Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cisual arts"" "subject:"cisual rts""
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A play of signifiers : absence and presence in the picturebooks of Shaun TanLebedeva, Maria 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is an exploratory study into the signification potential of contemporary,
postmodern picturebooks, specifically focusing on the way in which a seemingly
'simplistic' medium has the potential to initiate a vastly complex play of meanings.
Picturebooks are traditionally considered to be a medium which implies a child reader,
and conveys a simple linear narrative for educational and entertainment purposes.
Traditional picturebooks thus assume a clear division between an author and reader,
whereby the author is a 'knowing' adult, who conveys a moral or message to a passive
child reader. These assumptions are arguably unsettled by the appearance of postmodern
picturebooks, broadly defined as a medium which, while retaining the traditional
picturebook format, opens itself up to multiple interpretations, instead of presenting the
reader with an encoded message or 'meaning'. A number of postmodern picturebook
authors, such as Shaun Tan, intentionally subvert the traditional dynamic between the
author and reader of picturebooks by creating complex texts which display a general
absence of clear accessible 'meaning', thereby allowing the reader to actively participate
in the meaning-making process. With aid of the theories of signification set out by
poststructuralist Jacques Derrida, this study aims to illustrate how a purposeful absence
of apparent 'meaning' in picturebooks has the potential to allow for unlimited
interpretations of a single text, thus by extension widening the 'implied' audience of such
picturebooks. The objective is to set postmodern picturebooks apart from other texts (in
particular more traditional picturebooks), and to provide a new outlook on the ways
picturebooks are created, and the way they are read. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis is 'n ondersoekende studie na die betekenispotensiaal van kontemporêre,
post-moderne prenteboeke, met spesiale verwysing na die manier waarop 'n
sogenaamde “simplistiese” medium die potensiaal openbaar om 'n hoogs-komplekse
verskeidenheid betekenisse te ontlok. Prenteboeke word tradisioneel gesien as 'n
medium van eenvoudige, liniêre vertellings gerig op die jong leser met die doel om op te
voed of te vermaak. Tradisionele prenteboeke handhaaf dus 'n duidelike afbakening
tussen die leser en die outeur, die sogenaamde “alwetende” volwassene, wat 'n morele les/
boodskap aan 'n passiewe, jong leser oordra. Hierdie veronderstelling word egter
omvergewerp deur die verskyning van die post-moderne prenteboek wat, alhoewel in die
tradisionele formaat van die prenteboek gegiet, die leser die geleentheid bied om
veelvoudige interpretasies te maak in plaas van om net die beoogde geënkodeerde
betekenis of boodskap van die boek te aanvaar. 'n Aantal post-moderne
prenteboekskrywers soos Shaun Tan het die tradisionele dinamiek tussen
prenteboekskrywer en -leser bewustelik omver kom werp deur komplekse teks te skep
wat gekenmerk word aan die afwesigheid van 'n duidelik waarneembare betekenis en
wat die leser dus toelaat om aktief deel te neem aan die interpretasieproses. Die doel van
hierdie studie is om met behulp van die betekenispotensiaal-teorie, soos uiteengesit deur
post-strukturalis Jacques Derrida, te illustreer hoe die doelbewuste weglating van 'n
duidelik waarneembare betekenis of boodskap dit moontlik maak om die teks op
veelvoudige maniere te interpreteer en daarmee saam ook die lesersprofiel van
prenteboeke te verbreed. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie is dus om die post-moderne
prenteboek te onderskei van die tradisionele prenteboek en ander tekste en om nuwe
waarnemings en insigte te verskaf in die wyse waarop prenteboeke geskep en gelees
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After birth : abjection and maternal subjectivity in Svea Josephy's "Confinement"Steyn, Christine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis I investigate the radical reframing of maternal representation in the photographic series by Cape Town-based artist Svea Josephy (b. 1969), entitled Confinement 2005-ongoing. Using Julia Kristeva’s theorisation of the maternal body’s relation to abjection, as well as its imperative to the remodelling of the relationship between the corporeal and the cultural, I explore how Josephy’s images explicitly engage with the Kristevan abject in order to disrupt cultural inscriptions of maternity and ‘motherhood’. I contend that Confinement situates Josephy’s experience of ‘becoming-mother’ against the dominant discourses of maternity and birth, and thereby uses the maternal subject as a means to interrogate broader issues of gender and identity. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis ondersoek ek die radikale herberaming van die moederfiguur in Confinement (2005 tot op hede) – ‘n fotoreeks van die Kaapse kunstenaar Svea Josephy (geb. 1969). Julia Kristeva se teorieë oor die moederlike liggaam, en in besonder die moederliggaam se verhouding tot abjeksie, word aangewend om die verband tussen die liggaamlike en die kulturele te herbedink. Ek ondersoek hoe hierdie fotoreeks Kristeva se konsep van die abjekte benut, ten einde kulturele voorskriftelikheid oor moederskap en 'ma-wees' te ontwrig. Ek argumenteer dat Confinement Josephy se ondervinding van 'wordend-moederskap’ die dominante diskoerse van moederskap en geboorte uitdaag, en sodoende die moederlike subjek gebruik om breër aspekte rondom geslag en identiteit te bevraagteken.
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An investigation of critical citizenship education : exploring art making processes in the South African contextNieuwoudt, Leanri 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA(VA))--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The notion of critical citizenship has become a diverse phenomenon in both South African and global contemporary societies. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the teaching and learning of critical citizenship can be improved in the South African context through participation in art-making processes. This was done by following a qualitative approach and a case study design. The following themes were explored in this study: conceptual abilities; the technicalities of practice; art and emotional development; and collaborative art making.
The findings in this investigation showed that involvement in art-making processes certainly contributes to the development of a learner’s ability to become more intelligent, self initiated and critical thinkers. The investigation also shows that the visual arts learning area is recognized as an educational practice that encourages critical thinking and the ability to conceptualize, but the implementation of critical citizenship in both the practical and theoretical teaching of art-making processes is currently lacking. It is suggested that a holistic understanding of both practical and theoretical components in the grade 9 visual arts learning area should be maintained on an equal footing. The emotional development of learners is also identified as a source of concern, since it influences a learner’s adherence to participation with others. It is further suggested that collaborative art making urges learners to engage with the ideas of others in the classroom and therefore can encourage tolerance towards other members of the group. Critical citizenship education in the teaching and learning of the visual arts learning area can have more robust impact on the future of a democratic society if it is implemented more directly in the classroom environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die idee van kritiese burgerskap het ‘n diverse verskynsel in beide die Suid-Afrikaanse en globale eietydse samelewings geword. Die doel van hierdie studie is om te ondersoek hoe die onderrig en aanleer van kritiese burgerskap in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks verbeter kan word deur deelname aan kunsskeppende prosesse. Dit is gedoen deur gebruik te maak van ‘n kwalitatiewe benadering en ‘n gevallestudie-ontwerp. Die volgende temas is in hierdie studie ondersoek: konseptuele vermoëns; die tegniese aspekte van kunspraktyk; kuns en emosionele ontwikkeling; en gesamentlike kunsskepping.
Die studie se bevindinge het gewys dat betrokkenheid in kunsskeppende prosesse bydra tot die ontwikkeling van ‘n leerder se vermoë om ‘n meer intelligente, self-geïnisieerde en kritiese denker te word. Die ondersoek het ook gewys dat die visuele kuns leerarea erken word as ‘n opvoedkundige praktyk wat kritiese denke en die vermoë om te konseptualiseer aanmoedig, maar dat die implementering van kritiese burgerskap in beide die praktiese en teoretiese onderrig van kunsskeppende prosesse tans gebrekkig is. Daar word aanbeveel dat ‘n holistiese begrip van beide die praktiese en teoretiese komponente in die Graad 9 visuele kuns leerarea op ‘n gelyke grondslag gehandhaaf word. Die emosionele ontwikkeling van leerders is ook geïdentifiseer as ‘n bron van kommer, aangesien dit ‘n leerder se samewerking met ander beïnvloed. Daar word verder daarop gewys dat gesamentlike kunsskepping leerders kan aanspoor om met ander persone se idees in aanraking te kom, en sodoende verdraagsaamheid teenoor ander lede van die groep te bevorder. Kritiese burgerskap opvoeding in die onderrig en aanleer van die visuele kuns leerarea kan meer robuuste gevolge vir die toekoms van ‘n demokratiese samelewing inhou indien dit meer direk in die klaskamer aangewend word.
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Bibliotuiste as veronderstelde tussentuisteLyon, Marli 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: House, home, to be at-home-in-the-world and the need for a mobile
home that accompanies us through our everyday life, are concepts
upon which this thesis is built. I am of opinion that the constant
mobility of globalization and each individual’s journey of finding a
place to belong to, dictates a complementary conceptualization of a
home. My study focuses on the possibilities that books present,
physically and psychologically, as a possible complementary term to a
house and a home. The theoretical structure of this thesis is based on
Doreen Massey and Martin Heidegger’s view on modes of habitation.
They outline a framework in which this phenomenological text of an
everyday phenomenon, namely: to-be-at-home-in-the-world, is
discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Huis, tuiste, tuis-wees-in-die-wêreld en die behoefte na ’n mobiele
tuiste wat saam swerf deur ons alledaagse leefwêreld, is onderwerpe
waarmee hierdie tesis bemoei is. Ek is van mening dat hedendaagse
mobiliteit gevind in globalisasie en soektog na ’n eie plek, vra na 'n
komplementêre konseptualisering van tuiste. My studie fokus op
boeke en hul fisiese en psigiese eienskappe om as moontlike
komplementêre tuiste tot huis en tuiste aangewend te word. Doreen
Massey en Martin Heidegger se teorieë rondom wyses van bewoning
op aarde dien as spilpunt wat deur aanvullende teoretici gekoppel
word aan 'n fenomenologiese teks wat die alledaagse ervaring van
tuis-wees-in-die-wêreld op die voorgrond plaas.
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A case of emergence : autonomy and self-organisation in conceptual art practiceLe Roux, Neil 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA(VA))--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis entails a practice-led theoretical discussion on generative art production within an ecological framework. It is based on my work in Eyemvelo Kosbos (2010- ), an interdisciplinary collaborative project geared toward food production within ecologically sound parameters. Acting in my capacity as live-in curator of this agroecological space, I have subsequently formulated a series of biological generative artworks known as Ecological Concept Objects (2011- ), which serve as the main practical component of this research. By establishing philosophical realism as the main theoretical premise, I formulate an understanding of my art practice as a collaboration with the world. Core philosophical sources such as Graham Harman, Bruno Latour and Manuel DeLanda are cited to elucidate the theoretical underpinnings of my work. A case is made for aesthetics to be understood in its classical sense – as a discourse of sense perception, as opposed to visual taste or beauty. By discussing relevant examples from contemporary generative art, along with the theoretical insights of many practicing artists, key concepts such as emergence and self-organisation are identified as pivotal to generative practice. A definitive understanding of generative art is fomented whereby the artist willingly relinquishes creative agency and decision-making to impersonal forces. An historical context is provided which shows a precedent for similar art practices. The world is accordingly posited to be a vast interdependent network of real autonomous entities coming into relations with other real autonomous entities. This conception furthermore challenges a mutually-exclusive dichotomy of ‘Nature’ and culture, by suggesting that these two supposed binaries are so entangled that any separation thereof is a blatant form of idealism, if indeed ‘Nature’ can even be said to exist at all. An integrated ecological practice is nonetheless encouraged throughout as a central theme or primary conceptual parameter for both this dissertation and its accompanying practical body of work. Permaculture, a systems-based design science geared towards sustainability, is identified and adopted as a working example of an ecological practice which consolidates ‘human care’ with ‘earth care’, as the latter naturally encompasses the former. The goal of this research is then to investigate a practice where the artist, despite being restricted to linear action in the world, works in such a way as to allow the non-linear dynamics of emergent potential to reveal itself on its own terms. Such a methodology stands in stark contrast to an anthropocentric mastery of predictable matter, where little provision is made for anomalies, accidents or emergent forms. Generative art, on the other hand, is shown to make such provisions as it affords self-organisation to its medium, as entities are given time and space to express themselves in unique assemblages. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis behels 'n praktyk-geleide teoretiese bespreking oor generatiewe kunsproduksie binne 'n wyer ekologiese raamwerk. Dit is gebaseer op my werk in Eyemvelo Kosbos (2010 - ), 'n interdissiplinêre gesamentlike projek wat daarop gemik is om voedsel binne ekologies verantwoordelike perke te produseer. In my hoedanigheid as inwonende kurator van hierdie agri-ekologiese projek, het ek 'n reeks biologiese generatiewe kunswerke geformuleer wat bekend staan as Ecological Concept Objects (2011- ), wat dien as die primêre praktiese komponent van hierdie navorsing. Met die vestiging van filosofiese realisme as die kern teoretiese uitgangspunt, formuleer ek 'n begrip van my kunspraktyk as 'n ‘samewerking met die wêreld.’ Die teoretiese fondasies van my werk word uitgelig deur verwysing te maak na kern filosofiese bronne soos Graham Harman, Bruno Latour en Manuel DeLanda, onder andere. 'n Argument word geformuleer waarvolgens die term estetika in sy klassieke sin verstaan moet word - as 'n diskoers oor sintuiglike persepsie, in teenstelling tot ‘n bespreking oor visuele smaak of skoonheid. Sleutelkonsepte soos opkoms (emergence) en self-organisasie word geïdentifiseer as deurslaggewend vir ‘n sinvolle bespreking van generatiewe praktyke. By die bespreking van relevante voorbeelde van kontemporêre generatiewe kuns, saam met die teoretiese insigte van verskeie praktiserende kunstenaars, word 'n werkende begrip van generatiewe kuns ontwikkel waarvolgens die kunstenaar kreatiewe agentskap en besluitneming vrywillig afstaan aan onpersoonlike kragte. 'n Historiese konteks word verder verskaf wat 'n presedent aandui vir soortgelyke kunspraktyke. Die wêreld word dan daarvolgens geposisioneer as 'n groot netwerk van werklike outonome entiteite wat verhoudings met ander werklike outonome entiteite aanknoop. Hierdie opvatting daag verder 'n wedersyds-eksklusiewe dualisme van 'Natuur' en kultuur uit, deur voor te stel dat hierdie twee veronderstelde binêre teenstrydighede sό verstrengel is dat enige skeiding daarvan inderdaad voorkom as 'n blatante vorm van idealisme. 'n Geïntegreerde ekologiese praktyk word egter aangemoedig om deurgaans as 'n sentrale tema of primêre konseptuele riglyn vir beide hierdie tesis en die gepaardgaande praktiese werk te dien. Permaculture, 'n stelsels-georiënteerde ontwerpwetenskap gerig op volhoubaarheid, word geïdentifiseer en aanvaar as 'n werkende voorbeeld van 'n ekologiese praktyk wat ‘sorg van mense’ met 'sorg van die planeet" vereenselwig, aangesien laasgenoemde daarvolgens die eersgenoemde insluit . Derhalwe, is die doel van hierdie navorsing om ondersoek in te stel tot 'n praktyk waar die kunstenaar, ten spyte daarvan dat sy beperk is tot lineêre aksie, in so 'n manier te werk gaan dat die nie-lineêre dinamika van ontluikende potensiaal geopenbaar kan word. So 'n metode staan in kontras met 'n eenrigting antroposentriese bemeestering van voorspelbare materie - waar daar min voorsiening vir ongerymdhede, ongelukke of ontluikende vorms gemaak word. Daar word egter bevind dat generatiewe kunspraktyk wel hierdie voorsienings maak, aangesien dit self-organisasie aan die medium toe staan, sodat entiteite tyd en ruimte verskaf kan word om hulself uit te druk in unieke samestellings.
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Imaginative acts of photographic of self-representation as a critical response to representations of the black male body in South African photographyKama, Lunga 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis(MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The first part of this thesis discusses some of the problematic photographic practices that
form part of the modern visual discourse employed in defining the representation of the black
man in South African photography. The aim of this thesis is to critically investigate the visual
discourse in contemporary South African photography and to outline the inherent flaws
whereby the black male subject is represented according to racial stereotypes inherited from
the photographic conventions of colonial discourse. The purpose of this is to investigate my
own photographic practice by drawing a critical comparison with the works of German
photographer Gustav Theodor Fritsch (b.1834-1927), South African photographers Alfred
Martin Duggan-Cronin (b.1874-1954), the Caney brothers (1844-1899), Steve Hilton-Barber
(b.1962-2002), Pieter Hugo (b.1976-), Zanele Muholi (b.1972-) and Zwelethu Mthethwa
(b.1960-), and Nigerian-born British photographer Rotimi Fani-Kayode (b.1955-1989). My
argument is centred around the discussion of these photographer’s works and the visual
impact on the manner in which the black subject is portrayed as a ‘noble savage’. The
predominant visual representation of the black body in South African photography
perpetuates the kinds of discourse that rely on anthropological photographic methods of
representation. I argue that where the depiction of the black male body is concerned, a
number of contemporary South African photographers mentioned in this thesis continue to
unconsciously appropriate a colonial discourse wherein the body of the black man is cast in
the exotic role of ‘noble savage’ with extreme attributes regarding sex and gender, either as
extremely ‘effeminate’ or, alternatively, as ‘hyper-masculine’ and exuding a ‘raw’ sexual
prowess (Read, 1996:64). The work that I create and my photographic practices utilise some
of the abovementioned artists’ problematical visual devices in order to subvert them but also
to create an alternate perception of black representation. In the second chapter of this thesis, I critically evaluate the work of Rotimi Fani-Kayode as a
strategy to employ alternate means of visual representation of the black body in order to
critically re-evaluate the work of contemporary South African artists in their depiction of the
black male body through either studio photography or documentary photography. The aim is
to point out imaginative forms of representation as an alternative to either of the two modes
of photography mentioned above. The argument then aims to put emphasis on acts of
imaginative self-representation, a contemporary mode in photographic art practice made popular by Rotimi Fani-Kayode. Imaginative self-representation involves “the ritualistic
transformation of the colonial imagery into creations of our own” as black artists in order to
subvert the dominant discourses on representations of the black body (Fani-Kayode, 1997:6).
This is just one of the important strategies used by the artists mentioned in this thesis to
critique black sexuality. My works and practices draw their influence from the discourses that
dominate the contemporary discourse on the representation of the black body. My argument
looks at stereotypical forms of photographic practice and critiques the problematical
construct of such representations of black male sexuality. The purpose is to expose some of
the Western principles that seek to regulate and control the black body. My own practice
focuses on creating works of art that form part of my cultural and historical background.
Sexuality and gender are discussed in the third part of this thesis as a means to outline my
own photographic practice and its influences.
The third chapter investigates the masculinity of the black subject through a discussion of
sexuality and gender performativity. In this chapter, gender proves to be a performative,
unlike some of the essentialist assumptions made about how sexuality and gender are
unchanging. A visual mechanism that seeks to critically question racist representations of
black sexuality such as drag and performativity is applied in the construction of affirmative
imagery of black masculinity. The final chapter of the thesis focuses on my own work as an
example of imaginative forms of self-representation. The first, second and third parts of the
argument serve to provide a theoretical framework in which to situate my own practice. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis bespreek van die problematiese fotografiepraktyke wat deel uitmaak van die
visuele diskoers waarvolgens die swart man in Suid-Afrikaanse fotografie uitgebeeld word.
Die doel van die tesis is die kritiese ondersoek van die visuele diskoers in kontemporêre
Suid-Afrikaanse fotografie, en die blootlegging van die inherente leemtes waarin die swart
manlike subjek uitgebeeld word volgens rassestereotipes wat uit fotografie gebruike van die
koloniale diskoers spruit. Die oogmerk is om my eie fotografiese praktyk te verken deur ’n
kritiese vergelyking te tref met die werk van die Duitse fotograaf Gustav Theodor Fritsch
(b.1834–1927); die Suid-Afrikaners Alfred Martin Duggan-Cronin (b.1874-1954), die Caneybroers
(1844-1899), Steve Hilton-Barber (b.1962-2002), Pieter Hugo(b.1976-), Zanele
Muholi (b.1972-) en Zwelethu Mthethwa (b.1960-), en die Britse fotograaf Rotimi Fani-
Kayode (1955-1989), ’n Nigeriër van geboorte. ). My argument is gesentreer rondom die
bespreking van hierdie fotograaf se werke en die visuele impak op die wyse waarop die swart
onderwerp word uitgebeeld as 'n 'edel barbaar ". Die visuele voorstelling van die swart
liggaam in Suid-Afrikaanse fotografie is hoofsaaklik ’n voortsetting van die soort diskoerse
wat op antropologiese fotografiese uitbeeldingsmetodes berus. Ek voer aan dat, wat die
uitbeelding van die swart manlike liggaam betref, ’n paar kontemporêre Suid-Afrikaanse
fotograwe wat in hierdie tesis ter sprake kom, steeds onbewustelik ’n koloniale diskoers
handhaaf wat die eksotiese rol van ‘edel barbaar’ met uiterste geslags- en genderkenmerke –
hetsy uiters ‘vroulik’ of ‘hipermanlik’ met ’n ‘rou’ seksuele manhaftigheid (Read, 1996:64) –
aan die swart man toeken. In my eie werk en fotografiepraktyke het ek van bogenoemde
kunstenaars se problematiese visuele middele gebruik gemaak, nie net om dit bloot te lê nie,
maar ook om ’n alternatiewe opvatting van ‘swart’ uitbeelding te skep. In die tweede hoofstuk van die tesis gebruik ek alternatiewe metodes om die swart liggaam
visueel uit te beeld in ’n kritiese herbeoordeling van die werk van kontemporêre Suid-
Afrikaanse kunstenaars wat die swart manlike liggaam deur hetsy ateljeefotografie of
dokumentêre fotografie voorstel. Sodoende verskuif die klem na verbeeldingryke vorme van
uitbeelding as alternatief vir bogenoemde twee vorme van fotografie. Daarná val die soeklig
op handelinge van verbeeldingryke selfvoorstelling – ’n kontemporêre metode in fotografiese
kunspraktyk wat deur Rotimi Fani-Kayode gewild gemaak is. Verbeeldingryke
selfvoorstelling behels “die rituele transformasie van koloniale beelde tot ons eie skeppings”
as swart kunstenaars, ten einde die oorheersende diskoerse oor die uitbeelding van die swart liggaam omver te werp (Fani-Kayode, 1997:6). Dít is bloot een van die belangrike strategieë
wat die kunstenaars in hierdie tesis gebruik om op swart seksualiteit kritiek te lewer. My
werk en praktyk word beïnvloed deur die oorheersende kontemporêre diskoerse oor die
voorstelling van die swart liggaam. In my argument bestudeer ek stereotiepe vorme van
fotografiese praktyk, en lewer ek kritiek op die problematiese konstruk van sodanige
voorstellings van swart manlike seksualiteit. Sodoende word sommige van die Westerse
beginsels wat die swart liggaam wil reguleer en beheer aan die lig gebring. My eie praktyk
konsentreer op die produksie van kunswerke wat deel uitmaak van my kulturele en historiese
Deel 3 van die tesis ondersoek seksualiteit en gender ten einde my eie fotografiepraktyk, én
die faktore wat dit beïnvloed, te omskryf. Die derde hoofstuk ondersoek die manlikheid van
die swart subjek deur ’n bespreking van seksualiteit en gender performatiwiteit. Uit hierdie
hoofstuk blyk dit dat gender as performatief verskil van die essensialistiese aannames oor die
onveranderlike aard van seksualiteit en gender. Visuele meganismes om rassistiese
voorstellings van swart seksualiteit te bevraagteken, soos fopdossery en performatiwiteit,
word toegepas in die konstruksie van bevestigende beelde van swart manlikheid. Die laaste
hoofstuk van die tesis konsentreer op my eie werk as voorbeeld van verbeeldingryke vorme
van selfvoorstelling. Gesamentlik dien die drie dele van die argument as teoretiese raamwerk
waarin my eie praktyk geplaas kan word.
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Animated storytelling as collaborative practice : an exploratory study in the studio, the classroom and the communityYoung, Tamlyn 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates stop motion animation as a form of socially engaged visual
storytelling. It aims to expand commonly held perceptions that associate animation with the
mass media and entertainment industries by investigating three non-industry related contexts:
the artist studio, the classroom and the community. In each respective context the coauthoring
of stop motion animation was employed as a means to promote collaboration
between artists, students and members of the public. This was intended to encourage
participants to share their stories regardless of language differences, contrasting levels of
academic development and diverse socio-cultural backgrounds. Thus, animation making
provided a means of promoting inclusivity through active participation and visual
communication. This process is perceived as valuable in a South African context where
eleven official languages and a diversity of cultures and ethnicities tend to obstruct an
integrated society. My fundamental argument is that animation can be used as a tool to
facilitate the materialisation, dissemination and archiving of stories whilst promoting the
creative agency of the storyteller. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek stop-aksie animasie as ‘n tipe van sosiaal-geaktiveerde visuele
vertelkuns. Die studie is daarop gerig om algemene aannames oor animasie – wat animasie
assosieer met die massamedia en die vermaaklikheidsindustrie – te verbreed deur drie
nienywerheidsverbonde kontekste te ondersoek: die kunstenaar se ateljee, die klaskamer en
die gemeenskap. In elk van die onderskeie kontekste word die gesamentlike skepping van die
stop-aksie animasie gebruik as ‘n manier om samewerking tussen kunstenaars, studente en
die algemene publiek te bevorder. Die doel is om deelnemers aan te moedig om hul stories te
deel, ongeag taalverskille, verskillende vlakke van akademiese ontwikkeling, en diverse
sosio-kulturele agtergronde. Daarom verskaf die skepping van animasie ‘n geleentheid om
samewerking te bevorder deur aktiewe deelname en visuele kommunikasie. Die proses word
veral in die Suid Afrikaanse konteks as waardevol beskou, waar elf amptelike tale, asook ‘n
diversiteit van kulture en etniese groepe, dikwels die skep van ‘n geïntegreerde samelewing
belemmer. My hoofargument is dat animasie met vrug gebruik kan word as ‘n metode om die
skepping, disseminasie en argivering van stories te fasiliteer en terselfdertyd ook die
kreatiewe rol van die storieverteller aan te moedig.
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Entering the grotto of the biomechanical puppeteer : exploring the grotesque in stop motion puppetryJacobs, Daneille 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates the significance of stop motion puppetry as an artistic device that enables
illustrators to explore the notion of the ‘grotesque’. Mikhail Bakhtin and Wolfgang Kayser’s
theorisation of the grotesque provides the foundation for my analysis of the manifestation of the
grotesque in the puppets and stop motion techniques utilised in Jan Švankmajer’s Something from
Alice (1988) and a selected film from my own work entitled Bad Man He Comin’ (2011). A
comparative study of these two films demonstrate that stop motion puppetry is an apt medium for
facilitating and exploring forms of the grotesque. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die klem in hierdie tesis val op die belangrikheid van stop-aksie poppespel as ‘n artistieke toestel
wat kunstenaars kan gebruik om idees van die groteske weer te gee deur die gebruik van objekte
sowel as die destruktiewe aard van die animasie proses. Mikhail Bakthin en Wolfang Kayser se
idees rondom the groteske, vestig die grondslag vir die studie, om karaktereienskappe van die
groteske te ontbloot in die poppe en metodes wat gebruik is in Jan Švankmajer se film Something
from Alice (1988), sowel as ‘n geselekteerde film van my eie werk genaamd Bad Man He Comin’
(2011). ‘n Vergelykende studie, weerspieël dat groteske karakteruitbeelding verkry kan word
deur sekere materiale te gebruik om poppe-liggame te skep. Die studie ontul verder dat die
groteske geïdentifiseer kan word in die animasie proses waarin die verwronging en afbreking van
objekte, tyd, spasie en beweging plaasvind.
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'n Ondersoek na integrasie van teoretiese en praktiese komponente in die onderrig van Visuele Kunste in 'n Suid-Afrikaanse hoerskoolkonteksCronje, Daniel Christiaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA(VA))--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The gap between the theoretical and practical aspects of art education is a trend that is discussed and investigated in both the South African and the global context. In 2009, I found that my students at Elkanah House were not doing particularly well academically, and that they displayed a negative attitude towards the theoretical component of Visual Arts. This is not a unique phenomenon. Steers (2009) refers to the gap between theoretical and practical components in his article on globalisation in visual culture. According to Steers, a gap developed in various educational settings between the content and how it is practically carried out in the orthodox school curriculum. In addition, the publications Art Education and Art Education Journal issued a call for articles on the same topic in 2013.
To address the problem, I systematically developed an art curriculum from grade 10 based on the praxis of the theoretical and practical components of teaching art at my school from 2010 onwards. This curriculum includes the following: 1) experiential learning and alternative learning perspectives; 2) critical and reflective thinking; 3) development of theory through practical investigations and experiences; 4) somatic knowledge, qualitative reasoning and communicative knowledge; 5) material thinking, learning through the use of materials and body; 6) cohesive discovery of knowledge; and 7) citizenship development. The purpose of the present study was to investigate how students experienced an art curriculum that integrated theory and practice through various projects. The investigation was based on an empirical research method utilizsing a qualitative approach and a case study design. In the research, a combination of themes including various learning theories in the process of experiential learning; development of critical thinking and reflection; development of critical citizenship education; and praxis as a concept in an art curriculum were examined to narrow the gap between the theoretical and practical components of Visual Arts. The results of the research indicated that the students’ academic performance improved and aspects of critical reflective thinking, critical citizenship and awareness of the wider context in which students find themselves had also been enhanced. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gaping tussen teoretiese en praktiese komponente in kunsonderwys is ʼn tendens wat in beide Suid-Afrikaanse en globale kontekste bespreek en ondersoek word. In 2009 het ek gevind dat my studente by Elkanah House nie akademies goed vaar nie, en ook ʼn negatiewe houding teenoor die teoretiese komponent van Visuele Kunste toon. Dit is nie ʼn unieke tendens nie. Steers (2009) verwys in sy artikel oor globalisering in visuele kultuur na die gaping wat tussen die teorie en die praktyk ontstaan het. Volgens Steers het daar in die ortodokse skool kurrikulum ‘n gaping in verskeie onderwyssituasies ontwikkel tussen die inhoud en dit wat prakties uitgevoer word. Die publikasies Art Education en Art Education Journal het ook in 2013 ʼn beroep gedoen vir artikels oor dieselfde onderwerp.
Ek het in 2010 ʼn kunskurrikulum met praksis van die teoretiese en praktiese komponente stelselmatig vanaf graad 10 ontwikkel om die probleem van skeiding tussen teorie en prakties by die skool waar ek klasgee aan te spreek. Hierdie kurrikulum het die volgende ingesluit: 1) ervaringsleer en alternatiewe leerperspektiewe; 2) kritiese en reflektiewe denke; 3) ontwikkeling van teorie deur praktiese ondersoeke en ervaringe; 4) somatiese kennis, kwalitatiewe redenering en kommunikatiewe weet; 5) materiaal-gebaseerde denke, leer deur gebruik te maak van materiale en liggaam; 6) samehangende ontdekking van kennis; en 7) burgerskapontwikkeling. Die doel van hierdie studie was om ‘n ondersoek te doen na hoe studente die bogenoemde kunskurrikulum vir die integrasie van teorie en prakties deur verskeie projekte ervaar het. Die ondersoek was gebaseer op ʼn empiriese navorsingsmetode deur gebruik te maak van ʼn kwalitatiewe benadering en ʼn gevallestudie-ontwerp. Temas soos die verbetering van motivering; invloede op die vak Visuele Kunste en ander vakgebiede; groter bewuswording van plek in die gemeenskap en aanpassing van onderrigstyl deur die fasiliteerder is in die ondersoek geïdentifiseer. Die resultate van die navorsing het aangedui dat studente se akademiese prestasie nie net verbeter het nie, maar dat aspekte van kritiese reflektiewe denke, kritiese burgerskap, asook bewuswording van die breër konteks waarin die kunsstudente hulself bevind, verbreed is.
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Handbok för kreativitet : En undersökning om kreativitet i relation till visuellt material och hur den blir gynnsam för lärande. / Handbook for creativity : A survey on creativity in relation to visual material and how it becomes favorable for learning.Kjellqvist, Gabriella January 2019 (has links)
I det här arbetet har begreppet kreativitet utifrån den konstnärliga området undersökts ur ett pedagogiskt perspektiv. Det empiriska materialet som består av svar från två enkätundersökningar och bilder från deltagare i en fokusgrupp har analyserats hur en bild med “rätt” resurser bidrar till en mångfald av idéer och skapar en kreativ bild. Detta för att belysa hur vi kan öva upp vår egen kreativa förmåga inom den konstnärliga området med hjälp av visuellt material, i det här fallet “Handbok för kreativitet”. I undersökningen framkom det att en kreativ bild är en bild som består av en bildkonstruktion och teckensammansättning som ger en mångfald av tolkningar och associationer och är öppen för transformering. Detta bidrog till vidare förståelse för hur ett kreativt synsätt i skolan är viktigt för att nå en mer jämlik skola mellan det verbala och textuella och praktiskt utförande. Undersökningens gestaltande del utgörs av egna visuellt framtagna bilder som är tolkade utifrån de bilder som ansågs som gynnsamma för kreativitet och skapande i en av enkätundersökningarna. Hela gestaltningen är i form av en bok, “Handbok för kreativitet” på 58 sidor och består, nästan enbart, av visuellt material.
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