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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zkratový výpočet a nastavení ochran generátorů vodní elektrárny Lipno I / Short Circuit Calculation and Generator Protections Settings for Hydro Plant Lipno I

Guliš, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This Master 's thesis deals with the topic of protection of generators in case of faults, short circuits and their calculation according to the valid standard ČSN EN 60909-0 ed.2. The practical part includes the calculation of the minimum and maximum short-circuit currents of the Lipno I hydroelectric power plant at various locations using the NetCalc calculation program and for comparison of program funcionality provides the manual calculation. Next chapter deals with the calculation of settings of each protection function of the SIEMENS Siprotec 7UM622 protection relay, which is used to protect main generators of this hydropower plant.

The Des Moines Rapids: A History of its Adverse Effects on Mississippi River Traffic and its Use as a Source of Water Power to 1860

Enders, Donald L. 01 January 1973 (has links)
During the 19th Century, the Mississippi River was the chief commercial highway in the United States. But for two impediments, the Upper and Lower (Des Moines) Rapids, its entire course of 2400 miles would have offered an untroubled thoroughfare to watercraft.The federal government, as well as private concerns, attempted throughout the better part of that century to alleviate the river of its barriers and to develop its rapids as a source of power. Those attempts were disappointingly unsuccessful, however, and not until the advent of the 20th Century, when the nation had matured both economically and technologically, was the Mississippi freed of its obstacles and developed on a large scale as a source of energy.

Zkratový výpočet a nastavení ochran generátorů vodní elektrárny Lipno I / Short Circuit Calculation and Generator Protections Settings for Hydro Plant Lipno I

Guliš, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This Master 's thesis deals with the topic of protection of generators in case of faults, short circuits and their calculation according to the valid standard ČSN EN 60909-0 ed.2. The practical part includes the calculation of the minimum and maximum short-circuit currents of the Lipno I hydroelectric power plant at various locations using the NetCalc calculation program and for comparison of program funcionality provides the manual calculation. Next chapter deals with the calculation of settings of each protection function of the SIEMENS Siprotec 7UM622 protection relay, which is used to protect main generators of this hydropower plant.

Control of sediment diversion in run-of-river hydropower schemes

Van Heerden, Morne Jandre 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sedimentation and the effects it has on turbine blades was the primary problem identified in run-of-river (RoR) hydropower schemes. Sedimentation in RoR hydropower schemes also increases trash rack blockage and reduces energy output in the long-term. Damage occurs to all underwater parts that come into contact with sediment. The main concern is sediment passing through the hydropower intake and causing turbine damage. The reason for the abrasion and cavitation of turbine blades is increased sediment loads in river channels. This problem can be overcome in two ways. The first is the use of existing lakes or reservoir storage upstream as natural sand traps, and the second is by investigating the three features associated with river bend diversion, which are: the optimum diversion location in a river bend to minimise the abstraction of sediment, the optimum diversion structure angle to limit coarse sediment diversion, and the sediment load diverted through the intake. The first objective of the research was investigated by construction of a physical model of a curved river channel to determine the location of the deepest scour forming on the outside of the bend. The second objective was to test the diversion orientation to maximize the local scour and thereby limiting sediment diversion at the intake. A third objective was to compare mathematical 2D model simulated scour results with the findings of the laboratory tests to evaluate the reliability of the numerical model predictions. Finally different diverted discharge ratios were tested with different intake setups in the physical model, to evaluate the sediment load diverted. . The first experiment in the curved laboratory channel was to predict where the deepest scour takes place without a diversion structure. This was then followed by placing a diversion structure at the maximum scour position, retrieved from experiment one, and by angling the structure with reference to the flow direction. The flow direction vector was placed as a tangent to the bend and orientated at angles of 0⁰, 30⁰, 45⁰ and 60⁰ into the bend direction. The optimum diversion location was found to be positioned on the outside of the bend, approximately 60⁰ into the channel bend. The final position of maximum scour in a 90⁰ bend corresponds with the Sediment Committee and the Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Societies (1992) prediction of 60⁰ into the bend. The optimal diversion had a 30⁰ angle to the flow direction, as this presented the most efficient and effective scouring in front of the model intake. Numerical simulations were performed with the CCHE 2D (hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics) modelling program. The numerical results were compared to the physical results to validate CCHE as a beneficial simulation tool. It was found that the numerical model predicted the scour depths at the intakes tested with an accuracy of 43.8%, which is within the accuracy range of the sediment transport equation used by the numerical model. The final experiment was the diversion of sediment with different intake level heights and discharges. It was evident from the results that low sediment diversion ratios were achieved with a diverted discharge ratio of 50% or less. The intake elevation highest above the channel bed diverted the least sediment. The interrelationship between Diverted Discharge Ratio (DDR), Diverted Froude number Ratio (DFrR) and Diverted Sediment load Ratio (SDR) was established in the study. It is recommended that RoR schemes have sand traps downstream of the diversion structures and that turbines are coated with HVOF to overcome the power loss arising due to the excessive erosion of hydro turbines. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedimentasie en die invloed wat dit het op turbines was die primêre probleem geïdentifiseer in “run-of-river” (RoR) hidrokrag-skemas. Die sediment wat saam met die water uit ‟n rivier uitgekeer word beskadig die inlaatrooster en verlaag kragopwekking in die langtermyn. Skade word aangerig aan alle onderwatertoerusting en masjinerie wat aan sediment blootgestel word. Die grootste probleem tydens die uitkering van water is die growwe sediment wat daarmee deur die onttrekking inlaat gaan en turbineskade veroorsaak. Soos wat die sedimentlading in die rivier drasties toeneem, sal afslyting en kavitasie van turbinelemme meer gereeld voorkom. Dié probleem kan op twee maniere beperk word. Die een is die gebruik van bestaande opgaardamme stroomop, en die tweede is deur die ondersoek van drie kenmerke van rivierdraaie en uitkeringstrukture, bv. die optimale uitskurings posisie in 'n rivierdraai (sonder ʼn struktuur) om die diepste uitskuringposisie op die buitekant van die draai te bepaal, die optimale uitkeringsstruktuuroriëntasie wat maksimum uitskuring verseker en die sediment uitkering beperk, en die lading van sedimentonttrekking deur die inlaat. Die eerste doelwit van die navorsing is ondersoek deur ʼn fisiese model te bou van ʼn kronkelkanaal en te bepaal waar die diepste uitskring plaasvind op die buitekant van die draai. Die tweede doelwit van die studie was om die optimale uitkeringshoek te bepaal vir 'n uitkeringstruktuur sodat die uitskuring by die inlaat ʼn maksimum is om die uitkering van sediment te beperk. ʼn Derde doelwit was om die akkuraatheid van ʼn wiskundige model se uitskuring voorspelling te toets teen die waargenome laboratorium resultate. Die finale doelwit was om vir verskillende inlaatontwerpe, rivier- en uitkeervloeie die sedimentladings wat uitgekeer word te ondersoek. Die eerste eksperiment in die kronkelende kanaal was voorberei om die optimale uitskuring in die draai te bepaal. Dit is gevolg deur toetse met uitkeerstrukture by die maksimum uitskurings posisie te plaas en die hoek van die struktuur dan te verander met verwysing na die vloeirigting. Die vloeirigting vektor was as 'n raaklyn geplaas op die kanaal draai en georiënteer met hoeke: 0⁰, 30⁰, 45⁰ en 60⁰, in die rigting van die draai. Die optimale uitskurings posisie was aan die buiterand van die kanaal draai gevind, ongeveer 60⁰ in die draai in. Die maksimum uitskuur posisie van 'n 90⁰ kanaal draai stem ooreen met SC en CHES (1992) se resultaat van 60⁰ in die draai in. Daar was ook genoegsame bewyse dat 'n optimale uitkeerwerke oriëntasie van 30⁰ die doeltreffendste en effektiefste uitskuring sal gee. Numeriese simulasies is deur middel van 'n twee dimensionele wiskundige model CCHE 2D (hidro- en sedimentdinamika) uitgevoer. Die numeriese resultate was vergelyk met die laboratoriumresultate om die CCHE program te verifieer as 'n voordelige simulasie program. Daar is gevind dat die wiskundige model die uitskuurdieptes by die inlate met ʼn akkuraatheid van 43.8 % voorspel, wat binne die akkuraatheid is van die sedimentvervoervergelyking wat deur die numeriese model gebruik word. Die finale eksperiment was die uitkering van sediment met verskillende inlaathoogtes en uitkerings sedimentladings. Uit die toetse was dit duidelik dat 'n lae sediment uitkeerverhouding behaal kan word met 'n uitkeerverhouding van 50% en minder. Verdere waarnemings het ook gewys dat die inlaathoogte van die uitkeerstruktuur met die optimale resultate die hoogste bokant die rivierbedding was. Die verwantskap tussen die uitgekeerde deurstromingverhouding, die uitgekeerde Froude getal verhouding en die uitgekeerde sedimentlading is bepaal in die navorsing. Dit word aanbeveel dat sandvangkanale stroomaf van uitkeerwerke geplaas word en dat turbines met HVOF as bedekkingsmateriaal beskerm word om kragverliese as gevolg van buitensporige erosie van die turbines te voorkom.

Assessment of hydrokinetic renewable energy devices and tidal energy potential at Rose Dhu Island, GA

Bruder, Brittany Lynn 07 July 2011 (has links)
Current hydro-turbines aim to capture the immense energy available in tidal movements, however commonly applied technologies rely on principles more applicable in hydroelectric dams. Tidal stream currents, such as in Coastal Georgia, are not strong enough to make such turbines both efficient and economically viable. This research proposes a novel low-energy vortex shedding vertical axis turbine (VOSTURB) to combat the inefficiencies and challenges of hydro-turbines in low velocity free tidal streams. Some of the energy in tidal streams is extracted naturally from vortex shedding; as water streams past a bluff body, such as pier, low pressure vortices form alternatively on each side, inducing a rhythm of pressure differentials on the bluff body and anything in its wake. VOSTURB aims to capture this energy of the vortices by installing a hydrofoil subsequent to the bluff body. This foil, free to oscillate, translates the vortex energy into oscillatory motion, which can be converted into a form of potential energy. The presented research will act as a 'proof of concept.' It aims to assess such foil motion, or the ability of VOSTURB to capture vortex energy, and begin to assess the amount of tidal energy that can be theoretically harnessed. In this study a small scale model of VOSTURB, a cylindrical bluff body with a hammer shaped hydrofoil, was tested in a hydraulic flume for various mean flow speeds. Tangential accelerations of the foil's center of gravity were obtained through the use of an accelerometer. The acceleration data was analyzed utilizing Fourier analysis to determine the fundamental frequency of the wing oscillations. The available power to be harnessed from the oscillatory motion was then estimated utilizing this fundamental frequency. Ultimately it was found that the frequency of the VOSTURB foil oscillations corresponded highly with the theoretical frequency of vortex shedding for all moderate to high flow speeds. Low speeds were found to produce inconsistent and intermittent small oscillations. This signifies at moderate to high flow speeds, VOSTURB was able to transform some vortical energy into kinetic. The maximum average power obtained 8.4 mW corresponded to the highest flow velocity 0.27 m/s. Scaled to Rose Dhu prototype conditions this represented 50 W at a flow velocity of 0.95m/s, the maximum available at Rose Dhu. Although it was ascertained that VOSTURB could consistently capture some of the vortical energy; the percentage of which could not be calculated with certainty. Thus, the average kinetic power assessments of the foil were compared to the available power of the mean flow for each flow speed calculated by two methods: (1) over the foil's swept area; (2) the area of fluid displaced by the bluff body immediately in front of the foil. The maximum efficiency of the foil, found for the fastest flow speed was at 18% and 45% respectively. It was found that both average foil power, available flow power, and efficiency all decreased with a decrease in flow velocity. This study can serve as only a preliminary study for the effectiveness of VOSTURB as a hydro-turbine for tidal power. In the experiments, the foil was allowed to oscillate freely with little resistance. Future testing of VOSTURB needs to observe whether the vortex energy can overcome the resistive torque introduced by a generator to induce oscillatory motion as well as further optimize the foil design. While the testing in this project assesses the kinetic energy or power of the vortex shedding, this future testing will provide insight into the actual work that can actually be converted into potential energy or power. Complementing this research, both a Harmonic Analysis of Least Squares (HAMELS) and a Complex Empirical Orthogonal Function (CEOF) Analysis was conducted on available surface height and current velocity data separately from an available Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) model of Coastal Georgia. Such analysis were conducted to observe spatial and temporal tidal patterns advantageous to a possible prototype installation of a tidal turbine such as VOSTURB. The more conventional HAMELS analysis, which isolates components of a signal with a certain frequency, identified temporal and spatial patterns attributed to tidal constituents. CEOF analysis, where major patterns of variance are identified not according to prescribed frequencies, was employed to identify any patterns possible not attributed to the tidal constituents. This study was also in part to observe whether the CEOF analysis could identify any patterns of tidal propagation that could not be resolved by the HAMELS analysis. The CEOF and HAMELS analysis of the surface height output produced very similar results: major modes of surface height variation due to the diurnal and semidiurnal tidal constituents propagating up the estuary. The CEOF results did not produce any additional information that could not be found through the HAMELS analysis of the constituents and presented such results in an arguably more convoluted manner. In addition, the surface height analysis provided no direct insight into areas more advantageous to tidal power. The CEOF analysis of the vector current velocity data however did provide some insight. The CEOF of the current data was able to isolate patterns of variance corresponding to the tidal constituents. However, the CEOF was also able to identify local 'hotspots' of high current magnitudes not resolved by HAMELS. These local areas of high current magnitudes, most likely due to changes in hydrodynamic conditions such as channel constrictions, are advantageous for tidal power applications. These general areas could serve as a starting point for the location selection process for a possible prototype installation of VOSTURB if the area was refined more. Ultimately for a prototype installation of VOSTURB, further experimentation and analysis is required for both the turbine design and placement, such as a power conversion methodology for the turbine and a more spatially resolute set of data to perform a CEOF analysis on. With these tasks completed, the prototype installation will be part of a larger effort between the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Girl Scouts of America to create completely sustainable "Eco-Village" on Rose Dhu Island, GA. With an extensive community outreach planned to educate the public, Rose Dhu, along with championing hydrokinetic energy, will serve as a paradigm for sustainable design and energy.

Migration and genetic structure of Salmo salar and Salmo trutta in northern Swedish rivers /

Östergren, Johan, January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2007. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.

Environmental valuation, ecosystem services and aquatic species /

Kataria, Mitesh, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Análise da viabilidade técnica e econômica de implantação de uma microusina hidrelétrica /

Almeida, José Leandro Casa Nova. January 2007 (has links)
Resumo: A proposta desta dissertação foi a de apresentar o desempenho de uma microcentral hidrelétrica, instalada no Centro de Energias Renováveis da Unesp, Campus Guaratinguetá. As análises apresentadas são de desempenho elétrico e mecânico. A microcentral hidrelétrica utiliza roda Pelton com 0,4m de diâmetro no ponto de incidência do jato de água. O gerador utilizado foi com rotor de ímãs permanentes de ferrite. Tanto o gerador quanto a microusina são de baixo custo de aquisição e instalação. Foram feitos os testes em bancada com o gerador aproximando o máximo possível das condições ideais de funcionamento. Também foram realizadas algumas alterações físicas na microhidrelétrica para manter a rotação constante com a variação de carga. Utilizaram-se cargas resistivas e não-lineares. Os resultados contribuíram para a melhoria da qualidade da energia e o controle do fluxo de água no processo de geração de energia. O conjunto composto de gerador e a turbina Pelton, durante o experimento, apresentaram rendimentos eletromecânicos da ordem de 20% a 30% comparados com a teoria. / Abstract: This proposal of this work is to demonstrate the performance of a Micro- Hydroelectrical Powerplant (MHP), which has been installed at the UNESP – FEG - Renewable Energy Center, in Guaratinguetá-SP. The present analysis refers to the electrical and mechanical performances. The micro-hydroelectrical powerplant employs a Pelton turbine with a diameter of 0,4m at the incidence of water flow. The generator is provided with permanent ferrite magnet rotor. Costs were low for both the acquisition of parts and installation of the generator and the micro-hydroelectrical powerplant. Bench tests carried out with the generator reached the maximum possible ideal functioning conditions. Some physical modifications were necessary to maintain constant rotation with load variations. Resistive and non-linear loads were used in the essays. The results contributed for an improvement in the quality of energy and the control of water flow in the process of generating energy. The assembly composed of the generator and the Pelton turbine presented an electro-mechanical revenue between 20% to 30%. / Orientador: Teófilo Miguel de Souza. / Coorientador: Pedro Magalhães Sobrinho. / Banca: Samuel Euzedice de Lucena. / Banca: Osiris Cancigliere Junior. / Mestre

Análise da viabilidade técnica e econômica de implantação de uma microusina hidrelétrica

Almeida, José Leandro Casa Nova [UNESP] 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-03Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:00:00Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 almeida_jlcn_me_guara.pdf: 1246383 bytes, checksum: bca809ae8bb8fe32b7de24055d2e53d7 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A proposta desta dissertação foi a de apresentar o desempenho de uma microcentral hidrelétrica, instalada no Centro de Energias Renováveis da Unesp, Campus Guaratinguetá. As análises apresentadas são de desempenho elétrico e mecânico. A microcentral hidrelétrica utiliza roda Pelton com 0,4m de diâmetro no ponto de incidência do jato de água. O gerador utilizado foi com rotor de ímãs permanentes de ferrite. Tanto o gerador quanto a microusina são de baixo custo de aquisição e instalação. Foram feitos os testes em bancada com o gerador aproximando o máximo possível das condições ideais de funcionamento. Também foram realizadas algumas alterações físicas na microhidrelétrica para manter a rotação constante com a variação de carga. Utilizaram-se cargas resistivas e não-lineares. Os resultados contribuíram para a melhoria da qualidade da energia e o controle do fluxo de água no processo de geração de energia. O conjunto composto de gerador e a turbina Pelton, durante o experimento, apresentaram rendimentos eletromecânicos da ordem de 20% a 30% comparados com a teoria. / This proposal of this work is to demonstrate the performance of a Micro- Hydroelectrical Powerplant (MHP), which has been installed at the UNESP FEG - Renewable Energy Center, in Guaratinguetá-SP. The present analysis refers to the electrical and mechanical performances. The micro-hydroelectrical powerplant employs a Pelton turbine with a diameter of 0,4m at the incidence of water flow. The generator is provided with permanent ferrite magnet rotor. Costs were low for both the acquisition of parts and installation of the generator and the micro-hydroelectrical powerplant. Bench tests carried out with the generator reached the maximum possible ideal functioning conditions. Some physical modifications were necessary to maintain constant rotation with load variations. Resistive and non-linear loads were used in the essays. The results contributed for an improvement in the quality of energy and the control of water flow in the process of generating energy. The assembly composed of the generator and the Pelton turbine presented an electro-mechanical revenue between 20% to 30%.

Badhus - Industrilandskapet Norrköping / Public Bath - The Industrial Landscape In Norrköping

Liljethörn, Samuel January 2015 (has links)
Badhus – Industrilandskapet i Norrköping Norrköping har behov av ett nytt badhus. Centralt i staden, längs Motala ström, finns Industrilandskapet som till stor del består av kulturell och vetenskaplig verksamhet men har en lång historia av textilindustri. Det nya badhuset är placerat i detta område; på ett befintligt vattenkraftverk. Syftet med projektet är att tillvarata Industrilandskapets kontrastrika själ, förstärka de rum och potentiella mötesplatser som finns samt ge Norrköping en möjlighet till friskvård och sportutövande. Målet är att visa hur en ny byggnadskropp relaterar och anpassar sig till den kulturella, platsspecifika och historiska kontexten. Byggnaden intar formen av en rektangel som skjuter upp ur slänten, likt en bergsrygg som sluter platsen. Byggnadskroppen aktiverar befintliga kvalitéer såsom den gamla stenbelagda trappan i väster och universitetsparken vid vattnet i söder. Byggnadens norra sida syftar till att ta emot och avsluta rutnätstaden i skala och uttryck. Den södra sidan av byggnaden tillsluter och definierar strömrummet med sin långsträckta fasad. Byggnadens interiör vänder sig utåt mot strömrummet så att det inifrån skapas en öppenhet åt söder gör industrilandskapet till en del av byggnaden. På entrévåningen ligger bassängerna vars vattenytor är visuellt kopplade till Motala ström i flera nivåer. Sutterängplanet inhyser omklädningsrum, det befintliga kraftverket samt fysioterapiavdelning med motionssal. / Public Bath – The Industrial Landscape in Norrköping   Norrköping is in need of a new public bath. In the centre of the city, along Motala ström, the industrial landscape is located. This area hosts cultural and scientific activities but has a long history of textile industry. The new public bath is located in this area on an existing water power plant. The aim of the project is to maintain the contrasty soul, enhance the spaces and potential venues that already exist and give Norrköping a possibility for wellness and exercising. The goal is to show how a new building adjusts and relates to the site specific and historical context. The building is shaped as a rectangle rising from the slope. It activates existing qualities such as the old stone stairs in the west. The north side of the building aims to receive and end the grid city in scale and expression. The south side with the long façade defines the river space. The interior faces the river and creates openness towards the south. Thereby the industrial landscape becomes part of the building. The swimming pools are located on the entrance floor and the surfaces of the water are visually linked to the river. The changing rooms, the power plant and the physiotherapy are placed in the basement.

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