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Modeling and Design of Photocatalytic reactors for Air PurificationZhang, Yangyang 01 January 2013 (has links)
Photocatalysis is a promising technique for the remediation of indoor air pollution. Photocatalysis utilizes semiconductor photocatalysts (such as TiO2 or ZnO) and appropriate light to produce strong oxidizing agents (OH*) that are able to break down organic compounds and inactivate bacteria and viruses. The overall goal of the research is to develop an efficient photocatalytic reactor based on mass transfer for indoor air purification. This study has focused on the enhancement of the effectiveness of the photocatalytic process by the introduction of artificial roughness on the reactor catalyst surface. The major effect of artificial roughness elements on the catalytic surface is to create local wall turbulence and enhance the convective mass transfer of the contaminants to the catalyst surface and thus lead to an increase in the effectiveness of photocatalysis.
Air flow properties in a model photoreactor channel with various roughness patterns on the interior wall surface were theoretically investigated. The optimum shapes, sizes, and arrangements of roughness were determined for the maximum enhancement of turbulence intensity in the channel. The possible order of photocatalytic reactor performance for various roughness patterns was also determined. In order to verify the theoretical analysis results, experimental studies were carried out. A plate type photocatalytic reactor was designed and fabricated on the basis of the theoretical results. It was determined that the photocatalytic reactor performance is greatly improved with various rough catalyst surfaces. The experimental results verified the theoretical results. The relationship between the overall reaction rate constant (k) of the reactor and the magnitude of the turbulence intensity was found out. An empirical correlation expression was also proposed. This is the first study of the effect mass transfer in a rough catalytic surface for photocatalytic reactor.
Photocatalyst development has also been studied. Zinc oxide (ZnO) and iron doped zinc oxide (ZnO/Fe) nanowires were synthesized on glass substrates through a conventional hydrothermal method. The photocatalytic activities under ultraviolet (UV) light and white light irradiation were separately investigated. The ZnO/Fe nanowires exhibited an enhanced photocatalytic activity as compared to ZnO nanowires regardless of the type of contaminants and light sources.
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Cathodic Arc Zinc Oxide for Active Electronic DevicesElzwawi, Salim Ahmed Ali January 2015 (has links)
The filtered cathodic vacuum arc (FCVA) technique is a well established deposition method for wear resistant mechanical coatings. More recently, this method has attracted attention for growing ZnO based transparent conducting films. However, the potential of FCVA deposition to prepare ZnO layers for electronic devices is largely unexplored. This thesis addresses the use of FCVA deposition for the fabrication of
active ZnO based electronic devices. The structural, electrical and optical characteristics of unintentionally doped ZnO films grown on different sapphire substrates were systematically investigated. The potential of FCVA to grow both polar and non-polar ZnO films was demonstrated. The resulting films showed considerable promise for
device applications with properties including high transparency(> 90%), moderate intrinsic carrier concentrations (10¹⁷ - 10¹⁹ cm⁻³), electron mobilities up to 110 cm⁻²/Vs, low surface roughness (< 5 nm) and well-structured photoluminescence. Post-growth annealing in oxygen at temperatures up to 800 C produced significant improvements
in the electronic and optical properties of these films, due to the formation of larger grains with lower inter-grain potential barriers.
Silver oxide (AgOᵪ ) and iridium oxide (IrOᵪ) Schottky diodes fabricated on annealed FCVA ZnO films showed ideality factors as low as 1.20, barrier heights up to 0.85 eV and high sensitivity to ultraviolet light (up to ̴ 10⁻⁵ at -2 V). Transparent and opaque MESFETs fabricated on these films showed well defined field effect characteristics, channel mobilities up to 70 cm⁻²/Vs and insensitivity to 1 mW/cm⁻² visible light. These devices were further subjected to extensive bias and temperature stress
tests. MESFET stability appeared to be strongly dependent on Schottky gate type, bias conditions and ZnO film morphology. Positive bias stress of AgOᵪ gated devices resulted in irreversible damage, that is thought to be due to Ag electromigration across the gate interface. Mapping of the surface potential of the ZnO channel material with Kelvin probe force microscopy suggested a strong relationship between the defect density at grain boundaries and both channel mobility and current stability. Interval growth techniques were found to reduce the density of defects at grain boundaries and produced MESFETs with higher current stability. IrOᵪ gated devices showed superior bias stability and temperature resilience from 25 C-195 C.
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Aqueous Solution Synthesis of ZnO for Application in OptoelectronicsJoo, John Hwajong 23 September 2013 (has links)
Recently, ZnO has garnered widespread attention in the semiconductor community for its large set of useful properties, which include a wide bandgap and its resulting optical transparency, a large exciton binding energy, a significant piezoelectric response, and good electrical conductivity. In many ways, it shares many properties with a widely used and technologically important semiconductor GaN, which is widely used for blue LEDs and lasers. However, ZnO cannot substitute for GaN in most optoelectronic applications, because it cannot be doped p-type. On the other hand, unlike many traditional, covalently bonded semiconductors like GaN, ZnO can be easily formed aqueous solutions at close to room temperature and pressure in the form of large crystals or a variety of nanostructures, making possible applications that are normally very difficult with traditional semiconductors. In this light, we aimed to take advantage of aqueous solution-based, ZnO growth techniques and incorporated ZnO structures novel optoelectronic and photonic structures. By controlling the morphology of ZnO, we studied the effects of nanowire-based \(ZnO/Cu_2O\) solar cells. Carrier collection was increased using a nanowire-based device architecture. The main result, however, was the time evolution of the performance of these devices due to the movement of ionized defects in the material. The effects of geometry on the ageing characteristics were studied, which showed that the carrier collection could be increased further with ageing in a nanowire \(Cu_2O\) solar cell. The aging behavior was substantially different between nanowire and planar solar cells, which implies that future design of nanostructured solar cells must long term aging effects. In addition to solar cells, we explored the possibilities of using aqueous solution growth of ZnO to fabricated whispering gallery mode optical cavities and waveguides for enhancing extraction from a single photon source. In both applications, we used templated growth of ZnO to fabricate geometrically (near) perfect rods and disks for these photonics applications. Finally, since epitaxy is important in the process of optimizing device performance and fabrication, we showed the ability to grow ZnO epitaxially on single crystalline plates of Au, expanding the options of epitaxial substrates to include a metal. / Engineering and Applied Sciences
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Μελέτη των οπτικών και ηλεκτρονιακών ιδιοτήτων νανονημάτων οξειδίου του ψευδαργύρου (ZnO) με την εμπειρική μέθοδο ψευδοδυναμικώνΠετώνη, Αλέξια 04 October 2014 (has links)
Το οξείδιο του ψευδαργύρου είναι ένας ημιαγωγός της ομάδας II-VI και έχει μεγάλη ποικιλία σε τεχνολογικές εφαρμογές όπως οι αισθητήρες διαφόρων χημικών αερίων, τα lasers, οι δίοδοι εκπομπής φωτός, οι νανο-γεννήτριες, τα ηλιακά κύτταρα και πολλές άλλες. Το ευρύ του ενεργειακό κενό (3.445 eV) το καθιστά ένα πολλά υποσχόμενο υλικό για φωτονικές εφαρμογές στην περιοχή του UV ή του ιώδους, ενώ ταυτόχρονα η υψηλή ενέργεια συνοχής του εξιτονίου που το χαρακτηρίζει (περίπου στα 60 meV) επιτρέπει την αποτελεσματική εξιτονική εκπομπή σε θερμοκρασία δωματίου. Οι πιο πρόσφατες εξελίξεις στον τομέα του νανοδομημένου ZnO είναι οι νανοδρόμοι, οι νανογέφυρες, οι νανοπροπέλες, οι νανοδακτύλιοι, τα νανονήματα κ.α.
Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία μελετώνται οι ηλεκτρονιακές και οπτικές ιδιότητες νανονημάτων οξειδίου του ψευδαργύρου (ZnO) για ένα εύρος διαμέτρων από 2 έως 6 nm και με την βοήθεια της εμπειρικής μεθόδου των ψευδοδυναμικών και της Configuration Interaction (CI). Μια ανασκόπηση των ιδιοτήτων και χαρακτηριστικών του bulk ZnO, όπως η κρυσταλλική και η ενεργειακή του δομή, κάποιες τεχνολογικές εφαρμογές και μέθοδοι ανάπτυξης δίνονται στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο. Το δεύτερο κεφάλαιο περιέχει την περιγραφή διαφόρων υπολογιστικών μεθόδων όπως της προσέγγισης ενεργούς μάζας ( Effective Mass Approximation), της θεωρίας του συναρτησιακού της πυκνότητας (Density Functional Theory) και τέλος, της εμπειρικής μεθόδου των ψευδοδυναμικών που χρησιμοποιείται στους υπολογισμούς των ηλεκτρονιακών και οπτικών ιδιοτήτων των νανοδομών που μελετάμε. Στο τρίτο και τελευταίο κεφάλαιο, παρατίθενται τα αριθμητικά αποτελέσματα . Αυτά, αφορούν στο εξαρτώμενο από το μέγεθος, οπτικό ενεργειακό κενό, το Stokes shift, και το φάσμα φωτοφωταύγειας. Στο τέλος του κεφαλαίου περιγράφονται τα συμπεράσματα. / Zinc oxide (ZnO), a typical group II-VI compound, has a great variety of device applications, such as chemical sensors, lasers, light-emitting diodes, nanogenerators, solar cells and so forth. The wide band gap (3.445 eV) makes it a promising material for photonic applications in the UV or the blue range, while the high exciton binding energy (around 60 meV at room temperature) allows efficient excitonic emission at room temperature. The most recent developments are towards the nanostructured ZnO, such as nanorods, nanobridges, nanopropellers, nanorings, nanowires, et al.
In the present master thesis, the electronic and optical properties of ZnO nanowires within the range of 2-6 nm in diameter are studied by means of atomistic empirical pseudopotential method and configuration interaction. A review of the bulk ZnO, such as the crystal and band structures, technological applications and synthesis methods, is presented in chapter one. The second chapter is devoted to the discussion of various types of methods, e.g., effective-mass approximation, density-functional theory (DFT), and especially the empirical pseudopotential method used herein, for the calculations of the electronic and optical properties of nanostructured ZnO. The numerical results, based on the empirical pseudopotential methods and configuration interaction approach, are present in the following chapter. These results cover the size-dependent optical band gap, Stokes shift and photoluminescence spectrum. A summarization of the results is given in the last chapter.
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Growth and Characterization of ZnO NanostructuresSyed, Abdul Samad January 2011 (has links)
A close relation between structural and optical properties of any semiconductor material does exist. An adequate knowledge and understanding of this relationship is necessary for fabrication of devices with desired optical properties. The structural quality and hence the optical properties can be influenced by the growth method and the substrate used. The aim of this work was to investigate the change in optical properties caused by growth techniques and substrate modification. To study the influence of growth technique on optical properties, ZnO nanostructures were grown using atmospheric pressure metal organic chemical vapor deposition (APMOCVD) and chemical bath deposition (CBD) technique. The structural and optical investigations were performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and micro photoluminescence (μ-PL), respectively. The results revealed that the grown structures were in the shape of nano-rods with slightly different shapes. Optical investigation revealed that low temperature PL spectrum for both the samples was dominated by neutral donor bound excitons emission and it tends to be replaced by free exciton (FX) emission in the temperature range of 60-140K. Both excitonic emissions show a typical red-shift with increase in temperature but with a different temperature dynamics for both the sample and this is due to difference in exciton-phonon interaction because of the different sizes of nano-rods. Defect level emission (DLE) is negligible in both the sample at low temperature but it increased linearly in intensity after 130 K up to the room temperature.Modification in substrate can also play a significant role on structural and optical properties of the material. Specially variation in the miscut angle of substrate can help to control the lateral sizes of the Nanostructures and thus can help to obtain better structural andoptical quality. Also optical quality is a key requirement for making blue and ultraviolet LEDs. Therefore, ZnO Nanostructures were grown on SiC on-axis and off-axis substrates having different off-cut angles. Morphological investigation revealed thatgrown structures are epitaxial for the case when substrate off-cut angle is higher and deposition rate is low. Low temperature PL spectrum of all the samples was dominated by neutral donor bound excitons and free exciton emission become dominant at 100 K for all the samples which completely eliminate the neutral donor bound excitonic emission at 160K. Two electron satellite of the neutral donor bound excitons and LO phonons of excitonic features are also present. A typical red-shift in excitonic features was evident in temperature dependence measurement. Red-shift behavior of free exciton for all the samples was treated by applying Varshni empirical expression and several important parameter, such as, the Debye temperature and the band gap energy value was extracted. Thermal quenching behavior was also observed and treated by thermal quenching expression and value of the activation energy for non-radiative channel was extracted. The results that are obtained demonstrate a significant contribution in the fields of ZnO based nano-optoelectronics and nano-electronics.
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A Study on Desulfurization of Hot Metal Using Different AgentsLindström, David January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with desulfurization of hot metal using different agents. The aim of this study was to improve the understanding of commonly used desulfurization agents such as fluidized CaO, CaC2, commercial-CaO, Mg, and mixtures of commercial-CaO-Mg. The possibility to use ZnO for desulfurization of hot metal was also investigated. The desulfurization mechanisms and kinetics of these agents were studied. A broad comparison of the desulfurization abilities of the agents was performed under the same experimental conditions. The experimental studies were carried out in a high temperature resistance furnace at 1773 K with good quenching ability and precise control of the oxygen partial pressure. The influence of ZnO in blast furnace slag on the sulfur removal potential was studied. It was found that ZnO does not stay in blast furnace slag under relevant oxygen potentials and consequently has no influence on its sulfur removal capacity. The reaction mechanism of Mg was studied by adding pure Mg into hot metal. It was found that most Mg (about 90 %) escaped as gas in less than two seconds, only providing a little desulfurization. MgS is not formed by homogenous nucleation, but on MgO particles originating from the surface of the added Mg metal. The growth of CaS around CaC2, fluidized CaO and commercial-CaO were measured and compared. The parabolic rate constants were evaluated to be 2.4∙10-7 [cm s-1] for CaC2, and 5∙10-7 [cm s-1] for fluidized CaO particles. The bigger parabolic rate constant of fluidized CaO explains why fluidized CaO achieved a much better desulfurization of hot metal than CaC2 under the same experimental conditions. Commercial-CaO performed less satisfactory in comparison to fluidized CaO powder. This was due to both its less reactive surface and agglomeration of the particles. Agglomerates and large CaO particles lead to 2CaO.SiO2 formation which hindered further utilization of CaO for desulfurization. The 2CaO.SiO2 formation was favored by a high oxygen potential. Since the desulfurization reaction of CaO not only produced CaS but also oxygen, the local oxygen concentration around big CaO particles was higher than around small particles. When small CaO particles were added together with Mg they quickly transformed to CaS. The Mg-gas helped to distribute the CaO particles in the hot metal and improved the kinetic conditions. The desulfurization abilities of some commonly used agents, namely fluidized CaO, CaC2, commercial-CaO, Mg, mixtures of commercial-CaO-Mg, and ZnO were studied and compared under the same experimental conditions. While fluidized CaO showed the best performance, commercial-CaO mixed with 20 mass % Mg achieved the second best desulfurization. Mg-granules performed slightly better than CaC2 and commercial-CaO, but somewhat less satisfactory compared to fluidized CaO and commercial-CaO-Mg mixtures. ZnO does not influence the sulfur concentration of hot metal. / <p>QC 20140404</p>
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Fabrication et caractérisation des microcavités à base de ZnO en régime de couplage fort : laser à polaritonsLi, Feng 29 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les polaritons de cavité sont des quasi-particules, partiellement matière-t partiellement lumière, crées lors du couplage fort d'un exciton et d'un photon de cavité. A une certaine température et densité de particules, les polaritons de cavité peuvent subir une transition de phase de type quasi-Bose-Einstein et condenser dans l'état de plus basse énergie du système; dans ces conditions, la cavité émet de la lumière cohérente et le dispositif associé est appelé laser à polaritons. ZnO est l'un des matériaux les plus adaptés pour la fabrication des lasers à polaritons fonctionnant à température ambiante, en raison de ses excellentes propriétés excitoniques. Cependant, des difficultés techniques ont empêché la réalisation de microcavités à base de ZnO pendant longtemps. Dans cette thèse nous présentons la fabrication de microcavités à base de ZnO par deux approches différentes, ce qui a permis de surmonter les difficultés technologiques existantes et ont permis d'obtenir des figures de mérite avec des valeurs records (pour le facteur de qualité ainsi que pour l'éclatement de de Rabi). Des lasers à polaritons fonctionnant à température ambiante ont été démontré dans les deux cas. Dans la microcavité entièrement hybride, des condensats de polaritons ont été étudiés dans une gamme de désaccord exciton-photon sans précédents, et de basse température à température ambiante; ceci a permis d'obtenir, pour la première fois, un diagramme de phases complet. Cette thèse ouvre la voie à une polaritonique appliquée fonctionnant à température ambiante.
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Synthesis of ZnO, CuO and their Composite Nanostructures for Optoelectronics, Sensing and Catalytic ApplicationsZaman, Saima January 2012 (has links)
Research on nanomaterials has become increasingly popular because of their unique physical, chemical, optical and catalytic properties compared to their bulk counterparts. Therefore, many efforts have been made to synthesize multidimensional nanostructures for new and efficient nanodevices. Among those materials, zinc oxide (ZnO), has gained substantial attention owing to many outstanding properties. ZnO besides its wide bandgap of 3.34 eV exhibits a relatively large exciton binding energy (60 meV) at room temperature which is attractive for optoelectronic applications. Likewise, cupric oxide (CuO), having a narrow band gap of 1.2 eV and a variety of chemo-physical properties that are attractive in many fields. Moreover, composite nanostructures of these two oxides (CuO/ZnO) may pave the way for various new applications. This thesis can be divided into three parts concerning the synthesis, characterization and applications of ZnO, CuO and their composite nanostructures. In the first part the synthesis, characterization and the fabrication of ZnO nanorods based hybrid light emitting diodes (LEDs) are discussed. The low temperature chemical growth method was used to synthesize ZnO nanorods on different substrates, specifically on flexible non-crystalline substrates. Hybrid LEDs based on ZnO nanorods combined with p-type polymers were fabricated at low temperature to examine the advantage of both materials. A single and blended light emissive polymers layer was studied for controlling the quality of the emitted white light. The second part deals with the synthesis of CuO nanostructures (NSs) which were then used to fabricate pH sensors and exploit these NSs as a catalyst for degradation of organic dyes. The fabricated pH sensor exhibited a linear response and good potential stability. Furthermore, the catalytic properties of petals and flowers like CuO NSs in the degradation of organic dyes were studied. The results showed that the catalytic reactivity of the CuO is strongly depending on its shape. In the third part, an attempt to combine the advantages of both ZnO and CuO NSs was performed by developing a two-step chemical growth method to synthesize the composite NSs. The synthesized CuO/ZnO composite NSs revealed an extended light absorption and enhanced defect related visible emission.
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Synthesis and Optical Properties of ZnO NanostructuresYang, Li-Li January 2008 (has links)
One-dimensional ZnO nanostructures have great potential applications in the fields of optoelectronic and sensor devices. Therefore, it is really important to realize the controllable growth of one-dimensional ZnO nanostructures and investigate their properties. The main points for this thesis are not only to successfully realize the controllable growth of ZnO nonawires, nanorods and quantum dots (QDs), and also investigate the structure and optical properties in detail by the methods of scan electron microscope(SEM), transmission electron microscope(TEM), resonant Raman, photoluminescence(PL) and low-temperature time resolved PL spectrum. to grown ZnO nanorod arrays (ZNAs) on Si substrates. Firstly, the effects of ZnO nanoparticles, pH value of chemical solution, angel θ between substrate and beaker bottom on the structures of the samples were symmetrically investigated and the optimized growth condition to grow ZNAs can be concluded as follows: seed layer of ZnO nanoparticles, pH=6 and θ=70°. On the basis of these, the diameter of ZNAs was well controlled from 150nm~40nm through adjusting the diameter and density of the ZnO nanoparticles pretreated on the Si substrates. The experimental results indicated that both diameter and density of ZnO nanoparticles on the substrates determined the diameter of ZNAs. But when the density is higher than the critical value of 2.3×108cm-2, the density will become the dominant factor to determine the diameter of ZNAs. One the other hand, the optical properties of ZNAs were investigated in detail. The Raman and photoluminescence (PL) results showed that after an annealing treatment around 500oC in air atmosphere, the crystal structure and optical properties became much better due to the decrease of surface defects. The resonant Raman measurements excited by 351.1nm not only revealed that the surface defects play a significant role in the as-grown sample, but also suggested that the strong intensity increase of some Raman scatterings was due to both outgoing resonant Raman scattering effect and deep level defects scattering contribution for ZnO nanorods annealed from 500°C to 700°C. It is the first time to the best of our knowledge that the Raman measurements can be used to monitor the change of surface defects and deep level defects in the CBD grown ZnO nanorods. We have also presented, for the first time, a time resolved PL study in CBD grown ZnO nanorods with different diameters. The results show that the decay time of the excitons in the nanorods strongly depends on the diameter of the nanorods. The altered decay time is mainly due to the surface recombination process. The effective time constant related to the surface recombination velocity was deduced. A thermal treatment under 500°C will suppress the surface recombination channel, resulting in an improvement of the optical quality for the ZnO nanorods. This thesis not only provides the effective way to control the size of ZNAs, but also obtains some beneficial results in aspects of their optical properties, which builds theoretical and experimental foundation for much better and broader applications of one-dimensional ZnO nanostructures.
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Photoluminescence of ZnO Grown by Eclipse Pulsed Laser depositionMendelsberg, Rueben Joseph January 2009 (has links)
ZnO thin films and nanostructures were grown by eclipse pulsed laser deposition (EPLD) for the first time. On bare sapphire held at 600 °C, a complex nanostructured surface was formed when ablating a metallic Zn target in an oxygen ambient. Nanorods grown by a vapor-solid mechanism clumped together in well separated, micron-sized regions. Nanoscale pyramids with 6 fold symmetry formed between the nanorod clumps by vapor-liquid-solid growth. Strong photoluminescence (PL) was observed from the EPLD grown samples, an order of magnitude stronger than PLD grown nanorods formed under similar growth conditions. Low temperature PL was dominated by the I₇ exciton, which still has an unknown origin. Excitation intensity dependence of I₇ was drastically different than the rest of the nearby excitonic features, behavior which has not been previously reported for bound excitons in ZnO. I₇ also showed large, seemingly random variations in intensity across the surface of each sample compared to the other nearby recombinations, suggesting a structural connection.
Introduction of a buffer layer had a profound effect on the morphology and PL from EPLD grown ZnO from a metallic Zn target. Pt has a high melting temperature, which helped suppress the vapor-liquid-solid nanostructure growth resulting in thin-film formation. For standard PLD, the ZnO film showed large grains separated by cracks on the surface. Due to the reduced growth rate in the EPLD geometry, the ZnO layer had a high density of nanoscale pores, reminiscent of the porous Pt buffer layer. Strong PL emission, which was dominated by I₇, was observed from the ZnO/Pt/Al₂O₃ which showed unusual blue/violet emission when the EPLD geometry was used for growth. Thin ZnO buffer layers deposited at reduced temperature also had a profound effect on EPLD grown ZnO, resulting in a random array of nanorods with alignment which was dependent on the growth temperature of the buffer layer. Buffer layers offer another dimension in the control over epitaxial structures and show large potential for EPLD growth of ZnO.
Pb was the dominant impurity in the Zn targets used for EPLD growth, hinting at a Pb-related origin for the I7 peak. To explore this idea, hydrothermally grown bulk ZnO was ion-implanted with Pb and then annealed in oxygen at 600 °C to repair damage to the crystal. PL emission intensity was substantially reduced in the Pb-implanted ZnO but the line widths were preserved. No evidence of an I₇ feature was seen for Pb concentrations of up to 0.10%, three orders of magnitude higher than the expected level in the EPLD grown ZnO. However, this does not rule out a Pb-related complex as the origin of I₇ since Pb has complicated interactions with the impurities and native defects in ZnO. Instead of I₇, other sharp excitonic features were observed near the band edge. A bound exciton with a localization energy of 12.4 ± 0.2 meV was observed in the Pb-implanted samples and was attributed to neutral interstitial Pb donors. Pb-implantation produced a clear PL signature which is unique enough to unambiguously detect its presence in ZnO.
EPLD also proved successful at depositing oxides of the noble metals. Ir, Pt, Pd, and Ru targets were ablated in oxygen and argon ambients and films were collected on room temperature substrates. Growth in argon resulted in pure metal while oxidized layers were obtained in oxygen. This was clearly evident by the semiconductor-like transmission spectra observed for the oxidized samples. The high fluence used for these growths promoted the oxidation of these resilient metals while the shadow mask blocked most of the molten particulates generated by the high fluence. EPLD is an excellent way to produce oxides from metallic targets, a technique which should be explored in more detail for many material systems.
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