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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Distribuovaný informační systém malé firmy / Distributed Information System for a Small Firm

Pajgrt, Ondřej January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with implementation of distributed information systém for a small construction engineering firm all the way from design to deployment. We will be introduced to distributed applications problems and technologies involved either throught direct relevance or as a support tool for the implementation of the project. In addition, this work will guide us throught complete design and implementation of a final product.

Terapeutická hra s biofeedbackem pro rehabilitaci dolních končetin / Therapeutic game with biofeedback for rehabilitation of the lower limbs

Kubínová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
Thesis focuses on problematis of using Kinect sensor in rehabilitation of knee joint. Relative new method of rehabilitation via biofeedback produced by Kinect One for Window motion sensor delivers number of benefits to patient. Part of thesis is therapeutic game developed in C#.

Nstroj pro sprvu Active Directory / Active Directory Management Dashboard

Radimk, Samuel January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the main concepts of Active Directory and the creation of an application allowing basic management tasks. It introduces the logical as well as physical components and provides an overview of existing servers that are using the services of Active Directory. The functionality of existing management applications is discussed and desired properties of management applications are discovered. On these grounds, a new application concept is introduced and the benefits of the new application over the existing ones is shown. According to the concept, a new application is developed supporting the management of users and groups and implementing additional features such as profile photo editing and a definition of customized object creation process. This application is also tested on different levels and possibilities of future improvements are given.

Terapeutická hra s biofeedbackem pro rehabilitaci dolních končetin / Therapeutic game with biofeedback for rehabilitation of the lower limbs

Kubínová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on problematis of using Kinect sensor in rehabilitation of knee joint. Relatively new method of rehabilitation via biofeedback produced by Kinect One for Window motion sensor delivers number of benefits to a patient. Part of the thesis is therapeutic game named Kolínko developed in C#.

Einflussfaktoren auf die Wahrnehmung von Unordnung

Kohlmeier, Markus 16 December 2020 (has links)
Der Beitrag untersucht die Wirkung verschiedener Einflussfaktoren auf die Perzeption von Unordnung. Einer Einführung in die theoretische Diskussion rund um die Wirkung von Unordnung auf das urbane Sozialgefüge folgen verschiedene multivariate Berechnungen (N = 2003). Hierzu wird ein additiver Index aus dem Produkt von subjektiver Schwere und perzipierter Häufigkeit verschiedener Erscheinungsformen physischer und sozialer Unordnung gebildet. Die Regressionsergebnisse zeigen, dass die soziale Struktur urbaner Nachbarschaften, der bedingte Erwartungswert für die kollektive Wirksamkeit informeller Sozialkontrolle sowie solche Prädiktoren, welche die Bedeutung des unmittelbaren sozialen Nahraumes für Prozesse kognitiver Dissonanzbewältigung betonen (Viktimisierung, Wohnverhältnis, Kriminalitätseinstellungen), erklären, wann ein Akteur eine Situation als unsicher definiert und infolgedessen Unordnung als Anzeichen von Gefahr interpretiert. Der dem Explanans zugrundeliegende soziale Mechanismus beruht auf der Theorie der Frame-Selektion nach Esser (1991). Die Untersuchung basiert auf der Sicherheitsbefragung der Stadt Leipzig (2011).:1 Einleitung 2 Theorie 2.1 Hunter (1978) 2.2 Wilson und Kelling (1982) 2.3 Exkurs 2.4 Lewis und Salem (1986) 2.5 Skogan (1990) 2.6 Das Konzept der collective efficacy 3 Hypothesen 3.1 Der Grundzusammenhang des theoretischen Modells 3.2 Die Brückenhypothesen des Modells 3.2.1 Direkte und indirekte Viktimisierung 3.2.2 Kriminalitätsfurcht 3.2.3 Medienrezeption 3.2.4 Kontrollvariablen 4 Daten, Operationalisierungen, Methoden 4.1 Daten 4.2 Operationalisierungen 4.2.1 Abhängige Variable(n) 4.2.2 Unabhängige Variablen 4.3 Methoden 5 Auswertung 5.1 Bivariate Ergebnisse 5.2 Multivariate Ergebnisse 6 Fazit und abschließende Bemerkungen 7 Anhang 8 Literaturverzeichnis / This article investigates the influence of various predictors on the perception of disorder. An introduction to the theoretical discussion about the impact of disorder on the urban social structure is followed by different multivariate regressions (N = 2003). The perception of different images of physical and social disorder is measured in terms of the sentimental value of disorder and the perceived frequency of disorder. An additive index using product terms of the sentimental value and the perceived frequency for each image is constructed. The results of the regressions indicate that social structure of urban neighborhoods, collective efficacy, and such predictors which aim at the significance of social proximity (victimization, housing situation, personal crime settings) for processes of cognitive dissonance coping explain when an actor defines a situation as not-secure and subsequently interprets disorder as a symbol of danger. Esser’s (1991) theory of frame-selection functions as the social mechanism of the explanans. The hypotheses are tested on survey data provided by the city of Leipzig (2011).:1 Einleitung 2 Theorie 2.1 Hunter (1978) 2.2 Wilson und Kelling (1982) 2.3 Exkurs 2.4 Lewis und Salem (1986) 2.5 Skogan (1990) 2.6 Das Konzept der collective efficacy 3 Hypothesen 3.1 Der Grundzusammenhang des theoretischen Modells 3.2 Die Brückenhypothesen des Modells 3.2.1 Direkte und indirekte Viktimisierung 3.2.2 Kriminalitätsfurcht 3.2.3 Medienrezeption 3.2.4 Kontrollvariablen 4 Daten, Operationalisierungen, Methoden 4.1 Daten 4.2 Operationalisierungen 4.2.1 Abhängige Variable(n) 4.2.2 Unabhängige Variablen 4.3 Methoden 5 Auswertung 5.1 Bivariate Ergebnisse 5.2 Multivariate Ergebnisse 6 Fazit und abschließende Bemerkungen 7 Anhang 8 Literaturverzeichnis

Intrusion Detection systems : A comparison in configuration and implementation between OSSEC and Snort

Stegeby, Peter January 2023 (has links)
Hackare fortsätter att bli bättre på att få otillåten tillgång till våra datorer och kan undvika de mest grundläggande intrångsskyddade system och brandväggar på en standarddator. Då numren av intrång växer varje år och kostar företag miljoner av dollar, så verkar gapet mellan attackerare och försvarare att bli större. Frågan som då kan uppstå är, hur kan vi skydda oss själva? Kunskapen som blivit insamlad i detta arbete pekar tydligt på att det finns saker vi kan göra vilket svarar på frågan, hur kan vi upptäcka intrång? Studien visar att mer avancerade Intrusion Detection System (IDS) kan bli implementerad på hemdatorer (och i företag). Det finns många alternativ att välja mellan, men de valda IDSer – OSSEC och Snort – kan upptäcka säkerhetsbrister på enskilda host-maskiner (eller på nätverket) i realtid tack vare avancerad loggningshanterings och övervakning. Svårighetsgraden av att använda och implementera dessa IDSer var utmanande men tillfredställande och konfigurationen var flexibel vilket tillåter IDSerna att bli installerade på en ensam host-dator eller i ett nätverk. Om ett enkelt-att-följa grafiskt översikt av felmeddelanden är vad man önskar så har OSSEC IDS, tillsammans med att skicka e-mail över felmeddelandet, den funktionaliteten. Snort, på andra sidan, har en enkel konfiguration och flexibilitet i att skriva regler. Det borde framgå tydligt att implementera en IDS på ert system inte gör det ogenomträngligt, inte heller löser det alla säkerhetsrelaterade problem, men det som kommer att hända är att vi får en bättre förståelse av de hot som uppstår i våra system. / Hackers keeps getting better at gaining unauthorized access to our computers and can avoid some of the most basic intrusion detection systems and firewalls on a standard computer. The gap between attackers and defenders seem to grow as intrusions increase in numbers every year, costing companies millions of dollars, so the question is posed, how can we protect ourselves? The research done in this work clearly points to that there are things that can be done which answers the question, how can we detect intrusions? The study has shown that a more advanced intrusion detection system (IDS) can be implemented on home computers (and in businesses). There are many options to choose from but the chosen IDSs – OSSEC and Snort – can detect security issues on the host computer (or on the network) in real-time by advanced logging management and monitoring. The implementation and usage difficulties of these IDSs are challenging but satisfying and the configurations are flexible allowing the IDSs to be installed on a single host or in a larger network. If an easy-to-follow graphical overview of the alerts on your system is what you are looking for then that, and sending e-mails of the alert, is found in the OSSEC IDS. Snort, on the other hand, has easy configurations and flexible rule-writing and the options of sniffing packets on the network. It should be clear that implementing an IDS on your system does not make it impenetrable nor solve all the security issues but what it will do is to give you a better understanding of the threats on your system.

Jämförelse av cache-tjänster: WSUS Och LanCache / Comparison of cache services: WSUS and LanCache

Shammaa, Mohammad Hamdi, Aldrea, Sumaia January 2023 (has links)
Inom nätverkstekniken och datakommunikationen råder idag en tro på tekniken nätverkscache som kan spara data för att senare kunna hämta hem det snabbare. Tekniken har genom åren visat att den effektivt kan skicka den önskade data till sina klienter. Det finns flera cache-tjänster som använder tekniken för Windows-uppdateringar. Bland dessa finns Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) och LanCache. På uppdrag från företaget TNS Gaming AB jämförs dessa tjänster med varandra under examensarbetet. Nätverkscache är ett intressant forskningsområde för framtida kommunikationssystem och nätverk tack vare sina fördelar. Likaså är uppgiften om att jämföra cache-tjänsterna WSUS och LanCache intressant i och med det öppnar upp insikt om vilken tjänst är bättre för företaget eller andra intressenter. Både forskningsområdet och uppgiften är viktiga och intressanta när användare vill effektivisera användningen av internetanslutningen och bespara nätverksresurser. Därmed kan tekniken minska nedladdningstiden. Till det här arbetet besvaras frågor om vilken nätverksprestanda, resursanvändning och administrationstid respektive cache-tjänst har, och vilken cache-tjänst som lämpar sig bättre för företagets behov. I arbetet genomförs experiment, som omfattar tre huvudmättningar, och följs av en enfallstudie. Syftet med arbetet är att med hjälp av experimentets mätningar få en jämförelse mellan WSUS och LanCache. Resultatet av arbetet utgör sedan ett underlag för det framtida lösningsvalet. Resultaten består av två delar. Den första visar att båda cache-tjänsterna bidrar till kortare nedladdningstider. Den andra är att LanCache är bättre än WSUS när det gäller nätverksprestanda och resursanvändning, samt mindre administrationstid jämfört med WSUS. Givet resultat dras slutsatsen att LanCache är cache-tjänsten som är mest lämpad i det här fallet. / In the field of network technology and data communication, there is a current belief in the technology of network caching, which can store data to later retrieve it more quickly. Over the years, this technology has proven its ability to efficiently deliver the desired data to its clients. There are several caching services that utilize this technology for Windows updates, among them are Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and LanCache. On behalf of the company TNS Gaming AB, these services are compared to each other in this thesis. Network caching is an interesting area of research for future communication systems and networks due to its benefits. Likewise, the task of comparing the cache services WSUS and LanCache is interesting as it provides insights into which service is better suited for the company or other stakeholders. Both the research area and the task are important and intriguing when users seek to streamline the use of their internet connection and conserve network resources. Thus, the technology can reduce download times. For this work, questions about the network performance, resource usage, and administration time of each cache service are answered, as well as which cache service that is better suited to the company's needs. The work involves conducting experiments, including three main measurements, followed by a single case study. The purpose of the work is to compare WSUS and LanCache using the measurements from the experiment. The outcome of the work then forms a basis for future solution choice. The results consist of two parts. The first shows that both cache services contribute to shorter download times. The second is that LanCache outperforms WSUS in terms of network performance and resource usage, and also requires less administration time than WSUS. Given the results, the conclusion is drawn that LanCache is the most suitable caching service in this case.

One key to rule them all : Sårbarheter och spårbara artefakter i säkerhetsnycklar / One key to rule them all : Vulnerabilities and traceable artefacts in security keys

Gunnarsson, Philip, Isenstierna, Emmi January 2023 (has links)
Att skydda sin data idag kommer med flera utmaningar då lösenord som enda autentiseringsmetod är otillräcklig. Lösenord är ofta användarvänliga, enkla att hålla koll på och är utan kostnad för användaren. Det går alltid att göra lösenord säkrare men det upplevs ofta som svårhanterligt. I stället för detta kan man även använda ytterligare autentiseringsmetod. Många sidor och tjänster använder idag så kallad två- eller flerfaktorsautentisering genom t.ex. BankID eller säkerhetsnycklar. Med all ny teknik följer nya säkerhetsaspekter att ta hänsyn till, speciellt om denna teknik lämnar efter sig spår som kan utnyttjas av t.ex. hackare. Arbetets syfte är att undersöka spårbara artefakter som är kopplade till de fysiska säkerhetsnycklarna Solo 1 och YubiKey 5 NFC i Windows Registret i Windows 10 Pro N, samt utvärdera om tidigare kända sårbarheter kan bidra till insikter om säkerhetsnycklars säkerhet. Detta genomförs med hjälp av två kvalitativa metoder, dels genom en kartläggning av sårbarheter, dels genom ett experiment. Baserat på de funna sårbarheterna som har hittats så går det inte att säga huruvida de säkerhetsnycklarna skiljer sig i säkerhetsnivå, men det är tydligt att det främst är i firmware och mjukvara där sårbarheterna finns. Huruvida den ena säkerhetsnyckeln är säkrare än den andra går inte att fastställa, samt om en öppen källkod har någon betydelse vad gäller säkerhet. Dessutom går det att konstatera att spårbara artefakter från en säkerhetsnyckel kan hittas i ett Windows operativsystem. Baserat på de funna sårbarheterna som har hittats så går det inte att säga huruvida de säkerhetnycklarna skiljer sig i säkerhetsnivå, men det är tydligt att det främst är i firmware och mjukvara där sårbarheterna finns. Huruvida den ena säkerhets-nyckeln är säkrare än den andra går inte att fastställa, samt om öppen källkod har någon betydelse vad gäller säkerhet. Dessutom går det att konstatera att spår-bara artefakter från en säkerhetsnyckel kan hittas i ett Windows operativsystem. / Protecting your data today comes with several challenges since a password as the only authentication method is insufficient. Passwords are often user-friendly, easy to keep track of, and at no cost for the user. Passwords can always be made more secure, but this task is often perceived as tedious. Instead, additional authentication methods may be used. Many sites and services today use so-called two- or multifactor authentication, e.g. BankID (a type of eID) or security keys. all new technology comes with unique security aspects to consider, especially if this technology leaves behind traces that can be exploited by, e.g., hackers. This study aims to investigate traceable artifacts associated with the physical security key Solo 1 and YubiKey 5 NFC in the Windows Registry in Windows 10 Pro N and to evaluate whether previously known vulnerabilities can contribute to insights into security key security. The study uses two qualitative methods, one mapping out the vulnerabilities and another through an experiment. Based on the vulnerabilities that was found, it is not possible to conclude whether the security keys differ in security level. Still, it is mainly in the firmware and software where the vulnerabilities exist. Whether one security key is more secure than the other is inconclusive, and whether open-source code has any implications regarding security. In addition, it is ascertained that traceable artifacts from a security key can be found in a Windows operating system.

Electrochromism in Metal Oxide Thin Films : Towards long-term durability and materials rejuvenation

Wen, Rui-Tao January 2015 (has links)
Electrochromic thin films can effectively regulate the visible and infrared light passing through a window, demonstrating great potential to save energy and offer a comfortable indoor environment in buildings. However, long-term durability is a big issue and the physics behind this is far from clear. This dissertation work concerns two important parts of an electrochromic window: the anodic and cathodic layers. In particular, work focusing on the anodic side develop a new Ni oxide based layers and uncover degradation dynamics in Ni oxide thin films; and work focusing on the cathodic side addresses materials rejuvenation with the aim to eliminate degradation. In the first part of this dissertation work, iridium oxide is found to be compatible with acids, bases and Li+-containing electrolytes, and an anodic layer with very superior long-term durability was developed by incorporating of small amount (7.6 at. %) of Ir into Ni oxide. This film demonstrated sustained cycle-dependent growth of charge density and electrochromic modulation even after 10,000 CV cycles. The (111) and (100) crystal facets in Ni oxide are found to possess different abilities to absorb cation and/or anion, which yields different degrees of coloration and this is very significant for the electrochromic properties. The degradation of charge capacity in Ni oxide has an inevitable rapid decay in the first hundreds of cycles, subsequently combined with a more gradual decay, which is independent of applied potential and film composition. The consistent phenomenon can be very well modeled by power-law or stretched exponential decay; however the two models are indistinguishable in the current stage. Interestingly, in both models, the power-law exponent is 0.2 ≤ p ≤ 0.8, with most of the values around 0.5, in line with normal or anomalous diffusion models. The second part of dissertation work deals with cathodic WO3 and TiO2. WO3 suffers from ion trapping induced degradation of charge capacity and optical modulation upon electrochemical cycling. This speculation is strongly supported by direct evidence from Time-of-Flight Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ToF-ERDA). Most importantly, this ion trapping induced degradation can be eliminated by a galvanostatic de-trapping process. Significant ion-trapping takes place when x exceeds ~0.65 in LixWO3. The trapped ions are stable in the host structure, meaning that the ions cannot de-trap without external stimuli. The similar work done on TiO2 significantly complements and extends the work on the recuperation of WO3; the difference is that the trapped ions in host TiO2 seem to be less stable compared with the trapped ions in WO3.     Overall, this dissertation presents a refined conceptual framework for developing superior electrochromic windows in energy efficient buildings.

The creation of a multi-cultural identity for window displays in Durban's fashion retail shop fronts

Lichkus, Sarah Christine 17 August 2012 (has links)
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Masters Degree in Technology: Fashion Design, Durban University of Technology, 2012. / The purpose of this study was to explore the possibility of creating shop window displays focussing on a South African identity in the Durban region. The impetus for the study stemmed from the design of the Constitutional Court which features elements of South African culture. This study challenges the contemporary notion of presenting window displays using primarily Western influences and proposes the use of fashion imagery and cultural identity currently dominating South Africa. The study argues against corporate fashion stereotypes and champions a representation of an eclectic multi-cultural South African society. In this respect key theories of identity, culture, and design were explored. A qualitative methodology was conducted utilising interview and observation approaches to obtain data. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with twelve local professionals specialising in the fields of art, design, fashion and architecture to obtain their expert opinions. The data was analysed by clustering information into themes to establish the findings. Interview findings revealed that shop window displays should accommodate local imagery appropriate to the South African context. Observing two local production houses, namely Hirt & Carter and Barrows in Durban provided insights for a backdrop creation for the practical component of the study. The practical comprised of producing retail shop installations and a visual catalogue representing findings drawn from the study. The catalogue was used to illustrate the results of investigating a national image and identity that could be intrinsic to window display creation in South African fashion retail shop fronts. / National Research Foundation

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