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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Getting the audience's attention by going viral : A case study on Sverige för UNHCR’s video messages on the refugee crisis

Adamsson, Niklas, Axner, Tom January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie argumenterar för att dagens mediesamhälle fungerar som en hybrid, där sociala medier och traditionella medier lever och verkar i symbios. Det som får tillräckligt stor spridning på sociala medier kan påverka nyhetsdagordningen och därmed vad allmänheten anser vara viktigt för tillfället. Detta är betydelsefullt för biståndsorganisationer som, för att kunna nå ut till många och öka chanserna till att samla in pengar, är i behov av att deras sak får plats på dagordningen. Studien baseras på en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av samtliga publicerade videoklipp av Sverige för UNHCR på Facebook under 2015. Variablerna baserades på teorier om viralitet, som ursprungligen har utvecklats inom marknadsföring. Där ingick teori om social delning av känslor, social nätverksteori, self-determination theory samt marknadsföringsmodellen ”the Dragonfly effect”. Studien visade hur teorierna kunde utnyttjas även i detta sammanhang, om de anpassades utifrån kontexten. Resultatet visade att the Dragonfly effect tycks vara en lämplig modell i denna kontext. Videon ”Search for Syria” utmärkte sig i detta urval, genom att ha högst antal visningar kombinerat med en förhållandevis hög andel användarresponser, som bidrar till spridningen. Alla fyra steg inom Dragonfly-modellen kunde identifieras i denna video, vilket indikerar att detta är en lämplig modell för att öka chansen till spridning i denna kontext. Studien fann också att urvalet av videoklipp generellt inte var konstruerade på ett sätt som uppmuntrar till spridning. Vidare noterades att starka känslomässiga inslag, så som provokativa och obehagliga scener, förekommer mer i videor som fått flest visningar. Samtidigt tycks videoklipp med en större andel positiva och hoppfulla inslag få större användarrespons i form av ”gillningar”, kommentarer och delningar.

Participation and its Implication for a Resilient Generation : A qualitative analysis of Filipino children’s inclusion in the disaster management efforts of humanitarian organizations following typhoon Haiyan

Fagerlund, Stina January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigates the ways in which children were included in the disaster management efforts of four major humanitarian aid organizations following the 2013 typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. Central concepts are resilience, vulnerability and participation, and the study builds on how these concepts relates to one another. The study examines both the prevalence of efforts addressing children as active participants, as well as the specific forms of active participation that they constitute. Program evaluation reports by Oxfam, UNICEF, IFRC and Save the Children were examined through a qualitative content analysis. The results indicate that contrary to suggestions of previous studies, humanitarian organizations did include children as active participants in their disaster management efforts following typhoon Haiyan. Additional findings include the dominance of school-based participatory efforts, as well as limitations in addressing power structures potentially preventing the long-term resilience-building of children.

Adaptive Aid in Haiti? How Aid Organizations Learn and Adapt in Fragile States

BROUSE, KIRSTEN January 2016 (has links)
If we understand development as an emergent property of a complex system, then effective development assistance needs to adapt and evolve in-context. This thesis explores how learning and adaptation practices might help aid organizations apply complexity thinking to improve their effectiveness. Based on a new framework of organizational practices, this study uses a mixed methods approach to assess the extent to which 12 small and medium international aid organizations in Haiti learn and adapt. The study supports the assumption that learning and adaptation contribute to effectiveness, and finds that organizations vary significantly in their learning and adaptation practices. It finds that development organizations employ more learning practices than humanitarian assistance organizations, and that organizations are generally better at collecting information and adopting learning attitudes, than they are at establishing the structures and processes they need to be truly adaptive. The research also finds that the barriers that make learning and adaptation more difficult for organizations are largely structural and related to aid system dynamics, while organizations benefit from enablers that are largely attributed to individual agency. This thesis argues for the important role that aid organizations can, and must play in making aid more effective – at the project, organization, and aid system levels. However, the aid system itself does not encourage learning. International aid organizations will therefore need to actively engage in learning if they are to play an effective role in development, and be a meaningful part of the system-level aid effectiveness dialogue.

Svenska biståndsarbetet i ett postkolonialt perspektiv : En kvalitativ studie av två svenska biståndsorganisationer

Sawari, Lida, Abdirisak Ahmed, Nima January 2013 (has links)
Sammanfattning Studien syftar till att ge fördjupad kunskap om svenskt internationellt biståndsarbete samt hur problem formuleras och lösningar konstrueras av biståndsorganisationernas arbetsätt.  Studien är genomförd med en kvalitativ metod och det empiriska materialet har inhämtats genom intervjuer. Intervjuerna genomfördes med tre ledande personer från två svenska biståndsorganisationer som arbetar på internationell nivå. Vidare inryms i studien observationer från dessa två biståndsorganisationer. Studiens teoretiska perspektiv är den postkoloniala teorin, teorin om konstruktion av sociala problem samt begreppen kolonialism och eurocentrisk diffusion. Resultatet i studien visar att de studerade biståndsorganisationerna i stora drag har ett liknande tillvägagångssätt i sitt arbete med internationellt bistånd. De arbetar utifrån att ha en stödjande roll gentemot mottagarna av biståndet så att mottagarna kan definiera sina behov och vara aktiva i lösningarna tillsammans med de svenska biståndsorganisationerna.  Samtidigt agerar de kontrollerande gällande huruvida biståndsorganisationernas egna visioner och värderingar ska vara styrande i utformningen av hjälparbetet.   De svenska biståndsorganisationernas mål är att kunskapsbilda, medvetandegöra och ombilda befintliga lokala organisationer för att förbättra människors levnadsvillkor till det bättre i utsatta länder. För att detta ska vara möjligt är det avgörande att samarbeta med lokala organisationer som är likasinnade med de svenska biståndsorganisationerna.  Studien påvisar att det finns en idé om att påverka mottagarna av biståndet genom eftersträvan av att de ska anamma de svenska biståndsgivarnas egna visioner och värderingar. Detta framkommer tydligt genom de svenska biståndsorganisationernas arbetsätt samt deras delaktighet vid formuleringar av problem och konstruktioner av lösningar hos biståndsmottagarna. Vidare framkommer att biståndsorganisationernas kunskapsgivande och ombildning av lokala organisationer bidrar med att västerländsk kunskapssyn sprids ut i världen. / The study aims to provide profound knowledge of Swedish international aid work and how problems are formulated and solutions designed by aid organizations working methods. The study is conducted using a qualitative approach and the empirical material has been collected through interviews and observations. The interviews took place with three leading figures from two Swedish aid organizations working at international level. Furthermore, are observations from these two aid organizations part of the studies method. The studies theoretical perspective is the post-colonial theory, the theory of constructions of social problems and the concept of colonialism and eurocentrism diffusion. The result of the study shows that the studied organizations have broadly similar procedures in their work with international aid work. The organizations work on a paradoxical basis. On the one hand they have a supporting role to the recipients of aid so that the recipients can define their own needs and be active in the solutions along with swedish aid organizations. On the other hand, the organizations acts controlling where their own vision and values are guiding the relief effort. The swedish aid organizations aim is to educate, raise awareness and transform existing organizations in the countries they operate in order to improve people's lives for the better in vulnerable countries around the world.  For achieving this purpose, it is crucial for them to work with local organizations that are like-minded the swedish aid organizations.  This study shows that there is an idea to affect the recipients of aid in pursuing them to embrace the Swedish donors' own visions and values. This is clearly shown by the Swedish aid organizations working methods as well as their involvement in the formulation of problems and constructions of solutions of aid recipients. Furthermore, it appears that the aid organizations' knowledge rewarding and transformation of local organizations contribute to Western conception of knowledge spread out in the world.

Les chemins du patriotisme : musique et musiciens à Paris pendant la Grande Guerre / The paths of patriotism : Musical life and musicians in Paris during the Great War

Segond-Genovesi, Charlotte 29 January 2016 (has links)
Comment les musiciens restés à Paris durant la Grande Guerre (car trop âgés ou dans l’incapacité de servir sur le front combattant) participent-ils à l’effort de la Nation contre l’ennemi allemand ? L’objet de cette thèse est d’explorer les multiples biais par lesquels les interprètes, musicographes et compositeurs du front domestique s’engagent (et engagent leurs compétences spécifiques) sur les chemins du patriotisme, entre le mois d’août 1914 et le mois de novembre 1918.La première partie de cette étude documente d’abord le processus ayant mené au « redémarrage » de la vie musicale parisienne (après quatre mois d’interruption), avant d’étudier les différents visages du patriotisme musicien en actes, d’abord en termes de postures intellectuelles, puis dans le cadre particulier du concert de musique « savante ». La deuxième partie s’intéresse plus spécifiquement aux œuvres de guerre : de manière souterraine et diffuse, ces structures aussi nombreuses que diverses ont permis, parfois motivé et souvent encadré de manière déterminante – tant sur le plan économique et pratique qu’idéologique et moral – les initiatives et les efforts des musiciens sur le front domestique. À mesure que le conflit s’enlise dans la durée, et que la vie musicale parisienne s’accommode des conditions et contraintes du temps de guerre, les motivations d’abord purement caritatives de ces œuvres de bienfaisance connaissent diverses mutations, en mettant notamment l’accent sur des enjeux plus spécifiquement artistiques et musicaux. La dernière partie explore enfin un autre aspect de l’engagement patriotique des musiciens « de l’arrière » : le fait de penser et de préparer l’avènement du monde artistique d’après-guerre, tant à travers les prises de positions et débats que dans les œuvres musicales elles-mêmes. / How did the musicians who remained in Paris during the Great War (because of their age or their inability to serve in combat because of physical disability) take part in the nation’s effort against Germany ? This thesis explores the many ways in which performers, music critics and composers on the domestic front showed their commitment to and worked on behalf of the paths of patriotism, by using their specific skills, from August 1914 to Novembre 1918.Part One documents the process leading to the restarting of Parisian musical life, after four months of interruption. This section will explore the many facets of musical patriotism in action, first in terms of intellectual positions, then in the particular context of art-music concerts. Part Two focuses more specifically on the œuvres de guerre, the official term used to designate all charitable-aid organizations during World War I. These numerous and diverse organizations permitted, sometimes motivated and often framed in a decisive manner – economically, ethically and ideologically – the initiatives and efforts made by musicians on the domestic front. As the conflict bogged down over time, and as Parisian musical life progressively accommodated itself to wartime conditions and constraints, the initial aims of these associations, which began as purely charitable works, progressively transformed into organizations with specifically artistic and musical goals. The last part explores another aspect of musicians who worked “behind the scenes” in the war effort: it was they who thought about and prepared the advent of the postwar musical world, through artistic stances and debates, but also through the musical works they composed.

Kampen om hjälp : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur hjälporganisationer kan skapa en donationsvana hos Millennials

Henningsson, Mira, Kuczynska, Ewa January 2017 (has links)
Millennials are not as committed to charity as the generations before them. Millennials have also been proven very difficult to attract, which is problematic since Millennials are the future donors’ charity organizations must depend on. The purpose of this study is therefore to identify possible patterns, relationships and opportunities that would make Millennials donate to charity. The study presents the current situation of charity on the Swedish market, which follows by an introduction for how non-profit promote themselves and do their marketing. This leads to the research question: How should charity organizations promote themselves to get Millennials to become loyal? This study applies a qualitative research strategy. The primary data has been collected through semi-structured interviews with five representatives from five different charity organizations. All five organizations work with international projects.   The result shows that the five organizations have knowledge about how to market to attract and engage Millennials, but they do not apply this knowledge. The result presents four paradoxes. We consider that the perception of these paradoxes, as well as responding to them, determines the charity organizations outcomes and overall ability to attract Millennials. The result also shows that to engage with Millennials and create long-lasting relationships, charity organizations marketing must be innovative, cool, and creative with repetitive messages. Charity organizations also must use the communication channels that Millennials engage with. The result has given rise to the "Interactional Model for Targeting Millennials", which is built on 11 key factors that charity organizations must apply to establish, develop and maintain a relationship with Millennials.

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