Spelling suggestions: "subject:"focalization."" "subject:"1ocalization.""
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Anti-predator behaviour of Guereza colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza)Schel, Anne Marijke January 2009 (has links)
Black-and-white colobus monkeys are renowned for their impressive vocal behaviour, but up to date there have been only very few systematic efforts to study this. These monkeys are able to produce loud and low-pitched roars that transmit over long distances, which has lead to the assumption that these calls function in inter-group spacing and male-male competition. The fact that the monkeys sometimes produce the same calls to predators as well, has not received much attention so far. This thesis presents a detailed description of the form and function of the anti-predator behaviour of one species of black-and-white colobus monkeys, the Guereza (Colobus guereza), with a specific focus on their alarm calling behaviour. A second aim was to determine the effects of predator experience on their anti-predator behaviour, with a specific focus on call comprehension and production. Data were collected from two populations of Guereza monkeys in the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda, that differ in predation pressures experienced by their main predators: leopards, eagles and chimpanzees. Results showed that Guerezas use a basic form of zoo-syntax in order to compose predator-specific call sequences that vary in the number of roaring phrases and snorts. These sequences are meaningful to recipients, at least at the level of the predator class, but there were also indications for additional levels of encoded information: Guerezas appear to have evolved a second system, based on acoustic variants of individual phrases, which allows them to narrow down the information content of call sequences, generating the potential to communicate highly specific information by using a mix of syntactic and semantic cues. The monkeys’ vocal behaviour was influenced by predator experience, but not strongly so. Monkeys without prior experience with leopards lacked some of the behavioural nuances seen in leopard-experienced monkeys, but they nevertheless responded appropriately to visual and acoustic leopard models, suggesting they had retained the basic capacities to recognise this predator type as relevant and dangerous. Results are discussed in light of the comparative approach to the study of human language evolution. Although human language is unique in a number of ways, for example through its use of complex syntax and intentional semantics, some animal communication systems have revealed similar features, and Guerezas, the first member of the colobine family to be studied in this respect, are no exception. The Guerezas’ alarm calling behaviour is complex and flexible, and these monkeys have provided another piece of empirical evidence that is directly relevant for the comparative approach to human language evolution.
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Variation in sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) coda vocalizations and social structure in the North Atlantic OceanAntunes, Ricardo January 2009 (has links)
This study aimed at complementing studies of sperm whale social and vocal behaviour that were restricted to the Pacific Ocean. The characteristic multi-pulsed structure of sperm whale clicks allows for estimation of whales' size from measurements of the inter-pulse intervals (IPI). I have developed two new automatic methods for IPI estimation from clicks recorded during foraging dives. When compared to other previously developed methods, the newly developed method that averages several clicks' autocorrelation function showed the best performance amongst the automatic methods. Previous studies did not support individual identity advertisement among social unit members as the function for the sperm whale communication signals called codas. I tested within coda type variation for individual specific patterns and found that, while some coda types do not allow for individual discrimination, one did so. This variation suggests that different coda types may have distinct functions. Analysis of social structure in the Azores found that, similar to the Eastern Tropical Pacific, sperm whales form long term social units of about 12 individuals. Unlike the Pacific Ocean, Azorean social units do not form temporary groups with other units, suggesting differences in the costs and benefits of group formation. I argue that these are due to differences in terms of predation pressure and intraspecific competition between the Azores and the Pacific study sites. The variation of coda repertoires in the Atlantic also showed a pattern dissimilar to that previously documented in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. In the North Atlantic, coda repertoire variation is mostly geographic, which is parsimoniously explained by random drift of culturally transmitted coda repertoires. No sympatric vocal clans with distinct dialects were found as has been noted in the Pacific. Drawing upon the differences found in social structure I argue that selection for maximization of differences between units with similar foraging strategies may have led to the Pacific vocal clans. The differences between oceans suggest that sperm whales may adaptively adjust their behaviour according to experienced ecological conditions.
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Anti-predator behaviour of black-fronted titi monkeys (Callicebus nigrifrons)Ca¨sar, Cristiane January 2012 (has links)
Titi monkeys have long been known for their complex vocal behaviour with numerous high- and low-pitched calls, which can be uttered singly or combined in more complex structures. However, up to date very little is known concerning the function, meaning and context-specific use of these vocal utterances, and virtually nothing is known about their vocalisations in the predation context. This thesis presents a detailed description of the form and function of the anti-predator behaviour of one species of titi monkeys, the black-fronted titi monkey (Callicebus nigrifrons), with a specific focus on their alarm call behaviour. A second aim was to determine the exact mechanisms of alarm calling behaviour, with an emphasis on production and comprehension. Data were collected from several habituated groups in the Caraça Reserve, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Results showed that, when detecting predator species, C nigrifrons produce sequences that initially contain two types of brief, high-pitched calls with distinct frequency contours. Further evidence suggested that some of these sequences are meaningful to conspecific receivers, by indicating the general predator class and location of threat. There were also indications that, within the terrestrial threats, additional information may be encoded by acoustic and compositional differences. Analyses of call order and number of calls per sequence suggested that callers may be able to convey information on both predator type and location. The black-fronted titi monkeys’ vocal system thus provides a further example of zoo-syntax, in which acoustically fixed units of a vocal repertoire are combined into higher order sequences that are meaningful to recipients. According to current definitions, this type of calling behaviour qualifies as functionally referential, by indicating general predator class, terrestrial predator type and location. As such, this is the first empirical demonstration of a sequence-based alarm call system that conveys information on both predator category and location.
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Extraction et analyse du réseau acoustique d'oiseaux sociaux / Extraction and analysis of social birds' acoustic networkFernandez, Marie 09 April 2018 (has links)
Posséder des données fiables, à jour et précises sur les populations d’oiseaux peut se révéler central aux décisions de politique environnementale. La bioacoustique est un outil de suivi non invasif de populations animales et avantageux lorsque les méthodes d’observation ou les captures sont difficiles. De plus, il a été montré chez de nombreuses espèces que l'étude de la communication acoustique peut largement contribuer à comprendre la dynamique des interactions sociales au sein d'un groupe. Cependant, l'étude des interactions vocales peut se révéler difficile, notamment lorsque l'on souhaite s'intéresser à une échelle fine des échanges. C'est pourquoi la bioacoustique n’a que peu été utilisée pour la caractérisation de la structure sociale de populations. L'objectif de ce projet de thèse était le développement de techniques d’extraction de vocalisations individuelles au sein d'un groupe, ainsi que la modélisation de leur dynamique fine. Après avoir été développée, testée et validée, notre méthode a permis d'étudier le réseau acoustique chez une espèce d'oiseau social, le diamant mandarin, et d'explorer le lien entre réseau acoustique et réseau social. A travers plusieurs études, nous avons montré que la dynamique vocale d'un groupe dépend à la fois de la composition de ce groupe (sa taille, la présence de couples ou de juvéniles) et du contexte environnemental (sans perturbation, puis avec séparation visuelle ou présence d'un danger). Ainsi, avec le développement de méthodes d'extraction de réseau acoustique, ce projet contribue à la fois à la recherche fondamentale et appliquée dans ce domaine : en recherche fondamentale car l'étude de la dynamique des interactions vocales permet de mieux comprendre le réseau social, et en recherche appliquée pour le suivi de population.! / Bird populations represent a significant proportion of urban and rural biodiversity. For this purpose, the acquisition of reliable, updated and precise data on bird population can be a central factor for environmental decisions. The current classical techniques are difficult regarding human resources (banding, tracking, counting) and often invasive. Bioacoustics is a non-invasive tool for animal populations monitoring (density, migration paths...). Moreover, it has been shown in many species that the study of vocal exchanges can largely help to understand the social interactions occurring in a group. However, studying vocal exchanges can be difficult, especially when we want to assess fine scale interactions. For this reason bioacoustics have rarely been used to characterize groups’ social structure. The aim of this project was to develop techniques for the extraction of individual vocalizations in a group, and the modelling of their dynamics at a fine scale. After we developed, tested and validated our method, we used it to extract the acoustic network in a bird social species, the zebra finch, and investigate the link between acoustic and social network. Throughout different studies we showed that the group composition, more particularly its size, the presence of couples or the presence of juveniles can shape parts of the vocal dynamics. We also found that the environmental context (without any perturbation, then a context of separation for a couple, or predation in a group) can impact the vocal interactions dynamics. Thus, this project make contribution to both fundamental and applied research: in fundamental research by contributing to the study of vocal interactions dynamics to better understand the social network, and in applied research by contributing to define new standards for population monitoring.
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Utilização da pressão sonora (ruído) como indicativo de bem-estar animal na produção industrial de suínos / Utilization of sound pressure (noise) as an animal welfare indicative on industrial swines productionBorges, Giselle 04 February 2009 (has links)
Objetivou-se, com esta pesquisa, inserir no mercado de produção intensiva de suínos, um método não invasivo para quantificar o bem-estar animal, por intermédio dos níveis de pressão sonora (ruídos) emitidos por suínos em fases de pré-creche e creche. Foram realizados três experimentos, a fim de estudar a utilização da pressão sonora (ruído) emitida por um grupo de suínos como resposta às condições ambientais as quais foram submetidos, em ambiente controlado e de produção intensiva, e estabelecer as faixas de pressão sonora de acordo com as faixas de temperatura e umidade para conforto e estresse. No experimento I o objetivo foi estudar a influência da distribuição dos decibelímetros na captação automática dos níveis de pressão sonora em ambiente de produção intensiva. Foi conduzido em uma granja comercial de suínos, sendo utilizada uma sala do galpão, que foi dividida em dez quadrantes idênticos, e os decibelímetros instalados no centro geométrico de cada quadrante. Os níveis de pressão sonora do ambiente foram registrados em todos os equipamentos, ao mesmo tempo, e, por intermédio da análise geoestatística, foi possível verificar que os decibelímetros não apresentaram dependência espacial entre si, e essa afirmação pôde ser confirmada pela análise de correlação entre cada decibelímetro testado para cada um dos layouts avaliados. No experimento II avaliou-se a influência das variáveis ambientais no nível de pressão sonora emitido por leitões em ambiente controlado. Os leitões foram confinados em uma câmara climática e submetidos à variação da temperatura e umidade do ambiente. O comportamento foi avaliado por intermédio do nível de atividade dos leitões, utilizando análise de imagens. Os níveis de pressão sonora emitidos pelos leitões foram registrados utilizando decibelímetros, e a extração do ruído de fundo foi possível após a retirada dos leitões da câmara. Foi possível concluir que os níveis de pressão sonora emitidos pelos leitões em câmara climática apresentaram correlação negativa com a variável temperatura e com o índice de conforto entalpia Foi possível predizer as faixas de níveis de pressão sonora emitidos pelos leitões, em relação às faixas de conforto e estresse existentes para a temperatura e o índice de conforto entalpia para as condições do presente experimento. O experimento III foi conduzido em uma granja comercial de produção de suínos, tendo como objetivo avaliar a influência das variáveis ambientais nos níveis de pressão sonora emitidos pelos leitões em confinamento intensivo. Foram instalados decibelímetros para a captação automática dos níveis de pressão sonora e loggers para coletar dados de temperatura e umidade do ar em uma sala do galpão de suínos. Para a captação do nível de pressão sonora de fundo, foram instalados, na área externa à sala de creche, decibelímetros para posterior subtração. Os dados foram submetidos à análise correlação e regressão entre as variáveis estudadas. Verificou-se que os níveis de pressão sonora emitidos pelos leitões apresentaram tendência de acréscimo, quando em desconforto térmico, sendo possível predizer as faixas de pressão sonora emitidas pelos leitões em relação às condições ambientais. / The objective of this research was to insert in the market of intensive swine production, a non invasive method to quantify animal welfare, through sound pressure levels (noises) emitted by swine in pre-nursering and nursering phases. Were realized three experiments to study the appliance of sound pressure (noise) emitted by a group of swine as an answer to the environment conditions that they were submitted in a controlled and in a intensive production environment, and to establish the bands of sound pressure according to the bands of temperature and humidity to comfort and stress. In experiment I, the objective was to study the influence of the distribution of the decibelimeters on the automatic capturing of sound pressure levels in a intensive production environment. It was conducted in a commercial swine farm, where a sheds room was used, which was divided in ten identical quadrants and the decibelimeters installed in the geometric centre of each quadrant. Environments sound pressure levels were registered in all equipments, at the same time, and through geostatistical analysis, it was possible to verify that the decibelimeters did not show spatial dependence amongst, and this affirmation could be confirmed by correlation analysis between each decibelimeter tested to each of the evaluated layouts. In experiment II the influence of environment variables on sound pressure levels emitted by piglets in a controlled environment was evaluated. Piglets were confined in a climatic chamber and submitted to a variation of environments temperature and relative humidity. Behaviour was evaluated through piglets activity level using image analysis. Sound pressure levels emitted by piglets were registered by decibelimeters, and backgrounds noise extraction was possible after the removing of piglets of the chamber. It was possible to conclude that sound pressure levels emitted by piglets in a climatic chamber showed a negative correlation with temperature variable and with the enthalpy comfort index. It was possible to predict sound pressure levels bands emitted by piglets, related to comfort and stress bands existents to temperature and enthalpy comfort index to the conditions of the present experiment. Experiment III was conducted in a farm of swines commercial production, and the objective was to evaluate the influence of environment variables on sound pressure levels emitted by piglets in a intensive confinement. Decibelimeters were installed to the automatic capture of sound pressure levels and loggers to collect temperature and air humidity data in a room of swines shed. To the capturing of backgrounds sound pressure level, were installed decibelimeters in the external área to nurserings room to a posterior subtraction. Data were submitted to correlation and regression analysis among the studied variables. It was verified that sound pressure levels emitted by piglets showed a raise tendency when in thermal discomfort, and it was possible to predict bands of sound pressure emitted by piglets in relation to environmental conditions.
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Avaliação da exposição prévia a estímulos estressores aversivos inatos e aprendidos sobre o comportamento agressivo de camundongos (Mus musculus albinus): influência de mecanismos GABAérgicos e dopaminérgicos / A behavioral and pharmacological evaluation of aggressive behavior in mice previously exposed to fear or anxiety-like stimuliCunha Neto, João Soares da 02 March 2018 (has links)
Os animais são expostos a diferentes situações que podem colocar em risco sua sobrevivência. Na natureza estas situações, em geral, eliciam medo e ou ansiedade. A agressão é um conjunto de comportamentos direcionados a um indivíduo co específico, ou não, que tem como objetivo a aquisição de recursos ou proteção em situações de risco à sobrevivência. Considerando a interação entre medo/ansiedade e agressividade, este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar se essas situações podem modificar o comportamento agressivo agressividade em camundongos. O propósito deste estudo foi investigar se a pre-exposição de camundongos a estímulos estressores incondicionados (campo aberto, labirinto em cruz elevado, exposição ao rato, exposição a odor de rato) e condicionados (choque nas patas) podem modular o futuro comportamento agressivo em camundongos. Para atingir esse objetivo, os animais foram previamente expostos a diferentes situações capazes de provocar um estado de ansiedade e/ou medo e posteriormente submetidos ao encontro agonístico (teste residente intruso). As alterações na reatividade emocional induzidas pelas variáveis independentes foram medidas usando a resposta de sobressalto potencializado pelo medo e a análise de vocalizações ultrassônicas. Devido à influência relevante da neurotransmissão de GABA na agressão, as mudanças comportamentais induzidas pelas variáveis utilizadas foram associadas com o benzodiazepínico diazepam. Os dados obtidos no presente estudo após análise mostrou que a pré-exposição de camundongos a situações aversivas que provocam medo e / ou ansiedade alteram o seu comportamento. / Aggression is defined as a behavioral repertoire mainly directed to a conspecific for acquisition of resources and protection. In this context, anxiety and fear-like behaviors is commonly triggered by these survivors situations. Since aggression and fear are highly correlated in the present study we investigated whether previous exposure to environmental unconditioned (rat presence and rat odor, open field and elevated plus-maze tests, foot-shocks) and conditioned aversive stimuli (fear-potentiated startle) can modulate future aggressive behavior in mice. To achieve this goal, the animals were previously exposed to different situations able to elicit a state of anxiety and/or fear and later submitted to the agonistic encounter. Changes on the emotional reactivity induced by the independent variables used were measured using the fear-potentiated startle response and ultrasonic vocalizations analysis. Due to the relevant influence of GABA neurotransmission on aggression, behavioral changes induced by the variables used were challenged with the prototypic benzodiazepine diazepam. In addition, regarding human aggression, the most effective and enduring pharmacological intervention rely on compounds that act as dopaminergic antagonists. Therefore, in our study, in order to verify the influence of dopamine neurotransmission on the modulation of aggression pharmacological manipulation was conducted with the systemic administration of the dopamine D2 agonist apomorphine. Both drugs were administered previously to the resident-intruder test. The data obtained in the present study after analysis show that the pre-exposure to aversive situations that trigger fear and/or anxiety changes mice behavior.
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Utilização da pressão sonora (ruído) como indicativo de bem-estar animal na produção industrial de suínos / Utilization of sound pressure (noise) as an animal welfare indicative on industrial swines productionGiselle Borges 04 February 2009 (has links)
Objetivou-se, com esta pesquisa, inserir no mercado de produção intensiva de suínos, um método não invasivo para quantificar o bem-estar animal, por intermédio dos níveis de pressão sonora (ruídos) emitidos por suínos em fases de pré-creche e creche. Foram realizados três experimentos, a fim de estudar a utilização da pressão sonora (ruído) emitida por um grupo de suínos como resposta às condições ambientais as quais foram submetidos, em ambiente controlado e de produção intensiva, e estabelecer as faixas de pressão sonora de acordo com as faixas de temperatura e umidade para conforto e estresse. No experimento I o objetivo foi estudar a influência da distribuição dos decibelímetros na captação automática dos níveis de pressão sonora em ambiente de produção intensiva. Foi conduzido em uma granja comercial de suínos, sendo utilizada uma sala do galpão, que foi dividida em dez quadrantes idênticos, e os decibelímetros instalados no centro geométrico de cada quadrante. Os níveis de pressão sonora do ambiente foram registrados em todos os equipamentos, ao mesmo tempo, e, por intermédio da análise geoestatística, foi possível verificar que os decibelímetros não apresentaram dependência espacial entre si, e essa afirmação pôde ser confirmada pela análise de correlação entre cada decibelímetro testado para cada um dos layouts avaliados. No experimento II avaliou-se a influência das variáveis ambientais no nível de pressão sonora emitido por leitões em ambiente controlado. Os leitões foram confinados em uma câmara climática e submetidos à variação da temperatura e umidade do ambiente. O comportamento foi avaliado por intermédio do nível de atividade dos leitões, utilizando análise de imagens. Os níveis de pressão sonora emitidos pelos leitões foram registrados utilizando decibelímetros, e a extração do ruído de fundo foi possível após a retirada dos leitões da câmara. Foi possível concluir que os níveis de pressão sonora emitidos pelos leitões em câmara climática apresentaram correlação negativa com a variável temperatura e com o índice de conforto entalpia Foi possível predizer as faixas de níveis de pressão sonora emitidos pelos leitões, em relação às faixas de conforto e estresse existentes para a temperatura e o índice de conforto entalpia para as condições do presente experimento. O experimento III foi conduzido em uma granja comercial de produção de suínos, tendo como objetivo avaliar a influência das variáveis ambientais nos níveis de pressão sonora emitidos pelos leitões em confinamento intensivo. Foram instalados decibelímetros para a captação automática dos níveis de pressão sonora e loggers para coletar dados de temperatura e umidade do ar em uma sala do galpão de suínos. Para a captação do nível de pressão sonora de fundo, foram instalados, na área externa à sala de creche, decibelímetros para posterior subtração. Os dados foram submetidos à análise correlação e regressão entre as variáveis estudadas. Verificou-se que os níveis de pressão sonora emitidos pelos leitões apresentaram tendência de acréscimo, quando em desconforto térmico, sendo possível predizer as faixas de pressão sonora emitidas pelos leitões em relação às condições ambientais. / The objective of this research was to insert in the market of intensive swine production, a non invasive method to quantify animal welfare, through sound pressure levels (noises) emitted by swine in pre-nursering and nursering phases. Were realized three experiments to study the appliance of sound pressure (noise) emitted by a group of swine as an answer to the environment conditions that they were submitted in a controlled and in a intensive production environment, and to establish the bands of sound pressure according to the bands of temperature and humidity to comfort and stress. In experiment I, the objective was to study the influence of the distribution of the decibelimeters on the automatic capturing of sound pressure levels in a intensive production environment. It was conducted in a commercial swine farm, where a sheds room was used, which was divided in ten identical quadrants and the decibelimeters installed in the geometric centre of each quadrant. Environments sound pressure levels were registered in all equipments, at the same time, and through geostatistical analysis, it was possible to verify that the decibelimeters did not show spatial dependence amongst, and this affirmation could be confirmed by correlation analysis between each decibelimeter tested to each of the evaluated layouts. In experiment II the influence of environment variables on sound pressure levels emitted by piglets in a controlled environment was evaluated. Piglets were confined in a climatic chamber and submitted to a variation of environments temperature and relative humidity. Behaviour was evaluated through piglets activity level using image analysis. Sound pressure levels emitted by piglets were registered by decibelimeters, and backgrounds noise extraction was possible after the removing of piglets of the chamber. It was possible to conclude that sound pressure levels emitted by piglets in a climatic chamber showed a negative correlation with temperature variable and with the enthalpy comfort index. It was possible to predict sound pressure levels bands emitted by piglets, related to comfort and stress bands existents to temperature and enthalpy comfort index to the conditions of the present experiment. Experiment III was conducted in a farm of swines commercial production, and the objective was to evaluate the influence of environment variables on sound pressure levels emitted by piglets in a intensive confinement. Decibelimeters were installed to the automatic capture of sound pressure levels and loggers to collect temperature and air humidity data in a room of swines shed. To the capturing of backgrounds sound pressure level, were installed decibelimeters in the external área to nurserings room to a posterior subtraction. Data were submitted to correlation and regression analysis among the studied variables. It was verified that sound pressure levels emitted by piglets showed a raise tendency when in thermal discomfort, and it was possible to predict bands of sound pressure emitted by piglets in relation to environmental conditions.
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Vocalização de suínos em grupo sob diferentes condições térmicas / Pig vocalization in group under different thermal conditionsMoura, Giselle Borges de 15 February 2013 (has links)
Quantificar e qualificar o bem-estar de animais de produção, ainda é um desafio. Em qualquer avaliação de bem-estar, deve-se analisar, principalmente, a ausência de sentimentos negativos fortes, como o sofrimento, e a presença de sentimentos positivos, como o prazer. O objetivo principal dessa pesquisa foi quantificar a vocalização de suínos em grupos sob diferentes condições térmicas. Em termos de objetivos específicos foram avaliar a existência de padrões vocálicos de comunicação entre animais alojados em grupo e extrair as características acústicas dos espectros sonoros das vocalizações relacionando com as diferentes condições do micro-clima da instalação. O experimento foi realizado em uma unidade de experimentação com suínos, junto à University of Illinois (EUA), com ambiente controlado. Quatro grupos de seis leitões foram utilizados para a coleta dos dados. Foram instalados dataloggers para registrar as variáveis ambientais (T, °C e UR, %) e posterior cálculo dos índices de conforto (ITU e Entalpia do ar). Foram instalados microfones do tipo cardióide no centro geométrico de cada baia que abrigava os leitões, para registro das vocalizações. Os microfones foram conectados a um amplificador de sinais, e este a uma placa de captura dos sinais de áudio e vídeo, instalados em um computador. Para as edições dos arquivos de áudio contendo as vocalizações dos leitões, o programa Goldwave® foi utilizado na separação, e aplicação de filtros para a retirada de ruídos. Na sequência, os áudios foram analisados com auxílio do programa Sounds Analysis Pro 2011, onde foram extraídos as características acústicas. A amplitude (dB), frequência fundamental (Hz), frequência média (Hz), frequência de pico (Hz) e entropia foram utilizados para caracterização do espectro sonoro das vocalizações do grupo de leitões nas diferentes condições térmicas. O delineamento do experimento foi em blocos casualizados, com dois tratamentos, e três repetições na semana, sendo executado em duas semanas. Os dados foram amostrados para uma análise do comportamento do banco de dados de vocalização em relação aos tratamentos que foram aplicados. Os dados foram submetidos a uma análise de variância utilizando o proc GLM do SAS. Dentre os parâmetros acústicos analisados, a amplitude (dB), frequência fundamental e entropia. Os tratamentos, condição de conforto e condição de calor, apresentaram diferenças significativas, pelo teste de Tukey (p<0,05). A análise de variância mostrou diferenças no formato da onda para cada condição térmica nos diferentes períodos do dia. É possível quantificar a vocalização em grupos de suínos em diferentes condições térmicas, por intermédio da extração das características acústicas das amostras sonoras. O espectro sonoro foi extraído, indicando possíveis variações do comportamento dos leitões nas diferentes condições térmicas dentro dos períodos do dia. No entanto, a etapa de reconhecimento de padrão, ainda necessita de um banco de dados maior e mais consistente para o reconhecimento do espectro em cada condição térmica, seja por análise das imagens ou pela extração das características acústicas. Dentre as características acústicas analisadas, a amplitude (dB), frequência fundamental (Hz) e entropia das vocalizações em grupo de suínos foram significativas para expressar a condição dos animais quando em diferentes condições térmicas. / To quantify and to qualify animal well-being in livestock farms is still a challenge. To assess animal well-being, it must be analyzed, mainly, the absence of strong negative feelings, like pain, and the presence of positive feelings, like pleasure. The main objective was to quantify vocalization in a group of pigs under different thermal conditions. The specific objectives were to assess the existence of vocal pattern of communication between housing groups of pigs, and get the acoustic characteristics of the sound spectrum from the vocalizations related to the different microclimate conditions. The trial was carried out in a controlled environment experimental unit for pigs, at the University of Illinois (USA). Four groups of six pigs were used in the data collection. Dataloggers were installed to record environmental variables (T, °C and RH, %). These environmental variable were used to calculate two thermal comfort index: Enthalpy and THI. Cardioid microphones were installed to record continuous vocalizations in the geometric center of each pen where the pigs were housing. Microphones were connected to an amplifier, and this was connected to a dvr card installed in a computer to record audio and video information. For doing the sound edition in a pig vocalization database, the Goldwave® software was used to separate, and filter the files excluding background noise. In the sequence, the sounds were analyzed using the software Sounds Analysis Pro 2011, and the acoustic characteristics were extracted. Amplitude (dB), pitch (Hz), mean frequency (Hz), peak frequency (Hz) and entropy were used to characterize the sound spectrum of vocalizations of the groups of piglets in the different thermal conditions. A randomized block design was used, composed by two treatments and three repetitions in a week and executed in two weeks. Data were sampled to analyze the behavior of the databank of vocalization as a relation to the applied treatments. Data were submitted to an analysis of variance using the proc GLM of SAS. Among the studied acoustic parameters, the amplitude (dB), pitch and entropy. The treatments (comfort and heat stress conditions) presented significative differences, through Tukey\'s test (p<0,05). The analysis of variance showed differences to the wave format to each thermal condition in the different periods of the day. The quantification of vocalization of swine in groups under different thermal conditions is possible, using the extraction of acoustic characteristics from the sound samples. The sound spectrum was extracted, which indicated possible alterations in the piglets behavior in the different thermal conditions during the periods of the day. However, the stage of pattern\'s recognition still needs a larger and more consistent database to the recognition of the spectrum in each thermal condition, through image analysis or by the extraction of the acoustic characteristics. Among he analyzed acoustic characteristics, the amplitude (dB), pitch (Hz) and entropy of the vocalizations of groups of swine were significative to express the condition of the animals in different thermal conditions.
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Humming and Singing While Playing in Clarinet Performance: An Evidence Based Method for Performers and Resource for ComposersJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: Two different techniques utilizing vocalization in clarinet performance were examined through a research study in which one subject (the author) played several tasks utilizing each technique with different played pitches, vocalized pitches, and dynamic levels for each task. The first technique was singing while playing, which is also sometimes referred to as growling. This technique is produced by engaging the vocal folds during regular clarinet performance to create a second vocalized pitch that resonates in the oral cavity and exits through the mouthpiece as part of the same air stream as that used by the vibrating reed. The second technique studied was a much more recently pioneered technique that the author has labelled humming while playing due to its similarity to traditional humming in vocal pedagogy. This technique is produced by filling the oral cavity with air, sealing it off from the rest of the vocal tract using the tongue and soft palate, and humming through the nasal cavity. The cheeks are simultaneously used to squeeze air into the mouthpiece to maintain the clarinet pitch, much like in the technique of circular breathing.
For the study, audio, nasalance, and intraoral pressure data were collected and analyzed. Audio was analyzed using spectrograms and root mean square measurements of sound pressure for intensity (IRMS). Analysis of the nasalance data confirmed the description of the physiological mechanisms used to generate the humming while playing technique, with nasalance values for this technique far exceeding those for both singing while playing and regular playing. Intraoral pressure data showed significant spikes in pressure during the transitions from the regular air stream to air stored in the oral cavity when humming while playing. Audio analysis showed that the dynamic range of each technique is similar to that of regular playing, and that each technique produces very different and distinct aural effects.
This information was then used to help create a method to assist performers in learning how to produce both singing and humming while playing and a resource to help educate composers about the possibilities and limitations of each technique. / Dissertation/Thesis / Example of Singing While Playing / Example of Humming While Playing / Doctoral Dissertation Music 2019
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Ontogenetický vývoj a behaviorální projevy ledňáka modrokřídlého (Dacelo leachii) v zájmovém chovu / Ontogenetic development and behaviour of captive Blue-winged Kookaburra (\kur{Dacelo leachii})SVOBODOVÁ, Yveta January 2018 (has links)
The Blue-winged Kookaburra is among the species of birds in which there is a sex dimorphism manifested in two characteristics. The first is the more pronounced coloration of the tail of the male; the second is the weight difference between the sexes. The female is about 70 - 100 grams heavier than the male. These differences do not occur earlier than after the first year of life. Although globally, there are 133 individuals of the Blue-winged Kookaburra (61 males, 58 females, 14 young) in human care in 45 institutions in 5 regions, it is successfully reproduced in only 9 institutions. Ostrava Zoo, as one of the three zoos and zoo parks in the world, keeps the Blue-winged Kookaburras in a group of eight, which is the optimal number of individuals forming a breeding cooperative group. In breeding seasons 2011 - 2016, Ostrava Zoo showed excellent results in breeding these Coraciiformes, with 15 successfully raised individuals. It therefore provided the data, together with Prague Zoo. This diploma thesis is a summary of own ethological observations at Ostrava Zoo and of a short observation at Prague Zoo. Summarizing the data from these two zoos, the thesis assesses weight differences of fertilized and unfertilized eggs, ontogenesis, growth rate and sex of the Blue-winged Kookaburras. On the basis of the growth and weight differences between the sexes, it deals with the sex determination of the young. It further describes social behaviour and vocalization within a breeding group with a predominance of females, evaluates general group relationships, and compares the results with a wild population
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