Spelling suggestions: "subject:"vizija"" "subject:"nizija""
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Neįgalumo įtaka vaiko, turinčio raidos sutrikimą asmeninio gyvenimo vizijos formavimuisi / Disability’s influence to the child, having fluster of development, formatting his/her personal vision of lifeJasaitytė, Rasa 24 September 2008 (has links)
Neįgaliems žmonėms labai svarbi visuomenės parama, jie taip pat nori jaustis reikšmingi ir reikalingi. Tačiau svarbus yra paties neįgalaus žmogaus požiūris į savo negalią ir su ja susitaikyti. Juk neįgaliesiems reikia priimti savo negalią ir su ja gyventi ne tik buitinėje erdvėje bet ir profesinėje, kontaktuoti su kitais žmonėmis. Tyrimo objektas: požiūris į neįgalumą turinčio vaiko ateities viziją.
Mokslinė problema: neįgalumo įtaka vaiko ateities vizijos formavimuisi
Tikslas: Išsiaiškinti neįgalumą turinčio vaiko ateities vizijos ypatumus.
Uždaviniai: 1. Išnagrinėjus mokslinę pedagoginę literatūrą ir juridinius dokumentus, atskleisti negalę turinčio žmogaus visaverčio gyvenimo kriterijus.
1. Ištirti negalę turinčių mokinių aspiracijų lygį savarankiško gyvenimo vizijoje;
2. Išsiaiškinti mokytojų nuostatas į negalę turinčių mokinių savarankiško gyvenimo galimybes;
3. Ištirti realias mokinių galimybes rengtis savarankiškam gyvenimui;
Tyrimo metodai:
3) mokslinių šaltinių analizė: pedagoginė, psichologinė literatūra, atliktų tyrimų ataskaitos, juridiniai dokumentai.
4) Empiriniai tyrimai: moksleivių ir pedagogų anketinės apklausos.
Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta Excel programa.
Išsiaiškinus pedagogų požiūrį į vaikų su negale savarankiško gyvenimo galimybes, galima teigti, kad šis požiūris nėra labai optimistinis, nes pedagogai daugelį reikšmingų žmogui dalykų neįgalių vaikų atžvilgiu vertina skeptiškai. Pedagogų požiūriu neįgalus vaikas turi galimybių gyventi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Disabled people are a very important support for our society, they also want to feel themselves significant and wanted. As disabled person’s attitude towards his/her disability and to accept it, as disabled people have to live with their disability not only in daily life, but also in their carrier, having relationships with people. The object of the investigation is the attitude towards the vision of life of a disabled child. The scientific problem of the dissertation is to discuss the particularities in creating future vision for a disabled child. The aim of the dissertation is to find out the peculiarities of the life vision of a disabled child. The goals of the dissertation: After studying a scientific and pedagogical literature and juridical documents to reveal criteria of a normal life of a disabled person; To find out level of aspirations disabled students have in their vision of independent life; To find out pedagogues’ attitude towards potential of independent life disabled students have; To investigate real possibilities disabled students have to prepare themselves for their independent life;
Methods of investigation: Analysis of the scientific sources; pedagogical and psychological literature, reports about research done, juridical documents. Empirical research: questionnaires for teachers and students. Analysis of statistical data was done in Excel.
Clearing out pedagogues’ attitude towards the possibilities of independent life disabled... [to full text]
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UAB „Kautra“ veiklos strategija / Business Strategy of Ltd. KautraMažutytė, Ieva 07 January 2013 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas - Pasinaudojant mokslinės literatūros teorijomis, išanalizuoti dabartinę UAB „Kautra“ situaciją Lietuvos ir užsienio rinkose bei plėtros galimybių perspektyvas. Teorinėje darbo dalyje apžvelgiama medžiaga, kuria remiantis buvo rašomas darbas. Pateikiamos skirtingų autorių strategijos formuluotės, apžvelgiami būdai, kokius žingsnius reikia atlikti, kuriant veiklos strategiją. Atliekant didžiausios Lietuvos keleivių vežėjos UAB „Kautra“ strategijos formavimo teorinius sprendimus, naudoti mokslinės literatūros palyginamosios analizės sisteminimo metodai. Empiriniam tyrimui, taikytas kiekybinis tyrimo metodas. Darbo pabaigoje suformuluota naujoji įmonės misija ir numatyta vizija, kuri aprėpia 10 metų. Taip pat nustatomos nagrinėjamos įmonės bazinės strategijos bei jų alternatyvos. / Final aim of this work is: While using theories of scientific literature, analyze current situation of Ltd Kautra in Lithuanian and international markets, also, to analyze development opportunities and prospects. In theoretical part there is presented analysis of different authors strategy definitions. Also, there are mentioned ways and steps needed for strategy creation. While making theoretical decisions of Lithuania's largest passenger carrier Ltd. Kautra, were used systematic methods of comparative analysis. At the end of the work is presented new company’s mission and vision 10 years ahead. Also are established basic strategies and alternatives of analyzed company.
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Vidinis auditas kaip pradinėje mokykloje kaitą skatinantis veiksnys / Internal Audit as the Alternation Stimulating Factor if Primary SchoolRamanauskienė, Ona 15 June 2005 (has links)
Study object:
• Internal audit and changes related with it in primary school.
• To determine the influence of internal audit on alternation processes in primary school.
Study tasks:
• To analyze pedagogical and psychological literature of monitoring direction.
• To clarify the attitude of pedagogues, parents and pupils to internal audit as the main alternation stimulating factor.
• To explore internal audit influence on alternation.
• To discuss about internal audit as knowledge and perfection condition of ourselves.
Study methods:
• The research of scientific literature.
• Analyze of the documents.
• Method of quantitative research.
• Statistical treatment of data.
The research of activity efficiency in the comprehensive schools was analyzed of very outstanding Lithuanian scientists and other investigators practices. I would like to mention B. Bitinas, P. Jucevičienė, V. Stulpinas, Ž. Jackūnas, V. Targamadzė, R. Želvys, M. Barkauskaitė, A. Bagdonas and others.
The first research in branch of internal audit was done by Center of Pedagogues Education (CPE), the internal audit experiments were done in the preschools, in the primary schools and in the comprehensive schools.
In nowadays very important to establish the internal audit, because just then schools by themselves could plumb to their done specific activities, would be interested to education politic and standards of quality.
In 2002-2003 the internal audit were done in every comprehensive school, but there... [to full text]
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Organizacijos informacinės sistemos reikalavimų formulavimas panaudojant vizija grindžiamą metodinį karkasą / A methodical framework for vision driven enterprise system requirements engineeringKriaučiūnas, Martynas 08 September 2009 (has links)
Šiame magistro baigiamajame darbe yra nagrinėjama, kaip ir kokiu mastu, struktūrinant reikalavimus pagal J.A.Zachmano karkasą ir panaudojant Toronto grupės pasiūlytą nefunkcinių reikalavimų dekomponavimo metodiką (NFR), galima bent iš dalies formalizuoti reikalavimų nuleidimą iš verslo lygmens į programų sistemos lygmenį. Darbo teorinėje darbo dalyje, remiantis atliktos mokslinės literatūros analizės rezultatais, pasiūlyta kaip pritaikyti Toronto metodiką reikalavimams nuleisti iš verslo į programų sistemos lygmenį Zachmano tipo karkasuose. Darbo eksperimentinėje dalyje šie pasiūlymai patikrinti praktiškai, atliekant konkrečios sistemos reikalavimų nuleidimą iš verslo į programų sistemos lygmenį. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad NFR metodika tinkama ne visų reikalavimų nuleidimui žemyn, nes joje yra per silpnos dinamikos modeliavimo priemonės. / The aim of the master thesis is to investigate possibilities to use the NFR (non-functional requirements) approach proposed by Toronto group to perform the flowdown of requirements from business to software level in the methodical requirements engineering frameworks that organize requirements in a way similar to the J.A. Zachman’s Enterprise Architecture. Using results of the library research, the theoretical part of the thesis proposes a methodology how to apply NRF approach to perform flow down of the higher level requirements to lower ones in cases when requirements are organized according to principles proposed by J.A. Zachman. The experimental part of the thesis is devoted to the validation of the proposed approach using a simplified banking system example. The main conclusion of the thesis is that the NFR approach is applicable only to some part of requirements because the modelling means provided by this approach are not sufficient to model the system dynamic.
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Komercinio banko veiklos strateginis planavimas / Strategic planning of commercial bank activityKšivickaitė, Giedrė 31 May 2005 (has links)
Master’s closing work, 64 pages, and 12 pictures, and 12 tables, 41 sources of literature, 4 enclosures and Lithuanian language.
KEY WORDS: commercial bank, strategic planning, strategy, environmental factors, service, vision, mission, philosophy, organizational culture, goal.
Object of research ��� commercial bank activity.
Goal of research –to analyze and to estimate the content of strategic planning of commercial bank activity from theoretical point and to make approach for above – mentioned activity development.
1. To explore the peculiarities of commercial bank activity, characterized by specific activity point.
2. To exclude systematized conceptions of strategic planning and determinations of strategy formatting.
3. To dispute the theoretical aspects and the value of commercial bank strategic planning in modern financial mediation market.
4. To analyze the environmental factors and stages of planning of commercial bank.
5. To explore business philosophy of “Hansbankas” and to estimate how organization is propagating organizational provisions among employees.
Research methods – Lithuanian and foreign authors’ special literature’s logical, comparable analysis and synthesis, Commercial bank “Hansabankas” employees’ questionnaires. The data of questionnaires have been systematized by Microsoft Excel, data grouping, logical, comparable analysis and synthesis and graphical simulation.
With reference of theoretical and data of questionnaires research, there are made... [to full text]
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Reinženjering preduzeća kao tehnika savremenog menadžmenta / Reengineering the company as modern management techniquePecić LJiljana 29 April 2015 (has links)
<p>U radu se iskazuje potreba za obavljanjem reinţenjeringa preduzeća (RP), kao radikalno novog totalnog procesnog organizovanja preduzeća sa tendencijom ostvarivanja TQM-a (totalno procesno organizovanje preduzeća po prvi put je inţenjering preduzeća (IR)). Takođe, u radu se daje odgovarajuća metodologija za obavljanje inţenjeringa I reinţenjeringa preduzeća i iskazuje ĉinjenica da obavljanje svakog inţenjeringa i reinţenjeringa preduzeća, kao i funkcionisanje TQM-a podrazumeva postojanje menadţmenta u preduzeću koji se stalno inovira.<br />Rad istiĉe ĉinjenicu da u procesnom organizovanju preduzeća treba da se razlikuje selekcionistiĉki pristup koji prvenstveno odgovara naprednim preduzećima u razvijenoj svetskoj privredi i totalistiĉki pristup, koji rad obrađuje, a koji prevashodno odgovara svim ostalim preduzećima. Osnovni kriterijum koji odreĊuje kad koji pristup treba da bude upotrebljen je kvalitet posedovanne marketinške organizacione culture. Ako je posedovana marketinška organizaciona kultura zadovoljavajuća onda za ostvarivanje procesnog organizovanja treba da bude upotrebljen postojeći selekcionistiĉki pristup, dok u suprotnom sluĉaju, koji je daleko rasprostranjeni, treba da bude primenjen totalistiĉki pristup, koga rad obrađuje.<br />U radu je obrađen model za identifikaciju kvaliteta postojeće marketinške organizacione kulture preduzeća i iskazan naĉin pokretanja reinţenjeringa na primeru konkretnog preduzeća sloţenog karaktera i naĉin kako se identifikuju koristi od njegovog obavljanja u poĉetnoj fazi obavljanja (prve dve godine od njegovog pokretanja).<br />Obavljeno istraţivanje je prevashodno analitiĉko deskriptivnog karaktera u okviru kog se dokazivanje postavljenih operativnih hipoteza vršilo po odgovarajućim radnim poglavljima koja nose njihove nazive. Takođe, u sklopu obavljanja istraţivanja data su odgovarajuća razjašnjenja pojmova: vizija, misija, opšti cilj, strategija ostvarivanja opšteg cilja, identifikovanje radne strukture i strukture radnih procesa, modeliranje poslovne strukture i strukture poslovnih procesa, i definisanje procesne organizacione strukture preduzeća sa uspostavljanjem novog baziĉnog marketinški orjentisanog organizacionog modela. Ostvarivanje ovakvog organizacionog poduhvata definisano je odgovarajućom specijalnom grafiĉkom interpretacijom. Na primeru jednog sloţenog preduzeća dokazano je, kroz poĉetne rezultate, da jedan ovakav pristup daje zadovoljavajuće rezultate.</p> / <p>The paper shows the need for the re-engineering of the company (RP), as performing a radical new process of organizing the total tendency of TQM implementation, called Enterprise Engineering (IE). It also provides an appropriate methodology for their performing and reflect the fact that the performance of each engineering and re-engineering enterprises, as well as the functioning of TQM, implies the existence of management in a company, that is constantly innovating.<br />The paper highlights the fact that in the process organizing the company we shoulddistinguish differ process selection approach (that is suitable for advanced enterprises in developed world economy) and totalistic approach (which mainly corresponds to other companies). The main criterion that determines when that approach should be used, is the quality of subsumed marketing organizational culture. If the marketing possessed organizational culture is satisfactory then for the process of organizing should be used selection approach, while in the opposite case, which is far distributed, should be applied totalistic approach, which this paper deals with.<br />The paper describes a model for identification the quality of the existing marketing organizational culture, of the company and shown the way to start re-engineering through example of a particular complex company and find way how to identify the benefits of its performance in the beginning phase (the first two years of its launch).<br />Conducted research has primarily analytical-descriptive character, within which is done proving the set of operational hypotheses through relevant chapters which take their names. Also, through research performing are given adequate clarifications of terms: vision, mission, objective, strategy for achieving public goals, identifying the labor structure and structure of work processes, modeling the business structure and the structure of business processes, defining process organized structure of the company to establish a new base market oriented organizational model. The exercise of such organizational enterprise defines appropriate special graphical interpretation.</p>
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