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網際網路應用系統開發之模組化趨勢及人力資源配置研究~以Java 2 Servlet & JSP技術進行農民曆日期轉換為例錢雲山 Unknown Date (has links)
如同硬體元件的模組化,軟體元件的模組化在應用系統開發領域也取得的普遍的認知。以Web為基礎的應用系統在分散式運算環境中日趨重要。美國昇陽公司開發Servlet & JSP技術來作為網際網路應用系統開發的工具。在本研究中採用 Model-View-Controller架構,就網際網路應用系統開發中的模組化趨勢透過使用 Servlet & JSP技術來加以檢驗。為了實作的需要,採用了農民曆法轉換程式來作為處理Model部份之運算邏輯。最後並自然導引出從系統開發過成中合理有效之人力資源配置原則。 / Just like the modularization of hardware component, the trend of modularization of software component has gained also general recognition in the field of application system development. Recently, web-based application has become more and more important in the distributed computing environment. The Sun Inc. has been developing the servlet & JSP technology to be used for developing interactive web application. In this research, a software component study following the model-view-Controller architecture is inspected to verify the software modularization trend in the web application development using servlet & JSP technology. For implementation purpose, a business logic dealing with Chinese Calendar Transformation is selected as the model part. The implication of human resource allocation from point of view the application system development is also outlined as a deductive conclusion.
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應用設計樣式於元件式系統開發之研究--以會計總帳系統為例俞君翰 Unknown Date (has links)
系統設計階段的主要目的是將系統分析模型轉換成足以規範實作人員進行程式撰寫的設計模型,以提昇系統效能及再用效益。並且讓設計結果符合非功能需求、實作環境以及效能需求等限制。其重心應放在將系統的設計最佳化,並確保設計模型已涵蓋全部的需求。但對於物件導向程式設計經驗較為不足的開發人員而言,這樣的過程不但費時費力,而且往往浪費資源於解決已有標準解答的問題。若是能將設計樣式的概念融入元件式系統的設計過程中,將可導引系統設計人員快速的將前人所累積的物件導向程式設計經驗應用於開發中元件式系統的設計上,避免無謂的資源浪費。本研究將以Gamma等四位學者所提出的二十三個設計樣式為基礎,發展一套設計樣式導入流程。並以一雛型系統為例,說明系統設計者如何在進行元件式系統設計時,以本研究提供的設計樣式導入流程,將設計樣式逐步導入開發中系統,藉此縮短系統開發時程、提升系統功能擴充性和元件再用性、降低日後維護系統的困難度,並可在系統開發過程中,對所有曾採用的設計樣式進行記錄,做為專案管理以及日後開發類似系統的重要參考。 / The primary purpose of system design phase is to transform the analysis model into the design model which is definite enough to generate programming code. Besides, the result of design should satisfy the nonfunctional requirement, implementation environment and efficiency requirement. The focus should be on the optimization of design to ensure the design model satisfying all kinds of requirements. However, the inexperienced object-oriented system designers usually spend a lot of time and energy to solve problems which already have standard answers. The concept of design patterns can be used in the design phase to guide system designers to apply the accumulated object-oriented programming experience to avoid wasting resources. This research intends to establish a systematic approach for applying the design patterns to the component-based system development process. This approach is based on the most popular twenty-three design patterns provided by Gamma et al. A prototype is also established to demonstrate the step by step process in adopting the design patterns during the component-based system development process. The proposed approach should increase the software reusability and maintenance, as well as reduce the developing schedule and cost. Furthermore, the systematic approach of adopting the design patterns can be incorporated into the project management guidelines as the important reference for future system development.
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以物件導向模型及軟體元件觀念進行資訊系統發展之研究-以流通業訂單處理系統為例 / A Study on Information Systems Development using Object-Oriented Software Component Technology -- A Distribution Channel Order Processing System Example劉浩然, Liu, Hao-Jan Unknown Date (has links)
面對商場日益競爭激烈及服務型態的翻新迅速,通路革命已使流通業者的結構產生劇幅的改變。業者對營業資訊的需求增加,上下游、連鎖經營店間的資料傳輸日漸綿密,再加上企業為了市場競爭,其經營模式或組織需要非常靈活的彈性調整,使得資訊系統的開發與運用重要性日增,其維護上的負擔也日益沉重。在軟體技術方面,由於物件導向技術的成熟,資訊系統開發人員也戮力於導入此技術。然而現今之電腦軟體技術愈來愈複雜,對品質的要求也不斷地提昇,資訊系統開發生命週期在市場的變化下愈來愈短,這些現象都使軟體元件的角色加重。為要達到品質與生產力的雙重要求,軟體元件的再使用與配套的軟體發展程序是一個關鍵成功因素。本研究運用方法論 (Methodology)、概念形成 (Concept Formulation) 與雛型發展(Prototype) 三種研究方式,結合物件導向技術及軟體元件觀念相輔相成的軟體發展塑模方式,建構一套以使用個案及企業元件為主軸、軟體架構為中心的軟體元件發展程序,以期強化軟體再使用度及維護度,減低開發的時程及成本,並建立一個流通業訂單資訊系統的雛型,產生相關的企業軟體元件及開發程序,用以說明本研究所提概念的運用方式。 / Due to the rigorous competition and the rapid change of service type, the channel revolution has huge impact on the business structure of channel service providers. Because of the increased information requirement in business operating, frequent communication between channels and dynamic business model with changing organization structure intensify the importance of flexibility and maintainability of information systems development and usage. On the other hand, object-oriented technology has been adopted wildly by information systems developers. However, due to the incurred complexity in software technology, the requests on higher software quality and shorter life cycle make the focus shift to software component technology gradually. To meet the expectation in both software quality and productivity, the reusability in software components and the related development process will be the critical factor in success. In this thesis, we introduce a modeling process in terms of object-oriented technology d software component concepts, such as use case, business component and software architecture. The proposed process should potentially increase the software reusability and maintenance, as well as reduce the developing schedule and cost. A prototype for order processing is also built to illustrate the process and the involved concepts.
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軟體元件電子市集突現:以代理人為基礎之計算經濟研究途徑 / The Emergence of Software Component Electronic Marketplaces: Through An Agent-based Computing Economics Approach朱文禎, Chu, Wen-chen Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
本文探討軟體元件電子市集突現的本質原因和信任關係的發展過程,以遺傳規劃法(Genetic Programming, GP)為主的代理人基礎的計算經濟 (Agent-based Computational Economics, ACE) 研究途徑,整合軟體元件特性、交易成本、滿意和信任關係建立模擬模式。藉以觀察和分析底層買賣雙方連續滿意交易與信任關係發展,和上層軟體元件電子市集行為突現(emerge)動態過程。
關鍵字:軟體元件電子市集、交易成本、遺傳規劃法、代理人基礎計算經濟、信任、突現 / The Emergence of Software Component Electronic Marketplaces: Through An Agent-based Computing Economics Approach
Software reuse plays a vital role in response to software crises in software evolution. An emergence of software component e-marketplace is one of the great milestones providing a core infrastructure for software reuse. The objective of this study involving features of s/w components, transaction costs and satisfaction-trust relations intends to understand why s/w component e-marketplaces emerge as well as demonstrate how they do.
The model allows agents to develop their trust in the market as a function of continuation of a satisfied relation through an agent-based computational economics approach with genetic programming.
The findings show that the agents with prudent strategies tend to dominate the market in evolution of e-marketplaces under the market power. In addition, the lower level the functional particularity of component is, the higher the buying rate is. As the satisfaction attitude is taken into consideration, the buying rate of recall-satisfied agents lies between that of low-satisfied agents and that of high-satisfied agents.
Moreover, when the comparisons are made among the three types of trust function, the buying rate of the high-trust agent is higher than that of low-trust agents. And the buying rate of the low-trust agent is bigger than that of not-trust agents. Similarly, the sequences of the buying rate are strongly influenced by different type of trust function at the catalog market and the loyal catalog market.
Meanwhile, almost all high-trust agents have continuous and loyal trade behavior. Either continuous or temporal trade behavior is usually found in the low-trust agents. The tentative trade behavior is seen among almost every not-trust agents. In another words, it is well obvious that it takes more time for the not-trust agents to accumulate trust from their possible trade partners.
Keywords: Software component electronic marketplaces; Transaction costs; Genetic programming (GP); Agent-based computational economics (ACE); Trust, Emergence
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資料交換機制之研究─以我國動植物防檢局為例 / A Study of Data Exchange Mechanisms─The Case of BAPHIQ in Taiwan葉耿志, Yeh, Ken-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究即是針對國外目前所使用的封閉性網路,以EDI為主;其他開放性網路下以XML為基礎的點對點方式與電子中心的方式,做一個探討。並試圖去思考如何參考國外目前資料交換的傳輸模式及電子商務上資料交換的經驗,並藉由本研究的資料交換模式設計,來進行資料交換的實現。用以解決點對點間的資料交換、異質系統間的資料傳遞及資料傳遞的安全性等,以建立一套共同的資料交換機制IQDE-Hub,使資料的交換成為可行。 / Recently it contains many types of data exchages in the application of electronic commerce. ECs are B-to-B (Business to Business), B-to-C (Business to Consumer) and C-to-C (Consumer to Consumer). So there are many types of data exchages in the world. They contain EDI of private network, XML based and E-Hub of public network.
This study will establish a methodology. It provides many other countries to share common data with each other. The data exchange mechanisms of this study can solve three main problems of other data exchange mechanisms. They are point-to-point data exchange, data exchage between different information systems and security of data exchange.
The exchange mechanisms of this study called IQDE-Hub (Inspection and Quaratine Data Exchange-Hub). In this study, we can see that it provides a method to exchange data between other countries. So we have not to use other methods which include telephone, fax, mail and so on by human. We can exchange data by using electronic type.
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以知識為基礎之軟體元件管理模式探討 / Development of the Knowledge-based Software Component Management Model翁庭勇, Wong, Ting-Yung Unknown Date (has links)
一如個人電腦(PC)、筆記型電腦(NB)等硬體產業走向分工製造模式之際,近年來,台灣的軟體產業也試圖建置起一個完善的分工體系,以收專業化的實效;故現階段大型軟體專案的開發漸以多人、異地的團隊,在共同的軟體基礎架構上來進行。軟體業者分工的想法和硬體業者如出一轍,但在發展成果尚有一段的差距;透過Web Service技術,現階段之研究已能初步建立起以軟體元件為基礎之軟體產業的水平分工整合模式,然而在軟體元件的管理上(如元件的儲存、搜尋及檢索等),仍有很大的改善空間。
本研究之目的即在於發展出一個能支援軟體產業分工的軟體元件管理模式;以元件式軟體供應鏈水平整合為基礎,提出一軟體元件之分類綱要,及知識導向之元件儲存庫架構來儲存、搜尋、並檢索適用的軟體元件,同時,也期望透過元件知識推論專家系統的發展,來提升元件檢索之效益。另一方面,元件選擇流程中的元件評估階段也是本研究所要探討的主題。 / In recent years, the software industry in Taiwan attempts to build a complete system of division of labor to obtain the effectiveness of specialization as the computer hardware industry did in implementing the mechanism of supply chain management successfully. The idea of software component supply chain is similar to the concept of supply chain model of hardware industry. Although some models of horizontal integration of software industry have already been proposed, management mechanisms of software components are seldom considered in these models (ex: storage, searching, and retrieval).
To effectively adopt the software component supply chain to achieve the horizontal division of labor, the system integration (SI) companies should be able to access software components, which conform to their functional requirements, conveniently. Therefore, if we can develop a component repository and a mechanism for storing, searching and retrieving the components in the repository.
The purpose of this research is to develop a software component management model, which can support the division of labor in software component supply chain, based on the component-based software industry horizontal integration. Firstly, we will propose a descriptive schema to describe and to classify the software components. Secondly, we will use this schema to design a knowledge-based component repository, which is used for storing, searching and retrieving suitable software components. Also, we develop an expert system for inferring component knowledge in order to improve the performance of component retrieving. Finally, the component evaluation in the process of component selection will be important subjects to be addressed in this research.
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軟體產業導入供應鏈分工合作之機制探討--以企業資源規劃系統水平整合為例黃繼弘 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:軟體元件供應鏈、水平整合、企業資源規劃、ebXML、Web Service
本研究即是針對國內軟體產業,實行軟體元件供應鏈(Software Component Supply Chain)的相關合作機制做一個探討,試圖去思考如何參考國內資訊硬體廠商的專業分工模式及供應鏈管理推動成功的經驗,而達成國內軟體產業供應鏈管理的推行。
本研究以企業資源規劃(Enterprise ReSource Planning)系統的套裝軟體業者為例,提出一個水平整合(Horizontal Integration)各模組的方法論,並設計出相對應的解決方案,再加以實作驗證。本研究於技術上使用類似於ebXML的流程整合技術,並利用XML及網路服務(Web Service)等方式來達到元件之間鬆散耦合的目的。
若不同之企業資源規劃系統套裝軟體中的各個模組,可以依照需求而方便的進行某個程度的水平整合,則軟體元件供應鏈的藍圖已然勾勒出來,也勢必將帶給軟體業者一個勢力重分配的機會。本研究除了希望能解決模組問水平整合相關的技術瓶頸外,軟體產業未來的元件分工模式,也是本研究所要探討的主題。 / Keywords: Software Component Supply Chain, Horizontal Integration, Enterprise Resource Planning, ebXML, Web Service
In recent years, the computer hardware industry contributes a splendid performance in Taiwan. In addition to the export to foreign country, some even have a well-known brand. With no doubt, we can see the whole picture of the intact-division of labor in the hardware industry, and the outstanding performance of its carrying out supply chain management. Although the definition of division between upstream and downstream is not so clear in the software industry, there do exist a division of labor to some degree. As the popularity and progress of the concepts and technologies of the software component, the possibility of specialization in division of labor will get increasing in the software industry. There is an interesting research topic, which form of division of labor will exist in the software industry after all.
The focus of this study is on the collaborative mechanism of software component supply chain in the software industry. We try to figure out how to refer to the successful experience of hardware industry implementing supply chain management to drive the supply chain management of the software component in domestic software industry.
This study will takes the ERP package vendors as the study object to propose a methodology of horizontal integration of different software packages and to do further implementation for verification. Technically, this study applies an ebXML-like process-oriented integration technology, and facilitates the purpose of low coupling between components by using XML and web service technology.
If the integration among the modules of different ERP packages could be made to some extent, the picture of division of labor in the software industry could be outlined, and it also will brings the software vendors some chance to re-allocate. In addition to solve the bottlenecks of technical problems of software horizontal integration, the future model of division of labor in software industry will be also a subject to address in this study.
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元件式系統開發方法研究-以郵務應用為例葉文崎 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究整合了多個物件導向程序與元件程序的優點,提出一個以元件式的系統開發思維為中心、使用系統化的元件再用映對,強調整合性與再用性的元件式開發程序。本研究所提出的程序以Unified Process為基礎,利用UML為塑模語言,輔以相關元件式系統的開發經驗,同時結合其他物件或元件式系統的開發方法的優點,包括:Select Perspective Process、IBM San Francisco Roadmap Process、XP等。在此程序中,明確定義出不同的開發階段,一連串的彼此相關的開發活動,以及各開發活動應該如何完成的指引原則,為元件式軟體開發提供參考;最後並以郵務先導系統的開發產出,作為此程序的實例說明。
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