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Composition, properties and surface structure of tribochemically deposited coatings / Sammansättning, egenskaper och ytstruktur hos tribokemiskt deponerade beläggningarÅkerlund, Eva-Brita January 2011 (has links)
Five tribochemically deposited coatings on honed cast iron cylinder liner segments has been studied with respect to surface properties, material composition, coating thickness, hardness and friction. Methods like Light Optical Microscopy (LOM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), 3D topography using white light interferometry (VSI) and Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA) were used to study the surface, coating thickness and material composition. Lubrication regimes (friction) were studied using a test set-up in a Lathe. An in-situ scratcher and nano indenter were used to study the hardness. It was found that the honing plateau surface is smoothened by the coating process while the honing scratches are kept more or less intact. The deposited coating thickness is approximately 10-100 nm. The coating is softer than the substrate and shows a butter-like behavior when scratched. Using only sulfur additive in the process fluid gives a smooth surface and an evenly distributed coating. Tungsten additive in the process fluid gives a thicker coating but a more irregular material distribution. Tungsten additive in the process fluid does not seem to stimulate the formation of WS2, but rather WO3 is formed.
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Defect-Engineered Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides for High-Efficient Piezoelectric Sensor / Defect-Engineered 2-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides for High-Efficient Piezoelectric SensorKim, Junyoung 05 1900 (has links)
Piezoelectricity in two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) has attracted significant attention due to their unique crystal structure and the lack of inversion centers when the bulk TMDs thin down to monolayer. Although the piezoelectricity effect in atomic-thickness TMDs has been demonstrated, they are not scalable. Herein, we demonstrate a piezoelectric effect from large-scale, sputtered MoS2 and WS2 using a robust defect-engineering based on the thermal-solvent annealing and solvent immersion process. This yields a higher piezoelectric output over 20 times after annealing or solvent immersion. Indeed, the piezoelectric responses are strengthened with the increases of defect density. Moreover, the MoS2 or WS2 piezoelectric device array shows an exceptional piezoelectric sensitivity with a high-level uniformity and excellent environmental stability under ambient conditions. A detailed study of the sulfur vacancy-dependent property and its resultant asymmetric structure-induced piezoelectricity is reported. The proposed approach is scalable and can produce advanced materials for flexible piezoelectric devices to be used in emerging bioinspired robotics and biomedical applications.
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Large scale manufacturing of WS2 nanomaterials and their application in polymer nanocompositesXu, Fang January 2013 (has links)
With size down to nanoscale, nanomaterials exhibit novel properties exceeding or differing significantly from their bulk counterparts. In particular, amongst a wide range of interesting new nanostructures, tungsten based nanomaterials have demonstrated super physical, chemical, electronical and mechanical properties in a diverse range of applications which has been comprehensively reviewed. However, challenges still remain high on the effective processes to scale up the manufacturing of such nanomaterials, with desired shape, size and quality. These tungsten based nanomaterials are thus become the research subject of this project, and the study on continuous manufacturing of specifically inorganic fullerene WS2 (IF-WS2) nanoparticles, and their potential exploration as fillers to polymer matrix to fabricate nanocomposites with improved mechanical properties are the main objectives of this research. After a thorough assessment of the extremely promising potentials of tungsten based nanostructures, and review of the current bottleneck for large quantity production of IF-WS2, a generic experimental methodology and techniques used for the investigations have been described in experimental methodology part. In the following chapters, this thesis demonstrates the following research works: A novel rotary furnace for continuous scaling up manufacturing of IF-WS2 nanoparticles has been designed, constructed, tested and refined in this work. The new furnace consists of several key components: a tube furnace, self-contained rotary system, dynamic seal system, modified new tube with baffle, and a continuous gas-blow feeding system. Test results show that the rotary reactor has improved the lab scale manufacturing of IF-WS2 from sub-gram to several tens of grams per batch without agglomeration, which makes this technique a promising alternative for the replacement of the existing tall fluidised tower processing in industrial level production. As an important precursor for IF-WS2 nanomaterials production, the synthesis of WOx nanoparticles by high temperature thermal decomposition of Ammonium Paratungstate (APT) has been investigated, and the parameters have been optimised (with Ar flow at 6 L/min at 1350°C ) for achieving desired sizes. Further studies on the creation of uniform and ultra-thin WOx nanowires were carried out using solvothermal technique. The solvent concentrations, reaction time and solvent types have been systematically investigated, and the resulting WOx nanowires from tungsten chloride precursor in mixed cyclohexanol and ethanol solvent exhibited a record high specific surface area of 275 m2/g. This is fundamentally significant for their applications in sensor and electro-chromic devices. Reverse patterned growth of WOx nanorods was realised for the first time on an Au-coated W foil by a simple W-water vapour reaction. The resulting nanorods of different diameters, lengths and patterns have been created by tuning the growth parameters. Further nitriding under NH3 atmosphere at elevated temperature, converted the WOx nanorods, as a template, to WOxNy nanorods. The WOxNy nanorods have been found to inherit the patterns on the substrate and kept the size and shape of WOx nanorods. An interesting morphology revolution for the conversion of WOx to WOxNy nanorods was observed, and a mechanism has been proposed accordingly to account for the growth. This result represents a simple, innovative and efficient process for the reverse-patterned growth of new nanomaterials. Further development of the rotary furnace has led to a unique new class of core-shell composite nanoparticles, carbon (C)-coated IF-WS2 hollow nanoparticles, by continuous chemical vapour deposition (CVD) production. The composite nanoparticles exhibited a uniform and adjustable C coating, with little or no agglomeration. Importantly, the thermal stability of the core-shell C-coated IF-WS2 against oxidation in air has been improved by about 70°C, compared to the pristine IF-WS2. This new material could find applications where thermal stability is critical. Exploration of 0-4 wt% IF-WS2 as reinforcement in nylon 12 matrix nanocomposites has been carried out for the first time, using a combination of ultrasonic dispersion and magnetic stirring technique to achieve excellent IF-WS2 dispersion in the matrix. Tensile and bending test results showed moderate improvements of 27% and 28% respectively, with a 2 wt% IF-WS2 addition, but a staggering 185% and 148% improvement in toughness for the addition of 0.25 and 0.5 wt% IF-WS2 samples, against pure nylon 12, suggesting that such composites are promising candidates for structural and ballistic fibre applications.
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Two dimensional atomically thin materials and hybrid superconducting devicesHudson, David Christopher January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis a variety of topics concerning 2D materials that have been separated from bulk layered crystals are discussed. Throughout the thesis, single and few layers of graphene, fluorinated graphene, MoS2 and WS2 are used. Two new methods of freely suspending 2D materials are presented as well as a method of removing the background from optical images. This aids contrast measurements for the determination of the number of layers. Fluorinated graphene is found to be sensitive to beta radiation; the resistance of fluorinated graphene transistors is shown to decrease upon exposure to the radiation. This happens due to the carbon-fluorine bond breaking. The sp3 hybridised structure of the fluorinated graphene is reduced back into the sp2 hybridised structure of pristine graphene. The superconducting properties of molybdenum-rhenium are characterised. It is shown to have a transition temperature of 7.5 K. It is also discovered that the material has a resistance to hydrofluoric acid; the acid etches nearly all other superconducting materials. This makes MoRe a possible candidate to explore superconductivity in conjunction with high mobility suspended graphene. To see if the material is compatible with graphene, a supported Josephson junction is fabricated. A proximity induced super current is sustained through the junction up to biases of ∼ 200 nA. The temperature dependence of the conductivity is measured for both suspended MoS2 and WS2 on a hexagonal boron nitride substrate. The dominant hopping mechanism that contributes to the conductivity at low temperatures is found to be Mott variable range hopping, with the characteristic T−1/3 dependence. The hopping transport is due to impurities that are intrinsic to the crystals, this is confirmed by comparing the results with those of supported devices on SiO2.
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Targetry investigations of 186Re production via proton induced reactions on natural Osmium disulfide and Tungsten disulfide targetsGott, M. D., Wycoff, D. E., Balkin, E. R., Smith, B. E., Fassbender, M. E., Cutler, C. S., Ketring, A. R., Wilbur, D. S., Jurisson, S. S. 19 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Radioisotopes play an important role in nuclear medicine and represent powerful tools for imaging and therapy. With the extensive use of 99mTc-based imaging agents, therapeutic rhenium analogues are highly desirable. Rhenium-186 emits therapeutic − particles with an endpoint-energy of 1.07 MeV, allowing for a small, targeted tissue range of 3.6 mm. Additionally, its low abundance γ-ray emission of 137.2 keV (9.42 %) allows for in vivo tracking of a radiolabeled compounds and dosimetry calculations. With a longer half-life of 3.718 days, synthesis and shipment of Re-186 based radiopharmaceuticals is not limited. Rhenium-186 can be produced either in a reactor or in an accelerator. Currently, Re-186 is produced in a reactor via the 185Re(n,γ) reaction resulting in low specific activity which makes its therapeutic application limited.[1] Production in an accelerator, such as the PETtrace at the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR), can theoretically provide a specific activity of 34,600 Ci.mmol−1 Re[2], which represents a 62 fold increase over reactor produced 186Re. The studies reported herein focused on the evaluation of accelerator-based reaction pathways to produce high specific activity (HSA) 186Re. Those pathways include proton and deuteron bombardment of tungsten and osmium targets by the following reactions: 186W(p,n)186Re, 186W(d,2n) 186Re, 189Os(p,α)186Re, and 192Os(p,α3n)186Re. Additional information on target design related to the determination and optimization of production rates, radionuclidic purity, and yield are presented.
Material and Methods
Osmium and tungsten metals are very hard and thus very brittle. Attempts at pressing the pure metal into aluminum backings resulted in chalky targets, which easily crumbled during handling. Osmium disulfide (OsS2) and tungsten disulfide (WS2) were identified to provide a softer, less brittle chemical form for targets. OsS2 and WS2 targets were prepared using a unilateral press with a 13 mm diameter die to form pressed powder discs. A simple target holder design (FIG. 1) was implemented to provide a stabilizing platform for the pressed discs. The target material was sealed in place with epoxy using a thin aluminum foil pressed over the target face. Initial irradiations of OsS2 were performed using the 16 MeV GE PETtrace cyclotron at MURR. Irradiations were performed for 30–60 minutes with proton beam currents of 10–20 µA. Following irradiation, the OsS2 targets were dissolved in NaOCl and the pH adjusted using NaOH. The resultant aqueous solution was mixed with methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), with the lipophilic perrhenate being extracted into the MEK layer and the osmium and iridium remaining in the aqueous layer. The MEK extracts were then passed through an acidic alumina column to remove any remaining osmium and iridium. Determination of rhenium and iridium activities was done by gamma spectroscopy on an HPGe detector. Preliminary irradiations on WS2 targets were performed at MURR with the beam degraded to 14 MeV with a proton beam current of 10 µA for 60 minutes. After irradiation, WS2 was dissolved using 30% H2O2 with gentle heating and counted on an HPGe detector to determine the radio-nuclides produced.
Results and Conclusion
Thin natOsS2 targets were produced, irradiated at 16 MeV for 10 µAh, and analyzed for radiorhenium. Under these irradiation conditions, rhenium isotopes were produced in nanocurie quantities while iridium isotopes were produced in microcurie quantities. Future studies with higher proton energies are planned to increase the production of rhenium and decrease the production of iridium. After optimizing irradiation conditions, enriched 189Os will be used for irradiations to reduce the production of unwanted radionuclides. A liquid-liquid extraction method separated the bulk of the rhenium from the iridium. The majority of the rhenium produced was recovered in the first organic aliquot with little iridium observed while the majority of the iridium and osmium was retained in the first aqueous aliquot. Target production with WS2 was successful. A thin target of natWS2 was produced and irradiated at 14 MeV for 10 µAh. Under these irradiation conditions, several rhenium isotopes were produced in microcurie quantities. Target parameters to maximize 186Re production remain to be determined before enriched 186W targets are used for irradiations to reduce the production of unwanted radionuclides. In conclusion, the potential production routes for accelerator-produced high specific activity 186Re are being evaluated. Cyclotron-based irradiations of natOsS2 targets established the feasibility of producing rhenium via the natOs(p,αxn)Re reaction. Current results indicate higher proton energies are necessary to reduce the production of unwanted iridium isotopes while increasing the production of rhenium isotopes. Preliminary irradiations were performed using the 50.5 MeV Scanditronix MC50 clinical cyclotron at the University of Washington to determine irradiation parameters for future higher energy irradiations (20–30 MeV). A rapid liquid-liquid extraction method isolated rhenium from the bulk of the iridium and osmium following irradiation. Preliminary studies indicate WS2 may also provide a suitable target material to produce 186Re via the (p,n) reaction pathway.
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Élaboration de monocouches de dichalcogénures de métaux de transition du groupe (VI) par chimie organométallique de surface / Synthesis of group 6 transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers by surface organometallic chemistryCadot, Stéphane 31 May 2016 (has links)
Le disulfure de molybdène, MoS2, est un composé lamellaire de la famille des dichalcogénures de métaux de transition utilisé depuis près d'un siècle comme lubrifiant solide et catalyseur d'hydrotraitement. Depuis la découverte en 2010 de ses propriétés de photoluminescence et de conduction (semiconducteur possédant un gap direct) lorsqu'il est isolé à l'état d'une seule monocouche, ce nouveau matériau 2D a suscité un intérêt croissant au sein de la communauté scientifique et permis d'envisager de nombreuses applications dans le domaine de l'énergie ou pour la réalisation de composants électroniques. Au-delà du disulfure de molybdène, cette découverte s'étend également à d'autres dichalcogénures (WS2, NbS2, MoSe2, WSe2,…) dont la combinaison des propriétés avec celles d'autres matériaux 2D déjà connus (graphène, h-BN,…) offre encore d'avantage de possibilités. Aujourd'hui, la réalisation de nombreux prototypes en laboratoire, principalement assemblés à partir de monocouches exfoliées, a pu démontrer le potentiel applicatif de ces matériaux, justifiant la nécessité de mettre au point des méthodes de synthèse qui permettront l'élaboration de dichalcogénures 2D à une échelle industrielle.Dans ce contexte, où semble actuellement être privilégié le développement de procédés de CVD à très haute température nécessitant des temps de croissance élevés et l'utilisation de substrats épitaxiés, nous avons décidé d'évaluer le potentiel d'une approche à basse température par des méthodes de dépôt en phase vapeur sur silice amorphe. Ce travail nous a ainsi permis d'identifier plusieurs couples de précurseurs pouvant se prêter au dépôt par CVD ou par ALD de couches minces amorphes de sulfure de molybdène ou de tungstène à moins de 250°C, puis de démontrer leur capacité à se réorganiser en monocouches de MoS2 et WS2 cristallines par un simple recuit thermique sous atmosphère inerte / MoS2, a transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) possessing a mica-like layered structure, has been widely used over the past century as solid lubricant and hydrotreating catalyst. Since 2010, the discovery of new semiconducting (direct gap) and photoluminescence properties emerging in monolayer MoS2 has attracted much interest, with a wide range of potentialities for next-generation electronics or energy storage devices. Beyond MoS2, this discovery also concerns other TMDs (WS2, NbS2, MoSe2, WSe2,…), displaying a wide variety of electronic and optical properties, and whose combination with other 2D materials (graphene, BN,…) offers outstanding opportunities. While exfoliated materials have provided a convenient way to demonstrate the feasibility of proof-of-concept-devices, the development of reliable synthesis methods allowing the industrial production of monolayer TMDs has now to be investigated.In this booming research field, currently dominated by high-temperature CVD processes which are time-consuming and often require the use of epitaxial substrates, we investigated the potentiality of a low-temperature chemical vapor deposition approach on amorphous SiO2 substrates. This work allowed us to identify suitable precursors for the CVD or ALD of ultrathin amorphous molybdenum or tungsten sulfide deposits below 250°C, and to point out their ability to self-reorganize into crystalline MoS2 and WS2 monolayers upon thermal annealing
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Compatibilité tribologique d’un revêtement de surface avec une application donnée : Cas d’un revêtement de WS2 sur une tige de piston de frein aéronautique / Tribological compatibility of a surface coating with a given application : Case of the WS2 coating on a piston road of a landing gear braking systemTsala Moto, Serge Parfait 29 May 2017 (has links)
Le chrome dur, utilisé comme revêtement de tige d’actionneurs hydrauliques linéaires, a été interdit pour risque sanitaire (directive européenne REACH). A cet effet, un revêtement de WS2 a été sélectionné par Safran Landing Systems pour substituer le chrome dur comme revêtement de tige de piston de frein hydraulique. La démarche de sélection utilisée, est limitée par son incapacité à expliquer les performances observées et démontre le besoin d’une démarche de sélection d’autant plus appropriée que la notion d’étanchéité des actionneurs hydrauliques linéaires est « floue ». Comme, la tribologie n’a pas vocation à caractériser les revêtements de surface, parce que son plus petit objet d’étude est un triplet tribologique, cette étude propose l’évaluation de la compatibilité tribologique du revêtement de WS2, avec la fonction d’étanchéité. La démarche utilisée montre que l’étanchéité est régie, par un critère en pression, et par une vérification des caractéristiques tribologiques du système tige/joints requises pour la réalisation de l’étanchéité ; ce qui nécessite un piston hydraulique instrumenté. L’absence de ce piston est compensée par une « caractérisation tribologique approchée » du contact tige/joints, qui associe les expertises tribologiques de pistons hydrauliques d’essais de qualification, appuyées par un modèle éléments finis (EF) du piston hydraulique d’une part, et les résultats d’un essai de frottement piste/joints, conçus à cet effet à l’aide d’un modèle EF d’autre part. Les résultats montrent que le système tige/joints présente de bonnes caractéristiques tribologiques pour le facteur de frottement et l’usure, alors que la localisation de l’accommodation de vitesses dans le cas du contact tige/joint d’étanchéité, accélère le débit source du revêtement et limite sa durée de vie. Enfin, cette thèse comble un vide méthodologique en proposant, une démarche de sélection d’un revêtement pour une application tribologique, et une démarche de triboconception d’un actionneur hydraulique linéaire dans le cas d’un fonctionnement quasi-statique. / Hard chromium used as rod coating in linear hydraulic actuators has been forbidden by the European Directive REACH. In this situation, a WS2 coating has been selected by Safran Landing Systems to replace the hard chromium coating on rod pistons actuators of landing gear braking systems. The selection method was unable to explain the observed performance, and shows the lack of an appropriate methodology for the rod coating selection, mainly because the sealing concept is rather vague. Since tribology is not intended to characterize surface coatings, because its smallest object of study is a tribological triplet, this study proposes the evaluation of the tribological compatibility of the WS2 coating with the sealing function of the hydraulic piston. The adopted approach shows that the sealing performance is governed by a rod/seal contact pressure criterion and by the verification of the tribological characteristics of the rod/seal contact required to achieve a sealing performance. This tribological characterization requires an instrumented hydraulic piston. The absence of this piston is compensated by an "approximate tribological characterization" of the rod/seal contact, which combines the tribological expert analysis of hydraulic pistons of qualification tests, supported by a finite elements model (FE) of the hydraulic piston, and the results of a plate rod/seal friction test, designed for this purpose using another FE model. The results show that the rod/seal contact exhibits good tribological characteristics for the friction factor and wear, whereas the location of the velocity accommodation in the case of the rod/anti-extrusion seal contact accelerates the 3rd body generation of the coating and limits its life expectancy. Finally, this thesis fills a methodological lack by proposing a method of selecting a coating for a tribological application and a triboconception method of a linear hydraulic actuator in the case of quasi-static operating conditions.
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Targetry investigations of 186Re production via proton induced reactions on natural Osmium disulfide and Tungsten disulfide targetsGott, M. D., Wycoff, D. E., Balkin, E. R., Smith, B. E., Fassbender, M. E., Cutler, C. S., Ketring, A. R., Wilbur, D. S., Jurisson, S. S. January 2015 (has links)
Radioisotopes play an important role in nuclear medicine and represent powerful tools for imaging and therapy. With the extensive use of 99mTc-based imaging agents, therapeutic rhenium analogues are highly desirable. Rhenium-186 emits therapeutic − particles with an endpoint-energy of 1.07 MeV, allowing for a small, targeted tissue range of 3.6 mm. Additionally, its low abundance γ-ray emission of 137.2 keV (9.42 %) allows for in vivo tracking of a radiolabeled compounds and dosimetry calculations. With a longer half-life of 3.718 days, synthesis and shipment of Re-186 based radiopharmaceuticals is not limited. Rhenium-186 can be produced either in a reactor or in an accelerator. Currently, Re-186 is produced in a reactor via the 185Re(n,γ) reaction resulting in low specific activity which makes its therapeutic application limited.[1] Production in an accelerator, such as the PETtrace at the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR), can theoretically provide a specific activity of 34,600 Ci.mmol−1 Re[2], which represents a 62 fold increase over reactor produced 186Re. The studies reported herein focused on the evaluation of accelerator-based reaction pathways to produce high specific activity (HSA) 186Re. Those pathways include proton and deuteron bombardment of tungsten and osmium targets by the following reactions: 186W(p,n)186Re, 186W(d,2n) 186Re, 189Os(p,α)186Re, and 192Os(p,α3n)186Re. Additional information on target design related to the determination and optimization of production rates, radionuclidic purity, and yield are presented.
Material and Methods
Osmium and tungsten metals are very hard and thus very brittle. Attempts at pressing the pure metal into aluminum backings resulted in chalky targets, which easily crumbled during handling. Osmium disulfide (OsS2) and tungsten disulfide (WS2) were identified to provide a softer, less brittle chemical form for targets. OsS2 and WS2 targets were prepared using a unilateral press with a 13 mm diameter die to form pressed powder discs. A simple target holder design (FIG. 1) was implemented to provide a stabilizing platform for the pressed discs. The target material was sealed in place with epoxy using a thin aluminum foil pressed over the target face. Initial irradiations of OsS2 were performed using the 16 MeV GE PETtrace cyclotron at MURR. Irradiations were performed for 30–60 minutes with proton beam currents of 10–20 µA. Following irradiation, the OsS2 targets were dissolved in NaOCl and the pH adjusted using NaOH. The resultant aqueous solution was mixed with methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), with the lipophilic perrhenate being extracted into the MEK layer and the osmium and iridium remaining in the aqueous layer. The MEK extracts were then passed through an acidic alumina column to remove any remaining osmium and iridium. Determination of rhenium and iridium activities was done by gamma spectroscopy on an HPGe detector. Preliminary irradiations on WS2 targets were performed at MURR with the beam degraded to 14 MeV with a proton beam current of 10 µA for 60 minutes. After irradiation, WS2 was dissolved using 30% H2O2 with gentle heating and counted on an HPGe detector to determine the radio-nuclides produced.
Results and Conclusion
Thin natOsS2 targets were produced, irradiated at 16 MeV for 10 µAh, and analyzed for radiorhenium. Under these irradiation conditions, rhenium isotopes were produced in nanocurie quantities while iridium isotopes were produced in microcurie quantities. Future studies with higher proton energies are planned to increase the production of rhenium and decrease the production of iridium. After optimizing irradiation conditions, enriched 189Os will be used for irradiations to reduce the production of unwanted radionuclides. A liquid-liquid extraction method separated the bulk of the rhenium from the iridium. The majority of the rhenium produced was recovered in the first organic aliquot with little iridium observed while the majority of the iridium and osmium was retained in the first aqueous aliquot. Target production with WS2 was successful. A thin target of natWS2 was produced and irradiated at 14 MeV for 10 µAh. Under these irradiation conditions, several rhenium isotopes were produced in microcurie quantities. Target parameters to maximize 186Re production remain to be determined before enriched 186W targets are used for irradiations to reduce the production of unwanted radionuclides. In conclusion, the potential production routes for accelerator-produced high specific activity 186Re are being evaluated. Cyclotron-based irradiations of natOsS2 targets established the feasibility of producing rhenium via the natOs(p,αxn)Re reaction. Current results indicate higher proton energies are necessary to reduce the production of unwanted iridium isotopes while increasing the production of rhenium isotopes. Preliminary irradiations were performed using the 50.5 MeV Scanditronix MC50 clinical cyclotron at the University of Washington to determine irradiation parameters for future higher energy irradiations (20–30 MeV). A rapid liquid-liquid extraction method isolated rhenium from the bulk of the iridium and osmium following irradiation. Preliminary studies indicate WS2 may also provide a suitable target material to produce 186Re via the (p,n) reaction pathway.
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Nanoparticle assisted tribofilm formation and material transfer studied with SEM and TEMJenei, István Zoltán January 2015 (has links)
The discovery and subsequent synthesis of metal containing fullerenes- IFS (Inorganic Fullerene-like Structures) by R. Tenne et al. has generated considerable scientific interest with great potential impact in many industrial application areas such as lubrication. The lubrication mechanism (tribofilm formation) via exfoliation and deposition of the atomic layers from this cage-like IF-particles was revealed and demonstrated first by this research group. The incorporation of the nanoparticles into lubricants (oils, greases) is however not straightforward. When two surfaces are sliding against each other and a lubricant is used, a thin layer (tribofilm) is formed on the contact area. The friction reducing effects of the nanoparticles can be altered or hindered by certain additives that are used in lubricative oils. The effects of such additives on the tribological behavior of the nanoparticles are investigated by analyzing the tribofilms formed on the worn surfaces using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy in a scanning electron microscope. Another challenge of nanoparticles in lubricants is the penetration of the nanoparticles into the contact zone. A possible solution of this problem is briefly discussed. A modified burnishing technique can be used to coat sliding metallic surfaces with a friction reducing tribofilm. The morphology and composition of these tribofilms was investigated with analytical electron microscopy techniques. In the second part of the thesis electron microscopy was used to investigate the material transfer. Titanium is an elements with high adhesive ability to the counter surface, it displays poor tribological properties in sliding metallic contacts. This can lead to material transfer and consequently severe surface damage. The cold formation and machining of titanium, thus can lead rapid tool wear and poor surface finish. Electron microscopy techniques were used to study the mechanism of titanium transfer to different counter surfaces.
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Plazmonicky aktivní elektrochemické elektrody na bázi nanotrubic sulfidu wolframičitého pokrytých zlatými nanočásticemi / Plasmonically active electrochemical electrodes based on tungsten disulfide nanotubes decorated with gold nanoparticlesSalajková, Zita January 2017 (has links)
When an electromagnetic wave illuminates metal nanostructure under right circumstances, it can couple to the motion of electrons and thus give rise to so-called LSPR. When these collective oscillations non-radiatively decay, they excite charge carriers that can have, for a short moment of time, highly non-thermal energy distribution. These so-called "hot" electrons and holes can then take part in photochemical applications, e.g. in reactions on photoactive electrodes where hot electrons act as catalysts. Gold nanoparticles seem to be a good candidate for fabrication of such electrodes because they exhibit resonantly enhanced absorption due to plasmon excitation in the visible and near infrared spectral range, which could make the solar energy harvesting more efficient. In this work we present electrohemical experiments that should help to clarify the underlying principles of photochemical reactions involving hot electrons. Our model system consists of indium tin oxide electrodes covered with tungsten disulphide nanotubes that were previously decorated by gold nanoparticles. By comparing the results of chronoamperometric measurements on individual components of this system it was shown that excitation of plasmonic nanoparticles indeed leads to photocurrents and that electrochemical methods can serve as a valuable tool for analysis of photochemical reactions catalyzed by hot electrons.
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