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Evaluation of Integrated Land Development Approaches:Application of Multi-Attributed Decision-Making MethodsChen, Deng-Hui 16 July 2002 (has links)
Land resources are the foundation of national development. The land resources in Taiwan in limited, and with the population growing as well as rapid economic development, the demand for land increases, resulting in overload of land uses. In addition, due to lack of appropriate allocation of land resources to development and of comprehensive planning, the current uses of land resources do not appear reasonable. In order to put national policy into practice, enhance efficient use of land resources, and complement national socioeconomic development, under the guideline of equity distribution of land rights (efficient use of land and equity distribution of land benefits, the government crafts land comprehensive plans and encourages private sectors to provide land and capital, to collaboratively participate in public investments to achieve the goals of national policy.
In view of the current institution of land use development, development overrides planning in land use systems, focusing on pursuing of efficiency. In the long run, this practice is confined by inflexibility of zoning, failing to fit the need of socioeconomic development. There is a need for a policy of planning leading development to solve various land use problems. In many land use development cases, the government should make choices, i. e., in developing land, alternatives must be considered.
The research explores the meaning and use of multi-attribute decision making techniques and decision analysis, explains through several development measures the basic theories and characteristics for comparisons, and establishes development orientations and policies issues for cross-national examinations of land development experiences and practices.
Based on the analytic hierarchy process, the research conducts a questionnaire survey of experts and scholars to evaluate land comprehensive development measures. The findings from the research are as follows:
1.National land development should balance among
ecology, living, and production.
2.Planning leading development should be the land
use policy to achieve the goals of urban
3.The goals of land comprehensive development
should be grounded on urban comprehensive
4.Factors that affect land development include
citizens¡¦ rights, construction effects,
financial burden, and market demand, which in
turn have significant influence on solving
urban and regional development.
5.According to the survey, with respect to
achieving the goal of urban comprehensive
development, the ranking of the weights of the
factors in Item 4 is construction effects,
citizens¡¦ rights, market demand, and
financial burden.
6.The result of the evaluation suggests that to
achieve urban comprehensive development, the
ranking is zone expropriation, development
permit, urban renewal, and urban land
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區段徵收委外機制之探討吳思穎 Unknown Date (has links)
區段徵收為目前政府大規模進行土地整體開發,促進都市發展,以及無償取得公共設施用地的重要舉措之一,為一種具有高度自償性之土地開發事業。由於區段徵收需要投入大量的資金與人力,在政府財政困窘及國內不動產市場自民國81 年以來,長期處於不景氣之故,其非但無法達成原先設定之有效減低公共支出之目的,反而需要額外編列預算以支應財務缺口。爰此,造成縣市政府往往視區段徵收為畏途,但礙於相關政策規範及都市發展須盡速取得必要之公共設施用地,而不得不予執行,從而導致惡性循環,因此,如何解決區段徵收財務問題,乃成為政府必須面對的最大困境與挑戰。
(四)根據現有兩案例開發結果,審慎評估策訂推廣實施計畫。 / Zone expropriation is presently the large-scale integrated land development carried out by the government to promote urban development. Acquiring land for public facilities without compensation is also an important measure to have high self-liquidation of land development enterprise. Because zone expropriation needs to invest in a great deal of funds and manpower, the government finance and the domestic real estate market were in a long-term depression from 1981 until 1992. Not only unable to reach the targeted profit margin to reduce the public expenses, additional budget is needed to deal with financial gap. Therefore, it makes the county and city government often look at zone expropriation as a dangerous choice to take. But hindrance related to policy standardization and urban development must acquire the necessary land for public facilities as soon as possible because there's no choice but to implement it. As a result, it leads to a vicious circle. Therefore, the government needs to face the greatest dilemma and challenge on how to settle the zone expropriation financial problems.
The financial status of the government is worsening day by day. Within a short time the government was unable to raise funds for the huge financial requirement of the zone expropriation. In addition, professional manpower is also a dilemma, causing the handling pattern of zone expropriation to evolve to some extent. Partially the local county and city government gradually brings in non-government resources and vitality (private participation-BT mode). Non-government organizations voluntarily raise funds and professionals in private sectors manage the plans and implementation, while the government provides necessary administrative assistance. In addition, the development necessary for the total costs is paid first by the non-government organization, and the government excess land will be liquidated, thereby creating modes in effect of settling the zone expropriation's fund raising and developed land key problems.
However in the implementation of the BT mode process, the decrees, policymaking and implementation methodology related to disputes are still kept. Because of the incapability to take effect the large number of widespread implementation, this writing discuss about the laws, research about decrees, document records, analysis of present case studies, and interviews of professional scholars and arrangements related to the problems. Zone expropriation business is illustrated in moving towards the government's entrusting of non-government organizations.
The introduction of non-government resources to handle the zone expropriation BT development method is necessary for facing with the management of principal-agent relationship. By means of principal-agent theory, probing into the implementation dimension, feasible resolutions (including incentive and monitoring mechanism), and recommending the steady advancement of zone expropriation to review and amend about the formation of a complete set of measures, these are all for making good use of non-government resources and vitality, as well as to have a break through in the land development outsourcing mechanism to make them more perfect, and may make a follow-up for the land integrated development academic study of important references.
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation:
1. Conclusions:
(1)Gradual improvements can be made on the zone expropriation mechanism based on policy, public opinion and system feasibility.
(2)The legal system regarding the current zone expropriation mechanism is still incomplete. The external committee handling zone expropriation should simultaneously form a complete construction monitoring system.
(3)The external committee handling zone expropriation should utilize a financial incentive mechanism to avoid any problems.
(4)A zone expropriation based on the BT model should go further in strengthening academic research and application
2. Recommendations:
(1)Establish a deadline for reviewing the legal work for zone expropriation in the BT development model.
(2)Allow the national and local relevant groups to fully assist the winning bidder for the BT project.
(3)Strengthen guidance for the BT development model; construct a good communication mechanism.
(4)Based on the development results of the above case studies, carefully appraise the presented implementation plan .
Keywords: Zone Expropriation、Private Participation(BT Mode)、Principal-Agent Theory、Incentive Mechanism
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以成長管理策略指導土地開發之研究闕志峰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究基於上述的理念,對於市地重劃與區段徵收所產生之土地開發問題的分析,研擬適當的成長管理策略,作為政府在土地開發管理上的參考。首先在規劃方面應建立明確的土地開發原則,配合相關技術工具的實行,以指導土地開發活動的進行;在組織方面應加強各相關單位之協調整合;在管制方面則是擬定適當的管制性計畫並透過電腦技術的運用,監測與掌控土地開發的速度與都市發展、公共設施之間的配合;在指導方面則是須有效整合土地開發各相關單位之意見及解決其發生之衝突,清楚界定土地開發相關單位間的權責以達成彼此間的共識。此外,亦須加強民眾在土地開發過程中的參與機制,以爭取民眾的支持而減少土地開發所受到的阻力。 / For decades, Taiwan has experienced rapid social and economic development. Since 1961, the population has increased about 7.45 percent annually in the urban planned districts. In order to accommodate the increasing urban population and activities, it has to develop scarce land resources. However, weakness in existing planning systems, government structure, policy context, and control strategies for managing development and growth has led to many problems, such as traffic congestion, environmental pollution, public facility provision, open space deficiency, and ecological environment destruction. Those problems produce negative impacts on urban development, urban pattern, and urban firnction.
Based upon the functions of management, such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, this study investigates the problems of urban development in Taiwan, particular in the development by urban land consolidation and zone expropriation programs. The approaches of literature review and questionnaire are adopted in order to understand deeply the problems of land development in Taiwan. Furthermore, the strategies of growth management of American experiences are discussed. Finally, some practical suggestions for land development in Taiwan are presented.
This thesis explores the background of existing problems related to urban land consolidation and zone expropriation programs and develop workable growth management strategies and suggestions. First, in planning aspect, government should establish clear land development principles associated with relative technical tools to guide development which is satisfactory in timing, location, and quantity. Second, in organizing aspects, government should bring more about integration and coordination among relative institutions to yield administrative efficiency. Third, as for controlling aspects, government should develop feasible land use plans and apply the computer techniques for monitoring land development pace and service level. Fourth, in leading aspects, government should regulate the clear responsibilities among relevant institutions and resolve the possible conflicts to bring more about consensus. Finally, government should strengthen citizen participation in the land development process to win public support.
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區段徵收地主選擇行為之研究黃怡婷 Unknown Date (has links)
6.政府辦理區段徵收時,普遍未充分告知計畫內容與相關規定,影響地主權益。 / Zone expropriation is one kind of land development methods through which government can obtain the land for public facilities or specific uses. For example, the development of Taoyuan High Speed Rail station special zone is of this kind. According to zone expropriation system, there are two compensatory choices for landowners. One is by cash and the other is by pay-for-land. Therefore, landowner's choice behavior would play an important role in the process of zone expropriation.
With the view of land development, this paper discusses landowner's choice behavior in the process of zone expropriation and focuses on the factors of choice behavior. Here we sum up three kinds of factors that will affect landowner's choice behavior: they are landowner attributes, government regulations, and landowner expectations. According to the empirical study of zone expropriation in Taoyuan High Speed Rail station special zone, this paper has six conclusions:
1.Large landowners prefer to choose pay-for-land. On the contrary, small and common landowners prefer cash compensation.
2.To reduce the amount of cash compensation, the government should announce zone expropriation more early than urban plan.
3.The concept of keeping ancestral estate would influence landowner's choice behavior very much in the process of zone expropriation.
4.The development scale would affect the right of small landowners and the form of land development. The government should set a suitable development scale by considering the scale and use of land.
5.The assigned proportion and location of pay-for-land is the main reason why landowners with pay-for-land change to choose cash compensation.
6.The government seldom informed landowners of the whole plan and the relevant regulations in the process of zone expropriation.
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區段徵收地主配地選擇行為之研究-以高速鐵路新竹站為例 / Zone-expropriation and discuss the landowner’s choice behavior.Therefore, this study of THSR (Taiwan High Speed Rail) Hsinchu Station Zone- expropriation as an example古瓊漢 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 透過群落分析,予以歸類分析,劃分易於解釋的分配類型,可獲得二個群組四個方案,由此可瞭解地主選配抵價地型態。
二、 參與抵價地配地作業以男性地主居多,以年齡層多集中於中年左右,受訪地主多為已婚;受訪地主針對各項選配抵價地之影響因素均表示影響程度上都是以影響很大為居多,其中受訪地主多數認為使用分區類別、面前街道寬度、鄰近嫌惡設施程度、坵塊形狀、街廓評議地價高低等因素對於選配抵價地影響很大,又以鄰近嫌惡設施程度為居高。
三、 經由研究得知目前政府提供予地主之資訊管道不足或宣傳不周,對於整體區段徵收作業仍需加強與地主資訊的傳遞,以及充分公開整體計畫內容。
四、 部份地主不太滿意先抽籤再選配街廓的抵價地配地作業方式,其原因有主要為因籤號先後導致無法選配期望街廓佔多數,其次為權利價值較小者可能無法選配街廓,而需再與他人合併分配。
五、 建構八種類型之二項羅吉特模式,並透過AIC及SC值找出能力較佳的群組方案,由方案中得知地主多數還是以居住適宜性及小規模開發為主要。
六、 由二項羅吉特模式實證結果顯示,模型共通變數為土地變數的使用分區類別、基地最小開發規模訂定、鄰近嫌惡設施程度、緊臨遊憩設施狀況、坵塊座向,以及地主行為變數面前街道寬度影響程度、鄰近嫌惡設施影響程度、區段徵收前土地座落位置影響程度、性別、學歷、職業等等,均顯著影響地主選配抵價地之行為。 / Zone-expropriation by government hopes to achieve these targets like exciting new community's prosperity, achieving the overall development of the new city, accessing the public facilities and saving huge expenditures. By the government's development activities, the landlords enjoy the benefits of increased value of land and good public facilities. Handling Zone expropriation creates a win-win situation between the Government and the landlords. However, in the process of Zone-expropriation often generate opposition of landowners to protect their property rights which led to delays in Zone-expropriation operations. Therefore, this study of THSR (Taiwan High Speed Rail) Hsinchu Station Zone- expropriation as an example and discuss the landowner’s choice behavior.
Through cluster analysis classified the landowner’s choice behavior. And by factor analysis to identify the major factors of landlord’s choice behavior. Finally by Logit modeling the landlord model hopes to provide some valuable suggestions for government. The study results are as follows:
1. Through cluster analysis, the study classified and divided into two groups that are easy to explain. The two groups contain four plans each and they can explain the landlord’s choice behavior.
2. Landlords of participation of Zone-expropriation are mostly male with age around 40 to 60 years old. These mostly married landlords think these are the major factors, the use of zoning category, the street width, the neighboring facilities, the shape of street block, the value of street blocks. The neighboring facilities rank the top 1 factor.
3. Through the research shows that government lacks of information or promotional channels. Government should improve the communication with landlords and fully disclosed the contents of the overall Zone-expropriation plan.
4. Landowners are not satisfied by the flow of ballot at first and then land choosing. The major reason is landlords can not choose the expected lands after ballot. And the second reason is the land loads with smaller land value can not choose street blocks unless they combine with other landlords’ land value and choose the expected land.
5. In the study, construction of eight types of models from two of Logit modeling, through the AIC and SC values come out the better group and plan. It shows the better plan is the small-scale residential development and good environment for the most landlords.
6. By the empirical results from Logit model show that model common variables are the land use zoning category, the base size of the minimum development, near the level of aversion facilities, recreational facilities close to the zone, street block location, the width of the street, the impact of land location before zone expropriation, gender, education, occupation, etc. They are significantly affected the selection behavior of land choice.
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