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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Absorberingsförmåga : En studie av hur absorbering av extern information och kunskap kan påverka värdeskapande / Absorptive capacity : A study how absorptive capacity of external information and knowledge can effect Value Creation.

Olsson, Alexander, Tilstam, Johannes, Thomsen, Carl January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie har utförts på ett försäkringsföretag som har sin verksamhet inom en nischad marknad som erbjuder försäkringar vid nybyggnation av fastigheter. I företaget finns en funktion som har upprättade processer för hantering av externa samarbetspartners, vilken studien har avgränsats till. Med ett kvalitativt angreppssätt har författarna utgått från företagets processer för att sedan teoretiskt underbygga analysen. Författarna har undersökt hur viktig insamling och absorbering av extern information är för värdeskapande. Resultatet av studien visar att insamling av extern information är viktigt och författarna har kunnat framställa en arbetsmodell för att försäkringsföretaget systematiskt ska kunna arbeta med extern informationsinsamling och absorbering för skapandet av värde och innovation. / This study has been conducted with an insurance company in a niche market offering insurances within new construction for real estate. The extent of this research paper has been limited to one of the functions in the company’s operating procedures, involving external collaboration partners’. With a qualitative approach the researchers’ have examined the company’s procedures and analysed it against relevant theories. The researchers’ have investigated the importance of the gathering and absorbing of external information for value-creation. The result shows that the gathering of external information is extremely important and the researchers’ have constructed a business model in order to systematically conduct external knowledge sourcing to create value and innovation.

Le rôle des cadres intermédiaires dans le transfert d'une approche humaniste de gestion, de soins et de services : une étude multi-cas au Centre de réadaptation Estrie

Béliveau, Julie January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the role of middle managers in the transfer of a humanistic approach to management, care and services in a physical rehabilitation center.This thesis should interest decision makers and researchers who are paying attention to humanistic approaches to management, care and services. The design of this multi-case qualitative, exploratory and constructivist research includes six cases, representing the six middle managers of the studied organization. The multi-case study allows us to contrast cases of successful middle managers from the ones who were not really able to transfer the humanistic approach in their program. Data production and analysis are done with methods used in grounded theory. Here are the main findings generated by this thesis. Firstly, our analysis reveals that, in spite of top management efforts to disseminate a humanistic approach to management, care and services throughout the organizations the transfer process sometimes clashes against the absorptive capacity of the middle manager within the program. When the middle manager has the capacity to absorb the humanistic approach, often because it is compatible with his profound convictions, this capacity is first expressed through his behavioral exemplarity. In the eyes of his employees, the middle manager primarily represents an embodied example of the humanistic approach through his behavior. Therefore, the behavioral exemplarity of the middle manager came out as a sine qua non condition through which is possible the co-construction of new humanistic care and services practices to be offered to clients of the program. Secondly, our analysis sheds light on the importance, at the beginning of the transfer process, to explain to employees the necessity to adopt a humanistic approach to management, care and services and to recognize existing humanistic practices in the organization. Thirdly, the results bring to the forefront the importance of macro and micro contexts as determinant variables in the transfer of a humanistic approach to management, care and services. Lastly, an intervention model illustrating the key role of middle managers in the transfer of a humanistic approach to management, care and services emerges from the results. The model also includes contextual elements which facilitate the transfer. On a more practical note, the model can guide organizations in the dissemination process of such an approach by providing a rich description of the stages of the dissemination process, the actors involved, the dissemination strategies and the goals of these strategies.

The Mobility of People, Ideas and Knowledge in the Entrepreneurial Society

Lundmark, Erik January 2010 (has links)
As radical innovations facilitate communication, create new industries and make others obsolete, the established ways of organising society are being questioned. Over the last few decades, a theoretical framework and a worldview labelled the entrepreneurial society, has emerged. The entrepreneurial society is based on theoretical models, empirical observations and a belief in the importance of new businesses. The core of the entrepreneurial society is the claim that valuable ideas have to be commercialised in order to contribute to economic growth and prosperity. Unfortunately, valuable ideas remain dormant due to a number of barriers. Labour mobility, informal networks and entrepreneurship are mechanisms with the potential of overcoming these barriers. This thesis aims to increase our understanding of how ideas diffuse between and get applied within organisations. The thesis relates its findings to the entrepreneurial society and identifies and critically assesses basic assumptions and biases underlying the framework. The thesis presents and discusses six studies, each published as an article in a scientific journal, a chapter in an edited book, or as a conference paper at an international academic conference. Taken together, the findings in this thesis emphasise that the mobility of ideas is intertwined with the mobility of people and knowledge. More specifically, the findings indicate that employees in large R&amp;Ddriven projects not only attain knowledge from external sources, but also that the use of external knowledge sources is positively related to new ideas connected to the projects. In addition, this thesis reinforces the argument that the mobility of knowledge workers is particularly beneficial to the diffusion of knowledge and ideas between organisations; the results show that employees in knowledge-intensive positions perceive greater opportunities to generate, share and develop ideas in organisations, as compared to employees in less knowledge-intensive positions. This thesis suggests that new employees tend to have an entrepreneurial potential in the form of a greater drive for change and less habituation with current practices. Nevertheless, such potential is often curbed by resistant routines. However, the thesis also finds that much entrepreneurship literature and the discourse of policy makers are biased towards overly optimistic views of entrepreneurship. The literature on the entrepreneurial society emphasises the diffusion and application of new R&amp;D-related knowledge and ideas. This thesis also emphasises the diffusion and application of already widespread and established knowledge, ideas and innovations. / I takt med att radikala innovationer underlättar kommunikation, skapar nya branscher och gör andra obsoleta, ifrågasätts etablerade sätt att organisera samhället. De senaste årtiondena har ett teoretiskt ramverk och en världsåskådning, under benämningen det entreprenöriella samhället, vuxit fram. Det entreprenöriella samhället baseras på teoretiska modeller, empiriska observationer och en tro på vikten av nya företag. Kärnan i det entreprenöriella samhället är tesen att värdefulla idéer måste kommersialiseras för att bidra till ekonomisk tillväxt och välstånd. Olyckligtvis förblir många idéer outnyttjade på grund av en mängd barriärer. Arbetskraftsrörlighet, informella nätverk och entreprenörskap är mekanismer med potential att övervinna dessa barriärer. Syftet med denna avhandling är att öka vår förståelse av hur idéer sprids mellan, och tillämpas inom, organisationer. Avhandlingen relaterar resultaten till det entreprenöriella samhället, samt identifierar och granskar ramverkets underliggande antaganden och blinda fläckar. Avhandlingen presenterar och diskuterar sex studier, var och en publicerad som en artikel i en vetenskaplig tidskrift, som ett kapitel i en akademisk antologi eller som ett bidrag till en internationell vetenskaplig konferens. Sammantaget understryker resultaten i avhandlingen att idéers rörlighet är sammanvävd med människors och kunskaps rörlighet. Resultaten tyder på att anställda i stora FoU-drivna projekt inte bara inhämtar kunskap från externa källor utan också att dessa källor är relaterade till nya idéer och lösningar på problem i projekten. Vidare förstärker resultaten tidigare forskning som hävdar att organisationsbyten bland människor med kunskapsintensiva arbeten särskilt bidrar till att idéer och kunskap sprids mellan organisationer; resultaten visar att anställda med kunskapsintensiva arbeten upplever större möjligheter att generera, föreslå och utveckla idéer jämfört med anställda i mindre kunskapsintensiva positioner. Avhandlingens resultat indikerar också att nyanställda har en större entreprenöriell potential än mer etablerade anställda. Detta för att nyanställda har en större förändringsbenägenhet och att de ännu inte är inskolade i etablerade arbetssätt. Denna potential hålls emellertid ofta tillbaka av motståndskraftiga organisatoriska rutiner. Dessutom hävdar avhandlingen att mycket av entreprenörskapslitteraturen och den politiska diskursen uppvisar en överoptimistisk syn på entreprenörskap. Litteraturen bakom det entreprenöriella samhället betonar spridningen och tillämpningen av forskningsnära kunskap. Denna avhandling betonar även vidare spridning av redan spridd och etablerad kunskap, samt redan spridda och etablerade idéer och innovationer. / <p>The authors Licentiate thesis "Organisational adoption of innovations : management practices and IT" is a part of this dissertation.</p>

Internationalisation of Swedish computer gaming companies : The role of knowledge in a digital era

Jakobsson, Elin, Döring, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
Title: Internationalisation of Swedish computer gaming companies - The role of knowledge in a digital era Authors: Elin Jakobsson &amp; Fredrik Döring Supervisor: Cecilia Pahlberg Research question: How do Swedish computer gaming companies internationalise in regards to pursuit and absorption of knowledge? Purpose: The aim is to investigate how computer gaming companies find, internalise and use knowledge leading to internationalisation. This in turn will further be explained by embracing the role of digitisation for the above mentioned processes. This will enrich the field of study about international business where little research has been conducted by putting focus on the expansive industry and its digital product. At the same time the practical viewpoint is to highlight how these companies work around knowledge to become international. Method: An exploratory, qualitative research approach was undertaken. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to gain an in-depth understanding of how Swedish computer gaming companies internationalise with special focus on absorptive capacity. A conceptual framework forms the basis for analysis consisting of internationalisation theory, absorptive capacity and digitisation. Conclusions: The findings show that Swedish computer gaming companies internationalise in a reversed order. They do not act according to the Uppsala model, rather they chose what market to focus on after a game is released due to the digitised environment in this industry. This highly competitive and knowledge intensive industry requires game developers to find specific niches in which they can gain a competitive advantage.

Pluripotent Dynamic Capabilities in the Internationalization of Firms : Focus on Learning, Innovating and Networking in SMEs from Sweden

Saeedi, Mohammad Reza January 2017 (has links)
Internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has been a considerable concern for international business (IB) scholars. Particularly, for those economies such as Sweden with small local markets, internationalization of SMEs could be fundamental. The firm-specific advantages (FSAs), including what the firm has and does, are crucial for SMEs to overcome in the face of their numerous different obstacles such as liability of smallness (LOS) and liability of foreignness (LOF). Examining the extant literature on the evolution of IB theories indicates that over time, IB scholars have been reaching to dynamic-based FSAs (what the firm does) as the source of developing and protecting sustainable competitive advantages (SCA) across national borders in a changing business environment. The nature of dynamic-based FSAs could be similar to dynamic capabilities. But, when it comes to determining specific component factors  of dynamic-based  FSAs  (as dynamic  capabilities),  there has been little agreement between IB researchers. In other words, the room of the dynamic capabilities is still dark. In this respect, shedding light into this room, particularly in the area of IB studies, is crucial. In addition, after determining the component factors of the dynamic-based FSAs, it is also critical to know the likely relationships between the identified component factors as well as their impact on the SMEs’ international performance (IP) as an important outcome of the internationalization. This means that there is a potential theoretical gap associated with the conceptualization of the component factors of the dynamic-based FSAs on one hand, and a potential empirical gap on the other. Given both theoretical and empirical research gaps, the purpose of this study is to examine, from a theoretical perspective, the nature of the dynamic-based FSA and its related component factors in the IB context, as well as empirically explore how SMEs’ IP is influenced by the identified component factors of the dynamic-based FSAs. To perform this study, first of all, based on lenses of the resource-based view (RBV) and dynamic capability view (DCV), the literature on organizational capability in the context of the IB studies was systematically reviewed to fill the theoretical gap. Consequently, three component factors of dynamic-based FSAs including networking capability (NC) as a relational-based FSA, innovative capability (IC) as an innovative-based FSA and absorptive capacity (ACAP) as a learning-based FSA were identified, all of which are pluripotent and dynamic in nature. Then, a deductive approach was followed to develop several hypotheses and the associated conceptual model. Furthermore, a survey strategy, collecting data from 330 Swedish internationalized manufacturing SMEs, was applied to accomplish the purpose of the study. Then, the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) as a quantitative method was used to analyze the collected data. The results of the PLS-SEM analysis show that the SMEs’ international performance (IP) is positively influenced by the three identified component factors, whether directly or indirectly. In this regard, ACAP and NC are the two reliable predictors (directly) of the SMEs’ IP. The results indicate that innovative capability (IC) does not have direct impact on the SMEs’ IP, and that its effect is fully transmitted on IP only by the mediating effect of the networking capability (NC). Further analysis showed that ACAP, as an endogenous latent variable, additionally has a positive indirect association with SMEs’ international performance (IP). Moreover, the results also indicate that innovative capability is directly and positively affected by ACAP (innovating-by-learning effect). It was also empirically revealed that ACAP is a very strong predictor for networking capability, which is labeled as the networking-by-learning effect. Another major finding was that in internationalized SMEs, NC is strongly, directly and positively affected by IC; this effect also is termed as the networking-by-innovating effect. The overall picture resulting from the PLS- SEM analysis indicates that ACAP in internationalized SMEs is a wellspring to develop both innovative capability and networking capability, as well as influence SMEs’ IP. Furthermore, these results suggest that the networking capability is a vital gateway to transmit the effect of the other two component factors on IP and, at the same time, directly influence IP.

Optical Nonlinearities in Semiconductors for Limiting

Wu, Yuan-Yen 05 1900 (has links)
I have conducted detailed experimental and theoretical studies of the nonlinear optical properties of semiconductor materials useful for optical limiting. I have constructed optical limiters utilizing two-photon absorption along with photogenerated carrier defocusing as well as the bound electronic nonlinearity using the semiconducting material ZnSe. I have optimized the focusing geometry to achieve a large dynamic range while maintaining a low limiting energy for the device. The ZnSe monolithic optical limiter has achieved a limiting energy as low as 13 nJ (corresponding to 300W peak power) and a dynamic range as large as 105 at 532 nm using psec pulses. Theoretical analysis showed that the ZnSe device has a broad-band response covering the wavelength range from 550 nm to 800 nm. Moreover, I found that existing theoretical models (e.g. the Auston model and the band-resonant model using Boltzmann statistics) adequately describe the photo-generated carriers refractive nonlinearity in ZnSe. Material nonlinear optical parameters, such as the two-photon absorption coefficient β_2=5.5cm/GW, the refraction per unit carrier density σ_n=-0.8∗10^-21cm^3 and the bound electronic refraction n_2=-4∗10^-11esu, have been measured via time-integrated beam distortion experiments in the near field. A numerical code has been written to simulate the beam distortion in order to extract the previously mentioned material parameters. In addition, I have performed time-resolved distortion measurements that provide an intuitive picture of the carrier generation process via two-photon absorption. I also characterized the optical nonlinearities in a ZnSe Fabry-Perot thin film structure (an interference filter). I concluded that the nonlinear absorption alone in the thin film is insufficient to build an effective optical limiter, as it did not show a net change in refraction using psec pulses. An innovative numerical program was developed to simulate the nonlinear beam propagation inside the Fabry-Perot structure. For comparison, pump-probe experiments were performed using both thin film and bulk ZnSe. The results showed relatively long carrier lifetimes (>300 psec) in both samples. A numerical code was written to fit the pump-probe experimental results. The fitting yielded that carrier lifetimes (recombination through traps), radiative decay rate, two-photon absorption coefficient as well as the free carrier absorption coefficient for ZnSe bulk material.

Organizational Capacity to Absorb External Knowledge: An Exploratory Study of Public and Nonprofit Decision Makers' Perceptions of Impediments and Facilitators

Birtley, Linda S. 05 December 2011 (has links)
Research indicates that many youth-serving agencies do not adopt evidence-based innovations in the field of youth violence prevention. This qualitative study was designed to explore a sample of community-based decision makers’ perceptions of why innovative, evidence-based programs and practices for the prevention of violence by youth are, or are not, adopted at the local level. The rationale for this study was that knowledge of evidence-based innovations in youth violence prevention originates primarily from research scientists who are external to the organizations that are the intended recipients of the innovations. Prior research has not viewed the failure to adopt evidence-based innovations from the perspective of the impediments and facilitators of recipient organizations’ capabilities of understanding the value of and acquiring the new external knowledge. This research study used interviews from a purposefully selected sample of 28 decision makers in public and nonprofit organizations with youth-serving missions located in three urban cities. These interviews constituted a secondary data set for this study and were drawn from a larger set of 38 interviews after a review for suitability. The learning process model of absorptive capacity was used as an a priori framework for the analysis of the interviews. This model recognizes the influences of environmental conditions, knowledge characteristics, learning relationships, mental models, structures and processes, and strategies on the organizational capability to absorb new external knowledge. This study revealed that environmental conditions were a key impediment to the acquisition of new evidence-based knowledge for use in the adoption of YVP programs. Key findings were a lack of issue leadership and strategy at the local level and unstable funding for agencies’ core and non-core programs, such as YVP efforts. A second set of key findings demonstrated that mental models were facilitators and impediments. A high value was placed on YVP as an issue area, but the expectation was that YVP programs require external funding. Decision makers also defined program success differently than prevention scientists. Recommendations are offered for prevention science researchers to increase the likelihood that innovations in YVP will be discovered and utilized by practitioners.

Exploring the concept of open innovation in low-tech SMEs. Evidence from Cyprus and Latvia.

Dreimanis, Arturs, Charalambous, Spyros January 2017 (has links)
Background:  The concept of open innovation has surfaced for over a decade now and organizations have started to realize its importance and contribution. It has been also a topic of discussion during the last years but it still paves the way for future research. However, majority of the studies made so far were focused on its origins meaning high-tech companies situated in developed and large countries. Little, has been contributed to a context of low-tech SMEs in developing and developing countries.   Purpose:  The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of open innovation in a context of low-tech SMEs in small and developing countries but as well as exploring the knowledge perspective in relation to innovation process.   Method: The methodology used for this study is qualitative with an inductive approach. The empirical data were gathered through an appropriate inductive approach by using semi-structure interviews. With the help of frame of reference, we structured our topic guide for our data collection method. The gathered empirical data are then analysed using the inductively based analytical procedure of template analysis. Lastly, as the template analysis procedures suggest, coding was carried out in order to see emerging patterns and relationships between our empirical data, which later they were interpreted as our results.   Conclusion: The empirical results show some patterns between elements of the concept of open innovation. Concluding, the low-tech companies in small and developing countries are not fully aware of the concept of open innovation. However, they are exploiting several of the elements that surround open innovation. Regarding knowledge in their innovation process, we conclude that managerial levels play a crucial role. Since they do not have a systematic innovation process and instead are more opportunistic towards innovation, all the efforts for any knowledge identification and exploitation reside usually to the hands of one individual.

The economic development of second-tier city-regions in the United Kingdom : using 'absorptive capacity' to theorise the 'firm-territory nexus'

Waite, David Andrew January 2015 (has links)
The economic development challenges facing second-tier city-regions in the United Kingdom reflect a critical dimension of policy debates concerning spatial rebalancing. The integration of multi-location firms at second-tier territorial contexts is an important aspect of rebalancing narratives, and this thesis examines what such integration may entail for the economic development of these places. Given the label of the “firm-territory nexus” by other economic geographers (Dicken and Malmberg, 2001), integration brings into focus a complex set of factors, processes and conditions. In order to grapple with and order such complexity, the conceptual framework of city-region absorptive capacity has been proposed and developed in this research. Four case studies across two second-tier UK cities, Edinburgh and Manchester, comprising interviews with elites and the collection of extensive documentary material, provides the empirical material for framework development. The research hinges on an analytical process that: first, deploys the functional form of “absorptive capacity” to provide language and broad parameters by which to approach the empirical object; and second, generates abstract categories from the empirical data to flesh out a contextually sensitive conceptual framework. Network position relative to London and labour appear as important integrating mechanisms across the case studies, though the conceptual framework demonstrates contingencies in terms of territorial and relational processes, shifting moments of structure and agency, and the overlapping institutional mosaics at play. By providing portraits of city economies in the middle ground of global economic networks, the need to articulate economic geographies of the “outside” and “inside” are also given emphasis.

Alianças e a sua contribuição no desenvolvimento da capacidade de absorção e no desempenho inovador das empresas dedicadas à biotecnologia / Alliances and its contribution to the development of absorptive capacity and innovation performance of dedicated biotechnology firms

Vicentin, Flavia Oliveira do Prado 27 March 2015 (has links)
Os mercados cada vez mais competitivos fazem com que as empresas busquem novas formas organizacionais e desenvolvam \"capacidades dinâmicas\" a fim de sobreviver no mundo globalizado. Nesse contexto, a inovação se tornou tema central para a competitividade. As fontes de inovação estão cada vez mais diversificadas e dispersas geograficamente, as empresas utilizam fontes internas e externas para o desenvolvimento de soluções inovadoras e modelos de negócios diferenciados. Estudos afirmam, que durante todos os anos, são produzidos milhares de artigos científicos que envolvem a biotecnologia, mostrando que é um dos campos mais promissores do mundo, com implicações importantes para economia global. A biotecnologia é caracterizada por ser baseada na ciência, ser multidisciplinar e o seu desenvolvimento é realizado por meio da interface com diversos atores, sendo altamente dependente do seu ambiente institucional. Assim, dado o contexto da biotecnologia, as lentes da teoria das capacidades dinâmicas são úteis para verificar a construção do conhecimento que conduz ao desenvolvimento de novos produtos, já que as empresas não podem depender somente do desenvolvimento do conhecimento interno, elas devem absorver conhecimentos relevantes de fontes externas. No setor de biotecnologia, verifica-se uma série de casos de alianças para melhoria de competitividade global por meio da inovação em sua forma mais ampla, incluindo desenvolvimento de novos produtos, de novos formatos para negócios, de novos mecanismos organizacionais. Como a capacidade de absorção é vista como um dos elementos das capacidades dinâmicas e tornou-se fator crítico para o sucesso dessas empresas, o presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar se as alianças contribuem para o desenvolvimento da capacidade de absorção e o desempenho inovador das empresas dedicadas à biotecnologia. O estudo é classificado como exploratório-descritivo e foi conduzido em duas etapas: quantitativa e qualitativa. Na etapa qualitativa foram realizados cinco estudos de caso e na quantitativa foram enviados questionários à 270 empresas do setor de biotecnologia, instaladas no Brasil, Portugal e Espanha. Verificou-se, por meio do estudo, a importância das alianças no desenvolvimento das quatro dimensões da capacidade de absorção. Ademais, identificou-se que as alianças também influenciam no desempenho inovador das empresas. Pode-se ainda relatar que a idade das empresas influencia na assimilação do conhecimento e a experiência do gestor influencia tanto a assimilação quanto a transformação do conhecimento. Por fim, verificou-se também que as parcerias no exterior levam as empresas a um desempenho inovador superior. Dessa forma a pesquisa contribuiu para o desenvolvimento da literatura sobre capacidade de absorção, bem como pode auxiliar os gestores das empresas dedicadas à biotecnologia e dos habitats de inovação por meio do modelo proposto para o desenvolvimento da capacidade de absorção e, para o governo, na formulação de políticas e incentivos para o desenvolvimento da biotecnologia. / The increasingly competitive markets mean that companies seek new organizational forms and develop \"dynamic capabilities\" in order to survive in the globalized world. In this context, innovation has become central to competitiveness. Sources of innovation are increasingly diverse and geographically dispersed; companies use internal and external sources for the development of innovative and differentiated business models. Studies claim that during each year produce thousands of scientific articles involving biotechnology, showing that it is one of the most promising fields in the world, with important implications for the global economy. Biotechnology is characterized as a science-based, multidisciplinary and its development is carried out through the interface with different actors, being highly dependent on its institutional environment. Thus, given the biotech context, the dynamic capabilities theory of lenses are useful to verify the construction of knowledge that leads to the development of new products, since it is dependent on new knowledge and business cannot depend on only development of internal knowledge, they must absorb relevant knowledge from external sources. In the biotechnology sector, there are series of alliances to improve global competitiveness through innovation in its broadest form, including development of new products, new formats for business, new organizational mechanisms. As the absorptive capacity has seen as one of the elements of dynamic capabilities and has become critical to the success of these companies, this study aims to determine whether the alliances contribute to the development of absorptive capacity and the innovation performance of dedicated biotechnology firms. The research is classified as exploratory and descriptive study since it was conducted in two phases: quantitative and qualitative. The qualitative analysis was collected from five case studies and quantitative questionnaires were sent to 270 companies in the biotechnology sector, installed in Brazil, Portugal and Spain. It has found the importance of alliances in the development of the four dimensions of absorptive capacity. In addition, we identified also that alliances influence the innovation performance of firms. One can also report that the age of the company influences the assimilation of knowledge and the manager\'s experience influences both the assimilation and the transformation of knowledge. Finally, the study also has found that alliances abroad lead to companies having a higher innovation performance. Thus, the research contributed to the development of literature on absorptive capacity and could assist managers of companies dedicated to biotechnology and innovation habitats through the proposed model to develop absorptive capacity and, to the government, in the formulation of policies and incentives for development of biotechnology.

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