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以財產權觀點探討美國成長管理運動與私有財產權運動 / The Study of American Growth Management And Private Property Rights Movements : Property Rights Perspective葉艾青, Yeh, Ai Ching Unknown Date (has links)
就社會整體而言,負面外部性的降低與正面外部性的營造有其必要,但更嚴格的管制也意味著人民私有財產權的重新界定,從而在土地使用規則與管制的執行上,產生了成長管理運動與私有財產權運動兩種不同面向的思潮與措施。是以本研究欲就成長管理運動與私有財產權運動之理念執行,以實證分析影響美國州政府採行成長管理運動或私有財產權運動之因素,期望藉由此兩種運動的執行理念與探討,作為我國執行土地使用規劃與管制對土地財產權界定與重新界定之參考與借鏡。 / In order to promote efficient land use and protect environment as well as lead urban development, the Growth Management Movement has emerged in USA. However, the implementation of land use planning and control will unavoidable affect the domain of private property rights and the public interests in terms of externality. Although land use planning and control can reduce the negative externality of land development, the limitation on private land will attenuate private property rights and result in the loss of landowners’ property rights and land value. The Private Property Rights Movement arises so as to pursue a reasonable protection of property rights and to have an equal treatment under land use control.
From the society viewpoint, land use control is employed to modify the market failure so as to reduce the negative externality and increase positive externality, but the implementation of tighter land use control means that the landowners’ property rights are redefined and attenuated. That how far is too far is always a controversy and lead to the emergence of two opposite movements i.e. the Growth Management Movement and The Private Property Rights Movement. This study intends to investigate the concept of and to analyze the influence factors of both movements so as to use a mirror for Taiwan’s land use planning and control which assigns and reassigns the property rights of land.
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台灣地區農地變更使用制度之研究 / A Study On the Conversion System of Farmland in Taiwan林紀玫, Lin, Chi Mei Unknown Date (has links)
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以成長管理策略指導土地開發之研究闕志峰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究基於上述的理念,對於市地重劃與區段徵收所產生之土地開發問題的分析,研擬適當的成長管理策略,作為政府在土地開發管理上的參考。首先在規劃方面應建立明確的土地開發原則,配合相關技術工具的實行,以指導土地開發活動的進行;在組織方面應加強各相關單位之協調整合;在管制方面則是擬定適當的管制性計畫並透過電腦技術的運用,監測與掌控土地開發的速度與都市發展、公共設施之間的配合;在指導方面則是須有效整合土地開發各相關單位之意見及解決其發生之衝突,清楚界定土地開發相關單位間的權責以達成彼此間的共識。此外,亦須加強民眾在土地開發過程中的參與機制,以爭取民眾的支持而減少土地開發所受到的阻力。 / For decades, Taiwan has experienced rapid social and economic development. Since 1961, the population has increased about 7.45 percent annually in the urban planned districts. In order to accommodate the increasing urban population and activities, it has to develop scarce land resources. However, weakness in existing planning systems, government structure, policy context, and control strategies for managing development and growth has led to many problems, such as traffic congestion, environmental pollution, public facility provision, open space deficiency, and ecological environment destruction. Those problems produce negative impacts on urban development, urban pattern, and urban firnction.
Based upon the functions of management, such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, this study investigates the problems of urban development in Taiwan, particular in the development by urban land consolidation and zone expropriation programs. The approaches of literature review and questionnaire are adopted in order to understand deeply the problems of land development in Taiwan. Furthermore, the strategies of growth management of American experiences are discussed. Finally, some practical suggestions for land development in Taiwan are presented.
This thesis explores the background of existing problems related to urban land consolidation and zone expropriation programs and develop workable growth management strategies and suggestions. First, in planning aspect, government should establish clear land development principles associated with relative technical tools to guide development which is satisfactory in timing, location, and quantity. Second, in organizing aspects, government should bring more about integration and coordination among relative institutions to yield administrative efficiency. Third, as for controlling aspects, government should develop feasible land use plans and apply the computer techniques for monitoring land development pace and service level. Fourth, in leading aspects, government should regulate the clear responsibilities among relevant institutions and resolve the possible conflicts to bring more about consensus. Finally, government should strengthen citizen participation in the land development process to win public support.
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台北都會區空間發展型態變遷趨勢與原因之研究 / A study on the trend and causes of spatial development pattern change in the Taipei Metropolitan Area徐國城, Hsu, Kuo Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
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都市土地開發衝擊費之研究 / A Study of Urban Land Development Impact Fees陳福進, Chen, Fu Chin Unknown Date (has links)
在可行性分析上,本研究認為必須以立法依據為先決條件,透過合理關聯之計算、具有公信力之仲裁,以及會計支出之有效規範,才能使該制度順推動。 / Rapid population growth results in frequent land development. Improvement of the quality of urban environment seems to be a remote dream due to the unfair and inefficient urban land development and insufficient urban construction expenditures. In this connection, when facing urban land development problem, establishment of a system of sharing the expenditure of public facility construction warrants no delay. The land development impact fees implemented in the local government of the U.S., being a strategy of urban growth management embodies the idea of paying for growth and user charge. This measure deserves to be introduced into our urban land development system for reference and this is also the main starting-point of this study.
In the process of this study,its main stress is focused on evaluation of the drawbacks of development control through related and system and introduction of development impact fees system and implementing experience of the U.S.land development into ours. On the basis of that system and experience,the idea of paying for growth and user charge can be established.At the same time, through the analysis of factories of factories affecting local public expenditure and the investigations on questionnaires of chiefs,mayors and magistrates of cities and counties,the impact of population scale on local public expenditures and attitude of these mayors and magistrates toward the land development impact fees can be understood. Finally, whether the above-mentioned U.S.system can be implemented in our country can be examined through fairness, efficiency,financial and administrative points of views.
In the results of questionnaires, financial difficulty and strong intentions on independent tax-levying authority were expressed by city and villages.They also expressed a positive attitude of levying the development impact fees.When analyzing the actual case of public expenditures,this study finds out that population scale can results in economics of scale and diseconomics of scale in local public expenditures. This can be served as the basis of levying of land development impact fees and those cities of diseconomies will be suited for implementation.
In the analysis on its feasibility,this study considers that the legislation is prerequisite and this system can be implemented through rational nexus calculation, a credit arbitration and defective regulation of accounting expenditure.
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