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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O papel das estruturas litológicas e tectônicas na evolução da rede hidrográfica da Região Serrana do Espírito Santo: o caso da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Benevente / The role of lithological and tectonic structures in the evolution of the river system in the mountainous region of the Espírito Santo: the case of river basin Benevente

Roberto José Hezer Moreira Vervloet 06 August 2014 (has links)
O papel da litologia e da organização tectônica Proterozóica para entendimento da gênese do relevo, em termos de erosão diferencial, tem sido relativamente negligenciado nos últimos decênios em favor de linhas de explicação baseadas nas mudanças paleoclimáticas, tectônica moderna, e geoquímica de superfície. Fato que tem permitido a formação de modelos explicativos fechados sobre a gênese e dinâmica do relevo. Entretanto, em áreas de embasamento cristalino a organização tectônica e a diversidade composicional químico-mineralógica das rochas auxilia fortemente o entendimento do papel da erosão diferencial, na explicação da diversidade de compartimentos geomórficos. A organização tectônica das rochas, através de sistemas de falhas e dobras de fundo (estudados na década de 1950 por Francis Ruellan), tem papel fundamental no entendimento dos processos de erosão diferencial responsável pela diversidade de compartimentos geomórficos. Neste sentido, este trabalho procura provar, através do método da Associação e Indeterminação Geomorfológica de Leopold e Langbein (1970), que a Região Serrana do Espírito Santo, e, em especial, a da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Benevente é resultante da erosão diferencial sobre rochas de rica diversidade químico-mineralógica, organizada por meio de dobras de fundo e sistemas de falhas transcorrentes conjugadas. Para realização desta investigação foi elaborado uma proposta de cartografia hidrogeomorfológica para pesquisa de bacias hidrográficas, estudando-se a evolução dos perfis fluviais longitudinais, perfis morfogeológicos, estruturas tectônicas e composição químico-mineralógica das unidades litológicas associado a compartimentação morfológica do relevo. Tudo fundamentado no método escolhido. O que certamente parece ser uma coisa óbvia, no entanto, evidencia a atuação de um verdadeiro sistema de dissecação fluvial, associado ao rebaixamento de níveis de base (knickzonas) que evoluem conforme o mergulho da foliação metamórfica dos flancos das dobras e da zona de dano associado às falhas. A conclusão que se chega é a de que o relevo da bacia do Rio Benevente, e por sua vez da Região Serrana do Estado, configura-se como compartimentos geomórficos residuais resultantes da evolução de knickzonas fluviais associadas à organização tectônica das dobras de fundo responsáveis pela gênese de níveis diferenciais de resistência litológica e de distribuição espacial das falhas e fraturas. A composição das unidades litológicas também influencia, fortemente, a compartimentação do relevo, estando o nível de convexização dos relevos e a dissecação na forte dependência do grau de participação dos minerais do grupo dos plagioclásios, anfibólios e piroxênios na constituição litológica das litoestruturas / The role of lithology and Proterozoic tectonic organization for understanding the genesis of relief in terms of differential erosion, has been relatively neglected in recent decades in boon of lines of explanation based on paleoclimatic changes, modern tectonics, and geochemistry. This fact has allowed the formation of \"closed\" on the genesis and dynamics of relief explanatory models. However, in sites of crystalline basement tectonics organization and compositional diversity chemical-mineralogical Rocks strongly supports the understanding of the role of differential erosion, in explaining the diversity of geomorphic compartments. The tectonic organization of the rocks through system failure and bottom folds (studied in the 1950s by Francis Ruellan) plays a fundamental role in understanding the processes of differential erosion responsible for the diversity of geomorphic compartments. In this sense, this work seeks to prove, by the method of the Association and Indeterminacy Geomorphological Leopold and Langbein (1970), the mountainous region of the Espírito Santo, and in special the river basin Benevente is the result of differential erosion of rocks rich chemical-mineralogical diversity, organized by folds background and strike-slip fault systems combined. To carry out this research hydrogeomorphological a proposed mapping is designed to survey watershed studying the evolution of longitudinal river profiles, profiles morphogeologicals, tectonic structures and chemical-mineralogical composition of rock units associated with morphological partitioning of relief. All based on the method chosen. This certainly seems like an obvious thing, however, highlights the work of a true system of river dissection, associated with the lowering of baseline levels (knickzones) that evolve according to the metamorphic foliation dipping flanks of the folds and the damage zone associated with the fault. The conclusion reached is that the relief Benevente River basin, and in turn the mountainous region of the state, appears as residual geomorphic compartments resulting from the evolution of river knickzonas associated with the organization of tectonic folds background responsible for the genesis of differential levels of lithologic resistance and spatial distribution of faults and fractures. The composition of the lithological units also influences strongly the partitioning of relief, being the level of reliefs and round dissecting the strong dependence of the degree of participation of the group of the minerals plagioclase amphibole and pyroxene in the lithological constitution of lithostructurals

Formas de sílica em águas fluviais e estuarinas da Baía de Guanabara, RJ

Augusto, Alessandra Abel 22 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca de Pós-Graduação em Geoquímica BGQ (bgq@ndc.uff.br) on 2016-03-22T15:44:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Alessandra Abel.pdf: 1916505 bytes, checksum: 2752be6475899601cffe4ed72f265c7f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T15:44:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Alessandra Abel.pdf: 1916505 bytes, checksum: 2752be6475899601cffe4ed72f265c7f (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Universidade Federal Fluminense. Instituto de Química. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências-Geoquímica. Niterói, RJ / O silício é o elemento mais abundante da crosta terrestre, originando-se do intemperismo de rochas. Em águas fluviais e costeiras é encontrado na forma dissolvida (ácido silícico) ou particulada (sílica litogênica ou biogênica). É um importante nutriente, pois é constituinte da carapaça de organismos planctônicos tais como diatomáceas, sendo responsável por uma grande parte da produção primária fitoplanctônica. Este estudo foi realizado na Bacia da Guanabara, localizada no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, cuja rede de drenagem apresenta cerca de 4800 Km² e é composta por 55 rios. Esta área engloba a Baía de Guanabara, um dos mais importantes estuários da Costa Brasileira. A metodologia do trabalho consistiu na amostragem em quatro rios da bacia, nos meses de inverno (junho, julho, agosto) e em três perfis na Baía de Guanabara, com medição in situ da salinidade, temperatura e condutividade. No laboratório, as amostras foram filtradas e separadas alíquotas para a análise da mineralogia do material em suspensão, quantificação de clorofila-a, material particulado, sílica dissolvida e particulada. Para analisar a influência do ambiente nas concentrações desses parâmetros, foram determinadas através de SIG as áreas espaciais dos parâmetros fisiográficos de geologia, uso do solo, vazão, declividade, pluviosidade e geomorfologia das bacias. A concentração do material particulado em suspensão nos rios apresentou uma média de 9 mg/L. O valor médio de sílica dissolvida foi mais elevado em rios (211 μM) do que nas amostras da Baía (10 μM). As concentrações de sílica litogênica em rios e na baía foram próximas, respectivamente 63 e 62 μM; evidenciando a origem fluvial das mesmas. As concentrações de sílica biogênica apresentaram média de 13 μM nos rios e 41 μM nas amostras de estuário. Em relação aos minerais encontrados, verificou-se que o quartzo e a caulinita foram os mais abundantes nas amostras de rio. No ponto BG05 a grande concentração de sílica litogênica está relacionada à presença de quartzo, feldspato, mica e caulinita. No outro extremo, o ponto BG09 com mineralogia dada apenas por quartzo e gibbsita apresenta as menores concentrações de sílica litogênica. Sugere-se que a grande quantidade de gibbsita que alcança a Baía de Guanabara está provavelmente sendo transformada em minerais secundários, como caulinita e argilo-minerais 2:1. / Silicon is the most abundant element of the crust. It comes from weathering of rocks. In river and coastal samples, it is found dissolved as silicic acid or as particle (lithogenic or biogenic silica). It’s an important nutrient because it takes part of siliceous skeletal material of plankton such as diatom which are usually responsible for a great part of the phytoplankton primary production. This study was done in Guanabara Basin located in Rio de Janeiro State, Its drainage network is about 4800 km2 and has 55 rivers. This area includes the Guanabara Bay, one of the most important estuaries of the Brazilian Coast. Four river were sampled during Brazilian winter months (June, July, August). Samples were also done along three profiles of the Guanabara Bay. During sampling salinity, temperature, and conductivity were measured in situ. In laboratory, the samples were filtered. Aliquots were decanted for mineralogical analysis of the suspended material. Quantification of chlorophyll-a, particulate material and particulate silica were done in the filter. Dissolved silica was also analyzed. To understand the control of physiographic characteristics in the concentrations of these parameters a GIS analysis was done. Geology, land use, discharge, slope, rainfall and geomorphology were spatially quantified. The concentration of the particulate material in suspension in the rivers showed an average of 9 mg/L. The average value of dissolved silica was higher in rivers (211 μM) than in the Bay (10 μM). Lithogenic silica concentrations in rivers were similar to the Bay, 63 and 62 μM respectively; highlighting the fluvial origin of LSi in the Bay. Average biogenic silica concentrations were 13 μM in rivers and 41 μM in estuary’s samples. Quartz and kaolinite were the most abundant minerals in river samples. In river sampling point BG05, the great lithogenic silica concentration is related to the presence of quartz, feldspar, mica and kaolinite. On the other side the sampling point BG09 showed the smallest lithogenic silica concentration due to a poor mineralogy assemblage made only of quartz and gibbsite. This study suggests that the great amount of gibbsite that reaches Guanabara Bay is probably being transformed into secondary minerals, as kaolinite and 2:1 clay.

Studies on the barrier properties of exterior wood coatings

Ekstedt, Jan January 2002 (has links)
Coatings for exterior wood have two basic functions. One isto give an aesthetically acceptable surface appearance andcolour. The other is to provide protection against wooddegradation by microbiological or physical attack. Theseprotective properties, often called the barrier properties,play an important role in the selection of proper material forsupreme durability. The assessment of these barrier propertiesis of great importance. Within the CEN Technical Committee 139,Working Group 2, Coatings for exterior wood test methods andperformance specifications have been established. Forassessment of water protection efficiency a standard testprocedure, EN 927-5, has been launched. The present work hasfocused on its applicability in assessing water protectionefficiency in relation to the degradation of coatings duringexposure. Assessments according to EN 927-5 is shown to givesignificant differences in water absorption values fordifferent types of coatings on wood. The proposed performancespecifications in ENV 927 - 2 for the water absorption valuesfor coatings to be used in different constructions seem to beset at acceptable levels. It has been shown that there is agood correlation between the level of water absorption andpractical experience of the performance of paints inScandinavia. However, it has also been shown that thecombination of a standard procedure for water absorptionmeasurement and an artificial weathering procedure gives moreinformation regarding expected durability and longtermperformance than a single measurement of water absorption onfresh, unweathered coated wood. A combination of waterabsorption measurement and artificial weathering could become auseful tool in product development as well as in benchmarking.Together with statistical tools, such as reliability-basedservice life prediction methodologies for predicting theservice life of coating systems a reduction in testing timesmay be achieved. Surface-active substances in coatings have a negative effecton the coatings ability to prevent water ingress, which mostprobably is due to the hydrophilic character of thesesubstances. The presence of these substances, which are commonin waterborne coatings, alters the moisture sorptioncharacteristics of wood. Considering that these substancesoccur in waterborne coatings, may be mobilised during and afterfilm formation and accumulate at the coating/substrateinterface, there is a great probability that these substanceschange the moisture sorption characteristics of the woodsubstrate in an unfavourable way and create unexpected dynamicmoisture conditions at the coating/wood interface. Computerized tomography has been found to be a valuable,non-destructive tool for visualising the spatial moisturedistribution of water and moisture in coated wood panels. Themethod is suitable for recurrent testing of a specimen exposedto a series of processes of wetting, drying. This thesis showsthat high moisture contents occur locally at and around cracks.In these areas there is an increased risk of internal tensionand stress resulting in crack initiation and propagation andthat high moisture contents may occur in the first fewmillimetres under waterborne coatings despite intact coatingfilms. Even with good barrier properties of the coating,moisture may accumulate by water-vapour absorption in air gapsbehind the cladding thus causing favourable conditions formicrobiological colonization. The work that has been carried out regarding assessment ofthe water protection efficiency shows promising resultsregarding the possibility to use reliability-based service lifeprediction methodology for the assessment. The aim of futurework will be to establish more reliable techniques andprotocols for assessing service life expectancy and durability,especially for waterborne coatings with special focus ontendencies to early failure and robustness of the coatingsystems. Keywords:Coatings, surfactants, water absorption value,EN 927, paint, additives, moisture dynamics, absorption,desorption, artificial weathering, artificial exposure,computerized tomography, MRI. / <p>NR 20140805</p>

Estudo da durabilidade de compósitos reforçados com fibras de celulose. / Durability of cellulose fibers reinforced composites.

Aluizio Caldas e Silva 20 September 2002 (has links)
O uso de fibras vegetais e de cimentos alternativos – ambos provenientes de resíduos, é tido como boa opção na busca por novos fibrocimentos. Entretanto, a maioria das pesquisas desenvolvida nos últimos anos tem apresentado resultados desanimadores no que se refere à durabilidade do material. Além disso, os métodos para avaliação do desempenho ao longo do tempo de materiais reforçados com fibras sensíveis a álcalis ainda não estão bem estabelecidos. O trabalho avaliou o comportamento de compósitos produzidos com cimento de escória de alto-forno reforçados com fibras de celulose, moldados através de adaptações dos processos industriais usados em todo mundo pelas empresas de fibrocimento. Em seguida, a durabilidade das formulações foi avaliada através de ensaios de envelhecimento, os quais se basearam na simulação dos principais agentes e mecanismos de degradação atuantes no material. O desempenho físico e mecânico dos compósitos foi avaliado através da análise de propriedades pré-estabelecidas, consideradas importantes no emprego material como componente construtivo. A análise dos resultados confirmou a eficiência da incorporação da celulose nas propriedades mecânicas do compósito. A durabilidade do material foi diferente para as matrizes empregadas. As matrizes ativadas com gipsita e cal hidratada (EGCH) foram menos agressivas às fibras, entretanto apresentaram problemas de hidratação às primeiras idades e perda de resistência devido à carbonatação. A matriz ECP, mais alcalina, apresentou resultados superiores de resistência mecânica nas primeiras idades. Ela decompôs as fibras e reduziu as propriedades mecânicas durante o envelhecimento. A carbonatação reduziu o ataque alcalino às fibras nestas matrizes, estabilizando a resistência mecânica e a perda de tenacidade não foi tão acentuada. A metodologia de envelhecimento acelerado que combinou ciclos de molhagem e secagem à carbonatação se mostrou eficiente na simulação do envelhecimento natural. / Vegetable fibers and alternative cements from residues is a good option for replacement asbestos-cement. However, research development has presented no satisfactory results concerning material durability and methods of performance evaluation to reinforced materials with alcali sensitive fibers are not well developed. The objetives of this research are: a) evaluation of composites behavior produced with blast-furnace slag reinforced with residual cellulose fibers, which were moulded in adapted conventional industrial processes, common in fibercement companies around world and b) durability performance evaluation applying proposed aging tests. Aging tests were based on simulation of main agents and degradation mechanisms. Physical and mechanical behaviour of composites was evaluated considering important properties in building component uses. Cellulose fibers improved the mechanical properties of the composites. Durability presented different results for the two matrices. The matrices activated with gypsum and hidrated lime (EGCH) have been less aggressive than matrix activated with ordinary Portland cement (OPC) in relation to fibers. However, they presented problems concerning to the hydration at early dates and loss of resistance due to carbonation. Matrices activated with OPC presented better results of MOR at the early dates. In fact, they are more alkaline and they decomposed fibers and reduced the mechanical properties during the aging. The carbonation reduced the alkaline attack, stabilizing the MOR and reducing the loss of tenacity. The accelerated methods with carbonation were efficient in the simulation of the natural ageing.

Oberflächenmodifikation und Erzeugung antimikrobieller Beschichtungen auf Holz mittels Atmosphärendruckplasma

Gerullis, Sven 12 November 2020 (has links)
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung antimikrobieller Dünnfilme mit Ag, Cu oder Zn, welche durch Anwendung einer Atmosphärendruck-Plasmatechnologie abgeschieden wurden. Bei der Abscheidung solcher Schichtsysteme ist von Wechselwirkungen zwischen dem Plasma und der Holzoberfläche auszugehen. Um solche Effekte abschätzen zu können wurden Versuche hinsichtlich makroskopischer, mikroskopischer und molekularer Materialeigenschaften durchgeführt. Diese Untersuchungen wurden primär mit dem Ziel durchgeführt, mögliche Wechselwirkungen zwischen dem reaktiven Plasma und Plasmabestandteilen mit der Oberfläche des Holzes besser zu verstehen und in zukünftigen Prozesses gezielt anwenden zu können. Unabhängig von der verwendeten Plasmaquelle und Holzart führten die Behandlungen zu einer verbesserten Benetzbarkeit der Holzoberfläche mit Wasser und zu einer deutlichen Erhöhung der polaren Komponente der Oberflächenenergie. Der Nachweis molekularer Veränderungen wurde durch ATR-FTIR- und XPS-Untersuchungen (einschließlich chemischer Derivatisierung) durchgeführt. Um den Einfluss von Holzinhaltsstoffen und Holzinhomogenitäten zu reduzieren, wurde der Einfluss auf die Holzbestandteile Cellulose und Lignin untersucht. Nach der Plasmabehandlung konnte die Bildung von O-C-Doppelbindungen durch ATR-FTIR für beide Materialien bestätigt werden. Die Bildung von sauerstoffhaltigen, polaren Funktionalitäten auf Cellulose und Lignin konnte auch durch XPSMessungen bestätigt werden. Die chemische Derivatisierung von Cellulose in Kombination mit XPS hat die Bildung von O-C-Doppelbindungen in Verbindung mit dem Abbau von OH-Gruppen aufgezeigt. Ein qualitativ vergleichbarer Behandlungseffekt konnte zwischen Plasma- und Ozonbehandlung nachgewiesen werden; Quantitativ waren die Plasmabehandlungseffekte jedoch deutlich ausgeprägter. Somit kann das vom Plasma gebildete Ozon nicht allein für den Behandlungseffekt verantwortlich sein, und weitere Reaktionsmechanismen müssen in die Interpretation der Ergebnisse einbezogen werden. Untersuchungen zur Abscheidung von SiO2- und TiO2 Schichten haben gezeigt, dass die Prozessparameter exakt angepasst werden müssen. Die Schichtqualität wurde maßgeblich durch die Wahl der chemischen Vorläufer und den Abstand zwischen dem Eintrittspunkt dieser Precursor und dem Substrat bestimmt. REM- und XPS-Untersuchungen bestätigten den Einbau der Elemente Ag, Cu oder Zn in nanopartikulärer Form in die Schichten. Die Abscheidung dieser Schichten auf Holz erzeugte signifikante bakterizide Eigenschaften gegen E. coli. Im Gegensatz dazu war die fungizide Wirkung gering. Durch die Wirkstoffkombination hingegen konnte eine deutliche Steigerung der Schimmelpilz-Mangeleigenschaften erreicht werden. Für mögliche Außenanwendungen und ausreichenden Schutz musste das Eindringen von Wasser in das Holz zusätzlich reduziert werden. Zu diesem Zweck wurden die funktionalisierten Plasmaschichten zusätzlich mit einer Deckschicht versehen. Der Plasmafilm übernahm dabei zwei wesentliche Aufgaben: die Haftung der Deckschicht und die Gewährleistung antimikrobieller Eigenschaften. Insbesondere die Verwendung des SiO2-Films in Verbindung mit einem Primersystem erhöhte die Nassschichthaftung deutlich. Das verwendete Schichtsystem (Plasmafilm + Deckschicht) zeigte sowohl unter künstlicher als auch bei natürlicher Witterung Vorteile gegenüber einem kommerziellen Schichtaufbau (Bläueschutzgrundierung + Decklack). Die Haftung der Deckschicht war nach künstlicher und natürlicher Bewitterung für Plasmaaufbau beständiger. Darüber hinaus zeigte die Plasmagrundierung hinsichtlich der Wirksamkeit des Bläueschutzes unter 11 monatiger natürlicher Bewitterung vergleichbare Eigenschaften im Vergleich zu der kommerziellen Grundierung. Werden die dabei eingesetzten Wirkstoffmengen betrachtet, war die eingebrachte Menge bei der Plasmagrundierung um einen Faktor von schätzungsweise 100-mal geringer als bei der Standardgrundierung. Die im Holzschutz eingesetzten Biozide verursachen hohe Kosten und sind gesundheits- und umweltschädigend. Vom Gesetzgeber wird deshalb gefordert, biozidfreie Alternativen anzuwenden bzw. Maßnahmen zur Minimierung des Biozideinsatzes zur ergreifen. In Folge dessen könnten mit Blick auf eine mögliche Anwendung die hohen Kosten des Einsatzes biozider Stoffe reduziert werden, eine Reduktion der Wirkstoffmenge aber auch zum Umweltschutz und zu einer höheren Akzeptanz bei Verbrauchern beitragen.:Abkürzungsverzeichnis IX Tabellenverzeichnis XI Abbildungsverzeichnis XII 1 Einleitung 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Zielstellung 2 1.3 Holz und Holzschutz 3 1.3.1 Aufbau und Bestandteile 3 1.3.2 Holzschädigung 4 1.3.3 Mikroorganismen 6 1.3.4 Holzschutz 7 1.4 Plasma 8 1.5 Technische Erzeugung kalter Atmosphärendruckplasmen 9 1.5.1 Atmosphärendruckplasmabehandlung von Holz und Holzbestandteilen 12 1.6 Schichtabscheidung mittels Atmosphärendruckplasma 15 1.6.1 Plasmapolymerisation und Schichtwachstum 16 1.6.2 Funktionelle Beschichtungen 17 1.6.3 Antimikrobielle Oberflächen 19 2 Material und Methoden 22 2.1 Geräte und Verbrauchsmaterial 22 2.2 Plasmaquellen 25 2.2.1 Behandlung 26 2.2.2 APP-CVD und Precursordosierung 27 2.3 Ozonbehandlung 28 2.4 Precursorauswahl 29 2.5 Instrumentelle Analytik 30 2.5.1 Kontaktwinkel und Oberflächenenergie 30 2.5.2 pH-Wert-Messung 32 2.5.3 Schichtdickenmessung 32 2.5.4 Fourier Transform Infrarot Spektroskopie (FT-IR) 33 2.5.5 Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (REM) 34 2.5.6 Röntgen-Photoelektronenspektroskopie (XPS) 35 2.6 Antimikrobielle Untersuchungen 39 2.6.1 BacTiter-Glo® 39 2.6.2 Plattenzählverfahren (KbE-Test) 41 2.6.3 Schimmelpilzbeständigkeit nach DIN EN 60068-2-10 41 2.6.4 Bläuebeständigkeit nach DIN EN 152:2012 42 2.7 Lackhaftung 43 2.7.1 Gitterschnittprüfung nach ISO 2409:2013 43 2.7.2 Künstliche Bewitterung nach EN 927-6 44 2.7.3 Freibewitterung nach EN 927-3 44 2.7.4 Farbveränderung 44 3 Einfluss von Plasma auf Holz 45 3.1 Charakteristika von Plasmaquelle und Material 45 3.2 Makroskopische Veränderungen 47 3.2.1 Kontaktwinkel- und Oberflächenenergiebestimmung 47 3.2.2 Allgemeiner Einfluss durch Atmosphärendruckbehandlung 52 3.2.3 Einfluss Substratmaterial auf Behandlungseffekt 54 3.2.4 Alterung und Extraktstoffeinfluss /Harzanteil 55 3.2.5 Einfluss Plasmasystem 57 3.2.6 Benetzbarkeit nach Ozonbehandlung 60 3.2.7 Einfluss von Plasmabeschichtungen 61 3.3 Änderung pH-Wert 63 3.5 Molekulare Veränderungen 65 3.5.1 ATR-FTIR an Textilzellstoff und Lignin 66 3.5.2 XPS: Sauerstoff/Kohlenstoff-Verhältnis 69 3.5.3 XPS: Nutzung der chemischen Derivatisierung 72 3.5.4 C1s-Detailspektren Textilzellstoff 79 3.5.5 C1s-Detailspektren Lignin 81 3.6 Fazit 86 4 Funktionelle Beschichtungen 87 4.1 Siliziumoxid- und Titanoxidmatrixschichten 87 4.2 Erweiterte Funktionalisierung (Kompositbeschichtungen) 89 4.3 Antimikrobielle Eigenschaften 94 4.4 Plasmagrundierung 103 4.4.1 Lackhaftung 103 4.4.2 Schichtleistung: Wasseraufnahme 107 4.4.3 Schichtleistung: künstliche und natürliche Bewitterung 107 4.4.4 Schichtleistung: antimikrobielle Wirkung 110 4.5 Fazit 112 5 Zusammenfassung 114 6 Ausblick 118 Literaturverzeichnis nach IEEE 119

Interactive weathering for realistic image synthesis of urban environments / Vieillissement interactif pour la synthèse d'image réaliste des environnements urbains

Muñoz Pandiella, Imanol 05 December 2017 (has links)
Etre capable de capturer et de synthétiser des comportements réalistes est un sujet de recherche important en Informatique Graphique. Mais, pour produire des images réalistes, il ne suffit pas de représenter les matériaux de manière fiable, il faut également prendre en compte leurs évolutions dans le temps. La simulation des effets de vieillissement est le domaine de la recherche qui s’intéresse à la prise en compte de la détérioration des modèles virtuels. Après avoir étudié les travaux précédents dans ce domaine, nous avons constaté qu’il y a un manque d’estimation pour certains paramètres environnementaux importants ainsi qu’un besoin de modèles globaux qui tiennent compte des interactions des facteurs intervenants dans les grandes scènes. De plus, nous avons observées que l’amélioration des techniques actuelles nécessite intégrer les caractéristiques physiques réelles pour éviter la déconnection des processus réels, ce qui doit donc être analysés et compris. Dans cette thèse, nous visons à améliorer la simulation du vieillissement en Informatique Graphique sous les trois angles suivants. Concernant l’estimation des facteurs de vieillissement, nous proposons d’abord de traiter un facteur sous-estimé dans la littérature mais qui est très important dans les processus de vieillissement : le soleil. Plus spécifiquement, nous proposons une technique interactive qui estime l’exposition solaire sur des scènes urbaines détaillées. Compte tenu d’une carte d’exposition directionnelle calculée sur une période donnée, nous estimons le facteur de visibilité du ciel qui sert à évaluer l’exposition finale à chaque point visible. Ceci est fait en utilisant une méthode espace-écran basée sur une approche à deux échelles, qui est indépendante de la géométrie et qui a un coût bas en stockage. Notre méthode aboutit à une technique intéressante non seulement pour les simulations de vieillissement, mais également en architecture, dans la conception de bâtiments durables et dans l’estimation de la performance énergétique des bâtiments. Ensuite, nous introduisons un modèle global permettant de simuler les changements d’apparence des bâtiments liés aux dépôts de pollution. Ce processus est très visible sur les scènes urbaines et, jusqu’à présent, aucune technique n’a été proposée en utilisant une approche globale (sur une ville entière). Nous proposons ici une technique basée sur la physique considérant que les effets de la pollution dépendent de trois facteurs principaux : l’exposition au vent, à la pluie et au soleil. Cette approche prend en compte trois étapes : le dépôt, la réaction et le lavage. Avec un pré-calcul à bas coût, nous évaluons la distribution de la pollution dans la ville. Puis, par le biais d’opérateurs espace-écran, nous proposons une méthode efficace capable de générer des images réalistes en temps interactifs. De plus, le pré-calcul n’exige qu’une quantité réduite de mémoire pour stocker la carte de pollution et, comme la méthode utilisée est indépendante de la complexité de la scène, elle peut s’adapter à des modèles complexes et de grande taille en ajustant la résolution de la carte. Finalement, afin de mieux appréhender les processus de vieillissement, nous présentons une méthode permettant de prendre en compte l’effet d’écaillage sur les monuments en pierre avec très peu d’interaction de l’utilisateur. / Being able to capture and synthesize realistic materials is an important research topic in Computer Graphics. In order to render realistic images it is not enough to represent materials reliably, but we also need to represent its temporal component. Simulation of weathering effects is the research area that pursues the incorporation of decay to virtual models. After studying the previous work, we have found that there is a lack of estimation methods for some important environmental parameters and a need of global models that consider the interactions of the environmental factors in big scenes. Moreover, we have observed that the improvement of current techniques need to incorporate real effects characteristics to avoid the current disconnection from the real processes. But, this need to be first analyzed and understood. In this thesis, we aim to improve weathering simulation in Computer Graphics in these three fronts. Concerning weathering factors estimation, we first propose to deal with an undervalued factor in weathering literature which is very important in aging processes: the sun. More specifically, we propose an interactive technique that estimates solar exposure on detailed urban scenes. Given a directional exposure map computed over a given time period, we estimate the sky visibility factor that serves to evaluate the final exposure at each visible point. This is done using a screen-space method based on a two-scale approach, which is geometry independent and has low storage costs. Our method results in an interesting technique not only in weathering simulations, but also in architecture, in sustainable building design and in the estimation of buildings’ energy performance. After that, we introduce a global model to simulate the changes of appearance of buildings due to pollution deposition. This process is very noticeable on urban scenes and, so far, no technique has dealt with it using a global approach. We propose a physically-based technique that considers pollution effects to depend on three main factors: wind, rain and sun exposure, and that takes into account three intervening steps: deposition, reaction and washing. With a low-cost pre-computation step, we evaluate the pollution distribution through the city. Based on this distribution and the use of screen-space operators, our method results in an efficient approach that generate realistic images of polluted surfaces at interactive rates. In addition, the pre-computation demands a reduced amount of memory to store the pollution map and, as it is independent from scene complexity, it can suit large and complex models adapting its resolution. Finally, in order to improve the understanding of weathering processes, we present a method to identify and map “scaling” weathering effects on stone monuments with very little user interaction.

Konstmuseum och torg i Uppsala / Art Museum and Square in Uppsala

Romedahl Stjernquist, Johanna January 2014 (has links)
Uppsalas nya konstmuseum har fått sina proportioner från det som redan innan fanns på platsen. Godsmagasinet, en låg avlång tegelbyggnad från 1908, har gett det nya museet dess form. Magasinet och museet sträcker ut sig längs varandra. Mellan dem byggs ett nytt torg på vad som tidigare var en parkeringsplats. I båda ändarna av byggnaderna leder trappor upp till torget som är upphöjt en bit ovanför trotoaren, i samma höjd som godsmagasinets gamla lastkaj. Idag inrymmer magasinet ett kafé, två butiker och en jazzklubb. Platsen ligger lite avsides men genomkorsas varje dag av människor som ska till och från Uppsalas centralstation och till den nybyggda konsert- och kongressbyggnaden. Konstmuseet och det nya torget interagerar med dessa rörelser. Torget befolkas vid olika tider på dygnet tack vare variationen av verksamheter. Entrén till museet ligger på torget. Denna södervända fasad är i stort sett sluten bortsett från en rad av djupa öppningar i marknivå. Det är fönster som leder in till museets entré. Öppningarna omgärdas av fönsterluckor, eller portar, i mässing som reflekterar soljuset mot den skuggiga delen av torget. / The art museum is located near the central train station in Uppsala, next to an old cargo warehouse. The warehouse was built in 1908 and is constructed out of bricks and a wooden framework that holds up the roof. Today it houses a popular jazz club, a café and two gift stores. My addition consists of the art museum that is of exactly the same length as the warehouse, and a square between the two buildings that is elevated 1.2 m above the street level, the same height as the old loading dock of the warehouse. The museum is reached from the square. The entrances are framed by brass gates that reflect the sun light to the shaded side of the square. The façade is cladded in Bed Roach Portland stone, a material that makes a heavy and strict appearance. It is also a material that reacts to weather and pollution (weathering).

Reconstruction of paleoclimate and loess provenance during the last glacial in Jersey using XRF analysis / Rekonstruktion av paleoklimat och ursprung av lössjord under den senaste glacialen i Jersey med XRF-analys

Persson, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
With our changing climate it becomes more vital to understand the processes that control climate change in order to better understand possible future shifts. By doing this, predictions can be made about future climates and better prepare us for them. Loess, a silt-sized aeolian sediment, makes up an important climate record of the Quaternary and can therefore be used to reconstruct past climate changes. Loess deposits can be found on the Channel Island Jersey, next to the North Atlantic where several major climate shifts occurred during the last glacial period. During warmer climate periods the sediment starts to undergo chemical weathering. This causes the parental materials elemental composition to change where some elements become enriched, and others are diminished. This project aims to understand how the climate changed during the late Quaternary on Jersey, as well as determining if there has been a change in the loess provenance, through analysis of the elemental composition of loess. Loess at La Motte on Jersey will be analysed using XRF (X-ray fluorescence), allowing constraint of its elemental composition. The elemental composition will be used to analyse how much the sediment has weathered, and in turn to infer what the climate was like during deposition. To do so, 79 samples from La Motte were dried, sieved, milled, and analysed with XRF. Weathering indexes such as CIW, CIA, CPA, PIA, and Index B are used to be able to constrain the weathering rates in the loess, as well as other ratios like Rb/Sr and Ba/Sr. Ratios of immobile elements Ti/Zr and Ti/Al are used to investigate loess provenance. The results indicate a stable climate in the oldest parts of the sequence, that gradually get colder and dryer, indicated by decreased weathering. Weathering rates then starts to increase meaning that the climate became warmer and wetter. The top part of the stratigraphy has likely been altered by humans and can therefore not be used to make assumptions regarding climate. As for the provenance of loess, many fluctuations occurred, indicating many changes in source which could be caused by several factors such as wind direction and melting of ice sheets causing sediment to be released. / Med klimatförändringarna som sker blir det allt viktigare att förstå processerna som kontrollerar klimatet för att bättre kunna förstå framtida förändringar. Genom att göra detta kan förutsägelser om framtidens klimat göras vilket kan bättre förbereda oss för dem. Lössjord, ett eoliskt sediment av silt storlek, utgör ett viktigt klimatregister för tidsperioden kvartär och kan därför användas för att rekonstruera tidigare klimatförändingar. Lager av lössjordar kan hittas på kanalön Jersey, bredvid Nordatlanten där flera förändringar i klimatet skedde under den senaste istiden. Under varmare perioder börjar sedimenten att genomgå kemisk vittring. Detta får föräldramaterialets elementära sammansättning att förändras då vissa element blir berikade och andra minskar. Detta projekt syftar till att förstå hur klimatet förändrades under sen kvartär på Jersey, såväl som att undersöka om det har skett en förändring av ursprunget till lössjordarna. Lössjordarna från La Motte på Jersey kommer att analyseras med XRF (X-ray fluorescens) vilket gör det möjligt att undersöka dess elementära sammansättining. Elementärsammansättningen kommer användas för att analysera hur mycket sedimentet har vittrat eftersom detta kommer att indikera hur klimatet var under tiden då det ansamlades. För att göra detta togs 79 prover från La Motte, Jersey som sedan blev torkade, silade, pulveriserade och analyserade med XRF. Vittringsindex såsom CIW, CIA, CPA, PIA och Index B används för att förstå hur vittringsintensiteten var vid deposition, tillsammans med andra vittringsförhållanden såsom Rb/Sr och Ba/Sr. Förhållandena mellan de orörliga ämnena Ti/Zr och Ti/Al används för att ta reda på lössjordarnas ursprung. Resultaten indikerar ett stabilt klimat i de äldsta delarna av sekvensen som sedan gradvis blir kallare och torrare, indikerad av minskad vittring. Vittringshastigheten börjar sedan att öka vilket innebär att klimatet blir varmare och våtare. Lagren högst upp i stratigrafin har troligen blivit förändrade av människor och kan därför inte användas för att dra slutsatser om klimatet. När det kommer till ursprunget av lössjordarna sker många fluktuationer, vilket indikerar många förändringar av ursprung, vilket skulle kunna orsakas av flera olika faktorer som vindriktining and smältning av istäcken som får sediment att frigöras.

Weathering At Work: Narratives of African American Women's Perception of Procedural Justice Relative to Diversity Management Practices in Healthcare Companies

Carroll, Sherry, 0000-0002-4287-5783 January 2022 (has links)
Employees are observant to their employers' policies and practices, which can reveal a lot about an organization's commitment to procedural justice. According to Judge & Colquitt (2004), perceived procedural justice, in particular, appears to have a considerable effect on chronic stress. Chronic stress, on the other hand, can have a negative effect on one’s wellbeing (Geronimus et al., 2006). Despite this, little research on African American women’s perception of procedural justice in relation to diversity management practices has been conducted. Using a qualitative interpretative phenomenological approach, I examined African American women’s lived experiences in healthcare companies in relation to diversity management practices under a procedural justice framework to investigate if weathering is exhibited within healthcare companies. Weathering recognizes that “the cumulative health and stress disparities that African American women experience throughout their lives result in negative health outcomes” (Warren-Findlow, 2006, p. 221). Two studies were performed. Study Two was designed to replicate, validate, or bring different perspectives to Study One's findings. Its findings were consistent with those of Study One, suggesting that the weathering concept is exhibited within healthcare companies. These findings may encourage healthcare organizations to delve deeper into the origins of health disparities impacting African American female employees and members. Furthermore, the findings of this investigation advocate for research to be broadened beyond the societal level to include the experiences of African American women working in other organizations. / Business Administration/Interdisciplinary

Bio-enhanced silicate weathering : Coupled to sequestration of CO2

Westholm, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
Weathering of silicate minerals has long been a known source of natural CO2 sequestration, that could be increased in the presence of microorganisms. Bio-enhanced weathering of silicate minerals could increase the sequestration of CO2 from the atmosphere.   The aim of this project was to evaluate the potential for a new Neutral emission technology (NET), using four different organisms, Aspergillus Niger, Knufia Petricola, Bacillus Subtilis and Cupriavidus Metallidurans and their potential to increase olivine weathering (dunite). Straw, manure and digestate was used as carbon sources. In total 9 biotic - and 9 abioitc reactors were made, containing a mixture of dunite and one of the three carbon sources. In total 250 mL of water was added to each reactor per week, for 6 weeks, and collected at the end of the week for analysis. Geochemical analyses of the leachate were performed, including pH, conductivity, alkalinity, total organic carbon (TOC), total inorganic carbon (TIC), cations, anions and three organic acids: citrate, acetate, and oxalate. Scanning emission microscope (SEM) was used to monitor potential differences pre- and post-treatment.   Straw reactors produced the most growth, both on the carbon source and the dunite grains. Likely due to the increased labile organic carbon concentrations. The total inorganic carbon and alkalinity demonstrated that inoculation of the reactors promoted weathering for all carbon sources, most significantly for the straw reactors. This observation was evidenced by etch pits in the SEM images and higher TIC, alkalinity, and magnesium values. Microbially enhanced silicate weathering has demonstrated it could be used for the development of NETs for the sequestration of atmospheric carbon. / BAM!

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