Spelling suggestions: "subject:"water - contamination"" "subject:"water - decontamination""
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Lorena Mendes Carreiro.pdf: 2755956 bytes, checksum: 6882b0f4c199c14ab0ebf1c7bf21c1bb (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-02-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Test of risk of contamination of soil and groundwater in Maranhão by organochlorines. Analysis of the susceptibility of ecological interest areas of the state. / Trabalho sobre o risco de contaminação de solos e águas subterrâneas no Maranhão por substâncias organocloradas. Análise da suscetibilidade de áreas de relevante interesse ecológico do Estado.
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Biološki potencijal gajenih biljaka u detekciji zagađenja vode i sedimenta / Biological potential of cultivated plants in detection of water and sediment contaminationGvozdenac Sonja 26 September 2016 (has links)
<p> Zagađenje vode i sedimenta, organskim jedinjenjima, teškim metalima i agrohemikalijama, poslednjih decenija predstavlja problem koji je prisutan u svim regionima sveta. Kako bi se umanjile negativne posledice primene zagađene vode i sedimenta u poljoprivredi, neophodan je kontinuirani monitoring njihovog kvaliteta, odreĎivanje prisustva i kvantifikacija polutanata i procena njihove biodostupnosti. Kvalitet vode i sedimenta može se oceniti pomoću fizičko-hemijskih i bioloških metoda (bioindikatora). Poslednja grupa je od značaja u detekciji zagaĎenja i proceni kvaliteta vode i sedimenta koji se koriste u poljoprivredi. Otuda gajene biljke kao bioindikatori imaju važnu ulogu. Rezultati ovakvih ispitivanja su direktan pokazatelj mogućnosti upotrebe vode za navodnjavanje, a sedimenta za razastiranje po obradivim površinama. Imajući u vidu izneto, u radu je preko fizioloških (energija klijanja i klijavost semena) i morfoloških (dužina, sveža i suva masa korena i nadzemngo dela ponika) promena na deset vrsta gajenih biljaka (kukuruz, ječam, krmni sirak, bela slačica, kupus, rotkvica, krastavac, pasulj, suncokreta i heljda), procenjen biološki potencijal istih u detekciji zagaĎenja vode i sedimenta teškim metalima, pesticidima i drugim polutantima. Kvalitet vode i sedimenta, odnosno detekcija zagaĎenja, odreĎeni su prvo hemijskim analizama, a zatim pomoću bioloških testova, tokom 2011-2015. godine. Ukupno je analizirano 37 uzoraka vode i osam uzoraka sedimenta sa teritorije AP Vojvodine (Srbija), od kojih su 29 iz kanala (Veliki Bački kanal /VBK/, Aleksandrovački kanal /AK/, Nadela, Feketić i Čelarevo), pet iz reka (Krivaja, Begej i Dunav) i tri iz zatvorenih vodenih površina koje se nalaze u okviru rezervata prirode i zaštićenih prirodnih dobara (Jegrička, Stari Begej /“Carska bara”/ i Stara Tisa). U radu su primenjene metode naklijavanja semena na filter hartiji propisane Pravilnikom o kvalitetu semena poljoprivrednog bilja (Sl. list 34/2013) i pravilnikom ISTA (2011). Tokom 2013. godine, praćene su i sezonske promene u sadržaju metala: nutrijenti (Na, Mg, Ca i K) i prioritetni polutanti u vodi (Cd, Ni, Pb, Cr, As) prema Direktivi 2008/105EC, teški metali (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu), zatim pesticidi (herbicidi iz grupe triazina i urea) u kanalu u Čelarevu i VBK III. U radu je ispitan uticaj najznačajnijih polutanata u vodi (teški metali: Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cr i insekticid hlorpirifos) prema Direktivi 2008/105EC, Uredbi 50/12 i ICPDR klasifikaciji (2004). Za obradu podataka korišćeni su statistički softveri SPSS 19 i ARO 3.2, a primenjene su ANOVA (Dankanov test višestrukih poreĎenja, Kruskal-Valisov test i t test) i višestruka regresiono-korelaciona analiza. Hemijske analize ukazuju na organsko i neorgansko zagaĎenje vode iz VBK (I, II, III) AK, Krivaje, Nadele, Begeja, Dunava kod izliva komunalnih voda i kanala u Čelarevu. ZagaĎenje teškim metalima je registrovano u vodi iz VBK I (Cd), AK (Cr), VBK II (Cr), kanala u Feketiću (As) i u pojedinim mesecima u kanalu u Čelarevu (Cr i Mn i Fe) i VBK III (Cr, Mn, Fe, Pb i As). Pojedini uzorci sedimenta su zagaĎeni teškim metalima i PAH-ovima i to: VBK I sa Cu (II klasa) i PAH-ovima (III klasa); AK sa Ni i Cu (III klasa) i Cr (IV klasa); VBK II sa Cu i PAH-ovi (II klasa); Krivaja sa Ni i Cu (II klasa); Nadela sa Ni (III klasa) i Cd (IV klasa); Begej sa Ni (III klasa). Uticaj kvaliteta vode i sedimenta na test biljke je varirao u zavisnosti od sadržaja polutanata, nutrijenata, ali i od biljne vrste i ispitivanog parametra. Dobri indikatori narušenog kvaliteta, odnosno zagaĎenja vode i sedimenta su: bela slačica, kupus, rotkvica i heljda, jer su na prisustvo jedinjenja i elemenata u</p><p>količinama preko maksimalno dozvoljenik (MDK), reagovali inhibicijom većine parametara. Kukuruz, ječam, krmni sirak, pasulj i suncokret ispoljili su slabiji potencijal kao indikatori, s obzirom na mali broj parametara koji su pod uticajem kvaliteta vode i sedimenta. Fiziološki parametri (energija klijanja i klijavost) se nisu pokazali kao pouzdani u detekciji narušenog kvaliteta vode i sedimenta, osim u slučaju bele slačice, kupusa, rotkvice i heljde za zagaĎenja sa N, NH3, P i Cr. Morfološke promene na test biljkama su bolji pokazatelji zagaĎenja Cr, Pb, Mn, N, NO3, NH3 i P. U okviru sezonskog monitoringa, potvrĎena je promena sadržaja nutrijenata, teških metala i pesticida, zavisno od meseca uzorkovanja, a koji su u vezi sa intenzivnim poljoprivrednim aktivnostima. Najveće količine herbicida iz grupe triazina i urea, preko MDK, detektovane su tokom proleća i leta, što se dovodi u vezu za poljoprivrednom praksom suzbijanja korova. U biotestu, voda uzorkovana tokom proleća i leta, ispoljila je izrazit negativan uticaj uglavnom na morfološke parametre test biljaka u vidu inhibicije porasta korena i nadzemnog dela, dok energija klijanja i klijavost kod većine vrsta uglavnom nisu pod uticajem prisustva herbicida. Test biljke su ispoljile različit potencijal kao indikatori u detekciji zagaĎenja vode pojedinačnim polutantima. Kukuruz je preko sledećih parametara dobar pokazatelj prisustva polutanata u MDK (0,1 μg/l): energija klijanja i klijavost su dobri pokazatelji zagaĎenja Cr i Zn, a energija klijanja samo Pb, dužina korena za Zn i hlorpirifos, sveža masa korena za Zn, Pb i hlorpirifos, suva masa korena za hlorpirifos, dužina nadzemnog dela za Zn i hlorpirifos, sveža masa nadzemnog dela za Zn, Ni i hlorpirifos, a suva masa nadzemnog dela samo za hlorprifos. Ječam je dobar indikator prisustva sledećih polutanata u MDK preko dužine korena za Cd, dužine nadzemnog dela za Ni, a sveže i suve mase istog za Zn, dok svi fiziološki i morfoloških pamaretri ukazuju na zagaĎenje hlorpirifosom. Krmni sirak je dobar indikator prisustva Zn u količinama preko MDK preko energije klijanja i klijavosti, preko dužine, sveže i suve mase korena i dužine nadzemnog dela za Pb, a preko dužine i sveže mase nadzemnog dela za Cd. Bela slačica je preko energije klijanja, klijavosti i svih parametara korena dobar indikator prisustva Zn u MDK, preko dužine sveže i suve mase korena i mase nadzemnog dela za Ni, preko sveže mase nadzemnog dela za Cd, dok su svi fiziološki i morfološki parametri dobri indikatori zagaĎenja vode hlorpirifosom. Kupus je dobar indikator prisustva Cd u vodi u MDK preko sveže mase korena i svih parametara nadzemnog dela ponika. Rotkvica je dobar pokazatelj prisustva različitih polutanata u MDK: energija klijanja za Zn, sveža masa korena za Cd, Pb, Zn, suva masa korena Cd i Pb, a svi parametri nadzemnog dela za Cd, Zn i Pb. Krastavac je dobar pokazatelj prisustva različitih polutanata u MDK količinama preko sledećih parametara: dužine korena za Ni, Pb i hlorpirifos, sveže mase za Ni, Zn, Pb i hlorpirifos, suve mase za Cd, Ni, Zn i hlorpirifos, dužine nadzemnog dela za Cu, Zn, Pb i hlorpirifos, sveže mase istog za Cd i Pb i hloripirifos, a suve masa samo za hlorpirifos. Pasulj je dobar indikator prisustva različitih polutanata u MDK, preko sledećih parametara: energija klijanja i klijavost za Zn, dužina korena za Cd, Zn i Pb, sveža masa korena za Zn, suva masa korena za Cd, Pb i Zn, sveža i suva masa nadzemnog dela za Cd. Suncokret je dobar pokazatelj prisustva različitih polutanata u MDK i to preko dužine i sveže mase korena za Cd, Cu i Pb, suve mase korena za Cd i Cu, a dužine nadzemnog dela za Zn i Pb. Heljda je dobar pokazatelj prisustva Zn u MDK preko energije klijanja, klijavosti, preko dužine, sveže i suve mase korena ponika i sveže i suve mase nadzemnog dela za Cd, a preko sveže i suve mase korena za Pb. Na osnovu ostvarenih rezultata hemijskih analiza i biotesta, voda iz Dunava, sa plaže Bećarac i iz Sr. Karlovaca, može se koristiti za navodnjavanje. MeĎutim, preporuka je da se vode iz VBK I, II, III, AK, Krvaje, Nadele, Begeja, Dunava kod izliva konunalnih voda, Starog Begeja („Carska bara“), kanala u Fektiću, Stare Tise i kanala u Čelarevu, isključe iz poljoprivredne proizvodnje, zbog mogućih fitotoksičnih efekata. TakoĎe, i svi uzorci sedimenta su ispoljili fitotksične efekte na test biljke, te se ne preporučuje njhovo odlaganje po poljoptivrednim površinama, bez predhodne procene rizika.</p>
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Investigation of coagulant properties and efficiency of Diceriocaryum Eriocarpum Plant for turbidity removal and biosorbent for heavy metals uptake in aqueous solutionBassey, Odo James 23 July 2015 (has links)
MESCH / Department of Hydrology and Water Resources
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The Atoyac River : A study about its problems and possible futuresolutions from a sustainable perspectiveThe, Stephanie, Blomqvist, Anton January 2017 (has links)
Because of extensive industrial and domestic wastewater discharge, the Atoyac river has become one of Mexico's most polluted rivers. The aim of the paper is to investigate the contaminations of the river due to the different polluters and what impacts it has on the environment and society. Further the paper aims to identify necessary solutions in order to restore the river to its natural state, within a sustainable point of view, by using the model of sustainable development proposed by Peter Glavič and Rebeka Lukman (2007). The study is based on literature reviews, where it was concluded that the Atoyac river is polluted by different contaminations such as BOD, coliforms, metals, heavy metals and toxic chemicals, which has affected the environment, ecosystem services, people's health and agriculture in a negative way. There is an understanding that violating social and environmental aspects will also have an impact on the economy in the long run in form of sick work force, loss of necessary ecosystem services and the cost for repairing the environmental damages. It was investigated that if change and effective actions are to be achieved within a sustainable development approach, methods/tools such as Purification, Polluters Pays Principle, Pollution Control, Waste Minimization, Cleaner Production, Environmental Legislation and Environmental Engineering, suggested by Glavič and Lukman(2007) need to be assimilated. These tools were connected to an earlier stage of suggested potential solutions of big variety. The paper also concludes that the progress towards sustainability in the case of the Atoyac river and Mexico in general lies on a very fundamental level and still has a long way to go. / På grund av omfattande utsläpp av industriellt och privat avloppsvatten har floden Atoyac blivit en av Mexikos mest förorenade floder. Syftet med denna rapport är att utvärdera flodens många föroreningar och se vilka konsekvenser dessa har för miljön och samhället. Utöver detta identifieras nödvändiga lösningar för att återställa floden till dess naturliga skick inom ett hållbarhetsperspektiv, genom att använda modellen för hållbar utveckling som föreslagits av Peter Glavič och Rebeka Lukman (2007). Rapporten är baserad på litteraturstudier, och detta ledde till slutsatsen att Atoyac är förorenat av olika föroreningar som BOD, koliforma bakterier, metaller, tungmetaller och giftiga kemikalier, vilka har påverkat miljön, ekosystemtjänster, människors hälsa och jordbruket på ett negativt sätt. Det är även tydligt att den negativa effekten på samhället och miljön även kommer att påverka ekonomin på lång sikt i form av sjukskrivningar, förlust av ekosystemtjänster samt kostnader för att reparera miljöskador. Om en förändring ska uppnås inom ramen för en hållbar utvecklingsstrategi, föreslås metoder/verktygså som Purification, Polluters Pays Principle, Pollution Control, Waste Minimization, Cleaner Production, Environmental Legislation and Environmental Engineering som Glavič och Lukman föreslagit (2007). I denna studie drar man även slutsatsen att Atoyac, och även Mexiko i allmänhet, har en lång väg kvar att gå för att uppnå en hållbar situation.
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Performance of a Stormwater Filter and Bacteria Inactivation Using Biocidal MediaBowerman, Alexander Scott 01 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
There are many possible ways to mitigate stormwater pollution, but this study focused on the DrainPacTM catchment basin insert and the feasibility of integrating N-halamine biocidal brominated beads into the filter system. This study was divided into three sections. The first section involved testing a DrainPacTM filter for treatable flow rates, head loss, and removal of solids, oil, and bacteria. The DrainPacTM filter is designed to be installed in a stormwater catch basin. The filter is composed of a 12 x 41 inch metal frame with textile filter media attached to it in a basket shape. The upper portion of one panel of the filter basket is made from a plastic mesh to allow overflow if the filter is overloaded. The second section of this study involved testing N-halamine brominated biocidal beads in laboratory-scale columns, and the third section involved integrating the beads into the DrainPacTM filter and testing it full scale.
For the DrainPacTM filter tests, the unit was installed into a custom-built test flume which was designed to mimic the conditions that would be encountered in a real stormwater application. The flume was supplied with a gravity-fed stream of water from a retention pond located on the Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo campus. The initial tests were conducted to determine the amount of head loss produced by the filter. First, the clean filter was subjected to flow rates between 20 and 200 GPM. The filter showed very minimal head loss (0.5 to 9.1 cm for 20 to 200 GPM) when not loaded with solids. Next, the filter was subjected to 200 GPM flow with a solids concentration of between 80 and 100 mg/L until it failed (overflowed). This occurred after 625 g of solids had been added to the filter. After the filter had been loaded with solids to the point of overflow at 200 GPM, it was tested to determine what flow rate could be filtered with the solids present. The fully loaded filter was able to pass a flow rate of up to 80 GPM before overflowing.
The DrainPacTM filter removed solids at a range of efficiencies from 83 to 91% at flow rates between 20 and 200 GPM. The higher removal efficiencies were achieved at the lower flow rates. The filter removed oil at efficiencies ranging between 40 and 80%. The oil removal efficiency did not appear to depend on the flow rate. The DrainPacTM filter did not remove bacteria under the test conditions.
Following the DrainPacTM experiments, 0.3 mm and 0.8 mm diameter N-halamine brominated biocidal beads were tested in the lab using a laboratory glass column. At flow rates between 0.28 and 1.4 mL/sec, a 1 cm bed height of the 0.3 mm beads was found to produce head losses between 19 and 51.7 cm. The 0.8 mm beads produced head losses ranging from 11.9 to 47.7 cm when tested over the same range of flow rates. These flow rates represent nominal velocities between 0.36 and 1.8 cm/sec which would be expected in the DrainPacTM filter. The beads were then tested to determine how effectively they inactivate bacteria in a stream of water. Contact time after flowing through the column was found to be the key factor in how efficiently the beads worked. When the effluent samples were instantly quenched with sodium thiosulfate, the bacteria removal results matched those observed for the control (beads without bromine). When the samples were quenched directly after collection by adding the sodium thiosulfate to the sample as soon as the desired sample volume had been collected (95 to 285 seconds depending on flow rate), between 95 and over 99 percent of the bacteria were inactivated. After 10 minutes, all of the bacteria were inactivated.
The final test involved integrating the N-halamine brominated beads into the DrainPacTM filter for a full scale test. Two sleeves containing 1400 grams of beads were laid into a DrainPacTM filter which was custom built to concentrate the flow through the beads. This system was tested using pond water with an average of 298 CFU/100 mL coliform bacteria at a flow rate of 36 GPM. The results of this test were very similar to the results of the lab scale testing. Contact time again proved to be necessary for bacteria inactivation. The filter with integrated N-halamine beads removed between 72 and 100% of bacteria with contact time between 30 seconds and 10 minutes.
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Manganese removal from an organic-laden surface waterBurner, Joe Gary January 1985 (has links)
Manganese is a problem at the Ni River Water Treatment Plant in Spotsylvania County, Virginia. The Ni River Reservoir (the water source) is a eutrophic reservoir. In the summer, the dissolved oxygen decreases to near or zero at depths greater than two meters. As a result, soluble manganese increases to levels of nearly 6.0 mg/L at the bottom. It is released from the sediments under anaerobic conditions. Total organic carbon levels ranging from 4.0 to 7.25 mg/L were noted with increasing depth.
Plant profiles were developed to indicate the performance of the sedimentation and filtration units in reducing manganese concentration. Essentially, all the particulate manganese was removed by sedimentation, and some removal of soluble manganese was evident. The filters removed additional soluble manganese. Soluble manganese removal probably was due to the adsorption of manganese on solid manganese dioxide in the sludge blanket and on the filter media with subsequent further oxidation.
Ozone was effective at a dose of approximately 5 mg/L. Chlorine and chlorine dioxide were marginally effective as pretreatments at dosages of 5 and 2 rng/L, respectively. Potassium permanganate proved effective at dosages of 0.5 to 0.625 mg/L (1.5 to 1.9 times the theoretical requirement). Aeration proved effective in reducing levels of approximately 0.1 mg/L to below the secondary maximum contaminant level (0.05 mg/L) and, in addition, somewhat effective in reducing a concentration of nearly 2 mg/L by 31 percent. Aeration appears to be a viable means of reducing the anaerobic conditions in the reservoir that lead to the high soluble manganese concentrations. / M.S.
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A novel model for the prediction of iron release in drinking water distribution pipe networksMutoti, Ginasiyo 01 October 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Use of GIS to Identify and Delineate Areas of Fluoride, Sulfate, Chloride, and Nitrate Levels in the Woodbine Aquifer, North Central Texas, in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and 1990sSanmanee, Sirichai 08 1900 (has links)
ArcView and ArcInfo were used to identify and delineate areas contaminated by fluoride, sulfate, chloride, and nitrate in the Woodbine Aquifer. Water analysis data were obtained from the TWDB from the 1950s to 1990s covering 9 counties. 1990s land use data were obtained to determine the relationship with each contaminant. Spearman's rank correlation coefficients and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to calculate relationships between variables. Land uses had little effect on distributions of contaminants. Sulfate and fluoride levels were most problematic in the aquifer. Depth and lithology controlled the distributions of each contaminant. Nitrate patterns were controlled mainly by land use rather than geology, but were below the maximum contaminant level. In general, contaminant concentrations have decreased since the 1950s.
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Risk of injection using reclaimed water for aquifer recharge using rotavirus as surrogate contaminantUnknown Date (has links)
Groundwater aquifers are precious resources that has been serving human
consumption for many centuries. This resource is pristine in comparison with surface
waters such as lakes and canals, however, as population grows exponentially so does the
demand for groundwater and the need to study the potential of groundwater replenishment
programs. The injection of treated water or wastewater into an aquifer is a method to protect
this resource for current and future generations. Health concerns would be expected since
migration of water of “impaired quality” can affect the drinking water by contamination.
Regulatory barriers resulting from the perceived risks of adverse health effects from
pathogens such as viruses have limited the concept of this impaired water resources from
being used for groundwater replenishment programs. The objective of this study is to
examine the risk assessment using computational modeling with MODFLOW and MT3D groundwater transport simulation. The results from the simulation showed that after two years, the risk of contamination based on concentration contours from the injection well to the production wellfields for the City of Hollywood stabilized below 10- 6. The risk assessment provided important aspect to demonstrate the concept of using injection of treated water as an option for groundwater replenishment. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Avalia??o da qualidade da ?gua no Territ?rio de Identidade do Sisal: um estudo de caso nos principais a?udes p?blicos do munic?pio de Teofil?ndia-BASilva, Janderson Oliveira 31 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2017-10-17T21:25:07Z
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Disserta??o_Janderson_Versao_Final.pdf: 7521820 bytes, checksum: 18fa39470356e8c8276a28e568152e4c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-17T21:25:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Disserta??o_Janderson_Versao_Final.pdf: 7521820 bytes, checksum: 18fa39470356e8c8276a28e568152e4c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / Water is essential for the maintenance of life, however, environmental pollution has been causing the loss of the quality of water resources, affecting not only the life of living beings. The reservoirs represent the main source of water to supply the demands of the Brazilian Northeast. However, the quality of stored water has suffered from the effects of anthropic activities makes it compromised for human consumption, animal and for irrigation. In this context, the present work aimed to elaborate a case study on water quality in semi-arid regions, not for human consumption, specifically in the Sisal Identity Territory, having as main study area the main public dams in the municipality of Teofil?ndia-BA. In order to meet the proposed objective, a mapping of the main water bodies of the municipality of Teofil?ndia-BA was carried out, using images from Landsat 8 satellite, OLI sensor of 2014, orbit 216/68 by supervised classification. Subsequently, fieldwork was carried out consisting of three (3) campaigns for the collection of surface water, occurring in the period of May (pre-rain), June (post-rain) and November (dry). The physico-chemical parameters and metals analyzed were: Temperature, Salinity, Chloride, pH, OD, BOD, COD, Turbidity, Temotolerant Coliforms, Cadmium, Lead, Copper, Chromium, Manganese, Nickel and were compared with the standards established by Resolution N? 357 / 2005 of the National Environmental Council - CONAMA. In the evaluation of the results of the Land Use Use map, it was verified that the agricultural culture class predominates in the region with about 44,46%, permanent agriculture (agave) covers 10,72%. The area used with the vegetation (caatinga) is representative, totaling 17,15%. The exposed soil class represents 6,64% and 8,82% of the shade classes. The identifiable water bodies in the satellite image represent 0,16% and 12,05% of urban area. The accuracy of the mapping for the water bodies, provided by the Tau index, was 0,70. Regarding the results of the water quality evaluation of the three public dams located near the urban perimeter in the municipality of Teofil?ndia-BA during the three campaigns, it was possible to observe that the concentrations of Chloride, Electrical Conductivity, OD, BOD, COD and Thermotolerant Coliforms presented Variations that exceeded the limits established by current legislation. As for the evaluated metals, only Cd was not detected at any point and sampled period. There were no, in their greatest majority, correlation between the variable studies. In the pre-rain period the trend of contamination in the water followed the decreasing order: Ni> Pb> Mn> Cr, in the post-rain: Ni> Pb> Mn> Zn and not dry: Ni> Pb> Cu> Zn. From the data presented, it can be inferred that the main source of pollution of the waters of the dams is derived from anthropogenic origin, mainly by agricultural activities and insufficient sewage network. / A ?gua ? essencial para a manuten??o da vida, entretanto, a polui??o ambiental vem causando a perda da qualidade dos recursos h?dricos, afetando n?o apenas a vida dos seres vivos. Os a?udes representam a principal fonte de ?gua para suprir as demandas no semi?rido do nordeste brasileiro. No entanto, a qualidade da ?gua armazenada tem sofrido os efeitos provenientes das atividades antr?picas tornando-a comprometida para o consumo humano, animal e para irriga??o. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho elaborou um estudo de caso sobre a qualidade da ?gua, n?o para suprimento humano, em regi?es semi?ridas, especificamente no Territ?rio de Identidade do Sisal, tendo como ?rea de estudo os principais a?udes p?blicos no munic?pio de Teofil?ndia-BA. Para atender o objetivo proposto foi realizado um mapeamento dos principais corpos de ?gua do munic?pio de Teofil?ndia-BA, utilizando imagens do sat?lite Landsat 8, sensor OLI do ano de 2014, ?rbita 216/68 por meio da classifica??o supervisionada. Posteriormente foram realizados trabalhos de campo constando de 3 (tr?s) campanhas de coleta de ?guas superficiais, ocorridas no per?odo de maio (pr?-chuva), junho (p?s-chuva) e novembro (seco). Os par?metros f?sico-qu?micos e metais analisados foram: Temperatura, Salinidade, Cloreto, pH, OD, DBO, DQO, Turbidez, Coliformes Termotolerantes, cadmio, chumbo, cromo, cobre, mangan?s, n?quel e zinco foram comparados com os padr?es estabelecidos pela Resolu??o N? 357/2005 do Conselho Nacional de Meio Ambiente ? CONAMA. Na avalia??o dos resultados do mapa de Uso Ocupa??o do Solo verificou-se que a classe da cultura agropecu?ria predomina na regi?o com cerca de 44,46%, a agricultura permanente (agave) abrange, 10,72%. A ?rea utilizada com a vegeta??o (caatinga) ? representativa totalizando 17,15%. A classe solo exposto representa, 6,64% e 8,82% das classes sombras. Os corpos d??gua identific?veis na imagem de sat?lite representam 0,16% e 12,05% de ?rea urbana. A acur?cia do mapeamento para os corpos d??gua, fornecida pelo ?ndice Tau, foi de 0,70. Com rela??o ao resultado da avalia??o da qualidade da ?gua dos tr?s a?udes p?blicos localizados pr?ximo ao per?metro urbano no munic?pio de Teofil?ndia-BA durante as tr?s campanhas, foi poss?vel observar que as concentra??es de Cloreto, Condutividade El?trica, OD, DBO, DQO e Coliformes Termotolerantes apresentaram varia??es de valores que excederam os limites estabelecidos pela legisla??o vigente. Quanto aos metais avaliados somente o Cd n?o foi detectado em nenhum dos pontos e per?odos amostrados. N?o houve, em sua grande maioria, correla??o entre as vari?veis estudadas. No per?odo pr?-chuva a tend?ncia de contamina??o na ?gua seguiu a ordem decrescente: Ni>Pb>Mn>Cr, no p?s-chuva: Ni>Pb>Mn>Zn e no seco: Ni>Pb>Cu>Zn. A partir dos dados apresentados, pode-se inferir que a principal fonte poluidora das ?guas dos a?udes ? proveniente de origem antropog?nica, principalmente por atividades agropecu?rias e insufici?ncia de uma rede de esgotamento sanit?rio.
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