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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plataforma web de enseñanza para universitarios. UGet / Web platform for university student's teaching

La Rosa Peña, Vanesa Liset, Meoño Santivañez, Luis Renato, Rodríguez Saavedra, Carlos Andres, Viacava Mazuelos, Náyade del Carmen 28 September 2019 (has links)
Los alumnos universitarios buscan métodos alternativos para prepararse para sus exámenes, la primera opción que presentan es, la mayoría de las veces, consultar a un amigo. Asimismo, hay una oferta limitada, pero creciente, de personas que quieren ser tutores de alumnos para generar ingresos ofreciendo sus conocimientos. Nuestra plataforma llamada “uGet” logra juntar a estos dos grupos de personas y generar valor para ambos. Usamos herramientas digitales gratuitas y conocidas en el mundo educativo como todas las aplicaciones de Google Suite y Skype logrando minimizar costos y facilitando la navegación de los usuarios al brindar el servicio. Los alumnos pueden comprar nuestros (1) materiales de estudio, (2) videoclases, y (3) reservar clases con los tutores. Para ello deben comprar COINS mediante transferencias de dinero a nuestros canales de pago. Dichas monedas son asignadas, acumuladas y descargadas dependiendo de las compras. La escalabilidad de este modelo de negocio se sostiene en el supuesto de que los alumnos de las principales universidades del Perú están familiarizados con las herramientas que utilizamos, la metodología de evaluación es por exámenes o pruebas que se dan varias veces durante el año y que nuestro potencial de abarcar este mercado está limitado en la automatización de procesos. Finalmente, se obtienen resultados positivos en el tercer año de operación proyectado. / University students look for alternative methods to prepare for their exams, the first option they present is, most of the time, to consult a friend. Also, there is a limited, but growing, number of people who want to be tutors of students to generate income by offering their knowledge. Our platform called "uGet" manages to bring together these two groups of people and generate value for both. We use free and well-known digital tools in the educational world like all Google Suite and Skype apps, managing to minimize costs and facilitating user navigation when providing the service. Students can buy our (1) study materials, (2) video classes, and (3) book classes with tutors. To do this they must buy COINS through money transfers to our payment channels. These coins are assigned, accumulated and discharged depending on the purchases. The scalability of this business model assumes that the students of the main universities of Peru are familiar with the tools we use; the evaluation methodology is by exams or tests that are given several times during the year and that our potential to encompass this market is limited in process automation. Finally, positive results are obtained in the third year of projected operation. / Trabajo de investigación

A platform for third-party applications on the web

Abrahamsson, Marcus January 2013 (has links)
A trend seen on the web today is to create a platform where externally developed applications can run inside some kind of main application. This is often done by providing an API to access data and business logic of your service and a sandbox environment in which third-party applications can run. By providing this, it is made possible for external developers to come up with new ideas based on your service. Some good examples on this are Spotify Apps, Apps on Facebook and SalesForce.com. Ipendo Systems AB is a company that develops a web platform for intellectual properties. Currently most things on this platform are developed by developers at Ipendo Systems AB. Some interest has though risen to enable external developers to create applications that will in some way run inside the main platform. In this thesis an analysis of already existing solutions has been done. These solutions were Spotify Apps and Apps on Facebook. The two have different approaches on how to enable third-party applications to run inside their own service. Facebook’s solution builds mainly on iframe embedded web pages where data access is provided through a web API. Spotify on the other hand hosts the third-party applications themselves but the applications may only consist of HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. In addition to the analysis a prototype was developed. The purpose of the prototype was to show possible ways to enable third-party applications to run inside your own service. Two solutions showing this were developed. The first one was based on Facebook’s approach with iframing of external web pages. The second was a slightly modified version of Spotify’s solution with only client-side code hosted by the main application. To safely embed the client side code in the main application a sandboxing tool for JavaScript called Caja was used. Of the two versions implemented in the prototype was the Iframe solution considered more ready to be utilized in a production environment than Caja. Caja could be seen as an interesting technique for the future but might not be ready to use today. The reason behind this conclusion was that Caja decreased the performance of the written JavaScript as well as adding complexity while developing the third-party applications.

Plataforma digital oficios Perú / Digital Platform Oficios Peru

Soto Vasquez, Adrian Nicolas, Chirinos Zevallos, Diego Martin, Lujan Rojas, Nathaly Gladys, Salcedo Janampa, German Salvador 11 July 2020 (has links)
Diversos ciudadanos de Lima tienen adversidades en los servicios básicos del hogar. Problemas comunes como el atoro de inodoros, una volada de fusible e inclusive daño que imposibilite realizar su vida de manera cotidiana. Así mismo, hay muchos trabajadores informales que pueden dar solución a estos problemas. Las cuales son personas que viven del día a día, y mientras más trabajo tenga, mejor calidad de vida podría alcanzar. Por ello, el objetivo de nuestro proyecto es conectar a estos dos segmentos, a través de una plataforma web, donde podrán encontrar personal capacitado para lo que se requiera. Los proveedores del servicio decidirán entre dos tipos de suscripciones mensuales; y por el lado de los clientes, pagarán una tarifa plana para la revisión de sus problemas. Se tiene la convicción de la viabilidad de este proyecto, basados en los resultados de la investigación de mercado, focus group, entrevistas a expertos y resultados del concierge. / Many citizens of Lima have adversities with the home basic services. These can get stuck, spoiled, even completely broken. And, on the other side, many informal workers that can give solutions to these problems. Which are people that lives up to a daily income; as much work they can make, they can achieve a better life quality. For that reason, this project intends to connect these two segments, through a web platform, where they can find the qualified technician it is needed. The providers of this service will choose between two option of subscription; meanwhile, the clients will pay a flat rate for the inspection of their problem. The team has the belief of the viability of this project, based on the results of the market investigation, focus group, interviews to experts and the concierge. / Trabajo de investigación

Proyecto de Directorio de Abogados Online: Vínculo Legal

Angeles Tapia, Alvaro Arturo, Becerra Ñacari , Rony Renzo, Guevara Sandoval , Jenny Valeria, Hermitaño Cabrera, Milagros Liliana, Martínez Huamaní, Ana Belén 06 November 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación está basado en la implementación y desarrollo de un negocio a modo de emprendimiento con un gran potencial de escalabilidad, innovación y crecimiento, apoyándonos en modelos de negocio que aprovechan las nuevas tendencias y tecnologías disponibles para la realización de una idea. Nosotros elegimos el desarrollo de una plataforma web, de modo que esta funcione como un servicio de directorio de abogados en línea. Esta plataforma fue desarrollada con el fin de beneficiar a los estudios de abogados, abogados y practicantes de la carrera de derecho que cuenten con dificultades de conseguir nuevos clientes. Por otro lado, también pensamos en las personas que tienen problemas al momento de contactar a un abogado especializado o que necesiten una asesoría legal económica. Este trabajo presenta los fundamentos primarios de investigación, validaciones de todo el modelo de negocio planteado para probar que la idea es factible, los resultados de las ventas realizadas por medio de canales seleccionados, plan operativo propuesto, los planes de recursos humanos, marketing y responsabilidad social corporativa, así también como el plan financiero para poder hacer realidad esta idea de negocios y las conclusiones finales del mismo. / This research work is based on the implementation and development of a business like an entrepreneurship with great potential of scalability, innovation and growth, based on business models that take advantage of the new trends and technologies available for the realization of an idea. We choose the development of a web platform which works as an online lawyer directory service. This platform was developed in order to benefit the studies of lawyers, lawyers and practitioners of the law career who have difficulties for getting new clients. On the other hand, we also think in people who have problems for contacting a specialized lawyer or need economic legal advice. This paper presents the primary fundamentals of research, validations of the entire business model raised to prove that the idea is feasible, the results of sales made through selected channels, proposed operational plan, human resources, marketing and the corporate social responsibility plan, as well as the financial plan to realize this business idea and the final conclusions. / Trabajo de investigación

A Unified Resource Platform for the Rapid Development of Scalable Web Applications

Palmiter, Russell 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents Web Utility Kit (WUT): a platform that helps to simplify the process of creating modern web applications. It addresses the need to simplify the web development process through the creation of a hosted service that provides access to a unified set of resources. The resources are made available through a variety of protocols and formats to help simplify their consumption. It also provides a uniform model across all of its resources making multi-resource development an easier and more familiar task. WUT saves the time and cost associated with deployment, maintenance, and hosting of the hardware and software in which resources depend. It has a relatively low overhead averaging 123 ms per request and has been shown capable of linear scaling with each application server capable of handling 120+ requests per minute. This important property of being able to seamlessly scale to developer's needs helps to eliminate the expensive scaling process. Initial users of the platform have found it to be extremely easy to use and have paved the way for future developments.

STRATEGIC CHALLENGES OF MULTI-SIDED INTERNET START-UPS / Strategické výzvy multi-stranných internetových start-upů

Mucha, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The theory of this thesis focuses on particulars of multi-sided platform businesses with special emphasis put on early stage start-ups. The goal is to capture crucial findings and fuse them together to point out specifics which apply only for start-ups that are developed in form of multi-sided platform business. This thesis should provide guidance to all entrepreneurs considering such new business formations. It aims at showing them the most important points leading to positive value creation in multi-sided platform businesses. Specifically, it explains the strategic points hidden behind pricing and network effects utilization. At the same time it depicts what are the unnecessary distractions which just destroy attention and consume time and effort. Consequently, these findings are tested on practical example, where real start-up is modelled using this theoretical framework. Such real application points out strong and weak points. Consequently, the optimal framework is derived based on prior findings. The main suggestions point out what should be examined further by the theory and where the research captured enough knowledge.

Plataforma web de rifas online: Rifus

Alba Begazo, Nadia Alejandra, Barrios Pérez, Santiago Alonzo, Blanco Angeles, Olga Alexandra, Ganoza Ruiz, Angela Maria, Huamantupa Velasco , Cristian Noe 28 October 2019 (has links)
En la actualidad los consumidores enfrentan problemáticas al adquirir un bien o servicio, ya sea por problemas con la disponibilidad de dinero, tiempo o algún otro tipo de limitante. Asimismo, al enfocar esta escena en el panorama digital, las variables antes descritas se mantienen, añadiendo la desconfianza a la lista. Por tal motivo, este trabajo de investigación plantea una nueva forma de adquirir bienes y servicios, de una manera novedosa que pretende eliminar las negativas mencionadas anteriormente. Esta iniciativa será llevada cabo mediante la implementación de una plataforma llamada Rifus que digitalice, casi en su totalidad, el proceso de venta de rifas. Esta se llevará a cabo mediante la adquisición de productos llamativos para el público en general y se venderá una cantidad previamente establecida de tickets virtuales para que el usuario pueda participar por ganar el producto de su agrado. Para poder conocer los atributos que el usuario valora al actuar en este entorno se realizaron investigaciones que permitieron moldear Rifus de acuerdo con lo que los usuarios consideraban pertinente. Algunas de estas fueron las motivaciones que tienen los usuarios para participar en ese tipo de sorteos, los productos por los que prefieren participar, entre otros. Finalmente, para poder conocer la viabilidad de Rifus se utilizaron diferentes indicadores financieros como el VAN y la TIR que respaldan que es rentable. Asimismo, mediante las encuestas ya mencionadas se pudo conocer la opinión de los entrevistados sobre el proyecto y se validó que la propuesta de valor es de su agrado. / Currently, people suffer from problems when they want to acquire a good or service, whether due to problems with the availability of money, time or some other type of limitation. Also, by focusing this scene on the digital landscape, the variables described above could be added, adding distrust to the list. For this reason, this research paper proposes a new way of acquiring goods and services, in a novel way that aims to eliminate the previously required refusals. This initiative will be carried out by implementing a website called Rifus that digitizes, almost entirely, the raffle sale process. This initiative will be carried out by acquiring flashy products for the general public and a previously established amount of virtual tickets will be sold so that the user can participate to win the product of their choice. In order to know the attributes that the user values in acting in this environment, research that allows Rifus to be molded according to what users consider relevant is investigated. Some of these were the motivations that users have to participate in this type of society, the products for which they prefer to participate, among others. Finally, in order to know the viability of Rifus, different financial indicators will be used, such as the NPV and the IRR that support that it is profitable. In the same way, through the surveys and the results, the opinion of the interviewees on the business model was known and the value proposal was endorsed by them. / Trabajo de investigación


Chirinos Zevallos, Diego Martin, Lujan Rojas, Nathaly Gladys, Salcedo Janampa, German Salvador, Soto Vasquez, Adrian Nicolas 31 July 2020 (has links)
Diversos ciudadanos de Lima tienen adversidades en los servicios básicos del hogar. Problemas comunes como el atoro de inodoros, una volada de fusible e inclusive daño que imposibilite realizar su vida de manera cotidiana. Así mismo, hay muchos trabajadores informales que pueden dar solución a estos problemas. Las cuales son personas que viven del día a día, y mientras más trabajo tenga, mejor calidad de vida podría alcanzar. Por ello, el objetivo de nuestro proyecto es conectar a estos dos segmentos, a través de una plataforma web, donde podrán encontrar personal capacitado para lo que se requiera. Los proveedores del servicio decidirán entre dos tipos de suscripciones mensuales / y por el lado de los clientes, pagarán una tarifa plana para la revisión de sus problemas. Se tiene la convicción de la viabilidad de este proyecto, basados en los resultados de la investigación de mercado, focus group, entrevistas a expertos y resultados del concierge.

Proyecto Metro Cuadrado / square meter project

García Benites, Fiorella Alexandra, Johns Arbulú, Andrew Joe, Mangiante Arriola, Antonella Milagros, Murga Díaz, Christel Melissa, Nigro Mansilla, Alberto Gustavo 06 July 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto es una plataforma web dedicada a facilitar el alquiler de espacios temporales para determinados eventos. Los propietarios de los inmuebles y los clientes son nuestros dos segmentos de clientes, en base a la investigación realizada son principalmente de Lima Moderna y provenientes del NSE “A” y “B”, ya que estos segmentos demandan un mayor número de espacios. Asimismo, se identificó que los usuarios tienen cada vez menos tiempo para acudir al local y desean que todo el proceso de alquiler sea virtual. Por ello, optan por realizar la búsqueda virtual a través de diversas plataformas web y redes sociales. En base a la tendencia de los negocios digitales se decidió desarrollar Metro Cuadrado con el fin de solucionar el problema identificado, mediante la creación de una plataforma web que conecte personas para el alquiler de espacios específicos. El proyecto mostrará los diversos espacios disponibles para alquiler en 3 categorías: terrazas, matrimonios/fiestas y conferencias/seminarios. Para poner en marcha este proyecto se hizo un análisis de la industria: consumidor, competidores y otros factores externos. Como resultado, luego de una inversión inicial de 15,249.49 soles; el proyecto genera flujos de efectivo positivos desde el segundo año, con una utilidad neta de S/ 32,107.23 y una rentabilidad de 18% para el tercer año. En base a los datos obtenidos vemos a Metro Cuadrado como una idea de negocio rentable y escalable con un valor de S/ 164,770 y un periodo de recuperación de la inversión de un año y ocho meses. / This assignment is about the development of an E-commerce platform dedicated to facilitating rental services for three categories: Weddings and parties, business conferences and rooftops. For this business opportunity we have two types of clients: The Property owners and the clients interested in renting the spaces mentioned above. Conducting an investigation, we discovered that our target of clients are mainly from “Lima Moderna” and belong to the socioeconomic levels “A” and “B”. We also identified that these clients don’t have much free time to visit every space they would like to rent and that’s why they prefer to find these type of services online but maintaining the security and the quality of the process. Therefore, they choose to purchase products and services through various E-Commerce platforms and social networks. Based on the digital startups trend, we decided to develop “Metro Cuadrado” in order to solve the identified problem, which is the lack of flexibility of renting a space for a certain amount of time. By creating this platform, we give clients the opportunity to connect with specific spaces instantly and at the same time create another source of income for the owners. For the launch of this project, the following analysis was made: consumer habits and lifestyles, competitors and other external factors. In addition, we developed strategies which contain the necessary steps to be made for the viability of this project. As a result, after an initial investment of 15,249.49 soles; the project generates a positive cash flow on the second year, with an Net Profit of S/ 32,107 and a net margin of 18% for the third year. Based on the data obtained, we see “Metro Cuadrado” as a profitable and scalable business idea with a value of S/ 164,770 and a payback period of one year and eight months. / Trabajo de investigación

Proyecto Raymi / Raymi Project

Solari Monzón, Sergio Renato, Adriazola Dupont, Allison, Romero Portilla, Rodrigo Frank, Grisales Díaz, Daniel, Valdivia Vassallo, Fiorella Luciana 25 February 2020 (has links)
En la presente investigación, se confirmó la viabilidad de la creación de una plataforma web “RAYMI” en la que todas las personas naturales y empresas tendrían a su alcance todo tipo de proveedores para diferentes clases de eventos. Tras la creación de la página web la dividimos en las siguientes categorías: Estructuras, Diversión, Audiovisual, Música, Matrimonios y Catering. De esta manera, se facilita su uso y búsqueda de los diferentes proveedores a todos nuestros consumidores de Lima metropolitana, sector urbano, dirigido a todos los distritos de nivel socioeconómico A y B. Así mismo, se pudo verificar en el proyecto que las personas cuentan con una incertidumbre al momento de tener que buscar un proveedor, ya que en la mayoría de casos requieren una mezcla de un buen precio, buena calidad y confiabilidad del servicio. La mayoría de nuestros consumidores suelen buscar referidos de proveedores con sus conocidos para así cerciorarse que no ocurra ningún inconveniente en el servicio, esto usualmente les toma más de lo esperado ya que en algunos casos tienen un tiempo limitado entre la búsqueda y fecha del evento. Para el análisis del proyecto se realizó la investigación y desarrollo de los siguientes puntos: Fundamentos Iniciales, Validación del Modelo de Negocio, Desarrollo del Plan de Negocios, Plan de Operaciones, Plan de Recursos Humanos, Plan de Marketing, Plan de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, Plan Financiero y el Plan de Financiamiento. De esta manera, tras el desarrollo de todos los puntos mencionados anteriormente se requiere una inversión inicial de S/46,698. / In the present investigation, the viability of the creation of a “RAYMI” web platform was confirmed in which all natural persons and companies would have at their disposal all kinds of suppliers for different kinds of events. After the creation of the website we divide it into the following categories: Structures, Fun, Audiovisual, Music, Marriages and Catering. In this way, its use and search of the different suppliers is facilitated to all our consumers of metropolitan Lima, urban sector, directed to all the districts of socioeconomic level A and B. Likewise, it was possible to verify in the project that people count with an uncertainty when having to look for a supplier, since in most cases they require a mix of a good price, good quality and reliability of the service. Most of our consumers usually look for referrals from suppliers with their acquaintances in order to make sure that no inconvenience occurs in the service, this usually takes them longer than expected since in some cases they have a limited time between the search and date of the event. For the analysis of the project, the research and development of the following points was carried out: Initial Foundations, Validation of the Business Model, Development of the Business Plan, Operations Plan, Human Resources Plan, Marketing Plan, Corporate Social Responsibility Plan, Financial Plan and the Financing Plan. Thus, after the development of all the points mentioned above, an initial investment of S / 46,698 is required. / Trabajo de investigación

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