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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The right to one's home

Zemla, Kinga January 2020 (has links)
“The right to one’s home” is a project that raises the issue of affordable housing, challenging this broad concept both in universal terms and later applied to specific condition of a site located in Warsaw, Poland. Beside the obviously economic dimension, affordability stretches out to urban politics by proposing new power relations and redefining neoliberal cities of today. By reclaiming centrally located, infrastructurally connected and potentially attractive sites it is a tool to counteract gentrification. Within the thesis, affordability is achieved with both organizational and spatial strategies – meaning that architectural solutions are accompanied by a simple administrative model that introduces different actors (municipality, private investors, housing cooperatives, non-profit organisations). Seeing the opportunity of reducing building cost in prefabrication, three panel systems were designed and placed on the site. Deriving from the history of concrete panels and shifting to more sustainable material – cross laminated timber – the author tried to reach harmonious balance between quantity, quality and affordability. The proposal was not radicalized with micro-apartments nor was intended to save on architectural values – on the contrary, individual and careful design of the outer skin that covers structural core was an important goal of the project. Standardised architectural solutions and organizational strategies on the municipal level were combined to enable socially sustainable housing environment.

Implications of the Implementation of the BTWC Protocol / Report of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop Warsaw, Poland: 2-4 November 2000

Pearson, Graham S. January 2000 (has links)

Shadows of War: Arms Control and the Military Confrontation in Central Europe during the Cold War

Bluth, Christoph 30 November 2020 (has links)
No / The military dimension of the Cold War was characterised by the strategic nuclear stand-off between the United States and the Soviet Union as well as the large-scale regional military confrontation in Central Europe. As part of the process of East-West détente there was an effort to address the risks of war in Europe by means of an arms control process referred to as MBFR (Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions). The true purposes and intentions of both sides (NATO and the Warsaw Pact) in these negotiations has so far not been fully understood. This book is based on path-breaking archival research that clarifies the objectives and tactics of the parties to the negotiations and the reasons for why the negotiations ended without an agreement. It makes a major new contribution to the understanding of Cold War History.

Side by side : a narrative poetry collection

Wiewiora, Chris 01 January 2009 (has links)
All stories stem from two setups: a stranger came to town or someone went on a journey. For me, these stories are not an either/or situation but a both/and. I was born, along with my older brother, in my mother's hometown of Buckhannon, West Virginia. My childhood was spent in my father's homeland of Poland. My missionary parents moved back to America in 1996 when my grandmother, on my mother's side, died. As a stranger, I journeyed south to Florida with my family. I call Orlando home, after living here for a dozen years. My story is how I journeyed with my family as a boy from Poland to America and along the way felt tugged by both my parents' heritages. I considered my homeland strange, but took root as a man in the States. The unknown became familiar. When I entered college, half my life had been spent in Florida, in a balance with my childhood in Poland. Now the majority of my life has been spent here in Florida. Narrative poetry is a self-investment on the page. A collection of such poetry is as close to memoir. I tell my life story in these poems: I chronicle my change from a stranger to a local in this collection, highlighting my international experience, and explaining how home is three different places: Buckhannon, Warsaw, and Orlando.

Marek Leykam. Hacia una arquitectura de resistencia

Requena Crespo, Francisco Vicente 05 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] Marek Leykam has contributed to reformulate the role of a modern architect as a manager of a collective effort, taking part effectively in the reconstruction of Poland after World War II by generating a highly symbolic architecture with a project method that prioritized logic and reason, which not only allowed to meet architecture with material needs of society, but also people to act consciously on the basis of social problems arised by the loss of identity and the discouragement of the surviving population about the idea of human being. Starting under conditions of chaos, that moved all available agents to join forces in pursuit of a common goal which was part of the basic vital needs of the population, Leykam articulated a coherent project method, based on optimization of technical possibilities and resources, in order to generate a reasonable answer to the context but not determining solutions by circumstantial accidents. The projects of Marek Leykam were opened to be completed by the interaction of people that was using them and, far from utopia, did not claim to be revolutionary but pointed a strong resistance, setting the foundations of a stable society that tried to recover faith in their community by sharing routines, patterns and repetitions. By means of architecture, Leykam stirred as well public awareness about the need of restructuring Polish society in the absence of subjective and authoritarian impositions, creating logical propositions that would allow to manage hierarchies and distribute equally spaces and visual perspectives in architecture for organizing a more just and egalitarian society. This thesis is focused on demonstrate the existence of a consistent project method throughout the work of Marek Leykam, reconstructing retrospectively its patterns, analyzing the semiotic implications of his architecture and showing its concern to find solutions to social problems derived from the collective sense of alienation that happened in Poland after the II World War. / [ES] El arquitecto polaco Marek Leykam contribuyó a reformular el papel del arquitecto moderno como auténtico gestor de un esfuerzo colectivo, interviniendo con eficacia en la reconstrucción de Polonia tras la II Guerra Mundial mediante una arquitectura de gran simbolismo y representatividad atenida a un método proyectual coherente derivado de su prioridad por la lógica y la razón, que no solo le permitió responder a las necesidades materiales de la sociedad, sino actuar conscientemente sobre la base de sus problemas sociales derivados de la pérdida de identidad y el desarraigo de la población superviviente ante la propia idea de ser humano. Bajo unas condiciones de partida de caos, en las que tuvieron que unir fuerzas todos los agentes disponibles en aras de un objetivo común que formaba parte de los requerimientos vitales básicos de la población, Leykam articuló un método proyectual coherente basado en la optimización de las posibilidades técnicas y constructivas de cada momento, el máximo aprovechamiento de los recursos y la eficacia en la ejecución, a través del cual generar una respuesta razonada al contexto de cada obra sin que sus soluciones quedasen determinadas por accidentes circunstanciales. El conjunto de proyectos de Leykam reconstruye de forma continua una trama abierta a ser completada por la interacción consciente de todas las personas que entran en contacto con su trabajo, contemporizando una postura firme y contraria a los planteamientos de dominación que estaban teniendo lugar en Polonia después de 1945 tanto en la esfera artística como en la social, y dando lugar a una obra que, alejada de la utopía, no tuvo pretensión de ser revolucionaria pero sí de ejercer una resistencia sobre la cual se sentasen las bases de una sociedad estable que recuperase la fe en su convivencia comunitaria compartiendo rutinas, pautas y repeticiones a modo de actos de liturgia. Mediante la arquitectura, Leykam agitó así la conciencia colectiva sobre la necesidad de reestructurar la sociedad polaca desde la ausencia de imposiciones autoritarias de carácter subjetivo, hecho al que aludió a través de una arquitectura basada en proposiciones lógicas que permitiesen administrar racionalmente las jerarquías y distribuir equitativamente los espacios y sus perspectivas visuales independientemente de cuáles fueran sus funciones. Mediante este procedimiento, era posible poner de manifiesto asimismo la necesidad de no trabajar alejado de los avances técnicos, ni carecer de mecanismos democráticos para organizar una sociedad más justa e igualitaria. El objetivo de esta tesis es demostrar la existencia de un método proyectual coherente a lo largo de toda la obra de Marek Leykam, reconstruyendo retrospectivamente sus patrones, analizando las implicaciones semióticas de su arquitectura y poniendo de manifiesto su preocupación por la búsqueda de soluciones a los problemas sociales en una época marcada por un sentimiento colectivo de alienación. / [CA] L'arquitecte polonès Marek Leykam va contribuir a reformular el paper de l'arquitecte modern com autèntic gestor d'un esforç col·lectiu, intervenint amb eficàcia en la reconstrucció de Polònia després de la II Guerra Mundial mitjançant una arquitectura de gran simbolisme i representativitat atinguda a un mètode projectual coherent derivat de la seva prioritat per la lògica i la raó, que no només permetia respondre a les necessitats materials de la societat sinó actuar conscientment sobre la base dels seus problemes socials derivats de la pèrdua d'identitat i el desarrelament de la població supervivent davant la pròpia idea d'ésser humà. Sota unes condicions de partida de caos en què van haver d'unir forces tots els agents disponibles en nom d'un objectiu comú que formava part dels requeriments vitals bàsics de la població, Leykam va articular un mètode projectual coherent basat en l'optimització de les possibilitats tècniques i constructives de cada moment, el màxim aprofitament dels recursos i l'eficàcia en l'execució, a través del qual generar una resposta raonada al context de cada obra sense que les seves solucions quedessin determinades per accidents circumstancials. El conjunt de projectes d'Leykam reconstrueix de forma contínua una trama oberta a ser completada per la interacció conscient de totes les persones que entren en contacte amb el seu treball, contemporitzant una postura ferma i contrària als plantejaments de dominació que estaven tenint lloc a Polònia després de 1945 tant en l'esfera artística com en la social, i donant lloc a una obra que, allunyada de la utopia, no va tenir pretensió de ser revolucionària però sí d'exercir una resistència sobre la qual s'asseguessin les bases d'una societat estable que recuperés la fe en la seva convivència comunitària compartint rutines, pautes i repeticions com d'actes d'una litúrgia. Mitjançant l'arquitectura, Leykam agità així la consciència col·lectiva sobre la necessitat de reestructurar la societat polonesa des de l'absència d'imposicions autoritàries de caràcter subjectiu, fet al que va al¿ludir a través d'una arquitectura basada en proposicions lògiques que permetessin administrar racionalment les jerarquies i distribuir equitativament els espais i les seves perspectives visuals independentment de quines fossin les seves funcions. Mitjançant aquest procediment, era possible posar de manifest, així mateix, la necessitat de no treballar allunyat dels avenços tècnics ni mancar de mecanismes democràtics per organitzar una societat més justa i igualitària. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és demostrar l'existència d'un mètode projectual coherent al llarg de tota l'obra de Marek Leykam, reconstruint retrospectivament els seus patrons, analitzant les implicacions semiòtiques de la seva arquitectura i posant de manifest la seva preocupació per la recerca de solucions als problemes socials en una època marcada per un sentiment col·lectiu d'alienació. / Requena Crespo, FV. (2016). Marek Leykam. Hacia una arquitectura de resistencia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62190

Agency in the Warsaw Ghetto : An Intersectional Analysis of the Daily Life, Survival, and Death of Elderly Jews

Raisch, Janika January 2022 (has links)
In Holocaust research, the study of elderly Jews in Nazi German ghettos remains a blind spot. This thesis begins to fill the research gap by exploring the everyday life of elderly Jews and their agency under the structural conditions of the Warsaw ghetto. On a broader scale, my key findings contribute to scholarly debates and lay the foundation for further research, on Jewish responses to ghettoization and agency during the Holocaust, including the continuity and disruption of gender roles and social hierarchies in the family and Jewish ghetto community as well as religious practices as a coping strategy for elderly Jews in the ghetto. The theoretical framework augments current gender scholarship and explanations of agency and structure in the ghetto with intersectional theory, including gender, class as intervening variables, which represents a barely used theoretical approach to an under-researched subject. To answer my main research question "How did gender, class, and family as well as the Jewish community and German authorities influence the life of elderly Jews in the ghetto?”, the analysis is conducted in the tradition of the history of the everyday on the micro-level. My empirical analysis examines the living conditions, agency, survival, and vulnerability to violence and death of elderly people in the Warsaw ghetto. The primary sources used in the empirical analysis are a combination of archival documents - including the clandestine Oneg Shabbat ghetto archive -, diaries and memoirs by elderly Jews as well as oral history interviews of their grandchildren. A general scarcity of sources by elderly, especially poor elderly and female elderly Jews in the primary sources available to the author, constitute the limitations of this thesis.

Sensitising Urban Transport Security : Surveillance and Policing in Berlin, Stockholm, and Warsaw

Svenonius, Ola January 2011 (has links)
The city as a focal point of both domestic and international security policy is characteristic of the 21st century security landscape in Europe. Amidst the 'War on Terror' and the pan-European battle against organised crime, the city is the location where global processes are actually taking place. Urban security is the local policy response both to such global threats as terrorism and local ones, such as violent crime. Public transport systems in particular came under threat after the terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001, Madrid in 2004, and London in 2005. This doctoral thesis studies security policy in three public transport systems – Berlin, Stockholm, and Warsaw – from a comparative perspective focusing on the conditions that made new and very specific understandings of security possible. The study argues that urban transport security has undergone radical changes during the last ten years. While transport authorities and the police used to conceive security as related solely to crime rates, today the focus of security practices consists of passengers' perceptions. The study shows how this shift is paralleled by a new discourse of 'security as emotion', and how it came into being. It concentrates specifically on the central role that surveillance and private policing assumes as the security policy shifts objectives to the inner life of the passengers. Today, complex governance networks of both public and private actors manage security in the three cities. The analysis shows how passengers are constructed in the urban security policy as children, consumers, and citizens. These different 'roles' constitute the passenger in the eye of urban security governance characterised by technocracy, 'friendly security', and individual responsibility. The introduction of new governance models for public administration, the legacy of European communist regimes, and rising fear of crime are central conditions for this new, sensitised urban transport security.

Archaeological analysis of bedded-chert lithic procurement at the Warsaw Quarries, Coshocton County, Ohio

Diersen, Christopher John January 1996 (has links)
The Warsaw Quarries of Coshocton County, Ohio, virtually ignored since Holmes' landmark papers of 1919, are investigated to achieve several goals: 1) to create a revised general typology of the material culture of bedded-chert lithic procurement sites; 2) to demonstrate that the occurrence of radiocarbon samples at lithic procurement sites is the norm rather than the exception; 3) to clarify the nature of activity at the site through a synthesis of functional and attribute analyses of material recovered from a peripheral spoils ridge; 4) to demonstrate that data collected at procurement sites by surface collection constitutes an insufficient database for analysis; 5) to test an hypothesis that the presumed absence of classic site elements (stratigraphy, diagnostic artifacts, dateable material) is incorrect. Since the completion of late 19`h and early 20`h century work in the field, analysis of quarry sites in North America has been limited to sporadic and usually very subject-specific research. By neglecting to evaluate the overall nature and function of lithic procurement sites, recent work has relegated lithic procurement to a sub-field of only secondary interest to archaeologists. / Department of Anthropology

Bradford mills at Marki, Warsaw : a case study of British entrepreneurship in Russian Poland 1883-1914

Dietz, Sarah January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores the late-nineteenth century partnership between Bradford worsted manufacturers the Briggs brothers and the German merchant Ernst Posselt, and their subsequent foreign direct investment in a modern factory and workers’ community at Marki, near Warsaw, in Russian Poland. Protectionism and increasing foreign competition are discussed, among many complex economic pressures on British industry, as likely catalysts for this enterprise and the general historiography of the Polish lands is explored to reveal a climate of extraordinary opportunity for well-capitalised foreign industrialists in this period. This thesis provides fresh perspective on the role of the consular service in facilitating British foreign enterprise and, in context of the Bradford partners’ strategy for local integration through social networking and religious affiliation, presents unique findings regarding the character and operations of Warsaw’s elite commercial community in the late-nineteenth century. Through the development and domination of market and raw materials sources, this venture is shown to have monopolised worsted manufacture in the Russian Empire, using state of the art technology to create, and modern marketing techniques to promote, its product range and evolving image. Aspects of British and Polish social history are compared to assess the efficacy of introducing the model-community concept, in combination with a radical employment policy, to less industrially-developed Russian Poland. The instrumentality of an expatriate community of skilled Yorkshire foremen in diffusing British industrial technology throughout the Russian Empire is described, against a backdrop of political instability and social upheaval which dramatically impacted on business behaviour after 1905.

Gentrifikace v postsocialistickém kontextu střední Evropy. Komparativní případová studie - Varšava a Praha / Gentrification in the post-socialist context of Central Europe. Comparative case study - Warsaw and Prague

Novotný, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of gentrification in the post-socialist context of Central Europe. This phenomenon occurs mainly in the inner city districts, where the local social structure is disturbed through the physical upgrade of the neighborhood (e.g. flats, shops and restaurants) by pushing out the poorer layers of society by the more wealthy ones. In the cities marked by the communist urban planning, the inner city parts were neglected at the expense of peripheral prefab concrete buildings, thus creating great potential for local investment after the fall of the Iron Curtain. The process of gentrification is illustrated in this paper by the comparison of the two city districts Praga-Północ (Warsaw) and Prague 7 (Prague) in the time between 1989 and 2017. As a starting point for comparison, a special case of Prenzlauer Berg district in Berlin is used, where the process has shown significant impact already in the 1990s. In this respect the aim of the thesis is to investigate the links between Warsaw and Prague, also how these cases differ. At the same time, the role of the public sector is studied as a relevant factor influencing gentrification in the post-socialist region of Central Europe. The results of the study showed that analogous processes of gentrification appear in the Praga-Północ and...

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