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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Työhyvinvoinnin kokemukset kertomuksellisina prosesseina–narratiivinen arviointitutkimus

Marjala, P. (Pauliina) 10 February 2009 (has links)
Abstract To experientially understand the concept and phenomenon of well-being at work is a worthy and topical goal for both humanity and society. The main goal of this study is to add to the knowledge and understanding of well-being at work as an individually experienced and accounted phenomenon. This evaluation study which uses narrative approach seeks answers to questions 1) What is well-being at work in the narrations of the participants, aged 55 years and over, of this study, and 2) What are the Well-being profile processes qualities that enhance well-being at work. Well-being profile refers to the significance of a holistic activity plan for an individual’s well-being at work, which is evaluated in the thesis work. Data in this study was gathered in individual processes (n = 12) in 2004–2006 and the research methods used were diaries kept by the participants, and two interviews. For studying well-being in this thesis work, the researcher wanted to develop a new methodological and methodical narrative approach. Ontological and epistemological choices have been guided by the dialogic nature of the process and giving voice to the participants. Narrative method includes both interpretation of stories with thematic content analysis and interpretation of told stories. Results are presented as well-being and core stories on micro level, and as meta level research results on macro level. In the core stories it is demonstrated how storyline and time-related individual meanings are construed by narrative analysis. With thematic contents analysis of interpretations on meta level of research results well-being at work appeared in this study as individual, holistically experienced state of well-being. Continuously fluctuating bodily, situational and mental elements form the state of well-being at work. In this study, combined factors that form the phenomenon of well-being at work are commitment to work, holistic well-being, responsibility of oneself, dialogical communality, experienced challenge in work, personal and appreciative leadership, feelings of joy and success at work, feeling of doing a worthy job, customer service skills and fitting of personal needs into work description. Well-being profile process has given understanding, knowledge and peer support to that well-being at work is a broad-based story. It enables understanding how a person can contribute to it and well-being of work community can be enhanced. Well-being profile process shared meanings were described as functionality, expertness, wholeness, peer support in groups and support in change situations. To develop and appreciate the phenomenon of well-being at work, it is essential to hear and understand stories of people. From the view point of enhancing well-being at work, it is essential to perceive its’ individual and holistic character. Methodologically this study provides new kind of knowledge into the field of well-being at work research. / Tiivistelmä Työhyvinvoinnin ilmiön ja käsitteen kokemuksellinen ymmärtäminen on sekä yhteiskunnallisesti että inhimillisesti merkittävä ja ajankohtainen päämäärä. Tämän tutkimuksen päätavoitteena on ymmärryksen ja tiedon kasvattaminen työhyvinvoinnista yksilöllisesti koettuna ja kerrottuna ilmiönä. Lähestymistavaltaan narratiivisella arviointitutkimuksella haetaan vastauksia seuraaviin kysymyksiin: 1) Mitä työhyvinvointi ilmiönä on tähän tutkimukseen osallistuvien yli 55-vuotiaiden ihmisten kertomana ja 2) Mitkä ovat Hyvinvointiprofiili-prosessin työhyvinvointia edistävät merkitykset. Hyvinvointiprofiili-prosessilla tarkoitetaan väitöskirjassa arvioidun hyvinvointia edistävän kokonaisvaltaisen toimintamuodon merkitystä yksilön työhyvinvoinnille. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty yksilöllisinä prosesseina (N = 12) vuosina 2004–2006 ja tiedonhankinnan tapoina ovat tutkimukseen osallistuvien ihmisten pitämät päiväkirjat sekä kaksi aktiivihaastattelua. Tässä tutkimuksessa työhyvinvoinnin tutkimiseen haluttiin kehittää uudenlainen metodologinen ja metodinen narratiivinen lähestymistapa. Ontologisia ja epistemologisia ratkaisuja ovat ohjanneet prosessimaisuus, dialogisuus ja äänen antaminen tutkimukseen osallistuville ihmisille. Narratiivinen metodi sisältää sekä kertomusten tulkintaa temaattisella sisältöjen luvulla että kertomuksellista tulkintaa. Tutkimustulokset tuodaan esille mikrotasolla työhyvinvointi- ja ydintarinoina sekä makrotasolla metatason tutkimustuloksina. Ydintarinoissa osoitetaan kertomuksellisen tulkinnan kautta rakentuvan juonen ja ajallisuuden henkilökohtaisten merkitysten rakentuminen. Kertomusten tulkinnan temaattisella sisältöjen luvulla metatason tutkimustuloksissa työhyvinvointi ilmiönä hahmottui tässä tutkimuksessa yksilöllisenä, kokonaisvaltaisesti koettuna hyvinvoinnin tilana. Työhyvinvoinnin tilan muodostavat jatkuvasti liikkeessä olevat tajunnalliset, situationaaliset ja keholliset tekijät. Tässä tutkimuksessa yhteiset kerrotut työhyvinvoinnin ilmiön muodostavat tekijät ovat seuraavat: työsitoutuneisuus, kokonaiselämän hyvinvointi, vastuullisuus itsestä, dialoginen yhteisöllisyys, koettu työn haasteellisuus, yksilöllinen ja arvostava esimiestyö, ilon ja onnistumisen kokemukset työssä, tunne arvostettavan työn tekemisestä, osaaminen asiakastyössä ja yksilöllisten tarpeiden huomiointi työnkuvassa. Hyvinvointiprofiili-prosessi on antanut ymmärrystä, tietoa ja vertaistukea siihen, että ihmisen työhyvinvointi on laaja-alainen tarina. Sen mukaan on mahdollista hahmottaa se, kuinka monin tavoin siihen voi sekä itse vaikuttaa että edistää työyhteisön työhyvinvointia. Hyvinvointiprofiili-prosessin yhteiset merkitykset työhyvinvoinnille kerrottiin tässä tutkimuksessa toiminnallisuudeksi, asiantuntijuudeksi, kokonaisvaltaisuudeksi, ryhmien vertaistueksi ja tueksi muutostilanteissa. Ihmisten kertomusten kuunteleminen ja ymmärtäminen on työhyvinvoinnin ilmiön ymmärtämisessä ja kehittämisessä tärkeää. Työhyvinvoinnin edistämisen kannalta on keskeistä havaita työhyvinvoinnin yksilöllisyys ja kokonaisvaltaisuus. Menetelmällisesti tämä tutkimus tuottaa uudenlaista tietoa työhyvinvoinnin tutkimisen kenttään.

Psychologické aspekty práce na dálku / Psychological Aspects of Teleworking

Táborská, Pavla January 2017 (has links)
The theses Psychological aspects of teleworking is dedicated to actual theme of a teleworking from the perspective of psychological aspects and teleworkers. In the theses a concept of teleworking is introduced in the current social context with its historical development. The main focus is on introduction a teleworking in relation with personal characteristics of a teleworker, well-being, work-life balance and social dimension of teleworking. In the empirical part there is introduced a mixed methods research - a combination of mapping study and case study. The theme of the empirical part is teamwork and psychological safety of specific group of teleworkers - lectors from the non-profit organization. In the quantitative part got involved both teleworkers and their managers, in the qualitative part evaluated the teamwork and psychological safety in the team only managers of the teams. Keywords Teleworking, telecommuting, personal characteristics, well-being, work-life balance

The Effects of Attendance at a Senior Center on the Quality of Life and Well Being of Grandparents Rearing Grandchildren.

Rhynes, LaTrica Q. 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of attendance at a senior center on the well being and quality of life of grandparents that were rearing grandchildren. Using convenience sampling, grandparents (N=130) who were rearing grandchildren were given a self administered demographic data survey along with an attendance at a senior center questionnaire, the Quality of Life Scale, the Well Being Scale by Liang, the UCLA Loneliness Scale, the Caregiver Burden Scale, and the Role Satisfaction Scale. An initial MANOVA (F 7, 69 = 2.72, p < .01) suggesting that senior center attendance affect the measures as a set was conducted and then a series of one way ANOVAs were carried out to test the hypothesis that attending a senior center has an effect on the dependent variables: well being, quality of life, role satisfaction, caregiver burden, loneliness, current health, and heath one year ago. Subsequently, a hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to find out whether frequency and quality of attendance of a senior center predicted quality of life, caregiver burden, well being, loneliness, and role satisfaction, controlling for the demographic data. The results of the MANOVA showed that the dependent variables: quality of life, caregiver burden, well being and role satisfaction were impacted positively by the attendance of a senior center. The results of the regression analyses showed that for each of the major dependent variables, after controlling for the demographic data, the quality and frequency of involvement at the senior center did not have a uniquely significant role in predicting the dependent variables. The results of this study shows that further research need to be conducted to answer other questions regarding grandparents who are rearing minor grandchildren and the affects that senior centers may have in assisting in the management of this new task that grandparents have found themselves dealing with.

Socially and Emotionally Competent Leadership: Promoting Staff Resilience and Well-being Through SEL Opportunities

Tobin, Donna January 2020 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Raquel Muniz / There is an abundance of research that both supports teachers’ developing the social and emotional competencies (SEC) of students and acknowledges that doing so positively impacts students’ academic and life success, as well as improving general well-being. As of 2020, Massachusetts required teachers to provide social emotional learning (SEL) opportunities for students, but district and school leaders have done little to develop teachers' own SEC.  Yet, the literature shows that teachers’ SEC matter, both to the successful implementation of SEL programs in classrooms and to teachers’ own ability to manage their emotions and handle stress. Teaching is stressful and high emotional stress can lower resilience and impact job performance. This qualitative case study examined the practices of school-based leaders in one Massachusetts public school district to determine which leadership practices developed and supported the resilience and well-being of school-based staff and how those practices promoted SEL opportunities for staff. Data was gathered from leaders and school-based staff through semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, and document review. Findings revealed that leaders developed and supported staff resilience and well-being when they provided opportunities for collaboration, recognized and provided feedback to staff, included staff in decisions related to their work, and supported work-life balance and self-care. Engaging in these leadership practices allowed leaders to promote SEL opportunities for staff and often modeled SEC for staff. / Thesis (EdD) — Boston College, 2020. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Leadership and Higher Education.

Upplevt välmående för studenter vid Luleå tekniska universitet under distansstudier

Anderson, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Folkhälsomyndigheten rekommenderar och uppmuntrar att människor stannar hemma och begränsar sina sociala interaktioner i rådande covid-19 pandemi. Studenter vid Luleå Tekniska Universitet har börjat studera på distans som följ av detta. Tidigare forskning visar att social isolering kan kopplas till sämre mental hälsa. Därför är syftet i den aktuella studien att undersöka hur studenterna upplever sitt välmående under distansstudierna. Studien bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer med 17 stycken studenter vid Luleå tekniska universitet. Materialet transkriberades och analyserades tematiskt. I föreliggande studie uttrycker studenterna att de umgås med sina närmsta vänner men saknar större sociala sammanhang. De framhäver både för- och nackdelar med att tidsdisponera sina liv. Studenterna uttrycker en oro för framtiden men skapar vardagsrutiner och tränar för sitt välmående. Vid tidpunkten för den aktuella studien verkar studenterna hantera situationen bra för att bibehålla ett sunt välmående utan några negativa effekter. / During the current covid-19 epidemic, recommendations from the Public Health Agency of Sweden encourage people to limit their social interactions. Students at Luleå University of Technology have started distance learning as a consequence of these limitations. Earlier research suggests that social isolation can be linked to negative effects of your well-being. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine students experience of their own wellbeing, during online courses. The results in this study are based on semi structured interviews with 17 participating students at Lulea University of Technology. This is then transcribed and analyzed thematically. In the current study the students still socialize with a smaller group of close friends but lack the interactions of bigger social contexts. They highlight both pros and cons with controlling time predisposition during their days. The students express concern about the future but exercise and create daily routines to cope. At the time of the current study it seems like the students handle this unique situation fairly well, without negative effects on their wellbeing.

Wearing Your Heart on Your Sleeve? EmoWri: A Wearable Tool to Start Sensitive Conversations : A Case Study with Parents and their Teenage Children

Lidholm, Linnéa January 2022 (has links)
Sharing one’s emotions is the first step in taking care of one’s mental health and well-being. Teenagers struggle to open up and share their feelings, making them more vulnerable to mental health conditions extending into adulthood. Researchers and designers have been looking for new solutions to support users' health. One solution is wearables. These technologies need to be explored to better understand users’ needs and their behavioral changes to create a more beneficial user experience. One way to deal with emotions for teenagers is through conversation, however, it can be difficult to start these conversations. In this paper, the potential of a wearable as a tool for triggering communication about emotions is investigated. This study was based on a Research through Design (RtD) methodology and was carried out through a user-centered approach by using participatory design. The case study was conducted with a family of two parents and their two teenage children. By using the methods of cultural probes, interviews, and a co-design workshop, a concept named EmoWri was created. The concept consists of a prototype with a wristband connected to a mobile application. Qualitative data was collected from user tests, interviews, and a questionnaire and was thematically analyzed. The results show that wearables can be used to trigger sensitive conversations between parents and their teenage children. The results show that seven design qualities were considered to be important: visibility, accessibility, flexibility, expressiveness, actability, motivating, and aesthetic. The main contribution of this study is starting a discussion about designing wearables as a tool that focuses on improving the users’ mental well-being.

Smooth Sailing : An Exploratory Study Navigating the Acceptance of Digital Health Solutions and the Impact on Seafarer Well-Being

Herkommer, Charlotta, Siljevik Laine, Sandra January 2023 (has links)
Background: To ensure a sustainable future in the maritime industry; new measures of employee well-being are needed. Digital health solutions have proven to possess great potential to ensure employee well-being regardless of location, with opportunities for a proactive instead of a reactive approach where health and safety issues can be avoided.  Research Problem: Despite the potential benefits of using digital health solutions, the acceptance and impact of such solutions remain unexplored in the maritime industry, which is essential for achieving improvements.   Purpose: This study aims to explore what influences the acceptance of digital health solutions for improving seafarer well-being to understand how the maritime industry accepts digital health solutions and, more importantly, the potential impact this acceptance has on seafarer well-being. Research Question: How does the acceptance of digital health solutions in the maritime industry impact the employee well-being of seafarers?  Methodology and Method: This is a qualitative and inductive study, with a relativist view of reality and a social constructionist view of knowledge, that aims to build new theories through semi-structured interviews and Gioia’s analysis method.  Conclusion: Our findings focus on what influences the acceptance of digital health solutions and how these solutions impact employee well-being. With the aid of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), we find that there are levels of acceptance dependent on the nature of different influential factors. Furthermore, we discover that digital health solutions can influence physical, mental, and social well-being. From this, we develop a framework explaining the impact acceptance has on employee well-being. As a result, we illustrate that acceptance is a crucial aspect of improving employee well-being with digital health solutions.

Does Working Hurt? How Welfare Reform Work Policies Affect Child Well-Being

Osgood, Aurea Kay January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Post-graduate students' reflections on relational qualities that may enhance relational well-being in South African school communities / Valda Benade

Benade, Valda January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe post-graduate students‟ reflections on relational qualities that may enhance relational well-being in South African school communities. The research formed part of a broader research project, entitled “Relational well-being in school communities”. The researcher applied the Gestalt paradigm and the theories of existential dialogue and the field theory to this study. A qualitative, interpretive, descriptive design was followed. Non-probability purposive sampling was used whereby 14 participants were purposively selected based on their involvement in a cohort workshop organised by the Centre for Child, Youth and Family Studies (CCYF) in Wellington in the Western Cape. Data was collected through a World Café session with the post-graduate students. Thematic data analysis was used to identify themes among the data. The findings indicated a distinction between relational qualities embedded in the self, relational qualities that are essential for social connection and relational qualities that are critical in leadership. The findings suggest that the presence of relational qualities in individuals, the school community as a social context and the leadership in the school can contribute to relational well-being in school communities. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Post-graduate students' reflections on relational qualities that may enhance relational well-being in South African school communities / Valda Benade

Benade, Valda January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe post-graduate students‟ reflections on relational qualities that may enhance relational well-being in South African school communities. The research formed part of a broader research project, entitled “Relational well-being in school communities”. The researcher applied the Gestalt paradigm and the theories of existential dialogue and the field theory to this study. A qualitative, interpretive, descriptive design was followed. Non-probability purposive sampling was used whereby 14 participants were purposively selected based on their involvement in a cohort workshop organised by the Centre for Child, Youth and Family Studies (CCYF) in Wellington in the Western Cape. Data was collected through a World Café session with the post-graduate students. Thematic data analysis was used to identify themes among the data. The findings indicated a distinction between relational qualities embedded in the self, relational qualities that are essential for social connection and relational qualities that are critical in leadership. The findings suggest that the presence of relational qualities in individuals, the school community as a social context and the leadership in the school can contribute to relational well-being in school communities. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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