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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimentalist governance in climate finance: the case of REDD+ in Brazil / Governança experimentalista no financiamento do clima: o caso de REDD+ no Brasil

Pinsky, Vanessa Cuzziol 24 November 2017 (has links)
Climate change is a daunting problem that results in actions-interactions from a number of actors in complex global systems, which require multi-level governance and a myriad of national policies. Academics and policy makers alike have been grappling with how to devise effective strategies on the international coordination of climate change policies. It is challenging because climate change problems involve actors with different positions, interests and motivation to cooperate due to the risks involved, the uncertainty and the high costs of adaptation and mitigation. Deforestation is the second largest source of GHG emissions. Success in this area can have a large impact on mitigation. This study focuses on the case of REDD+, a large scale governance experiment in climate finance and a promising cost-effective mitigation mechanism to motivate developing countries to implement policy approaches to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. REDD+ is considered a breakthrough mechanism in international cooperation under the UNFCCC regime as it was designed to be performance-based. Brazil is the world\'s largest recipient and has the most important REDD+ experiment - the Amazon Fund. The lack of developed theory in this domain led to the use of grounded theory methodology to understand the REDD+ governance process in Brazil. The \'REDD+ Governance Theoretical Framework\' emerged from the data. It is a substantive theory formed by seven major categories (Governance, Strategy, Financing, Implementation, Participation of stakeholders, Joint action and Collective learning) that are related to each other and explain the phenomenon. This study suggests that the lack of institutional arrangements to stimulate collective learning and incorporate lessons learned from the ground experience has been a major constraint on improving its governance in Brazil. Improving the effectiveness of the policy cycle may depend upon the establishment of specific arrangements focused on peer review processes involving lower-level entities responsible for implementation and experts from civil society. The establishment of a recursive learning system could solve certain policy coordination problems and create new opportunities to improve the effectiveness of the REDD+ governance process and implementation. This theory adds to the limited body of literature in the field by extending the knowledge on climate finance, stimulating discussion, and creating opportunities for further research and theoretical advances. The theoretical framework and lessons learned in Brazil from success and failure can help other developing countries to implement a national REDD+ strategy, system or regime. The theory can contribute to the international debate on the principles of good governance in official development assistance and aid effectiveness. This study provides an opportunity for policy makers and practitioners to learn about the challenges and constraints faced by Brazil when implementing an unprecedented results-based mechanism focused on mitigation. / A mudança climática é um problema desafiador resultante de ações e interações entre diversos atores em sistemas globais complexos, o que demanda governança em vários níveis e uma miríade de políticas nacionais. Acadêmicos e policy makers vêm se desafiando sobre como elaborar estratégias eficazes na coordenação internacional das políticas em mudança climática. É desafiador porque os problemas relacionados à mudança do clima envolvem atores com diferentes posições, interesses e motivação para cooperar, já que existem riscos envolvidos, alto nível de incerteza e custos de adaptação e mitigação. O desmatamento é a segunda maior fonte de emissões de gases causadores do efeito estufa. Sucesso nesta área pode ter um grande impacto em mitigação. Este estudo enfoca no caso de REDD+, um experimento de governança no financiamento do clima e um promissor mecanismo de mitigação com baixo custo para incentivar os países em desenvolvimento a implementar abordagens políticas que reduzam emissões oriundas do desmatamento e da degradação florestal. O REDD + é considerado um mecanismo inovador em acordos de cooperação internacional sob o regime da UNFCCC, pois foi idealizado para ser baseado em desempenho. O Brasil é o maior receptor do mundo e tem o mais importante experimento de REDD+ - o Fundo Amazônia. A ausência de teorias desenvolvidas nessa área levou ao uso da metodologia grounded theory para compreender o processo de governança de REDD+ no Brasil. A partir dos dados primários foi desenvolvido o \'REDD+ Governance Theoretical Framework\'. Trata-se de uma teoria substantiva formada por sete categorias (Governança, Estratégia, Financiamento, Implementação, Participação de stakeholders, Ação coletiva e Aprendizagem coletiva) que se relacionam e explicam o fenômeno. Este estudo sugere que a ausência de arranjos institucionais para estimular a aprendizagem coletiva e incorporar as lições aprendidas durante a implementação tem sido um grande obstáculo para melhorar a governança de REDD+ no Brasil. Melhorar a efetividade do ciclo político pode depender do estabelecimento de arranjos específicos com foco em processos de revisão por pares que envolvam entidades responsáveis pela implementação e especialistas da sociedade civil. O estabelecimento de um sistema de aprendizagem recursiva poderia facilitar a resolução de alguns problemas de coordenação política e criar novas oportunidades para aprimorar o processo de governança de REDD+. Esta teoria contribui para a construção do conhecimento científico focado no financiamento do clima, estimula a discussão, sugere oportunidades para novas pesquisas e avanços teóricos. O framework teórico pode ajudar outros países em desenvolvimento a implementar estratégia, sistema ou regime nacional de REDD+. As lições aprendidas no Brasil, baseadas no sucesso e fracasso, podem ser absorvidas por outros países em desenvolvimento. A teoria contribui para o debate internacional sobre os princípios da boa governança nos acordos de cooperação internacional e na eficácia da ajuda financeira. Este estudo oferece uma oportunidade para que os policy makers e os profissionais aprendam sobre os desafios e obstáculos enfrentados pelo Brasil ao implementar um inovador mecanismo de financiamento do clima baseado em resultados.

Les élites dans les villes polonaises : étude de géographie sociale / Elites in Polish cities : a study in social geography / Elity w polskich miastach : studia w ramach geografii społecznej

Bouloc, Caroline 07 December 2013 (has links)
Le passage d’un système politique socialiste à un système capitaliste a engendré de grands bouleversements structuraux dans les espaces urbains polonais après 1989. Les élites, grandes gagnantes dans ce processus, redéfinissent les distances sociale et spatiale entre elles et les autres catégories sociales. Pour cerner les nouvelles dynamiques spatiales des élites polonaises, cette thèse s’appuie à la fois sur une analyse quantitative des changements dans la répartition spatiale des classes supérieures dans les trois plus grandes villes polonaises (Varsovie, Cracovie et Łódź), ainsi que sur des entretiens réalisés avec des représentants de cette catégorie plus particulièrement à Varsovie. Elle présente en premier lieu les résultats sociaux et urbains de la transition politique et économique démontrant que les élites ont réussi à se redéfinir dans ce nouveau contexte. Ensuite, une comparaison à macro-échelle de l’évolution des concentrations des classes supérieures dans ces trois villes de la moitié du XIXe siècle à 2002 a permis de prouver la persistance des mécanismes sociaux de distinction dans l’espace aux différentes époques. Les beaux quartiers d’avant-guerre n’ont ainsi jamais réellement disparu durant le socialisme, malgré une homogénéisation relative à l’échelle intra-urbaine. L’espace social en 2002 présente néanmoins une baisse des concentrations des classes supérieures s’expliquant en partie par la diffusion de ce groupe dans l’espace urbain après 1989. Enfin, l’analyse des comportements et des préférences résidentielles, ainsi que des représentations et des pratiques sociales des élites varsoviennes, a permis de mettre en relief différents comportements spatiaux suivant les élites, une constance des représentations mentales, mais aussi une évolution des pratiques sociales dans la ville. / After 1989, the transition from a socialist to a capitalist economic system created major structural changes in Polish urban areas. Élites, great winners in this process, are redefining social and spatial distances between themselves and other social groups. This thesis combines quantitative approaches in the analysis of the three largest cities of Poland (Warsaw, Cracow and Lodz) with qualitative analysis (interviews with representatives of Warsaw’s élites) in order to identify the new spatial dynamics of Polish élites. Firstly, this study presents the social and urban changes due to the political and economic transition of Poland, and explains how the élites are able to redefine themselves in this new environment. A comparison of the concentrations of the upper classes in the three cities (from the mid-nineteenth century to 2002) helps to prove the persistence of social mechanisms of distinction in space at different times. Despite the homogenization of social space during socialism, pre-war good neighbourhoods never really disappeared. Against all expectations, social space in 2002 presents lower concentrations of the upper classes than before 1989, due to social dispersion. Finally, the analysis of élites’ residential preferences and behaviours, together with the analysis of élites’ representations and social practices in Warsaw, helps to highlight different spatial practices according to the type of élite. Changes in social practices within the city occurred against a background of stable mental representations. / Przejście od systemu socjalistycznego do systemu kapitalistycznego przyczyniło się do poważnych zmian strukturalnych w polskich miastach po 1989 roku. Elity, jako wielcy wygrani tego procesu, na nowo ustanawiają dystansy społeczne i przestrzenne między sobą a innymi grupami społecznymi. Poniższa rozprawa doktorska opiera się zarówno na analizie ilościowej, przeprowadzonej w trzech największych miastach w Polsce (Warszawa, Kraków i Łódź) jak i jakościowej, w postaci wywiadów z przedstawicielami tej kategorii w Warszawie. Zastosowanie metod ilościowych i jakościowych umożliwiło identyfikację nowej dynamiki przestrzennej polskich elit. W rozprawie doktorskiej przedstawiono zmiany tkanki miejskiej oraz przemiany społeczne, będące wynikiem procesu transformacji systemowej oraz wyjaśniono w jaki sposób elity definiują się ponownie w nowym środowisku. Porównanie koncentracji wyższych kategorii społecznych w skali makro w trzech miastach od połowy XIX wieku do 2002 r. potwierdziło trwałość społecznych mechanizmów wyróżnianiania się tej grupy w przestrzeni w różnych okresach. Przedwojenne prestiżowe dzielnice nie znikły w okresie socjalizmu, pomimo homogenizacji społecznej w skali miasta. Niemniej jednak, koncentracja klasy wyższej w 2002 r. była niższa niż w 1988 r., z powodu rozpraszania się tej kategorii w przestrzeni miasta. Przeprowadzona analiza zachowań i preferencji mieszkaniowych, jak również analiza percepcji i praktyk społecznych warszawskich elit, uwypukliły odmienność zachowań społecznych elit. Poza tym, zmianie uległy również praktyki społeczne elit w mieście, podczas gdy percepcja społeczna i przestrzenna pozostały niezmienione.

Varšavská smlouva 1969-1985. Vrchol a cesta k zániku / Warsaw Treaty Organization 1969-1985. The pinnacle and path to dissolution

Bílý, Matěj January 2015 (has links)
Ph.D. thesis abstract PhDr. Matěj Bílý The Ph.D. thesis "The Warsaw Treaty Organization 1969-1985. The pinnacle and path to dissolution" analyses inside processes within both political and military structures of the alliance and puts it in the context of the Cold War's development and the events in the Soviet sphere of influence in Europe. It deals mostly with the climax of the Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev's rule, however, attention is paid also to the short intermezzo of his successors, Yuri Andropov and Konstantin Chernenko. The work is based on a broad research in the Czech, Polish and German archives, already published documents and the proper secondary literature. The explanation focuses not only to the development of the organization's mechanisms - it also asses the Warsaw Pact's role as one of the Kremlin's tools for managing the Eastern Bloc. Nonetheless, during Brezhnev's era, the alliance never became an initiator of processes within the Soviet sphere of interest. In fact, the organization's structures were not very initiative. The agenda of meetings was defined elsewhere, most often in Moscow. The activities in the alliance's framework did not constitute a starting-point for the development in the Soviet sphere of influence. On the contrary, the processes within the Warsaw Treaty Organization...

Experimentalist governance in climate finance: the case of REDD+ in Brazil / Governança experimentalista no financiamento do clima: o caso de REDD+ no Brasil

Vanessa Cuzziol Pinsky 24 November 2017 (has links)
Climate change is a daunting problem that results in actions-interactions from a number of actors in complex global systems, which require multi-level governance and a myriad of national policies. Academics and policy makers alike have been grappling with how to devise effective strategies on the international coordination of climate change policies. It is challenging because climate change problems involve actors with different positions, interests and motivation to cooperate due to the risks involved, the uncertainty and the high costs of adaptation and mitigation. Deforestation is the second largest source of GHG emissions. Success in this area can have a large impact on mitigation. This study focuses on the case of REDD+, a large scale governance experiment in climate finance and a promising cost-effective mitigation mechanism to motivate developing countries to implement policy approaches to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. REDD+ is considered a breakthrough mechanism in international cooperation under the UNFCCC regime as it was designed to be performance-based. Brazil is the world\'s largest recipient and has the most important REDD+ experiment - the Amazon Fund. The lack of developed theory in this domain led to the use of grounded theory methodology to understand the REDD+ governance process in Brazil. The \'REDD+ Governance Theoretical Framework\' emerged from the data. It is a substantive theory formed by seven major categories (Governance, Strategy, Financing, Implementation, Participation of stakeholders, Joint action and Collective learning) that are related to each other and explain the phenomenon. This study suggests that the lack of institutional arrangements to stimulate collective learning and incorporate lessons learned from the ground experience has been a major constraint on improving its governance in Brazil. Improving the effectiveness of the policy cycle may depend upon the establishment of specific arrangements focused on peer review processes involving lower-level entities responsible for implementation and experts from civil society. The establishment of a recursive learning system could solve certain policy coordination problems and create new opportunities to improve the effectiveness of the REDD+ governance process and implementation. This theory adds to the limited body of literature in the field by extending the knowledge on climate finance, stimulating discussion, and creating opportunities for further research and theoretical advances. The theoretical framework and lessons learned in Brazil from success and failure can help other developing countries to implement a national REDD+ strategy, system or regime. The theory can contribute to the international debate on the principles of good governance in official development assistance and aid effectiveness. This study provides an opportunity for policy makers and practitioners to learn about the challenges and constraints faced by Brazil when implementing an unprecedented results-based mechanism focused on mitigation. / A mudança climática é um problema desafiador resultante de ações e interações entre diversos atores em sistemas globais complexos, o que demanda governança em vários níveis e uma miríade de políticas nacionais. Acadêmicos e policy makers vêm se desafiando sobre como elaborar estratégias eficazes na coordenação internacional das políticas em mudança climática. É desafiador porque os problemas relacionados à mudança do clima envolvem atores com diferentes posições, interesses e motivação para cooperar, já que existem riscos envolvidos, alto nível de incerteza e custos de adaptação e mitigação. O desmatamento é a segunda maior fonte de emissões de gases causadores do efeito estufa. Sucesso nesta área pode ter um grande impacto em mitigação. Este estudo enfoca no caso de REDD+, um experimento de governança no financiamento do clima e um promissor mecanismo de mitigação com baixo custo para incentivar os países em desenvolvimento a implementar abordagens políticas que reduzam emissões oriundas do desmatamento e da degradação florestal. O REDD + é considerado um mecanismo inovador em acordos de cooperação internacional sob o regime da UNFCCC, pois foi idealizado para ser baseado em desempenho. O Brasil é o maior receptor do mundo e tem o mais importante experimento de REDD+ - o Fundo Amazônia. A ausência de teorias desenvolvidas nessa área levou ao uso da metodologia grounded theory para compreender o processo de governança de REDD+ no Brasil. A partir dos dados primários foi desenvolvido o \'REDD+ Governance Theoretical Framework\'. Trata-se de uma teoria substantiva formada por sete categorias (Governança, Estratégia, Financiamento, Implementação, Participação de stakeholders, Ação coletiva e Aprendizagem coletiva) que se relacionam e explicam o fenômeno. Este estudo sugere que a ausência de arranjos institucionais para estimular a aprendizagem coletiva e incorporar as lições aprendidas durante a implementação tem sido um grande obstáculo para melhorar a governança de REDD+ no Brasil. Melhorar a efetividade do ciclo político pode depender do estabelecimento de arranjos específicos com foco em processos de revisão por pares que envolvam entidades responsáveis pela implementação e especialistas da sociedade civil. O estabelecimento de um sistema de aprendizagem recursiva poderia facilitar a resolução de alguns problemas de coordenação política e criar novas oportunidades para aprimorar o processo de governança de REDD+. Esta teoria contribui para a construção do conhecimento científico focado no financiamento do clima, estimula a discussão, sugere oportunidades para novas pesquisas e avanços teóricos. O framework teórico pode ajudar outros países em desenvolvimento a implementar estratégia, sistema ou regime nacional de REDD+. As lições aprendidas no Brasil, baseadas no sucesso e fracasso, podem ser absorvidas por outros países em desenvolvimento. A teoria contribui para o debate internacional sobre os princípios da boa governança nos acordos de cooperação internacional e na eficácia da ajuda financeira. Este estudo oferece uma oportunidade para que os policy makers e os profissionais aprendam sobre os desafios e obstáculos enfrentados pelo Brasil ao implementar um inovador mecanismo de financiamento do clima baseado em resultados.

Komparace pražské a varšavské burzy cenných papírů / Comparison of Prague Stock Exchange and Warsaw Stock Exchange

Svobodová, Jindra January 2011 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to analyze and compare the main characteristics of Prague Stock Exchange and Warsaw Stock Exchange. At first the attention is paid to the concept of "stock exchange" in the legal system of both countries. A short summary of the history of both exchanges is followed by a description of the organizational structure and comparison of the basic conditions of exchange membership. The individual market segments are analyzed as well as conditions for admission of financial instruments to those segments. The thesis also outlines the essential characteristics of trading systems in Prague and in Warsaw together with a list of basic types of trades. The final comparative analysis is devoted to the type and volume of financial instruments traded on both exchanges and settlement of those trades.

Posouzení provozuschopnosti nově zaváděných letounů na regionálních letištích středoevropského regionu / Anylysis of operability of the newly introduced aircraft to regional airports of the european region

Langer, Jaromír January 2014 (has links)
This thesis describes a two of newly introduced types of aircraft (Boeing 787 Dreamliner, Boeing 737 MAX) and compares the operating characteristics of the operational aspects of the airports of the Central European region.

Periodikum německé menšiny v Československu "Prager Volkszeitung" a Pražské jaro 1968 / Periodical of the German minority in Czechoslovakia "Prager Volkszeitung" and Prague Spring 1968

Kokošková, Petra January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on changes of the life of the German minority that was living in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s, in connection with the then press. The thesis deals with an influence of the reviving process, which is called Prague Spring and then the period of normalization on the progress of status of the German minority in the Czechoslovakia. The thesis presents events of the year 1968, that are related to the national minorities policy which led to reception of the Constitutional Act No. 144/1968 Coll., about the status of the national groups in the state. I also analyse the activisation of the members of the German minority for the purpose of formation of their cultural association named "Kulturní sdružení občanů ČSSR německé národnosti" (the Cultural association of the citizen of the German nationality in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic), which was enabled on the ground of the aforesaid constitutional law. The text also deals with the start of the period of normalization and its consequences for the German minority. The thesis also analyses the Czechoslovak media at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s with special regard to the only periodical press in the German language called the "Prager Volkszeitung". A very important part of the text is...

Three Indiana women's clubs: a study of their patterns of association, study practices, and civic improvement work, 1886-1910

Owen, Mary Elizabeth January 2008 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Springing up in the last quarter of the nineteenth century, Indiana women's study clubs provided generations of women with the opportunity to improve their educations in a friendly environment. They also brought culture to their communities by hosting art exhibits, musical entertainments, and lectures, building libraries and museums, and participating in community improvement endeavors. The activities of urban clubs in big cities have been documented in histories of the women's club movement, but small towns have recieved little attention even through they were vital parts of their communities. This study considers the characteristics, organization, study practices, and civic improvement work of three small-town Indiana women's clubs in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era. The Zerelda Reading Club (Warsaw) studied a wide variety of subjects, while the Ladies' Piano Club (Salem) and Florentine Club (Lebanon) limited their studies to art and music, respectively. All three clubs participated in community improvement efforts that helped their towns achieve urban amenities. The Zerelda Reading Club helped to establish a ladies' rest room, the Ladies' Piano Club worked with other community organizations to build a Carnegie public library, and the Florentine Club raised money to beautify Oak Hill Cemetery. Forming in decades of tremendous growth in popularity of club activity, the organization of all three clubs shows influences of those associations already in existence. This study argues that the individual circumstances of members and their communities resulted in the organization of three women's clubs that prospered under the guidance of extant clubs, but served their members and their communities by adapting activities to suit local needs.

Zwischen Nützlichkeit, Sentiment und Propaganda: Relikte und künstlerische Darstellungen der Pflanzenbehälter der Warschauer Gärten aus der Zeit der Polnisch-Sächsischen Union

Przybylak, Łukasz 05 October 2023 (has links)
Unter den zahlreichen Elementen, die das Gesamtbild eines historischen Gartens ausmachen, sind die Pflanzgefäße eines der interessantesten und dennoch von Gartenhistorikern und Denkmalpflegern in ganz Europa am wenigsten beachteten. Auch wenn sie nur eine geringe Größe besitzen, ist doch die Entwicklung ihrer Form und der Art und Weise, wie sie im Garten platziert werden, durch den Fortschritt des gärt- nerischen und künstlerischen Denkens der Menschheit gekennzeichnet. Im Kontext der Zeit der Polnisch-Sächsischen Union, die durch das Prisma der Personen von August II. sowie seines Sohnes August III. und der Mitglieder ihrer Höfe analysiert werden, offenbaren die Töpfe auch die sozialen Bestrebungen des Adels und den ästhetischen Geschmack des Monarchen, der von den Eindrücken seiner jugendlichen Reisen durch Europa geprägt war.

Divadelní studio Reduta jako příklad modernistické utopie / Theatre Studio Reduta as an example of modernistic utopia

Jiřík, Jan January 2013 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT This thesis describes the theatre reform at the turn of 19th and 20th century in its wider sociocultural concept. It focuses on the reaction of theatre to the modernistic crisis of European culture and society. Modernism is understood here according to its wider thematic and chronological definition. Modernism is based on the conception of machine civilization as it was defined by a Polish sociologist Jerzy Jedlicki. Jedlicki places the rise of modernistic cultural formation into the second half of 18th century which is when a steam engine was invented and it was a time of social turbulence and changes in human spirituality. Another theoretical frame of the thesis is created by utopia phenomenon as it was defined by Jerzy Szacki. Second half of 20th century is considered to be the end of modernism, inasmuch the utopic visions which had been placed on theatre faded away. The main topic of the thesis is Juliusz Osterwa's and Mieczyslaw Limanowski's theatre studio Reduta. It was founded in Warsaw in 1919 and it was to a great extend inspired by Moscow theatre studios of Stanislavsky and by Polish theatre sources (Stanislaw Wyspianski). By studying selected examples, the thesis studies Reduta as a realisation of modernistic utopia when theatre was supposed to carry a special mission in renaissance of...

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