Spelling suggestions: "subject:"waste management"" "subject:"taste management""
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Legislative support for waste reduction initiatives /Liu, Wai-leung. January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (M. Sc.)--University of Hong Kong, 1997. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 60-67).
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Παραγωγή ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας από λύματα και απορρίματαΜπλίκας, Θεόδωρος 14 May 2012 (has links)
Το κεντρικό ζήτημα που διαπραγματεύεται η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία είναι το θέμα της διαχείρισης των απορριμμάτων στις σύγχρονες κοινωνίες με προσανατολισμό την αξιοποίησή τους και την παραγωγή ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας.
Στην Ελλάδα σήμερα παράγονται ημερησίως περίπου 15.000 τόνοι απορριμμάτων, δηλαδή περίπου 5,5 εκατομμύρια τόνοι ετησίως, τα μισά από τα οποία στην Αττική. Μόνο ο όγκος αυτών των απορριμμάτων αποτελεί ζήτημα προς επίλυση.
Μέχρι σήμερα ο τρόπος που κυριαρχεί στη διαχείριση αυτού του όγκου απορριμμάτων είναι οι Χώροι Υγειονομικής Ταφής Απορριμμάτων (ΧΥΤΑ). Εδώ πρέπει να σημειώσουμε ότι από το 2008, η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση έχει απαγορεύσει την κατασκευή νέων ΧΥΤΑ και έχει επιβάλλει τη μετατροπή των υφιστάμενων ΧΥΤΑ ως ΧΥΤΥ (Χώροι Υγειονομικής Ταφής Υπολειμμάτων). Η δημιουργία ΧΥΤΥ προϋποθέτει χημική επεξεργασία υπολειμμάτων πριν ταφούν και έχει κύκλο ζωής από είκοσι έως τριάντα χρόνια. Στους ΧΥΤΑ σήμερα θάβεται περίπου το 90% του συνολικού όγκου των απορριμμάτων, γεγονός που έχει σημαντικές συνέπειες για το περιβάλλον και τον άνθρωπο, είτε λόγω της εκροής μεθανίου στον αέρα είτε λόγω της μόλυνσης των λεκανών απορροής και των υπογείων υδάτων.
Οι ΧΥΤΑ διακρίνονται σε νόμιμους και παράνομους. Νόμιμοι είναι αυτοί που έχουν χωροθετηθεί και διαθέτουν στοιχειώδεις, έστω, μελέτες και μια υποτυπώδη διαχείριση. Δίνουν όμως και τη δυνατότητα ελέγχου και συγκέντρωσης στοιχείων για τα απορρίμματα και επομένως για τους πιθανούς τρόπους επίλυσης του προβλήματος αυτού. Παράλληλα μεγαλύτερο πρόβλημα αποτελούν οι παράνομες χωματερές που λειτουργούν ως τέτοιες αλλά και οι κάθε είδους τυχαίοι χώροι όπως ποτάμια, ρέματα, παραλίες, θάλασσες, λίμνες και κάθε είδους χώροι στην ύπαιθρο που μπορεί να φτάσει κάποιος.
Τα προβλήματα που δημιουργούνται από την ανεξέλεγκτη απόθεση των απορριμμάτων ή από την ξεπερασμένη μέθοδο των ΧΥΤΑ δεν είναι στενά περιβαλλοντικά. Οι επιπτώσεις αυτών των πρακτικών είναι επίσης κοινωνικές και οικονομικές και σε πολλά επίπεδα. Από τα προφανή που αφορούν τη μείωση της αξίας της γης κοντά στους χώρους αυτούς, τη μείωση της αξίας των προϊόντων που παράγονται πλησίον των χώρων αυτών, τους αντίστοιχους περιορισμούς στην οικιστική ανάπτυξη αλλά και σε επιχειρηματικά σχέδια. Κεντρικό ζήτημα αυτού του είδους αποτελεί και το πλήγμα στον τουρισμό, ειδικά σε περιοχές που αυτή η οικονομική δραστηριότητα αποτελεί βασική πηγή εισοδημάτων.
Σε κάθε περίπτωση, όμως, δεν πρέπει να μας διαφεύγει το γεγονός ότι είναι λάθος μια θεώρηση που αντιμετωπίζει τα απορρίμματα ως «πράγματα για πέταγμα, σκουπίδια». Αυτή η θεώρηση είναι η κεντρική φιλοσοφία της συνέχισης της λειτουργίας πάσης φύσης χωματερών, νόμιμων και μη. Η σύγχρονη αντίληψη σχετικά με τα απορρίμματα αφορά μαζί με την περιβαλλοντική προστασία και τη δημιουργία νέας αξίας. Αφορά, δηλαδή, την ανάπτυξη μεθόδων για την αξιοποίηση των απορριμμάτων με διάφορους στόχους. Ανακύκλωση, παραγωγή νέων προϊόντων, παραγωγή παραπροϊόντων, ενεργειακή αξιοποίηση, κλπ. Στην εργασία αυτή γίνεται αναφορά σε όλες τις μεθόδους αξιοποίησης των απορριμμάτων ενώ επικεντρωνόμαστε στη θερμική επεξεργασία ως κύρια μέθοδο ενεργειακής αξιοποίησης.
Η θερμική επεξεργασία και κυρίως η καύση των απορριμμάτων είναι μια πρακτική ευρέως διαδεδομένη στην Ευρώπη για την οποία υπάρχουν επισήμως προδιαγραφές από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση από το 1999, μέσω της οδηγίας 2000/76/EC. Στις περισσότερες χώρες της Ευρώπης λειτουργούν εργοστάσια καύσης των απορριμμάτων με σκοπό την παραγωγή ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας παράλληλα με τη μείωση του συνολικού όγκου τους αλλά και την αδρανοποίηση – εξουδετέρωση τοξικών – μολυσματικών παραγόντων.
Η διαδικασία της καύσης δε γίνεται χωρίς προεπεξεργασία. Απαιτεί προηγούμενες διεργασίες που αφορούν τη διαλογή, τη μηχανική επεξεργασία, πριν καταλήξουν τα απορρίμματα στη διαδικασία της καύσης. Επομένως, ως μέθοδος η καύση συμβάλλει στη γενικότερη αξιοποίηση των απορριμμάτων και ενισχύει και άλλες μεθόδους και δεν τις καταργεί. Χαρακτηριστικά παραδείγματα τέτοιων πρακτικών είναι διαδεδομένα σε χώρες της Ευρώπης που θεωρούνται πρωτοποριακές στις οικολογικές πρακτικές, όπως η Δανία και η Σουηδία.
Βεβαίως υπάρχουν και τα μειονεκτήματα της μεθόδου. Αυτά αφορούν την εκπομπή αερίων και βαρέων μετάλλων από τις μονάδες καύσης τα οποία είναι επιβλαβή για το περιβάλλον και τους ανθρώπους. Όμως η πρόοδος στον τομέα αυτό είναι ραγδαία, οι κανονισμοί αυστηροί, οι πρακτικές βελτιούμενες και, σε τελευταία ανάλυση, το ερώτημα που πρέπει να απαντηθεί δεν είναι αν υπάρχει μια μέθοδος που έχει μόνο πλεονεκτήματα και καθόλου μειονεκτήματα αλλά από τις διαθέσιμες μεθόδους ποια είναι η βέλτιστη. / The central issue that this thesis negotiates is the issue of waste management in modern societies oriented exploitation and production of electricity.
In Greece approximately 15,000 tonnes of waste are produced per day, approximately 5.5 million tons annually, half of them in Athens. Only the volume of such waste is an issue to be resolved. Until now the predominant way to manage this volume of waste is the Waste Landfills (landfills). Here we must note that since 2008, the European Union has banned the construction of new landfills and has required the conversion of existing landfills as landfills (landfill debris). The creation of landfills requires chemical treatment before waste is buried, and provides a life cycle of twenty to thirty years. Today about 90% of the total volume of waste is buried in landfills, which has important consequences for the environment and humans, either because of the outflow of methane in air or due to contamination of watersheds and groundwater.
Landfills are divided into legal and illegal. Legitimate are those who have sited and elementary, at least, a rudimentary studies and management. They, however, have to control and collect data on waste and therefore allow to search for the possible ways to solve this problem. At the same time the biggest problem is illegal landfills operated as such and all kinds of random places such as rivers, streams, beaches, seas, lakes and all kinds of outdoor spaces that can be reached. The problems created by uncontrolled dumping of waste or the outdated method of landfills are not closely environmentally. The effects of these practices are also social and economic and on many levels. From the obvious results to the reduction in value of land near these areas, reducing the value of products produced near these sites, the corresponding restrictions on residential development and business plans. The central question of this kind is the blow to tourism, especially in areas that economic activity is a major source of income. In each case, however, we must not overlook the fact that it is a wrong approach that addresses the waste as "throwing things, garbage." This approach is the central concept of its continuation in landfills of every kind, legal or not.
The modern concept of waste is one with regard to environmental protection and new value creation. This means, the development of methods for the utilization of waste with different objectives. Recycling, manufacturing new products, meat production, energy use, etc. In this paper we refer to all methods of waste utilization and we focus on the thermal treatment as the primary method of energy recovery.
The heat treatment and especially the burning of waste is a widespread practice in Europe for which there is a formally issued guideline from the European Union from 1999 through (Directive 2000/76/EC). In most European countries plants for burning waste operate to generate electricity while reducing the total volume and the inactivation - neutralizing toxic – infectious agents.
The burning process is done without pretreatment. It requires previous processes for the sorting, mechanical processing, before ending up in waste combustion process. Therefore, as a method of burning contributes to the overall utilization of waste and strengthens and other methods and do not confront with them. Examples of such practices are widespread in European countries that are considered innovative in ecological practices, such as Denmark and Sweden.
Certainly there are disadvantages of the method. These relate to the emission of gases and heavy metals from combustion plants which are harmful to the environment and people. But progress in this area is rapid, strict regulations, practices improved and, ultimately, the question to be answered is not whether there is a method that has only advantages and no disadvantages, but from the methods available, which one is the optimum.
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Pedagogical toolkit : How the value of repair can be increased through resilienceSohrabi Kharazi, Mohammad January 2018 (has links)
In today’s society we buy, use and throw things away which has made waste an environmental problem which affects our planet negatively. To prevent further development of consumerism, sustainable movements must be made where society must climb up the ladder of waste hierarchy and start to integrate in preventing the production of waste. One way to manage and prevent waste is through changed consumer practices that encourage repair. As it seems the discussion about repair is a missing part in the Swedish structure about waste management. It is not a part of what children are being taugt and it is not a part of the ongoing discussion about environmental issues. The purpose with this thesis is to plant a seed of change among children and bring back the mindset where humanity integrate with the planet. The research question for this thesis is: “how can the value of repair be increased through resilience among children who are the future influencers?”. Through my research and methodology I decided to design a prototype of a pedagogical toolkit for kindergarten consisting of storytelling through a book and an interactive product. As a part of the design process, a workshop was performed where the core concept of my toolkit was tried out at a kindergarten. The workshop resulted in good management from the children of the content of the story and the interactive product. A pluralistic discussion about how they could help the main character Julia with the broken chair in relation to waste management occurred. The children were “nudged” through the story in the decisision making towards repair, which was the option they choosed. The prototype of my toolkit might not at this stage have resulted in actual increased knowledge about waste hierarchy and prevention of waste. However, according to my opinionen it has contribuited to an increased discussion about repair at the local place where I had my workshop. Hopefully the toolkit has started a thinking process in those children’s mindset and something new within the pedagogical aspects as regards sustainability and waste management. The value of repair can be increased through a pedagogical toolkit consisting of storytelling and an interactive part. Through my prototype of the toolkit a discussion about repair at local level has started. How this project will be developed will be left to the unknown and future explorations of the matter.
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WasteLess : Sustainable modular table design with metadesign thinking / WasteLess : Sustainable modular table design with metadesign thinkingGu, Junjie January 2018 (has links)
Waste management has been considered as a significant challenge for sustainable development. From EPA report, furniture is the number one least-recycled item in a household. In current markets, much of furniture is made of composite material, which isn’t feasible to separate. This design project is based on the trend of sustainable furniture as well as the rapid expansion of recycling culture. It contains both tangible furniture design and intangible metadesign thinking. Here it comes with thesis statement: In order to raise public awareness of sustainability, how to design a furniture product with metadesign thinking? The content of the project is a modular table design that combines both recycle material and mass-producible ready-to-assemble furniture (RTA). This table design is including freehand sketches, hand-made models, Rhinoceros 3D modeling and short instruction movie.
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A logística reversa no varejo supermercadista como um subprocesso da gestão de retornos de embalagens plásticas e de papelão / The reverse logistics in grocery retail as a returns management subprocess of plastic and cardboard packagingDias, Karina Tonelli Silveira 01 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Karina Tonelli Silveira Dias null (kaasdias@live.com) on 2018-02-26T19:06:53Z
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KarinaDias_PGAD_TUPA_021028.pdf: 1965480 bytes, checksum: 91fe7ccc86915e49dece9207404943a0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Eliana Katia Pupim (katiapupim@tupa.unesp.br) on 2018-03-02T19:50:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
dias _kts_me_tupa.pdf: 1965480 bytes, checksum: 91fe7ccc86915e49dece9207404943a0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-02T19:51:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-02-01 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / A logística empresarial, tanto direta quanto reversa, é uma importante atividade da cadeia de suprimentos, capaz de gerir matéria-prima, estoques, transportes, informações, entre outros recursos. Diretamente relacionada a fatores ambientais, a logística reversa ganha destaque no contexto empresarial, principalmente após a criação da abordagem da green supply chain management. Esta considera os aspectos ambientais e financeiros relacionados ao ciclo de vida do produto, o que envolve a participação de todos os elos da cadeia a qual ele pertence. Impulsionada por fatores ambientais, legais, sociais e econômicos, a logística reversa surge como uma oportunidade de ganhos, principalmente para o setor do varejo supermercadista, que é um grande gerador de resíduos recicláveis, advindos das embalagens de transporte dos produtos que serão comercializados. Diante disso, o objetivo do trabalho é analisar como as organizações supermercadistas utilizam a logística reversa, como ferramenta para gestão de retornos de embalagens plásticas e de papelão, para adquirir melhor resultado ambiental e financeiro, proposto pela abordagem da green supply chain management. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo de multicasos junto a uma rede de supermercados. Uma vez que a abordagem do estudo trabalha sobre o conceito da green supply chain management, primeiramente foi identificada, por meio de literatura, a cadeia de pós-consumo do plástico e do papelão, no que diz respeito aos elos posteriores ao descarte do varejista e aos possíveis impactos ambientais gerados sobre as atividades de produção, descarte e reciclagem dos materiais. Posteriormente, dada a identificação de que a cadeia de reciclagem é a melhor solução sob o aspecto ambiental, e correlacionada esta atividade à logística reversa, foi dado início ao estudo de caso. Por meio deste, foi feita a caracterização de como a atividade ocorre na organização, bem como obtidos os volumes de materiais originados, as receitas, investimentos, custos e despesas incorridas sobre a atividade. Estes dados foram analisados segundo os aspectos ambientais e financeiros. Nas análises ambientais, foram apresentados os volumes de materiais que são destinados à logística reversa. Como complemento, o método de Material Input Per Service Unit (MIPS) foi utilizado. Para a análise dos resultados financeiros, foi feita uma estatística descritiva sobre os volumes e preço recebido pela venda do material. Esta permitiu a elaboração de três cenários (pessimista, realista e otimista), determinados segundo o volume de materiais. Estes ainda variaram segundo as receitas obtidas. Para cada um dos cenários foram elaborados fluxos de caixa e calculados índices financeiros (VPL e TIR). Como principais resultados, identificou-se que a organização varejista, bem como os compradores dos materiais, está preocupada com os aspectos ambientais e percebem a importância da logística reversa para o retorno do material ao ciclo produtivo. Entretanto, a questão financeira recebe maior ênfase. De fato, a rentabilidade gerada é atrativa, tanto para organizações que possuem altos volumes de materiais quanto para organizações com volumes menores e vendendo-os a um preço menor do que o praticado no mercado de sucatas. Contudo, por ser uma atividade recentemente implantada na organização, esta ainda está em adaptação e vêm recebendo ênfase nos últimos anos. Assim, há possíveis melhorias a serem desenvolvidas na atividade reversa. / The Business Logistics, both direct and reverse, are an important activity in the supply chain, capable of managing raw materials, inventories, transportation, information, and other resources. Directly related to environmental factors, reverse logistics is highlighted in the business context, especially after the creation of the green supply chain management approach. It considers the environmental and financial aspects related to the product life cycle, which involves the participation of all links in the chain to which it belongs. Promoted by environmental, legal, social and economic factors, reverse logistics appears as an opportunity for gains, mainly for the grocery retail, which is a large generator of recyclable waste, coming from the packaging of the products that will be commercialized. Therefore, the objective of this work is to analyze how supermarket organizations use reverse logistics as a tool to manage plastic and cardboard returns to achieve a better environmental and financial result, proposed by the green supply chain management approach. For that, a multicases study was carried out with a supermarket chain. Since the approach of the study works on the concept of green supply chain management, the post-consumption chain of plastic and paperboard was first identified through literature, concerning to the links after the retailer's disposal, and to the possible environmental impacts generated on the activities of production, disposal and recycling of materials. Subsequently, given the identification that the recycling chain is the best solution from the environmental aspect, and correlated this activity with reverse logistics, the case study was started. Through this, the characterization of how the activity occurs in the organization, as well as the volumes of materials originated, the revenues, investments, costs and expenses incurred on the activity were obtained. These data were analyzed according to environmental and financial aspects. In the environmental analyzes, the volumes of materials destined to the reverse logistics were presented. As a complement, the Material Input Per Service Unit (MIPS) method was used. For the analysis of the financial results, a descriptive statistic was made on the volumes and price received for the sale of the material. This allowed the elaboration of three scenarios (pessimistic, realist and optimistic), determined according to the volume of materials. These still varied according to the revenue obtained. For each of the scenarios, cash flows were elaborated and financial indices (NPV and IRR) were calculated. As main results, it was identified that the retail organization, as well as the purchasers of the materials, is concerned with the environmental aspects and realize the importance of the reverse logistics for the return of the material to the productive cycle. However, the financial issue receive more emphasis. Indeed, the profitability generated is attractive, both for organizations that have high volumes of materials and for organizations with smaller volumes and selling them at a lower price than the one practiced in the scrap market. However, because it is an activity recently implemented in the organization, it is still in adaptation and has received an emphasis in recent years. Thus, there are possible improvements to be developed in reverse activity. / FAPESP: 2016/01328-8
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O manuseio dos resíduos sólidos hospitalares em maternidade de referência em João Pessoa-PB.OLIVEIRA, Zenóbio Fernandes Rodrigues de. 11 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Lucienne Costa (lucienneferreira@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-09-11T18:06:20Z
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ZENÓBIO FERNANDES RODRIGUES DE OLIVEIRA – TESE (PPGRN) 2017.pdf: 2285666 bytes, checksum: e755eb9e5f1b3ecb19521ad85d5b96ac (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-11T18:06:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
ZENÓBIO FERNANDES RODRIGUES DE OLIVEIRA – TESE (PPGRN) 2017.pdf: 2285666 bytes, checksum: e755eb9e5f1b3ecb19521ad85d5b96ac (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-10-20 / A preocupação mundial em relação aos resíduos sólidos, em especial os Resíduos dos
Serviços de Saúde (RSS), tem aumentado ante o crescimento da produção, do gerenciamento inadequado e da falta de áreas de disposição final. Neste interim, a assistência à saúde é prestada por uma rede de serviços que inclui desde atendimentos residenciais, passando por unidades básicas de saúde e hospitais de alta complexidade. O presente estudo objetivou a verificação do manejo dos resíduos sólidos de saúde na Maternidade ―Frei Damião‖, em João Pessoa-PB, com base em pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, numa investigação descritivo analítica com trinta profissionais de saúde da Maternidade no período de janeiro a junho de 2017. Realizou-se uma análise descritiva por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas compostas de perguntas abertas, visando analisar a percepção ambiental destes trabalhadores quanto aos resíduos produzidos na unidade hospitalar. Os profissionais foram selecionados a partir de um grupo representativo de seis categorias: médicos, enfermeiros, psicólogos, assistentes sociais,
farmacêuticos e fisioterapeutas. Os dados foram analisados obedecendo às seguintes etapas: reunião do corpus de análise; leitura flutuante dos achados; leitura aprofundada a fim de constituir categorias de análise; análise interpretativa das categorias; e discussão com a literatura pertinente. Os resultados permitiram concluir que: há ainda lacunas enormes para serem preenchidas no processo de gerenciamento dos resíduos de saúde do serviço hospitalar; a percepção dos profissionais envolvidos do ambiente hospitalar está ligada mais aos cuidados com os pacientes, pois nem todos vislumbram a importância da segregação, e destes alguns desconhecem o processo de destinação final dos resíduos sólidos de saúde. Para tanto, é de grande importância que a unidade invista em educação e saúde na unidade a que todos estão envolvidos, sobre o manejo correto dos resíduos sólidos de saúde da instituição. / Global concern about solid waste, especially Health Care Waste (HCW), has increased as production increases, inadequate management and lack of final disposal areas. In this interim, health care is provided by a network of services ranging from residential care,
through basic health units and hospitals of high complexity. The present study aimed to verify the management of solid health wastes in the "Frei Damião" Maternity, in João Pessoa-PB, based on qualitative research, in a descriptive-analytical research with thirty Maternity health professionals in the period of January to June 2017. A descriptive analysis was conducted through semi-structured interviews with open questions, aiming to analyze the environmental perception of these workers regarding the waste produced in the hospital unit. The professionals were selected from a representative group of six categories: doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers, pharmacists and physiotherapists. The data were analyzed obeying the following steps: meeting of the corpus of analysis; Floating reading of findings; In order to constitute categories of analysis; Interpretative analysis of categories; and discussion with relevant literature. The results allowed concluding that: 1) there are still huge gaps to be filled in the process of health waste management in the hospital service. 2) The perception of the professionals involved in the hospital environment is more related to patient care, since not everyone sees the importance of segregation, and some of them are unaware of the process of final disposal of solid health wastes. 3) Therefore, it is of great importance that the health unit must invests in education and health in the unit to which all are involved, on the correct management of the solid health residues of the institution.
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Políticas públicas na gestão ambiental da suinocultura no Vale do Taquari - RSHernandes, Juliana Fátima de Moraes January 2010 (has links)
O Brasil é, atualmente, o quarto maior produtor e quarto maior exportador mundial de suínos. O crescimento da suinocultura nacional tem sido resultado de avanços na produtividade do rebanho industrial, aumento do número de matrizes alojadas e investimentos nas instalações das granjas. O Rio Grande do Sul é o segundo produtor brasileiro de suínos. A cadeia de produção de suínos no estado encontra-se bem estruturada, a partir de mecanismos de coordenação vertical, sendo que o crescimento do sistema integrado de produção vem permitindo ganhos significativos de produtividade para a suinocultura gaúcha. Apesar dos resultados econômicos positivos, a suinocultura pode causar impactos negativos ao ambiente em que está inserida. Neste trabalho realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva com o objetivo de identificar as ações de alguns atores da suinocultura, no Vale do Taquari, visando a diminuição dos impactos ambientais na região. Os diferentes atores participantes desta pesquisa são as granjas de suínos que possuem licenciamento ambiental pela FEPAM - órgão oficial que fiscaliza e regulariza a suinocultura -, as integradoras, a extensão Rural - representada, neste trabalho, pela EMATER/RS-regional Estrela – e a comunidade envolvida com a suinocultura na região. O Vale do Taquari abriga cerca de 30 por cento do efetivo de suínos do estado. A região também é caracterizada por ter a maior concentração de suínos em criação no Rio Grande do Sul. Esta pesquisa desenvolveu-se utilizando o método interpretativo, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Verificou-se o número de granjas com condições de receber a licença ambiental pela FEPAM em 2009, sendo que este órgão verifica apenas granjas de porte médio a excepcional, no Vale do Taquari. Até o término da coleta de dados desta pesquisa, foi constatado que esta Instituição havia registrado 1.237 granjas com processo de licenciamento ambiental, das quais 37 por cento estavam com suas licenças em vigor, 19 por cento encontravam-se com suas licenças vencidas e 44 por cento passaram para o licenciamento municipal. Os resultados indicam que para o Vale do Taquari, dentre as granjas com licença concedida pela FEPAM, as que operam em Unidades Produtoras de Leitão - UPLs são as que mais lançam dejetos a partir de sua produção, pois além de produzirem a quantidade diária de 45 litros/matriz, apresentam um número elevado de animais abrigados neste sistema. As UPLs são unidades de produção onde existem somente as fases do ciclo produtivo que compreendem os reprodutores, o nascimento dos leitões (maternidade) e crescimento inicial (Creche, peso de 6 a 25 kg). Verificou-se ainda que 45,76 por cento das propriedades estavam em condições de obter o licenciamento ambiental sem restrições e 54,23 necessitavam melhorias a serem feitas na propriedade. Quanto às agroindústrias, responsáveis por integrar grande parte dos suinocultores da região, estas apresentam políticas ambientais para seus integrados e buscam a efetivação da regulamentação ambiental nas propriedades. A Extensão Rural também contribui para o desenvolvimento da atividade na região levando projetos de melhoramento aos suinocultores visando à diminuição do impacto ambiental gerado pela atividade. Também tem papel fundamental para o desenvolvimento sustentável da atividade na região a UNIVATES por meio de iniciativas como a fundação do comitê de suinocultura do Vale do Taquari. Segundo os relatórios da FEPAM as melhorias a serem realizadas nas granjas do Vale do Taquari dizem respeito, na grande maioria, ao tratamento dos dejetos, todavia indicou-se também a necessidade de melhor manejo dos animais mortos e a necessidade de melhorar as instalações das granjas para melhor alocar os animais. / Nowadays Brazil is the fourth largest producer and fourth largest swine exporter around the world. The growth of the brasilian production has been the result from advances in industrial productivity of the herd, increasing in the number of animals and investment in the sties. Rio Grande do Sul is currently the second brasilian pig producer. The swine production chain is well structured at the State by the vertical coordination mechanisms and also, the growth of the pork producer system has taken significant productivity gains for the swine farmer at State. Despite the positive economic results the activity may produce negative impact at the environment in which it operates. This work is a descriptive study aiming to identify the actions from some swineculture actors, at the Vale do Taquari, aiming at reducing the environmental impacts on the region. The different actors participating in this research are swine farms from Vale do Taquari that have environmental licenses by FEPAM – government agency that supervises and regulates the swineculture - integrative companies, the Rural Extension- represented by EMATER/RS-Estrela department- and the community involved with the activity at that region.The Vale do Taquari has almost 30 percent of the Rio Grande do Sul’s swine herd and it is also characterized by having the largest concentration of animals in creating at the state. This study was conducted using the interpretative method, through literature and documentary researches. It was verified how many farms, at the Vale do Taquari, had conditions to receive the environmental license for FEPAM in 2009 being that FEPAM checks only a medium-sized farms to exceptional. Still the end of the data collection for this research, it was found that FEPAM had registered 1237 farms with environmental licensing process, of which 37 percent were with their licenses in force, 19 percent were with their expired licenses and 44 percent went to the municipal licensing. The results are that in that region, among the farms with licenses granted by the FEPAM, the farms that operating in UPLs are the ones that most throw waste from its production, because besides they produce the daily amount of 45 liters/animal they have a high number of animals housed in the system.The UPL system is a production unit where there are only the production cycle phases that include breeders, the birth of piglets (maternity) and first time life growth (weight of 6 to 25 kg). The results revealed that 45,76 percent of the farms were able to obtain an environmental license without restrictions and 54.23 needed improvements to be done on the property. It was also found that the agricultural industries, responsible for integrating many of the swine farmers in the region, have environmental policies for their integrated and seek this one for the properties. The Rural Extension also contributes to the development of activity in the region leading improvement projects to lessen the environmental impact generated by the activity. Also has a fundamental role for sustainable development in the region UNIVATES that through such initiatives founded a Vale do Taquari swine culture committee. According to reports FEPAM improvements to be carried out on Vale do Taquari farms concern, in most cases, the management and treatment of waste but also indicated the need for better management of the animals killed and the need to improve the facilities of the farms to better allocate the animals.
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Indicadores de sustentabilidade como ferramenta de apoio a gestão pública de resíduos da construção civil em municípios de pequeno porte / Sustainability indicators as assessment tool to support the RCC management in small citiesGehrke, Amanda Elisa Barros January 2012 (has links)
Introdução: Apesar de a Resolução n°307/2002 exigir a existência de um Plano Integrado de Gestão de Resíduos da Construção Civil (RCC), em todos os municípios brasileiros, desde o ano de 2003, poucos o possuem. Quando desenvolvidos, muitos são pensados para um horizonte de curto prazo e com função meramente corretiva ou, ainda, são adaptações de experiências de outros contextos, sem considerar a realidade local de onde estão sendo implantados. Estudos anteriores apontam dificuldades, principalmente nos municípios de pequeno porte, em implantar as práticas desta resolução. Nesse contexto, identificou-se que indicadores de sustentabilidade poderiam auxiliar na elaboração de políticas públicas mais sustentáveis, fornecendo dados para o planejamento. Objetivos: O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi o de se desenvolver indicadores de sustentabilidade para a avaliação da gestão de RCC, em municípios de pequeno porte, a fim de se analisar a situação destes e auxiliá-los no processo de decisão, frente a alternativas mais sustentáveis. Esse objetivo foi desdobrado em objetivos secundários: verificar as particularidades do manejo de RCC em municípios de pequeno porte; investigar a utilidade e a eficiência da ferramenta proposta e; identificar oportunidades de inserção dos resultados do diagnóstico no desenvolvimento de políticas públicas de gestão de RCC mais sustentáveis. Método: A estratégia de pesquisa adotada foi a pesquisa construtiva. A construção da ferramenta de apoio à tomada de decisões foi realizada em três etapas: compreensão, desenvolvimento e análise. A primeira etapa teve como objetivo compreender a realidade do manejo de RCC em municípios de pequeno porte brasileiros e, para isto, um estudo exploratório foi realizado em três municipalidades localizadas na Região do Vale do Caí, Rio Grande do Sul. A segunda etapa, a de desenvolvimento dos indicadores, foi realizada a partir do estudo da legislação brasileira, de diretrizes mais sustentáveis de gestão de RCC e das particularidades de municípios de pequeno porte brasileiros. Nesta etapa, contou-se com a participação de três especialistas da área, para avaliação dos indicadores. Após a sua construção, a ferramenta foi implementada e testada no município de Feliz-RS, e seus resultados foram analisados a partir da sua utilidade e aplicabilidade. Na última etapa, foram discutidas as possíveis correções da ferramenta e as adequações necessárias para aplicação em outros municípios. Resultados: A falta de estrutura de municípios de pequeno porte, e consequente falta de dados referentes ao sistema pesquisado, foi determinante para a escolha dos indicadores. Foram desenvovlvidos quinze dicadores, divididos entre cinco dimensões da sustentabilidade, que foram incorporados em uma planilha eletrônica ExcelTM a ser utilizad por gestores municipais. Esse programa, além de fornecer um diagnóstico ao município, sobre a sua inclinação em direção ao desenvolvimento sustentável, para cada um dos indicadores, fornece orientações para que as situações desfavoráveis sejam convertidas em favoráveis. Através da aplicação dos indicadores no município de Feliz-RS, verificou-se que, além de auxiliar no processo de tomada de decisão e direcionar ações, a ferramenta possui caráter educativo. / Introduction: In spite of Resolution No. 307/2002 requirements for the development of an Integrated Management Plan for Construction and Demolition Waste (C&D), in all Brazilian municipalities, few have it done. And, when developed, many are designed with a short time horizon and with purely corrective function, or are adaptations of experiences from other contexts, without considering the local reality where they are developed for. Previous studies indicate difficulties, especially in small municipalities, in implementing the practices of this resolution. In this context, the author understands that sustainability indicators could help on developing more sustainable public policies, thus providing data for planning. Objectives: The main objective of this research was to develop sustainability indicators for assessing the C&D management in small municipalities, in order to analyze their situation and to assist them in the process of making more sustainable decisions. This objective was divided into three secondary objectives: to verify the details of the C&D management in small municipalities; to investigate the usefulness and efficiency of the proposed tool and to identify opportunities for integration of diagnosis results in the development of public policies for more sustainable C&D management. Method: The research strategy adopted was the constructive research. The construction of the tool to support decision-making was done in three stages: understanding, development and analysis. The first step was aimed at understanding the reality of C&D management in small municipalities, and for this intent, an exploratory study was conducted in three locations with this scale. The second step, the development of indicators, was conducted from the study of Brazilian legislation, guidelines of more sustainable C&D management and the particularities of small municipalities in Brazil. construction, the tool was implemented and tested in the municipality of Feliz, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and its results were analyzed, based on their usefulness and applicability. In the last step, the possible corrections on the tool and its settings, for the application process in other municipalities, were discussed. Results: The lack of structure in small municipalities and consequent lack of data on the investigated system was crucial to the choice of indicators of sustainable development. Fifteen indicators, divided into five dimensions of sustainability, were found and incorporated into a electronic worksheet to be used by municipal managers. This program, in addition, provides data to convert unfavorable situations. Through the application of indicators in the municipality of Feliz-RS, it was found that, in addition to helping in the process of decision making and of directing actions, the tool has an educational character.
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Resíduos eletroeletrônicos : um diagnóstico da cadeia de processamentoKunrath, Jorge Luiz January 2015 (has links)
Reconhecido como um problema mundial, o crescente volume de resíduos eletrônicos tem representado uma preocupação quanto às práticas de descarte destes equipamentos por utilizar na fabricação produtos e metais tóxicos com possíveis danos à saúde dos seres humanos e ao ambiente. Os resíduos de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos também possuem em sua composição metais preciosos como ouro e a prata, além de teores significativos de cobre, representando fonte de interesse comercial na recuperação destes materiais, reduzindo a necessidade de exploração destes recursos na natureza. Estes fatores associados à rápida obsolescência e posterior descarte impulsionou uma complexa cadeia produtiva formada por empresas que coletam, separam, fracionam, recuperam, armazenam e reciclam estes materiais. Neste fluxo ocorrem várias interações entre as empresas e a sociedade com consequentes impactos sociais, econômicos e ambientais. Esta pesquisa realizou um diagnóstico de uma parte desta cadeia, compreendida pelos “processadores de resíduos”, entendido como as empresas que realizam a coleta, armazenagem, segregação e descaracterização dos equipamentos. Seus processos são em sua maioria manuais e, em alguns casos, algumas etapas de processamento mecânico. Operam na etapa de pré-processamento como fornecedores de insumos para o restante da cadeia. Estas empresas não realizam os procedimentos mais complexos da reciclagem, como a pirometalurgia, hidrometalurgia e eletrometalurgia. Para atingir o objetivo proposto foi utilizado um questionário semiestruturado direcionado a empresas previamente selecionadas e de abrangência nacional. Os dados coletados foram tabulados e analisados em seus contextos qualitativos e quantitativos, com o cruzamento de informações. Os resultados da pesquisa forneceram um conjunto de informações a respeito do sistema produtivo, dos volumes processados e de aspectos econômicos e de gestão do setor. Foi possível identificar os vários níveis de amadurecimento e gestão, onde algumas empresas operam com consistente estrutura administrativa, conhecimento, cumprimento da legislação e consciência ambiental, e outras, com sistemas de gestão deficientes e quase informalidade. Possuem capacidade média de processamento de resíduos de 100 toneladas/mês, e utilização de 50% desta capacidade. A parcela reciclável dos resíduos é em média 80% do total do material coletado. Os setores da sociedade que mais contribuem com resíduos são a indústria com 41,25% seguido do comércio e doméstico. No contexto econômico, 70% do faturamento tem origem no processamento de placas de circuito integrado. Quanto à comercialização dos produtos 75,39% tem como destino outros recicladores no Brasil ou exterior. Os dados coletados sobre os custos de processamento não foram satisfatórios pelo reduzido número de respostas, demonstrando que a questão poderia ter sido mais bem formulada ou a técnica de coleta melhor estudada. As principais contribuições resultantes deste trabalho são fornecer uma visão do fluxo e do volume de resíduos processados, possibilitar uma compreensão das interações econômicas entre os diversos interessados e das dificuldades que o setor enfrenta para alcançar um sistema de gestão sustentável para os resíduos eletroeletrônicos. / Recognized as a world problem, the increasing volume of electronic waste gives rise to as much concern as the practice of discarding this equipment because, in its fabrication, toxic metals are used, which causes possible health risks for human beings and for the environment. Electronic equipment waste also has precious metals within its composition, such as gold and silver, besides significant levels of copper, which represents a source of commercial interest in terms of the recuperation of these materials and a subsequent reduction in the necessity of exploration of these natural resources. These factors, together with the rapid transformation into obsolescence and later disposal of the equipment, has stimulated a complex production chain made up of companies who collect, separate, break up, recuperate, store and recycle these materials. In this interchange, various interactions occur between the companies and the society with a consequent social, economic and environmental impact. The present research has made a diagnosis of one part of this chain, as in the “waste processors”, that means the companies which carry out the collection, storage, separation and transformation of the equipment. The majority of the processes are manual with a few cases of mechanical processes in some stages. They operate at the pre-processing stage as input suppliers for the rest of the chain. These companies do not carry out the more complex procedures of recycling, such as pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy or electrometallurgy. To achieve the proposed objective, a semi-structured questionnaire was used, directed towards previously selected companies on a national scale. The collected data were tabled and analyzed within their qualitative and quantitative context with a cross-check information. The results of the research produced information in relation to the productive system, the volume which is processed, the economic aspects and the sector management. It was possible to identify the various levels of maturation and management, where some companies operate with a consistent administrative structure, knowledge, compliance with the law and environmental consciousness but where others operate with deficient management and a lack of formality. They have an average capacity of waste processing of residues of 100 tons per month with 50% utilization of this capacity. The recycled part of the waste represents an average of 80% of the total amount of collected material. The sectors that more generate this kind of waste are the industrial sector, with 41.25%, followed by the commercial and domestic sectors. Within an economic context, 70% of the income originates from Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). Regarding the commercialization of the products, 75.39% are destined for other recycling plants in both Brazil and abroad. The collected data were not satisfactory in relation to the processing costs because of the low number of replies, demonstrating that the questions in relation to this could have been better formulated or the information collecting method should be improved. The main contributions resulting from this study are: create a vision of the volume flux of processed waste and allow for comprehension of the economical interactions between the various interested parties and the difficulties which the sector faces to achieve a sustainable management system for electronic waste.
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Sustentabilidade nas empresas e filosofia lixo zeroPietzsch, Natália January 2016 (has links)
Essa dissertação teve como objetivos gerais (i) compreender as motivações que levam uma empresa a buscar a responsabilidade social e ambiental corporativa (RSAC), além de (ii) realizar um prognóstico elucidando os principais benefícios, desafios e fatores críticos de sucesso para uma empresa que deseja implementar a filosofia Lixo Zero em suas rotinas. Para atingir o primeiro objetivo foi proposto um questionário contendo as motivações comumente encontradas na bibliografia, o qual foi encaminhando para empresas de diversos portes e segmentos no Brasil. Os resultados apontam como principais motivações para RSAC no Brasil: atender às legislações e regulamentos nacionais (citado por 87% das empresas respondentes), buscar o reconhecimento de Empresa Sustentável e valorização da marca (62%), contribuir para a proteção ao meio ambiente e controle da poluição (58%), buscar a redução na geração de resíduos (53%) e diferenciar-se das demais empresas do segmento (47%). Foi identificado que essas motivações são representativas do cenário analisado, independentemente das características individuais de cada empresa como: porte, apoio da liderança, região, segmento industrial, atuação no mercado (local, nacional ou internacional) e cliente final da empresa, conforme indicado pelo teste Qui-Quadrado e Kolmogorov-Smirnov, contrariando os resultados verificados na bibliografia existente. Com o objetivo de atender ao segundo objetivo, primeiramente foi realizado uma revisão sistemática da literatura para compilar conceitos, princípios, ações, benefícios, desafios e fatores críticos de sucesso advindos da implementação do ZW em diferentes cenários. Tendo como base a compilação apresentada, foi conduzido um estudo de caso em uma metalúrgica de pequeno porte, localizada na região do Vale dos Sinos, no Brasil, com o intuito de identificar quais itens se relacionavam com a realidade da empresa em questão. Foram identificados 12 benefícios passíveis de serem obtidos através da implantação da filosofia ZW na empresa em questão, 9 desafios a serem suplantados durante a implantação e 21 fatores críticos de sucesso, imprescindíveis para o pleno atingimento das metas propostas pelo ZW. O presente estudo apresenta discussões sobre aspectos que necessitam ser desenvolvidos no cenário Brasileiro, de forma a incentivar e proporcionar a estrutura adequada para operacionalização da filosofia ZW corroborando para consolidação desta filosofia como referência em modelo de gestão de resíduos no cenário empresarial. / This study's main objectives were (i) to understand the main drivers leading Corporate Social Environmental Responsibility (CSER) and (ii) to do an analysis in order to elucidate the key benefits, challenges and critical success factors for a company applying Zero Waste into their process. To achieve the first objective, this research has proposed a questionnaire containing the drivers for CSER presented in the literature, which has sent to several companies from different segments and sizes in Brazil. The results indicate these main drivers for CSER in Brazil: meet national laws and regulations (cited by 87% of responding companies), seek recognition of Sustainable Enterprise and brand enhancement (62%), contributing to the protection of the environment and pollution control (58%), seek to reduce the generation of waste (53%) and differentiate itself from other companies in the sector (47%). It was identified that the drivers found for CSER are representative of the sample, regardless of the size, the leadership, the region, the industrial segment, the market activities (local, national or international), and the end customer of the company, as indicated by Qui-quadrado and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, contrary to the findings on literature. In order to achieve the second objective, it has performed a systematic review of the literature for compile concepts, principles, actions, benefits, challenges and critical success factors from the implementation of the ZW in different scenarios. Based on this compilation, it was conducted a case study in a small metallurgical, located in the Vale dos Sinos region, in Brazil, in order to identify which items were related to the company’s scenario. For this company, twelve benefits were identified, which can be achieved through ZW implementation, nine challenges were found to be overcome, and twenty-one critical success factors were identified, which are essential to achieve the goals proposed by the ZW. This study advocates some aspects that should be developed in the Brazilian scenario in order to support ZW implementation, corroborating to consolidate this philosophy as reference in waste management model in business scenario.
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