Spelling suggestions: "subject:"water reservoir"" "subject:"later reservoir""
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Vodojemy - Brno, Žlutý kopec / Reservoirs - Brno, Zluty kopec (Yellow hill)Rozsypal, Petr Unknown Date (has links)
The area of water reservoirs on Žlutý kopec is a unique site of a technical herritage, which has the potential to be attractive to the general public. Its uniqueness lies not only in the interiors of individual reservoirs, but also in the large flat areas of greenery, under which the reservoirs are hidden. Due to the size and location of the area within the city, it would be irresponsible to sacrifice it only for tourism and keep it closed to the public most of the time. Since I am of the opinion that the city of Brno has more than enough underground structures sacrificed to tourism, the aim of my work is to find a way to meaningfully integrate this area into the structure of the city, so that it becomes as much a daily part of it as possible.
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Vodojemy - Brno, Žlutý kopec / Reservoirs - Brno, Zluty kopec (Yellow hill)Navrátil, Zdeněk Unknown Date (has links)
The task was to design a new use for three former underground reservoirs on Žlutý kopec in Brno and its area. The main goal of the pre-diploma project was to define the use of reservoirs, which is reflected in the urban design. Connections, entrances to the area, the use of existing buildings and overall use of the area is part of the urbanism part. The main design itself contains the building of the information and visitor center, which allows access to the oldest and youngest reservoir. The design of the building uses different height levels in the area and connects the street level with the park level.
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Dagvattenåtervinning i byggnader : Analys av effektivitet, kostnad och miljöcertifiering i system inom Norden / Stormwater recycling in buildings : Analysis of efficiency, cost and environmental certification in systems in the Nordic regionBillstein, Tova, Värnqvist, Sara January 2019 (has links)
I samband med kommande klimatförändringar kommer antalet skyfall och perioder av torka att öka i världen vilket i sin tur ställer större krav på städers dagvattenhantering. Ett sätt att förbättra dagvattenhanteringen är att införa vattenåteranvändning i byggnader. Syftet med detta arbete är därför att utreda olika referensobjekt inom Norden som planerar att införa denna sorts teknik, eller som redan etablerat tekniken på marknaden. Arbetet ämnar även att utforska olika driftrelaterade frågor samt utreda vilken teknik som är mest lönsam utifrån faktorerna effektiv återvinning av dagvatten, projektkostnad samt poänggivande möjligheter inom olika miljöcertifieringssystem. För att besvara de formulerade frågeställningarna utfördes fem intervjuer baserat på en semistrukturerad intervjuteknik med individer insatta i de olika referensobjekten. Därutöver granskades ett flertal dokument som införskaffats från de olika företagen, både från intervjuobjekten men även från andra inblandade. En modell i programmeringsprogrammet MATLAB togs fram för att beräkna antalet dagar då det insamlade dagvattnet täcker behovet i byggnaderna övriga beräkningar gjordes i Excel där data inhämtats från SMHI:s hemsida över historisk data. Efter vidare undersökning framkom det att det inom Norden finns fem aktuella projekt varav ett är i projekteringsfasen, ett i byggnadsfasen och tre är i drift. Sergelhuset i Stockholm är det största projektet sett till takyta. Huset försörjer systemet flest antal dagar av året med tillräckligt dagvattenmängd för att täcka upp det dagliga vattenbehovet i byggnaden. Citypassagen i Örebro bedömdes vara minst kostnadseffektivt då projektet hade högst kostnader samtidigt som byggnaden hade minst antal dagvattenförsörjningsdagar. Då information saknas för Skanskas huvudkontor och Humlehuset kunde dessa referensobjekt inte jämföras på likartat sätt. Det framkom även att det vanligaste förekommande miljöcertifieringssystemet var LEED som tillämpats inom både Sergelhuset, Celsius och Skanskas huvudkontor. Samtliga projekt har ambitioner om att nå den högsta nivån, platinum, främst på grund av kommersiella skäl. Citypassagen hade ansökt om Miljöbyggnad och beräknas att certifieras enligt näst högsta nivån - Silver. / Due to future climate change, the number of downpours and periods of drought will increase which in turn will put greater demands on urban stormwater management. One way to improve stormwater management is to implement water recycling in buildings. The purpose of this essay is therefore to investigate projects in the Nordic region who are planning to implement this kind of technology or already have implemented it. The essay also aims to explore various connected operational issues and see which technology is most profitable based on the factors; efficient stormwater recycling, project cost and the possibility to give points in different environmental certification systems. In order to fulfil the purpose of the essay, five interviews were conducted based on a semi-structured interview technique with individuals familiar with the projects. In addition, several documents collected from the same individuals and others involved were also examined. A model in the programming software MATLAB was generated to enable calculation of the number of days the buildings were able to provide the storm water system with a volume of rainwater large enough to cover the daily need. Other calculations were performed in Excel where data over downpour has been obtained from SMHI’s website over historical data. Only five current projects could be found within the Nordic region, one of which is in the planning phase, one in the construction phase and three are in operation. Sergelhuset in Stockholm is the largest project based to roof area. The building provides the stormwater system with rainwater large enough to cover the water requirement during the highest number of days. Citypassagen in Örebro was the least cost-effective since the project had the highest costs while at the same time it had the least number of water supply days, only 69 days of the year the system was provided only with rainwater. Skanska's head office and Humlehuset were not included in the comparison since essential information was missing. It also emerged that the most common environmental certification system was LEED, which was used in both Sergelhuset, Celsius and Skanska's head office. All projects have ambitions to reach the highest level, platinum, mainly because of commercial reasons. Citypassagen has applied for Miljöbyggnad - level Silver.
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Aquatic Resources in Foodcrusts: Identification and ImplicationHeron, Carl P., Craig, O.E. January 2015 (has links)
No / Foodcrusts, the charred surface deposits on pottery vessel surfaces, provide a rich source of data regarding container function. This article reviews recent applications focusing on the detection of aquatic resources (marine and freshwater) in pottery vessels using a range of analytical approaches including bulk isotope measurements of carbon and nitrogen, lipid biomarker analysis, and compound-specific carbon isotope determinations. Such data can help to evaluate the presence of reservoir effects when undertaking radiocarbon dating of foodcrust samples. In particular, molecular and isotopic analysis can aid in the selection of suitable candidates for C-14 where it can be demonstrated that aquatic resources are unlikely to contribute to the residue. Prospects for compound-specific C-14 analysis of lipids in foodcrusts and ceramic-absorbed residues are also discussed.
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Utredning och analys av en vattenreservoars utformning och dimensioneringsprocess / Assessment and analysis of a water reservoir’s design and process for dimensioningAndersson, Sandra, Bengtsson, Linn January 2018 (has links)
Arbetet innefattar en undersökning kring vattenreservoarer där magasinsvolymer och konstruktionslösningar utreds samt analyseras. I nuläget saknas tydliga riktlinjer för hur reservoarer i mindre samhällen ska utformas och dimensioneras för att säkerställa vattenkvalitén och uppnå en säker vattenförsörjning. Målet och syftet med arbetet är att ta fram en magasinsvolym, identifiera viktiga aspekter att ta hänsyn till vid utformning av en reservoar samt presentera fördelar med och behovet av en vattenreservoar utifrån förbrukningsvariationer. Arbetet avgränsas till Lammhults förutsättningar där intervjuer, observationer, litteraturstudier, analyser och beräkningar ligger till grund för teori och resultat. Resultatet påvisar bland annat svårigheter i att analysera förbrukningsvariationer, vikten av lokal korrekt statistik och ifrågasättande av befintligt dimensioneringssätt för magasinsvolym. Arbetet kartlägger delvis vissa problemområden men vidare studier krävs för att fastställa lösningar inom områdena. Genom detta kan tydliga riktlinjer för att dimensionera och utforma en reservoar tas fram. / The essay contains an assessment of water reservoirs, where an examination and analysis of storage volumes and construction solutions are carried out. Today there are no clear guidelines for how reservoirs in smaller communities should be designed and dimensioned to ensure water quality and guarantee a safe water supply. The goal and purpose of the essay is to calculate a storage volume, identify important aspects to consider in designing a reservoir, and present advantages with and the need of a water reservoir based on consumption variations. The assessment is limited to Lammhults’s conditions where interviews, observations, literature studies, analyses and calculations serve as a foundation for the theory and the result. The result demonstrates, among other things, difficulties, difficulties in analyzing consumption variations, the importance of local correct statistics and questioning of existing methods of dimensioning a storage volume. The essay partially some problem areas, but further studies are required to find solutions in the sector and straight guidelines regarding dimensions and design of reservoirs.
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工廠火災相關因素探討-以新北市為例 / The determinants of factory fires : the case of New Taipei city 2009-2015林晏辰, Lin, Yen Chen Unknown Date (has links)
在實證結果內,並扣除掉部分因素可能有內生性影響後,顯示「消防專用蓄水池」、「工廠消防檢查次數」及「老化指數」【(65歲以上年底人口數/0-14歲年底人口數)x100為代表】3項,有影響工廠火災指標。其中消防專用蓄水池與此地區有無發生工廠火災呈負相關,但與老化指數呈正相關。其次發現,消防安檢次數與工廠火災件數呈負相關。最後,工廠火災件數與工廠數量比,和老化指數呈正相關。 / According to the yearly fire report in Taiwan, factory fire has accounted for the highest proportion, and also cause lots of people and firefighters’ casualties. Therefore, it is necessary to separate factory fire from normal building fire cases, and use related data to analyze and discuss independently. New taipei city has a large territory, which including the largest population and highest number of factories in Taiwan, therefore, this study applied New Taipei city panel data from 2009 to 2015 to perform regression analysis,and explore the influence of concept fire factors, population, and conceptual regional factors on the index of factory fire.
According to the research, after deducting the suspected endogenous problems, the result shows that fire water reservoir, factory fire safety inspection, and aging index 【(population age number of 65 years above / number of 0-14 years old )X100 】will have influence on factory fire index. Fire water reservoir have an inversely relationship with factory fire within the area, however, the aging index is proportional to factory fire. Second, the increasing number of fire safety inspection will reduce factory fire. finally , the number of factory fire is proportional to the number of factory and aging index.
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Stochastické řízení zásobní funkce nádrže s pomocí metod umělé inteligence / Stochastic management storage function of water reservoir using method of artificial intelligenceKozel, Tomáš Unknown Date (has links)
The main advantage of stochastic forecasting is fan of possible value, which deterministic method of forecasting could not give us. Future development of random process is described better by stochastic then deterministic forecasting. We can categorize discharge in measurement profile as random process. Stochastic management is worked with dispersion of controlling discharge value. In thesis is described construction and evaluation of adaptive stochastic model base on fuzzy logic, neural networks and evolution algorithm, which are used stochastic forecast from forecasting models described in thesis. The learning fuzzy model and neural network is used as replacement of classic optimization algorithm (evolution algorithm). Model was tested and validated on made up large open water reservoir. Results were evaluated and were compared with model base on traditional algorithms, which was used for 100% forecast (forecasted values are real values). The management of the large open water reservoir with storage function, which was given by stochastic adaptive managing, was logical. The main advantage of fuzzy model and neural network model is computing speed. Classical optimization model is needed much more time for same calculation as fuzzy and neural network model, therefore classic model used clusters for stochastic calculation.
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Návrh vodohospodářských opatření v katastrálním území / Proposal of Water Management Measures in the Cadastral AreaProkop, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part describes issues of the proposal of water management measures in land consolidation process. Second part deals with the conceptual proposal of water management measures in the specific cadastral area. This part also include graphic attachments.
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Středně dobá předpověď průtoků vody měrným profilem toku / Long Term Discharge Prediction in River Hydrometric ProfileŠelepa, Milan January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the long term prediction of mean monthly flows in hydrometric profile for purposes of reservoir control optimization and optimization of reservoir systems. Discharges were predicted using by artificial neural network method. Predicted flows were statistically evaluated by relevant coefficients and then compared with the measured flows for given river hydrometric profiles.
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Monitorování filtračních procesů probíhajících v zemních hrázích / Monitoring of filtration processes in earth damsGardavská, Zuzana Unknown Date (has links)
This doctoral thesis with the title „Monitoring of filtration processes in earth dams“ represents possibilities of using electrical impedance spectrometry method (EIS) and devices Z- meter II and Z- meter 2A based on it for using a monitoring earth-fill dikes of small water reservoirs. The devices are developed in the Laboratory of Water Management Research Institute of Water Structures Faculty of Civil Engineering Brno University of Technology through international projects E!3838 and E!4981 in EUREKA program. As part of submitted doctoral thesis the monitoring has been conducted at two locations – earth-fill dike of small water reservoir Bezedník III in the cadastral area Kobeřice and earth-fill dike of fish pond Rybník u kostelíka near the village Jevíčko. The general guidance has been compiled based on the knowledge and experience of measurements to monitor earth-fill dike using method EIS. This guide covers the use of method and device Z-meter II from the choice of location and monitored the profile, selection and installation of probes into the dam body, the preparation of measurement location, configuration of the measuring apparatus including a user program Z-scan, through the process of measurement and recommended method of processing data.
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