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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Siu Sai Wan life on and by water /

Eng, Pui-yan, Rosanna. January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (M.L.A.)--University of Hong Kong, 1999. / Includes special study report entitled : Microclimate landscape design: wind control. Includes bibliographical references. Also available in print.

Verbo "dizer" : flagrantes de não-neutralidade na notícia /

Scadelai, Érica Fernanda. January 2003 (has links)
Orientador: Manoel Luiz Gonçalves Corrêa / Banca: Maria Augusta Bastos de Mattos / Banca: Arnaldo Franco Júnior / Resumo: Este trabalho estuda o verbo "dizer" como explicitador de atos de fala em notícias de jornal. No meio jornalístico, defende-se comumente que o verbo "dizer" utilizado na classificação de falas de entrevistados na notícia é, em grande medida, neutro, ou seja, não sinaliza - ou sinaliza muito pouco - uma interpretação dessas falas ao classificá-las. A discussão empreendida por este trabalho parte da consideração do verbo "dizer" como constituinte do procedimento de integração do discurso citado no discurso citante. Questionase, pois, a neutralidade do verbo "dizer", mais pela abordagem lingüística da relação entre discurso citado/discurso citante do que pela discussão, já bastante conhecida, da neutralidade da prática jornalística. Para este estudo, foi utilizada a teoria dos atos de fala, de Austin, que defende que o sentido não está apenas nas palavras (no verbo, no caso), mas também nas circunstâncias que envolvem o seu uso. No que se refere às circunstâncias propriamente lingüísticas de integração desse verbo no processo de citação, foram utilizadas as noções de dialogia, de discurso de outrem e de gêneros do discurso (Bakhtin); de heterogeneidade(s) enunciativa(s) (Authier-Revuz) e de comentário (Foucault), por meio das quais procurou-se entender a complexidade enunciativa das formas de citação, que inclui as relações entre: discurso citado/discurso citante; fala do jornalista/fala da fonte (um entrevistado ou uma fonte de natureza institucional) citadas em discurso direto ou indireto, resultando num compósito de vozes; formas de citação/gênero "notícia"; formas clássicas de citação/comentário (este último aparecendo também como forma de citação, já que é um modo de redizer o discurso de outrem, que, além de o reformular, busca legitimar uma interpretação para ele)... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This work studies the verb "to say" as a specifier of speaking acts in the news of a newspaper. In the journalistic means, it is commonly defended that the verb "to say" used to classifify the lines of interviewed people in the news is, "in a great measure", "neutral", or in other words, it doesnþt signal - or it signals very little - an interpretation of these lines when classifying them. The discussion undertaken by this work starts from the consideration of the verb "to say" as constituent of the integragion procedure of the speech cited in the citing speech. Therefore, it is questioned the "neutrality" of the verb "to say", more from the linguistic approach of the relation between cited/citing speech than from the discussion of the "neutrality" of the journalistic practice, already sufficiently known. For this study, the theory of the acts of speeches, of Austin, has been used and it defends that the meaning is not only in the words (in the verbal form, in this case), but also in the circumstances that involve its use. As for the properly linguistic circumstances of integration of this verb in the citation process, the cognition of "dialogia", of other people speech and of sorts of the speech (Bakhtin); of enunciative heterogeneity(ies) (Authier-Revuz) and of commentary (Foucault) had been used, through which they tried to understand the enunciative complexity of the citation forms, that includes the relations between: cited/citing speech; the jornalist line/the source line (one interviewed or one source of institucional nature) cited in direct or indirect speech, resulting in a "compósitorio" of voices; citation/sort of news forms; classic forms of citation/comentary (this last one also appearing as citation form, since it is a way of retelling the speech of someone else, that searches to legitimize an interpretation for it beyond reformulating it)... (Complete abstract, click electronic address below) / Mestre

Os posseiros e a luta pela terra na região do Bico do Papagaio 1964-1985 : modernização e tradição /

Oliveira, Gerson Alves de. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: José Geraldo Alberto Bertoncine Poker / Banca: Pedro Geraldo Tosi / Banca: Lúcia Arrais Morales / Resumo: A atual conjuntura política brasileira parece oferecer uma realidade democrática pouco vista antes no país. No entanto, olhando mais atentamente, percebe-se um descompasso entre a realidade política institucional e nossa história. Pode-se afirmar que não houve uma consolidação concreta do ponto de vista histórico-sociológico que fosse possível um maior reconhecimento das lutas e resistências dos movimentos sociais e de seu modo de vida como elemento capaz de contribuir para a construção de uma sociedade realmente democrática e cidadã. Neste caso, esta pesquisa visa compreender a luta pela terra na região do Bico do Papagaio - extremo norte do Estado do Tocantins. Tem-se como preocupação, levantar pistas sobre as particularidades dos posseiros no que diz respeito aos conflitos agrários no contexto da repressão política do período militar (1964-1985). Pretende-se discutir como se deu a resistência de um grupo marginalizado tanto no âmbito político-ideológico quanto econômico quando se observa o processo de implementação dos projetos desenvolvimentista para a região. Isto é, pretende-se compreender como os posseiros e posseiras atuaram dentro do processo de modernização e conservaram traços de uma tradição expressada numa sociabilidade, na qual a terra é vista como território, algo que atua como elemento aglutinador na construção da luta/resistência. Deste modo, a hipótese é compreender as ações dos posseiros e como tais ações se desenrolaram no interior de uma tradição específica, uma vez que em uma situação de resistência se exacerba a relevância da cultura enquanto afirmação de uma identidade. Nesta perspectiva, a base da pesquisa será a história oral enquanto método que vai ao encontro dos interesses de uma comunidade, o que permitirá, em parte, demonstrar... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The present political situation Brazilian seems to offer a democratic reality uncommonly seen before in the country. However, if one looks at the matter more attentively, one perceives that there is a disagreement between the political and institutional reality and our history. One can say that there was no concrete consolidation from the historical-sociological viewpoint in which a greater notice of the quarrels and resistences of the social movements and their way of life could be viewed as an element capable of contributing for the construction of a really democratic and citizen society. In this case, this research aims at understanding the fight for taking the land over in the region of Bico do Papagaio which is situated in the northest area of Tocantins state. One has as a concern to raise clues on the particularities of the settlers as regards the agrarian conflicts in the context of the political repression in the military period of government (1964-1985). It is intended to discuss how the resistance of a marginalized group took place so in the political-ideological and in the economic as well when we observe the process of implementation of the developmentist projects for the area. That is to say, one intends to understand now the settlers acted within the modernization process and preserved traits of a tradition expressed in a socialization in which the earth is considered as a territory, something that acts as an aglutination element for the construction of the fight/resistence. In this way, our hypothesis is to understand the actions of the settlers and how such actions evolve inside of a specific tradition, since that in a situation of resistence is overwhelms the relevance of the culture as an affirmation of identity. In this perspective, the basis of research will be the oral... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Text search engine for digitized historical book

Mätäsaho, T. (Timo) 04 May 2015 (has links)
Abstract. There’s need to digitalize numerous historical books and texts and make it possible to read them electronically. Also it is often wanted to preserve their original appearance, not just the text itself. For these operations there is a need for systems, which understand the books and text as they are and are able to distinguish the text information from other context. Traditional optical character recognition systems perform well when processing modern printed text, but they might face problems with old handwritten texts. These types of texts need to be analyzed with systems, which can analyse and segment the text areas well from other irrelevant information. That is why it is important, that the document image segmentation works well. This thesis focuses on manual rectification, automatic segmentation and text line search on document images in Orationes project. When the document images are segmented and text lines found, information from XML transcript is used to find characters and words from the segmented document images. Search engine was developed with with Python programmin language. Python was chosen to ensure high platform independency.Tekstinhakujärjestelmä digitoidulle historialliselle kirjalle. Tiivistelmä. Lukuisia historiallisia kirjoja halutaan digitalisoida ja siirtää sähköisesti luettaviksi. Usein ne halutaan myös säilyttää alkuperäisessä ulkoasussaan. Tällaista operaatiota varten tarvitaan järjestelmiä, jotka osaavat ymmärtää kirjat ja tekstit sellaisinaan ja osaavat erottaa tekstin kirjan muusta kontekstista. Perinteiset optiset kirjaimentunnistusmenetelmät suorituvat hyvin painettujen tekstien analysoinnista, mutta ongelmia aiheuttavat käsinkirjoitetut vanhat tekstit. Tällaisten tekstien kohdalla dokumenttikuvat pitää pystyä ensin analysoimaan hyvin ja erottelemaan tekstialueet muusta tekstin kannalta irrelevantista informaatiosta. Siksi onkin tärkeää, että dokumenttikuvan segmentaatio onnistuu hyvin. Tässä työssä keskitytään Orationes projektin dokumenttikuvien manuaaliseen suoristamiseen, segmentaatioon ja tekstirivien löytämiseen. Lisäksi segmentaation jälkeen segmentoidusta dokumenttikuvasta yritetään löytää haluttuja kirjaimia ja sanoja, dokumenttikuvan XML transkriptista saadun informaation avulla. Hakumoottori toteutettiin Python ohjelmointikielellä, jotta saavutettiin alustariippumattomuus hakumoottorille.

Algorithms for opportunistic load balancing cognitive engine

Mäkeläinen, M. (Marko) 01 March 2013 (has links)
Due to the increasing use of more and more powerful smart devices demands on the scarce radio spectrum are becoming more intense. One way to cope with increasing demands on radio spectrum is to apply innovative and flexible authorization schemes like spectrum sharing. Under the spectrum sharing paradigm, multiple users and/or systems are authorized to utilize the same spectrum band in a defined sharing agreement. A technology that is generally recommended for the implementation of spectrum sharing is called cognitive radio (CR). In this thesis, we design and implement a cognitive engine (CE) that intelligently and dynamically allocates spectrum resources to users. We first consider a scenario where a network has an exclusive access to a spectrum band and the CE accepts or rejects the arrival user requests based on an algorithm that takes into account a user’s priority and its bandwidth demand. We then consider a spectrum sharing scenario where along with the exclusive utilization to its own spectrum band a network also can opportunistically utilize another network’s spectrum band. For this scenario, we design and implement a CE that performs two main tasks: 1) Accepts or rejects arrival user requests based on a priority based algorithm; and 2) it intelligently load balances the user traffic between the two available network resources, while taking into account the primary user activity in the shared spectrum band. We provide a load balancing algorithm and evaluate its performance under different primary and secondary user traffic scenarios. We show that the proposed load balancing algorithm increases average throughput of the network and it also reduces the average number of users rejected by the network. / Yhä tehokkaampien älykkäiden langattomien päätelaitteiden nopea lisääntyminen johtaa niukan radiospektrin yhä kiihtyvään käyttöön. Eräs menetelmä radiospektrin lisääntyvän kysynnän tyydyttämiseen on hyödyntää innovatiivista ja joustavaa resurssin käytönjakoa kuten spektrin jakamista. Spektrinjakamismalli mahdollistaa useiden käyttäjien ja/tai järjestelmien yhtäaikaisen käytön samalla taajuuskaistalla hyödyntämällä sovittua käytäntöä resurssien jakamisesta. Radiospektrin jakaminen on tänä päivänä yleisesti suositeltu toteuttamaan hyödyntämällä kognitiivista radioteknologiaa. Tässä työssä suunnittellaan ja toteutetaan kognitiivinen päätöksentekokone, joka jakaa radiospektriresursseja käyttäjille älykkäästi ja dynaamisesti. Kognitiivista päätöksentekokonetta radioresurssien jakamisessa hyödynnetään kahdessa skenaariossa. Ensimmäisessä skenaariossa radioverkolla on yksinomainen pääsy taajuuskaistalle, jonka käyttöä kognitiivinen päätöksentekokone säätelee joko hyväksymällä tai hylkäämällä verkkoon liittyviä käyttäjiä. Kognitiivinen päätöksentekokoneen päätökset perustuu algoritmiin, joka ottaa huomioon käyttäjien määritetyn tärkeyden ja käyttäjän vaatiman kaistanleveyden. Seuraavassa skenaariossa radioverkko voi oman yksinomaisen taajuuskaistan lisäksi hyödyntää opportunisesti toisen radioverkon taajuuskaistaa silloin, kun siellä ei ole liikennettä. Tätä skenaariota varten suunnitteltiin kognitiivinen päätöksentekokone, jolla on kaksi päätehtävää: 1) hyväksyä tai hylätä verkkoon liittyviä käyttäjiä edellämainitun tärkeysperusteisen algoritmin avulla; ja 2) jakaa käyttäjien liikennettä kahden tarjolla olevan verkon välillä samalla ottaen huomioon opportunistisen resurssin pääkäyttäjien liikenteen jaetulla taajuuskaistalla. Tässä työssä esitellään toteutettu kuormantasausalgoritmi, jonka suorituskykyä tarkastellaan erilaisissa pääkäyttäjien ja toissijaisien käyttäjien liikenneskenaarioissa. Simulaatiotulokset osoittavat, että esitellyn kuormanjakoalgoritmin hyödyntäminen kognitiivisessa päätöksentekokoneessa parantaa verkon keskimääräistä siirtonopeutta, sekä vähentää keskimääräistä käyttäjien hylkäysastetta verkossa. Algoritmimme parantaa opportunistisen taajuuskaistan käyttöastetta. Algoritmimme ottaa myös huomioon käyttäjille asetetut prioriteetit ja parantaa korkeampi prioriteettisten käyttäjien asemaa verkossa. Tämä tulee ilmi muun muassa korkeampi prioriteettisten käyttäjien pienemmässä hylkäysasteessa.

Catalytic hydrogenation of allene.

To, De Eng. January 1967 (has links)
No description available.

Resposta funcional e numérica do predador Orius insidiosus (Say, 1832) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) com diferentes presas /

Guedes, Ivone Vilar. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Sérgio Antonio de Bortoli / Banca: Nilza Maria Martinelli / Banca: Elisângela de Souza Loureiro / Resumo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a capacidade predatória, aspectos comportamentais, reprodutivos e estabelecer a curva de resposta funcional do predador O. insidiosus predando ovos e lagartas de primeiro ínstar de Diatraea sacchara/is, P/utella xy/ostella, Spodoptera frugiperda e Anticarsia gemmatalis, e ninfas de terceiro/quarto ínstar de Aphis gossypii. Além destas avaliações, observou-se alguns aspectos reprodutivos de O. insidiosus, todos em função das diferentes densidades de A. gossypii. Para as espécies estudadas o predador apresentou curva de resposta funcional tipo 11, mostrando uma tendência de estabilização nas densidades mais altas. A taxa de ataque foi de 42,16; 9,35 e 22,81 ovos/hora e o tempo de manipulação de 1,56; 1,91 e 1,74 horas, para S. frugiperda, A. gemmatalis e P. xy/ostella, respectivamente. Observou-se também uma baixa capacidade predatória do O. insidiosus sobre ovos de D. saccharalis, proporcionando valores quase nulos para taxa de ataque e tempo de manipulação. A taxa de ataque foi de 15,55; 18,06; 1,77 e 3,68 lagartas/hora, e o tempo de manipulação de 2,13; 1,32; 0,86 e 1,99 horas para S. frugiperda, A. gemmatalis, D. saccharalis e P. xy/ostella, respectivamente. Para A. gossypii a taxa de ataque foi de 0,10 pulgão/hora e tempo de manipulação de 1, 82 h. O predador passou de 3,10 a 4,08 h se alimentando de seiva no nectário foliar do algodoeiro, não tendo a densidade da presa influência direta sobre esse comportamento. A proporção de postura por fêmea foi crescente até 10 ninfas, enquanto a proporção do número de ovos por postura aumentou com o aumento de presas disponíveis. / Abstract: The aim of this research was to evaluate the predatory capacity, behavior aspects and to establish O. insidiosus functional response curve preying Diatraea saccharalis, P/utella xy/ostella, Spodoptera frugiperda and Anticarsia gemmatalis eggs and first instar larvae, and Aphis gossypii third/fourth instar nymphs. By these evaluations it was observed some reproductive aspects of O. insidiosus, in function of A. gossypii different densities. The functional response type 11 was observed for ali species, showing a tendency of stability in the highest densities. The attack rate was 42.16, 9.35 e 22.81 eggs/hour and the handling time 1.56, 1.91 e 1.74 hours for S. frugiperda, A. gemmatalis and P. xy/ostella, respectively. It was also verified a low predatory capacity of O. insidiosus on D. saccharalis eggs, with almost null values for attack rate and handling time, making them despicable. The attack rate was 15.55,18.06,1.77 and 3.68Iarvae/hour, and the handling time 2.13, 1.32,0.86 e 1.99 hours for S. frugiperda, A. gemmatalis, D. saccharalis and P. xy/ostella, respectively. For A. gossypii the attack was 0.10 aphid/hour and the handling time 1.82 h. The predator teal on cotton sap and foliar nectary for 3.10 to 4.08 h, and there was no straight influence of the prey on this behavior. The egg-Iaying by female was crescent, until 10 nymphs, while the egg rate by egg-Iaying increased as the number of preys increased. / Mestre

Implementing Cognitive Grammar On A Cognitive Architecture: A Case Study With Act-r

Stepanov, Evgueni A 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Cognitive Grammar is a theory within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics that gives an account of human linguistic ability based entirely on general cognitive abilities. Because of the general complexity and open-endedness of the theory, there is not much computational work associated with it. This thesis proposes that ACT-R cognitive architecture can provide the basic primitives for the cognitive abilities required for a better implementation of Cognitive Grammar. Thus, a language model was developed on the ACT-R architecture. The model processes active and passive sentences, constructs their propositional representations, and tests the representation on a sentence verification task of the experiment of Anderson (1974).

Say, Do, Make?:user involvement in information systems design

Tokkonen, H. (Helena) 05 March 2019 (has links)
Abstract User involvement in information systems design has recently gained interest in the media. Numerous systems have been digitalized during product development to help people’s everyday lives. But are information systems designed to meet users’ needs or support users’ goals? The goal of this research was to understand how user involvement is perceived in information systems design and how users are involved. Is the basis of user involvement what a user Says or what a user Does, or is a user actively participating in the whole design process? The informants of the present study entailed different design projects that were investigated with a qualitative method by interviewing 20 designers of selected design cases. At first an a priori model of user involvement in information systems design was created based on an analysis of extant literature. The model was used in the analysis of information systems design cases. Based on the empirical data a revised, a posteriori model, UICD model was developed. The UICD model provides on overall picture of user involvement in information systems design. UICD model can aid designers to understand user involvement comprehesively: what users Say, what users Do and what users Make in design process. Compared to the a priori model, UICD model includes the impact of other key stakeholders in information systems design process. / Tiivistelmä Käyttäjien osallistuttaminen tietojärjestelmien suunnitteluun on herättänyt julkista keskustelua. Monia yhteiskunnallisia ja yksityisiä palveluja on digitalisoitu sekä tuotteiden yhteyteen on suunniteltu järjestelmiä helpottamaan asiakkaiden toimintaa. Mutta ovatko suunnittelut ratkaisut käyttäjän tavoitteiden mukaisia ja vastaavatko ne käyttäjien tarpeisiin? Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli ymmärtää kuinka käyttäjien osallistuttaminen käsitetään informaatiojärjestelmien suunnittelussa ja miten käyttäjiä on osallistettu. Perustuuko käyttäjien osallistuttaminen tietoon siitä mitä hän sanoo tai mitä hän tekee vai osallistuuko hän koko suunnitteluprosessin ajan tulevan ratkaisun kehittämiseen? Tutkimuksen kohteina oli 20 erilaista projektia, joihin syvennyttiin laadullisella tutkimuksella haastattelemalla projekteissa toimineita suunnittelijoita. Tässä tutkimuksessa laadittiin ensin kirjallisuuskatsaukseen pohjalta malli käyttäjien osallistuttamisesta informaatiojärjestelmien suunnittelutyöhön. Mallia käytettiin empiirisesti kerätyn tiedon analyysin pohjana. Tämän jälkeen mallia muokattiin siten, että se selittää tutkimuksen havainnot. Näin saatu UICD malli luo kokonaiskuvan käyttäjälähtöisyyden ulottuvuuksista informaatiojärjestelmien suunnittelutyössä. UICD malli auttaa suunnittelijoita ymmärtämään käyttäjien osallistuttamisen kokonaisvaltaisesti: mitä käyttäjät sanovat, mitä käyttäjät tekevät ja miten käyttäjät osallistuvat informaatiojärjestelmien suunnitteluun. UICD malli laajentaa aiemman tutkimuksen näkemystä muun muassa keskeisten sidosryhmien vaikutuksesta informaatiojärjestelmien suunnitteluun.

Mimics and magnets : The importance of color and ecological facilitation in floral deception

Peter, C I, Johnson, S D January 2008 (has links)
Plants that lack floral rewards can attract pollinators if they share attractive floral signals with rewarding plants. These deceptive plants should benefit from flowering in close proximity to such rewarding plants, because pollinators are locally conditioned on floral signals of the rewarding plants (mimic effect) and because pollinators are more abundant close to rewarding plants (magnet effect). We tested these ideas using the non-rewarding South African plant Eulophia zeyheriana (Orchidaceae) as a study system. Field observations revealed that E. zeyheriana is pollinated solely by solitary bees belonging to a single species of Lipotriches (Halictidae) that appears to be closely associated with the flowers of Wahlenbergia cuspidata (Campanulaceae), a rewarding plant with which the orchid is often sympatric. The pale blue color of the flowers of E. zeyheriana differs strongly from flowers of its congeners, but is very similar to that of flowers of W. cuspidata. Analysis of spectral reflectance patterns using a bee vision model showed that bees are unlikely to be able to distinguish the two species in terms of flower color. A UV-absorbing sunscreen was applied to the flowers of the orchid in order to alter their color, and this resulted in a significant decline in pollinator visits, thus indicating the importance of flower color for attraction of Lipotriches bees. Pollination success in the orchid was strongly affected by proximity to patches of W. cuspidata. This was evident from one of two surveys of natural populations of the orchid, as well as experiments in which we translocated inflorescences of the orchid either into patches of W. cuspidata or 40 m outside such patches. Flower color and location of E. zeyheriana plants relative to rewarding magnet patches are therefore key components of the exploitation by this orchid of the relationship between W. cuspidata and Lipotriches bee pollinators.

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