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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposta de um campo de forças coarse-grained para a previsão da estrutura nativa de baixa resolução de proteínas. / Proposal of a coarse-grained force field for the prediction of the native structure of low resolution of proteins.

Rafael Risnik Romeiro 23 February 2017 (has links)
A capacidade de prever a estrutura nativa de uma proteína é um problema ainda sem solução. A predição da estrutura final ou nativa de uma proteína -, ou seja, partir da estrutura primária (sequência de aminoácidos linear) de um polipeptídeo tentar prever qual será a estrutura terciária (arranjo de hélices alfa, folhas beta e grampos) - tem sido um desafio para diversos pesquisadores desde o século passado. Atualmente existem diversos modelos que se propõem a executar essa tarefa, mas poucos que de fato partem de princípios físicos básicos para realizá-la. A grande maioria baseia-se em estruturas já conhecidas de proteínas com sequenciamento ou função similares para prever a estrutura terciária. Neste trabalho, no entanto, propõe-se o desenvolvimento de um campo de forças coarse-grained para aplicação em simulações de dinâmica molecular a fim de prever a estrutura de proteínas sem que seja necessária a comparação com estruturas já conhecidas. O fator de forma é um importante indicativo da estrutura de uma molécula em solução. Apesar de se tratar de uma grandeza que fornece informações de baixa resolução, ou seja, não fornece pormenores a respeito da posição dos átomos na estrutura da molécula, é uma estimativa inicial do espaço ocupado pela molécula e também da maneira com a qual ela interage com outras moléculas em solução. Isso é decorrente das operações matemáticas necessárias para que o fator de forma seja acessado a partir de dados de experimentos de espalhamento de raios X. Os resultados mostram que o método consegue prever uma estrutura condizente com os dados de espalhamento de raios X das estruturas cristalográficas e com os dados experimentais utilizados. / The prediction of the final structure of a protein (also called native structure) has been addressed by many research groups since the last century. This problem can be understood as how to predict the tertiary structure that a protein molecule assumes after the folding process from just the primary structure (the sequence of amino acids). Nowadays there are several models aiming at solving this problem, but very few of them are based on physical principles. Most of these models are template-based ones that search for similar amino acids sequences or analogous biological functions to predict the native structure. In the present work, however, we propose the development of a force field predict the form factor of proteins that does not entail the knowledge of any other model or template to do so. The form factor is an important aspect of the structure of a molecule in solution. Despite being a low-resolution method of analysis, in the sense that it does not provide details about the exact positions of the atoms inside the molecular structure (because of the mathematical operations needed to retrieve informations from the scattering data), it is an initial estimative of the volume occupied by this molecule and also a good initial path for uncovering how these molecules interact to each other in solution. The results show that the method presented here can predict a structure that agrees with the scattering data of the crystallographic structure and with available experimental data of x-ray scattering of proteins in solution.

Caracterização estrutural de sistemas biológicos de diferentes classes: um estudo pela técnica de SAXS / Structural characterization of biological systems from different classes: A study by the SAXS technique

Pedro Leonidas Oseliero Filho 28 November 2018 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta resultados da caracterização estrutural de três sistemas de classes diferentes por meio, principalmente, da modelagem de dados de espalhamento de raios X a baixos ângulos (SAXS). No sistema surfactante-surfactante as micelas mistas são formadas por dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS) e um dos surfactantes da série Tween (Tween 20, 40, 60 e 80). A modelagem adotada impôs vínculos moleculares uma vez que os dados de SAXS estavam em escala absoluta. Isso reduziu a ambiguidade nos valores dos parâmetros ajustáveis e permitiu verificar que os dados de SAXS são satisfatoriamente descritos considerando-se que as micelas são elipsoides de revolução core-shell, podendo ser prolatas ou oblatas dependendo do tipo de Tween empregado. Para o sistema proteína-surfactante, a metodologia experimental utilizada permitiu um estudo estrutural e termodinâmico dos complexos formados por meio do acompanhamento do processo de ligação de SDS às proteínas lisozima e alfa-lactalbumina. A técnica de calorimetria de titulação isotérmica (ITC) forneceu um panorama geral sobre a desnaturação proteica e norteou os experimentos seguintes de SAXS e dicroísmo circular (CD). Por meio da análise dos dados de CD concluiu-se que as proteínas perdem quase totalmente sua estrutura terciária, mas não a secundária (esse estado é conhecido como molten globule). Já a modelagem de SAXS em escala absoluta com imposição de vínculos permitiu concluir que os complexos proteína-surfactante podem ser entendidos micelas decoradas, isto é, a proteína está distribuída sobre a superfície de uma micela de SDS. Esse modelo, aliado à abordagem experimental empregada, permitiu a caracterização sistemática dos complexos durante a desnaturação proteica. Em relação ao sistema lipossomas-(bio)ativos, a análise dos dados de SAXS por meio do Método da Deconvolução Gaussiana usando bicamadas simétricas, para os sistemas Phospholipon 90H curcumina/vitamina D3 e dipalmitoilfosfatidilcolina de soja (DPPC) ácido láurico (LA), e assimétricas, para o caso fosfatidilcolina de ovo (EPC) sumatriptano (SMT), permitiu acompanhar mudanças na estrutura das mesmas ocasionadas pela presença dos (bio)ativos. Verificou-se em todos os casos que a espessura da bicamada se mantém praticamente constante. A flexibilidade membranar aumenta, seja em função da temperatura, para o sistema Phospholipon 90H curcumina/ vitamina D3, seja em função da concentração de (bio)ativos, como nos outros dois casos. Para estes, concluiu-se pela análise dos perfis de contraste de densidade eletrônica que os (bio)ativos interagem preferencialmente com as cabeças polares dos fosfolipídeos que constituem os lipossomas, possivelmente causando defeitos topológicos nessa região e ocasionando o aumento da flexibilidade membranar mencionada antes. LA, diferentemente de SMT, induz uma transição de lipossomas multilamelares para unilamelares, e esse fenômeno é grandemente influenciado pelo pH do meio. / This thesis presents a structural characterization of three systems of different classes through, mainly, the small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) technique. In the surfactant-surfactant system the mixed micelles are composed by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and one of the Tween surfactants (Tween 20, 40, 60 and 80). The adopted modeling imposed molecular constraints since the SAXS data was in absolute scale. This procedure reduced the ambiguity in the values of the adjustable parameters and allowed to verify that SAXS data is satisfactorily described considering that the micelles are core-shell revolution ellipsoids which can be prolate or oblate depending on the type of Tween used in the micelle. For the protein-surfactant system, the applied experimental methodology allowed a structural and thermodynamic study of the complexes formed through monitoring the binding of SDS to the proteins lysozyme and alpha-lactalbumin. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) technique provided an overview of proteic denaturation and guided the following experiments of SAXS and circular dichroism (CD). From CD data analysis it was concluded that the proteins lose almost totally their tertiary structure, but not the secondary one (this state is known as \"molten globule\"). On the other hand, SAXS data modeling in absolute scale with molecular constraints leaded to the conclusion that protein-surfactant complexes can be considered decorated micelles in which the protein is distributed over a SDS micelle surface. This model, combined to the adopted experimental procedure, allowed the systematic characterization of the complexes along the protein denaturation. In the liposome-(bio)actives system, the SAXS data analysis using the Gaussian Deconvolution Method assuming symmetric bilayers, for the systems Phospholipon 90H curcumin /vitamin D3 and soybean dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) lauric acid (LA), and asymmetric bilayers, in the case of egg phosphatidylcholine (EPC) sumatriptan (SMT) system, allowed to follow changes in the lipid bilayer structure induced by the presence of the (bio)actives. It has been found, in all cases, that the bilayer thickness remains approximately. Membrane flexibility increases, depending on the temperature, for the Phospholipon 90H curcumin /vitamin D3 system, or as a function of the (bio)actives concentrations, as in the other two cases. For those, it was concluded, by the analysis of electron density contrast profiles, that the (bio)actives preferentially interact with the polar heads of the phospholipids forming the liposomes, possibly causing topological defects in that region and leading the membrane flexibility increase. LA, unlike SMT, induces a transition from multilamellar to unilamellar liposomes, and this phenomenon is greatly influenced by the pH of the medium.

Sílica mesoporosa ordenada luminescente / Luminescent Ordered Mesoporous Silica

Durães, Aline dos Santos Lira 29 October 2014 (has links)
O objetivo desse projeto foi o de produzir sílica mesoporosa ordenada (SMO) do tipo SBA-15 com fósforos. A incorporação dos fósforos às paredes da sílica foi realizada através de um único processo de síntese. Os métodos experimentais utilizados para caracterização das amostras foram: RBS (Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry) para a análise química, SAXS (Small Angle X Ray Scattering), XRD (X Ray Diffraction) e NAI (Nitrogen Adsorption Isotherms) para a análise estrutural destes materiais, além da fotoluminescência. Para a caraterização morfológica complementar das amostras, foi utilizado o SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy). A incorporação de Eu na matriz de sílica preserva a estrutura de poros ordenada. Os resultados de XRD mostraram a formação de óxidos de európio. A partir dos resultados obtidos observaram-se diferentes efeitos da presença e ausência de sobrenadante durante o período de secagem nas amostras preparadas, como por exemplo, alterações de morfologia. As amostras preparadas com sobrenadante apresentaram menor área superficial e volume de poros. Materiais que mantiveram o sobrenadante apresentaram maior conteúdo de Eu e maior intensidade de luminescência. / The aim of this project was to synthesize ordered mesoporous silica (OMS) with phosphorus. The incorporation of phosphorus to the silica walls was performed by means of a one pot synthesis process. The experimental methods used to characterize the samples were: RBS (Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry) for chemical analysis, SAXS (Small Angle X Ray Scattering), XRD (X Ray Diffraction) and NAI (Nitrogen Adsorption Isotherms) for structural analysis, besides fluorescence. SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) was used for complementary morphological characterization of the samples. The Eu incorporation in the silica matrix preserves the ordered mesoporous structure. The XRD results showed the presence of europium oxides. The presence and absence of the liquid solution during the drying process caused the formation of samples with different properties, as, for example, modification in morphology. Samples prepared in the presence of the liquid solutions showed smaller surface area and pore volume. Materials prepared with the liquid solution during the drying process presented larger Eu content and higher photoluminescence intensity.

Papel das redes estruturais proteicas nas propriedades de uma beta-glicosidase / The role of protein structural networks in the properties of a beta-glycosidase

Souza, Valquiria Pianheri 13 September 2017 (has links)
A análise de proteínas como redes é uma ferramenta poderosa para compreender as suas propriedades e a importância relativa de seus resíduos. Nesta análise, os resíduos que interagem entre si, covalentemente ou não, são chamados conectados. Nesta abordagem, alguns resíduos contribuem mais fortemente para manter as propriedades da rede, sendo chamados de centrais. Diversos trabalhos têm apontado que resíduos centrais da Rede de Estrutura Proteica também são importantes nas propriedades das proteínas, desempenhando papéis na catálise, estabilidade térmica e alosteria. No entanto, existe falta de trabalhos desenhados de forma sistemática para confirmar esta hipótese. Neste sentido, esta tese tem como objetivo avaliar se existe correlação entre a centralidade dos resíduos de uma enzima, a beta-glicosidase de Spodoptera frugiperda, Sfβgli, e a importância destes resíduos na determinação das suas propriedades. Para isso, foram utilizadas duas abordagens (capítulo 1): Na primeira, os resíduos centrais foram diretamente perturbados substituindo-os, através de mutação sítio-dirigida, por alanina. Na segunda, perturbações no resíduo central foram feitas modificando a vizinhança deste resíduo através de mutações que introduziram ou removeram volume de seu entorno. A partir disso, foi avaliado se estas perturbações afetaram as propriedades Sfβgli. De forma geral, foi observado (capítulo 2) que as perturbações nos resíduos centrais por ambas abordagens afetam significativamente a termoestabilidade da proteína, reduzindo a sua Tm em até 15°C e aumentando a velocidade de sua desnaturação térmica em até mais de 20 vezes. Além disso, a atividade catalítica de Sfβgli é reduzida por estas perturbações (capítulo 3), sendo que este efeito e a perda da termoestabilidade parecem resultar da mesma causa, a perturbação do resíduo central. No capítulo 4, a investigação do estado oligomérico da Sfβgli por SAXS revelou que esta ocorre preponderantemente como dímero em citrato-fosfato 100 mM pH 6,0, mas como um grande oligômero, possivelmente um dodecâmero, em fosfato 10 mM pH 6,0. Paralelamente foi demonstrado que Sfβgli passa por uma ativação quando em tampão fosfato 10 mM, convergindo para as propriedades cinéticas de Sfβgli em citrato-fosfato 100 mM. Redes de Estrutura Proteica foram produzidas considerando-se também a interação entre as cadeias polipeptídicas constituintes de oligômeros de Sfβgli (dímeros, tetrâmeros e hexâmeros). Assim, observou-se que cinco resíduos são sempre centrais por betweeness, mesmo considerando diferentes oligomêros da Sfgli. Destes, E187, P188 e N329 desempenham papéis conhecidos na catálise e S247 e N249 foram caracterizados nesta tese. Por fim, no capítulo 5, analisando a centralidade dos resíduos da Rede Estrutural da Sfβgli, observa-se uma preponderante presença de resíduos centrais por CΔLp, closeness e betweeness no topo do beta-barril, demonstrando que esta região é muito próxima dos demais resíduos da proteína. Além disso, uma análise da centralidade dos resíduos de 21 beta-glicosidases GH1 revelou que resíduos centrais por closeness são bastante conservados, sendo encontrados predominantemente no sítio ativo destas enzimas, enquanto que dentre os centrais por betweeness há variabilidade. Portanto os resultados apresentados nesta tese suportam experimentalmente a hipótese de que a centralidade dos resíduos na Rede de Estrutura Proteica é correlacionada com propriedades funcionais das proteínas. / Analysis of protein structures as networks has been shown a powerful tool to understand their properties and to identify important residues. In the network analysis, residues that interact with each other are called connected. Some residues are essential to shorten the connection pathways between distant residues in the protein structure, being called central. Central residues have been proposed to have important roles in catalysis, thermal stability and allostery. In order to experimentally assess the correlation between the residue centrality and its importance in the protein properties, we use two approaches (chapter 1): The first one is to make single mutations at the central residues of a betaglucosidase Sfβgly, changing those residues to alanine. The second one is to perturb a central residue (F251) by changing its environment through single mutations that introduces voids or additional volume. Next, we evaluate how those mutations affect the protein thermostability and function. In general, we have observed (chapter 2) that mutations at central residues reduce the Tm in 2 - 15°C and increase the unfolding rate up to 20 times, suggesting that damages in the central residues make the protein more unstable. Moreover, we have observed (chapter 3) that the perturbation of the central residues reduces Sfβgly catalysis, which seems to arise from the same cause that lead to the loss of thermal stability. Besides that, in chapter 4, the investigation of oligomeric state of Sfgli using SAXS indicated that this protein is mainly a dimer in 100 mM citrate-phosphate pH 6,0, whereas it forms large oligomers, possibly dodecamers, in 10 mM phosphate pH 6,0. In parallel it was shown that Sfβgly undergoes an activation process in 10 mM phosphate and its kinetic parameters converge to those observed for Sfβgly in 100 mM citrate-phosphate. Protein Structural Networks were built considering also that there are links between the polypeptidic chains of the Sfβgly oligomers. We observed 5 residues that are central in all kind of oligomeric structures here analyzed. Three of these residues, E187, P188 and N329, play important roles in the catalysis of this enzyme, and two of them (S247 and N249 are described in this thesis. Lastly, in the chapter 5, we observed that central residues by closeness, betweeness and CΔLp are concentrated at the top of the beta-barrel (C-terminal end of the beta-strands and subsequent loops), suggesting that this region, where the active site is placed, is close, in terms of contacts, to the whole Sfβgly structure. Moreover, we have built the Protein Structural Network of 21 beta-glucosidases of the Glucoside Hydrolases family 1, revealing that the closeness central residues are highly conserved, being located in the active site of these enzymes. On the other hand, betweeness central residues are located in the same sites in the structure of different beta-glucosidases, but they are not always conserved. Shortly, these data experimentally support the hypothesis that the residue centrality in Protein Structural Network is correlated with the protein properties, as catalysis and stability.

Synthesis and characterisation of poly (glycerol-sebacate) bioelastomers for tissue engineering applications

Raju Maliger Unknown Date (has links)
Poly (glycerol-sebacate) (PGS) is a synthetic bioelastomer with a covalently crosslinked, three-dimensional network of random coils with hydroxyl groups attached to its backbone. This biodegradable polymer is biocompatible (in vitro and in vivo), tough, elastic, inexpensive, and flexible, and finds potential applications in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Due to the slow rate of step-growth polymerisation, the synthesis of PGS prepolymer requires 24-48 h. A batch and a continuous process, if developed, could address the inherent deficiencies (eg. long residence time, venting) associated with the large-scale synthesis of such bioelastomers. However, in order to assess whether this particular system may be adapted to continuous processes, such as reactive extrusion, studies on kinetics of controlled condensation reactions are of vital importance. FT-Raman spectroscopy was used to study the kinetics of the step-growth reactions between glycerol (G) and sebacic acid (SA) at three molar ratios (G:SA= 0.6,0.8,1.0) and three temperatures (120, 130, 140 ˚C). The rate curves followed first-order kinetics with respect to sebacic acid concentration in the kinetics regime. An increase in the molar ratio (G : SA) of the reactants decreased the average functionality of the system and the crosslinking density, resulting in the lowering of the activation energy and pre-exponential factor. The average functionality of the system had a profound effect on the crosslinking density, mechanical properties, and the reaction kinetics of the system. Three different PGS oligomers and films (PGS 0.6, PGS 0.8, PGS 1.0) were thoroughly characterised using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and contact angle measurements. FTIR spectra of PGS oligomers confirmed the formation of ester bonds (1740 cm -1). Quantification of various functional groups in PGS films using XPS was in agreement with the theoretical values of the proposed structure. WAXS results indicated that PGS system with a higher average functionality possesses a higher degree of crystallinity. Crystallisation exotherms and melting endotherms of PGS systems revealed that the average functionality influences the density of crosslinking, degree of crystallinity, and the network structure of bioelastomers. Contact angle studies confirmed that an increase in the average functionality of PGS system increases hydrophilicity, and the surface treatment through aminolysis further increases the hydrophilicity of the films. Batch studies were performed on a Brabender Plasticorder®. The samples collected over a reaction period of 5 h were characterised using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The number-average molecular weight (Mn) and the weight-average molecular weight (Mw) of the oligoesters were determined using matrix-assisted laser desroption/ionization time-of-flight spectroscopy (MALDI-TOF) and compared with the corresponding values from the benchtop synthesis. It was found that due to higher shear-mixing and better orientation of functional groups, the degree of polymerisation at any stage of the reaction was higher in the Brabender than in the benchtop process. The gel-point of the reaction was determined from the crossover point of storage and loss moduli, and the reaction rate constant was calculated using the torque vs time data of the rheometer. The kinetics rate constant and the extent of the reaction in the Brabender were found to be higher than the corresponding values obtained from the conventional benchtop process by a factor of 2. PGS was found to be thermo-mouldable and adaptable to high-shear mixing, and hence is a better candidate for making thermoplastic elastomers using reactive extrusion. The challenges and possibilities in scaling up a batch process to a continuous process were investigated. The use of a wiped film reactor or a disk reactor along with reactive extrusion and batch-mixing (as a post-extrusion operation) is a commercially viable method to synthesise PGS oligomers. Such a continuous process will boost the production of bioelastomers for tissue engineering application by addressing the constraints in step-growth polymerisation. Finally, the effect of PGS substrate stiffness and surface treatment (aminolysis, hydrolysis, layer-by-layer deposition) on the morphology and lineage of mesenchymal stem cells – which have a capacity to differentiate themselves into cartilage, adipose, tendon, and muscle tissues – was analysed using fluorescence microscopy and DNA and protein assays. Stiffness of the PGS surface and the method of treatment influenced the cell attachment and spreading on different surfaces. However, cells did not differentiate into definite phenotypes at the end of 14 d time-point, indicating that higher time-points are needed to be considered to study the effect of matrix stiffness and surface treatment on cell attachment and phenotype differentiation.

Resonant Soft X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy of Vanadium Oxides and Related Compounds / Resonant Mjukröntgenemissionsspektroskopi av Vanadinoxider och Relaterade Föreningar

Schmitt, Thorsten January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis addresses the electronic structure of vanadium and copper oxides using soft X-ray absorption (SXA) spectroscopy and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) at high brightness synchrotron radiation sources. In RIXS incident photons, tuned to the energy of specific absorption resonances, are inelastically scattered leaving behind a low energy valence excitation in the system studied. Effects of electron localization are reflected by the occurrence of low-energy excitations in form of dd- and charge-transfer excitations that are modelled by cluster calculations. Band-like states are dominating when the intermediate core excited state is delocalized.</p><p>RIXS at V 2p and O 1s resonances has been used to study the electronic structure of the monovalent vanadium oxides VO<sub>2</sub> and V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>, and of the mixed valence compounds, NaV<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> and V<sub>6</sub>O<sub>13</sub>. For NaV<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> and V<sub>6</sub>O<sub>13</sub> significant contributions from localized low-energy excitations reflect the partly localized character of their valence band electronic structure, whereas VO<sub>2</sub> and V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> appear mostly as band-like. Effects of carrier doping are addressed for the case of Mo doping into VO<sub>2</sub> and reveal a quasi-rigid band behavior. In the cases of VO<sub>2</sub> and V<sub>6</sub>O<sub>13</sub> the temperature dependent metal-insulator transition could be monitored by following the spectral evolution of bands originating from V 3d and V 3d - O2p hybridized states. For Na<sub>2</sub>V<sub>3</sub>O<sub>7</sub> nanotubes it was possible to selectively probe states from the apical and the basal oxygen sites of VO<sub>5</sub> pyramids that constitute these nanotubes. Furthermore, the RIXS technique has been demonstrated to be highly valuable in characterizing the charge transfer processes that accompany lithium insertion into vanadium oxide battery cathodes. Finally, for insulating cuprates RIXS at O 1s, Cu 3p and Cu 3s resonances has been recorded at high-resolution for the detailed investigation of crystal field excitations.</p>

Soft X-ray Emission Spectroscopy of Liquids and Lithium Battery Materials

Augustsson, Andreas January 2004 (has links)
<p>Lithium ion insertion into electrode materials is commonly used in rechargeable battery technology. The insertion implies changes in both the crystal structure and the electronic structure of the electrode material. Side-reactions may occur on the surface of the electrode, which is exposed to the electrolyte and form a solid electrolyte interface (SEI). The understanding of these processes is of great importance for improving battery performance. The chemical and physical properties of water and alcohols are complicated by the presence of strong hydrogen bonding. Various experimental techniques have been used to study geometrical structures and different models have been proposed to view the details of how these liquids are geometrically organized by hydrogen bonding. However, very little is known about the electronic structure of these liquids, mainly due to the lack of suitable experimental tools.</p><p>This thesis addresses the electronic structure of liquids and lithium battery materials using resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) at high brightness synchrotron radiation sources. The electronic structure of battery electrodes has been probed, before and after lithiation, studying the doping of electrons into the host material. The chemical composition of the SEI on cycled graphite electrodes was determined. The local electronic structure of water, methanol and mixtures of the two have been examined using a special liquid cell. Results from the study of liquid water showed a strong influence on the 3a<sub>1</sub> molecular orbital and orbital mixing between molecules upon hydrogen bonding. The study of methanol showed the existence of ring and chain formations in the liquid phase and the dominating structures are formed of 6 and 8 molecules. Upon mixing of the two liquids, a segregation at the molecular level was found and the formation of new structures, which could explain the unexpected low increase of the entropy.</p>

Novel carbon materials with hierarchical porosity : templating strategies and advanced characterization

Adelhelm, Philipp January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this work was the generation of carbon materials with high surface area, exhibiting a hierarchical pore system in the macro- and mesorange. Such a pore system facilitates the transport through the material and enhances the interaction with the carbon matrix (macropores are pores with diameters > 50 nm, mesopores between 2 – 50 nm). Thereto, new strategies for the synthesis of novel carbon materials with designed porosity were developed that are in particular useful for the storage of energy. Besides the porosity, it is the graphene structure itself that determines the properties of a carbon material. Non-graphitic carbon materials usually exhibit a quite large degree of disorder with many defects in the graphene structure, and thus exhibit inherent microporosity (d < 2nm). These pores are traps and oppose reversible interaction with the carbon matrix. Furthermore they reduce the stability and conductivity of the carbon material, which was undesired for the proposed applications. As one part of this work, the graphene structures of different non-graphitic carbon materials were studied in detail using a novel wide-angle x-ray scattering model that allowed precise information about the nature of the carbon building units (graphene stacks). Different carbon precursors were evaluated regarding their potential use for the synthesis shown in this work, whereas mesophase pitch proved to be advantageous when a less disordered carbon microstructure is desired. By using mesophase pitch as carbon precursor, two templating strategies were developed using the nanocasting approach. The synthesized (monolithic) materials combined for the first time the advantages of a hierarchical interconnected pore system in the macro- and mesorange with the advantages of mesophase pitch as carbon precursor. In the first case, hierarchical macro- / mesoporous carbon monoliths were synthesized by replication of hard (silica) templates. Thus, a suitable synthesis procedure was developed that allowed the infiltration of the template with the hardly soluble carbon precursor. In the second case, hierarchical macro- / mesoporous carbon materials were synthesized by a novel soft-templating technique, taking advantage of the phase separation (spinodal decomposition) between mesophase pitch and polystyrene. The synthesis also allowed the generation of monolithic samples and incorporation of functional nanoparticles into the material. The synthesized materials showed excellent properties as an anode material in lithium batteries and support material for supercapacitors. / Kohlenstoffmaterialien finden aufgrund ihrer Vielseitigkeit heute in den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen des täglichen Lebens ihren Einsatz. Bekannte Beispiele sind Kohlenstofffasern in Verbundwerkstoffen, Graphit als trockenes Schmiermittel, oder Aktivkohlen in Filtersystemen. Ferner wird Graphit als Elektrodenmaterial auch in Lithium-Ionen-Batterien verwendet. Wegen knapper werdender Ressourcen von Öl und Gas wurde in den letzten Jahren verstärkt an der Entwicklung neuer Materialien für die Speicherung von Wasserstoff und elektrischer Energie gearbeitet. Die Nanotechnologie ist dabei auch für neue Kohlenstoffmaterialien zukunftsweisend, denn sie stellt weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in Aussicht. In dieser Arbeit wurden hierzu mittels des sogenannten Nanocastings neue Kohlenstoffmaterialien für Energieanwendungen, insbesondere zur Speicherung von elektrischer Energie entwickelt. Die Eigenschaften eines Kohlenstoffmaterials beruhen im Wesentlichen auf der Struktur des Kohlenstoffs im molekularen Bereich. Die in dieser Arbeit hergestellten Materialen bestehen aus nichtgraphitischem Kohlenstoff und wurden im ersten Teil der Arbeit mit den Methoden der Röntgenstreuung genau untersucht. Eine speziell für diese Art von Kohlenstoffen kürzlich entwickelte Modellfunktion wurde dazu an die experimentellen Streubilder angepasst. Das verwendete Modell basiert dabei auf den wesentlichen Strukturmerkmalen von nichtgraphitischem Kohlenstoff und ermöglichte von daher eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Materialien. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten nichtgraphitischen Kohlenstoffen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Verwendung von Mesophasen-Pech als Vorläufersubstanz (Precursor) ein Material mit vergleichsweise geringem Grad an Unordnung ermöglicht. Solch ein Material erlaubt eine ähnlich reversible Einlagerung von Lithium-Ionen wie Graphit, weist aber gleichzeitig wegen des nichtgraphitischen Charakters eine deutlich höhere Speicherfähigkeit auf. Zur Beschreibung der Porosität eines Materials verwendet man die Begriffe der Makro-, Meso-, und Mikroporen. Die Aktivität eines Materials kann durch die Erhöhung der Oberfläche noch erheblich gesteigert werden. Hohe Oberflächen können insbesondere durch die Schaffung von Poren im Nanometerbereich erzielt werden. Um die Zugänglichkeit zu diesen Poren zu steigern, weist ein Material idealerweise zusätzlich ein kontinuierliches makroporöses Transportsystem (Porendurchmesser d > 50 nm) auf. Solch eine Art von Porosität über mehrere Größenordnungen wird allgemein als „hierarchische Porosität“ bezeichnet. Für elektrochemische Anwendungen sind sogenannte Mesoporen (d = 2 – 50 nm) relevant, da noch kleinere Poren (Mikroporen, d < 2 nm) z.B. zu einer irreversiblen Bindung von Lithium- Ionen führen können. Wird Mesophasen-Pech als Kohlenstoffprekursor verwendet, kann die Entstehung dieser Mikroporen verhindert werden. Im zweiten und dritten Teil der Arbeit konnte mit den Methoden des „Nanocastings“ zum ersten Mal die spezielle Struktur des Mesophasen-Pech basierenden Kohlenstoffmaterials mit den Vorteilen einer hierarchischen (makro- / meso-) Porosität kombiniert werden. Im ersten Syntheseverfahren wurde dazu ein sogenanntes „hartes Templat“ mit entsprechender Porosität aus Siliziumdioxid repliziert. Aufgrund der hohen Viskosität des Pechs und der geringen Löslichkeit wurde dazu ein Verfahren entwickelt, das die Infiltration des Templates auch auf der Nanometerebene ermöglicht. Das Material konnte in Form größerer Körper (Monolithen) hergestellt werden, die im Vergleich zu Pulvern eine bessere technische Verwendung ermöglichen. Im zweiten Syntheseverfahren konnte die Herstellung eines hierarchisch makro- / mesoporösen Kohlenstoffmaterials erstmals mittels eines weichen Templates (organisches Polymer) erreicht werden. Die einfache Entfernung von weichen Templaten durch eine geeignete Temperaturbehandlung, macht dieses Verfahren im Vergleich zu hart templatierten Materialien kostengünstiger und stellt eine technische Umsetzung in Aussicht. Desweiteren erlaubt das Syntheseverfahren die Herstellung von monolithischen Körpern und die Einbindung funktionaler Nanopartikel. Die hergestellten Materialien zeigen exzellente Eigenschaften als Elektrodenmaterial in Lithium-Ionen-Batterien und als Trägermaterial für Superkondensatoren.

Resonant Soft X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy of Vanadium Oxides and Related Compounds / Resonant Mjukröntgenemissionsspektroskopi av Vanadinoxider och Relaterade Föreningar

Schmitt, Thorsten January 2004 (has links)
This thesis addresses the electronic structure of vanadium and copper oxides using soft X-ray absorption (SXA) spectroscopy and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) at high brightness synchrotron radiation sources. In RIXS incident photons, tuned to the energy of specific absorption resonances, are inelastically scattered leaving behind a low energy valence excitation in the system studied. Effects of electron localization are reflected by the occurrence of low-energy excitations in form of dd- and charge-transfer excitations that are modelled by cluster calculations. Band-like states are dominating when the intermediate core excited state is delocalized. RIXS at V 2p and O 1s resonances has been used to study the electronic structure of the monovalent vanadium oxides VO2 and V2O3, and of the mixed valence compounds, NaV2O5 and V6O13. For NaV2O5 and V6O13 significant contributions from localized low-energy excitations reflect the partly localized character of their valence band electronic structure, whereas VO2 and V2O3 appear mostly as band-like. Effects of carrier doping are addressed for the case of Mo doping into VO2 and reveal a quasi-rigid band behavior. In the cases of VO2 and V6O13 the temperature dependent metal-insulator transition could be monitored by following the spectral evolution of bands originating from V 3d and V 3d - O2p hybridized states. For Na2V3O7 nanotubes it was possible to selectively probe states from the apical and the basal oxygen sites of VO5 pyramids that constitute these nanotubes. Furthermore, the RIXS technique has been demonstrated to be highly valuable in characterizing the charge transfer processes that accompany lithium insertion into vanadium oxide battery cathodes. Finally, for insulating cuprates RIXS at O 1s, Cu 3p and Cu 3s resonances has been recorded at high-resolution for the detailed investigation of crystal field excitations.

Soft X-ray Emission Spectroscopy of Liquids and Lithium Battery Materials

Augustsson, Andreas January 2004 (has links)
Lithium ion insertion into electrode materials is commonly used in rechargeable battery technology. The insertion implies changes in both the crystal structure and the electronic structure of the electrode material. Side-reactions may occur on the surface of the electrode, which is exposed to the electrolyte and form a solid electrolyte interface (SEI). The understanding of these processes is of great importance for improving battery performance. The chemical and physical properties of water and alcohols are complicated by the presence of strong hydrogen bonding. Various experimental techniques have been used to study geometrical structures and different models have been proposed to view the details of how these liquids are geometrically organized by hydrogen bonding. However, very little is known about the electronic structure of these liquids, mainly due to the lack of suitable experimental tools. This thesis addresses the electronic structure of liquids and lithium battery materials using resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) at high brightness synchrotron radiation sources. The electronic structure of battery electrodes has been probed, before and after lithiation, studying the doping of electrons into the host material. The chemical composition of the SEI on cycled graphite electrodes was determined. The local electronic structure of water, methanol and mixtures of the two have been examined using a special liquid cell. Results from the study of liquid water showed a strong influence on the 3a1 molecular orbital and orbital mixing between molecules upon hydrogen bonding. The study of methanol showed the existence of ring and chain formations in the liquid phase and the dominating structures are formed of 6 and 8 molecules. Upon mixing of the two liquids, a segregation at the molecular level was found and the formation of new structures, which could explain the unexpected low increase of the entropy.

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