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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motivation, comportements antisociaux au travail et implication dans le travail : études dans le contexte de l'industrie minière au Niger / Motivation, antisocial workplace behaviors and work commitment : a research study centred on the mining industry in Niger

Issa, Mamadel Bassirou 08 June 2011 (has links)
La motivation et l’implication organisationnelle occupent une place essentielle dans les stratégies et politiques de gestions des ressources humaines de toute entreprise. Elles font partie des moyens par lesquels on cherche à maximiser l’apport des membres de l’organisation et par là la réussite de cette dernière. La présente étude interculturelle, qui porte sur une entreprise minière au Niger, s’interroge sur les effets de la culture individualiste/collectiviste sur la motivation des travailleurs mais aussi sur les conséquences des comportements antisociaux au travail (CAAT). Sur la base des résultats d’études antérieures mais aussi de façon exploratoire nous avons postulé une culture collectiviste au Niger, l’expression et la valorisation de la motivation extrinsèque et enfin une baisse de la motivation, une amotivation et une baisse de l’implication dans le travail conséquemment aux CAAT. La méthodologie mise en œuvre, qui comporte des observations et entretiens, puis l’administration d’un questionnaire auprès d’une population de 350 personnes tout venant mais aussi cadres et non cadres d’une société minière, nous permet d’observer des résultats concordants et discordants avec les théories abordées. Cette population se montre collectiviste, alors que contrairement à la littérature, elle est plus motivée intrinsèquement et ne valorise pas socialement la motivation extrinsèque. En ce qui concerne les CAAT, les effets partiels - de la dégradation et/ou appropriation des biens appartenant à l’organisation, du non respect des règlements et procédures de l’organisation, des agressions physique envers une personne, des agressions psychologiques au sein de l’organisation et des contraintes imposées par l’organisation aux travailleurs- mis en évidence permettent de parler d'une démotivation mais aussi une baisse de l’implication dans le travail qui prendrait des chemins différents en fonction du contexte culturel et le statut des travailleurs. / Motivation and work commitment play a major role in human resources strategy and policy in any workplace. They help in maximising individuals’ contributions to an organisation and so improve its success. The following inter-cultural study, carried out on a mining firm in Niger, asks examines the effects of an individualist or collectivist culture on worker motivation and on the consequences of anti-social behaviour within the workplace (CAAT). Based on pre-existing and exploratory research, the following hypothesises were made. There is in Niger a collectivist culture, with the favouring of extrinsic motivation, falling motivation, leading to a de-motivation and a reduction in work commitment provoked by CAAT. The methodology used observations and interviews followed by the completion of a questionnaire by a diverse sample of 350 people including executives and non-executives of a mining company, produced results that were both in agreement and disagreement with the theoretical hypotheses. The population is shown to be collectivist, but contrary to the literature is more intrinsically motivated and does not favour socially extrinsic motivation. The various effects of CAAT- degradation and/or theft of the organisation’s property, non-respect of rules and procedures, physical and psychological aggression towards individuals within the workplace constrains imposed by the organisation on workers- are signs of a de-motivation but also a reduction of work commitment that takes different forms depending on the cultural context and status of employees.
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Inre arbetsmotivation och engagemang i organisationen: en studie om skillnader mellan inhyrda och tillsvidareanställda läkare

Österström, Stina Lisa, Ohlsén, Oscar January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine if intrinsic motivation and work commitment to the organization differs between permanent doctors and hired doctors. The total of 63 doctors who participated in the study made an internet-based survey with 21 questions taken from the Basic Need Satisfaction at Work Scale and 3 questions from the section “work commitment” in QPS Nordic. The main results of the study showed that permanent doctors perceived a higher level of intrinsic motivation on all the three needs autonomy, competence and relatedness. Furthermore the result showed a tendency that permanent doctors perceived a higher level of work commitment to the organization then hired doctors. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka om inre arbetsmotivation samt engagemang i organisationen skiljer sig mellan tillsvidareanställda och inhyrda läkare. Det gjordes genom en internetbaserad enkät som skickades ut till fem av Sveriges landsting. De totalt 63 läkarna som deltog i studien fick besvara totalt 21 frågor hämtade från Basic Need Satisfaction at Work Scale och 3 frågor från delen “engagemang i organisationen” i QPS Nordic. Studiens huvudresultat visade på att tillsvidareanställda läkare upplever en högre grad av inre motivation på alla tre behoven autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet. Resultatet visade också på en stark tendens till att tillsvidareanställda läkare upplevde högre grad av engagemang i organisationen än inhyrda läkare.
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LOJALITET I FÖRHÅLLANDE TILL ARBETSPLATSEN – WORKPLACE COMMITMENT : En jämförande studie mellan Generation Y och Baby Boomers tunneltågförare

Starendal, Katarina January 2011 (has links)
Denna undersökning söker nå förståelse för lojalitet i förhållande till arbetsplatsen när man jämför Generation Y med Baby Boomers. Tidigare forskning visar att lojalitet är ett multidimensionellt begrepp som kan ha olika riktningar och att flera faktorer har ett samband med lojalitet. Tidigare forskning kring generationsskillnader och lojalitet är begränsad men många studier tyder på att Generation Y är mindre lojala än Baby Boomers. Undersökningen är gjord på Veolia Transport och bygger på djupintervjuer med fyra Baby Boomers tunneltågförare och tre från Generation Y. I resultatet framkom trivsel, motivation, bild av företaget, ledarskapet och organisationskultur som viktiga faktorer för lojalitet, och undersökningsdeltagarna från Generation Y tenderade att vara mindre lojala, ha kortare tidsperspektiv på sin anställning och ett mer individualiserat förhållningssätt till lojalitet än de från Baby Boomers. I diskussionsdelen analyseras och diskuteras resultaten, vad de innebär, vad de kan bero på och undersökningens svagheter. Slutligen presenteras praktiska implikationer för arbetsgivare.

Vad får fritidshemspedagogen att gå till jobbet? : En undersökning av vad som motiverar pedagoger i fritidshemmet / What makes the leisure-time center educator go to work? : A study of what motivates educators in leisure-time centers

Axelsson, Rasmus, Västfält, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate and create an understanding of what the educator in the leisure-time center sees as motivating drivers in the workplace. In recent years there has been a large shortage of educators with formal education in and there are major shortcomings in the conditions of the profession. We therefore want to find out what motivates the educator and what factors influence the motivation. To find out, we conducted a quantitative survey study where we turned to working educators in the leisure-time centers. Based on the survey responses, a qualitative in-depth interview study was conducted on the target group of four teachers in leisure-time centers. The data was analyzed on the basis of the social psychological motivation theory, self-determination theory (SDT), which assumes that each individual’s internal motivation is based on three basic needs; the need for autonomy, the need for competence and the need for cohesion. The result shows that the social factors in the workplace were of great importance for motivation. The relationship with children and colleagues could be linked to appreciation, confirmation of a job well done and the feeling of being important. We could also see that the degree of education was important for motivation as the educational assignment was perceived as more motivating for the professions with a college degree. In contrary to previous research, it was also found that the educator was not motivated to any great extent by the salary. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och skapa förståelse för vad pedagogen i fritidshemmet ser som motiverande drivkrafter på arbetsplatsen. Detta då det under de senaste åren har rått stor brist på utbildade pedagoger inom fritidshemmet och då det lyfts fram stora brister inom yrkets förutsättningar. Vi vill därför ta reda på vad som motiverar pedagogen samt vilka faktorer som påverkar motivationen. För att ta reda på detta genomförde vi en kvantitativ enkätstudie där vi vände oss till yrkesaktiva pedagoger inom fritidshemmet. Utifrån enkätsvaren genomfördes en kvalitativ fördjupad intervjustudie på målgruppen lärare i fritidshem med fyra informanter. Resultatet analyserades utifrån den socialpsykologiska motivationsteorin Self-determination theory (SDT) som utgår ifrån att människans inre motivation baseras på tre grundbehov; autonomi-, kompetens- och samhörighetsbehovet. Resultatet visade att de sociala faktorerna på arbetsplatsen var av stor betydelse för motivationen. Relationen till barn och kollegor kunde kopplas till uppskattning, bekräftelse på ett väl genomfört arbete samt känslan av att vara betydelsefull. Vi kunde också se att utbildningsgraden har betydelse för motivationen då det pedagogiska uppdraget uppfattades mer motiverande för yrkesgrupperna med högskoleexamen. I motsättning till den tidigare forskningen visade det sig också att pedagogen inte motiveras i någon hög grad av lönen.
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A Multiple Case Study on Leader Support, Breastfeeding, and Work Commitment

Rancourt, Lisa Marie 01 January 2016 (has links)
In the United States, over 50% of women return to paid work after becoming mothers. Mothers who breastfeed are more likely to stop working than peers who chose to use infant formula. The purpose of this research was to explore work commitment among new mothers during the first year of their infant's life. Many of these mothers had skills that were imperative to organizational success, making their retention a priority. The relationship between leadership support for dual roles as mothers and employees had not received attention previously in the literature. This multiple case study analyzed the perceptions of new mothers regarding leader support and its role in their commitment to work. The first research question focused on the role of leader support in a new mother's commitment to working. The second explored a new mother's perception of organizational support of her decision regarding infant feeding. The conceptual framework was based on social learning theory, social role expectation theory, and feminist theory. Twenty-three working mothers were recruited through social media, using purposeful sampling, to participate. The data collection consisted of open-ended interviews, as well as document reviews. The data were retrieved, coded, and analyzed using within case and cross-case analysis for themes, and patterns. Findings yielded 3 primary categories: leadership, priorities, and policies. The results showed that participants needed leader support to successfully manage their dual roles, and maintain their commitment to work. In conclusion, positive social change in workplace communication, paid leave policies, and education have the ability to change long held perceptions about mother's work commitment. The results may help organizations implement new policies that benefit working mothers. These changes will strengthen corporate culture from within, empower employees, and encourage growth, loyalty, and innovation to maintain a competitive edge.
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Work commitment : Its dimensions and relationships with role stress and intention to quit

Hoole, Crystal January 1997 (has links)
A renewed interest in work has developed world-wide during the last decade. One of the reasons for this is that organizations are responding to the changing economic, social, technological and environmental demands in ways that are fundamentally transforming the nature of organizations and the meaning of work for employees. Work has changed tremendously, not only in nature but also its importance. The current demands placed on organizations and employees include, among others, global competition, cost-cutting, downsizing and restructuring and information processing on a large scale. It is intuitive to think that these changes and demands will affect employees in some way or the other. For many employees changes brought different job descriptions, more roles to fulfil and more complicated tasks to complete with more uncertainty and less clear-cut instructions. The work commitment construct has been part of a lively debate since Morrow's (1983) call for a moratorium on the development of further work commitment measures due to the existence of concept redundancy within and among the work commitment facets. It has been proposed that the work commitment construct consists of four main facets i.e. job involvement, organizational commitment, career commitment and work values. It has been unclear up to now on how these facets are interrelated. The relationships between the work commitment facets, role strain and intention to quit have also not been studied together in a single study before. The current study investigated the underlying dimensions of the work commitment construct, the underlying dimensions of each proposed facet, as well as determined the relationships among the work commitment facets, role strain and intention to quit, based on a large diverse South African sample. This was done by using Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses, the calculation of intercorrelations and Structural Equation Modeling. Each instrument was standardized for South African conditions. The results indicated that although the instruments were portable to South Africa, unique results and factors were obtained. Promising results were obtained with regard to the causal relationships among the variables. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 1997. / gm2014 / Psychology / Unrestricted
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Contribution des pratiques RSE à l'éclatement du plafond de verre et à l'engagement des femmes cadres : le cas de deux entreprises au Maroc / Contribution of CSR practices to the breaking of the glass ceiling and to executive women’s commitment : the case of two companies in Morocco

Bennani Meziane, Ghita 25 November 2016 (has links)
Les femmes se heurtent, depuis leur intégration sur le marché du travail, à des barrières qui ralentissent leur évolution professionnelle, limitant leur accès au sommet des organisations. Le «plafond de verre» est l'appellation usitée pour faire référence à ces barrières invisibles. Ce travail doctoral propose d’apporter une contribution à son étude en le replaçant dans un cadre théorique intégrant ses antécédents et ses conséquences. Il se focalise en particulier sur l’impact des pratiques de Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises (RSE) orientées vers le genre sur l’éclatement du plafond de verre et sur l’engagement des femmes cadres, dans un environnement culturel (le Maroc) et organisationnel (secteurs d’activité masculins) spécifique, par le biais d’une étude de cas. Celle-ci a porté sur deux entreprises industrielles marocaines, dont l’une est labellisée RSE, où des entretiens semi-directifs avec les salariés (femmes et hommes) et les représentants de la Direction ont été conduits. Les données issues des 64 entretiens réalisés ont été complétées par des observations et une analyse documentaire. Sur le plan théorique, nous nous inscrivons dans la nouvelle conceptualisation de l’engagement proposée par Klein et al. (2012, 2014) et adaptons leur modèle processuel d’engagement multi-cibles. La modélisation proposée souligne les effets contradictoires ou synergiques entre les cibles ou entre les types de liens (d’engagement ou relevant d’une autre nature). D’un point de vue managérial, les résultats de ce travail ouvrent des perspectives pour améliorer la gestion des ressources humaines et contrôler ses effets sur les attitudes et les comportements des salariés. / Since women have been integrated to the labor market, they encounter barriers which slow down their professional evolution and limit their access to top management. The« glass ceiling » is the expression used to refer to these invisible barriers. This doctoral work proposes a contribution to the study of these barriers by placing it within a theoretical framework which integrates its antecedents and its consequences. More specifically, this thesis focuses on the impact of gender oriented Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices on the breaking of the glass ceiling and on executive women’s commitment, in a particular cultural (Morocco) and organizational environment (male-dominated sectors), through a case study. Semi-directive interviews were conducted, with employees (women and men) and management representatives in two different industrial Moroccan companies, one of them which was CSR certified. The data based on 64 interviews was complemented by observations and a documentary analysis. From a theoretical point of view, we fit into the new conceptualization of commitment suggested by Klein and al. (2012, 2014), by adapting their multi-target process model of commitment. The proposed modelling highlights the opposing or synergetic effects between targets or between bond types (either commitment or of a different nature). From the managerial viewpoint, the results of this work offer avenues to improve human resource management and the control of its impact on employee attitudes and behaviors.
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Cultura organizacional y su relación con el compromiso laboral de los colaboradores del sector bancario de Lima Metropolitana en el año 2021 / Organizational culture and its relationship with the employees work commitment of the banking sector in Metropolitan Lima in 2021

Marañón Camacho, María del Pilar, Rivera Salazar, Frieda Stefany 09 March 2022 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como finalidad demostrar la relación entre cultura organizacional y el compromiso laboral de los colaboradores del sector bancario de Lima Metropolitana en el año 2021. Para lograr este objetivo se analizó una muestra representativa de 377 colaboradores de las 4 principales empresas del sector bancario con mayor utilidad durante el primer trimestre del 2021 en Lima Metropolitana. El diseño de la investigación tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, correlacional y no experimental. Para la recolección de la data se utilizaron 2 encuestas con escala de Likert, se empleó la encuesta de Denison para la medición de la cultura organizacional y la encuesta de Meyer y Allen para la medición del compromiso laboral; los datos obtenidos fueron ingresados posteriormente a un programa estadístico confiable para analizar la información y lograr la validación de las preguntas de estudio. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran una correlación positiva entre ambas variables, confirmando la existencia de una relación directamente proporcional. En este sentido, se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la hipótesis alterna propuesta, concluyendo que la cultura organizacional se relaciona positivamente con el compromiso laboral de los colaboradores del sector bancario de Lima Metropolitana en el año 2021. Finalmente, se proponen recomendaciones para el fortalecimiento de la cultura organizacional y su posible aplicación en investigaciones futuras en el sector bancario, las cuales serán de gran aporte para afianzar el vínculo con los colaboradores y promover el éxito en la gestión corporativa. / This research aimed to demonstrate the relationship between the organizational culture and the employees work commitment o of the banking sector in Metropolitan Lima in 2021. To achieve this objective, a representative sample of 377 employees from the 4 main companies in the banking sector with the highest profit during the first quarter of 2021 in Metropolitan Lima was analyzed. The research design has a quantitative, correlational and non-experimental approach. For data collection, 2 Likert scale surveys were used, the Denison survey to measure organizational culture and the Meyer and Allen survey to measure work commitment; the data obtained were later entered into a reliable statistical program to analyze the information. The results obtained show a positive correlation between both variables, which confirms the existence of a directly proportional relationship. In this sense, the null hypothesis is rejected and the proposed alternative hypothesis is accepted, concluding that the organizational culture is positively related to the employees work commitment of the banking sector in Metropolitan Lima in 2021. Finally, recommendations were proposed for strengthening the organizational culture and its possible application in future research in the banking sector, which will be a great contribution to strengthen the bond with employees and promote success in corporate management. / Tesis
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Strategies for curbing strike action by nurses in public institutions, South Africa

Nala, Ntombifuthi Patience 07 April 2015 (has links)
The healthcare strike action that rocked South Africa in 2007 and 2010 highlighted the trend of professional nurses towards exercising their rights as employees to embark on strike actions, often also in solidarity with other categories of employees. This study aimed to highlight the problem brought about by the lack of proactive strategies to maintain a balance between human and professional rights and responsibilities of nurses within the legal framework of South Africa. The theoretical grounding of the study included both organisational change models and transformational leadership models. A descriptive and analytic design was followed, using both qualitative and quantitative non-probability sampling approaches to meet the research objectives of determining factors for nurses‘ involvement in strikes and their impact. Eighty professional nurses were included as the total sample of the study with 53 that did not participate in strike action and 27 that participated in strike action. A sample of eleven nurse managers was also included in the study to determine their views on strikes by nurses and their understanding of the changing work environment. To determine the overall impact of the nurses‘ strike, 40 healthcare consumers were included. The sample was selected from four provinces: Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal; Western Cape and Gauteng. The study was limited to professional nurses, nurse managers within the public-health sector and healthcare consumers using public-health facilities. The findings and the relevant literature referred to in this study indicate that though there are different reasons for strike action in the public-health sector by area or by country, remuneration is undoubtedly the most mentioned reason. Important to note is that salary per se is not the most critical actor but it is a tangible measure of the value that the employer places on people. In the absence of other incentives in the nursing environment, it becomes the focal point. However, addressing salary issues alone will not prevent strike action in the public-health sector / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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GRH et service à la personne.Qualité de l'emploi, implication organisationnelle et engagement au travail des aides à domicile : représentations et pratiques / HRM and human service.Work quality, work commitment and job involvement of home care services employees : representations and practices

Ilama, Ilda Ilse 20 February 2013 (has links)
Notre travail de recherche porte sur la problématique de la structuration de la gestion des ressources humaines appliquée au champ de l'aide à domicile. La proposition principale de cette recherche est que l'évaluation de la qualité de l'emploi (représentations et pratiques) articulée à l'implication organisationnelle et l'engagement au travail des aides à domicile influence très largement la gestion des ressources humaines dans le secteur de l'aide à domicile, et sa performance. Nous avons d'abord procédé à une revue de la littérature sur le secteur des services à la personne en se focalisant sur l'activité de l'aide à domicile aux personnes âgées. Ensuite, nous avons abordé les différents concepts clés : la qualité de l'emploi, l'implication organisationnelle et l'engagement au travail. Les théories de contrat psychologique et de « care » ont également été mobilisées dans le cadre des relations d'emploi. Puis nous avons réalisé successivement deux études qualitatives à l'aide d'entretiens semi-directifs auprès de salariés et de managers du secteur. Nous avons traité les données à l'aide de deux logiciels (Nvivo et Tropes). Les résultats de cette recherche montrent une hétérogénéité au niveau des représentations de la qualité de l'emploi. Bien que certains éléments positifs aient été relevés, de nombreux points d'ombre demeurent au niveau de ces représentations. Ainsi, les pratiques ne sont pas toujours convergentes, une marge de manœuvre limitée a été constatée, notamment au niveau du financement des formations des salariés. Les deux types d'acteurs qui ont été interrogés n'ont pas la même perception. L'implication organisationnelle des salariés et leur engagement au travail dans ce secteur reposent sur des critères moins classiques par rapport à d'autres domaines. Dans le champ de l'aide à domicile aux personnes âgées, la conscience professionnelle de certains salariés est déterminante et repose sur les qualités relationnelles avec les bénéficiaires. Les liens affectifs qui sont tissés, entrainent plus d'attention, de responsabilité, et le développement d'un sentiment de compétences. Dans cette recherche, tous ces éléments donnent une certaine légitimité à la théorie du care. / This research focuses on the problem of human resources management structuring in the field of home care services. The main proposal of this thesis is that, the evaluation of work quality (representations and practices) connected to work commitment and job involvement of home care employees, influence widely human resources management and its performance in this sector. We initially conducted a literature review in the sector of person-toperson services, we focused on the home care service activities. Then, we analysed the various key concepts: employment quality, work commitment and job involvement. Psychological contract and “care” theories were also mobilized within the framework of the employment relations. Then we successively carried out two qualitative studies using semi-directing interviews with the employees and managers of the sector. We analysed the data using two software (Nvivo and Tropes).We noted a heterogeneity of work quality representations. Although some positive elements were raised, a number of areas in people's representations are still unclear. The practices are not always convergent; a limited scope was noted particularly in the financing of employee's trainings. These two types of actors who were questioned do not have the same perception. Work commitment and job involvement of the employees in this sector are not based on classical criteria compared to the other fields. In the area of home care of elderly, the conscientiousness of Home Help aides is crucial and relies on interpersonal skills. The emotional ties developed between Home Help aides and users; involve more sense of responsibility and the development of a kind of competence feeling. In this research, all these elements give certain legitimacy to the “care” theory.
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