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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude du partage attentionnel : analogie entre la production temporelle avec interruption et la double tâche

Ellefsen-Gauthier, Paule 24 April 2018 (has links)
L’estimation temporelle de l’ordre des secondes à quelques minutes requiert des ressources attentionnelles pour l’accumulation d’information temporelle pendant l’intervalle à estimer (Brown, 2006; Buhusi & Meck, 2009; Zakay & Block, 2004). Ceci est démontré dans le paradigme de double tâche, où l’exécution d’une tâche concurrente pendant l’estimation d’un intervalle mène à un effet d’interférence, soit une distorsion de la durée perçue se traduisant par des productions temporelles plus longues et plus variables que si l’estimation de l’intervalle était effectuée seule (voir Brown, 1997; 2010). Un effet d’interférence est également observé lorsqu’une interruption est attendue pendant l’intervalle à estimer, l’allongement étant proportionnel à la durée d’attente de l’interruption (Fortin & Massé, 2000). Cet effet a mené à l’hypothèse que la production avec interruption serait sous-tendue par un mécanisme de partage attentionnel similaire à la double tâche (Fortin, 2003). Afin d’étudier cette hypothèse, deux études empiriques ont été effectuées dans des contextes expérimentaux associés respectivement à une augmentation et à une diminution de l’effet d’interférence, soit le vieillissement (Chapitre II) et l’entraînement cognitif (Chapitre III). Dans le Chapitre II, la tâche de production avec interruption est étudiée chez des participants jeunes et âgés à l’aide de la spectroscopie proche infrarouge fonctionnelle (SPIRf). Les résultats montrent que l’attente de l’interruption est associée à des coûts comportementaux et fonctionnels similaires à la double tâche. Au niveau comportemental, un allongement des productions proportionnel à la durée d’attente de l’interruption est observé chez l’ensemble des participants, mais cet effet est plus prononcé chez les participants âgés que chez les jeunes. Ce résultat est compatible avec les observations réalisées dans le paradigme de double tâche (voir Verhaegen, 2011 pour une revue). Au niveau fonctionnel, la production avec et sans interruption est associée à l’activation du cortex préfrontal droit et des régions préfrontales dorsolatérales connues pour leur rôle au niveau de l’estimation temporelle explicite (production d’intervalle) et implicite (processus préparatoires). En outre, l’attente de l’interruption est associée à l’augmentation de l’activation corticale préfrontale dans les deux hémisphères chez l’ensemble des participants, incluant le cortex ventrolatéral préfrontal associé au contrôle attentionnel dans la double tâche. Finalement, les résultats montrent que les participants âgés se caractérisent par une activation corticale bilatérale lors de la production sans et avec interruption. Dans le cadre des théories du vieillissement cognitif (Park & Reuter-Lorenz, 2009), cela suggère que l’âge est associé à un recrutement inefficace des ressources attentionnelles pour la production d’intervalle, ceci nuisant au recrutement de ressources additionnelles pour faire face aux demandes liées à l’attente de l’interruption. Dans le Chapitre III, la tâche de production avec interruption est étudiée en comparant la performance de participants assignés à l’une ou l’autre de deux conditions d’exécution extensive (cinq sessions successives) de double tâche ou de production avec interruption. Des sessions pré et post-test sont aussi effectuées afin de tester le transfert entre les conditions. Les résultats montrent un effet d’interférence et de durée d’interférence tant en production avec double tâche qu’en production avec interruption. Ces effets sont toutefois plus prononcés lors de la production avec interruption et tendent à augmenter au fil des sessions, ce qui n’est pas observé en double tâche. Cela peut être expliqué par l’influence des processus préparatoires pendant la période pré-interruption et pendant l’interruption. Finalement, les résultats ne mettent pas en évidence d’effets de transfert substantiels entre les conditions puisque les effets de la pratique concernent principalement la préparation temporelle, un processus spécifique à la production avec interruption. Par la convergence que permet l’utilisation d’un même paradigme avec des méthodologies distinctes, ces travaux approfondissent la connaissance des mécanismes attentionnels associés à l’estimation temporelle et plus spécifiquement à la production avec interruption. Les résultats supportent l’hypothèse d’un partage attentionnel induit par l’attente de l’interruption. Les ressources seraient partagées entre les processus d’estimation temporelle explicite et implicite, une distinction importante récemment mise de l’avant dans la recherche sur l’estimation du temps (Coull, Davranche, Nazarian & Vidal, 2013). L’implication de processus dépendant des ressources attentionnelles communes pour le traitement de l’information temporelle peut rendre compte de l’effet d’interférence robuste et systématique observé dans la tâche de production avec interruption. / Timing in the seconds to minute range requires attentional ressources for the accumulation of temporal information (Brown, 2006; Buhusi & Meck, 2009; Zakay & Block, 2004). This is demonstrated by dual task studies showing a systematic lengthening of time production related to the execution of a concurrent task requiring attention (the "interference effect" see Brown, 1997, 2010). Studies have also demonstrated that simply expecting a break during a time production induces a lengthening of production similar to the interference effect (Fortin & Massé, 2000). This result has led to the interpretation that time production with break involves attentional time-sharing similar to dual task, as attention resources allocated to the surveillance of the break signal are detracted from the accumulation of temporal information (Fortin, 2003). This hypothesis was investigated in two experimental contexts allowing the comparison of different attentional time sharing capabilities, cognitive aging (Chapter II) and training (Chapter III). In Chapter II, time production with break was investigated in older and younger participants using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Results show that production with break is related to a behavioral and functional cost similar to dual task. Production intervals lengtened with increasing prebreak duration for all participants, but the effect was more pronounced for older adults, thus supporting reported age-related deficits in time sharing abilities in time productions with break (Bherer, Desjardins & Fortin, 2007) and dual task in general (Verhaegen, 2011). fNIRS results show that both time production with and without break is related to activation of right hemispheric and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices, known for their involvement in explicit (time production) and implicit timing (i.e. preparatory processes). Break expectancy leads to increased activation of prefrontal cortices in both hemispheres, including ventrolateral regions associated with attentional control. Although this result is observed for all participants, older adults also display bilateral activation during production without break, suggesting that age is associated with inefficient recrutement of attentional resources for the timing of interval. According with general theories of cognitive aging applied to dual task paradigm (Park & Reuter-Lorenz, 2009), bilateral activation during interval production may limit the recrutement of additional resources for demands related to break expectancy, resulting in decreased performance. In Chapter III, time production with break is investigated by comparing performances of participants assigned to conditions of time production with dual task or break during five practice sessions. Pre- and post-test sessions are also added in order to test transfer effects between conditions. An interference effect is observed in all conditions, the lengthening of production being related to duration of the interference, either caused by dual task or break expectation. However, results show that these effects are more pronounced for time production with break and tend to increase with practice, a tendency that is not observed in the dual task condition. These results are explained by preparatoty processes which influence attentional time-sharing before the break and the accumulation of temporal information at the beginning of the break. Transfer effects between conditions are limited in the present study because practice effects are mainly related to preparation, a process specifically related to interruption. Despite significant methodological discrepancies between studies, these results increase current understanding of attentional mechanisms in time perception. Results underline the important contribution of preparatory processus in time production with break by showing that break expectancy involves time-sharing between explicit and implicit timing. These processes rely on common attentional resources for accumulation of temporal information, which explains the robust and systematic interference effect when expecting a break in timing.

Seeking Information After the 2010 Haiti Earthquake: a Case Study in Mass-fatality Management

Gupta, Kailash 05 1900 (has links)
The 2010 earthquake in Haiti, which killed an estimated 316,000 people, offered many lessons in mass-fatality management (MFM). The dissertation defined MFM in seeking information and in recovery, preservation, identification, and disposition of human remains. Specifically, it examined how mass fatalities were managed in Haiti, how affected individuals sought information about fatalities, and what needs motivated them. Data from 28 in-depth, partially structured interviews, conducted during two field visits ending 21 weeks after the earthquake, were included in a case study. The data analysis revealed the MFM was severely inadequate. One interviewee, a senior UN official, stated, "There was no fatality management." The analysis also indicated a need to learn whereabouts of the deceased motivated individuals to visit spots the deceased were last seen at. It sought to illumine information-seeking practices, as discussed in the works of J. David Johnson and others, by developing a new model of information flow in MFM. In addition, it reaffirmed Donald Case and Thomas Wilson's theoretical proposition – that need guides any seeking of information – in the case of Haiti. Finally, it produced recommendations regarding future directions in MFM for emergency managers and information scientists, including possible use of unidentified body parts in organ transplants. Overall, the dissertation, which was supported by two grants of the National Science Foundation, attempted to add to relatively scanty literature in information seeking in MFM.

Vygotsky Circle during the Decade of 1931-1941: Toward an Integrative Science of Mind, Brain, and Education

Yasnitsky, Anton 25 February 2010 (has links)
This dissertation presents a study of the scientific practices of the circle of Vygotsky’s closest collaborators and students during the decade of the 1930s-and including the early 1940s (until Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union and the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in 1941). The notion of Vygotsky Circle is introduced in this work and is explicitly distinguished from a traditional—yet frequently criticised—notion of “the school of Vygotsky-Leontiev-Luria”. The scientific practices of the Vygotsky Circle are discussed here as the unity of a) social and interpersonal relations, b) the practices of empirical scientific research, and c) discursive practices of the Soviet science—more specifically, the “Stalinist Science” of the 1930s. Thus, this study analyzes the social and interpersonal relations between the members of the Vygotsky Circle and the evolution of this circle in the social context of Soviet science during the decade of 1930s; various practices of empirical scientific research conducted by the members of the Vygotsky Circle were also overviewed. Finally, discursive practices of the Soviet scientific “doublespeak” were discussed and illustrated with several examples borrowed from publications of the time.

Vygotsky Circle during the Decade of 1931-1941: Toward an Integrative Science of Mind, Brain, and Education

Yasnitsky, Anton 25 February 2010 (has links)
This dissertation presents a study of the scientific practices of the circle of Vygotsky’s closest collaborators and students during the decade of the 1930s-and including the early 1940s (until Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union and the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in 1941). The notion of Vygotsky Circle is introduced in this work and is explicitly distinguished from a traditional—yet frequently criticised—notion of “the school of Vygotsky-Leontiev-Luria”. The scientific practices of the Vygotsky Circle are discussed here as the unity of a) social and interpersonal relations, b) the practices of empirical scientific research, and c) discursive practices of the Soviet science—more specifically, the “Stalinist Science” of the 1930s. Thus, this study analyzes the social and interpersonal relations between the members of the Vygotsky Circle and the evolution of this circle in the social context of Soviet science during the decade of 1930s; various practices of empirical scientific research conducted by the members of the Vygotsky Circle were also overviewed. Finally, discursive practices of the Soviet scientific “doublespeak” were discussed and illustrated with several examples borrowed from publications of the time.

Shaping the field

Perlina, Anna 18 November 2016 (has links)
Die vorliegende wissenschaftliche Arbeit rekonstruiert die Entwicklung der deutschen Psychologie zwischen der Eröffnung des ersten psychologischen Labors in 1879 und der Gleichschaltung durch das Nazi-Regime in den 1930er Jahren. Die Dissertation stellt den konzeptuellen und methodologischen Rahmen der psychologischen Disziplin anhand von drei Generationen von Pionierforschung dar. Hierbei wird herausgearbeitet, wie sich die frühe experimentelle Psychologie einen eigenen Platz zwischen den Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften kreiert. Die gestaltpsychologische Schule spielt darin eine entscheidende Rolle. Der zentrale Fokus der Arbeit liegt in der historischen Periode zwischen 1922 und 1936, über welche sich Kurt Lewins Untersuchungen zur Handlungs- und Affektpsychologie erstrecken. In dieser deutschen Schaffensperiode wurden der theoretische und methodologische Rahmen, sowie praktische experimentelle Designs erschaffen, welche die amerikanische Arbeit Lewins entscheidend prägten. Der Aufbau von Lewins berühmter Feldtheorie wird im Detail rekonstruiert. Die Dissertation zeigt auf, wie Lewin originelle psychologische Konzepte aus interdisziplinärer Erfahrung formte, und wie experimentelle Praktiken der Zeit die Entstehung eines immer komplexer werdenden Konzeptgerüstes herbeiführten. Anschließend wird die Bedeutung des Gestalt-Lewin-Falles für die Psychologiegeschichte erörtert. In die langfristige Wissenschaftsgeschichte ist Lewins Arbeit nicht etwa als gebündeltes Forschungsgebiet eingegangen. Stattdessen ist sie in so unterschiedliche Bereiche wie Entwicklungs- und Persönlichkeitspsychologie, Soziologie und Wirtschaftsmanagement eingeflossen und hat diese geprägt. / This dissertation represents a historical reconstruction of the development and transformation of German experimental psychology between the emergence of the first experimental laboratory in 1879 and its Gleichschaltung by the Nazi regime in the 1930s. It traces the evolution of the conceptual as well as the experimental framework of psychology over the course of these years following three generations of experimental research. Hereby, the work attempts to grasp how early experimental psychology negotiated its place between the humanities and the natural sciences. The project’s major focus lies in the period between 1922 and 1936, in which Kurt Lewin’s Berlin Experimental Program on Action and Emotions took place. The work specifically investigates the process of constitution of Lewin’s field theory, a system of concepts coined by Lewin in order to study psychological processes underlying human conduct. The dissertation shows how Lewin’s concepts emerged out of interdisciplinary sources, and how experimental practices in psychology triggered the emergence of new knowledge. Eventually, it is shown how the investigated historical case of Gestalt psychology in Berlin fits into and plays a decisive role in the long-term development of experimental psychology.

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