Spelling suggestions: "subject:"workflow"" "subject:"iworkflow""
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Desenvolvimento de sistema para seguimento de produto e aquisição de dados do processo de irradiação em irradiadores de grande porte / Development of system for product tracking and data acquisition of data irradition process in large gamma irradiatorsSoares, José Roberto 14 December 2010 (has links)
A esterilização utilizando a radiação ionizante é uma técnica consolidada para o processamento de produtos médicos descartáveis. No Brasil há irradiadores gama em operação com capacidade entre 0.37 PBq (10kCi) a 185 PBq (5 MCi ) utilizando radioisótopos 60Co como fonte de radiação. O trabalho desenvolvido proporciona um controle e registro apurado da aplicação das Boas Práticas de Fabricação (BPF), durante todas as fases de um processo de irradiação, requeridos pelas normas da ANVISA , ISO e recomendações técnicas da AIEA durante o tratamento de alimentos e produtos médicos. Todas as etapas envolvidas no tratamento por irradiação estão mapeados em fluxos de processos (workflow) onde cada agente (participante) tem suas tarefas sistematizadas. A aquisição de dados do processo, o acompanhamento e controle, estão baseados em um conjunto de ferramentas (software livre de licenças) integradas por uma rede de comunicação eficiente, inclusive, utilizando-se recursos da WEB. O desenvolvimento foi realizado para uma unidade com capacidade de processamento a nível industrial , utilizando-se o Irradiador Gama Multipropósito do IPEN/CNEN/USP. O sistema permite a rastreabilidade do processamento, em tempo real, a qualquer participante e também o armazenamento dos registros correspondentes para serem auditados. / The sterilization of medical care products using ionizing radiation is a consolidated technique. In Brazil there are in operation gamma irradiators with capacity between 0.37 PBq (10kCi) 185 PBq (5 MCi) using radioisotopes 60Co as radiation source. The developed work provides an accurate control anda data acquisition for the application of Good Manufacturing Practices during all fases of an irradiadiation process, required by the standards of ANVISA , ISO and IAEA technical recommendations for the treatment of foods and medical products.. All the steps involved in the irradiation treatment are mapped into process flow (workflow) , where each agent (participant) has its systematized tasks. The data acquisition process, monitoring and control, are based on a set of tools (free software licenses) integrated by a network of efficient communication, including the use of Web resources. Using the Gamma Irradiator Multipurpose IPEN/CNEN/USP all the development was performed to be applied in irradiators facilities operating in industrial scale. The system enables a complete traceability of the process, in real time, for any participant and also the storage of the corresponding records to be audited.
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ACP e LOTOS: um estudo comparativo baseado em conceitos de BPEL e padrões de controle de fluxo / ACP and LOTOS: a comparative study based on BPEL concepts and control-flow patternsTakecian, Pedro Losco 03 June 2008 (has links)
Recentemente, várias abordagens estão sendo propostas na área de modelagem de processos de negócio. Dentre elas estão as linguagens BPEL e NPDL. BPEL é uma linguagem de representação e execução de processos de negócio que se mostrou bastante expressiva e uma forte candidata a padrão de mercado. NPDL é uma linguagem de definição de processos de negócio baseada em uma extensão de álgebra de processos chamada ACP. NPDL possui uma ferramenta capaz de interpretar e controlar a execução de processos de negócio chamada de NavigationPlanTool. A tradução de processos BPEL para expressões NPDL tem como objetivo fornecer aos processos descritos em BPEL um ambiente de controle e execução baseado em um formalismo algébrico. Entretanto, isso não é uma tarefa fácil. A presença de conceitos em BPEL que não são mapeáveis para NPDL faz com que grande parte da expressividade de BPEL se perca na tradução. Essa perda se dá pela limitação da própria ACP, na qual NPDL se baseia. Para sanar essa dificuldade, surgiu a idéia de estender ou trocar a base algébrica da NPDL. Substituindo a ACP por outro arcabouço algébrico ou incorporando idéias de outras álgebras, seria possível tornar a NPDL mais próxima de BPEL, facilitando, assim, o trabalho de mapeamento. Dentre os arcabouços formais disponíveis, LOTOS tem se mostrado uma interessante alternativa à ACP como base para a NPDL. Para comprovar os benefícios da utilização de conceitos de LOTOS na NPDL ou, até mesmo, de uma troca da base algébrica da NPDL de ACP para LOTOS, este trabalho faz um estudo comparativo entre esses dois formalismos algébricos, buscando encontrar a álgebra com maior expressividade e que represente melhor os conceitos presentes em BPEL. Para essa comparação, serão utilizados os principais conceitos existentes na linguagem BPEL, bem como os Padrões de Controle de Fluxo de Workflow. Não pertence ao escopo deste trabalho a implementação da NPDL usando LOTOS como base formal. / Recently, several approaches are being proposed in the business process modeling area. Among them are BPEL and NPDL languages. BPEL is a business process representation and execution language that has showed itself to be very expressive and a strong candidate to market reference. NPDL is a business process definition language based on a process algebra extension called ACP. NPDL has a tool called NavigationPlanTool that is able to interpret and control the business processes execution. The translation from BPEL processes to NPDL expressions aims to provide to BPEL processes a control and execution environment based on an algebraic foundation. However, this is not an easy task. Due to the translation, the presence of BPEL concepts that can´t be mapped to NPDL results in a heavy BPEL expressiveness loss. This loss occurs by the limitation of ACP, in which NPDL is based on. To solve this problem, the idea of extending or replacing the NPDL algebraic base has appeared. Replacing ACP with other algebraic framework or incorporating ideas from other algebras, could make NPDL closer to BPEL, turning the mapping work easier. Among the formal frameworks available, LOTOS has showed itself an interesting alternative to ACP as an NPDL basis. To prove the benefits of using LOTOS concepts in NPDL, or even exchanging the NPDL algebraic base from ACP to LOTOS, this work presents a comparative study between these two algebraic foundations, trying to find the most expressive algebra and the one that best represents the BPEL concepts. For this comparison, the BPEL main concepts and the Workflow Control-Flow Patterns will be used. The NPDL implementation using LOTOS as formal foundation is out of the scope of this work.
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Optimisation du débit pour des applications linéaires multi-tâches sur plateformes distribuées incluant des temps de reconfiguration / Troughput optimization of linear multitask workflow applications on distributed platforms including setup timesCoqblin, Mathias 23 January 2015 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse portent sur l’ordonnancement d’applications multi-tâches linéaires de type workflow sur des plateformes distribuées. La particularité du système étudié est que le nombre de machines composant la plateforme est plus petit que le nombre de tâches à effectuer. Dans ce cas les machines sont supposées être capables d’effectuer toutes les tâches de l’application moyennant une reconfiguration, sachant que toute reconfiguration demande un temps donné dépendant ou non des tâches. Le problème posé est de maximiser le débit de l’application,c’est à dire le nombre moyen de sorties par unité de temps, ou de minimiser la période, c’est à dire le temps moyen entre deux sorties. Par conséquent le problème se décompose en deux sous problèmes: l’assignation des tâches sur les machines de la plateforme (une ou plusieurs tâches par machine), et l’ordonnancement de ces tâches au sein d’une même machine étant donné les temps de reconfiguration. Pour ce faire la plateforme dispose d’espaces appelés buffers, allouables ou imposés, pour stocker des résultats de production temporaires et ainsi éviter d’avoir à reconfigurer les machines après chaque tâche. Si les buffers ne sont pas pré-affectés nous devons également résoudre le problème de l’allocation de l’espace disponible en buffers afin d’optimiser l’exécution de l’ordonnancement au sein de chaque machine. Ce document est une étude exhaustive des différents problèmes associés à l’hétérogénéité de l’application ; en effet si la résolution des problèmes est triviale avec des temps de reconfiguration et des buffers homogènes, elle devient bien plus complexe si ceux-ci sont hétérogènes. Nous proposons ainsi d’étudier nos trois problèmes majeurs pour différents degrés d’hétérogénéité de l’application. Nous proposons des heuristiques pour traiter ces problèmes lorsqu’il n’est pas possible de trouver une solution algorithmique optimale. / In this document we tackle scheduling problems of multitask linear workflow applications ondistributed platforms. In our particular problem the number of available machines on the platformis lower than the number of stages within the pipeline. The machines are then assumed to be able toperform any kind of task on the application given the appropriate reconfiguration (or setup), the catchbeing that any reconfiguration is time consuming. The problem that we try to solve is to maximizethe throughput of such applications, i.e., the mean amount of outputs per unit of time, or to minimizeits period, i.e., the average time between two outputs. As a result this problem is split into two subproblems:mapping tasks onto different machines of the platform (most machines will likely handleseveral tasks), and find an optimal schedule within a machine while taking setup times into account.To solve this we introduce buffers, which are spaces available for each machine to store temporaryproduction results and avoid reconfiguring after each task execution, and which may or may notbe already allocated for each stage. If those buffers are not already allocated to each task then athird problem must be solved to properly allocate the available space onto each buffer, as differentbuffer configurations have a huge impact on the scheduling of a machine. This document presentsan exhaustive coverage of the different problems that are associated with the heterogeneity of theapplication; the problems with homogeneous buffer capacities and setup times are rather simple tosolve, but they get a lot more complex as heterogeneity increases. We study the three main subproblemsfor each heterogeneity combination, and offer heuristic solution to solve them when anoptimal solution cannot be reasonably found.
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Desenvolvimento de sistema para seguimento de produto e aquisição de dados do processo de irradiação em irradiadores de grande porte / Development of system for product tracking and data acquisition of data irradition process in large gamma irradiatorsJosé Roberto Soares 14 December 2010 (has links)
A esterilização utilizando a radiação ionizante é uma técnica consolidada para o processamento de produtos médicos descartáveis. No Brasil há irradiadores gama em operação com capacidade entre 0.37 PBq (10kCi) a 185 PBq (5 MCi ) utilizando radioisótopos 60Co como fonte de radiação. O trabalho desenvolvido proporciona um controle e registro apurado da aplicação das Boas Práticas de Fabricação (BPF), durante todas as fases de um processo de irradiação, requeridos pelas normas da ANVISA , ISO e recomendações técnicas da AIEA durante o tratamento de alimentos e produtos médicos. Todas as etapas envolvidas no tratamento por irradiação estão mapeados em fluxos de processos (workflow) onde cada agente (participante) tem suas tarefas sistematizadas. A aquisição de dados do processo, o acompanhamento e controle, estão baseados em um conjunto de ferramentas (software livre de licenças) integradas por uma rede de comunicação eficiente, inclusive, utilizando-se recursos da WEB. O desenvolvimento foi realizado para uma unidade com capacidade de processamento a nível industrial , utilizando-se o Irradiador Gama Multipropósito do IPEN/CNEN/USP. O sistema permite a rastreabilidade do processamento, em tempo real, a qualquer participante e também o armazenamento dos registros correspondentes para serem auditados. / The sterilization of medical care products using ionizing radiation is a consolidated technique. In Brazil there are in operation gamma irradiators with capacity between 0.37 PBq (10kCi) 185 PBq (5 MCi) using radioisotopes 60Co as radiation source. The developed work provides an accurate control anda data acquisition for the application of Good Manufacturing Practices during all fases of an irradiadiation process, required by the standards of ANVISA , ISO and IAEA technical recommendations for the treatment of foods and medical products.. All the steps involved in the irradiation treatment are mapped into process flow (workflow) , where each agent (participant) has its systematized tasks. The data acquisition process, monitoring and control, are based on a set of tools (free software licenses) integrated by a network of efficient communication, including the use of Web resources. Using the Gamma Irradiator Multipurpose IPEN/CNEN/USP all the development was performed to be applied in irradiators facilities operating in industrial scale. The system enables a complete traceability of the process, in real time, for any participant and also the storage of the corresponding records to be audited.
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Desenvolvimento de um modelo de workflow que suporte as características fundamentais da realidade de processos de negócios / A workflow meta-model for supporting fundamental aspects of business process practiceBritto, Eduardo Carvalho de Souza January 2003 (has links)
Sistemas de workflow estão se tornando líderes de mercado na modelagem de regras de negócios das organizações. Contudo, eles ainda carecem de uma série de definições e padrões que sejam amplamente aceitos. Tais carências refletem-se nas técnicas atuais de modelagem de workflow, onde muitos conceitos existentes em um modelo são representados de forma completamente diferentes em outros ou, até mesmo, não existem. A partir de um levantamento realizado sobre os requisitos de modelagem de workflow, verificou-se que os modelos conceituais de workflow, hoje existentes, não atendem a todos os requisitos considerados essenciais para a modelagem da realidade dos processos de negócios. A identificação dos elementos de representação que devem existir em um modelo de processo para representar estes requisitos, o detalhamento das informações que devem ser levantadas durante a modelagem do processo para representar toda a realidade dos processos de negócio e o desenvolvimento de um modelo de processos que apresente estes elementos de representação são o objeto desta dissertação de mestrado. / Workflow systems are becoming the most important tools for business rules modeling. However, workflow systems still lack widely accepted definitions and standards. This is reflected in the difference among existing workflow modeling techniques. Many times the same modeling concept is represented in very different ways in different models or is even absent in some of them. Workflow modeling requirements were evaluated and it became clear that the existing workflow conceptual models do not offer all the essential resources needed to model real business processes. The main goals of this work are: to identify the representation elements needed to express such requirements; to define all the information that has to be gotten during process modeling in order to represent to whole business process reality; to propose a process model that presents these representation elements.
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Analysis of RED ONE Digital Cinema Camera and RED WorkflowForoughi Mobarakeh, Taraneh January 2009 (has links)
<p>RED Digital Cinema is a rather new company that has developed a camera that has shaken the world of the film industry, the RED One camera. RED One is a digital cinema camera with the characteristics of a 35mm film camera. With a custom made 12 megapixel CMOS sensor it offers images with a filmic look that cannot be achieved with many other digital cinema cameras.</p><p>With a new camera comes a new set of media files to work with, which brings new software applications supporting them. RED Digital Cinema has developed several applications of their own, but there are also a few other software supporting RED. However, as of today the way of working with the RED media files together with these software applications are yet in progress.</p><p>During the short amount of time that RED One has existed, many questions has risen about what workflow is the best to use. This thesis presents a theoretical background of the RED camera and some software applications supporting RED media files. The main objective is to analyze RED material as well as existing workflows and find the optimal option.</p>
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Energieeffizienz in WorkflowsystemenPüschel, Georg 30 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Im CoolSoftware-Projekt wurden Metamodelle, Algorithmen und Architekturmuster für energieeffiziente Software entworfen. Sobald ein komplexer Kontrollfluss auf einem solchen System ausgeführt werden soll, muss das dynamische Energieverhalten in die Optimierung einbezogen werden. Um diese Herausforderung zu lösen, werden in dieser Arbeit die Ansätze von CoolSoftware durch weitere Modellelemente und Algorithmen ergänzt. Unter anderem kommt eine Simulation zum Einsatz, um funktionell mögliche Konfigurationen zu bewerten. Der Kontrollfluss kann durch das Workflow-Management-System Open Service Process Platform definiert werden. Im Ergebnis kann das System den Workflow je nach Komplexität möglichst energiearm ausführen.
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A Probability-based Approach to Web services SelectionPai, Jung-shuo 15 January 2006 (has links)
As the population of the Internet users increases, various Web services, which are based on a set of standardized technologies, are now offered through the Internet. However, as the market becomes more competitive, atomic Web services are not sophisticated enough to meet users¡¦ needs, and the concept of Web services-based workflow emerges accordingly. Web services-based workflow is a workflow composed of several related activities, aiming to achieve certain task, and for each activity, there can be a set of candidate Web services to be selected. The goal is to make a selection, which optimizes the QoS of the entire workflow. Although numerous methods are proposed to solve this QoS-based Web services selection problem, most of them are based on a static QoS model, which cannot accurately reflect the real QoS measures, and as a result, methods based on this static model will not necessarily derive the optimal solution even in the average case. Therefore, in this thesis, we adopt a probability-based model, which represents QoS measures as probability mass functions, and propose a branch and bound algorithm for selecting Web services from a set of candidate Web services. Under this QoS model, the goal is to maximize the probability of meeting the QoS goal subject to some QoS constraints. As demonstrated by the results of our experiments, it is much more probable for a workflow to meets the QoS goal by executing the selection derived by the probability-based approach.
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Konzeption und Entwicklung einer Schnittstelle zur hierarchischen Abarbeitung räumlich verteilter WorkflowsKunis, Raphael 10 May 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Diplomarbeit wird eine Möglichkeit für die Abarbeitung von verteilten Workflows konzeptuell erarbeitet und prototypisch
implementiert. Dabei werden als Grundlage des Konzepts die Standards der Workflow Management Coalition zur Beschreibung von Workflows und
Workflow Management Systemen verwendet. Für die verteilte Abarbeitung von Prozessen wurde eine RMI-basierte Abwandlung des ASAP-Protokolls implementiert.
Die Implementierung nutzt Enhydra Shark als Laufzeitumgebung und die Schnittstellen für die verteilte Abarbeitung sind für dieses
System angepasst. Anhand von Beispielen und Testfällen wird die Funktionsweise des erstellten Konzepts und seiner Realisierung
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Dataflow Analysis and Workflow Design in Business Process ManagementSun, Xiaoyun January 2007 (has links)
Workflow technology has become a standard solution for managing increasingly complex business processes. Successful business process management depends on effective workflow modeling, which has been limited mainly to modeling the control and coordination of activities, i.e. the control flow perspective. However, given a workflow specification that is flawless from the control flow perspective, errors can still occur due to incorrect dataflow specification, which is referred to as dataflow anomalies.Currently, there are no sufficient formalisms for discovering and preventing dataflow anomalies in a workflow specification. Therefore, the goal of this dissertation is to develop formal methods for automatically detecting dataflow anomalies from a given workflow model and a rigorous approach for workflow design, which can help avoid dataflow anomalies during the design stage.In this dissertation, we first propose a formal approach for dataflow verification, which can detect dataflow anomalies such as missing data, redundant data, and potential data conflicts. In addition, we propose to use the dataflow matrix, a two-dimension table showing the operations each activity has on each data item, as a way to specify dataflow in workflows. We believe that our dataflow verification framework has added more analytical rigor to business process management by enabling systematic elimination of dataflow errors.We then propose a formal dependency-analysis-based approach for workflow design. A new concept called "activity relations" and a matrix-based analytical procedure are developed to enable the derivation of workflow models in a precise and rigorous manner. Moreover, we decouple the correctness issue from the efficiency issue as a way to reduce the complexity of workflow design and apply the concept of inline blocks to further simplify the procedure. These novel techniques make it easier to handle complex and unstructured workflow models, including overlapping patterns.In addition to proving the core theorems underlying the formal approaches and illustrating the validity of our approaches by applying them to real world cases, we provide detailed algorithms and system architectures as a roadmap for the implementation of dataflow verification and workflow design procedures.
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