconditioned and conditioned probabilities of equivalence, as proposed by Catford (1965), are examined. The third approach analyses the use of SAY/DIZER in translated texts, comparing patterns in translated and non-translated texts in order to examine how the relations among the texts condition the different patterns found. Occurrences in the original texts that were translated as SAY/DIZER are also examined in order to account for possible equivalents. Results point to different patterns of these verbs, relating to their functions and to equivalence relations. / Esta tese insere-se nos estudos sistêmico-funcionais da tradução e aborda as relações de tradução de SAY/DIZER em textos ficcionais no par lingüístico inglês-português. Adotando uma perspectiva empírica de observação de dados em corpora paralelos e comparáveis, este trabalho desenvolve três abordagens de análise. A primeira abordagem, a partir da fundamentação teórica da lingüística sistêmico-funcional (Halliday e Matthiessen, 2004), descreve as funções das orações verbais realizadas por SAY/DIZER em textos ficcionais não-traduzidos, isto é, em textos originalmente escritos em inglês e português, respectivamente. A segunda abordagem, a partir da proposta de Catford (1965) de análise das probabilidades condicionadas e incondicionadas de tradução, observa as relações de tradução de SAY/DIZER em corpora paralelos bidirecionais constituídos por textos originais e suas respectivas traduções no par lingüístico inglês-português. A terceira abordagem investiga as relações de tradução de SAY/DIZER sob a perspectiva de análise das propriedades de textos traduzidos, segundo a proposta de Teich (2003). O corpus da pesquisa, composto de três romances originais em inglês e suas traduções para o português e três romances originais em português e suas traduções para o inglês, faz parte do CORDIALL (Corpus Discursivo para Análises Lingüísticas e Literárias) desenvolvido pelos pesquisadores do LETRA (Laboratório Experimental de Tradução) da Faculdade de Letras da UFMG. A metodologia da lingüística de corpus é aplicada na análise deste corpus, denominado corpus combinado, que, devido as suas características, amplia o campo de observação do pesquisador, gerando dados mais abrangentes. Os programas WordSmith Tools e SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) são utilizados para a extração de dados quantitativos e estatísticos e para a construção do banco de dados da pesquisa. Os resultados apresentam uma visão abrangente das relações de tradução de SAY/DIZER em textos ficcionais. Verificou-se que as orações verbais com SAY/DIZER realizam funções experienciais e interpessoais na introdução do discurso, apresentando padrões distintos no inglês e no português. Foram apresentados os equivalentes possíveis de SAY/DIZER, segundo as ocorrências do corpus, detectando-se padrões distintos nas relações de tradução, conforme a direção seja do inglês para o português ou do português para o inglês. Por fim, a análise aponta resultados que se mostram produtivos para a descrição sistêmico-funcional do português e para os estudos da tradução.


PEDRO HENRIQUE PERES SUZANO E SILVA 08 October 2019 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho busca analisar a saída do Reino Unido da União Europeia e seu impacto na fronteira entre a Irlanda do Norte e a República do Norte, ponto de tensão que a cada dia toma um papel mais central para a política britânica. O objetivo é entender como as duas perspectivas divergentes — da União Europeia e do Reino Unido — se inserem no Acordo de Belfast/Good Friday Agreement, e como essa divergência pode influenciar o resultado final do Brexit. O estudo conclui que as prioridades de negociação do Reino Unido, tiradas do referendo de 2016, são incompatíveis com uma fronteira aberta na Irlanda, parte integral do processo de paz e prioridade de negociação da União Europeia. Sem alteração nessas prioridades e sem a resolução do dilema político atual — causado pela falta de direção comum no Parlamento —, o Reino Unido pode sair sem um acordo, o que seria catastrófico para o processo de paz. / [en] The current dissertation aims to analyse Britain s exit from the European Union and its impact in the Irish border, an issue that becomes more vital by the day. The aim is to understand how two divergent perspectives — the EU s and the UK s — are inserted into the framework created by the peace process, and how the aforementioned divergence can influence Brexit s end result. We conclude that UK s red lines, drawn from the 2016 referendum, are incompatible with an open border in Ireland, an integral part of the peace process and one of EU s red lines. Without a change in negotiation priorities and the resolution of the current political dilemma, caused by the lack of a common focus in Westminster, the UK can crash out of the EU without a deal, which would be catastrophic for the peace process.

Say it in Siswati

Rycroft, David K January 1979 (has links)
Doctor Educationis / Say it in siSwati is a practical course manual for beginners. It is intended to be used in conjunction with a series of language laboratory tapes, either for individual or group instruction; but could also be used independently, preferably with the aid of a siSwati speaker. The main aim has been to introduce all the principal structures and to present these in terms of familiar objects .and everyday situations as far as possible. Starting from a selected basic vocabulary, the drills concentrate ~~ fitting words together effectively and fluently, and the stock of words is gradually expanded. Appendices provide extra phonological and grammatical information if required, and a repertoire of traditional songs, followed by a glossary. The course represents a revised and expanded version of a siSwati Language Manual ·devised in 1972 for teaching British volunteers who were going out to Swaziland to undertake projects for Voluntary Service Overseas., and International Voluntary Service. Grateful acknowledgement is due, particularly, to Mrs. Gladys Mkhonta and Mr. A.B. Ngcobo who gave valuable assistance in the preparation of scripts and drills, and also to Messrs. Titus Ngubeni, Reuben Zondi, Derek Hlanze, Edward Dlamini, Nicholas Dlamini, Reginald Dladla, Clifford Magongo and Miss Jane Maseko, whose voices are recorded on the tapes. fundamentally, preparation of the manual would not have been possible at all without the generosity of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, in sponsoring the necessary linguistic and musical field research.

Vittoria says:

Zoralioglu, Ozge January 2003 (has links)
vittoria says: "there are days when a table, or chair, or book, or a man are all the same."* is architecture a projection of our desires or are our desires a projection of architecture? looking at godard and loos. both project their own desires: godard, in "le mepris", destroying the line that separates film and reality using brigitte bardot's body, and projecting his own life on to the malaparte house; loos, in the josephine baker house, desiring her body, projecting, thinking of her moving, dancing in space. in both cases, there is a fragmented space where each fragment can be disparate, and at the same time in an oblique allusion, an implied or indirect cross-reference. Form, when the body loses its corporeality; it evaporates, changes, and morphs, becomes Desire. a walkthrough...** *"L'eclisse", 1962 Michelangelo Antonioni film; **This dissertation is a compound document (contains both a paper copy and a CD as part of the dissertation). The CD requires the following system requirements: Quicktime and/or Windows MediaPlayer or RealPlayer.

Asset-Eng : servicio de monitoreo de condiciones

Vergara Bello, Cristian 07 1900 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Administración / Autor no envía autorización,para ser publicada en el Portal de Tesis Electrónicas de la U. de Chile. / El presente documento presenta el plan de negocios de Asset-eng Chile SS.A. una empresa de servicios de monitoreo de condiciones de activos para la industria minera, específicamente el análisis de vibraciones y la simulación de condiciones de equipos. El crecimiento de la industria minera y el aumento de la competencia de la industria está presionada por el precio del metal rojo implicando a las empresas mineras gestionar los activos de una forma proactiva y confiable para garantizar los planes mineros. Asset-eng Chile se posiciona para atender a empresas mineras que dispongan de estrategias funcionales orientadas a la excelencia operacional a través de gestión proactiva de sus activos, como Minera Escondida, Codelco Chuquicamata y RT, Esperanza, El Tesoro, Lomas Bayas y Mantos Blancos, estas seis mineras invierten mensualmente cerca de 2 millones de dólares en servicios de análisis de vibraciones. Los servicios serán ofertados a través de Servicios Spot con formato 24/7, Contratos de Mediano Plazo y Asesorías de Análisis de Elementos Finitos, integrando y desarrollando personal calificado para apropiarse de un servicio confiable y efectivo en el menor tiempo posible. Actualmente los servicios de monitoreo de condiciones se realizan en forma aislada por los actuales oferentes, generando insatisfacción en los clientes por el costo que incurre el mandante por concepto de catering, riesgo en la salud ocupacional en la interacción personas en equipos en movimiento, retraso de informes de análisis, tiempos perdidos en búsqueda de nuevos oferentes. Nuestra propuesta de valor nace en la confiabilidad de nuestras mediciones con un alto grado de profesionalismo siendo nuestro eje principal un entregable con cada uno de los servicios requeridos con un pre-informe emitido en un máximo de 24 horas con la evaluación de los estados de los equipos, el proceso esta soportado por tecnología que permite que las mediciones se realicen en terreno y extraer los datos en forma electrónica para ser enviados a la casa central y así poder ser analizados por especialista. Nuestros objetivos de ventas para el primer año es capturar el 3% del mercado, unos KUS$ 600 con una estrategia de crecimiento hasta obtener el 10% del mercado al quinto año, es decir obtener ventas por unos KUS$2.300 anuales, el proyecto requiere un capital de trabajo de KUS$424 y una Inversión total en activos tangibles de KUS$675.

Etude par spectroscopie électronique de la complexation de Al(III), Pb(II) et Cu(II) par des molécules modèles des substances humiques / Study by electronic spectroscopy of complexation of Al(III), Pb(II) and Cu(II) by model molecules of humic substances

Say-Liang-Fat, Stéphanie 27 November 2012 (has links)
La complexation est le principal phénomène à l’origine de la rétention des métaux dans les sols. Il implique majoritairement les substances humiques (SH) dont les propriétés complexantes sont essentiellement dues à des groupes fonctionnels tels que les groupements phénoliques et carboxyliques. La compréhension des interactions métallo-humiques reste néanmoins limitée par la taille et la polyfonctionnalité des SH. L’utilisation de molécules modèles de faible poids moléculaire, présentant des sites de fixation similaires à ceux rencontrés dans les SH, permet de mieux appréhender le phénomène de complexation. Cette étude porte sur la complexation de trois cations métalliques, Al(III), Pb(II) et Cu(II), par des ligands présentant différents sites de fixation en compétition (catéchol, carboxylate, β-hydroxycétone). Dans une première partie, l’étude réalisée avec des dérivés de l’acide cinnamique, présentant des caractéristiques des SH (noyau aromatique, chaîne aliphatique), a permis de juger de l’influence de paramètres structuraux sur le phénomène de complexation (délocalisation électronique, substitution). Les stoechiométries et constantes de stabilité des complexes formés ont pu être déterminées. Dans une seconde partie, l’utilisation conjointe de la spectroscopie électronique et des calculs de chimie quantique a permis de caractériser des complexes formés avec des dihydroxyanthraquinones (site préférentiel, mode de fixation, sphère de coordination). Ce travail a permis de montrer l'utilité d'une telle approche couplant expériences et modélisation, et d'approfondir les connaissances disponibles sur les phénomènes de rétention des cations métalliques en milieu naturel. / Complexation is the main phenomenon responsible of metal retention in soils. Humic substances (HS) are the major components implied. Their complexing properties are due to functional groups such as phenolic and carboxylic functions. Nevertheless the study of metallo-humic interactions is limited by the size and polyfunctionality of HS. The use of low molecular sized model molecules, having similar fixation sites as those met in HS, enables to gain more insight into the complexation phenomenon. The fixation of three metal ions, Al(III), Pb(II) and Cu(II), by ligands presenting different complexing sites in competition (catechol, carboxylate, β-hydroxy-keto), was studied. The first part of this work focused on some cinnamic acid derivatives presenting the same characteristic features as HS (aromatic nucleus, aliphatic chain). The structural parameters effect (electronic delocalization, substitution) on complexation was studied. The stoichiometries and conditional stability constants of formed complexes have been determined. The second part combined electronic spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations to characterize complexes formed with dihydroxyanthraquinones (preferential site, fixation mode, coordination sphere). This study showed the usefulness of an approach combining experiments and molecular modeling, and to increase available knowledge about metal ion retention in natural systems.

Modification of the structure of wild boar populations by hunting and influence on reproductive processes / Modification de la structure des populations de sangliers par la chasse et influence sur les processus de reproduction

Gayet, Thibault 13 July 2018 (has links)
Le sanglier (Sus scrofa scrofa) est une espèce à part entière. C'est une espèce de gibier particulièrement appréciée des chasseurs, un cauchemar pour les agriculteurs et un sujet de débat pour la société en général. La multiplication par dix des populations au cours des dernières décennies en France et dans toute l'Europe, malgré une pression de chasse accrue, a engendré de nombreux conflits entre les humains et la faune sauvage. Le sanglier est responsable de grandes pertes économiques dues aux collisions avec les véhicules, à la transmission de maladies et de dommages aux cultures et écosystèmes. L'amélioration des stratégies de gestion devient un intérêt majeur pour éviter, ou contrôler, de tels conflits. La récolte d'informations sur l'espèce problématique est un premier pas vers de bonnes stratégies de gestion. L'objectif de mon travail est, dans un premier temps, de caractériser le système d’appariement du sanglier et d'identifier certains paramètres influençant les processus de reproduction, notamment la chasse. Dans un deuxième temps, mon travail se concentre sur l'étude de l'influence du système d’appariement sur les traits d'histoire de vie du sanglier. Mes recherches sont basées sur l'étude de plusieurs populations contrastées dans leurs pratiques de chasse et sur des données longitudinales d'une population intensivement suivie. L'étude est basée sur des données recueillies sur des sangliers tués à la chasse. Les génotypes ont été obtenus pour les femelles gestantes et leur portée et des analyses de paternité ont été réalisées pour mesurer le nombre de pères dans une portée et estimer les taux de paternité multiples (proportion de portées engendrées par plus d'un père). J'ai été en mesure de montrer que le système d’appariement est principalement de promiscuite (plusieurs mâles s'accouplent avec plusieurs femelles) contrastant avec la polygynie (un mâle dominant monopolisant un groupe de femelles) habituellement décrite chez cette espèce. De plus, les processus de reproduction, estimés par le nombre de partenaires d'une femelle et les taux de paternité multiples, sont influencés par les variations de chasse dans une population. J'ai aussi montré que le nombre de pères avait un effet positif sur la fécondité des femelles. Des taux élevés de paternité multiple et une grande diversité génétique ont été constatés ensemble dans une population fortement chassée, ce qui suggère que la paternité multiple peut tamponner les goulots d'étranglement annuels. Cependant, l'augmentation du nombre de père n'est pas associée à une augmentation de la variation intraportée / The wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa) is a peculiar species. It is an appreciated game species for hunters, a nightmare for farmers and a subject of debate for the society in general. The tenfold increase of the population over the last decades in France and all over Europe, despite increased hunting pressure, generated great human-wildlife conflict. The wild boar is responsible for great economic losses due to vehicle collision, diseases transmission and damaged crops and ecosystems. Improving management strategies becomes a prime interest to avoid such conflicts, or at least keep them under control. Obtaining information on the species is a first step toward good management strategies. The objective of my work is, in a first part, to characterize the mating system of the wild boar and to identify some parameters, especially hunting, influencing the reproductive processes. The second part focus on the investigation of the influence of the mating system on wild boar life history traits. My researches are based on the study of several populations contrasting in their hunting practices and on longitudinal data of a highly monitored population. The study is based on data collected on wild boars killed by hunting. Genotypes were obtained for pregnant females and their litter and paternity analyses were realized to measure the number of fathers in a litter and estimate multiple paternity rates (proportion of litter sired by more than one father). I was able to show that the mating system is mainly promiscuous (several males mate with several females) contrasting with the polygyny (a dominant male monopolizing a group of females) usually described in this species. Moreover, reproductive processes, estimated by the number of mates of a female and the multiple paternity rates, are influenced by hunting variations in a population. I also showed that number of fathers has positive effect on female fecundity. High rates of multiple paternity together with high genetic diversity were found in a heavily hunted population, suggesting multiple paternity may buffer yearly bottlenecks. However, the increase of number of fathers is not associated with increase of within-litter variation

A sampling based approach to Bayesian inference in hidden Markov models

Hong, Say Pham January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

A sampling based approach to Bayesian inference in hidden Markov models

Hong, Say Pham January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation of pavement life adjacent to discontinuities based on finite element methods

Hui, Peter Pooh Say January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

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