Spelling suggestions: "subject:"women’s experiences"" "subject:"nomen’s experiences""
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Könsstympade kvinnors upplevelser av mödra – och förlossningsvården : En litteraturstudie / Circumcised women’s experiences of antenatal – and maternity care : A literature studySelin, Sabrina, Wetzig, Emily January 2021 (has links)
Background: Female genital mutilation is a harmful cultural practice that is carried out in several places around the world, despite the fact that it is a violation of women’s human rights. Worldwide, around 200 million young girls and women live with the aftermath of genital mutilation. There are several motives for implementing the practice linked to social, cultural and esthetic aspects. Aim: To describe how women who have been circumcised experience antenatal–and maternity care. Method: The study was designed as a general literature study which included nine scientific articles with a qualitative approach. Qualitative content analysis was applied. Result: Two categories and four subcategories emerged. “A confidence-building approach” and “Feeling trust in a female caregiver” went under “Good care relationship” while “Lack of knowledge about female genital mutilation” and “The feeling of being different” belonged to “Lack of empathy”. Conclusion: A confidence–building approach can demonstrably form the basis for a good care relation between a woman who has been circumcised and a healthcare professional. However, women who have been circumcised deliberately chose not to disclosure their health problems when they felt that healthcare professionals lacked knowledge about female genital mutilation. To alleviate the suffering and promote well–being of women who have circumcised, the healthcare professionals need to show respect, consideration and also provide caring care. / Bakgrund: Kvinnlig könsstympning är en skadlig kulturell sedvänja som utförs på flera håll runt om i världen trots att det är ett brott mot kvinnors mänskliga rättigheter. Globalt lever cirka 200 miljoner unga flickor och kvinnor i efterföljderna av könsstympning. Det finns flertal motiv till att genomföra kvinnlig könsstympning kopplad till sociala, kulturella samt estetiska aspekter. Syfte: Att beskriva hur kvinnor som blivit könsstympade upplever mödra–och förlossningsvården. Metod: Studien utformades som en allmän litteraturstudie med nio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys tillämpades. Resultat: Två kategorier och fyra subkategorier framkom. “Ett förtroendeingivande bemötande” och “Att känna tillit till en kvinnlig vårdgivare” gick under “God vårdrelation” medan “Bristande kunskaper kring kvinnlig könsstympning” och “Känslan att vara annorlunda” tillhörde “Brist på empati”. Slutsats: Ett förtroendeingivande bemötande kan bevisligen utgöra grunden för en god vårdrelation mellan kvinna som blivit könsstympad och sjukvårdspersonal. Dock valde kvinnor som blivit könsstympade avsiktligt att inte delge sina hälsoproblem när de ansåg sjukvårdspersonal sakna kunskaper om kvinnlig könsstympning. För att lindra lidandet och befrämja välbefinnandet hos kvinnor som blivit könsstympade skall hälso–och sjukvårdspersonal visa respekt, omtanke samt ge omsorgsfull vård.
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Kvinnors upplevelser av livsstilsförändringar vid polycystiskt ovarialsyndrom : ur ett omvårdnadsperspektiv / Women’s experiences of lifestyle changes in polycystic ovary syndrome : from a nursing care perspectiveFornander, Maja, Borg, Frida, Jonsson, Antonia January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Polycystiskt ovarialsyndrom (PCOS) orsakas av obalans i kvinnans könshormoner och leder till bildning av cystor i äggstockarna. Syndromet rubbar kroppens hormonella och metabola funktioner vilket kan leda till övervikt och en negativ inverkan på kvinnans hälsa och livskvalitet. Vid PCOS rekommenderas livsstilsförändringar som första behandlingsalternativ i syfte att förbättra hälsan kortsiktigt och långsiktigt. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva kvinnors upplevelser av livsstilsförändringar vid PCOS ur ett omvårdnadsperspektiv. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie med induktiv ansats som baserades på strukturerade artikelsökningar. Elva artiklar med innehåll som svarade mot syftet bearbetades i en innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i två huvudkategorier där den ena benämndes som Betydelsen av information om livsstilsförändringar och den andra som Värdet av att bemöta kvinnors omvårdnadsbehov. Kvinnor beskrev vårdpersonalens brist på kunskap om livsstilsförändringar som behandling vid PCOS. Vårdens bristande kunskap ledde till att de fick otillräcklig information och omvårdnad. De efterfrågade en omvårdnad som såg till alla deras behov. Konklusion: Berörda kvinnor skulle gynnas av att hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal får utbildning generellt om PCOS samt specifikt hur livsstilsförändringar kan förbättra symtombild och förhindra utveckling av följdsjukdomar. / Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is caused by imbalance in the female sex hormones, resulting in cystic ovaries. It also effects the hormonal and metabolic functions, which can lead to obesity and a negative impact on the overall health and quality of life. Lifestyle changes is the first-line treatment to improve women’s health both short and long term. Aim: To describe women’s experiences of lifestyle changes in PCOS, from a caring perspective. Method: A general literature study with an inductive approach was conducted. Eleven articles responded to the aim of the study and were analyzed through content analysis. Result: Based on the analysis the result was divided into two main categories; The importance of information on lifestyle changes and The value of meeting women’s nursing care needs. Women described the caregivers lack of knowledge regarding lifestyle change as treatment in PCOS. Women experienced that the caregivers lack of knowledge resulted in them receiving insufficient or missing information. Therefore, women emphasized the necessity of a nursing care that covered all their needs. Conclusion: Affected women would benefit from health care professionals receiving education on PCOS and specifically how lifestyle changes can improve the symptom picture and prevent the development of sequelae.
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Endometrios, det osynliga och okända lidandet : En allmän litteraturstudieGhadirian, Sepideh, Halefom, Meron January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Endometrios är en kronisk sjukdom som kan ge olika symtom, inklusive svår menstruationssmärta, smärta vid samlag, fatigue och nedsatt fertilitet. Livet med endometrios påverkar individers fysiska, psykiska, sociala och existentiella välbefinnande i varierande grad. Sjuksköterskan har en central roll i att stödja patienter med endometrios genom att erbjuda trygg och kvalitativ omvårdnad med insikt i patientens perspektiv. Syfte: Att beskriva kvinnors upplevelse av att leva med endometrios. Metod: Metoden som användes var en allmän litteraturstudie med induktiv ansats där resultatet grundar sig i 13 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: I litteraturstudien framkom olika upplevelser bland kvinnor med endometrios, inklusive fysiska, psykiska och sociala påverkningar. Deras möten med hälso- och sjukvården genererade både positiva och negativa erfarenheter. En brist på sjukvårdskunskap identifierades. Kvinnor kände sig inte tagna på allvar av sina anhöriga eller samhället och upplevde fördröjd diagnos samt brist på förtroende från vården. Det ledde till normalisering av deras symtom och försenad behandling, vilket förlängde deras lidande. När kvinnor träffade vårdpersonal som lyssnade uppmärksamt, kände de sig observerade, hörda och förstådda. Konklusion: Endometrios har en omfattande och negativ påverkan på kvinnors liv i olika aspekter såsom fysiskt, psykiskt, socialt och även inom deras intima relationer. Sjuksköterskor behöver därför kontinuerlig kompetensutveckling för lindra lidande och erbjuda effektiv vård. / Background: Endometriosis is a chronic disease that can present with various symptoms, including severe menstrual pain, pain during intercourse, fatigue, and reduced fertility. Living with endometriosis impacts individuals' physical, mental, social, and existential well-being in varying degrees. The nurse has a central role in supporting patients with endometriosis by providing secure and high-quality care with insight into the patient's perspective. Aim: To describe women's experience of living with endometriosis. Method: The method that was used was a general literature study with an inductive approach where the result is based on 13 scientific articles Results: In the literature study, various experiences emerged among women with endometriosis, including physical, psychological, and social impacts. Their encounters with healthcare generated both positive and negative experiences. A lack of healthcare knowledge was identified. Women felt not taken seriously by their loved ones or society and experienced delayed diagnosis and a lack of trust from healthcare providers. This led to the normalization of their symptoms and delayed treatment, prolonging their suffering. When women met healthcare professionals who listened attentively, they felt seen, heard, and understood. Conclusions: Endometriosis has a profound and negative impact on women's lives in various aspects, including physical, mental, social, and even within their intimate relationships. Therefore, nurses need continuous professional development to alleviate suffering and provide effective care.
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Bakgrund: Kvinnor som utsätts för våld i nära relation söker oftare vård, men alla får inte den hjälp som behövs. Vårdpersonal kan sakna beredskap och kunskap för att identifiera våldsutsatta kvinnor. Oupptäckt våld i nära relation medför negativa konsekvenser för kvinnan och samhället. Syfte: Undersöka hur kvinnliga patienter upplever att få frågan om våld i nära relation, hur de vill bli tillfrågade och hur de upplever det att inte bli tillfrågad. Metod: En integrativ litteraturöversikt baserad på 10 kvalitativa artiklar från databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Resultat: Kategorier som framkom ur resultatet var upplevelser av att bli tillfrågad, upplevelser av olika tillvägagångssätt och upplevelser av att inte bli tillfrågad. Från dessa kategorier bildades underkategorier som samlade patienters tankar och känslor. De flesta kvinnor uppskattade att bli tillfrågade om våld i nära relation, för andra uppstod det en rädsla inför frågan. Kvinnor som inte blev tillfrågade kände att de inte var prioriterade Vårdpersonalen behöver definiera våld, eftersom våldet kan ha normaliserats och deras bemötande vid tillfrågandet samt miljön har betydelse om kvinnan väljer att erkänna sin våldsutsatthet. Frågan bör ställas vid olika tillfällen. Slutsats: Frågan om våld i nära relation är uppskattad, kvinnor kan dock uppleva rädsla av att svara på frågan. Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskan vågar fråga om våldsutsatthet vid olika tillfällen och ger ett bra bemötande i en trygg miljö. Kvinnor kan känna sig mindre prioriterade om inte frågan ställs. / Background: Women that are victims of intimate partner violence seek care more often, but not all of them receive the care that they need. Caregivers can lack knowledge and preparedness to identify abused women. Undetected intimate partner violence can result in negative consequences for both the woman and society. Aim: To describe women’s experiences of being asked about violence in intimate partnership, how they want to be questioned and how they felt when they did not get the question. Method: An integrative literature review based on 10 qualitative articles from the databases PubMed and CINAHL. Results: The categories that emerged was; experiences of being questioned, experiences of different approaches, and experiences of not being asked. From these categories, subcategories were built that gathered patients’ thoughts and feelings. Most of the women appreciated being asked about intimate partner violence, but some felt scared when they got the question. Women who were not asked felt that they were not prioritized. Caregivers should define abuse, because the abuse could have been normalized. The caregivers’approach when questioning and the environment are significant if the women choose to admit they are exposed to violence. The question should be asked at different occasions. Conclusion: The question about intimate partner violence is appreciated, but it can also lead to a feeling of fear when answering the question. It is important that nurses dare to ask about violence exposure at different occasions and that the women are well treated in a safe environment. Women can experience that they are not prioritized if no one asks the question.
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Framtiden är oviss : Unga tjejers tankar om framtiden och dess påverkan på den psykiska hälsanÅgstrand, Mikaela January 2017 (has links)
Mental illness is one of the major public health issues in Europe and one of the biggest challenges Sweden facing is the growing mental illness among people younger than 25 years. Statistics shows that the self-reported mental illness has increased mainly among young women between 18-25 years. The underlying reasons for the increase in mental illness is relatively unknown, more knowledge is required in this field to develop preventive interventions and strategies. The aim of this study was to examine which thoughts young women have about the future and how those are perceived to affect their mental health. A qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews have been applied. The sample consisted of women who were working or studying and were born between the years 1993-1996. Altogether six individual interviews were carried out and data analysis consisted of a manifest content analysis. The result showed that young woman’s thoughts about the future include both individual thoughts and more general thoughts about Sweden and the world. An optimistic attitude towards their own future were evident while a pessimistic attitude towards Sweden and the future of the world emerged. Thoughts of the future in relation to their own future is a contributing factor to why young girls feeling depressed and anxious. / Psykisk ohälsa är ett omfattande folkhälsoproblem i Europa och en av de största utmaningarna Sverige står inför är den växande psykiska ohälsan bland invånare som är yngre än 25 år. Vid granskning av statistik framgår det att den självrapporterade psykiska ohälsan främst har ökat bland tjejer i åldrarna 18-25 år. Bakomliggande motiv till den ökade ohälsan är relativt okänd, mer kunskap krävs inom området för att kunna utveckla förebyggande åtgärder och strategier. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka tankar unga tjejer har om framtiden och hur dessa upplevs påverka deras psykiska hälsa. För att genomföra studien har en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer tillämpats. Urvalet bestod av arbetande och studerande tjejer födda mellan åren 1993-1996. Sammanlagt genomfördes sex enskilda intervjuer och dataanalysen utgjordes av en manifest innehållsanalys. I resultatet framkom att unga tjejers framtidstankar utgörs av både individuella tankar och mer övergripande tankar som inkluderar Sverige och världen. En optimistisk inställning till den egna framtiden framfördes samtidigt som en pessimistisk inställning till Sverige och världens framtid framkom. Framtidstankar i förhållande till den egna framtiden är en bidragande faktor till att unga tjejer känner sig oroliga, nedstämda och ångestfyllda.
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Women’s Experiences in Peace Building Processes: A Phenomenological Study of Undeterred Female Leaders in Northern NigeriaOnyegbula, Roselyn Ifeyinwa 01 January 2018 (has links)
Women living in northern Nigeria face a herculean challenge of overcoming direct and indirect violence. These include domestic violence, political instability, social inequality, and the threat of Boko Haram. Boko Haram is an extremist militant group that has been known to kidnap, rape, and torture women and young girls as means of terrorizing the Nigerian community. Northern Nigerian women have also faced challenges within their own community as they are barred from participating in public activities, are under-represented in government, forced into early marriages, and are often victims of domestic violence. This study examines the lived experiences of women peacebuilders living in northern Nigeria as they negotiate regional conflicts and manage the peacebuilding process. Seven northern Nigerian females between the ages of 30 to 60 were recruited to participate in this study. All came from diverse backgrounds but shared a commonality of peace building and conflict management within their respective communities. The goal of this study was to better understand the meaning of these experiences and to uncover how these women handle these daily challenges. Feminist standpoint and structural violence theories provide the theoretical framework to dissect the essence of their experiences. The study adopted Clark Moustaka’s approach towards conducting transcendental phenomenological research methods and procedure. The results of the study will inform project design and policy formulation and serve as a source for future research and interventions by development agencies and other stakeholders interested in peace within the region.
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Experiences of intimate partner violence and the health needs of women living in urban slums in Kampala, UgandaShumba, Constance Sibongile 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a major problem among women of child-bearing age in Uganda. This study explored the IPV experiences of women living in urban slums and their health needs in order to assist in developing strategies to prevent and respond to IPV. This was a cross-sectional explanatory study using a mixed methods approach among women aged 20-45 years in Kabalagala slums, Kampala, Uganda. The quantitative survey data was collected using a structured questionnaire while qualitative data was collected using in-depth interviews. Quantitative data were collected from a random sample of 372 women and qualitative data from a purposive sample of 48 women with IPV experiences. The quantitative data was analysed using STATA (version 11), and the qualitative data was coded and analysed manually into thematic content.
The study revealed a high overall lifetime prevalence of IPV. The different IPV forms prevalent in the study population included psychological (99.7%), economic (93%), physical (92%) and sexual (88%). Physical violence in the last one year was 91%. The qualitative findings revealed the manifestations of IPV in this context. Furthermore, the physical and psychological health impacts of IPV included but were not limited to injuries; chronic pain and complications; HIV infection; low self-esteem; stress and fear of death, and loss of relationships. The researcher proposed three strategies to prevent and respond to IPV, namely implementing economic empowerment and poverty reduction programmes for women; strengthening the legal and justice system to respond appropriately to the problem of IPV, and improving the social and institutional support including training of health workers to prevent and respond to IPV. The proposed regulation of substance and alcohol use would also contribute to reducing IPV prevalence and scaling-up the response. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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Experiences of intimate partner violence and the health needs of women living in urban slums in Kampala, UgandaShumba, Constance Sibongile 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a major problem among women of child-bearing age in Uganda. This study explored the IPV experiences of women living in urban slums and their health needs in order to assist in developing strategies to prevent and respond to IPV. This was a cross-sectional explanatory study using a mixed methods approach among women aged 20-45 years in Kabalagala slums, Kampala, Uganda. The quantitative survey data was collected using a structured questionnaire while qualitative data was collected using in-depth interviews. Quantitative data were collected from a random sample of 372 women and qualitative data from a purposive sample of 48 women with IPV experiences. The quantitative data was analysed using STATA (version 11), and the qualitative data was coded and analysed manually into thematic content.
The study revealed a high overall lifetime prevalence of IPV. The different IPV forms prevalent in the study population included psychological (99.7%), economic (93%), physical (92%) and sexual (88%). Physical violence in the last one year was 91%. The qualitative findings revealed the manifestations of IPV in this context. Furthermore, the physical and psychological health impacts of IPV included but were not limited to injuries; chronic pain and complications; HIV infection; low self-esteem; stress and fear of death, and loss of relationships. The researcher proposed three strategies to prevent and respond to IPV, namely implementing economic empowerment and poverty reduction programmes for women; strengthening the legal and justice system to respond appropriately to the problem of IPV, and improving the social and institutional support including training of health workers to prevent and respond to IPV. The proposed regulation of substance and alcohol use would also contribute to reducing IPV prevalence and scaling-up the response. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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