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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

網際網路應用系統開發之模組化趨勢及人力資源配置研究~以Java 2 Servlet & JSP技術進行農民曆日期轉換為例

錢雲山 Unknown Date (has links)
如同硬體元件的模組化,軟體元件的模組化在應用系統開發領域也取得的普遍的認知。以Web為基礎的應用系統在分散式運算環境中日趨重要。美國昇陽公司開發Servlet & JSP技術來作為網際網路應用系統開發的工具。在本研究中採用 Model-View-Controller架構,就網際網路應用系統開發中的模組化趨勢透過使用 Servlet & JSP技術來加以檢驗。為了實作的需要,採用了農民曆法轉換程式來作為處理Model部份之運算邏輯。最後並自然導引出從系統開發過成中合理有效之人力資源配置原則。 / Just like the modularization of hardware component, the trend of modularization of software component has gained also general recognition in the field of application system development. Recently, web-based application has become more and more important in the distributed computing environment. The Sun Inc. has been developing the servlet & JSP technology to be used for developing interactive web application. In this research, a software component study following the model-view-Controller architecture is inspected to verify the software modularization trend in the web application development using servlet & JSP technology. For implementation purpose, a business logic dealing with Chinese Calendar Transformation is selected as the model part. The implication of human resource allocation from point of view the application system development is also outlined as a deductive conclusion.

Community, Justice, and Freedom : Liberalism, Communitarianism, and African Contributions to Political Ethics

Chachine, Isaias Ezekiel January 2008 (has links)
<p>This study deals with theories of community, justice, and freedom within liberalism, communitarianism, African philosophy and theology. The study maintains that there are different latitudes on how to formulate and articulate theories of community, justice and freedom informed by particualr moral experiences with bearing on different views of human. People differ and their claims on moral matters are influenced by contexts in which they find themselves, which means that cultural diversity has bearing on different interpretations of what it means to be a human being. Given the importance of this diversity, of particular significance in this study is the relationship between various theories of justice and freedom and different understandings of the relationship between the individual and the community. The study endorses that any contemporary discourse on community, justice, and freedom to be adequate should take notice on the political, economic, and cultural aspirations of the people it seeks to address itself. It argues that there might be alternative theories of community, justice, and freedom which may give a fuller appreciation to the fact that there are different understandings of what community implies as well as what justice and freedom means. One such alternative is the African view of human, that of "ubuntu", which maintains that "to be" is "to belong". In this view a person is because of others, and by inference one's humanity, including one's sense of personhood, is affirmed by affirming the humanity and personhood of others. The first aim of the study is to examine how we should understand different theories of justice and freedom within Western political philosophy, and African political theory and theology. The second aim is to analyse how different theories of justice and freedom are related to different conceptions of the relationship between the individual and the community. The third and final aim is to propose an adequate theory of community, justice, and freedom from an African perspective.</p>

在虛擬平台上的網站流量發展策略 / The strategies of web traffic development on virtual platform

何至元, Ho, Tzu Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來因網際網路盛行,各行各業皆面臨了全球國際化的競爭,於是虛擬平台的經營便成為大家努力的方向,如何提高虛擬平台的網路流量已成為平台經營者所重視的議題。 拜網際網路應用的成熟,不動產業雖然很傳統,但也不得不開始運用網際網路提供服務,並且這些服務越來越多元化,提供物件資訊、透過討論區討論物件內容、讓經紀人以社群方式存在,在平台上提共買賣不動產的相關知識,消費者可透過平台買賣物件,尋找物件。故研究如何增加虛擬平台的流量,將是未來平台經營者在提升平台品質上有效的方法。本研究將提出影響網站流量策略的研究架構,根據Alexa網站提供覆蓋數(Reach)與頁面瀏覽數(Pageview),以五個不動產個案公司的網站流量進行分析。 本研究流量分析的架構如下:首先就文獻資料了解影響網站流量的因素,對照個案公司在這些影響網站流量的因素上的表現,進而了解何種因素是確實影響網站流量。 經分析結果顯示,目前為了使網站流量表現良好,各家個案公司,都會使用搜尋引擎、關鍵字、SEO操作等工具,所以在工具上各家個案公司表現差異不大,惟廣告行銷的投入,對整體網站流量實際上才是重要的影響,另外,許多專家或者是文獻,認為免費的商業模式是網際網路平台經營時重要的方式,但研究發現卻是平台業者收取一點費用是客戶可以接受的,平台的內容與服務,實際會提升虛擬平台的網站流量;經分析顯示,外部網站結盟有助於提升虛擬平台網站流量,希望藉由本研究的分析結果提供給不動產虛擬平台經營者在網站流量策略上的參考建議。 / In the internet era, the most significant issue for platform operators is how to design and manage the virtual platform to increase the web traffic flow. The diversity of online services that offer information and discussion through Internet forum allows real estate agents to provide product knowledge through different kinds of virtual community. Consumers can search, purchase and sell real estate items through these virtual platforms. Consequently, virtual service providers endeavor to enhance platform operation and service quality to attract visitors. This research proposes a research framework to investigate determinants of web traffic. Based on literature review and related researches this study analyzed the causes and effects of web traffic. A few traffic-affecting factors were identified. These factors include: content management, marketing strategies, promotion strategies, and business models. Next, five different types of web sites in the real estates industry in Taiwan were selected for multiple case studies. The cross case analysis revealed that all companies have applied search engine, keywords, and SEO (xxx) to enhance users’ access to the web sites. The impact of technology use and system functionality on users’ intention to participate is of no great concern. However, the advertising effort seems to be the key determinant for boosting website traffic. Further, although several researches consider free-of-charge as a winning business model the analysis results reveal that well-managed contents can bring in customers who are willing to pay for the services. The results also demonstrate that external alliance of websites can assist the growth of the traffic flow on a virtual platform. Since Internet is widely used these decades, various industries have been occurred the global competitions. The most significant issues for platform operators are how to conduct virtual platform well and how to increase web flow rate of virtual platform. The mature usage of Internet initiates the real estate industry to offer services through Internet. The diversity of online services that offer information and discussion through Internet forum allow real estate agents to provide real estate related knowledge through community websites. Consumers can also search, purchase and sell real estate items through the virtual platform. Consequently, the research of how to increase virtual platform flow will enhance platform operators efficiently advance service quality of platforms. This research proposes a research framework to investigate what determinants effect web traffic strategy and analyze web traffic of five real estate companies by collecting Reach and Pageview from Alexa website. The Framework of this research is as follows. First, we analyze the causes and effects of web traffic based on literature. Next, we compare the effects of web traffic among selected cases to recognize which determinants influence web traffic. The analytical results reveal that all companies use search engine, keywords, and SEO to enhance the performance of web traffic. The difference of all tools among cases is insignificant. However, the advertising effort is the key determinant for whole website traffic. In addition, many researchers and literature consider free is the major business model for platform operators. Nevertheless, this research discovers the consumers accept for charging few fees and the content and service of the platform increase the traffic. The results also demonstrate that external alliance of websites assists the increment of traffic for virtual platform. Finally, this study aims to provide strategic suggestions to companies in virtual estimate industry.

Įkalinimo įstaigų ir jose atliekančiųjų bei atlikusiųjų bausmę asmenų sociologinės apžvalgos bruožai / Detention institutions of Lithuania: social view of the problem

Byčius, Remigijus 30 June 2009 (has links)
Dėl ypatingos savo padėties laivės atėmimo bausmę atliekantys asmenys yra išskirtinė socialinė grupė. Nors jie, kaip ir kiti žmonės, turi prigimtines teises, kurių niekas negali nei atimti, nei apriboti, tačiau jas realizuoti dėl savo riboto veiksnumo gali tik iš dalies. Nors kalinių teises bei pareigas ir jų įkalinimo sąlygas privalo užtikrinti net kelios institucijos, kyla klausimas, ar šios institucijos tinkamai vykdo savo funkcijas. Net ir praėjus kiek daugiau nei devyniolikai metų po Lietuvos Respublikos nepriklausomybės atkūrimo, įkalinimo sąlygos Lietuvoje, tarptautinių nepriklausomų institucijų vertinimu, yra itin prastos. Kaliniai – tai žmonės, sąmoningai ar nesąmoningai, pažeidę taisykles arba jų nepaisantys. Ši grupė asmenų iš anksto nustatytą laikotarpį privalo išbūti įkalinimo įstaigoje atlikdami bausmę ir siekdami sėkmingai grįžti į laisvę. Dažnai už grotų patenka ne tik sąmoningai nusikaltimą padarę asmenys, bet ir atsitiktinai, ne iš blogos valios nusikaltę ar suklydę žmonės. Būtent jiems ir yra sunkiausia išgyventi laisvės atėmimo vietose, kur galioja savos taisyklės, savos vertybės ir normos, savi įstatymai. Teigiamas laisvę atliekančių asmenų požiūris į įkalinimo įstaigą, sėkminga jo socialinė integracija ir adaptacija visuomenėje, grįžus į laisvę, yra vienas pagrindinių tikslų, užtikrinant tinkamą įkalinimo įstaigų sistemos funkcionavimą Lietuvoje. Šio mokslo tiriamojo darbo eigoje bandoma nustatyti, kokie esminiai veiksniai formuoja asmens (kalinčiojo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Lithuanian prisoners, as group of people, are a very special social group that requires intensive care and protection. On the one hand prisoners is a social group that should be under special care, but on the other hand, situation of the protection of children rights got worse and is under close observation. Although rights of the prisoners, should be secured by several governmental institutions, the question is, if these institutions are capable to ensure them functions and duties. Even though more then nineteen years have passed since the restitution of Lithuanian independence, conditions of imprisonment are still very poor on the basis of evaluation of independent international institutions. Prisoners are people, which deliberately or undeliberately committed a crime or violated the social rules. This group of people which is forced to stay a fixed term in a prison while serving sentence, and which have to complete successful social integration and adaptation into society. It often happens that people which are not guilty of committing a crime are forced to serve one’s sentence. It is extremely difficult for this type of people to survive in prison, which has it’s own informal rules, values and customs. Positive view to the prison, successful social integration and adaptation into society after coming back to freedom, is one of the most important targets of proper working of the system of prisons and other detention institutions of Lithuania. The essential points this... [to full text]

”Alla ska med på sina villkor…” : Några exempel på hur musiklärare arbetar och förhåller sig till gruppundervisning med elever som har någon form av funktionsnedsättning / ”Everyone shall join on their own terms…” : Some examples of how music teachers work and relate to teaching groups with pupils who have some kind of disabilities

Ekdahl, Linnea January 2013 (has links)
Den här studien syftar till att belysa hur musiklärare som undervisar grupper med funktionsnedsatta elever, förhåller sig till sin egen musikundervisning. För att närma mig musiklärarnas olika förhållningssätt valde jag att använda den kvalitativa intervjun som forskningsmetod. Hanken och Johansens (1998) kategorier för den pedagogiska grundsynen hos en musiklärare utgör en stor del av de teoretiska utgångspunkterna för studien. Jag har bland annat jämfört och placerat in informanterna i Hanken och Johansens kategorier för att på så sätt få fram en tydligare bild av informanternas undervisning. Resultatet visar tydligt att elevernas funktionsnedsättning inte påverkar målet med informanternas undervisning. Det som skiljer musikundervisning för elever med funktionsnedsättning från elever utan funktionsnedsättning är framförallt undervisningssättet och metoden. En slutsats jag kommit fram till är att det krävs en grundläggande kompetens i musikämnet, och framför allt en vid pedagogisk grundsyn samt ett intresse och engagemang för den enskilde elevens situation för att kunna bemöta och tillgodose dennes behov. / The purpose of this study is to highlight how music teachers who, when teaching groups of disabled pupils, relate to their own education. In approaching the teachers’ various relations to their education, I have chosen to use the qualitative interview as my research method. A large extent of the theoretical foundation in this study is based on Hanken and Johansen’s (1998) categories for the pedagogical fundamental view as a music teacher. In order to obtain a clearer understanding of the teachers’ education, I have compared and placed the teachers included in this study, into these categories. The result clearly shows that the disabilities of the pupils do not affect the objectives in regard to the teachers’ education. That which distinguishes the education for pupils with disabilities from pupils without disabilities, is primarily the teaching method. I have concluded that, in order to meet the needs of the pupil, basic competency in music is a prerequisite and above all, a pedagogical fundamental view and an interest and commitment to the situation of each individual pupil.

Community, Justice, and Freedom : Liberalism, Communitarianism, and African Contributions to Political Ethics

Chachine, Isaias Ezekiel January 2008 (has links)
This study deals with theories of community, justice, and freedom within liberalism, communitarianism, African philosophy and theology. The study maintains that there are different latitudes on how to formulate and articulate theories of community, justice and freedom informed by particualr moral experiences with bearing on different views of human. People differ and their claims on moral matters are influenced by contexts in which they find themselves, which means that cultural diversity has bearing on different interpretations of what it means to be a human being. Given the importance of this diversity, of particular significance in this study is the relationship between various theories of justice and freedom and different understandings of the relationship between the individual and the community. The study endorses that any contemporary discourse on community, justice, and freedom to be adequate should take notice on the political, economic, and cultural aspirations of the people it seeks to address itself. It argues that there might be alternative theories of community, justice, and freedom which may give a fuller appreciation to the fact that there are different understandings of what community implies as well as what justice and freedom means. One such alternative is the African view of human, that of "ubuntu", which maintains that "to be" is "to belong". In this view a person is because of others, and by inference one's humanity, including one's sense of personhood, is affirmed by affirming the humanity and personhood of others. The first aim of the study is to examine how we should understand different theories of justice and freedom within Western political philosophy, and African political theory and theology. The second aim is to analyse how different theories of justice and freedom are related to different conceptions of the relationship between the individual and the community. The third and final aim is to propose an adequate theory of community, justice, and freedom from an African perspective.

Batch regions : process instance synchronization based on data

Pufahl, Luise, Meyer, Andreas, Weske, Mathias January 2013 (has links)
Business process automation improves organizations’ efficiency to perform work. In existing business process management systems, process instances run independently from each other. However, synchronizing instances carrying similar characteristics, i.e., sharing the same data, can reduce process execution costs. For example, if an online retailer receives two orders from one customer, there is a chance that they can be packed and shipped together to save shipment costs. In this paper, we use concepts from the database domain and introduce data views to business processes to identify instances which can be synchronized. Based on data views, we introduce the concept of batch regions for a context-aware instance synchronization over a set of connected activities. We also evaluate the concepts introduced in this paper with a case study comparing costs for normal and batch processing. / Die Automatisierung von Geschäftsprozessen unterstützt Unternehmen, die Ausführung ihrer Prozesse effizienter zu gestalten. In existierenden Business Process Management Systemen, werden die Instanzen eines Prozesses völlig unabhängig voneinander ausgeführt. Jedoch kann das Synchronisieren von Instanzen mit ähnlichen Charakteristiken wie z.B. den gleichen Daten zu reduzierten Ausführungskosten führen. Zum Beispiel, wenn ein Onlinehändler zwei Bestellungen vom selben Kunden mit der gleichen Lieferanschrift erhält, können diese zusammen verpackt und versendet werden, um Versandkosten zu sparen. In diesem Papier verwenden wir Konzepte aus dem Datenbankbereich und führen Datensichten für Geschäftsprozesse ein, um Instanzen zu identifizieren, welche synchronisiert werden können. Auf Grundlage der Datensichten führen wir das Konzept der Batch-Regionen ein. Eine Batch-Region ermöglicht eine kontext-bewusste Instanzen-Synchronisierung über mehrere verbundene Aktivitäten. Das eingeführte Konzept wird mit einer Fallstudie evaluiert, bei der ein Kostenvergleich zwischen der normalen Prozessausführung und der Batchverarbeitung durchgeführt wird.

Creating shared value through strategic CSR in tourism

Camilleri, Mark Anthony January 2012 (has links)
Literature review about corporate social responsibility (CSR) suggests that there are organisational benefits to be gained from unintentional discretionary expenditure in laudable behaviour. With this in mind, the methodology integrates insights from the ‘stakeholder theory’ and the ‘resource-based view theory of the firm’ to sharpen the strategic base for CSR investment. Quantitative and qualitative research techniques have been used to discover how business organisations are creating shared value for themselves and for society. The main study was carried out amongst hotel enterprises in Malta. The quantitative analysis tested the relationship between Strategic CSR (in terms of the organisational benefits) against the firms’ commitment, behaviour and resources devoted to CSR. Secondly the qualitative phase of this study involved an analysis of interviews with owner-managers across the Maltese hospitality industry and with experts who are responsible for setting policies in the tourism regulatory context. The results have indicated that responsible behaviour led to the firms’ financial performance and market standing, effective human resources management and operational efficiencies. Following the empirical findings a model representing the ‘creation of shared value’ for business and society has been put forward.

We Are Everyone You Know

Hayter, Christopher Alexander, Dr. 13 April 2017 (has links)
The dissertation for my PhD is a composite novel called We Are Everyone You Know. The novel is set in a small town that is neither rural nor suburban, which, like the characters, defies classification. The cast rotates. Main characters become supporting characters in subsequent chapters and vice versa. I employ this strategy so the reader is able to see each character as an individual, that even those who seem to be in the background are living complex lives. The novel explores such themes as poverty, gentrification, the loss of innocence caused by a corrupt world, and the inability of people to realize their identities when the promises of youth turn out to be lies. Each chapter or story is told from either a different point of view or in a different style or genre. While the novel as a whole is grounded around a family and group of friends in a small town, the pieces of the story range in form from simple realism, to modernism, to post-modernism, to surrealism, to meta-fiction. I experiment with genres ranging from crime drama, to disaster survival, to sports comedy, to kung-fu epic, and more. Interspersed between the genre pieces are realist stories of a new lost generation—thirty-somethings who are stuck in permanent adolescence, who work at soul-crushing jobs, and who find neither the shining future that was promised to them in their youth nor the comfortable mediocrity of their parents’ lives. For this project I have been particularly inspired by the works of Louise Erdrich, James Joyce, and Jennifer Egan.

"En biosfärisk samhörighet" : En didaktisk studie av Arne Næss ekosofi T utifrån Anders Jeffners livsåskådningsteorier / "A biospherical affinity" : A didactical study of Arne Næss ecosophy T based on Anders Jeffners theories about view of life

Paepke, Filip January 2017 (has links)
I slutet av 1960-talet uppstod den djupekologiska rörelsen där bland annat filosofen Arne Næss genom boken Økologi, samfunn og livsstil: utkast till en økosofi (1973) gav upphov till namnet ekosofi, en ekologisk filosofi som skulle kunna vända den negativa trenden av miljöförstörelse. Ekosofin har senare kommit att benämnas som en livsåskådning vid sidan av andra livsåskådningar så som existentialism och humanism. I det gymnasiegemensamma ämnet religionskunskap ska undervisningen beröra världsreligionerna, etik och icke-religiösa livsåskådningar. Denna uppsats syfte är att med en innehållslig idéanalys analysera hur Næss ekosofi T förhåller sig till Anders Jeffners teorier om livsåskådning samt att diskutera i vilken mån ekosofi T kan användas som en icke-religiös livsåskådning i gymnasieskolans religionskunskapsundervisning. Det framkommer att Næss genom sina resonemang uppfyller Jeffners terminologi för vad en livsåskådning bör innehålla där en ekologisk och vetenskaplig materiell världsbild utgör grunden för ekosofi T som en icke-religiös livsåskådning. Likväl framkommer det att livsåskådningsbegreppet kan användas som ett analytiskt verktyg i undervisningen för att elever ska ges goda förutsättningar att jämföra och analysera livsåskådningar så som ekosofi T utifrån läroplanens mål och riktlinjer.

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