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Limited Association of Connexin43 and ZO-1 in the Intercalated Disks of Adult Rat Ventricular MyocrdiumSasano, Chieko, Takagishi, Yoshiko, Honjo, Haruo, Kamiya, Kaichiro, Kodama, Itsuo 12 1900 (has links)
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Co-culture d'endothélium cornéen et de kératocytes bovins : électrophorèse des protéines et immunohistochimie d'un marqueur des jonctions serréesPoitras, Caroline January 2001 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Postnatal Cell Shape development of the Corneal Endothelium in MiceOjo, Victor Temidayo 01 August 2017 (has links)
Corneal endothelial cells have been shown to possess a uniform polygonal and complex multipolar shape at their apical and basolateral surface respectively. We established a morphological timetable to study how this complex shape arises postnatally. Corneas were collected from mice between postnatal day 8 to postnatal day 35 and labelled with antibodies specific for ZO-1 and NCAM at apical and basolateral region, respectively. Images were collected using wide-field fluorescence microscopy and morphometrically analyzed. Results showed that apical cell sizes increase linearly over the first 3 weeks, plateauing at 4-5 weeks postnatally with increased regularity. Basolateral membrane surfaces remained relatively smooth prior to eyelid opening and thereafter begins developing showing differences in development from periphery to the center until about 4 weeks postnatally when the wavy processes get vivid. Results indicate concurrent and independent development at both poles of the corneal endothelium, with more complexity seen at the basolateral surface.
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The role of alpha-catenin and ZO-1 in coupling tight junctions to adherens junctionsMaiers, Jessica Louise 01 December 2013 (has links)
Cell-cell junctions are essential for tissue homeostasis. Prominent among these junctions are adherens junctions and tight junctions. Adherens junctions mediate adhesion between adjacent cells while tight junctions are responsible for establishing apical-basolateral polarity and limiting paracellular permeability. Loss or disruption of either adherens junctions or tight junctions leads to a myriad of disease states, thus these junctions need to be tightly regulated to prevent dysfunction. A unique property of tight junctions is their dependence on adherens junctions for proper assembly and maintenance. Loss or disruption of adherens junction leads to abnormal tight junctions. Understanding the mechanisms that mediate tight junction coupling to adherens junctions is important for treating diseases that arise from disrupted cell-cell junctions.
Currently, two controversial models exist for how tight junctions are coupled to adherens junctions. In the first model, the adherens junction protein α-catenin is critical for tight junction assembly. The second model suggests that a second adherens junction protein, nectin is critical for tight junction assembly through binding the tight junction protein ZO-1, and disruption of tight junction assembly is independent of E-cadherin. α-catenin also binds ZO-1, but the consequences of this interaction are unknown. I hypothesized that α-catenin binding to ZO-1 plays a critical role in coupling tight junctions to adherens junctions. To test this, I mapped the ZO-1 binding site on α-catenin and engineered a point mutant of α-catenin that failed to bind ZO-1. Expression of this point mutant in epithelial cells showed that ZO-1 binding to α-catenin is essential for tight junction assembly and maintenance, while adherens junctions were unaffected. These findings established a role for ZO-1 binding to α-catenin in coupling tight junctions to adherens junctions during junction assembly, as well as at steady-state conditions.
After discovering the importance of ZO-1 binding to α-catenin in coupling tight junctions to adherens junctions, I wanted to study whether this interaction is critical in a physiological setting. Tight junctions and adherens junctions are both strengthened in response to mechanical force; however the mechanisms responsible for tight junction strengthening were unknown. Using the system I previously developed, I show that ZO-1 binding to α-catenin is essential for increased tight junction integrity in response to mechanical force, coupling changes in tight junctions to increased stability of adherens junctions. Together, these findings identify a novel interaction that is critical for coupling tight junctions to adherens junctions under several conditions, and provide mechanistic insight into the cellular response to mechanical force.
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Wound healing in a suction blister model:an experimental study with special reference to healing in patients with diabetes and patients with obstructive jaundiceKoivukangas, V. (Vesa) 23 November 2004 (has links)
The expression intensities of cytokeratins and tight junction proteins were determined on re-epithelization. Experimental blister wound healing was studied in patients with diabetes mellitus and in patients with obstructive jaundice.
Suction blisters were induced on healthy volunteers, and the healing blisters were biopsied at different time points. Cytokeratin expression and the tight junction proteins ZO-1 and occludin were studied immunohistochemically.
Blisters were induced on 17 patients with diabetes and 11 control subjects, and the healing process was followed indirectly by measuring water evaporation and blood flow in the wounds. Microvascular reactivity in the diabetic patients was also studied by using non-immunologic contact irritants.
Wound healing, skin collagen synthesis and serum levels of procollagen propeptides were studied in 24 patients with obstructive jaundice caused by neoplastic pancreaticobiliary obstruction and in 17 control patients with the corresponding condition without jaundice.
Cytokeratin expression was altered in healing epidermis. In the suprabasal layer, K10 was replaced by K14 and, most likely, by K16. K18 keratin, which is not present in normal epidermis, was found in the basal and suprabasal layers. Thus, there was a shift towards lower molecular weight cytokeratins, which is a reflection of immaturity, and probably towards motility. The tight junction proteins ZO-1 and occludin were expressed in the migrating epidermal sheet, where they apparently form an early barrier. Enhanced expression was seen in the hyperproliferative zone of the wound edge.
The diabetic patients showed slower restoration of the epidermal barrier and a weaker initial inflammatory response. Obstructive jaundice and its resolution had no effect on healing.
Skin collagen synthesis was decreased in jaundiced patients, and it increased slightly after drainage. Serum type III collagen propeptide levels were elevated in patients with biliary obstruction and dropped after drainage. The elevated levels may be related to the increased synthesis due to fibrosis.
As a conclusion, diabetes mellitus impairs epidermal wound healing, while obstructive jaundice does not.
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Identification of changes in biomarkers relevant for breast cancer biology occurring in a novel 3D-Biosilk modelStåhl, Emmy January 2021 (has links)
Bröstcancer är den vanligaste formen av cancer som drabbar kvinnor. Det är en heterogen och komplex sjukdom som består av flera undergrupper, var och en med distinkt morfologi och kliniska implikationer [1]. För att modellera och studera cellbiologi, vävnadsmorfologi, molekylära mekanismer och läkemedels effekter används cellkulturer [2]. Idag är tvådimensionella (2D) modeller fortfarande den mest använda metoden för att odla celler in vitro [3]. En nackdel med 2D-modeller är att mikromiljön i dessa modeller inte imiterar in vivo strukturen av tumörer och vävnader, då de saknar tre dimensionella (3D) cell-cell och cellextracellulär matrix (ECM) interaktioner [2]. På grund av nackdelarna med 2D-modeller, har 3D-modeller blivit mer intressanta som alternativ för att lösa behovet av en pålitlig preklinisk modell för läkemedelstestning och för studier av cancerbiologi. För att utveckla ett redskap som är relevant för cancerforskning etablerar professor My Hedhammars laboratorium en 3D-modell av bröstcancer. I en sådan ny modell används Biosilk som byggnadsställning för att odla odödliga cellinjer som är representativa för de tre huvudklasserna av bröstcancer (i.e. MCF-7 (luminal-lik), SKBR-3 (HER2-överuttryckt) och MDAMB- 231 (trippel-negativ)). Eftersom transkriptions signaturer kan användas för att klassificera och studera bröstcancer är det viktigt att undersöka om och hur tillväxt i 3D-Biosilk kan påverka genuttrycksprofiler. Hypotesen som testades i denna studie var om cellkulturer i 3DBiosilk kan ha signifikanta skillnader i uttryck av biomarkörer, relevanta för bröstcancerbiologi, vid jämförelse av samma cellinje kultiverad i 2D. För att testa detta utvärderades kvalitén och reproducerbarheten av 3D-Biosilk konstruktionen med hjälp av olika kvalitetstester. Strukturen granskades med brightfield mikroskopi, arean av konstruktionen mättes med ImageJ, infärgning med phalloidin bekräftade cellnärvaro och cellvidhäftning till modellen. Alamar blue utfördes för att bedöma den cellulära metaboliska aktiviteten i modellen. Förändringarna av målgenernas genuttryck undersöktes med kvantitativ omvänd transkription PCR (RT-qPCR) och detta påvisade en statistiskt signifikant skillnad i genuttrycket beroende på om cellerna odlats i 2D- eller 3D-Biosilk modeller. I cellinje MDA-MB-231 hittades tre gener, i cellinje SKBR-3 hittades två gener och i cellinje MCF-7 hittades fyra gener. Genuttrycket för en av dessa gener i cellinje MCF-7, som var kultiverad i 3D-Biosilk, var nedreglerad (i.e. ZO-1). Detta kunde valideras på proteinnivå med immunofluorescens. Sammanfattningsvis, celler odlade i 3D-Biosilk visar på en mer aggressiv fenotyp. / Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. It is a heterogenous and complex disease composed of several subtypes, each with distinct morphological and clinical implications [1]. To model and study cell biology, tissue morphology, molecular mechanisms and drug actions, cell cultures are canonically used [2]. Today two-dimensional (2D) models are still widely the preferred method for culturing cells in vitro [3]. A drawback with 2D models is that the microenvironment in these models does not mimic the in vivo structure of tumors and tissues, lacking three-dimensional (3D) cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions [2]. Due to the disadvantages of 2D models, 3D cultures have become an increasingly interesting alternative to solve the need for a reliable preclinical model for drug testing and the study of cancer biology. To develop a relevant tool for cancer research, the laboratory of professor My Hedhammar is currently establishing a 3D model of breast cancer. In such novel model, Biosilk is used as scaffold to grow immortalized cell lines representative of the three major classes of breast cancer (i.e. MCF-7 (luminal-like), SKBR-3 (HER2-overexpression) and MDA-MB-231 (triplenegative)). Since transcriptional signatures can be used to classify and study breast cancers, it is important to investigate if and how growth in 3D-Biosilk can impact gene expression profiles. The hypothesis tested in this study was that cells cultured in 3D-Biosilk have differences in expression of biomarkers relevant to breast cancer biology, when compared to the same cell lines cultured in 2D. To examine this, 3D-Biosilk models were created and evaluated to ensure their quality and reproducibility, for instance, the scaffold structure was monitored by brightfield microscopy, the construct’s area was measured with ImageJ, staining with phalloidin confirmed the presence of cells as well as their attachment to the construct, and Alamar blue was used to assess the cellular metabolic activity. Differences in gene expression of target genes were investigated using reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RTqPCR), which revealed statistically significant changes depending on whether the cells were cultivated in 2D or a 3D-Biosilk model. For cell line MDA-MB-231 three genes were found, for SKBR-3 two genes were found and for MCF-7 four genes were found. The expression of one gene which was found downregulated in MCF-7 cultured in 3D-Biosilk (i.e. ZO-1) was validated at protein level by immunofluorescence. In conclusion, cultivating cells in 3D-Biosilk indicates a more aggressive phenotype.
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Synthetic peptides modulate epithelial junctionsYi, Sheng January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Biochemistry / Bruce D. Schultz / John M. Tomich / Peptides based on the second transmembrane segment of the glycine receptor (M2GlyR) were made to provide a potential therapeutic treatment for cystic fibrosis (CF) and a latent absorption enhancer for drug delivery. For similarity of presentation, unique synthetic peptide sequences have been given alpha-numeric designations. Results are presented from studies focusing on four peptides.
In the first study, the contributions of synthetic peptides p1171, p1172 and p1173 to net transepithelial ion transport were measured as a first step toward the goal of testing whether pore length or electrostatics of pore lining residues will affect anion transport. Peptide p1130 exhibits many attributes that make it an ideal synthetic peptide for CF treatment, but has low permselectivity for anions. Therefore, it is used as a platform for modification. Peptide p1171 is doubly substituted with diaminopropionic acid at positions T13 and T17. Peptide p1172 and p1173 are separately one and two helical turn(s) inserted into the p1130 backbone. Apical exposure of MDCK monolayers to these peptides caused a rapid increase in short circuit current (Isc), an indicator of net ion transport. The increase in Isc caused by p1172 or p1173 was accompanied by increase in transepithelial electrical conductance (gte). The electrophysiological results suggested that these modified peptides can assemble in the apical membrane of epithelial cells to form functional ion-conducting pores.
Peptide NC-1059, which provides for ion transport across epithelial cells derived from many sources, was studied further to assess cellular changes that account for increased gte. NC-1059 increased Isc, gte and enhanced permeation of dextrans in a concentration dependent manner. Results from previous and current studies show that NC-1059 modulated the epithelial paracellular pathway by altering the distribution and abundance of junctional proteins. Immunoblotting and immunolabeling with confocal microscopy showed that NC-1059 induces reorganization of actin and causes a reduction in F-actin abundance in epithelial cells. The distributions were changed and cellular abundances were reduced of tight junction proteins occludin and ZO-1 and adherens junction proteins E-cadherin and β-catenin by NC-1059. These effects were largely reversed in 24 hr and fully recovered in 48 hr. Therefore, NC-1059 has the therapeutic potential to increase the efficiency of drug delivery across barrier membranes.
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Implication des Zonula Occludens dans la progression métastatique des cancers broncho-pulmonaires / Involvement of Zonula Occludens proteins in metastatic lung cancer progression.Lesage, Julien 30 November 2016 (has links)
Au cours de la conversion métastatique des tumeurs épithéliales, les cellules tumorales acquièrent des capacités invasives/migratoires nouvelles. Ce changement phénotypique est associé au processus de TEM durant lequel les composants des jonctions serrées sont réorganisés. Parmi eux, la protéine adaptatrice sous membranaire zonula occludens (ZO)-1 est délocalisée de la membrane vers le cytoplasme et/ou le noyau où elle joue un rôle pro invasif au cours de la progression tumorale. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés à l’implication fonctionnelle de la fraction cyto-nucléaire de ZO-1 dans la régulation de l’expression de la chimiokine CXCL8/IL-8. In vitro, le niveau d’expression de l’IL-8 a été corrélé aux capacités invasives des cellules tumorales bronchiques et à la localisation de ZO-1. Par différentes techniques, nous avons montré non seulement que ZO-1 régule spécifiquement l’expression de l’IL-8 mais également qu’il régule la transcription du gène CXCL8 à travers l’activation du facteur de transcription NF-κB dans les cellules bronchiques et mammaires. En parallèle, l’étude de l’implication fonctionnelle de cet axe de régulation, dans des modèles ex vivo et in vivo, a mis en évidence le rôle pro-angiogénique de ZO-1 dont l’expression cyto-nucléaire dans les cancers bronchiques non-à petites cellules (CBNPC) a été corrélée avec une augmentation de la vascularisation de ces tumeurs.Ainsi, cette étude décrit le nouveau rôle de ZO-1 dans l’établissement d’un microenvironnement pro tumoral pro-angiogénique à travers sa capacité à moduler l’expression de l’IL-8 selon un mécanisme de régulation dépendant de la signalisation NF-κB. / In metastatic epithelial tumor conversion, cancer cells acquire new invasive and migratory capacities in association with epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) process. During EMT, the junctional components are reorganized and the sub-membrane scaffolding protein zonula occludens (ZO)-1 relocates from tight junctions into cyto-nuclear compartment where it displays pro-invasive functions during tumor progression. In the present study, we focused on functional involvement of cyto-nuclear pool of ZO-1 on CXCL8/IL-8 regulation. In vitro, we observed correlation between level of IL-8 protein, invasive capacities of lung cancer cells and ZO-1 location. By overexpression of various ZO members, we showed that ZO-1 controls specifically IL-8 expression and active CXCL8 gene transcription by NF-κB dependent mechanism in lung and breast cancer cells. We also reported by in vitro assays that ZO 1 activates NF-κB. Investigation of functional implication of this regulatory axis next showed the pro-angiogenic activity of ZO-1 in both ex vivo and in vivo angiogenesis assays. Finally, we founded that non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) presenting a cyto-nuclear ZO-1 pattern were significantly more angiogenic that those without detectable cyto-nuclear ZO-1 expression.Thus, this study presents a new role of ZO-1 in establishment of pro-angiogenic tumor microenvironment through its capacity to modulate IL-8 expression via an NF-κB dependent mechanism.
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Rôle inattendu de la protéine des jonctions intercellulaires Zonula Occludens-1 (ZO-1) dans la régulation de l’ARN et de la prolifération des cellules endothélialesChidiac, Rony 12 1900 (has links)
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