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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Life-giving and life-threatening potential of water and water-related phenomena in the Old Testament wisdom literature : an eco-theological exploration

Kavusa, Kivatsi Jonathan 09 1900 (has links)
The thrust of this thesis proceeds from two main presuppositions. The first is that the Old Testament wisdom books are generally ignored or not given enough attention in the studies about water and water-related phenomena. The second is that the romantic perspective on elements of the natural world is dominant in eco-theological studies. To highlight this twofold problem, a sample survey into the works of the scholarly biblical dictionaries, encyclopedias, books and articles as well as ecotheological studies is offered in the second chapter of this thesis. In an attempt to (partly) address this problem, this study argues that, firstly, despite a scarcity of scholarly interest in water and water-related phenomena in the Old Testament wisdom books, this body of literature contains a rich variety of references to water and water-related phenomena. Secondly, it is shown in this study that an overly-romantic view of nature does not do justice to the richness, complexity, and variety of portrayals of elements of nature in the texts themselves. In this sense, this study aims at retrieving ecological wisdom from particular texts that give voice to both the life-giving and life-threatening potential of water and water-related phenomena in the Old Testament wisdom books. The exploration is facilitated by elements of the historical-critical and literary approaches through an ecological framework informed by four of the six eco-justice principles of the Earth Bible Project. The thesis suggests that scholars who attempt ecological readings of the Bible will gain more if they also take less favoured texts into consideration. The exploration of water and water-related phenomena in the Old Testament wisdom books, therefore, goes beyond what studies on water or water-related phenomena have hitherto done. Furthermore, a study on both aspects of water as a life-giving and life-threatening entity demonstrates that an eco-friendly view of nature does not do justice to the biblical texts themselves. This will be seen through the third, fourth, fifth and sixth chapters. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / D. Th. (Old Testament)

The term berith (covenant) in the Historical and Wisdom Books of the Old Testament

Linington, Silvia 11 1900 (has links)
This work is concerned with the word berith (covenant) in the historical and wisdom books of the Old Testament, and continues research done in previous articles on berith in the Pentateuch and the prophetic literature. The main aim is to discuss in some detail the texts containing the word berith in the historical and wisdom books of the Old Testament and to examine the meaning and use of the word in these writings. The interrelationships between berith and other words in the contexts in which they appear are explored and explained. Finally, berith in the historical and wisdom books usually refers to one of the covenants of the Pentateuch, and which of these is applicable in each case will also be discussed. / Old Testament & Ancient NE / M.Th. (Old Testament)

The term berith (covenant) in the Historical and Wisdom Books of the Old Testament

Linington, Silvia 11 1900 (has links)
This work is concerned with the word berith (covenant) in the historical and wisdom books of the Old Testament, and continues research done in previous articles on berith in the Pentateuch and the prophetic literature. The main aim is to discuss in some detail the texts containing the word berith in the historical and wisdom books of the Old Testament and to examine the meaning and use of the word in these writings. The interrelationships between berith and other words in the contexts in which they appear are explored and explained. Finally, berith in the historical and wisdom books usually refers to one of the covenants of the Pentateuch, and which of these is applicable in each case will also be discussed. / Old Testament and Ancient NE / M.Th. (Old Testament)

Spreukenwijsheid voor begeleiding = the wisdom of Proverbs for guidance

Heino, Gerrit 11 1900 (has links)
Deze dissertatie levert een bijdrage aan een christelijk geïnspireerde visie op begeleiding vanuit de oudtestamentische wijsheidsliteratuur; in het bijzonder het boek Spreuken. Hoofdstuk 1 bevat een algemene inleiding waarin het begrip begeleiding wordt gedefinieerd. In hoofdstuk 2 staat de vraag naar de context van de wijsheid centraal. Er wordt een (conceptueel) kader ontwikkeld over begeleiding in oud-Israël om zo inzicht te krijgen in de wijsheidsleraren en hun leerlingen. Het derde hoofdstuk richt zich op de theologie van de wijsheid en beantwoordt de vraag welke invloed de wijsheid en de theologie op elkaar hebben gehad en hoe de theologie van de wijsheid zich verhoudt tot de theologie van het Oude Testament. Dit hoofdstuk besteedt daarnaast aandacht aan het Godsbeeld en het mensbeeld van de wijsheidsleraren en behandelt (theologische) thema’s die relevant zijn voor begeleiding. Hoofdstuk 4 houdt zich bezig met Salomo, de mannen van Chizkia, Agoer en Lemoeël. Salomo neemt in de wijsheidsliteratuur een prominente plaats in en wordt genoemd als auteur van verzamelingen van spreuken in het boek Spreuken. ‘Zijn’ wijsheid heeft een sociale verandering in oud-Israël op gang gebracht. Hoofdstuk 5 buigt zich over de vraag tegen welke achtergrond het boek Spreuken moet worden gelezen. Vragen die gesteld worden, zijn wie de mogelijke auteur van het boek is, in welk tijdvak het boek is ontstaan, uit welke verzamelingen het boek bestaat, en voor wie en met welk doel het boek is geschreven. De antwoorden werpen licht op de teksten die in hoofdstuk 6 onder de loep worden genomen en worden, in hoofdstuk 7, toegepast op begeleiding. Het zesde hoofdstuk neemt als uitgangspunt teksten uit het boek Spreuken die licht werpen op begeleiding. Deze teksten worden uitgelegd aan de hand van toonaangevende wetenschappelijke commentaren. Tot deze teksten behoren de inleiding op Spreuken (1:1-7), de ‘vrees voor JHWH’-teksten, ‘leven’-teksten, werkwoorden die het proces kenmerken dat leidt tot een ‘levend leven’ en opdrachten aan de vader/leraar (en daarmee aan de begeleider). Hoofdstuk 7 geeft antwoord op de onderzoeksvraag welke aanwijzingen kunnen worden afgeleid uit het boek Spreuken voor begeleiders en christelijke opleidingen tot begeleidingskundige? en wendt de kennis opgedaan in de voorgaande hoofdstukken aan om te komen tot een Bijbels geïnspireerde visie op begeleiding in een hedendaagse context. / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / D.Th. (Old Testament)

La littérature sapientielle sous Sanche IV (XIIIe - XIVe siècles, Castille) : écriture et enjeux / The wisdom literature under Sancho IV (Castile, 13th-14th century) : Writing and Stakes

Robert, Sylvie 05 July 2016 (has links)
En accord avec mes intérêts scientifiques, j’ai décidé, dans le cadre de ce travail doctoral, d’étudier un corpus correspondant règne de Sanche IV, roi de Castille et du León de 1284 à 1295, et constitué des quatre œuvres suivantes qui, à l'instar du Sendebar ou du Calila e Dimna antérieurs, exploitent toutes les ressources de l'exemplum afin d'enseigner certes mais aussi de captiver le lecteur : El Libro del Tesoro, El Lucidario, El libro del consejo e de los consejeros et Los Castigos de Sancho IV. Bien que chacun de ces livres ait été l’objet d’études ponctuelles intéressantes, ce groupement de textes n’avait, jusqu’à présent, bénéficié d’aucune grande étude monographique et appelait donc une analyse approfondie. Ces quatre ouvrages, d’origine spatiale et temporelle différente, se sont construits selon les mentalités et les pratiques de l’époque, c’est-à-dire en réutilisant, en retravaillant la matière des sources par des ajouts, des corrections, des suppressions en fonction des visées de l’auteur ou du promoteur de l’œuvre. Cette réappropriation des sources et des modèles correspond à une finalité plus ou moins évidente ou avouée, notamment si l’on en juge à l’aune du « molinisme », pensée politique du début du XIVe siècle. Les œuvres de cette période sont, en effet, soit écrites soit commanditées par le roi ou la régente, Marie de Molina. En outre, on connaît suffisamment le rôle joué par l’Archevêque de Tolède et l’importance de la pensée religieuse dans la constitution et la consolidation du « molinisme », pour parier sur l’existence d’un discours renvoyant à l’éthique chrétienne, à la morale ou à la philosophie. J’ai donc analysé la nature du projet moral, religieux et politique qui sous-tend cette littérature sapientielle. L’analyse des textes du corpus prend en compte, dans un premier temps, la structure des ouvrages et du cadre narratif, afin de définir la voix auctoriale, c’est-à-dire celle qui choisit sources et modèles et se les réapproprie : il s’agit de mettre en lumière un mode de pensée spécifique et des intentions particulières. Dans un deuxième temps, j’ai confronté ces textes aux contextes, notamment historique, si prégnant pendant le règne de Sanche IV et la régence, pour en extraire le sens politique et idéologique, moral, religieux ou philosophique. Enfin, une des finalités de ce travail de thèse est de comprendre comment, à partir de la réécriture des sources, traités, écrits religieux, auteurs classiques, exempla… s’est réalisé ce que l’on doit considérer comme un renouvellement de la production sapientielle. La thèse permet, grâce à une confrontation croisée entre histoire et littérature, de dégager l’évolution de la littérature sapientielle médiévale en castillan, et, parallèlement, de mettre en lumière la vision culturelle et morale, politique et sociétale promue par le roi Sanche IV et soutenue ensuite par Marie de Molina. / In line with my centres of scientific interest, I have decided to examine a corpus corresponding to the reign of Sancho IV, namely El Libro del Tesoro, El Lucidario, El libro del consejo e de los consejeros and Los Castigos of Sancho IV. Although interesting individual studies have been produced on each of these books, the collation of the four texts has not hitherto benefited from any in-depth monographic study. These four works, all of different origin in time and space, were put together according to the mind-sets and practices of the time, by revisiting the source material by means of additions, corrections and deletions according to the author’s intentions. Such reworking of the sources and models corresponds to a more or less self-evident or openly admitted purpose, given that these works were either written or commissioned by the king. It is therefore essential to question the nature of the political project underlying this sapential literature. The initial analysis of the texts takes account of their structure and narrative framework in order to define the voice of the author, that is to say who chooses and takes on the relevant sources and models. Secondly, these texts need to be set against their context, especially their historical context, in order to highlight their political, ideological, moral, religious or philosophical meaning. Finally, one of the aims of this thesis is to understand how, as from the-re-writing of the sources, treatises, scriptures, classic authors and other exempla, what can be considered as a renewal of sapiential or wisdom literature actually came about. Thanks to such a cross-matching of history and literature, the thesis should evidence the evolution of sapential literature and throw light upon the cultural, moral, political and social vision promulgated by king Sancho IV and upheld by Maria de Molina.

Prediker, 'n wysheidsgeskrif deurspek met aanhalings? : die aanhalingshipotese krities bespreek aan die hand van Prediker 9-11

Dekker, Erica 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / In die veertigerjare het Robert Gordis aanhalings in die boek Prediker uitgewys. Diethelm Michel en Norman Whybray het die aanhalingshipotese ondersteun, terwyl Michael Fox nie ten gunste daarvan was nie. Whybray het kriteria saarngestel op grond waarvan hy aanhalings uit ouer wysheidsmateriaal kon onderskei. Fox kon op grond van sy eie kriteria geen aanhalings identifiseer nie. Om vas te st el of die Prediker we! uit ouer wysheidsmateriaal aanhaal, word eerstens gekyk na hoe die wysheid in Israel ontstaan het en wat die boek Prediker se verhouding tot ander wysheidsgeskrifte is. Hie ma word die histories-kritiese bestudering van die boek onder die loep geneem alvorens die navorsingsgeskiedenis van aanhalings nagegaan word. Prediker 9-11 word ondersoek om te bepaal of die Prediker we! uit vroeere wysheidsmateriaal aanhaal. Ten slotte word die vraag gevra of Bybelvertalings aanhalings moet uitlig ten einde die teks beter verstaanbaar te maak. / In the forties, Robert Gordis pointed out that quotations do occur in the book Ecclesiastes. Diethelm Michel and Norman Whybray endorsed this hypothesis of quotations, while Michael Fox has taken a stance against it. Whybray compiled criteria to distinguish older wisdom sayings in the book Ecclesiastes. Fox applied his own criteria and could not find any quotations. To determine if the author (Qohelet) does quote from older wisdom material, we take a look how the wisdom developed in Israel and what the book's relation was to other wisdom books. Then the contribution of the historical-critical methods to the understanding of the book is surveyed before die research history of quotations is discussed. Ecclesiastes 9-11 is examined to determine if Qohelet really quotes from older wisdom material. Finally, we ask the question whether quotations should be highlighted in Bible translations in order to improve understanding of the text. / Biblical and Ancient studies / M.A.(Biblical Studies)

The role and education of children in Old Testament times

Allen, Shirley May 12 1900 (has links)
On title page: Master of Philosophy in Bible Skills / Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2001 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Children in the Old Testament world, at first glance, seem to playa very minor role in the make-up of that society but was this really so? In researching the role and education there are many questions, which need answering. Questions that come to mind are: What role did children play in the tribe, clan and family? How did children relate to their fathers, mothers and siblings? What education and training did children receive? When did they receive it? Was it formal or informal? Did the status and education of children change from early Israel through to the beginning of New Testament times? How could children identify with their religion? What did children contribute to their religion? What legal rights did children have? How did their situation compare to the children in other countries in the . Ancient Near East? In investigating these questions in chapter one it was necessary to research the social system, which included the complex multigenerational family. It was also important to look at children in the Old Testament world from a sociological anthropological stance. As religion and religious concepts were embedded in the fabric of the Old Testament society it was important to see which ones influenced the status of children. There was also a need to investigate how children were protected by the law and how they were affected by the economy as Israelite society was largely an agrarian society. In chapter two when investigating the education of children in the Old Testament world it was necessary to look at parental responsibility as well as the role of priests, prophets, sages, scribes and teachers. Wisdom literature in the Old Testament played an important role in the education of every child, either formally or informally. Not all of the education was moral education; much of the instruction that children received was vocational. The challenge when looking at education is that the evidence is mostly inferred. In analysing the role of children in the Old Testament world it becomes apparent that children play a far greater role and are of higher social status than it appears at a cursory glance when looking at the patriarchal society in which they lived. The education of children took place mostly in the setting of the home on an informal basis. It was only much later that formal education was introduced and even then the exact beginning of schools is difficult to pinpoint. It would be incorrect to attempt to transplant the role of the child in the Old Testament world into contemporary culture without transplanting the whole society. It would however be correct to look at the Old Testament child within the context of the extended family as far as redemptive history and creation is concerned. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kinders in die Ou Testamentwêreld blyk met die eerste oogopslag In geringe rol te speel in die samestelling van daardie gemeenskap, maar is dit werklik so? Met die navorsing van die rol en opvoeding was daar baie vrae wat beantwoord behoort te word. Vrae wat opduik is: Watter rol het die kinders gespeel in die stam, familiegroep en gesin? Wat was die verhouding tussen die kinders en hulle vaders, moeders, broers en susters? Watter opvoeding en onderrig het kinders ontvang? Wanneer het hulle dit ontvang? Was dit formeelof informeel? Het die status en opvoeding van kinders verander van vroeë Israel deur tot aan di~ begin van Nuwe Testamenttye? Hoe kon die kinders met hulle geloof identifiseer? Watter bydrae het kinders tot hulle geloof gelewer? Wat~er wetlike regte het kinders gehad? Hoe het hulle situasie vergelyk met die kinders in ander lande in die Antieke Nabye- Ooste? Deur hierdie vrae in hoofstuk een te ondersoek was dit nodig om die ,. maatskaplike stelsel te ondersoek, wat die komplekse veelvuldige geslagfamilie ingesluit het. Dit was ook belangrik om na kinders in die Ou Testamentwêreld vanuit In sosiologiese antropologiese oogpunt te kyk. Aangesien godsdiens en godsdienstige konsepte ingebed was in die wese van die Ou Testamentiese samelewing, was dit belangrik om te sien watter die status van kinders beïnvloed het. Dit was ook nodig om te ondersoek hoe kinders deur die wet beskerm is en hulle beïnvloed is deur die ekonomie aangesien die samelewing in Israel hoofsaaklik In landelike gemeenskap was. In hoofstuk twee met die ondersoek van die opvoeding van kinders in die wêreld van die Ou Testament was dit nodig om te kyk na ouerlike verantwoordelikheid sowel as die rol van priesters, profete, wysgere, skrifgeleerdes en leermeesters/onderwysers. Wysheidsliteratuur in die Ou Testament het In belangrike rol gespeel in die opvoeding van elke kind, hetsy formeelof informeel. Die opvoeding was nie alles morele opvoeding nie; 'n groot gedeelte van die onderrig wat kinders ontvang het was beroepsgerig. Die uitdaging wanneer na die opvoeding gekyk word, is dat die meeste bewyse hoofsaaklik afgeleide bewyse is. Wanneer die rol van kinders in die Ou Testamentwêreld geanaliseer word, word dit duidelik dat kinders 'n baie groter rol gespeel het, en 'n hoër maatskaplike aansien geniet het as wat 'n bloot tersaaklike blik op die patriargale samelewing waarin hulle gewoon het, aantoon. Die opvoeding wat kinders ontvang het, het hoofsaaklik in die konteks van die huis, en op fn informele basis plaasgevind. Dit was eers baie later dat formele opvoeding bekendgestel is en die presiese begin van skole is ook moeilik om vas te stel. Dit sou nie korrek wees om te probeer om die rol van die kind in die Ou Testament oor te plaas in die wêreld van die kontemporêre kultuur sonder om die hele samelewing ook oor te plaas nie. Die sou egter korrek wees om na die Ou Testament kind te kyk binne die konteks van die uitgebreide gesin wat verlossingsgeskiedenis en die skepping aan betref.

Prediker, 'n wysheidsgeskrif deurspek met aanhalings? : die aanhalingshipotese krities bespreek aan die hand van Prediker 9-11

Dekker, Erica 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / In die veertigerjare het Robert Gordis aanhalings in die boek Prediker uitgewys. Diethelm Michel en Norman Whybray het die aanhalingshipotese ondersteun, terwyl Michael Fox nie ten gunste daarvan was nie. Whybray het kriteria saarngestel op grond waarvan hy aanhalings uit ouer wysheidsmateriaal kon onderskei. Fox kon op grond van sy eie kriteria geen aanhalings identifiseer nie. Om vas te st el of die Prediker we! uit ouer wysheidsmateriaal aanhaal, word eerstens gekyk na hoe die wysheid in Israel ontstaan het en wat die boek Prediker se verhouding tot ander wysheidsgeskrifte is. Hie ma word die histories-kritiese bestudering van die boek onder die loep geneem alvorens die navorsingsgeskiedenis van aanhalings nagegaan word. Prediker 9-11 word ondersoek om te bepaal of die Prediker we! uit vroeere wysheidsmateriaal aanhaal. Ten slotte word die vraag gevra of Bybelvertalings aanhalings moet uitlig ten einde die teks beter verstaanbaar te maak. / In the forties, Robert Gordis pointed out that quotations do occur in the book Ecclesiastes. Diethelm Michel and Norman Whybray endorsed this hypothesis of quotations, while Michael Fox has taken a stance against it. Whybray compiled criteria to distinguish older wisdom sayings in the book Ecclesiastes. Fox applied his own criteria and could not find any quotations. To determine if the author (Qohelet) does quote from older wisdom material, we take a look how the wisdom developed in Israel and what the book's relation was to other wisdom books. Then the contribution of the historical-critical methods to the understanding of the book is surveyed before die research history of quotations is discussed. Ecclesiastes 9-11 is examined to determine if Qohelet really quotes from older wisdom material. Finally, we ask the question whether quotations should be highlighted in Bible translations in order to improve understanding of the text. / Biblical and Ancient studies / M.A.(Biblical Studies)

The Medieval Reception of Firdausī's Shāhnāma: The Ardashīr Cycle as a Mirror for Princes

Askari, Nasrin 02 August 2013 (has links)
Based on a broad survey of the reception of Firdausī’s Shāhnāma in medieval times, this dissertation argues that Firdausī’s oeuvre was primarily perceived as a book of wisdom and advice for kings and courtly élites. The medieval reception of the Shāhnāma is clearly manifested in the comments of medieval authors about Firdausī and his work, and in their use of the Shāhnāma in the composition of their own works. The production of ikhtiyārāt-i Shāhnāmas (selections from the Shāhnāma) in medieval times and the remarkable attention of the authors of mirrors for princes to Firdausī’s opus are particularly illuminating in this regard. The survey is complemented by a close textual reading of the Ardashīr cycle in the Shāhnāma in comparison with other medieval historical accounts about Ardashīr, in order to illustrate how history in the Shāhnāma is reduced to only a framework for the presentation of ideas and ideals of kingship. Based on ancient Persian beliefs regarding the ideal state of the world, I argue that Ardashīr in the Shāhnāma is represented as a Saviour of the world. Within this context, I offer new interpretations of the symbolic tale of Ardashīr’s fight against a giant worm, and explain why the idea of the union of kingship and religion, a major topic in almost all medieval Persian mirrors for princes, has often been attributed to Ardashīr. Finally, I compare the Ardashīr cycle in the Shāhnāma with nine medieval Persian mirrors for princes to demonstrate that the ethico-political concepts contained in them, as well as the portrayal of Ardashīr, remain more or less the same in all these works. Study of the Shāhnāma as a mirror for princes, as this study shows, not only reveals the meaning of its symbolic tales, but also sheds light on the pre-Islamic roots of some of the ethico-political concepts presented in the medieval Perso-Islamic literature of wisdom and advice for kings and courtiers.

The Medieval Reception of Firdausī's Shāhnāma: The Ardashīr Cycle as a Mirror for Princes

Askari, Nasrin 02 August 2013 (has links)
Based on a broad survey of the reception of Firdausī’s Shāhnāma in medieval times, this dissertation argues that Firdausī’s oeuvre was primarily perceived as a book of wisdom and advice for kings and courtly élites. The medieval reception of the Shāhnāma is clearly manifested in the comments of medieval authors about Firdausī and his work, and in their use of the Shāhnāma in the composition of their own works. The production of ikhtiyārāt-i Shāhnāmas (selections from the Shāhnāma) in medieval times and the remarkable attention of the authors of mirrors for princes to Firdausī’s opus are particularly illuminating in this regard. The survey is complemented by a close textual reading of the Ardashīr cycle in the Shāhnāma in comparison with other medieval historical accounts about Ardashīr, in order to illustrate how history in the Shāhnāma is reduced to only a framework for the presentation of ideas and ideals of kingship. Based on ancient Persian beliefs regarding the ideal state of the world, I argue that Ardashīr in the Shāhnāma is represented as a Saviour of the world. Within this context, I offer new interpretations of the symbolic tale of Ardashīr’s fight against a giant worm, and explain why the idea of the union of kingship and religion, a major topic in almost all medieval Persian mirrors for princes, has often been attributed to Ardashīr. Finally, I compare the Ardashīr cycle in the Shāhnāma with nine medieval Persian mirrors for princes to demonstrate that the ethico-political concepts contained in them, as well as the portrayal of Ardashīr, remain more or less the same in all these works. Study of the Shāhnāma as a mirror for princes, as this study shows, not only reveals the meaning of its symbolic tales, but also sheds light on the pre-Islamic roots of some of the ethico-political concepts presented in the medieval Perso-Islamic literature of wisdom and advice for kings and courtiers.

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