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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketing content going viral : What are the factors that may boost virality?

Mavridou, Melissanthi January 2016 (has links)
Viral marketing allows companies to promote their products and services using very small budgets and the viral ad can be considered the holy grail of digital marketing. In this light, the aim of this study is to discuss the main factors in the existing literature that are considered to boost virality and articulate a summarized Virality Theoretical Model. The empirical study included in this thesis involves the monitoring of an actual ad and an assessment of whether it went viral or not and if it follows the guidelines of the Virality Theoretical Model. The empirical study showed that the ad did not go viral and did not include and display all the attributes proposed by the Model. This further indicates, in regards to theory as well as for marketing executives and advertising practitioners, that virality is a complex phenomenon that depends on several different factors involving both content characteristics and dissemination.

Getting the audience's attention by going viral : A case study on Sverige för UNHCR’s video messages on the refugee crisis

Adamsson, Niklas, Axner, Tom January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie argumenterar för att dagens mediesamhälle fungerar som en hybrid, där sociala medier och traditionella medier lever och verkar i symbios. Det som får tillräckligt stor spridning på sociala medier kan påverka nyhetsdagordningen och därmed vad allmänheten anser vara viktigt för tillfället. Detta är betydelsefullt för biståndsorganisationer som, för att kunna nå ut till många och öka chanserna till att samla in pengar, är i behov av att deras sak får plats på dagordningen. Studien baseras på en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av samtliga publicerade videoklipp av Sverige för UNHCR på Facebook under 2015. Variablerna baserades på teorier om viralitet, som ursprungligen har utvecklats inom marknadsföring. Där ingick teori om social delning av känslor, social nätverksteori, self-determination theory samt marknadsföringsmodellen ”the Dragonfly effect”. Studien visade hur teorierna kunde utnyttjas även i detta sammanhang, om de anpassades utifrån kontexten. Resultatet visade att the Dragonfly effect tycks vara en lämplig modell i denna kontext. Videon ”Search for Syria” utmärkte sig i detta urval, genom att ha högst antal visningar kombinerat med en förhållandevis hög andel användarresponser, som bidrar till spridningen. Alla fyra steg inom Dragonfly-modellen kunde identifieras i denna video, vilket indikerar att detta är en lämplig modell för att öka chansen till spridning i denna kontext. Studien fann också att urvalet av videoklipp generellt inte var konstruerade på ett sätt som uppmuntrar till spridning. Vidare noterades att starka känslomässiga inslag, så som provokativa och obehagliga scener, förekommer mer i videor som fått flest visningar. Samtidigt tycks videoklipp med en större andel positiva och hoppfulla inslag få större användarrespons i form av ”gillningar”, kommentarer och delningar.

How can co-creation change the FMCG marketing / Jak může spolutvorba změnit FMCG marketing

Froněk, Filip January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyzes co-creation, a modern trend in marketing, and guides companies how to use co-creation to increase efficiency of their marketing practices. Co-creation is placed in the framework of digitalization, which is current megatrend in marketing influencing the traditional marketing methods. After deep analysis of current trends in marketing with focus on digitalization, the thesis emphases co-creation, describes the process of co-creation and applies it to an example of co-creation project of the brand Fa. It presents that co-creation project needs to be well planned and well executed as it can otherwise lead into brand dilution or the results would be different from company's objectives. In the end of the thesis, recommendations are deduced based on the concluded survey showing the further steps in Fa co-creation project as well as co-creation in general.

Men FATTA då! : En undersökning om hur den ideella organisationen Fatta använder sig av sociala medier för att sätta agendan / But please get it will you! : A study about how the non profit organization Fatta are using social media to set the agenda.

Petersson, Bonnie, Lundin, Amanda January 2015 (has links)
Denna undersökning avser att ta reda på hur den ideella organisationen Fatta använder sig av sociala medier för att sätta agendan. Uppsatsen bygger på agenda setting- teorin och tidigare forskning om ideella organisationer. Frågeställningen lyder “Hur använder Fatta sociala medier för att sätta agendan?”. Uppsatsens kärna baseras på insamlat material från Fattas sociala medier Facebook, Instagram och Twitter. Insamlingsperioden var under en månads tid. Detta material analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Undersökningens huvudsakliga resultat visar att Fatta använder sociala medier i en väldigt liten utsträckning. Det i sin tur tyder på att det är ett flertal faktorer som spelar in för att en ideell organisation ska kunna hamna på agendan. I Fattas fall hjälper sociala medier dem att nå ut till sin publik med tre huvudsakliga kategorier: information, marknadsföring och uppmaningar. / The purpose of this thesis was to understand how social media can help non profit organizations to set the agenda. We have chosen to study the non profit organization Fatta. In this thesis a qualitative content analysis is used to look at the content in social media posts. The method is used to see how the non profit organiztion Fatta are using social media to set the agenda. The main results of this thesis is that being on social media is not enough for setting the agenda. There are several factors that come into play when a non-profit organization succesfully makes it to the agenda

Buzz et sport : des liaisons dangereuses ? : analyse sémiotique, émotionnelle et virale du buzz sportif / Buzz and sport : some dangerous links ? : semiotical, emotional and viral analysis of the sport Buzz

Neveu, Quentin 08 December 2016 (has links)
Aujourd’hui très employé par le monde médiatique, notamment sportif, dont les usages et formats s’orientent vers le récepteur, le terme buzz reste paradoxalement peu étudié du côté de l’émission comme de la réception. Le buzz caractérise une réduction de la durée des formats médiatiques, favorisant par la même une viralité accrue. La réduction des formats s’accompagne d’une multiplication des offres, tant produites par des diffuseurs traditionnels que par les usagers eux-mêmes, qui provoque chez le récepteur un effet d’habitude. Ce travail doctoral montre que l’objet buzz sportif se démarque des autres objets médiatiques malgré l’importance des facteurs démographiques dans la réception des messages. Par cette habitude qui s’installe, la perception des valeurs du sport se trouve lissée et moins saillante dans la diffusion de buzz sportifs. À travers une approche empirique combinant méthodologies qualitatives et quantitatives ayant permis d’établir une caractérisation sémiotique de différentes catégories de buzz sportifs dépendantes du degré de buzzabilité des images, ainsi qu’une typologie de récepteurs, cette recherche a montré que la réception de ce type de message et son partage ainsi que son impact par rapport aux valeurs du sport ne semblent pas dépendre des données individuelles de chacun, mais bien du contenu même du message (célébrité, geste inattendu, caractère non reproductible…). / Today widely used by the media world, especially in sport, which uses and formats are moving towards the receiver, the term buzz paradoxically remains little studied by the transmission and also by the reception side. The buzz characterizes a reduction of length of media formats, promoting by the way an increased virality. Shorter formats are accompanied by an increase in supply, both produced by traditional broadcasters and by the users themselves, which give to the receiver an habit effect. This doctoral work shows that the sports buzz object is different from other media objects despite the importance of demographic factors in receiving messages. With this habit, the perception of sport values is smoothed and less prominent in the distribution of sports buzz. Through an empirical approach combining qualitative and quantitative methodologies, that work has enabled a semiotic characterization of different categories of sports buzz, depending on the degree of buzzability of the images. It also permit to draw a typology of receivers. This research showed that the reception of that kind of message as well as the sharing and its impact compared to the sport values don’t seem to depend on the individual data of each, but on the message content itself (celebrity, unexpected gesture, unrepeatable nature ...).

The Influence of Shareability and Metrics in Journalistic Decision-Making

Rotuno-Johnson, Michelle K. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

To whom do we listen, and why? : An exploratory study into how young adult consumers experience TikTok electronic word-of-mouth product recommendations

Dahlgren, Clara, Enshagen, Leon January 2023 (has links)
Background: Over time, social media platforms have become a part of people’s daily lives. Social media allows consumers to share thoughts, ideas, and experiences with other consumers, and eWOM evolved. Lately, TikTok has become one of the biggest social media platforms and, in turn, one of the biggest for eWOM; consumers use the app to share content, including product evaluation and recommendations. But there is limited understanding of how eWOM affects consumers’ purchasing behaviour on a platform like TikTok. Purpose: The purpose of the research is to explore the area of young adults’ consumer purchasing behaviour based on their experience of TikTok eWOM regarding beauty products and how the products’ virality affects their purchasing behaviour. Method: The study follows an interpretivist philosophy with an inductive research approach, as the aim is to understand and explore how eWOM affects consumer purchasing behaviour. Further, data were collected through four focus groups. Data were later analysed through inductive coding. Conclusion: The study concluded that four significant characteristics and evaluation factors of eWOM on TikTok affect the consumer's purchase behaviour. The characteristics are the content creators’ effect on the video message, quality, quantity, and following trends. Where quantity and following trends lead to virality and FOMO, which influences purchase behaviour. eWOM on TikTok was perceived to cause more impulsive purchases than on other social media platforms because of its algorithm and user platform trust. Impulsive purchases, in turn, influenced consumer purchase behaviour.

Seeing, hearing and buying on TikTok : A qualitative study on how viral skincare content on TikTok shapes female Generation Z consumption

Dilik, Yildiz, Hiskiel, Queen Salim, Timothy, Vanessa January 2024 (has links)
This qualitative study explores how viral skincare content on TikTok shapes consumption among female Generation Z. In-depth interviews were conducted with females aged 18-24 to understand their engagement with skincare trends on TikTok. The study highlights TikTok’s role as a search engine for Generation Z females seeking product recommendations, particularly in skincare. It examines how TikTok influences buying behavior and purchasing decisions through algorithms, which curate personalized content that directs users towards specific categories. Influencer promotions and user-generated content on the For You page (FYP) significantly shape viewers' preferences and skincare routines. The respondents indicated a tendency to adopt and trust trends seen on TikTok, leading to increased consumption and higher demand for viral products. However, there was also concern about the platform’s addictive nature and the difficulty in distinguishing genuine recommendations from paid promotions. This research concludes that TikTok’s algorithms, together with user-generated content, have a powerful impact on Generation Z females. These insights can be strategically used by marketers to target Generation Z, emphasizing the need for authentic and genuine content to gain consumer trust. Overall, this study highlights TikTok's significant role in contemporary consumerism and contributes to understanding digital consumption patterns among Generation Z females.

Viral Marketing: Concept Explication and Case Studies in the Video Game and Esports Industries

Shiflet, Matthew 07 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Communication virale dans la publicité au sein des espaces numériques : Approche critique et expérimentale du phénomène / Viral communication in advertisement within digital spaces : critical and experimental approach of the phenomenon

Roux, Ugo 05 July 2016 (has links)
Notre thèse interroge la notion de communication virale dans les espaces socionumériques de manière générale et plus particulièrement lorsque ce phénomène s’applique aux vidéos publicitaires en ligne. Nos recherches ont révélé un manque évident de clarté et de cohérence au niveau de sa définition et de son acception (Beauvisage et al., 2011) qu’il a fallu corriger par un travail d’harmonisation avant d’envisager la suite de nos travaux. De plus, notre revue de littérature a mis en avant la complexité du phénomène viral et de son appréhension ; complexité nourrie par le nombre et la nature des facteurs à son origine (Beauvisage et al., 2011). Afin de mettre en avant un de ces facteurs, nous émettons pour première hypothèse que les variations de qualité de la définition (haute ou standard) d’une vidéo influencent l’appréciation de la vidéo (H1). Par corollaire, nous pensons que le partage de cette vidéo est affecté par la qualité de la définition (H2). Plus précisément, nous pensons qu’une même vidéo sera plus partagée si elle est visionnée en haute définition plutôt qu’en définition standard. Pour répondre à ces hypothèses nous avons opté pour une approche expérimentale. / Our thesis examines the notion of viral communication in digital social spaces both in general and when applied to online video advertisement. Our research revealed a lack of clarity and coherence in its definition and meaning (Beauvisage et al., 2011) that necessited an effort of standardization before planning to pursue our work. Furthermore, our literature review pointed out the complexity of the viral phenomenon and its comprehension. This complexity is due to the number and different factors originating the viral phenomenon (Beauvisage et al., 2011).In order to highlight one of those factors, we make the first hypothesis that the variations in the quality of the definition (high or standard) of a video have an effect over the evaluation of the video (H1). Corollary, we think that the quality of the definition affects this video sharings (H2). More precisely, we think that a video will be more shared if it is watched in high definition rather than in standard definition. In order to meet those hypotheses, we opted for an experimental approach.

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