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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza úrovně znalostí běžných druhů našich obratlovců u dětí z různých typů škol a zájmových uskupení / Analysis of knowledge level in common local vertebrate species at children from different school types and hobby groups

Švecová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
Analysis of knowledge level in common local vertebrate species at children from different school types and hobby groups This thesis deals with the research of practical knowledge and skills of students of primary and secondary schools. It targets exploring of cognition of local common species of vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals). It takes up this research (Lang, Pravda, 1971). It takes a large part of their methodology and compares the results with selec- ted reference species. The results are presented in graphs and chart tables. Key words: Knowledge of local vertebrates, questionnaire survey, primary school, secondary school, high school, hobby group, genus name, species name.

Organisation des communautés de moyens et grands vertébrés en relation avec l'hétérogénéité des forêts de terre ferme de Guyane / Organization of medium- and large-sized vertebrates in relation to Guianan terra firme forests heterogeneity

Denis, Thomas 12 May 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but d’étudier l'influence de l'hétérogénéité des forêts de terre ferme en Guyane sur l'organisation des communautés de moyens et grands vertébrés. Nous avons, d'abord, choisi une espèce modèle afin de déterminer une méthode adéquate d'estimation d'abondance prenant en compte la détection imparfaite et l'immigration temporaire des espèces, et de tester l'effet des conditions environnementales à différentes échelles d'analyse. Puis, partant du constat que les biais dus à la détection dans l'estimation d'abondance pouvaient être importants, nous avons déterminé l'importance relative des conditions environnementales et des traits biologiques des espèces sur la probabilité de détection. A partir de ce cadre d'étude, nous avons étudié la composition et les diversités alpha et beta en utilisant de façon complémentaire les métriques taxonomique, fonctionnelle, et phylogénétique pour déterminer le rôle relatif de l'environnement et de la contingence historique dans l'organisation des communautés, et de tester l’hypothèse des refuges forestiers. Enfin, en descendant dans l'échelle d'analyse, nous avons tenté de démêler l'effet de l'environnement et des interactions interspécifiques sur la cooccurrence des espèces, et utilisé les traits fonctionnels des espèces pour tester le lien entre cooccurrence et similitude fonctionnelle. Cette thèse met en avant les rôles prépondérants de la contingence historique et de la facilitation dans, respectivement, la structuration de la diversité régionale et les processus d’assemblages locaux des communautés de moyens et grands vertébrés en Guyane. / The main objective of this thesis was to study the influence of Guianan terra firme rainforests types on medium- and large-sized vertebrates community organization. First, we choose a model species which permitted to develop an appropriate abundance estimation method which take into account the imperfect detection and temporary immigration of mobile species, and to test environmental conditions effects at different spatial scales of analysis. Second, given that bias due to animal detection can be important in the abundance estimation, we determinated the relative role of environmental conditions and species biological traits on detection probability. From this methodological framework, we studied then processes of community organization, by identifying the main determinants involved in community organization, using composition and alpha and beta diversities, and, in a complementary manner, three metrics (taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic). We sought from these general framework to determinate the relative role of environmental conditions and historical contingency, responsible for the current community organization, and to test the forest refugia hypothesis. Finally, we downscaled the analysis to determinate, and tried to disentangle the effects of environmental conditions and interspecific interactions on species co-occurrence. We used then functional traits to test the relationship between species co-occurrence and similarities.This thesis highlights the important role of historical contingency and facilitation in the structure of regional diversity and the local assembly processes of medium- and large-sized vertebrates, respectively, in French Guiana.

Etude des mécanismes moléculaires contrôlant la prolifération des cellules de la crête neurale chez le xénope / Study of the molecular mechanisms controlling neural crest cells proliferation in xenopus

Nichane, Massimo 06 November 2009 (has links)
La crête neurale (CN) est une structure transitoire apparaissant en bordure de la plaque neurale chez les embryons de vertébrés. Au cours du développement embryonnaire, les cellules de la CN prolifèrent, subissent une transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse, migrent et se différencient en de nombreux types cellulaires tels que des neurones et cellules gliales du système nerveux périphérique, des mélanocytes, des cellules musculaires lisses ou des élements du squelette cranio-facial. Afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires contrôlant la prolifération et la spécification des cellules de la CN, nous avons étudié le rôle de deux facteurs de transcription, Hairy2 et Stat3, via des expériences de perte et gain de fonction chez l’embryon de xénope. <p>Le gène Hairy2 code pour un facteur de transcription bHLH-O répresseur. Il est exprimé précocement au niveau de la bordure de la plaque neurale incluant la CN présomptive. Nous avons montré que Hairy2 est requis pour la prolifération des cellules de la CN en aval de signaux FGFs et qu’il maintient les cellules dans un état indifférencié en réprimant l’expression précoce des gènes spécifiques de la CN. Hairy2 réprime aussi la transcription du gène Id3 codant pour un facteur HLH essentiel à la prolifération des cellules de la CN. Id3 affecte également Hairy2. Nous avons observé que la protéine Id3 interagit physiquement avec Hairy2 et bloque son activité, démontrant que les interactions entre Hairy2 et Id3 jouent un rôle important dans la prolifération et la spécification des cellules de la CN. <p>\ / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Vybraní obratlovci Jizerských hor v badatelsky orientované výuce zoologie na základních a středních školách / Selected Vertebrate Species of the Jizera Mountains in Inquiry Based Science Education at Primary and Secondary Schools

Kršková, Adéla January 2016 (has links)
The thesis consists of two main parts: a theoretical one which includes a separate chapter about the Jizera Mountains as a whole, introducing their geological structure, climate, botanical and zoological species and three public figures connected with the Jizera Mountains. The second part is a practical one. The first chapter which is divided into ten sub-chapters, introduces typical vertebrates, especially those which can be included in education at primary schools and grammar schools. The next chapter mentions nature trails which are later suggested as enriching elements in zoological excursions. These must follow the official paths within the nature conservation area. Certain thought in this thesis is also given to the SPA (Special Protection Area) established to protect the black grouse and the boreal owl. The last but one chapter involves selected centres of ecological education and other organisations organising programmes focused on vertebrates. Then there is classification of primary and secondary education with emphasizing a short survey of which biology textbooks are used at primary schools around Jablonec nad Nisou. Education at secondary schools is supplemented with international researches called PISA and TIMSS serving as a base for the last chapter, which is about enquiry based...

Spatio-Temporal Control Of Drosophila Indirect Flight Muscle Development And Maintenance By The Transcription Factor Erect Wing

Rai, Mamta 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Muscle development involves concerted action of a repertoire of mechanisms governing myoblast proliferation, migration, fusion and differentiation. Subsequently, there are cellular events administrating proper muscle function and maintenance of muscle integrity. Chapter 1 covers what is known about muscle development, building up of mass and maintenance in vertebrates and Drosophila, highlighting the myogenic programs and factors that play a role in them. The formation of vertebrate skeletal muscles can be recapitulated in Drosophila indirect flight muscles (IFMs), making IFMs an interesting model to dissect and understand the mechanisms of muscle development and maintenance. The cellular and developmental events that occur during IFM development have been discussed in detail along with their genetic control which encompasses both cell autonomous and cell non-autonomous mechanisms. The fly resources and tools used for experimentations have been described in Chapter 2. One of the hallmark events during muscle development is myoblast fusion. Myoblasts are kept in undifferentiated state until they fuse through a balanced action of anti-differentiation and pro-differentiation factors. The swarming myoblasts are in semi-differentiated state and just prior to fusion should exit cell cycle to achieve terminal differentiation. The mechanisms of cyclin/CDK complexes and their regulation via CKI (CDK inhibitor) are known in a cell. However, tissue specific factors exerting additional control on molecules that participate in cell cycle have been proposed but have not been shown in vivo. Chapter 3 uncovers a novel role played by the transcription factor, Erect wing (Ewg) in IFM development and patterning. Despite the fact that Ewg is known to express in fusing myoblasts and nuclei of developing IFMs and has long been used as a nuclear marker for IFMs, the mechanism(s) behind Ewg‟s function has remained enigmatic. Historical perspective of Ewg has been presented in Chapter 1. One set of IFMs; dorsal longitudinal muscles (DLMs) require larval templates for their formation and the other set; dorsal ventral muscles (DVMs) form de novo. Chapter 3 shows that Ewg is required in a spatio-temporal fashion to initiate myoblast fusion process. In the absence of Ewg, the number of fusion events in a given time is reduced. In addition de novo fusion is observed in the region of DLM development just like DVM and overall IFM development is delayed resulting in an aberrant adult IFM pattern. Genetic studies undertaken reveal a requirement for Ewg in exerting a temporal control on myoblast fusion. This is achieved by down-regulating Cyclin E levels, as a result of which the myoblasts exit cell cycle at G1/S stage. Through this study the proposal for DLM development and pattern has been put forth as follows: i) appropriate progression of DLM development commences on synchronous exit of myoblasts from cell cycle. This function is facilitated by Ewg expression in fusing myoblasts assisting symmetrical DLM formation in hemithoraces. ii) DLM pattern of six muscles in each hemithorax is dependent on template survival which requires fusion of enough myoblasts and further subsequent fusion events to support the splitting of three larval templates or presumptive DLM. The muscles that develop should preserve their structural integrity for efficient functional output. Muscles perform extensive activities warranting high energy requirements. IFMs are widely utilised for thorax movements that aid flight. IFMs are exclusively oxidative in nature with upto 40% mass contributed by large mitochondria themselves. Chapter 4 describes yet another novel finding for Ewg function in IFM maintenance. Vertebrate homolog of Ewg is nuclear respiratory factor 1 (NRF1) known for its role in mitochondrial biogenesis. This prompted an investigation on the role of Ewg, if any, in mitochondrial function and IFM maintenance. In this chapter, Ewg null adult IFMs are shown to undergo degeneration. Mitochondria in these muscles show rounder and smaller phenotype. Mitochondria morphology is traced throughout Drosophila pupal DLM development and extensive fusion is observed in last one-fourth of pupal phase. In Ewg null condition transcripts of Opa1-like required for inner mitochondrial membrane fusion is found to be absent, suggesting lack of mitochondrial fusion behind the smaller mitochondrial morphology. This emerged as an intriguing problem since Ewg expression follows until sarcomerogenesis (formation of sarcomeres) initiates at mid pupal stage. Developmentally extending Ewg‟s expression beyond mid pupal stage is not observed to increase Opa1-like levels pointing an indirect regulation by Ewg. However, Opa1-like knock-down beyond mid pupal stage is not observed to result in any muscle or flight defect. It is thus proposed that Ewg expression early during muscle development helps to up-regulate Opa1-like levels needed to support mitochondrial growth and fusion. In addition, this chapter provides additional data on requirement of Opa1-like for maintenance of mitochondrial as well as muscle integrity. This is the first ever report of tissue specific temporal regulation of Opa1-like by Ewg. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 conclude spatially segregated functional requirements of Ewg which are also mechanistically distinct. Expression in fusing myoblasts channelizes fusing myoblasts to exit cell cycle and undergo timely fusion saving the larval template, subsequent fusion assists template splitting thus forming the appropriate adult DLM pattern. On the other hand expression until mid pupal stage up-regulates Opa1-like expression, facilitating mitochondrial fusion during the late pupal stage. This as a result helps maintain structural integrity of muscles in the adult. Vertebrate skeletal muscle contains multiple muscle fibres that provide appropriate mass and size to muscles. As DLM share similarity in development to that of the vertebrate skeletal muscle, DLM organisation is studied to get insights into the mechanisms which regulate the process. Chapter 5 discusses role of nuclear number and nuclear activity in determining the DLM organisation. In order to alter nuclear number, myoblast population is reduced to amounts lesser than that of the wild type and to alter nuclear activity, two nuclear encoded genes Opa1-like and Marf , involved in inner and outer mitochondrial membrane fusion respectively have been knocked down in IFMs. First, the DLM organisation is established by comparing it to the vertebrate skeletal muscle organisation. This organisation is affected on lowering the number of myoblasts destined to fuse and form IFMs, without affecting the differentiation. On the other hand, when nuclear encoded mitochondrial fusion genes are knocked down, not only DLM organisation but their differentiation is also affected. A proposal for achieving DLM organisation has been presented which should also apply to vertebrate skeletal muscle given their developmental similarity. In conclusion, the studies decipher a novel mechanism by which a transcription factor, Ewg exerts a temporal control on myoblast fusions directly influencing progression of DLM formation, and thereby, symmetry and pattern. Moreover, Ewg is also shown here to regulate mitochondrial fusion during later pupal stages helping muscles to attain greater function and maintain structural integrity. Discovery of such regulatory mechanisms controlling mitochondrial dynamics in vertebrates can open up new avenues to understand and design new therapeutic approaches to tackle mitochondrial diseases. Additionally, myoblast fusion and hence myonuclear number and their efficient functioning are shown to be important determinants of muscle organisation. This has further implications in understanding and using stem cell science in dystrophic or atrophic or ageing related muscle loss and therapy.

Modélisation des biais mutationnels et rôle de la sélection sur l’usage des codons

Laurin-Lemay, Simon 10 1900 (has links)
L’acquisition de données génomiques ne cesse de croître, ainsi que l’appétit pour les interpréter. Mais déterminer les processus qui ont façonné l’évolution des séquences codantes (et leur importance relative) est un défi scientifique passant par le développement de modèles statistiques de l’évolution prenant en compte de plus en plus d’hétérogénéités au niveau des processus mutationnels et de sélection. Identifier la sélection est une tâche qui nécessite typiquement de détecter un écart entre deux modèles : un modèle nulle ne permettant pas de régime évolutif adaptatif et un modèle alternatif qui lui en permet. Lorsqu’un test entre ces deux modèles rejette le modèle nulle, on considère avoir détecter la présence d’évolution adaptative. La tâche est d’autant plus difficile que le signal est faible et confondu avec diverses hétérogénéités négligées par les modèles. La détection de la sélection sur l’usage des codons spécifiquement est controversée, particulièrement chez les Vertébrés. Plusieurs raisons peuvent expliquer cette controverse : (1) il y a un biais sociologique à voir la sélection comme moteur principal de l’évolution, à un tel point que les hétérogénéités relatives aux processus de mutation sont historiquement négligées ; (2) selon les principes de la génétique des populations, la petite taille efficace des populations des Vertébrés limite le pouvoir de la sélection sur les mutations synonymes conférant elles-mêmes un avantage minime ; (3) par contre, la sélection sur l’usage des codons pourrait être très localisée le long des séquences codantes, à des sites précis, relevant de contraintes de sélection relatives à des motifs utilisés par la machinerie d’épissage, par exemple. Les modèles phylogénétiques de type mutation-sélection sont les outils de prédilection pour aborder ces questions, puisqu’ils modélisent explicitement les processus mutationnels ainsi que les contraintes de sélection. Toutes les hétérogénéités négligées par les modèles mutation-sélection de Yang and Nielsen [2008] peuvent engendrer de faux positifs allant de 20% (préférence site-spécifique en acides aminés) à 100% (hypermutabilité des transitions en contexte CpG) [Laurin-Lemay et al., 2018b]. En particulier, l’hypermutabilité des transitions du contexte CpG peut à elle seule expliquer la sélection détectée par Yang and Nielsen [2008] sur l’usage des codons. Mais, modéliser des phénomènes qui prennent en compte des interdépendances dans les données (par exemple l’hypermutabilité du contexte CpG) augmente de beaucoup la complexité des fonctions de vraisemblance. D’autre part, aujourd’hui le niveau de sophistication des modèles fait en sorte que des vecteurs de paramètres de haute dimensionnalité sont nécessaires pour modéliser l’hétérogénéité des processus étudiés, dans notre cas de contraintes de sélection sur la protéine. Le calcul bayésien approché (Approximate Bayesian Computation ou ABC) permet de contourner le calcul de la vraisemblance. Cette approche diffère de l’échantillonnage par Monte Carlo par chaîne de Markov (MCMC) communément utilisé pour faire l’approximation de la distribution a posteriori. Nous avons exploré l’idée de combiner ces approches pour une problématique spécifique impliquant des paramètres de haute dimensionnalité et de nouveaux paramètres prenant en compte des dépendances entre sites. Dans certaines conditions, lorsque les paramètres de haute dimensionnalité sont faiblement corrélés aux nouveaux paramètres d’intérêt, il est possible d’inférer ces mêmes paramètres de haute dimensionnalité avec la méthode MCMC, et puis les paramètres d’intérêt au moyen de l’ABC. Cette nouvelle approche se nomme CABC [Laurin-Lemay et al., 2018a], pour calcul bayésien approché conditionnel (Conditional Approximate Bayesian Computation : CABC). Nous avons pu vérifier l’efficacité de la méthode CABC en étudiant un cas d’école, soit celui de l’hypermutabilité des transitions en contexte CpG chez les Eutheria [Laurin-Lemay et al., 2018a]. Nous trouvons que 100% des 137 gènes testés possèdent une hypermutabilité des transitions significative. Nous avons aussi montré que les modèles incorporant l’hypermutabilité des transitions en contexte CpG prédisent un usage des codons plus proche de celui des gènes étudiés. Ceci suggère qu’une partie importante de l’usage des codons peut être expliquée à elle seule par les processus mutationnels et non pas par la sélection. Finalement nous explorons plusieurs pistes de recherche suivant nos développements méthodologiques : l’application de la détection de l’hypermutabilité des transitions en contexte CpG à l’échelle des Vertébrés ; l’expansion du modèle pour reconnaître des contextes autres que seul le CpG (e.g., hypermutabilité des transitions et transversions en contexte CpG et TpA) ; ainsi que des perspectives méthodologiques d’amélioration de la performance du CABC. / The acquisition of genomic data continues to grow, as does the appetite to interpret them. But determining the processes that shaped the evolution of coding sequences (and their relative importance) is a scientific challenge that requires the development of statistical models of evolution that increasingly take into account heterogeneities in mutation and selection processes. Identifying selection is a task that typically requires comparing two models: a null model that does not allow for an adaptive evolutionary regime and an alternative model that allows it. When a test between these two models rejects the null, we consider to have detected the presence of adaptive evolution. The task is all the more difficult as the signal is weak and confounded with various heterogeneities neglected by the models. The detection of selection on codon usage is controversial, particularly in Vertebrates. There are several reasons for this controversy: (1) there is a sociological bias in seeing selection as the main driver of evolution, to such an extent that heterogeneities relating to mutation processes are historically neglected; (2) according to the principles of population genetics, the small effective size of vertebrate populations limits the power of selection over synonymous mutations conferring a minimal advantage; (3) On the other hand, selection on the use of codons could be very localized along the coding sequences, at specific sites, subject to selective constraints related to DNA patterns used by the splicing machinery, for example. Phylogenetic mutation-selection models are the preferred tools to address these issues, as they explicitly model mutation processes and selective constraints. All the heterogeneities neglected by the mutation-selection models of Yang and Nielsen [2008] can generate false positives, ranging from 20% (site-specific amino acid preference) to 100% (hypermutability of transitions in CpG context)[Laurin-Lemay et al., 2018b]. In particular, the hypermutability of transitions in the CpG context alone can explain the selection on codon usage detected by Yang and Nielsen [2008]. However, modelling phenomena that take into account data interdependencies (e.g., hypermutability of the CpG context) greatly increases the complexity of the likelihood function. On the other hand, today’s sophisticated models require high-dimensional parameter vectors to model the heterogeneity of the processes studied, in our case selective constraints on the protein. Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) is used to bypass the calculation of the likelihood function. This approach differs from the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling commonly used to approximate the posterior distribution. We explored the idea of combining these approaches for a specific problem involving high-dimensional parameters and new parameters taking into account dependencies between sites. Under certain conditions, when the high dimensionality parameters are weakly correlated to the new parameters of interest, it is possible to infer the high dimensionality parameters with the MCMC method, and then the parameters of interest using the ABC. This new approach is called Conditional Approximate Bayesian Computation (CABC) [Laurin-Lemay et al., 2018a]. We were able to verify the effectiveness of the CABC method in a case study, namely the hypermutability of transitions in the CpG context within Eutheria [Laurin-Lemay et al.,2018a]. We find that 100% of the 137 genes tested have significant hypermutability of transitions. We have also shown that models incorporating hypermutability of transitions in CpG contexts predict a codon usage closer to that of the genes studied. This suggests that a significant part of codon usage can be explained by mutational processes alone. Finally, we explore several avenues of research emanating from our methodological developments: the application of hypermutability detection of transitions in CpG contexts to the Vertebrate scale; the expansion of the model to recognize contexts other than only CpG (e.g., hypermutability of transitions and transversions in CpG and TpA context); and methodological perspectives to improve the performance of the CABC approach.

Evolutionary usage and developmental roles of vertebrate non-methylated DNA

Long, Hannah Katherine January 2014 (has links)
Vertebrate genomes exhibit global methylation of cytosine residues where they occur in a cytosine-guanine dinucleotide (CpG) context and this epigenetic mark is generally thought to be repressive to transcription. Punctuating this pervasive DNA methylation landscape are short, contiguous regions of non-methylated DNA which are found at two thirds of mammalian gene promoters. These non-methylated regions exhibit CpG content close to expected levels as they escape the depletion of CpGs observed across the methylated fraction of the genome. The unique nucleotide properties of these CpG island (CGI) regions enable their identification by computational prediction in mammalian genomes. Owing to a lack of high-resolution genome-wide DNA methylation profiles in non-mammalian species, these CGI predictions have often been used as a proxy for non-methylated DNA in these organisms. In contrast to mammals, CGI predictions in cold-blooded vertebrates rarely coincide with gene promoters, leading to the belief that CGls are significantly divergent between vertebrate species, and that unique promoter-associated features may have been acquired during warmblooded vertebrate evolution. This thesis is primarily concerned with the location, establishment and biological function of non-methylated islands of DNA in vertebrate genomes. To experimentally determine genome-wide profiles of non-methylated DNA, a novel biochemical technique was established called biotinylated ZF-CxxC affinity purification (Bio-CAP), and development of this method is discussed in Chapter 3. Experimental analysis of non-methylated DNA profiles in this thesis initially addresses two main questions: (1) 'How does the non-methylated DNA landscape compare genome-wide for seven vertebrates considering distinct tissue types and developmental stages?' (2) 'How are vertebrate non-methylated regions of DNA defined and interpreted in the nuclear environment?' To address the first question, non-methylated DNA was profiled by Bio-CAP sequencing across the genomes of seven diverse vertebrate species, representing all major branch points of vertebrate evolution, and the results are discussed in Chapters 4 and S. Contrary to previously held dogma, experimentally determined nonmethylated islands of DNA (NMls) constitute an ancient epigenetic feature of vertebrate gene regulatory elements. However, despite having numerous high-resolution maps of vertebrate non-methylated DNA, the means by which NMls are identified and maintained in the nuclear environment remains poorly understood. To address the second question and identify features which determine the methylation state of DNA, exogenous DNA sequences were introduced into mouse embryonic stem (ES) c~.II~. Non-methylated DNA was profiled by Bio-CAP sequencing to investigate how different features, such as sequence-specific binding motifs, chromatin architecture and nucleotide composition of a given DNA sequence impact local DNA methylation patterns. Interestingly, the majority of exogenous promoters were appropriately non-methylated in mouse ES cells, germline and somatic cells suggesting that gene promoters have retained strong signals for the nonmethylated state across millions of years of evolution (discussed in Chapter 6). During mouse embryogenesis, genome-scale DNA demethylation and remethylation events occur to remodel the epigenetic landscape and loss of DNA methylation during this time leads to embryonic lethality. To investigate the biological function of non-methylated DNA, the third question addressed in this thesis is (3) 'What is the developmental importance of non-methylated islands of DNA during vertebrate embryogenesis?' To investigate this, members of the ZF-CxxC domain-containing family of chromatin modifiers were ablated in zebrafish embryos to perturb the chromatin landscape at NMls, and therefore interfere with their function during early development (Chapter 7). Early embryonic development and patterning was disrupted in knockdown embryos, suggesting that interpretation of non-methylated DNA and placement of chromatin modifications at NMls is essential for normal zebrafish embryogenesis. Together this work sheds light on the evolutionary origins of NMls, the mechanisms involved in the recognition and establishment of nonmethylated loci and provides an insight into the function of non-methylated DNA during early embryonic development.

Birds, bats and arthropods in tropical agroforestry landscapes: Functional diversity, multitrophic interactions and crop yield

Maas, Bea 20 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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