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Correlation between process parameters and milling efficiencyJohansson, Anna January 2012 (has links)
An experimental ball-milling study was performed to compare the deagglomeration behavior and the evolution of the particle size distribution with increasing milling time of two relatively coarse WC powders used for the production of cemented carbide cutting tools. The WC-powders were found to have distinctly different particle size distributions and particle morphologies prior to milling. Lab-scale WC samples were made using a range of different process parameters and milling times. These were then analysed by means of microscopy, laser light scattering, gas adsorption BET analysis and X-ray powder diffraction, XRD, to attain particle size distribution, specific surface area and a mean crystal size, respectively. The results suggested a linear relation between log(particle size) and log(milling time) between 10 and 80 hours milling. The viscosity was shown to have a minor effect on the milling efficiency. Both the number of collisions of milling balls per unit time as well as the kinetic energy of the milling ball affected the size reduction; more collisions or higher energy resulted in a higher milling efficiency. The evaluation of the effect of the process parameters on milling efficiency was facilitated by the use of simple scaling factors. For example, all milling curves for samples with different WC amounts coincided when rescaling the milling time using a scaling factor based on the weight of the WC and milling balls. The same scaling factor could be used with success for rescaling the results from different trials obtained with laser light scattering, gas adsorption and XRD. The results of this work are useful for future work on modeling of the milling process which should lead to more accurate predictions of the outcome of milling unit operations.
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Studies on the improvement in wear resistance of WC-Co composites by adding a pseudo-elastic TiNi phase and relevant issuesPAN, Yang Unknown Date
No description available.
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Estudo do Desgaste por Erosão a Quente de Revestimentos WC-Cr-CoSILVA, L. R. R. 30 October 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-29T15:33:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
tese_7153_Dissertação de Mestrado - Luiz Rafael Resende da Silva VF.pdf: 20127267 bytes, checksum: 427667accb1eebed04efacf2c330118b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-10-30 / Este trabalho estuda o comportamento da erosão causada pelo impacto de partículas sólidas em revestimentos WC-Cr-Co, depositados pelos processos de Plasma Transferred Arc Powder (PTAP) e manta sinterizada. Esses revestimentos cobriram componentes sujeitos a desgaste erosivo, pois contêm fases duras
distribuídas em uma matriz dúctil. Os ensaios ocorreram no erosímetro do Laboratório de Tribologia, Corrosão e Materiais (TRICORRMAT) da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) em três diferentes condições: na primeira, a partícula abrasiva utilizada foi alumina com um ângulo de incidência de 90°, em temperatura ambiente; na segunda e terceira, ensaiadas em temperatura elevada de 375ºC, houve utilização da hematita como abrasivo, sendo a variável o ângulo de impacto, consistindo em 90º e 30º, respectivamente. Nas três condições estudadas, a velocidade de impacto foi de 70 m/s, e o fluxo de partículas impactando a amostra dos ensaios seguiu a norma ASTM G 76. As microestruturas geradas pelos processos de deposição influenciaram diretamente a taxa de desgaste. Para a primeira condição, todos os materiais apresentaram microtrincamento no carboneto e microssulcamento e microcorte no ligante, o que foi devido à dureza do abrasivo alumina. Já para a segunda e terceira condições, nas quais os ensaios ocorreram com partículas abrasivas de hematita, houve redução do número de microtrincas presentes nos carbonetos e o desgaste da fase ligante ao redor do carboneto,
contribuindo nos dois principais mecanismos de perda de massa. Nos ângulos rasos, observou-se que o desgaste do ligante na direção de impacto do abrasivo havia arrancado os carbonetos. Nos ensaios com hematita a 375ºC, o processo de revestimento por manta sinterizada proporcionou resistência ao desgaste quatro vezes maior, aproximadamente, que os revestimentos depositados por soldagem
PTAP, independentemente do ângulo de impacto. Procedeu-se à caracterização das partículas abrasivas e das amostras por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e micrografia qualitativa. Houve macro e microdureza das amostras relacionando-as com o comportamento em erosão.
Palavras-chave: revestimento WC-Cr-Co, soldagem PTAP, manta sinterizada,
erosão por partículas sólidas, abrasivo.
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Comportamento em Desgaste Erosivo de Revestimentos Wc-cr-co Depositados Via Processos de Soldagem Pta-p e Por Manta SinterizadaBRAGANCA, B. C. 18 April 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-02T00:03:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
tese_9801_Bruno Corveto Bragaça.pdf: 6376034 bytes, checksum: b503140e8d282a75485baf93f5a2ed66 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-04-18 / Este trabalho estuda o comportamento em desgaste erosivo, causado pelo impacto de partículas sólidas, de revestimentos WC-Co-Cr depositados pelos processos de soldagem PTAP (Plasma Transferred Arc Powder) e manta sinterizada. O revestimento trata-se de um compósito cermet, em que a fase dura é coberta por carboneto de tungstênio (WC) e a fase ligante coberta por cromo (Cr) e cobalto (Co). Os ensaios foram realizados em erosímetro a jato de ar, com velocidade de impacto de 70 m/s e taxa de partículas de 2 mg/mm².s. Partículas de alumina e hematita foram utilizadas nos ensaios. Duas temperaturas de ensaio (23°C e 375 °C) e dois ângulos de impacto (30° e 90°) variavam as condições de ensaio. Os resultados indicaram que as microestruturas geradas nos processos de deposição influenciam fortemente na taxa de erosão. A fração volumétrica e o livre caminho médio de carbonetos, além da microdureza destes, são os principais parâmetros microestruturais que afetam a taxa de erosão. Também, devido ao processo de deposição, a influência de cada um dos parâmetros estudados (temperatura do ensaio, dureza da partícula e ângulo de impacto) pode ter maior ou menor influência no desgaste erosivo.
Palavras chave: WC-Co-Cr; Erosão por partículas sólidas; Soldagem PTA-P; manta sinterizada.
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Infrared Processed Copper-Tungsten Carbide CompositesDeshpande, Pranav Kishore 16 September 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Towards accurate and efficient live cell imaging data analysisHan, Hongqing 29 January 2021 (has links)
Dynamische zelluläre Prozesse wie Zellzyklus, Signaltransduktion oder Transkription zu analysieren wird Live-cell-imaging mittels Zeitraffermikroskopie verwendet.
Um nun aber Zellabstammungsbäume aus einem Zeitraffervideo zu extrahieren, müssen die Zellen segmentiert und verfolgt werden können. Besonders hier, wo lebende Zellen über einen langen Zeitraum betrachtet werden, sind Fehler in der Analyse fatal: Selbst eine extrem niedrige Fehlerrate kann sich amplifizieren, wenn viele Zeitpunkte aufgenommen werden, und damit den gesamten Datensatz unbrauchbar machen.
In dieser Arbeit verwenden wir einen einfachen aber praktischen Ansatz, der die Vorzüge der manuellen und automatischen Ansätze kombiniert. Das von uns entwickelte Live-cell-Imaging Datenanalysetool ‘eDetect’ ergänzt die automatische Zellsegmentierung und -verfolgung durch Nachbearbeitung. Das Besondere an dieser Arbeit ist, dass sie mehrere interaktive Datenvisualisierungsmodule verwendet, um den Benutzer zu führen und zu unterstützen. Dies erlaubt den gesamten manuellen Eingriffsprozess zu rational und effizient zu gestalten. Insbesondere werden zwei Streudiagramme und eine Heatmap verwendet, um die Merkmale einzelner Zellen interaktiv zu visualisieren. Die Streudiagramme positionieren ähnliche Objekte in unmittelbarer Nähe. So kann eine große Gruppe ähnlicher Fehler mit wenigen Mausklicks erkannt und korrigiert werden, und damit die manuellen Eingriffe auf ein Minimum reduziert werden. Die Heatmap ist darauf ausgerichtet, alle übersehenen Fehler aufzudecken und den Benutzern dabei zu helfen, bei der Zellabstammungsrekonstruktion schrittweise die perfekte Genauigkeit zu erreichen. Die quantitative Auswertung zeigt, dass eDetect die Genauigkeit der Nachverfolgung innerhalb eines akzeptablen Zeitfensters erheblich verbessern kann. Beurteilt nach biologisch relevanten Metriken, übertrifft die Leistung von eDetect die derer Tools, die den Wettbewerb ‘Cell Tracking Challenge’ gewonnen haben. / Live cell imaging based on time-lapse microscopy has been used to study dynamic cellular behaviors, such as cell cycle, cell signaling and transcription.
Extracting cell lineage trees out of a time-lapse video requires cell segmentation and cell tracking. For long term live cell imaging, data analysis errors are particularly fatal. Even an extremely low error rate could potentially be amplified by the large number of sampled time points and render the entire video useless.
In this work, we adopt a straightforward but practical design that combines the merits of manual and automatic approaches. We present a live cell imaging data analysis tool `eDetect', which uses post-editing to complement automatic segmentation and tracking. What makes this work special is that eDetect employs multiple interactive data visualization modules to guide and assist users, making the error detection and correction procedure rational and efficient. Specifically, two scatter plots and a heat map are used to interactively visualize single cells' visual features. The scatter plots position similar results in close vicinity, making it easy to spot and correct a large group of similar errors with a few mouse clicks, minimizing repetitive human interventions. The heat map is aimed at exposing all overlooked errors and helping users progressively approach perfect accuracy in cell lineage reconstruction. Quantitative evaluation proves that eDetect is able to largely improve accuracy within an acceptable time frame, and its performance surpasses the winners of most tasks in the `Cell Tracking Challenge', as measured by biologically relevant metrics.
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Tribologie des contacts dans les vis à rouleaux satellitesAuregan, Gilles 25 January 2016 (has links)
Les vis à rouleaux satellites (VAR) équipent certains actionneurs électromécaniques du secteur aéronautique, et permettent de transformer un mouvement de rotation en un mouvement de translation. Ces systèmes sont constitués d’aciers inoxydables martensitiques trempés, et sont habituellement lubrifiés à la graisse. Comme pour beaucoup d’autres pièces de roulement, l’adhésion-grippage peut survenir bien avant la durée de vie théorique calculée en fatigue de roulement. La charge actionnée par la vis est portée par un ensemble de contacts entre les filets de la vis, des rouleaux et de l’écrou. Chaque contact peut être décrit comme un contact de type ellipsoïde sur plan soumis à de fortes pressions de contact (3-4 GPa), et à une cinématique de roulement associée à une composante de glissement transverse (jusqu’à 10 % de taux de glissement). L’objectif de la thèse est de comprendre les mécanismes d’endommagement dans les VAR, d’étudier l’influence des paramètres de design et d’utilisation sur ces mécanismes au travers de paramètres tribologiques, et de proposer une ou plusieurs solutions permettant d’améliorer le comportement et la durée de vie. Le contact est simulé expérimentalement par un galet torique en roulement sur un disque plan. Un tribomètre rotatif est utilisé pour reproduire la cinématique de contact avec un glissement perpendiculaire au roulement. L’effort tangentiel transverse lié au glissement est mesuré, ainsi que la vitesse de roulement du galet. Une caméra et un microscope installés au-dessus du disque permettent de réaliser un film image par image de l’évolution de la piste usée au cours des essais. Le comportement du contact acier / acier sans lubrification est d’abord étudié, et montre une usure adhésive catastrophique dès les premiers cycles. Plusieurs aspects du comportement en contact lubrifié à la graisse sont alors étudiés, en particulier les mécanismes d’alimentation spécifiques liés au glissement transverse, ainsi que les degrés d’instabilité de la sous-alimentation qui peuvent être cartographiés en fonction des paramètres d’entrée (pressions, vitesse, taux de glissement). Un revêtement couche mince du type WC/C est également étudié en remplacement de la graisse. L’étude de son comportement montre une étape de rodage importante puis une phase de bas frottement, qui se termine par une phase d’endommagement par usure abrasive. Un endommagement secondaire du revêtement lié à la fatigue de contact a également été identifié, et les conditions de son apparition par rapport aux conditions de sollicitation ont été cartographiées. L’analyse des résultats expérimentaux obtenus permet de proposer des pistes pour le design et le choix des matériaux pour améliorer le comportement et la durabilité des VAR. / The planetary roller screw (PRS) mechanism is used in the aeronautics industry for electro-mechanical actuators application. It transforms a rotational movement into a translation movement, and it is designed for heavy loads. The main components are made of martensitic stainless steels, and lubricated with grease. Like most usual rolling mechanisms, smearing and jamming can occur before the theoretical fatigue lifetime, especially in poor lubrication conditions. The actuated load is carried by small contacts between the threads of the screw, the rollers and the nut. The static single contact can be described as an ellipsoid on flat contact with high contact pressure (3-4 GPa). The motion consists of rolling with spin associated with side slip (up to 10 %). The aim of this PhD work is to investigate the wear behavior for different operating and design parameters of PRS such as load, speed, slip ratio, lubrication and material structure, in order to improve behavior and lifetime of PRS. The contact is experimentally simulated by a free rolling roller loaded on a rotating disk. A specific tribometer is used to create a contact with a side slip component, i.e. perpendicular to the rolling direction. The roller rolling speed and the tangential force generated by the slip ratio are measured. Also, an optical device is set on the tribometer to make a film of the evolution of the track outside of the contact. Steel on steel wear behavior is first presented. Then, several aspects of the greased lubricated contact are studied such as the feeding mechanisms related to the specific kinematics, and susceptibility to smearing in relation with tests input parameters. The feeding mechanisms are mapped as a function of input parameters (contact pressure, rolling speed, and sliding ratio). The wear behavior of hard carbon-based coatings with and without grease is also investigated. It shows good performance for the roller-screw application. The coating lifetime is governed by a three-body wear mechanism, but the experiments also reveal a progressive cracking in the rolling direction, i.e. perpendicular to the sliding direction. Lastly, a wear mode map is proposed to illustrate the competition between the two damage modes depending on the tests input parameters. The analysis of experimental results allows us to propose ways to improve the design and the selection of materials in order to increase the behavior and the durability of PRS.
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Computer vision approaches for quantitative analysis of microscopy imagesBahry, Ella 23 November 2021 (has links)
Mikroskopaufnahmen kompletter Organismen und ihrer Entwicklung ermöglichen die Erforschung ganzer Organismen oder Systeme und erzeugen Datensätze im Terabyte-Bereich. Solche großen Datensätze erfordern die Entwicklung von Computer-Vision-Tools, um Aufgaben wie Erkennung, Segmentierung, Klassifizierung und Registrierung durchzuführen. Es ist wünschenswert, Computer-Vision-Tools zu entwickeln, die nur eine minimale Menge an manuell annotierten Trainingsdaten benötigen. Ich demonstriere derartige Anwendungen in drei Projekte.
Zunächst stelle ich ein Tool zur automatischen Registrierung von Drosophila-Flügeln (verschiedener Spezies) unter Verwendung von Landmarkenerkennung vor, das für die Untersuchung der Funktionsweise von Enhancern eingesetzt wird. Ich vergleiche die Leistung eines Shape-Model-Ansatzes mit der eines kleinen neuronalen Netz bei der Verfügbarkeit von nur 20 Trainingsbeispiele. Beide Methoden schneiden gut ab und ermöglichen eine präzise Registrierung von Tausenden von Flügeln.
Das zweite Projekt ist ein hochauflösendes Zellkernmodell des C. elegans, das aus einem nanometeraufgelösten Elektronenmikroskopiedatensatz einer ganzen Dauerlarve erstellt wird. Diese Arbeit ist der erste Atlas der Dauerdiapause von C. elegans, der jemals erstellt wurde, und enthüllt die Anzahl der Zellkerne in diesem Stadium.
Schließlich stelle ich eine Bildanalysepipeline vor, an der ich zusammen mit Laura Breimann und anderen gearbeitet habe. Die Pipeline umfasst die Punkterkennung von Einzelmolekül-Fluoreszenz-In-situ-Hybridisierung (smFISH), die Segmentierung von Objekten und die Vorhersage des Embryonalstadiums.
Mit diesen drei Beispielen demonstriere ich sowohl generische Ansätze zur computergestützten Modellierung von Modellorganismen als auch maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für spezifische Probleme und die Verschiebung des Feldes in Richtung Deep-Learning. / Microscopy images of entire organisms and their development allows research in whole organisms or systems, producing terabyte scale datasets. Such big datasets require the development of computer vision tools to perform tasks such as detection, segmentation, classification, and registration. It is desirable to develop computer vision tools that require minimal manually annotated training data. I demonstrate such applications in three projects.
First, I present a tool for automatic Drosophila wing (of various species) registration using landmark detection, for its application in studying enhancer function. I compare the performance of a shape model technique to a small CNN requiring only 20 training examples. Both methods perform well, and enable precise registration of thousands of wings.
The second project is a high resolution nucleus model of the C. elegans, constructed from a nanometer-resolved electron microscopy dataset of an entire dauer larva. The nucleus model is constructed using a classical dynamic programing approach as well as a CNN approach. The resulting model is accessible via a web-based (CATMAID) open source and open access resource for the community. I also developed a CATMAID plugin for the annotation of segmentation objects (here, nucleus identity). This work is the first atlas of the C. elegans dauer diapause ever created and unveils the number of nuclei at that stage.
Lastly, I detail an image analysis pipeline I collaborated on with Laura Breimann and others. The pipeline involves single molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH) spot detection, object segmentation, and embryo stage prediction. The pipeline is used to study the dynamics of X specific transcriptional repression by condensin in the C. elegans embryo.
With these three examples, I demonstrate both generic approaches to computational modeling of model organisms, as well as bespoke solutions to specific problems, and the shift in the field towards deep learning.
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Untersuchungen zum feldaktivierten Sintern und zum geschwindigkeitsabhängigen Festigkeits- und Versagensverhalten von near-nano WC-Co-Hartstoffen unter DruckbeanspruchungMandel, Kristin 18 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wurden das feldaktivierte Sinterverhalten sowie das geschwindigkeitsabhängige Druckfestigkeitsverhalten von WC-Co-Hartstoffen mit variierenden Bindergehalten untersucht. Dazu wurde eine Herstellungsroute für kornwachstumshemmerfreie near-nanokristalline WC-Co-Hartstoffe mit der Field Assisted Sintering Technique (FAST) entwickelt und genutzt, um Materialien mit Co-Gehalten von 2 bis 12 Ma.-% zu erzeugen. Gezielte Werkstoffzustände und Probengeometrien sind durch Anpassung des Sinterprozesses herstellbar.
Ausgewählte WC-Co-Materialien mit Co-Anteilen von 6 bis 12 Ma.-% wurden unter Einfluss von Beanspruchungsgeschwindigkeit, Spannungszustand und Beanspruchungshäufigkeit hinsichtlich der Druckfestigkeit und des Versagensverhaltens charakterisiert.
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Frittage conventionnel et par induction de composites à base d'argent pour les disjoncteurs de puissance / Conventional and induction sintering of silver base composites for circuit breakersBiguereau, Edouard 03 July 2015 (has links)
L’amélioration des procédés de fabrication de matériaux de contacts électriques à base d’argent nécessite de mieux comprendre et maîtriser les mécanismes mis en jeu lors du frittage. Ce travail a pour objectif d’identifier et d’expliquer l’influence des paramètres d’élaboration des composites Ag-C-Ni et Ag-WC sur les mécanismes de frittage et les propriétés finales dans le cas d’un frittage conventionnel et par induction.La démarche expérimentale adoptée a consisté à réaliser en parallèle des essais de frittage conventionnel dans un dilatomètre permettant le suivi en continu de la déformation et dans un dispositif de chauffage par induction permettant d’obtenir des vitesses de chauffage élevées. Un intérêt particulier a d’abord été porté à l’influence de la poudre d’argent (morphologie et taux d’impuretés) afin d’identifier les mécanismes de densification de l’argent pur, avant d’étudier l’influence des poudres de renfort (nature, teneur et taille) sur le frittage des composites.L’analyse des résultats de ces essais de frittage a permis de montrer que des phénomènes de gonflement et de densification sont en compétition lors du chauffage. Nous avons déterminé, d’une part, que le gonflement pendant le frittage est le résultat d’un fluage local sous l’effet de la pression à l’intérieur de la porosité fermée, d’autre part, que celui-ci est influencé par la présence et la nature des renforts qui modifient la morphologie et la répartition de la porosité. Quant à la densification elle est induite par les mécanismes classiques de frittage.Enfin nous avons montré que le chauffage rapide par induction, en ne laissant pas assez de temps aux mécanismes de diffusion à longue distance, permet de favoriser les mécanismes de diffusion à courte distance comme la soudure des particules au détriment des mécanismes de densification liés à une diffusion à longue distance. Dans le cas de l’argent et des composites Ag-C-Ni, le frittage par induction permet donc d’atteindre une bonne consolidation avec un gonflement moindre qu’en frittage conventionnel, et d’obtenir ainsi de meilleures propriétés. / Improving the manufacturing of the silver-based electrical contacts requires a better understanding and control of specific mechanisms involved during sintering. This work aims at identifying and explaining the effect of composition and process parameters on sintering mechanisms and final properties of Ag-C-Ni and Ag-WC composites in conventional and induction sintering.Sintering experiments have been carried out in a conventional way in a dilatometer allowing for a continuous monitoring of deformation and in an induction heating device allowing for high heating rates. In a first step, we focused on silver powder parameters (morphology and impurity content) to identify the densification mechanisms involved during pure silver sintering. We then studied the effect of reinforcement powders (nature, amount and size) on the sintering of composites.The results of these experiments showed that swelling and densification phenomena are competing during heating. We have determined, on one hand, that the swelling observed during heating originates from the local creep induced by the pressure inside the closed porosity and, on the other hand, that this swelling is influenced by the presence and the nature of the reinforcements, which modify the morphology and distribution of pores. Meanwhile densification is induced by classical sintering mechanisms.Finally we have shown that fast induction heating does not allow enough time for long-distance diffusion mechanisms and thus favors short-distance diffusion mechanisms, in particular interparticle bonding, in comparison with densification and swelling mechanisms, which are associated to long-distance diffusion. In the case of pure silver and Ag-C-Ni composites, induction sintering therefore enables good consolidation with less swelling than conventional sintering, resulting in better final properties.
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