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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Policandriotes, Tod 01 August 2013 (has links)
Carbon-carbon (C/C, carbon fiber reinforced carbon matrix) composites are widely used in the aerospace industry because of the material's high temperature capability and structural properties. C/C maintains its mechanical and friction properties during extreme conditions so it is used extensively for high energy brakes, clutches, nosecones and leading edges of aircraft/spacecraft. Manufacturing C/C is expensive, requires high temperatures (approx. 1000°C) and typically requires rough vacuum environments (5-225 Torr). There are 5 general types of chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) systems and each type has a standard configuration in terms of a vacuum plumbing circuit. Standard CVI systems have a total carbon deposition efficiency of 5-30% using a reaction zone filled with carbon fiber preforms. Total processing time varies from 50 to 2000 hours depending on the type of system and its temperature, pressure and residence time. Unused hydrocarbon reaction exhaust (effluent) gases are either burned off or used to power something externally adding more CO2 and CO to the environment. A reduction of processing time and waste is needed to reduce the cost of production and the emissions of greenhouse gases. A new method can be added to 4 of the general types of CVI that decreases the residence time by re-circulating a controlled amount of the effluent gases through a separate in-situ isobaric semi-closed loop circuit which also allows for more carbon to be deposited per liter of virgin precursor gas in the reaction zone. An electric potential is also applied to compare the effect on carbon deposition to standard techniques. Re-circulating a portion of effluent gases through the reaction zone decreases the residence time with minimal effect on the desired matrix microstructure. Decreasing the residence time and re-circulating a portion of effluent gases increases the deposition rate and total carbon deposition efficiency. This re-circulating loop can be added to any CVI system to enhance the process, lower production costs and reduce greenhouse emissions.

"Jag måste ju klara skolan" : En intervjustudie med sex ungdomar med cerebral synnedsättning

Nordberg, Ingrid January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att belysa hur några ungdomar med cerebral synnedsättning upplever sin grundskoletid. Frågeställningarna handlar om ungdomarnas erfarenheter av skolarbetet, vad de berättar om sin sociala situation samt hur de tycker att stödet i skolan ska utformas. Det tycks inte finnas mycket skrivet om detta område, vilket medför att tidigare forskning till en del handlar om studier där elever med funktionsnedsättning i allmänhet intervjuats om sin syn på skolan. För att ge en kortfattad introduktion av ämnesområdet består bakgrunden även av forskning om cerebral synnedsättning. Sex kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts för att besvara frågeställningarna. Den fenomenologiska livsvärldsberättelsen utgjorde inspirationskälla vid intervjuerna medan den efterföljande tolkningen och analysen har genomförts utifrån en hermeneutisk ansats. Av etiska skäl presenteras resultatet som en sammantagen berättelse utifrån de sex skol-livsvärdsberättelserna. I resultatet lyfter ungdomarna fram den betydelse tiden har för skolarbetet, tid för att göra uppgifter och för att förstå innehållet. Andra resultat visar på utmaningar i sociala situationer samt hur viktigt det personliga stödet i form av uppmuntran och positivt bemötande är. Sammanfattningsvis kan konstateras att studiens resultat stämmer överens med tidigare forskning. När det gäller metoden diskuteras trovärdighetsaspekten i en studie där empirin tolkas hermeneutiskt samt förförståelsens styrkor och svagheter i detta tolkningsarbete. En slutsats av resultatet som därefter diskuteras är det behov av personellt stöd i skolarbetet som elever med cerebral synnedsättning utifrån denna studie tycks ha. Förslagsvis sker detta stöd genom införande av tvålärarsystem som löper över hela grundskoletiden. Vidare diskuteras värdet av att anpassa lärmiljön och utforma pedagogik med utgångspunkt i förutsättningar som framkommer i medicinska och psykologiska bedömningar.

Utfordringer knyttet til sosial samhandling hos barn med cerebral synshemning : En kvalitativ undersøkelse om hvorvidt spesielle særtrekk ved CVI kan komplisere sosial samhandling med jevnaldrende

Movik, Sissel January 2012 (has links)
Denne masteroppgaven fokuserer på særtrekk eller vanskeområder ved CVI som kan komplisere sosial samhandling med jevnaldrende. Utgangspunktet for undersøkelsen har vært en antagelse om at noen særtrekk som kan vise seg ved CVI, kan komplisere sosial samhandling med jevnaldrende. Undersøkelser viser at blinde og svaksynte kan ha utfordringer knyttet til sosial samhandling, og at de ofte føler seg sosialt isolerte (McAlpine & Moore, 1995; Huurre & Aro, 1998; Huurre & Komulainen, 1999). Kanskje er det også slik for barn med CVI? Mestring av sosial samhandling er viktig for å bli bedre sosialt integrert, og for å få anledning til å tilegne seg sosial kompetanse. God sosial kompetanse og skolefaglige prestasjoner henger sammen (Utdanningsdirektoratet udatert, a). Det er derfor viktig at elevene trives og kjenner seg sosialt integrert i klassen og på skolen. Masteroppgaven tar utgangspunkt i en kvalitativ undersøkelse, hvor lærere og foreldre til tre barn med CVI er intervjuet om barnas utfordringer knyttet til sosial samhandling. Datainnsamlingen er gjort gjennom semistrukturerte intervjuer våren 2012. Intervjuene ble tatt opp som lydfiler, og er i etterkant transkribert fra lydfiler til tekst. Gjennom undersøkelsen kommer det frem at alle tre barna har utfordringer knyttet til sosial samhandling, dog i ulik grad. De har vansker med identifikasjon av kjente, med tolkning av ansiktsuttrykk og non-verbal kommunikasjon, samt orienteringsvansker. Det er sannsynlig at dette bidrar til å gjøre samhandling med andre vanskelig. Det er imidlertid umulig å si at det er disse særtrekkene ved CVI alene som forårsaker samhandlingsvanskene foreldre og lærere rapporterer om, men det er ikke usannsynlig at trekkene kompliserer samhandling med andre mennesker. Den store utfordringen er å finne ut hva vi skal gjøre for å tilrettelegge godt for denne gruppen barn, og ikke minst hvem som har ansvaret for å gi dem den hjelpen de trenger.

Dépôt chimique en phase vapeur (CVD) de carbure de silicium (SiC) à partir de vinyltrichlorosilane (VTS) et de méthylsilane (MS) / Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silicon Carbide from vinyltrichlorosilane (VTS) and methylsilane (MS)

Desenfant, Anthony 13 December 2018 (has links)
Les composites à matrice céramique SiC/SiC sont des matériaux prometteurs pour le remplacement des superalliages dans les moteurs pour l’aviation civile et militaire. La matrice de SiC des composites est réalisée par dépôt chimique en phase vapeur (CVD). Le précurseur actuellement utilisé à l’échelle industrielle est le méthyltrichlorosilane (MTS, CH3SiCl3) dilué dans le dihydrogène (H2). Ce système chimique peut dans certains cas conduire à des écarts à la stoechiométrie des dépôts ainsi qu’à des gradients de densification au sein du composite final. Deux nouvelles molécules ont été envisagées dans le cadre de la thèse pour remédier aux inconvénients du MTS. Le vinyltrichlorosilane (VTS, C2H3SiCl3), composé d’un groupement vinyle (deux carbones doublement liés), susceptible de stabiliser la liaison Si-C de la molécule et favoriser une réactivité couplée de silicium et du carbone, propice au dépôt de SiC pur. Le méthylsilane (MS, CH3SiH3), qui ne possède pas d’atomes de chlore limitant la réactivité hétérogène. Son utilisation devrait en outre permettre de réduire le traitement des effluents en sortie de réacteur.La pertinence de ces deux précurseurs a été évaluée par une approche expérimentale mettant en évidence les régimes cinétiques associés aux deux molécules et en s’intéressant à la nature du solide déposé. Cette approche est couplée à une modélisation de la phase homogène et à des mesures IRTF des gaz froids sortant du réacteur, dans le but de comprendre les phénomènes chimiques mis en jeu pendant le dépôt.À basse température, la décomposition du VTS produit des hydrocarbures réactifs qui inhibent le dépôt de SiC et conduisent à un large excès de carbone libre. Le solide devient stoechiométrique à température moyenne, au-delà d’un domaine de bi-stabilité de la vitesse de dépôt (R). C2H4 et SiCl4 sont alors majoritairement formés. Les transferts de masse (TM) limitent la vitesse de dépôt à haute température et un léger excès de C réapparait dans le solide, associé à la formation C2H2.Le système MS/Ar réagit à plus basse température que VTS/H2 et le rendement en solide est beaucoup plus élevé (seules des traces de CH4 sont détectées à haute température en sortie du réacteur). Inversement à VTS/H2, le solide est excédentaire en Si à basse température, stoechiométrique à température moyenne et, dans certains cas, riche en C à haute température (R est alors limitée par les TM).La composition, la structure et la texture des dépôts de SiC issus des deux systèmes ont été corrélées avec les conditions expérimentales (température, pression, temps de séjour). Sur substrat dense, les transitions observées traduisent des variations de concentration des précurseurs effectifs de C et de Si, voire des changements du mécanisme de dépôt. L’aptitude à l’infiltration (CVI) a également été jugée à l’aide de substrats poreux modèles. Les profils d’épaisseurs et de composition le long d’un canal traduisent l’effet du temps de diffusion des gaz le long du pore, mais aussi l’appauvrissement local en réactifs. Comparativement au système MTS/H2 testé dans des conditions de référence, des conditions plus favorables à la CVI ont été établies pour les systèmes VTS/H2 et MS/Ar. / The aim of this thesis is to understand the gas-phase mechanisms that occured during the chemical vapor deposition of silicon carbide from two precursors with different chemistry (chlorinated precursor and non-chrloinated one). Thanks to this study, optimal conditions for infiltration with these two precursors should be found.

Interiör + varumärke = sant? : En studie om interiörens betydelse för varumärket / Interior design + brand = a true match? : A study about an interior design’s importance for the brand

Nilsson, Anna, Andersen, Ida January 2014 (has links)
Marknadsföring och kontakt med kunder utformas på ett sätt som ska vara fördelaktigt för företagsryktet. Ryktet skapar sedan en bild av företaget. Den bild är det som blir det förmedlade varumärket och i längden även en viktig framgångsfaktor. Förutom reklam, logotyp och slogans lyfter företag i servicebranschen in inredning och arkitektur som en del av detta varumärkesarbete. Där har lokalen betydelse för att kunderna ska lockas till butiken eller restaurangen, öka köpintentionen samt för att kommunicera företagets värdeord. I servicebranschen ses interiör som en självklar del i den varumärkesbyggande processen. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur en interiör kan påverka uppfattningen av ett företag och vad detta kan göra för företagets varumärke. Uppsatsen vill även belysa det faktum att allt kommunicerar och signalerar något även om det finns en tanke bakom kommunikationen eller ej. Utifrån syftet har tre frågeställningar formulerats. Den övergripande frågeställningen är: vad kan en interiör göra för ett företags varumärke? Delfrågor som utformats är: hur uppfattas en interiör på ett företag, före respektive efter ett designarbete samt hur ser en inredare på företagsinteriörer? Studien är en fallstudie på Kafferosteriet Löfbergs lokaler som har designats för att stärka varumärket. En enkätundersökning har använts för att undersöka vad interiören återspeglar. Även en intervju har genomförts med designern som står bakom Kafferosteriet Löfbergs lokaler för att få en professionell bild av företagets interiörer. Den sammanfattande slutsatsen är att interiören har betydelse för hur ett företag uppfattas samt att en interiör kommunicerar något även då det inte finns en tanke bakom den. Genom en genomtänkt interiör är det möjligt att framkalla önskvärda intryck samt positiva uppfattningar som i det långa loppet skulle kunna påverka varumärket. / Marketing and contact with costumers are styled in a way that is beneficial for the company’s reputation. The reputation creates an impression of the company. That impression is later what becomes the transmitted brand and in the long round even an important success factor. In addition to commercial, logotype and slogans, the businesses of services companies have taken furnishing, architecture and premises designs as a part of what can reflect the desired brand. The space and the premises here have a meaning to get the costumers to the store or the restaurant, increase the intentions of buying and reflecting its words of value. In the businesses of services the interior is an obvious part in the building process of a brand. The aim of this study is to examine the meaning of the interior design and the effect it may have on the company brand. The study will also illuminate the fact that everything communicates, no matter if it’s intended to or not. Three formulations of questions have been examined, framed to reach an understanding for the essay’s purpose. The general question is: what can interior design do for a company brand? Further questions are: how is the interior of a company perceived, before and after the interior has been redesigned, and what view has a decorator of the interior design at the company?   The study is a case study at the company and coffee roaster Kafferosteriet Löfbergs. Their premises have been decorated with awareness aiming to improve the brand. The method that has been used, to test what this interior reflects, is a survey. In addition to the survey an interview was held with the decorator of Kafferosteriet Löfberg’s premises, this to get a professional view of interior design in office environments. The brief conclusion is that interiors have a meaning for how a company perceives and that even though an interior isn’t designed with premeditation, the interior reflects something. An interior that is well thought-out can produce desirable impressions and positive perceptions that in the long run can affect the brand.

Estratégias Corporativas: Um estudo de caso na Holding CVI Santa Maria / Corporative Strategies: A Case Study in CVI Holding Santa Maria

Fratton, Roberto 12 December 2006 (has links)
The present research, which treats about the development of Corporate Strategics, was done at Holding CVI, with home office in Santa Maria-RS city. The Holding CVI, that among others investments, works on beverage area, has as its main business, The Coca Cola Company franchise, in the region of Santa Cruz do Sul, Passo Fundo and Santa Maria, cities located in Rio Grande do Sul. This research is case a study, and has as its goal suggesting to the stockholder the development of Strategics Alliances - merging, purchases an associations that allow the grow of the Holding. To the conception of this Strategics Alliances it takes into consideration the followings points: the company historic, the environment analyze of beverage field and the stockholder profile. / A presente pesquisa, que trata sobre o desenvolvimento de Estratégias Corporativas, realizou-se na Holding CVI, com sede na cidade de Santa Maria-RS. A Holding CVI, que, entre outros investimentos, atua no segmento de bebidas, tem como seu principal negócio, a franquia da The Coca Cola Company, nas regiões das cidades de Santa Cruz do Sul, Passo Fundo e Santa Maria, situadas no Rio Grande do Sul. Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se com um estudo de caso, tendo como principal objetivo sugerir, para os acionistas, o desenvolvimento de Alianças Estratégicas - fusões, aquisições e associações que permitam o crescimento da Holding. Para a concepção dessas alianças estratégicas considerou-se os seguintes pontos: o histórico da empresa, a análise ambiental do setor de bebidas e o perfil dos acionistas.

Davidic Hope in Book IV of the Psalter (Psalms 90-106)

Gundersen, David 08 September 2015 (has links)
This dissertation argues that Book IV of the canonical Hebrew Psalter (Pss 90–106) sustains the hope that God will keep his covenant with David by installing a future king from David’s line. Chapter 1 introduces the debate, states the thesis, surveys the history of psalmic interpretation, and summarizes recent canonical views that see David either diminished or sustained in Book IV. Chapter 2 presents an eclectic canonical methodology that honors the five-book division, accounts for superscriptions, incipits, and closings, senses a broad narrative progression, acknowledges psalmic collections, recognizes lexical, thematic, and structural resonance beween psalms, and considers inner-biblical allusions. Chapter 3 explores the covenantal contradiction in Psalm 89 and proposes that Psalm 90 continues and complements the lament in Psalm 89 which questioned the character and reign of God due to the fallen Davidic throne and the severed Davidic line. Chapter 4 analyzes Psalms 90–92 and argues that a reimagined Moses enters Book IV to intercede for Israel (90) in response to the unfulfilled Davidic covenant in Psalm 89. Psalms 90–92 then allude to Deuteronomy 32–33 and progress from pained petition (90) to promised protection (91) to restored rejoicing (92). Chapter 5 explores the message and function of Psalm 101 and argues that its intra-book links, Davidic title, royal voice, lamenting tone, future orientation, inter-psalm allusions, and strategic placement make it a central psalm sustaining Davidic hope in Book IV. Chapter 6 explores the lexical and thematic resonance among Psalms 90, 102, and 103 and argues that the afflicted Davidide in Psalm 102 applies and echoes the plaintive prayer of Moses in Psalm 90 and that the Davidic praise in Psalm 103 answers both Psalms 90 and 102. Thus David is forgiven and restored along with the people in Psalm 103. Chapter 7 concludes by reviewing the evidence from each chapter and proposing that the overall structure and message of Book IV sustains the hope that God will keep his covenant with David.

Investigations of Physicochemical Properties of Size-Resolved, Subsaturated, Atmospheric Aerosol Particles: Instrument Development, Field Measurements, and Data Analysis

Shingler, Taylor, Shingler, Taylor January 2016 (has links)
Aerosol particle properties and their impact on air quality, clouds, and the hydrologic cycle remain a critically important factor for the understanding of our atmosphere. Particle hygroscopic growth leads to impacts on direct and indirect radiative forcing properties, the likelihood for particles to act as cloud condensation nuclei, and aerosol-cloud interactions. Current instruments measuring hygroscopic growth have a number of limitations, lacking either the ability to measure size-resolved particles or process samples at a fast enough resolution to be suitable for airborne deployment. Advanced in-situ airborne particle retrieval and measurements of aerosol hygroscopic growth and scattering properties are analyzed and discussed.To improve the analysis of cloud nuclei particles, an updated counterflow virtual impact inlet was characterized and deployed during the 2011 E-PEACE field campaign. Theoretical and laboratory based cut size diameters were determined and validated against data collected from an airborne platform. In pursuit of higher quality aerosol particle hygroscopicity measurements, a newer instrument, the differential aerosol sizing and hygroscopicity probe (DASH-SP) has been developed in the recent past and only flown on a handful of campaigns. It has been proven to provide quality, rapid, size-resolved hygroscopic growth factor data, but was further improved into a smaller form factor making it easier for deployment on airborne platforms. It was flown during the 2013 SEAC4RS field campaign and the data was analyzed to composite air mass based hygroscopicity and refractive index (real portion only) statistics. Additionally, a comparison of bulk and size-resolved hygroscopic growth measurements was conducted. Significant findings include a potential particle size bias on bulk scattering measurements as well as a narrow range of ambient real portion of refractive index values. An investigation into the first reported ambient hygroscopicity measurements of particle shrinkage, or "sub-1" growth is conducted. Possible explanations, including particle restructuring, measurement sensitivity to refractive index, evaporative loss, and influence of ambient external mixtures on data processing are examined.

Céramiques et composites pour applications en conditions extrêmes dans le nucléaire et le spatial / Ceramics and composites materials for applications in extreme environements in nuclear and space applications

Allemand, Alexandre 22 December 2017 (has links)
Le présent document obéit à un plan strict inhérent à tous les manuscrits de thèsepassée en Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience (VAE). Après un CV détaillé ledocument présente tout d’abord un retour réflexif sur le parcours professionnel c'està-dire, une synthèse sur les taches effectuées d’un travail de type projet vers uneimplication de plus en plus forte vers un travail de recherche à proprement parlé. Aprèsce retour réflexif qui permet d’avoir une vue d’ensemble de la progression du parcours,une synthèse est proposée, non pas de la totalité des travaux, mais de trois domainesbien précis et représentatifs du parcours de recherche. Ce choix s’est fait en cherchantun fil d’Ariane qui est tout simplement la nature chimique de la céramique étudiée ;dans le présent document il s’agit de carbures et plus précisément de SiC, TiC, ZrC,HfC. Tout d’abord le travail sur les céramiques monolithiques pour les applicationsnucléaires est abordé puis, les applications spatiales avec la mise au point deprotections contre l’oxydation à partir de poudres revêtues enfin, le document s’achèvepar des travaux d’infiltration de céramiques à partir d’un matériau intermétallique oucomment il est possible de faire des céramiques ultra réfractaires à basse température.Ces travaux étant originaux ils ont fait l’objet de brevets et de publications qui serontabordés dans la troisième partie. / This document obeys a strict plan inherent in all PhD manuscripts passed in Validationof the Assets of Experiment (VAE). After a detailed resume this document first of all,presents a reflexive return on the career i.e., from a work of type project towards anincreasingly strong implication to a research task. After this reflexive return whichmakes it possible to have an overall picture of the progression of the course, asynthesis is proposed, not of total work, but of three fields quite precise andrepresentative of the course of research. This choice was done by seeking a wire ofARIANE which is the chemical nature of the studied ceramics; in this document it isabout carbides and more precisely about SiC, TiC, ZrC, HfC. First of all monolithicceramics for the nuclear applications is approached then, the space applications withthe elaborating of protections against oxidation made by core shell powders finally, thedocument is completed by ceramics infiltrations from an intermetallic material or howit is possible to make ultra refractory ceramics at low temperature. As these works areoriginal they were the object of patents and publications which will be approached inthe third part.

Dépôt, infiltration et oxydation de carbures réfractaires au sein d'une architecture de carbone / Deposition, infiltration and oxydation of refractories carbides in carbon architecture

Verdon, Claire 16 December 2014 (has links)
La protection des composites carbone/carbone face à l’oxydation à très hautes températures (2000°C) est une nécessité à leur utilisation dans de nouvelles applications. Une protection composée de carbure de hafnium et de carbure de silicium a été développée lors de travaux précédents. Cette protection de surface pourrait être plus efficace une fois infiltrée à cœur du composite. Le premier point étudié lors de cette thèse est l’amélioration des connaissances sur le dépôt par CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) d’un multicouche PyC/SiC/HfC/SiC. Celle-ci passe par la détermination des variations de morphologie du HfC déposé en fonction de la température et de la pression, de l’étude des cinétiques de dépôt et de la modélisation des phénomènes thermiques, chimiques et d’écoulement présents en phase gazeuse au sein du four. Le deuxième point d’étude est axé sur l’infiltration de carbure de hafnium et de silicium par CVI (Chemical Vapor Infiltration) et par RMI (Reactive Melt Infiltration) au sein de mèches de carbone ou d’une préforme carbonée. Le dernier point d’étude est la compréhension des mécanismes d’oxydation de la protection à 2000°C sous atmosphère oxydante à différentes pressions d’oxygène. / The protection against oxidationat very high temperatures (2000°C) is required for carbon/carbon composite new applications. One composed by hafnium and silicon carbides (HfC and SiC) has been developed in previous work. This surface protection could be more effective if infiltrated in the composite.The first part of this thesis is devoted to the improvement of knowledge on CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) deposit of a multilayer PyC/SiC/HfC/SiC. Morphology variation of HfC with temperature and pressure, deposition kinetic study and modelling of thermal, chemical phenomenon and flux velocity in gas has to be determined. The second part of the study is focused on carbide infiltration by CVI (Chemical vapour infiltration) and RMI (Reactive Melt Infiltration) inside carbon tows and preform. The last part is devoted to determine the oxidation mechanism of the protection at 2000°C under oxidizing atmospheres.

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