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Slaďování rodinného a pracovního života na pozadí konceptu familismu ve vybraných zemích / Harmonization of family and work life from the view of familialism concept in chosen countriesKrám, Milan January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to analyse public policies of the Czech republic and Germany which are focused on work-life balance of families with children under three years of age. In its theoretical part the diploma thesis offers description of how current changes in our society affects work-life balance, gender equality, women and their aspirations, desicion- making of families concerning their preproduction plans and fertility itself. As next this thesis brings explanation of relationship between different public policy designs and their affects on harmonization of both life spheres, gender equality and free choice of life strategy. In the anylitical part the diploma theses analyses concrete public policy instruments of both chosen countries, compares them with each other using predefined categories and offers analysis performed in the framework of familialism concept formulated by Sigrid Leitner. Finally, in the chapter "Discussion and summary of recommendation" the diploma thesis offers suggestions for modification of some concrete regulations in the Czech republic inspired by chosen regulations that are currently used in Germany and that are considered as instruments with potential to positively influent harmonization of both life spheres, gender equality and free choice of life strategy.
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Ženy mezi rodinou a prací. Podmínky pro slaďování práce a rodiny v Praze / Women between family and work. Conditions for harmonization of work and family in PragueKlímová, Šárka January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Women between family and work: Conditions for harmonization of work and family in Prague" is focused on current problem which is being dealt with on national as well as supranational level. The aim of this thesis is to describe the factors influencing harmonization of family and professional life of the mothers with children from two to six years old in region of Prague and find out whether the policy of state and regional governments reflect these factors. Chosen factors are described from the macro perspective but individual influences are also dealt with. On one hand the attention is allocated to state policy, especially from the point of view of Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, but also from the point of selected municipality - municipal authority of Prague and municipality Prague 17.
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Postavení matek samoživitelek - komparativní analýza rodinné politiky České republiky a Francie / The Social Condition of Sole Wage Earners - A Comparative Analysis of Family Policy in The Czech Republic and FranceŠedivková, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
This thesis discuss various steps how institution of family policy in France and the Czech Republic influences the social status of single mothers, or how it affects their standard of living an opportunities. The thesis is based on a comparative analysis of two measures. The first one concerns possibilities of work-life balance, the second one means of prevention from poverty. The key factor influencing work-life balance is the interplay between maternity/ parental leave, public childcare accesibility and flexible working time practice. The character and availability of allowances completes the picture of what the prevailing gender principles in each family policy are. Hence, it also demonstrates the situation of single mothers. Key words: one-parent family, signle mothers, labor market, flexibility, discrimination, poverty, social policy, family policy, work-life balance, maternity/ parental leave, childcare, gender
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Factors Influencing Career Advancement Potential for Mothers in the WorkplaceMcCord, Kara E. 16 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Ledarskap i förändring : En kvalitativ studie om hur ledarskap och psykosocial arbetsmiljö förändrats till följd av Covid-19Karlström, Olivia, Frisendahl, Elin January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Pandemin och dess konsekvenser innebar flera år av utmaningar på alla nivåer i samhället. Det var särskilt utmanande för ledare att styra sin organisation i rätt riktning då framtiden var oviss och förändringen var oundviklig. Ledarskap påverkas av flera faktorer, varav en avgörande faktor är kontexten. Tidigare forskning framhåller betydelsen av kontexten för att bestämma vilken ledarskapsstil som fungerar bäst. Coronapandemin skulle kunna anses utgöra en sådan kontext där ledare snabbt behövde anpassa sig för att möta de nya kraven. Coronapandemin medförde även utmaningar för ledare att hantera medarbetares välmående. Vår studies relevans bekräftas av tidigare forskning, vilka framhåller behovet av mer forskning för att förstå distansens påverkan på ledarskapet. Vidare blir vår studie särskilt relevant eftersom det är få studier gjorda i Sverige, vilket gör det intressant att undersöka landets unika strategi och dess effekter på ledarskapet i denna kontext. Tidigare forskning framhåller att betydelsen av att förstå effektivt ledarskap har ökat under coronapandemin, och att det är viktigt att ompröva och utveckla befintliga ledarskapsteorier med tanke på de kontinuerliga förändringarna i dagens samhälle. Syfte: Vår studies syfte är att bidra till ökad förståelse för hur svenska ledare, till följd av införandet av restriktionen gällande att arbeta hemifrån, har anpassat sin ledarskapsstil i en extraordinär situation. Teoretisk referensram: Den teoretiska referensramen bygger på tidigare studier och teorier om psykosocial arbetsmiljö samt ledarskapsstilarna: transaktionellt-, transformativt- och situationsanpassat ledarskap som vi anser är relevanta för vår studie. Vidare ges även en introduktion till området organisation och distansteorierna presenteras. Metod: Vår studie genomförs med ett abduktivt angreppssätt och en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Ett målinriktat urval används för att finna respondenter som uppfyller förutbestämda kriterier. Data från sju respondenter samlas in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer som sedan transkriberas. Avslutningsvis analyseras insamlad data med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Slutsats: Coronapandemin verkar inte medfört att grunden i ledarnas ledarskap har förändrats i någon större utsträckning. Coronapandemin har dock ställt helt andra krav på ledarna under distansarbetet som i större utsträckning behövt ta hänsyn till medarbetarnas välmående och ta mer ansvar för de sociala delarna som medarbetarna har gått miste om till följd av distansarbetet. I motsats till tidigare forskning, fann vi att tilliten inte blev lidande till följd av distansarbetet. Resultatet indikerade även att respondenterna tidigare erfarenhet av att leda på distans och bättre digitala förutsättningar hade en påverkan på hur smidigt omställningen till att arbeta på distans har kunnat ske.
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Kvinnliga ledares navigering genom glaslabyrinten : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga ledares upplevelser av att leda i den svenska bygg- och anläggningsbranschen / Female leaders navigating through the glass labyrinth : A qualitative study on female leaders’ experience of leading in the Swedish construction industryAgardsson, Alida, Blomquist, Alice, Engström, Emmalisa January 2023 (has links)
Följande examensarbete ämnar undersöka och förmedla en djupare bild av kvinnliga ledares upplevelse av att leda i den svenska bygg- och anläggningsbranschen. Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie där åtta kvinnliga ledare djup-intervjuats om deras personliga upplevelser gällande de utmaningar som de navigerat sig genom under sitt avancemang i arbetslivet. Dessa utmaningar är i denna studie uppdelade i fem kategorier för att skapa en tydlighet för läsaren genom uppsatsen. Syftet är att generera en större förståelse för de utmaningar som kvinnliga ledare förhåller sig till, vilket i sin tur kan bidra till att utvecklingen går framåt inom branschen. Samt att undersöka om tidigare forskning kring de metaforer som används för att beskriva dessa utmaningar går att tillämpa på kvinnornas upplevelser av bygg- och anläggningsbranschen. Urvalet till studien omfattar åtta kvinnliga ledare med befattningar som platschef och arbetsledare, där majoriteten av den grupp som de leder består av män. Resultatet av studien visade att tidigare forskning gällande teorin om glaslabyrinten passar in på upplevelserna kvinnorna hade från sina karriärsliv, och andra föregående metaforer anses mindre relevanta i sammanhanget. Inledningsvis uttryckte flertalet av intervjupersonerna att de inte upplevde några svårigheter att leda i branschen. Under intervjuerna uppdagades dock flera faktorer som kvinnorna tidigare inte upplevt som utmaningar, men som författarna till studien tolkar som svårigheter de fått förhålla sig till. Detta uppfattar författarna till uppsatsen vara en del av en copingstrategi för att hantera den rådande kulturen och således bli accepterad och respekterad av sina medarbetare. Dock framkom det i studien att den svenska bygg- och anläggningsbranschen på senare tid haft en positiv utveckling, men för att ytterligare förbättringar ska kunna genomföras behöver dessa utmaningar fortsätta att uppmärksammas i samhället. / This thesis aims to investigate and convey a deeper picture of female leaders' experience of leading in the Swedish construction industry. The essay is a qualitative study in which eight female leaders were interviewed in depth about their personal experiences regarding the challenges they navigated around during their advancement in working life. These challenges are in this study divided into five categories to create clarity for the reader through the essay. The aim is to generate a greater understanding of the challenges that female leaders face, which in turn can contribute to progress in the industry. As well as investigating whether previous research on the metaphors used to describe these challenges can be applied to women's experiences of the construction industry. The sample for the study includes eight female leaders with positions such as site manager and supervisor where the majority of the group they lead consists of men. The results of the study showed that previous research regarding the theory of the glass labyrinth fits the experiences the women had from their career lives and other preceding metaphors are considered less relevant in the context. Initially, the majority of the interviewees expressed that they did not experience any difficulties in leading in the industry. During the interviews, however, several factors were discovered that the women previously did not experience as challenges, but which the authors of the study interpret as difficulties they had to deal with. The authors perceive this to be part of a coping strategy to deal with the prevailing culture and thus be accepted and respected by their employees. However, it emerged in the study that the Swedish construction industry has recently had a positive development, but in order for further improvements to be implemented, these challenges need to continue to be noticed in society.
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Work stress : the repercussions on family dynamicsMoodley, Namoshini 06 1900 (has links)
This sociological study investigates the effects of work stress on family dynamics. Job demands, like heavy workload and working overtime, could have an effect on family members to fulfill role obligations and vital family functions according to Parsons’s, Murdock’s and Merton’s functionalist theories.
By employing qualitative research techniques, fifty in-depth interviews guided by an interview schedule are conducted. The three research questions or tentative hypotheses, based on the functionalist theory, are answered by the findings from the data gathered. An inductive strategy is used to gather and interpret data to eventually build new theory. Theory is grounded in the data, hence grounded theory. The findings are categorized in terms of the research questions and describe and explain how the family is affected when work stress is experienced by the employee and family member. Possible explanations are offered as to why this occurs. Recommendations for further research are also made. / Sociology / M.A. (Sociology)
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Work stress : the repercussions on family dynamicsMoodley, Namoshini 06 1900 (has links)
This sociological study investigates the effects of work stress on family dynamics. Job demands, like heavy workload and working overtime, could have an effect on family members to fulfill role obligations and vital family functions according to Parsons’s, Murdock’s and Merton’s functionalist theories.
By employing qualitative research techniques, fifty in-depth interviews guided by an interview schedule are conducted. The three research questions or tentative hypotheses, based on the functionalist theory, are answered by the findings from the data gathered. An inductive strategy is used to gather and interpret data to eventually build new theory. Theory is grounded in the data, hence grounded theory. The findings are categorized in terms of the research questions and describe and explain how the family is affected when work stress is experienced by the employee and family member. Possible explanations are offered as to why this occurs. Recommendations for further research are also made. / Sociology / M.A. (Sociology)
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Family, work and welfare states in Europe: women's juggling with multiple roles :a series of empirical essays / Famille, emploi et état-providence: la jonglerie des femmes avec leurs multiples rôlesO'Dorchai, Sile Padraigin 24 January 2007 (has links)
The general focus of this thesis is on how the family, work and the welfare system are intertwined. A major determinant is the way responsibilities are shared by the state, the market and civil society in different welfare state regimes. An introductory chapter will therefore be dedicated to the development of the social dimension in the process of European integration. A first chapter will then go deeper into the comparative analysis of welfare state regimes, to comment on the provision of welfare in societies with a different mix of state, market and societal welfare roles and to assess the adequacy of existing typologies as reflections of today’s changed socio-economic, political and gender reality. Although they stand strong on their own, these first two chapters also contribute to contextualising the research subject of the remainder of the thesis: the study and comparison of the differential situation of women and men and of mothers and non-mothers on the labour markets of the EU-15 countries as well as of the role of public policies with respect to the employment penalties faced by women, particularly in the presence of young children. In our analysis, employment penalties are understood in three ways: (i) the difference in full-time equivalent employment rates between mothers and non-mothers, (ii) the wage penalty associated with motherhood, and (iii) the wage gap between part-time and full-time workers, considering men and women separately. Besides from a gender point of view, employment outcomes and public policies are thus assessed comparatively for mothers and non-mothers. Because women choose to take part in paid employment, fertility rates will depend on their possibilities to combine employment and motherhood. As a result, motherhood-induced employment penalties and the role of public policies to tackle them should be given priority attention, not just by scholars, but also by politicians and policy-makers. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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