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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patterns of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Patients with Occlusive or Stenotic Lesions of Both the Internal Carotid and Vertebrobasilar Arteries

No description available.

Flow Diversion for Reconstruction of Intradural Vertebral Artery Dissecting Aneurysms Causing Subarachnoid Hemorrhage—A Retrospective Study From Four Neurovascular Centers

Maybaum, Jens, Henkes, Hans, Aguilar-Pérez, Marta, Hellstern, Victoria, Gihr, Georg Alexander, Härtig, Wolfgang, Reisberg, André, Mucha, Dirk, Schüngel, Marie-Sophie, Brill, Richard, Quäschling, Ulf, Hoffmann, Karl-Titus, Schob, Stefan 27 March 2023 (has links)
Objective: Dissecting aneurysms (DAs) of the vertebrobasilar territory manifesting with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) are associated with significant morbi-mortality, especially in the case of re-hemorrhage. Sufficient reconstruction of the affected vessel is paramount, in particular, if a dominant vertebral artery (VA) is impacted. Reconstructive options include stent-assisted coiling and flow diversion (FD). The latter is technically less challenging and does not require catheterization of the fragile aneurysm. Our study aims to report a multicentric experience with FD for reconstruction of DA in acute SAH. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study investigated 31 patients (age: 30–78 years, mean 55.5 years) who had suffered from SAH due to a DA of the dominant VA. The patients were treated between 2010 and 2020 in one of the following German neurovascular centers: University Hospital Leipzig, Katharinenhospital Stuttgart, BG Hospital Bergmannstrost Halle/Saale, and Heinrich-Braun-Klinikum Zwickau. Clinical history, imaging, implanted devices, and outcomes were reviewed for the study. Results: Reconstruction with flow-diverting stents was performed in all cases. The p64 was implanted in 14 patients; one of them required an additional balloon expandable stent to reconstruct severe stenosis in the target segment. One case demanded additional liquid embolization after procedural rupture, and in one case, p64 was combined with a PED. Further 13 patients were treated exclusively with the PED. The p48MW-HPC was used in two patients, one in combination with two additional Silk Vista Baby (SVB). Moreover, one patient was treated with a single SVB, one with a SILK+. Six patients died [Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) 1]. Causes of death were periprocedural re-hemorrhage, thrombotic occlusion of the main pulmonary artery, and delayed parenchymal hemorrhage. The remaining three patients died in the acute–subacute phase related to the severity of the initial hemorrhage and associated comorbidities. One patient became apallic (GOS 2), whereas two patients had severe disability (GOS 3) and four had moderate disability (GOS 4). Eighteen patients showed a complete recovery (GOS 5). Conclusion: Reconstruction of VA-DA in acute SAH with flow-diverting stents is a promising approach. However, the severity of the condition is reflected by high overall morbi-mortality, even despite technically successful endovascular treatment.

Apport de l'étude anatomique et de l'imagerie peropératoire dans la chirurgie de l'artère vertébrale: développement de nouveaux concepts et matériel / Contribution of the anatomical study and of intraoperative imaging in vertebral artery surgery: development of new concepts and material

Bruneau, Michael 27 June 2011 (has links)
La chirurgie au voisinage de l’artère vertébrale nécessite une connaissance approfondie de l’anatomie et l’application d’une technique chirurgicale rigoureuse. Le fil conducteur des travaux de cette thèse sera non seulement l’amélioration des conditions de sécurité opératoire mais également le développement de nouvelles techniques permettant l’élargissement des indications chirurgicales.<p>Le premier travail a été axé sur l’étude de l’anatomie et des variations anatomiques de l’artère vertébrale. Les hypothèses suivantes ont été soulevées, relatives à l’incidence des variations anatomiques du 2ème segment de l’artère vertébrale, telles les anomalies de niveau de pénétration dans le foramen transverse et les boucles vasculaires. Une vaste étude anatomique de 500 trajectoires d’artère a été entreprise, basée sur des imageries par tomodensitométrie et résonance magnétique. Elle a permis de déceler 7% d’anomalies de niveau de pénétration et la présence de boucles vasculaires médiales dans 2% des cas, sous forme de boucles soit corporéales, soit foraminales. <p>Ensuite, toujours dans le but de sécuriser cette chirurgie complexe, s’est posée la question de l’intérêt de l’imagerie peropératoire jusqu’alors peu développée. Cette question est devenue d’autant plus pertinente qu’est apparue une nouvelle technique d’imagerie peropératoire jusqu’alors jamais testée dans les procédures liées à l’artère vertébrale extracrânienne. Cette technique, la vidéoangiographie peropératoire à la fluorescéine, a fait l’objet d’un travail multicentrique basé sur 9 interventions chirurgicales, avec pour objectifs de juger de son applicabilité, de ses limitations et intérêts, tant pour localiser l’artère durant l’abord chirurgical, que pour la visualiser après son exposition et vérifier sa perméabilité. Il a été observé que le premier segment de l’artère vertébrale possédait un aspect vidéoangiographique différent de celui des 2ème et 3ème segments, ainsi que de celui de l’artère carotide commune. De plus, des phases artérielle et veineuse ont été distinguées. Cet aspect vidéoangiographique peut être corrélé à l’anatomie de l’artère. L’intérêt de la technique réside dans l’aide qu’elle apporte pour déterminer la perméabilité du vaisseau ainsi que pour le localiser plus précisément au sein de la gaine périostée. Tant que celle-ci n’est pas exposée, la vidéoangiographie n’apporte par contre pas d’informations pertinentes pour sa localisation qui doit être strictement recherchée par les repères anatomiques usuels adaptés selon l’iconographie préopératoire.<p>Sur base de ces connaissances théoriques et chirurgicales, 2 nouvelles techniques opératoires ont été décrites et appliquées dans des indications très particulières. La première consiste en une technique de mobilisation du premier segment de l’artère en raison d’importantes tortuosités qu’il convenait de libérer pour restaurer l’accessibilité endovasculaire à une lésion intracrânienne. La seconde est une technique de fixation de l’atlas permettant de stabiliser une fracture tout en préservant la mobilité de l’articulation atlanto-axoïdienne.<p>Enfin, de nouvelles voies de recherche et de développements futurs ont été ouvertes sur base de travaux embryologiques, histologiques et anatomo-radiologiques qui ont été initiés pour juger de leur faisabilité future. <p>En conclusion, bien que complexe, la chirurgie au voisinage de l’artère vertébrale ouvre des voies d’abord spécifiques à certaines pathologies, raison pour laquelle elle mérite une attention toute particulière. De nouvelles procédures chirurgicales peuvent être développées, ainsi que des nouveaux concepts et matériel visant à améliorer la qualité de vie des patients. La singularité anatomique de l’artère vertébrale nécessite une connaissance détaillée et l’application d’une technique chirurgicale stricte. Avec le but poursuivi d’améliorer la sécurité de l’intervention chirurgicale, les travaux effectués ont clairement mis en évidence la nécessité d’une analyse approfondie de l’anatomie de l’artère vertébrale à un niveau individuel avant toute procédure. Les techniques d’imagerie intraopératoire peuvent apporter des informations utiles mais leurs avantages et limitations respectifs doivent être bien connus.<p>/ <p>Surgery around the vertebral artery requires a detailed knowledge of the anatomy and the application of a strict surgical technique. The main theme of these thesis works will be not only the improvement of the surgical security but also the development of new techniques allowing surgical indications widening.<p>The first work has been devoted to the study of the vertebral artery anatomy and variations. The following hypotheses have been raised, related to the incidence of anatomical variations of the second vertebral artery segment, such as the abnormal level of entrance into the transverse foramen and vessel loops. A large anatomical study consisting in 500 arterial trajectories has been performed, based on computed tomographic and resonance magnetic imagings. This study detected 7% of abnormal levels of entrance and the presence of vessel loops in 2% of the cases, either corporeal or foraminal loops. <p>Subsequently, the interest of intraoperative imaging techniques uncommonly applied until now has been questioned again with the goal to secure this complex surgery. This question was especially more relevant since the development of a new intraoperative imaging modality never tested in surgeries related to the extracranial vertebral artery. This technique, the intraoperative videoangiography using fluorescein, has been analyzed through a multicentric work based on 9 surgical procedures, with the goals to define its applicability, its limitations and interests for localizing the artery during the approach and for visualizing it after its exposure and checking its patency. It has been noted that the first vertebral artery segment appeared differently on videoangiography than the second and third ones, and than the common carotid artery. Moreover, arterial and venous phases should be distinguished. This videoangiographic aspect can be correlated with the vertebral artery anatomy. The interest of this technique lies in its help for confirming vessel patency and localizing it precisely inside the periosteal sheath. As far as the artery is not exposed, videoangiography brings no relevant information for its localization which must remain absolutely defined based on usual anatomical landmarks fitted to preoperative imaging. <p>Based on theoretical and surgical backgrounds, 2 new surgical techniques have been described and applied in specific surgical indications. The first one consists in a technique of rerouting of the first vertebral artery segment due to severe kinks that must be released for restoring the endovascular accessibility to an intracranial lesion. <p>Finally, new research approaches and future developments have been planed based on embryological, histological and anatomo-radiological works that have been started for evaluating their future feasability.<p>In conclusion, although complex, surgery around the vertebral artery opens specific surgical approaches to some pathologies, deserving for this reason some consideration. New surgical procedures can be developed, as well as new concepts and material with the goal to improve patient’s quality of life. The specific anatomy of the vertebral artery requires a detailed knowledge and application of a rigorous surgical technique. With the goal to improve surgical safety, works performed have clearly highlighted the necessity of an in-depth knowledge of the vertebral artery anatomy on an individual basis before any surgery. Intraoperative imaging techniques can contribute to bring relevant information but their respective advantages and limitations must be well-known.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

O valor dos critérios de indicação da angiotomografia no diagnóstico de lesões das artérias carótidas e vertebrais no trauma contuso / Value of the criteria for indication of angiography in the diagnosis of carotid and vertebral arterial injuries in blunt trauma

Goulart, Gladstone 18 May 2010 (has links)
Introdução: As lesões contusas de artérias carótidas e vertebrais (LCCV) não são muito frequentes, porém podem apresentar repercussões graves. A incidência desse tipo de lesão é difícil de ser avaliada porque os doentes podem estar neurologicamente assintomáticos quando atendidos no pronto socorro ou podem apresentar sintomas que são atribuídos ao trauma de crânio ou a outras lesões associadas. Estatísticas recentes apontam uma incidência de 0,24% a 0,33% em doentes traumatizados portadores de algum sintoma neurológico. No Brasil não existem trabalhos de nosso conhecimento que tenham estudado a incidência das LCCV. Por outro lado, a real morbidade e mortalidade das LCCV não estão claramente determinadas, nem mesmo na literatura internacional. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: a) avaliar a incidência de LCCV em 100 doentes vítimas de trauma contuso submetidos à angiotomografia cervical, utilizando parâmetros obtidos da avaliação clínica inicial e das tomografias de crânio e da região cervical e b) verificar quais os critérios de indicação da angiotomografia cervical que mais se correlacionam com a presença de LCCV no serviço de trauma de hospital quaternário brasileiro. Material e Método: Durante o período de trinta meses a partir de julho de 2006, todos os doentes admitidos no Pronto-Socorro do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, com trauma cervical fechado, com potencial risco de lesão dos vasos cervicais apresentando défice neurológico não justificado pela tomografia computadorizada de crânio, infarto cerebral, hematoma cervical estável, epistaxe volumosa, anisocoria/sinal de Horner, escore na escala de coma de Glasgow abaixo de 8 sem achados justificativos pela tomografia, fratura de coluna cervical, fratura de base de crânio, fratura de face (Le Forte II ou III), sinal do cinto de segurança acima da clavícula, frêmito ou sopro cervical, foram incluídos no estudo. Os doentes foram encaminhados para a angiotomografia cervical para diagnóstico das LCCV. Foram analisados também mecanismo de trauma, sexo, idade, gravidade do trauma, gravidade das LCCV, tipo de tratamento e evolução. Os doentes foram divididos em dois grupos: sem LCCV (Grupo I) e com LCCV (Grupo II). Os dados analisados são apresentados como média e desvio padrão da média e as análises estatísticas foram realizadas com os testes de Qui-Quadrado e Exato de Fisher, e o teste de Mann-Whitney. Foi usado um nível de significância de 5% (p-valor <=0,05). Resultado: Foram atendidos 2.467 doentes vítimas de trauma contuso. Em 100 doentes que apresentaram critérios para inclusão, no estudo a angiotomografia identificou 23 com LCCV, 17 do sexo masculino e 6 do sexo feminino. A idade média foi de 34,81±14,84 anos. Colisão de auto (49%) e atropelamento (24%) foram os mecanismos de trauma mais frequentes seguidos de queda de grande altura (18%), e outros mecanismos (9%). Dez doentes tiveram lesão de carótida interna, 2 doentes com lesão de carótida comum, onze doentes com lesão de vertebral. Sete doentes apresentaram lesão arterial grau I, 10 grau II, 4 grau IV e I grau V e uma fístula de carótida. Sete (30,4%) dos 23 doentes com LCCV apresentavam fratura de vértebras cervicais e 11 (47,8%) apresentavam fratura de face (LeFort II e III). Dezessete doentes foram tratados clinicamente e seis doentes foram submetidos a tratamento endovascular (um stent e cinco embolizações). Conclusão: Os critérios utilizados neste estudo permitiram o diagnóstico de LCCV em 0,93% dos casos, sendo que tais lesões ocorreram nos traumatizados mais graves, e não influenciaram a morte na população estudada / Background: Blunt trauma of the carotid and vertebral arteries (LCCV) are infrequent, but may have serious repercussions. The incidence of this type of injury is difficult to evaluate as many patients are neurologically asymptomatic when assisted in emergency rooms, or with symptoms attributed to cranium trauma or to other associated injuries. Recent statistical data show an incidence of 0.24% to 0.33% traumatized patients that carry some neurological symptom, we are not aware of any papers in Brazil that have studied the occurrence of LCCV. On the other hand, the real morbidity and mortality are not clearly determined, not even in the international literature. The objectives of the current study were: a) to evaluate the incidence of carotid and vertebral artery injuries in 100 patients with blunt trauma subjected to cervical angiography, using parameters obtained from the initial clinical evaluation and tomography of the patients and b) to verify which criteria for recommending cervical angiography are most related to the presence of LCCV in the trauma services section in a Brazilian quaternary care hospital. Method: During thirty months, starting in July 2006, all patients admitted in the emergency room of Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, with blunt cervical trauma, with potential risk of injuries to cervical vessels that presented neurological deficit unexplained after cranial CT scan, cerebral infarction, stable cervical haematomas, severe epistaxis, anisocoria/sign of Horner`s syndrome, Glasgow coma scores bellow 8 that are not explained by CT scan, cervical spine fracture, basilar skull fracture, facial fracture (Le Forte II or III), seatbelt signals above the clavicle, cervical hum or bruit were included in the study. The patients were subjected to cervical angiography in order to diagnose LCCV. There were analyzed the mechanisms of injuries, gender, age, severity of LCCV, type of treatment and outcome. The patients were divided into two groups: without LCCV (Group I) and with LCCV (Group II). The data analyzed are presented as mean minus standard deviation and the statistical analyzes were done using Chi-square and Fisher`s exact tests, and the Mann-Whitney test. For date comparison, a p-value <=0,05 was considered significant. Results: 2.467 patients, victims of blunt trauma, were included in the study. In 100 patients that presented the criteria for the inclusion in the study, the angiography identified 23 with LCCV, 17 male and 6 female. The mean age was 34,81±14,84 years. Car crash (49%) and car-pedestrian accidents (24%) were the most frequent mechanisms of injury, followed by falling from altitude (18%), and other mechanisms (9%). Ten patients suffered internal carotid artery injury, 2 patients with common carotid artery injury, and eleven patients with vertebral artery injury. Seven patients presented arterial injury level I, 10 level II, 4 level IV and 1 level V and one carotid fistula. Seven (30,4%) out of the 23 patients with LCCV presented cervical vertebrae fractures and 11 (47,8%) presented facial fracture (LeFort II e III). Seventeen patients were treated clinically and six underwent endovascular treatment (one stent and five embolizations). Conclusion: The criteria used in this study have allowed the diagnosis of LCCV in 0,93% of the cases, those being such injuries that occurred in the most seriously traumatized patients, and did not lead to death in the studied population.

Efeitos da simpaticotomia endosc?pica sobre as art?rias car?ticas e vertebrais na terap?utica cir?rgica da hiperidrose prim?ria

Cavalcante, Jeancarlo Fernandes 14 April 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:13:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JeanCarloFC.pdf: 596709 bytes, checksum: 314bab688733510c66bd2bd077bef4f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-04-14 / Analyze, in patients with primary hyperhidrosis (PH) who was undergone to videothoracoscopic sympathicotomy, the degree of vascular denervation after surgical transection of the thoracic sympathetic chain by measuring ultrasonografic parameters in carotid and vertebral arteries. Methods: Twenty-four patients with PH underwent forty-eight endoscopic thoracic sympathicotomy and were evaluated by duplex eco-doppler measuring systolic peak velocity (SPV), diastolic peak velocity (DPV), pulsatility index (PI) and resistivity index (RI) in bilateral common, internal and external carotids, besides bilateral vertebral arteries. The exams were performed before operations and a month later. Wilcoxon test was used to analyse the differences between the variables before and after the sympatholisis. Results: T3 sympathicotomy segment was the most frequent transection done (95,83%), as only ablation (25%) or in association with T4 (62,50%) or with T2 (8,33%). It was observed increase in RI and PI of the common carotid artery ( p<0,05). The DPV of internal carotid artery decreased in both sides (p<0,05). The SPV and the DPV of the right and left vertebral arteries also increased (p<0,05). Asymmetric findings were observed so that, arteries of the right side were the most frequently affected. Conclusions: Hemodynamic changes in vertebral and carotid arteries were observed after sympathicotomy for PH. SPV was the most often altered parameter, mostly in the right side arteries, meaning significant asymmetric changes in carotid and vertebral vessels. Therefore, the research findings deserve further investigations to observe if they have clinical inferences / O delineamento desse estudo objetiva a an?lise das repercuss?es na hemodin?mica das art?rias car?tidas e vertebrais, respons?veis pela irriga??o do enc?falo, ap?s a desnerva??o da cadeia simp?tica ao n?vel de T2, T3 e/ou T4, provocada pela simpaticotomia tor?cica videotoracosc?pica para tratamento da hiperidrose prim?ria. Foram estudados pacientes submetidos a 48 simpaticotomias tor?cicas por v?deo, utilizando como par?metros de compara??o pr? e p?s-operat?rios vari?veis num?ricas de velocidade de pico sist?lico, velocidade de pico diast?lico, ?ndice de resist?ncia e ?ndice de pulsatibilidade. As vari?veis foram obtidas a partir do exame de eco-doppler das art?rias car?tidas e vertebrais bilateralmente utilizando o mesmo aparelho de ultrassom e o mesmo examinador no per?odo de uma semana que antecedeu ao procedimento cir?rgico e 30 dias depois da opera??o. As diferen?as das vari?veis do pr? e do p?s-operat?rio foram mensuradas pelo teste de Wilcoxon, utilizando o software SPSS? 7.5 for Windows (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL). Os achados de altera??es significativas foram discutidos, observando os dados da literatura m?dica relacionados com estudos na mesma linha de investiga??o e enfatizando os aspectos de interdisciplinaridade cient?fica

O valor dos critérios de indicação da angiotomografia no diagnóstico de lesões das artérias carótidas e vertebrais no trauma contuso / Value of the criteria for indication of angiography in the diagnosis of carotid and vertebral arterial injuries in blunt trauma

Gladstone Goulart 18 May 2010 (has links)
Introdução: As lesões contusas de artérias carótidas e vertebrais (LCCV) não são muito frequentes, porém podem apresentar repercussões graves. A incidência desse tipo de lesão é difícil de ser avaliada porque os doentes podem estar neurologicamente assintomáticos quando atendidos no pronto socorro ou podem apresentar sintomas que são atribuídos ao trauma de crânio ou a outras lesões associadas. Estatísticas recentes apontam uma incidência de 0,24% a 0,33% em doentes traumatizados portadores de algum sintoma neurológico. No Brasil não existem trabalhos de nosso conhecimento que tenham estudado a incidência das LCCV. Por outro lado, a real morbidade e mortalidade das LCCV não estão claramente determinadas, nem mesmo na literatura internacional. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: a) avaliar a incidência de LCCV em 100 doentes vítimas de trauma contuso submetidos à angiotomografia cervical, utilizando parâmetros obtidos da avaliação clínica inicial e das tomografias de crânio e da região cervical e b) verificar quais os critérios de indicação da angiotomografia cervical que mais se correlacionam com a presença de LCCV no serviço de trauma de hospital quaternário brasileiro. Material e Método: Durante o período de trinta meses a partir de julho de 2006, todos os doentes admitidos no Pronto-Socorro do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, com trauma cervical fechado, com potencial risco de lesão dos vasos cervicais apresentando défice neurológico não justificado pela tomografia computadorizada de crânio, infarto cerebral, hematoma cervical estável, epistaxe volumosa, anisocoria/sinal de Horner, escore na escala de coma de Glasgow abaixo de 8 sem achados justificativos pela tomografia, fratura de coluna cervical, fratura de base de crânio, fratura de face (Le Forte II ou III), sinal do cinto de segurança acima da clavícula, frêmito ou sopro cervical, foram incluídos no estudo. Os doentes foram encaminhados para a angiotomografia cervical para diagnóstico das LCCV. Foram analisados também mecanismo de trauma, sexo, idade, gravidade do trauma, gravidade das LCCV, tipo de tratamento e evolução. Os doentes foram divididos em dois grupos: sem LCCV (Grupo I) e com LCCV (Grupo II). Os dados analisados são apresentados como média e desvio padrão da média e as análises estatísticas foram realizadas com os testes de Qui-Quadrado e Exato de Fisher, e o teste de Mann-Whitney. Foi usado um nível de significância de 5% (p-valor <=0,05). Resultado: Foram atendidos 2.467 doentes vítimas de trauma contuso. Em 100 doentes que apresentaram critérios para inclusão, no estudo a angiotomografia identificou 23 com LCCV, 17 do sexo masculino e 6 do sexo feminino. A idade média foi de 34,81±14,84 anos. Colisão de auto (49%) e atropelamento (24%) foram os mecanismos de trauma mais frequentes seguidos de queda de grande altura (18%), e outros mecanismos (9%). Dez doentes tiveram lesão de carótida interna, 2 doentes com lesão de carótida comum, onze doentes com lesão de vertebral. Sete doentes apresentaram lesão arterial grau I, 10 grau II, 4 grau IV e I grau V e uma fístula de carótida. Sete (30,4%) dos 23 doentes com LCCV apresentavam fratura de vértebras cervicais e 11 (47,8%) apresentavam fratura de face (LeFort II e III). Dezessete doentes foram tratados clinicamente e seis doentes foram submetidos a tratamento endovascular (um stent e cinco embolizações). Conclusão: Os critérios utilizados neste estudo permitiram o diagnóstico de LCCV em 0,93% dos casos, sendo que tais lesões ocorreram nos traumatizados mais graves, e não influenciaram a morte na população estudada / Background: Blunt trauma of the carotid and vertebral arteries (LCCV) are infrequent, but may have serious repercussions. The incidence of this type of injury is difficult to evaluate as many patients are neurologically asymptomatic when assisted in emergency rooms, or with symptoms attributed to cranium trauma or to other associated injuries. Recent statistical data show an incidence of 0.24% to 0.33% traumatized patients that carry some neurological symptom, we are not aware of any papers in Brazil that have studied the occurrence of LCCV. On the other hand, the real morbidity and mortality are not clearly determined, not even in the international literature. The objectives of the current study were: a) to evaluate the incidence of carotid and vertebral artery injuries in 100 patients with blunt trauma subjected to cervical angiography, using parameters obtained from the initial clinical evaluation and tomography of the patients and b) to verify which criteria for recommending cervical angiography are most related to the presence of LCCV in the trauma services section in a Brazilian quaternary care hospital. Method: During thirty months, starting in July 2006, all patients admitted in the emergency room of Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, with blunt cervical trauma, with potential risk of injuries to cervical vessels that presented neurological deficit unexplained after cranial CT scan, cerebral infarction, stable cervical haematomas, severe epistaxis, anisocoria/sign of Horner`s syndrome, Glasgow coma scores bellow 8 that are not explained by CT scan, cervical spine fracture, basilar skull fracture, facial fracture (Le Forte II or III), seatbelt signals above the clavicle, cervical hum or bruit were included in the study. The patients were subjected to cervical angiography in order to diagnose LCCV. There were analyzed the mechanisms of injuries, gender, age, severity of LCCV, type of treatment and outcome. The patients were divided into two groups: without LCCV (Group I) and with LCCV (Group II). The data analyzed are presented as mean minus standard deviation and the statistical analyzes were done using Chi-square and Fisher`s exact tests, and the Mann-Whitney test. For date comparison, a p-value <=0,05 was considered significant. Results: 2.467 patients, victims of blunt trauma, were included in the study. In 100 patients that presented the criteria for the inclusion in the study, the angiography identified 23 with LCCV, 17 male and 6 female. The mean age was 34,81±14,84 years. Car crash (49%) and car-pedestrian accidents (24%) were the most frequent mechanisms of injury, followed by falling from altitude (18%), and other mechanisms (9%). Ten patients suffered internal carotid artery injury, 2 patients with common carotid artery injury, and eleven patients with vertebral artery injury. Seven patients presented arterial injury level I, 10 level II, 4 level IV and 1 level V and one carotid fistula. Seven (30,4%) out of the 23 patients with LCCV presented cervical vertebrae fractures and 11 (47,8%) presented facial fracture (LeFort II e III). Seventeen patients were treated clinically and six underwent endovascular treatment (one stent and five embolizations). Conclusion: The criteria used in this study have allowed the diagnosis of LCCV in 0,93% of the cases, those being such injuries that occurred in the most seriously traumatized patients, and did not lead to death in the studied population.

Tratamento endovascular das dissecções e pseudoaneurismas da artéria vertebral. / Endovascular treatment of dissections and pseudoaneurysms of the vertebral artery.

Puglia Junior, Paulo 11 November 1999 (has links)
As dissecções da artéria vertebral causam acidentes vasculares cerebrais isquêmicos e hemorrágicos. A dissecção arterial é a ruptura da sua parede com formação de hematoma intramural. Podem ser espontâneas, acometendo a artéria vertebral extra ou intracraniana. O tratamento em geral é clínico, porém em alguns casos está indicada intervenção. A via endovascular é uma importante alternativa, permitindo o tratamento específico da lesão em alguns casos, mas na maioria sacrificando a artéria vertebral, após teste de tolerância à oclusão. Com o objetivo de analisar os aspectos clínicos e técnicos do tratamento endovascular, estudamos de forma prospectiva 15 pacientes. Três apresentavam dissecções traumáticas (todas extracranianas) e 12 espontâneas, dos quais dois tiveram traumatismos menores como desencadeantes. Cinco pacientes apresentaram dissecções extracranianas, oito, intracranianas e dois, combinadas. No grupo das extracranianas, a principal indicação de tratamento foi a presença de fístula arteriovenosa, em três dos cinco pacientes. No grupo da intracranianas, foi a presença de hemorragia meníngea. Nos quatro pacientes com acidente vascular isquêmico, a indicação de tratamento deveu-se à presença de pseudoaneurismas que não involuíram com tratamento clínico. Nesse grupo, dois pacientes tinham dissecção extracraniana, um, intra e um, combinada. Um paciente apresentou intolerância à oclusão e foi encaminhado para tratamento conservador. Dos 14 pacientes tratados, um teve como estratégia a oclusão seletiva da lesão, 11 a oclusão da artéria vertebral proximal à lesão e dois oclusão acima e abaixo da lesão. Os materiais utilizados foram balões destacáveis em sete pacientes, molas de destaque livre em 6 e molas eletricamente destacáveis associadas a molas de destaque livre em 1 paciente. Dois pacientes apresentaram complicações do tratamento, e um paciente, recidiva de fístula arteriovenosa, todos resolvidos sem seqüelas. A angiografia controle revelou oclusão total do segmento dissecado ou do pseudoaneurisma em 9 pacientes, reversão do fluxo em quatro e preservação da artéria vertebral com oclusão da lesão em um. Num período de seguimento de 8,6 meses não se registraram recorrências. O tratamento foi eficiente na prevenção de ressangramentos e na trombose dos pseudoaneurismas e apresenta segurança em relação a complicações. / Vertebral artery dissections can cause brain ischemia and hemorrhage. Arterial dissection consist of mural tears with subsequent intramural hematoma formation. They may occur either spontaneously or as a consequence of traumatism, in the extracranial or intracranial vertebral artery. The treatment is usually clinical, but in some instances intervention is indicated. The endovascular approach is an important tool, allowing specific treatment of the lesion in some cases, but sacrificing the vertebral artery in most cases. With the aim of analyze the clinical and technical aspects of the endovascular treatment, we studied prospectively 15 patients treated by endovascular approach. Three presented traumatic dissections (all extracranial) and 12 spontaneous dissections, two of which after minor traumatic events. Five patients had extracranial dissections, eight, intracranial and two, combined. In the extracranial dissection group, the main indication for treatment was the presence of an arteriovenous fistula (three of five patients). In the intracranial group, it was subarachnoid hemorrhage. Four patients presenting with brain isquemia were treated because of pseudoaneurysms that did not resolve in clinical treatment. In this group 2 patients had extracranial dissections, one had intracranial and one had both. One patient did not tolerate occlusion and was treated clinically. Fourteen patients were treated by endovascular means, one with selective lesion occlusion, 12 with proximal vertebral artery occlusion and two with proximal and distal vertebral artery occlusion. The embolic material were detachable balloons in 7 patients, platinum microcoils in 6 patients and electrically detachable platinum microcoils and platinum microcoils in one patient. Two patients presented complications, and one presented recurrence of an arteriovenous fistula, all resolved without sequelae. Angiographic controls disclosed total occlusion of the segment with dissection or of the pseudoaneurysm in 9 patients, retrograde flow in 4 and vertebral artery preservation with selective lesion occlusion in 1. During a mean follow-up period of 8,6 months no recurrence was observed. The treatment was efficient in preventing recurrent hemorrhage and promoting pseudoaneurysms thrombosis, besides it was a safe treatment option.

Tratamento endovascular das dissecções e pseudoaneurismas da artéria vertebral. / Endovascular treatment of dissections and pseudoaneurysms of the vertebral artery.

Paulo Puglia Junior 11 November 1999 (has links)
As dissecções da artéria vertebral causam acidentes vasculares cerebrais isquêmicos e hemorrágicos. A dissecção arterial é a ruptura da sua parede com formação de hematoma intramural. Podem ser espontâneas, acometendo a artéria vertebral extra ou intracraniana. O tratamento em geral é clínico, porém em alguns casos está indicada intervenção. A via endovascular é uma importante alternativa, permitindo o tratamento específico da lesão em alguns casos, mas na maioria sacrificando a artéria vertebral, após teste de tolerância à oclusão. Com o objetivo de analisar os aspectos clínicos e técnicos do tratamento endovascular, estudamos de forma prospectiva 15 pacientes. Três apresentavam dissecções traumáticas (todas extracranianas) e 12 espontâneas, dos quais dois tiveram traumatismos menores como desencadeantes. Cinco pacientes apresentaram dissecções extracranianas, oito, intracranianas e dois, combinadas. No grupo das extracranianas, a principal indicação de tratamento foi a presença de fístula arteriovenosa, em três dos cinco pacientes. No grupo da intracranianas, foi a presença de hemorragia meníngea. Nos quatro pacientes com acidente vascular isquêmico, a indicação de tratamento deveu-se à presença de pseudoaneurismas que não involuíram com tratamento clínico. Nesse grupo, dois pacientes tinham dissecção extracraniana, um, intra e um, combinada. Um paciente apresentou intolerância à oclusão e foi encaminhado para tratamento conservador. Dos 14 pacientes tratados, um teve como estratégia a oclusão seletiva da lesão, 11 a oclusão da artéria vertebral proximal à lesão e dois oclusão acima e abaixo da lesão. Os materiais utilizados foram balões destacáveis em sete pacientes, molas de destaque livre em 6 e molas eletricamente destacáveis associadas a molas de destaque livre em 1 paciente. Dois pacientes apresentaram complicações do tratamento, e um paciente, recidiva de fístula arteriovenosa, todos resolvidos sem seqüelas. A angiografia controle revelou oclusão total do segmento dissecado ou do pseudoaneurisma em 9 pacientes, reversão do fluxo em quatro e preservação da artéria vertebral com oclusão da lesão em um. Num período de seguimento de 8,6 meses não se registraram recorrências. O tratamento foi eficiente na prevenção de ressangramentos e na trombose dos pseudoaneurismas e apresenta segurança em relação a complicações. / Vertebral artery dissections can cause brain ischemia and hemorrhage. Arterial dissection consist of mural tears with subsequent intramural hematoma formation. They may occur either spontaneously or as a consequence of traumatism, in the extracranial or intracranial vertebral artery. The treatment is usually clinical, but in some instances intervention is indicated. The endovascular approach is an important tool, allowing specific treatment of the lesion in some cases, but sacrificing the vertebral artery in most cases. With the aim of analyze the clinical and technical aspects of the endovascular treatment, we studied prospectively 15 patients treated by endovascular approach. Three presented traumatic dissections (all extracranial) and 12 spontaneous dissections, two of which after minor traumatic events. Five patients had extracranial dissections, eight, intracranial and two, combined. In the extracranial dissection group, the main indication for treatment was the presence of an arteriovenous fistula (three of five patients). In the intracranial group, it was subarachnoid hemorrhage. Four patients presenting with brain isquemia were treated because of pseudoaneurysms that did not resolve in clinical treatment. In this group 2 patients had extracranial dissections, one had intracranial and one had both. One patient did not tolerate occlusion and was treated clinically. Fourteen patients were treated by endovascular means, one with selective lesion occlusion, 12 with proximal vertebral artery occlusion and two with proximal and distal vertebral artery occlusion. The embolic material were detachable balloons in 7 patients, platinum microcoils in 6 patients and electrically detachable platinum microcoils and platinum microcoils in one patient. Two patients presented complications, and one presented recurrence of an arteriovenous fistula, all resolved without sequelae. Angiographic controls disclosed total occlusion of the segment with dissection or of the pseudoaneurysm in 9 patients, retrograde flow in 4 and vertebral artery preservation with selective lesion occlusion in 1. During a mean follow-up period of 8,6 months no recurrence was observed. The treatment was efficient in preventing recurrent hemorrhage and promoting pseudoaneurysms thrombosis, besides it was a safe treatment option.

Cervical Artery Dissection in Young Adults in the Stroke in Young Fabry Patients (sifap1) Study

von Sarnowski, Bettina, Schminke, Ulf, Grittner, Ulrike, Fazekas, Franz, Tanislav, Christian, Kaps, Manfred, Tatlisumak, Turgut, Putaala, Jukka, Haeusler, Karl Georg, Décio Borges do Amaral e Silva, Alexandre, Kinsella, Justin A., McCabe, Dominick J.H., Tobin, W. Oliver, Huber, Roman, Willeit, Johann, Furtner, Martin, Bodechtel, Ulf, Rolfs, Arndt, Kessler, Christof, Hennerici, Michael G. 20 May 2020 (has links)
Background: Patients with carotid artery dissection (CAD) have been reported to have different vascular risk factor profiles and clinical outcomes to those with vertebral artery dissection (VAD). However, there are limited data from recent, large international studies comparing risk factors and clinical features in patients with cervical artery dissection (CeAD) with other TIA or ischemic stroke (IS) patients of similar age and sex. Methods: We analysed demographic, clinical and risk factor profiles in TIA and IS patients ≤ 55 years of age with and without CeAD in the large European, multi-centre, Stroke In young FAbry Patients 1 (sifap1) study. Patients were further categorised according to age (younger: 18–44 years; middle-aged: 45–55 years), sex, and site of dissection. Results: Data on the presence of dissection were available in 4,208 TIA and IS patients of whom 439 (10.4%) had CeAD: 196 (50.1%) had CAD, 195 (49.9%) had VAD, and 48 had multiple artery dissections or no information regarding the dissected artery. The prevalence of CAD was higher in women than in men (5.9 vs. 3.8%, p < 0.01), whereas the prevalence of VAD was similar in women and men (4.6 vs. 4.7%, n.s.). Patients with VAD were younger than patients with CAD (median = 41 years (IQR = 35–47 years) versus median = 45 years (IQR = 39–49 years); p < 0.01). At stroke onset, about twice as many patients with either CAD (54.0 vs. 23.1%, p < 0.001) or VAD (63.4 vs. 36.6%, p < 0.001) had headache than patients without CeAD and stroke in the anterior or posterior circulation, respectively. Compared to patients without CeAD, hypertension, concomitant cardiovascular diseases and a patent foramen ovale were significantly less prevalent in both CAD and VAD patients, whereas tobacco smoking, physical inactivity, obesity and a family history of cerebrovascular diseases were found less frequently in CAD patients, but not in VAD patients. A history of migraine was observed at a similar frequency in patients with CAD (31%), VAD (27.8%) and in those without CeAD (25.8%). Conclusions: We identified clinical features and risk factor profiles that are specific to young patients with CeAD, and to subgroups with either CAD or VAD compared to patients without CeAD. Therefore, our data support the concept that certain vascular risk factors differentially affect the risk of CAD and VAD.

Finns det evidens för att höghastighetsmanipulation av nacken kan orsaka stroke? / Is there evidence that high velocity manipulation of the cervical spine can cause stroke?

Eriksson, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
Höghastighetsmanipulation av nacken är en manuell behandlingsteknik mot smärta i framförallt nacken och skuldrorna. Tekniken har enligt flera källor visats hänga samman med risken för att drabbas av skador på de kärl som försörjer hjärnan med blod, med bland annat stroke som följd. Andra källor har å andra sidan visat att de är en teknik som är säker att utföra. Den här litteraturstudien har sammanställt och utvärderat forskning som på olika sätt söker utreda om det påstådda sambandet är kausalt eller inte. Metoden som valdes var att genom en av SBU färdigställd mall värdera forskningsartiklar och sedan sortera dem efter relevans, för att på så sätt avgöra huruvida sambandet kan ses som kausalt eller inte. Studieresultatet visade att frågan är för komplex för att kunna besvaras i en enskild studie, och att mer forskning behövs inom flera delområden innan frågan kan besvaras fullt ut. Orsaken till detta är att det finns flera orsaksmekanismer, och flera riskgrupper, för denna typ av skada, där flera ännu är okända. Detta gör att en fullständig kartläggning av samband i frågan ännu inte är möjlig. Däremot är det sannolikt att tekniken kan verka som en utlösande faktor, en trigger, hos vissa personer i riskgrupperna. Därför kan det sägas finnas en risk med tekniken rent praktiskt, oavsett om ett kausalt samband mellan tekniken och stroke i sig existerar eller inte. / High Velocity Manipulation of the cervical spine is a manual treatment technique against pain in foremost the neck, shoulders. The technique has according to multiple sources been connected to the risk of injury to the blood vessels that supply the brain with blood, with among others stroke as a consequence.  Other sources have on the other hand shown it the technique to be safe to perform. This literature study has compiled and evaluated research that in various ways tries to find out if said connection is causal The method used was to evaluate articles through a pre-made form from SBU, and then to sort them according to relevance to see if the connection is causal or not. The result showed that the question is too complex to be answered in a single study, and that more research is needed to answer the question in full. This is due to the fact that there are multiple mechanisms behinds this form om injury, that the risk seems to exists in certain groups, and that some of these are not yet identifiable. On the other hand there is a high probability that the technique might act as an activating factor in these groups. Because of this there can be said that a risk exists with the technique in practice, no matter if there is a casual connection between the technique and stroke in itself or not.

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