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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The contribution of tangible and intangible resources, and capabilities to a firm's profitability and market performance : empirical evidence from Turkey

Kamasak, Rifat January 2013 (has links)
This study aims to investigate the relative contribution of tangible and intangible resources, and capabilities on firm performance based on the measures of market share, sales turnover and profitability and explore the complex interaction and foundation of different resource sets and capabilities in the process of performance creation within the context of resource-based theory. In order to address these objectives, a mixed-methods research approach incorporating both qualitative and quantitative components was utilised. Hence, a sequential explanatory design is employed, commencing with qualitative methods including in-depth interviews along with the literature review to define and organise resources and capabilities in a coherent system that will form the basis of survey instrument, leading to quantitative methods which empirically test a series of hypotheses regarding the contribution of resources and capabilities on firm performance. Whilst qualitative data analysis indicated organisational culture, reputational assets, human capital, business processes and networking capabilities as the most important determinants of firm performance, the survey that was conducted on a total of 243 questionnaires obtained from 951 firms revealed that intangible resources and capabilities contributed more greatly to firm performance compared to tangible resources. However, in contrast to the proposition of resource-based theory that views capabilities as the most important skills that underpin the development and deployment of both tangible and intangible resources, capabilities offered rather limited additional explanatory power to the prediction of firm performance only with respect to profitability against the combined effects of tangible and intangible resources. All findings were explained especially within the context of Turkish business environment that shows typical emerging market characteristics. Moreover, some noteworthy results were elaborated based on the developed and emerging market differences. Overall, the study raises some questions with respect to resource contributions on firm performance and offers a fruitful avenue for further research.

Funkční gramotnost u dospívající mládeže / Functional literacy among adolescents

Honsů, Renata January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Functional literacy among adolescents" discusses the components of functional literacy. The theoretical part of the thesis briefly introduces the development of functional literacy. It shows the functional literacy, and how its properties affect the individual. It describes each specialization components of functional literacy and represents social views in defined areas of the company (community). It also states components of functional literacy, describes their active participation in the field of functional literacy and the effect on the overall formation. It focuses on the potential negative impacts of these components. In the research, part of the thesis presents the conclusions of the survey.

Problém neodpustitelného hříchu v nové smlouvě pneumatologicko-hamartologický pohled / the problem of unpardonable sin in the new testament

Hanes, Timotej January 2011 (has links)
HANES, Timotej: The problem of the unpardonable sin in the ew Testament, pneumatologico - hamartological view. [Master thesis] / Timotej Hanes. - Charles University in Prague. Hussite Theological Faculty; - Supervisor: Prof. ThDr. Ján Liguš, PhD. - Degree: Master. - Prague : HTF UK, 2011. 91 p. The thesis discusses the problem of the unpardonable sin on the based on the text from Matthew 12:31-32. Its goal is to give the reader a better grasp of this problem and to be able to create his own opinion about it. It tries to accomplish the goal by offering as accurate picture of the perception the New Testament books authors had on this problem as possible using a detailed exegesis of the text mentioned above. In the second part, the thesis compares the results of the exegesis with the perception various important people of Christian history had on the unpardonable sin. In the empirical part, the thesis studies what this perception is among Christians these days and it tries to suggest some changes, that could contribute to conforming this perception to the biblical one as much as possible. Key words: the unpardonable sin, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, exegesis, biblical view

Cartographie RGB-D dense pour la localisation visuelle temps-réel et la navigation autonome / Dense RGB-D mapping for real-time localisation and autonomous navigation

Meilland, Maxime 28 March 2012 (has links)
Dans le contexte de la navigation autonome en environnement urbain, une localisation précise du véhicule est importante pour une navigation sure et fiable. La faible précision des capteurs bas coût existants tels que le système GPS, nécessite l'utilisation d'autres capteurs eux aussi à faible coût. Les caméras mesurent une information photométrique riche et précise sur l'environnement, mais nécessitent l'utilisation d'algorithmes de traitement avancés pour obtenir une information sur la géométrie et sur la position de la caméra dans l'environnement. Cette problématique est connue sous le terme de Cartographie et Localisation Simultanées (SLAM visuel). En général, les techniques de SLAM sont incrémentales et dérivent sur de longues trajectoires. Pour simplifier l'étape de localisation, il est proposé de découpler la partie cartographie et la partie localisation en deux phases: la carte est construite hors-ligne lors d'une phase d'apprentissage, et la localisation est effectuée efficacement en ligne à partir de la carte 3D de l'environnement. Contrairement aux approches classiques, qui utilisent un modèle 3D global approximatif, une nouvelle représentation égo-centrée dense est proposée. Cette représentation est composée d'un graphe d'images sphériques augmentées par l'information dense de profondeur (RGB+D), et permet de cartographier de larges environnements. Lors de la localisation en ligne, ce type de modèle apporte toute l'information nécessaire pour une localisation précise dans le voisinage du graphe, et permet de recaler en temps-réel l'image perçue par une caméra embarquée sur un véhicule, avec les images du graphe, en utilisant une technique d'alignement d'images directe. La méthode de localisation proposée, est précise, robuste aux aberrations et prend en compte les changements d'illumination entre le modèle de la base de données et les images perçues par la caméra. Finalement, la précision et la robustesse de la localisation permettent à un véhicule autonome, équipé d'une caméra, de naviguer de façon sure en environnement urbain. / In an autonomous navigation context, a precise localisation of the vehicule is important to ensure a reliable navigation. Low cost sensors such as GPS systems are inacurrate and inefficicent in urban areas, and therefore the employ of such sensors alone is not well suited for autonomous navigation. On the other hand, camera sensors provide a dense photometric measure that can be processed to obtain both localisation and mapping information. In the robotics community, this problem is well known as Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) and it has been studied for the last thirty years. In general, SLAM algorithms are incremental and prone to drift, thus such methods may not be efficient in large scale environments for real-time localisation. Clearly, an a-priori 3D model simplifies the localisation and navigation tasks since it allows to decouple the structure and motion estimation problems. Indeed, the map can be previously computed during a learning phase, whilst the localisation can be handled in real-time using a single camera and the pre-computed model. Classic global 3D model representations are usually inacurrate and photometrically inconsistent. Alternatively, it is proposed to use an ego-centric model that represents, as close as possible, real sensor measurements. This representation is composed of a graph of locally accurate spherical panoramas augmented with dense depth information. These augmented panoramas allow to generate varying viewpoints through novel view synthesis. To localise a camera navigating locally inside the graph, we use the panoramas together with a direct registration technique. The proposed localisation method is accurate, robust to outliers and can handle large illumination changes. Finally, autonomous navigation in urban environments is performed using the learnt model, with only a single camera to compute localisation.

Accounting and economics: Influence of accounting methods on economic indicators / Accounting and economics: Influence of accounting methods on economic indicators

Almásy, Michael January 2011 (has links)
The way the economic reality is observed is essential in order to determine decision-making of economic subjects. The picture of economic reality drawn by accounting can be said to be either the true and fair, or biased. If the latter is the case, how much does that bias translate into the quality of economic decision-making? In summary, the paper analyzes whether accounting should provide the fair and true view whether it does, and how it affects the economic behavior when it does not on both micro-economic and macro-economic level. The arguments are built up on a logical structure rather taking a broader multidisciplinary approach to answer the previously stated questions.

Dopady vybraných změn účetní legislativy na vykazování a porovnávání dat / Impacts of Selected Changes in Accounting Legislation on Reporting and Comparison of Data

NOVÁKOVÁ, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the evaluation of changes in accounting legislation in relation to the informative ability of accounting. In particular, these changes are: - Canceling Reporting Item Separation Reporting alone - Changes in accounting for provisions - Accounting for activation and inventory of own activity - Categorization of entities and related obligations - Cancellation of extraordinary costs and revenues - Amendment to the regulations governing the auditor's audit of financial statements - Canceling the separate reporting of the Trade Margin item As the Czech Republic is a part of the European Union, it is impossible to ignore the effort to unify repor-ting, which is intended to improve the readability of financial statements for users from other countries. The work includes an evaluation of changes from the perspective of various authors and the professional public. Selected statements are verified on selected businesses. The ongoing small legislative adjustments do not fully meet the needs of current businesses, the concept of the new form of accounting, which is currently presented to the professional public for discussion, indicates the future direction of Czech ac-counting. An equally important part of the thesis is the analysis of the questionnaire, which seeks to gain the opinion of the professional public on the issue.

Proměny mediálního obrazu Miloše Formana v dobovém tisku / Transformations of Miloš Forman's media image in contemporary press

Řápek, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This master's thesis is devoted to the changes of Miloš Forman's media image, more precisely how period press noticed both his career and work. Miloš Forman is the most acknowledged and most famous czech film director. His story is connected with story of czech cinematography and story of its changes. The thesis wants to find out, why Forman wasn't destroyed even though he left the country, despite his emigration. It is trying to prove that his media image never been strictly negative and Forman itself never became taboo. Forman's person is beyond all standards. He is proof, that if the work is not strong crtitical against regime, it arouses respect despite all the ideology. He was reflected in the various stages, but still in relatively good light. The thesis examines the perception of the media in three life stages: work in Czechoslovakia before going to the United States, working abroad and finally after the Velvet Revolution. Although Forman has participated in many films, thesis focused only on his feature-length work. And because Miloš Forman is a person who transcends the borders of Czechoslovakia, or the Czech Republic, media abroad reflected his career as well, althought the view there was slightly different from the domestic one.


Hao Kang (7012772) 14 August 2019 (has links)
<div>Camera view composing, such as photography, has become inseparable from everyday life. Especially with the development of drone technology, the flying mobile camera is accessible and affordable and has been used to take impressive photos. However, the process of acquiring the desired view requires manual searches and adjustments, which are usually time consuming and tedious. The situation is exacerbated with difficulty in the controlling of a mobile camera that has many Degree of Freedom. It becomes complicated to compose a well-framed view, because experience, timing, and aesthetic are all indispensable. Therefore, professional view composing with a mobile camera is not an easy task for most people. Powered by deep learning, recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence have enabled machines to perform human-level automation in several tasks. The advances in automatic decision-making and autonomous control have the potential to improve the camera view composing process significantly. </div><div><br></div><div>We observe that (a) the human-robot interaction can be more intuitive and natural for photography tasks, and (b) the drone photography tasks can be further automated by learning professional photo taken patterns with data-driven methods. In this work, we present two novel frameworks for drone photography basing on the two observations. First, we demonstrate a multi-touch gesture-controlled gimbaled-drone photography framework-FlyCam. FlyCam abstracts the camera and the drone into a single flying camera object and supports the entire control intuitively on a single mobile device with simple touch gestures. Second, we present a region-of-interest based, reinforced drone photography framework-Dr$^{3}$Cam. Our full automation Dr$^{3}$Cam is built on top of state-of-the-art reinforcement learning research and enables the camera agent to seek for good views and compose visually appealing photos intelligently. Results show that FlyCam can significantly reduce the workload and increase the efficiency in human-robot interaction, while Dr$^{3}$Cam performs human-level view composing automation for drone photography tasks.</div>

Towards scalable, multi-view urban modeling using structure priors / Vers une modélisation urbaine 3D extensible intégrant des à priori de structure géométrique

Bourki, Amine 21 December 2017 (has links)
Nous étudions dans cette thèse le problème de reconstruction 3D multi-vue à partir d’une séquence d’images au sol acquises dans des environnements urbains ainsi que la prise en compte d’a priori permettant la préservation de la structure sous-jacente de la géométrie 3D observée, ainsi que le passage à l’échelle de tels processus de reconstruction qui est intrinsèquement délicat dans le contexte de l’imagerie urbaine. Bien que ces deux axes aient été traités de manière extensive dans la littérature, les méthodes de reconstruction 3D structurée souffrent d’une complexité en temps de calculs restreignant significativement leur intérêt. D’autre part, les approches de reconstruction 3D large échelle produisent généralement une géométrie simplifiée, perdant ainsi des éléments de structures qui sont importants dans le contexte urbain. L’objectif de cette thèse est de concilier les avantages des approches de reconstruction 3D structurée à celles des méthodes rapides produisant une géométrie simplifiée. Pour ce faire, nous présentons “Patchwork Stereo”, un framework qui combine stéréoscopie photométrique utilisant une poignée d’images issues de points de vue éloignés, et un nuage de point épars. Notre méthode intègre une analyse simultanée 2D-3D réalisant une extraction robuste de plans 3D ainsi qu’une segmentation d’images top-down structurée et repose sur une optimisation par champs de Markov aléatoires. Les contributions présentées sont évaluées via des expériences quantitatives et qualitatives sur des données d’imagerie urbaine complexes illustrant des performances tant quant à la fidélité structurelle des reconstructions 3D que du passage à l’échelle / In this thesis, we address the problem of 3D reconstruction from a sequence of calibrated street-level photographs with a simultaneous focus on scalability and the use of structure priors in Multi-View Stereo (MVS).While both aspects have been studied broadly, existing scalable MVS approaches do not handle well the ubiquitous structural regularities, yet simple, of man-made environments. On the other hand, structure-aware 3D reconstruction methods are slow and scale poorly with the size of the input sequences and/or may even require additional restrictive information. The goal of this thesis is to reconcile scalability and structure awareness within common MVS grounds using soft, generic priors which encourage : (i) piecewise planarity, (ii) alignment of objects boundaries with image gradients and (iii) with vanishing directions (VDs), and (iv) objects co-planarity. To do so, we present the novel “Patchwork Stereo” framework which integrates photometric stereo from a handful of wide-baseline views and a sparse 3D point cloud combining robust 3D plane extraction and top-down image partitioning from a unified 2D-3D analysis in a principled Markov Random Field energy minimization. We evaluate our contributions quantitatively and qualitatively on challenging urban datasets and illustrate results which are at least on par with state-of-the-art methods in terms of geometric structure, but achieved in several orders of magnitude faster paving the way for photo-realistic city-scale modeling

Internationalization of Family Firms : The effect of family-specific resourceson internationalization decisions

Vithanage, Radeeka, Oyuntugs, Solongo January 2019 (has links)
Background: Sweden is known for encouraging entrepreneurship where 99.9% of the business organizations are SMEs. Including Sweden, several other countries in the world provide significant importance to family firms, as their contribution is noteworthy to the global economy. Due to numerous reasons such as globalization and growth aspects, FSMEs are forced to gain competitive advantage through international diversification. Internationalization of FSMEs can be influenced by unique characteristics of family firms.Purpose: Internationalization is a process where the decision of internationalization can be affected by several factors including resources. Among unique characteristics of family firms, FSMEs also possess family-specific resources that may influence these decisions. Hence the purpose of this study is to gain an in-depth understanding on which and how family-specific resources influence internationalization decisions.Method: With the use of a single case study method, we gained valuable insight of a Swedish candy manufacturing family firm which engaged in internationalization successfully. The data was collected through in-depth interviews, observations, company website, published press interviews, press articles and other databases.Conclusion: Internationalization can be a daunting decision for family firms where availability of resources play a major role. The key family-specific resources that influenced the decision of internationalization of the family firm studied in this thesis were bridging social capital, human capital and governance capital. The remaining capitals may have contributed to the internationalization process. Other than the family-specific resources, factors such as generational change and ability to gain substantial financial support in further influenced their internationalization decisions. These findings likewise confirm the existence of heterogeneity of family firms which makes them unique.

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