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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Webová aplikace využívající vícefaktorovou autentizaci / Web application utilizing multi-factor authentication

Humpolík, Jan January 2013 (has links)
In the thesis are described and implemented 5 methods (some with their own proposal) of multifactor authentication in web application environment. The results of the work is the web application and individual authentication methods (which are attached separately) for use in your own web application.

Vzdáleně řízený termostat / Remotely controlled thermostat

Závodný, Vilém January 2014 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to understand the manufactured thermostats and design own thermostat to allow the most basic possibilities classical thermostats plus setup and management via web interface. It is a realization of a small web server that works closely with hardware peripherals. In addition, the web interface is still possible to manage a Web server of TFT LCD screen or applications for smart phone with Android. In addition, the thermostat allows the temperature reading from the BLE modules. All temperatures are continuously stored in a database and graphically processed.

Datalogger s rozhraním Ethernet / Datalogger with Ethernet

Orávik, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Thesis deals with Datalogger with Ethernet interface controlled by DISCOVERY Kit STM32F429. Datalogger is equipped with eight digital inputs and three analogue inputs. The measured data are saved on the SD card. The Ethernet interface module is designed using LAN8720A from Microchip.

Automatické ovládání měřicích přístrojů pomocí webového rozhraní / Automation control of measurement setups by web interface

Živný, Jaroslav January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis describes issues of measurement workplaces with accent at automatic control of them over web interface. The interfaces, which allow us to control measurement devices, are one by one described. Additionally there are described technologies which were used for realization of web application, as ASP.NET, AJAX, AngularJS, and relation databases. Last but not least there is described solution of web application which allows to users to do automation measurements from anywhere by web browser.

Analýza a návrh elektronického obchodu / Analysis and Design of Electronic Commerce

Stránský, David January 2013 (has links)
This master's thesis focuses on the analysis, design and implementation of Electronic Commerce. The first part is devoted to Internet marketing, search engine optimization and modeling of Electronic Commerce from a theoretical point of view. The analytical part focuses on the description of the common e-commerce functionalities and meeting with some available solutions and steps for its implementation. There will be designed and implemented model of E-commerce based on theoretical and analytical knowledge. This model will serve as the basic part for future application, which fits specific customer's needs.

Performance evaluation of Raspberry pi 3B as a web server : Evaluating the performance of Raspberry pi 3B as a web server using nginx and apache2

Basha, Israel Tekahun, Istifanos, Meron January 2020 (has links)
Context. During the usage of a product, evaluating its performance quality is a crucial procedure. Web servers are one of the most used technological products in today’s modern world[1]. Thus, in this thesis we will evaluate and compare the performances of two web servers. The servers that are tested in the experiment are a raspberry pi 3B and a personal HP laptop. Objectives. The main objective of the study is to evaluate the performance of a raspberry pi 3B as a web server. In order to give a clearer image of how the raspberry pi performs, the laptop will also be evaluated and its performance will be used as a contrast during the study. Realization. To fulfill our objective, an experiment was conducted with the help of a performance testing tool called apache bench. To provide comprehensive performance results, the served content and the server software were altered throughout the experiment. The number of simulated users sending the requests were also altered. Results. The results were gathered by sending more than 1000 HTTP-requests to the two servers that served static and dynamic websites. The number of served requests per second and the CPU consumption of the servers were the recorded results. The raspberry pi exhibited response times as high as 1164 requests per second and CPU consumption that varied between ≈6% and ≈40%. In comparison to the laptop, on one occasion it exhibited a better processor utilization serving HTTPrequests of one user. Conclusions. Regardless of the used server software, although the laptop was slightly performing better, the raspberry pi had a closer response time in comparison to the laptop when both of them were serving a static website. On the contrary, when both were serving dynamic content the raspberry pi had a very low response time in the comparison. Out of the two used server software, nginx gave it a better CPU consumption in contrast to the laptop that had a better processor. That is irrespective of the served content type.

Compiling SDL Multiplayer Games to WebAssembly with Emscripten for use in Web Browsers / Kompilera SDL multiplayer spel till WebAssembly med Emscripten för användning i webbläsare

Falkmer, Oscar, Norrman, Martin January 2022 (has links)
Collecting and deploying online games made by inexperienced developers can behard. This is something KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) has a problem withpertaining to a course involving SDL and SDL_Net programming. A good solutionto this problem is to host these games on a website. An easy-to-use way of compilingand deploying multiplayer games and game-servers written in C as web applicationsand web servers was needed. Specifically for games written in C using SDL andSDL_net libraries. The compiler toolchain Emscripten was used to compile gameand server code from C to WebAssembly, that could then be used through the generated JavaScript functions. Communication between the client and the server washandled by WebSockets. As much of the Emscripten specific functions were to behidden behind C libraries, emulating the format of SDL_Net. The finished solutionsthat emulated the format of SDL_Net, consisted of two new libraries, one for theserver and the other for the client. The libraries successfully emulated the TCP partsof SDL_Net library. The browsers event scheduler necessitates applications to beable to return control back to it. This meant that the game codes endlessly loopingfunctions had to be rewritten to enable rendering in the browser. / Det kan vara svårt att samla in och distribuera onlinespel gjorda av oerfarnautvecklare. Detta är något som KTH (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan) har problemmed i en kurs som involverar SDL och SDL_Net programmering. En bra lösning pådetta problem är att köra dessa spel på en webbsida. Ett lättanvänt sätt att kompileraoch distribuera multiplayer-spel och spelservrar skrivna i C till webbapplikationeroch webbservrar behövdes. Specifikt för spel skrivna i C med SDL och SDL_netbiblioteken. Kompileringsverktyget Emscripten användes för att kompilera spel- ochserverkod från C till WebAssembly, som sedan kunde användas genom degenererade JavaScript-funktionerna. Kommunikationen mellan klienten ochservern sköttes av WebSockets. I största möjliga mån skulle Emscripten specifikafunktioner döljas bakom C-bibliotek som emulerade formatet av SDL_Net. Defärdiga lösningarna som emulerar formatet av SDL_Net bestod av två nya bibliotek,ett för servern och det andra för klienten. De emulerade framgångsrikt TCP-delarnaav SDL_Net biblioteket. Webbläsarens händelseschemaläggare kräver attapplikationer har möjligheten att återge kontroll till den. Detta gjorde att spelkodensoändligt loopande funktioner behövdes skrivas om för att kunna rendera i webbläsaren.

Design and Implementation of Energy Usage Monitoring and Control Systems Using Modular IIOT Framework

Chheta, Monil Vallabhbhai 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This project aims to develop a cloud-based platform that integrates sensors with business intelligence for real-time energy management at the plant level. It provides facility managers, an energy management platform that allows them to monitor equipment and plant-level energy consumption remotely, receive a warning, identify energy loss due to malfunction, present options with quantifiable effects for decision-making, and take actions, and assess the outcomes. The objectives consist of: 1. Developing a generic platform for the monitoring energy consumption of industrial equipment using sensors 2. Control the connected equipment using an actuator 3. Integrating hardware, cloud, and application algorithms into the platform 4. Validating the system using an Energy Consumption Forecast scenario A Demo station was created for testing the system. The demo station consists of equip- ment such as air compressor, motor and light bulb. The current usage of these equipment is measured using current sensors. Apart from current sensors, temperature sensor, pres- sure sensor and CO2 sensor were also used. Current consumption of these equipment was measured over a couple of days. The control system was tested randomly by turning on equipment at random times. Turning on the equipment resulted in current consumption which ensured that the system is running. Thus, the system worked as expected and user could monitor and control the connected equipment remotely.

Desarrollo de un sistema de estetoscopio digital para apoyo en consultas de telemedicina mediante transmisión GSM e internet / Development of a digital stethoscope system to support telemedicine consultations through gsm and internet transmission

Cook Del Águila, Fitzgerald, García Muro, Franco Marcelo 09 December 2021 (has links)
La presente tesis propone el desarrollo de un sistema prototipo de estetoscopio digital para ser usado en consultas médicas remotas, utilizando transmisión por la red celular (GSM) e Internet, con la finalidad de brindarle a los profesionales en la salud una herramienta con la cual puedan seguir realizando sus consultas cotidianas evitando el contacto directo con el paciente, por ende, previniendo el contagio de una enfermedad infecciosa. Por ello, el presente trabajo se divide en tres partes: la adquisición y transmisión de las señales de auscultación, el servidor Web y el software de control. El primer paso que se debe realizar es la adquisición de la señal acústica proporcionada por el estetoscopio. Las señales ingresan al controlador para su grabación y ser transmitidas vía Internet al servidor Web. Además, previo a la grabación de las señales, el médico, utilizando el software de control, podrá escuchar la señal acústica en tiempo real mediante una llamada a celular para indicar al paciente la correcta posición del estetoscopio. En el servidor se encuentran las grabaciones ordenadas en carpetas con los datos del paciente, dichos archivos son descargables y reproducibles. El método de validación se realizó con una encuesta y pruebas del prototipo con diferentes médicos. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que el prototipo brinda una buena calidad de los sonidos auscultados, siendo así útil para poder realizar un diagnóstico preliminar certero de manera remota. / The present thesis proposes the development of a digital stethoscope prototype system to be used in remote medical attentions using the celular network transmittion (GSM) and Internet, in order to provide to health professionals a tool which they can keep making their attentions avoiding physical contact with the patient. Thus, preventing the spread of an infectious disease. Therefore, the present work is divided in three parts: the acquisition and transmisión of auscultation signals, the Web server and the software. The first step to take is the acoustic signal acquisition provided by stethoscope. Signals enter the controller for recording and transmitted via Internet to Web server. Also, prior to recording the signals, the doctor, using the software, can hear the eliminate signals in real time using the call in order to indicate the correct position of stethoscope to patient. The recordings are stored on the Web server arranged in folders with data patient, the files are downloadable and playable. The validation method was performed using an inquest and testing prototype with different doctors. The results obtained showed that prototype provides a good quality of auscultated sounds, thus being useful to be able to carry out an accurate preliminary diagnosis remotely. / Tesis

Integrering av glukosmätare med molntjänst för hemmonitorering / Integration of Glucose Meter with Cloud Service for Remote Patient Monitoring

Karoumi, Daniel, Luong, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
Under detta examensarbete har en lösning framtagits som underlättar distansmonitorering av patienter. Då olika medicinska produkter skickar data till sina egna plattformar blir det krångligt för både patienten och vårdgivaren att ta fram och hålla koll på alla vitalparametrar som tas. Därför har en gemensam plattform, LinkWatch, utvecklats. Idag kan flera vitalparametrar mätas och ses i plattformen. En säker och effektiv dataöverföring mellan en blodsockermätare och LinkWatchs webbserver har gjorts för att utöka funktionaliteten på LinkWatch. Målet med projektet var att integrera en blodsockermätare med LinkWatch. Arbetet har utförts i programmeringsspråken Kotlin och Swift. För att få kunskap om dataöverföringen söktes information om bland annat standarden FHIR, Bluetooth Low Energy samt tidigare arbeten. Resultatet av arbetet är två applikationer, en för iOS och en för Android. Mobilapplikationerna kan koppla sig till blodsockermätaren via Bluetooth, överföra dess värden till mobilen samt skicka dessa till LinkWatchs webbserver. Applikationerna har enkla användargränssnitt och enkla layouter för att underlätta patientens användning av applikationerna. Använder patienten LinkWatch, kan patienten se sitt blodsockervärde tillsammans med andra vitalparametrar och på så sätt få en bra överblick över sin hälsa. Projektet är positivt för diabetiker och andra som är intresserade av hälsa. Tack vare den användarvänliga plattformen och mångsidigheten av LinkWatch, kan användare enklare kunna hålla koll på sitt blodsockervärde och göra livsviktiga åtgärder vid uppkomst av symtom. Vidare kan även vårdgivare ta del av information som LinkWatch lämnar ut för att exempelvis se trender i patientens blodsockervärden. Fördelarna med att dela data med vårdgivaren är bland annat reducerade kostnader och ökad trygghet hos patienterna. / During this project, a solution has been developed that promotes remote patient monitoring. As different medical products send data to their own platforms, it becomes troublesome for both the patient and the care provider to take and keep track of all the vital parameters. Hence a common platform, LinkWatch, has been developed. LinkWatch is a platform where all the patient's medical signs can be seen. To increase the functionality of LinkWatch, a secure and efficient data transfer between a blood glucose meter and LinkWatch’s web server has been established. The goal of this project was to integrate a blood glucose meter with LinkWatch. The programming languages Kotlin and Swift were used to develop the mobile applications. To gain knowledge about the data transfer, research was done to obtain information about the FHIR standard, Bluetooth Low Energy and previous work in the field. The results of the project are two applications, one for iOS and one for Android. The mobile applications can connect to the blood glucose meter with Bluetooth, transfer its values to the mobile phone and send these to LinkWatch’s web server. When the records are in LinkWatch’s system, the patient is able to see their glucose levels along with other vital parameters. This project will have a major impact on patients with diabetes and others who are interested in health. Thanks to the user-friendly platform and the flexibility of LinkWatch, users of the application will be able to more easily keep track of their blood sugar value and take early action in the event of symptoms. Furthermore, health care providers can also take part in information that LinkWatch will provide, for example see trends in the patient's blood sugar values. The benefits with sharing data with the health care providers are cost reductions and increased patient satisfaction.

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