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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Neutronenfluss in Untertagelaboren

Grieger, Marcel 28 January 2022 (has links)
Das Felsenkellerlabor ist ein neues Untertagelabor im Bereich der nuklearen Astrophysik. Es befindet sich unter 47 m Hornblende-Monzonit Felsgestein im Stollensystem der ehemaligen Dresdner Felsenkellerbrauerei. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird der Neutronenuntergrund in Stollen IV und VIII untersucht. Gewonnene Erkenntnisse aus Stollen IV hatten direkten Einfluss auf die geplanten Abschirmbedingungen für Stollen VIII. Die Messung wurde mit dem HENSA-Neutronenspektrometer durchgeführt, welches aus polyethylenmoderierten ³He-Zählrohren besteht. Mit Hilfe des Monte-Carlo Programmes FLUKA zur Simulation von Teilchentransport werden für das Spektrometer die Neutronen-Ansprechvermögen bestimmt. Für jeden Messort wird außerdem eine Vorhersage des Neutronenflusses erstellt und die Labore hinsichtlich der beiden Hauptkomponenten aus myoneninduzierten Neutronen und Gesteinsneutronen aus (α,n)-Reaktionen und Spaltprozessen kartografiert. Die verwendeten Mess- und Analysemethoden finden in einer neuen Messung am tiefen Untertagelabor LSC Canfranc Anwendung. Erstmalig werden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit vorläufige Ergebnisse vorgestellt. Des Weiteren werden Strahlenschutzsimulationen für das Felsenkellerlabor präsentiert, welche den strahlenschutztechnischen Rahmen für die wissenschaftliche Nutzung definieren. Dabei werden die für den Sicherheitsbericht des Felsenkellers verwendeten Werte auf die Strahlenschutzverordnung 2018 aktualisiert. Letztlich werden Experimente an der Radiofrequenz-Ionenquelle am Felsenkeller vorgestellt, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit technisch betreut wurde. Dabei werden Langzeitmessungen am übertägigen Teststand am Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf präsentiert.:1 Einführung und Motivation 2 Grundlagen 3 Der Dresdner Felsenkeller 4 Neutronenflussmessungen am Felsenkeller 5 Auswertung der Neutronenraten 6 Messung am LSC Canfranc 7 Strahlenschutz am Felsenkeller 8 Die Radiofrequenz-Ionenquelle am Felsenkeller 9 Zusammenfassung A Technische Angaben zu den verwendeten Zählern B Aufbauskizzen der Detektoren C WinBUGS Pulshöhenspektren D Savitzky-Golay-Filter Fits E Entfaltung mit Gravel F Omega-Variation mit Gravel G Aktivierungssimulationen

Toward Energy-Efficient Machine Learning: Algorithms and Analog Compute-In-Memory Hardware

Indranil Chakraborty (11180610) 26 July 2021 (has links)
<div>The ‘Internet of Things’ has increased the demand for artificial intelligence (AI)-based edge computing in applications ranging from healthcare monitoring systems to autonomous vehicles. However, the growing complexity of machine learning workloads requires rethinking to make AI amenable to resource constrained environments such as edge devices. To that effect, the entire stack of machine learning, from algorithms to hardware primitives, have been explored to enable energy-efficient intelligence at the edge. </div><div><br></div><div>From the algorithmic aspect, model compression techniques such as quantization are powerful tools to address the growing computational cost of ML workloads. However, quantization, particularly, can result in substantial loss of performance for complex image classification tasks. To address this, a principal component analysis (PCA)-driven methodology to identify the important layers of a binary network, and design mixed-precision networks. The proposed Hybrid-Net achieves a significant improvement in classification accuracy over binary networks such as XNOR-Net for ResNet and VGG architectures on CIFAR-100 and ImageNet datasets, while still achieving up remarkable energy-efficiency. </div><div><br></div><div>Having explored compressed neural networks, there is a need to investigate suitable computing systems to further the energy efficiency. Memristive crossbars have been extensively explored as an alternative to traditional CMOS based systems for deep learning accelerators due to their high on-chip storage density and efficient Matrix Vector Multiplication (MVM) compared to digital CMOS. However, the analog nature of computing poses significant issues due to various non-idealities such as: parasitic resistances, non-linear I-V characteristics of the memristor device etc. To address this, a simplified equation-based modelling of the non-ideal behavior of crossbars is performed and correspondingly, a modified technology aware training algorithm is proposed. Building on the drawbacks of equation-based modeling, a Generalized Approach to Emulating Non-Ideality in Memristive Crossbars using Neural Networks (GENIEx) is proposed where a neural network is trained on HSPICE simulation data to learn the transfer characteristics of the non-ideal crossbar. Next, a functional simulator was developed which includes key architectural facets such as tiling, and bit-slicing to analyze the impact of non-idealities on the classification accuracy of large-scale neural networks.</div><div><br></div><div>To truly realize the benefits of hardware primitives and the algorithms on top of the stack, it is necessary to build efficient devices that mimic the behavior of the fundamental units of a neural network, namely, neurons and synapses. However, efforts have largely been invested in implementations in the electrical domain with potential limitations of switching speed, functional errors due to analog computing, etc. As an alternative, a purely photonic operation of an Integrate-and-Fire Spiking neuron is proposed, based on the phase change dynamics of Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) embedded on top of a microring resonator, which alleviates the energy constraints of PCMs in electrical domain. Further, the inherent parallelism of wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) was leveraged to propose a photonic dot-product engine. The proposed computing platform was used to emulate a SNN inferencing engine for image-classification tasks. These explorations at different levels of the stack can enable energy-efficient machine learning for edge intelligence. </div><div><br></div><div>Having explored various domains to design efficient DNN models and studying various hardware primitives based on emerging technologies, we focus on Silicon implementation of compute-in-memory (CIM) primitives for machine learning acceleration based on the more available CMOS technology. CIM primitives enable efficient matrix-vector multiplications (MVM) through parallelized multiply-and-accumulate operations inside the memory array itself. As CIM primitives deploy bit-serial computing, the computations are exposed bit-level sparsity of inputs and weights in a ML model. To that effect, we present an energy-efficient sparsity-aware reconfigurable-precision compute-in-memory (CIM) 8T-SRAM macro for machine learning (ML) applications. Standard 8T-SRAM arrays are re-purposed to enable MAC operations using selective current flow through the read-port transistors. The proposed macro dynamically leverages workload sparsity by reconfiguring the output precision in the peripheral circuitry without degrading application accuracy. Specifically, we propose a new energy-efficient reconfigurable-precision SAR ADC design with the ability to form (n+m)-bit precision using n-bit and m-bit ADCs. Additionally, the transimpedance amplifier (TIA) –required to convert the summed current into voltage before conversion—is reconfigured based on sparsity to improve sense margin at lower output precision. The proposed macro, fabricated in 65 nm technology, provides 35.5-127.2 TOPS/W as the ADC precision varies from 6-bit to 2-bit, respectively. Building on top of the fabricated macro, we next design a hierarchical CIM core micro-architecture that addresses the existing CIM scaling challenges. The proposed CIM core micro-architecture consists of 32 proposed sparsity-aware CIM macros. The 32 macros are divided into 4 matrix-vector multiplication units (MVMUs) consisting of 8 macros each. The core has three unique features: i) it can adaptively reconfigure ADC precision to achieve energy-efficiency and lower latency based on input and weight sparsity, determined by a sparsity controller, ii) it deploys row-gating feature to maintain SNR requirements for accurate DNN computations, and iii) hardware support for load balancing to balance latency mismatches occurring due to different ADC precisions in different compute units. Besides the CIM macros, the core micro-architecture consists of input, weight, and output memories, along with instruction memory and control circuits. The instruction set architecture allows for flexible dataflows and mapping in the proposed core micro-architecture. The sparsity-aware processing core is scheduled to be taped out next month. The proposed CIM demonstrations complemented by our previous analysis on analog CIM systems progressed our understanding of this emerging paradigm in pertinence to ML acceleration.</div>

Large scale companies and the challenge of being innovative: the integration of external startups / Storskaliga företag och utmaningen att vara innovativa: integrationen av externa uppstart

DUMAS, AUGUSTIN YANN January 2018 (has links)
During the 20th century, Large Scale Companies (LSCs) mindset was all about minimizing risks and maximizing profits. On top of this, they were heavily relying on intellectual property – culture of secret – and they were shaped to exploit rather than to explore. In this context, open innovation brought a completely new approach. As part of the changing landscape, trends of corporate venturing appeared about five years ago. Among LSCs which have chosen to get on the train of innovation, different strategies have been adopted from one company to another. Only today are people witnessing corporate venturing getting more structured. Yet, LSCs have not focused enough just yet on the development of venture structures with external startups. It is essential to understand how to make incubation and acceleration of external startups successful within LSCs. This study adopts LSCs’ perspective and aims at providing them with the best practices that currently exist in the innovation ecosystem in terms of corporate venturing. In particular, this study focuses on how Large Scale Companies (LSCs) can take advantage of external startups through a corporate incubator and/or corporate accelerator in order to become more innovative. The study suggests the venturing process should be divided into three main stages: the identification of the appropriate venture structure and of the right startups, the follow-up of the integrated startups of the corporate venture structure and finally the exit strategy. Building upon the business model canvas and customer value proposition theories, the suggestion is made for LSCs to step backwards and reflect thoroughly about the corporate venture strategy they want to adopt. LSCs should be aware that they evolve as part of a complex venturing ecosystem, and that each tool, rather than being isolated, should embrace and collaborate with the multitude of existing structures. / Under de 20 århundradena var Large Scale Companies (LSCs) tankegangen allt om minimering av risker och maximesring av överskott. Utöver detta var de starkt beroende av immateriella rättigheter - hemlighetskulturen - och de var formade att utnyttja snarare än att utforska. I det här sammanhanget kom öppen innovation till ett helt nytt tillvägagångssätt. Som ett led i det förändrade landskapet uppträdde trenderna för företagsvågningar för ungefär fem år sedan. Blandt LSCs, som har valt att få på toget eller innovation, olika strategier har beslutats från ett företag till ett annat. Endast idag är människors vittnesbörd om företagsvågar att bli mer strukturerad. Ändå har LSCs inte fokuserat tillräckligt på utvecklingen av venturestrukturer med externa startups. Det är viktigt att förstå hur man gör inkubation och acceleration av externa startups framgångsrika inom LSCs. Denna studie antar LSCs perspektiv och syftar till att ge dem de bästa praxis som för närvarande finns i innovationsekosystemet när det gäller företagsledning. I synnerhet fokuserar den här studien på hur Large Scale Companies (LSC) kan dra nytta av externa uppstart genom en företags inkubator och / eller företagsaccelerator för att bli mer innovativ. De studier som antyder vid venturingprocessen bör delas in tre huvudfaser: Identifiering av den aktuella riskstrukturen och rätt uppstart, uppföljning av den integrerade uppstarten av den organisationsstruktur och slutgiltigt slutstrategi. Med utgångspunkt i affärsmodellens kanfas och kundvärdes propositionsteorier, görs förslaget att LSCs ska gå bakåt och reflektera noggrant på företagsledningsstrategin som de vill anta. LSCs borde vara medvetna om att de utvecklas som en del av ett komplext venturerande ekosystem, och att varje verktyg, istället för att isoleras, ska omfamna och samarbeta med de många befintliga strukturerna.

Proposition d'une méthode d'alignement de l'accélérateur linéaire CLIC : des réseaux de géodésie au pré-alignement actif / Proposal of an alignment method of the CLIC linear accelerator : from geodetic networks to the active pre-alignment

Touze, Thomas 11 January 2011 (has links)
Le compact linear collider (CLIC) est le projet de collisionneur de particules proposé par l'organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire (CERN) visant à succéder au large hadron collider (LHC). Du fait des dimensions nanométriques des faisceaux de leptons de ce projet, les accroissements admissibles de l'émittance sont extrêmement faibles. Cela a pour conséquence des tolérances d'alignement des composants du CLIC jamais atteintes. La dernière étape de l'alignement sera effectuée par rapport au faisceau de particules du CLIC. Elle est du ressort des physiciens du faisceau. Toutefois son implémentation nécessite un pré-alignement qui lui-même représente un défi métrologique et géodésique : atteindre 10 μm à 3σ le long d'une fenêtre coulissante de 200 m. Un tel niveau de précision requiert le développement d'une méthode compatible avec des systèmes de repositionnement qui seront constamment sollicités. Le pré-alignement du CLIC devra être actif. Cette thèse ne démontre pas la faisabilité du pré-alignement actif du CLIC mais montre le chemin des derniers développements à effectuer dans ce but. Il y est proposé une méthode, fondée sur la gestion des similitudes entre systèmes euclidiens de coordonnées, qui, de la géodésie aux mesures métrologiques, est susceptible d'apporter la solution. Des expériences sur de longues distances ont été construites dans le but d'éprouver, en parallèle de simulations de Monte-Carlo, les modèles mathématiques des systèmes de mesure et des références d'alignement ainsi créés. L'extrapolation de ces modèles, une fois validés expérimentalement, sur toute la longueur du CLIC, sera la dernière étape prouvant la faisabilité du pré-alignement / The compact linear collider (CLIC) is the particles accelerator project proposed by the european organization for nuclear research (CERN) for high energy physics after the large hadron collider (LHC). Because of the nanometric scale of the CLIC leptons beams, the emittance growth budgetis very tight. It induces alignment tolerances on the positions of the CLICcomponents that have never been achieved. The last step of the CLIC alignment will be done according to the beam itself. It falls within the competence of the physicists. However, in order to implement the beam-based feedback, a challenging pre-alignment is required: 10 μm at 3σ along a 200 m sliding window. For such a precision, the proposed solution must be compatible with a feedback between the measurement and repositioning systems. The CLIC pre-alignment will have to be active. This thesis does not demonstrate the feasibility of the CLIC active prealignment but shows the way to the last developments that have to be done for that purpose. A method is proposed. Based on the management of the Helmert transformations between Euclidian coordinate systems, from the geodetic networks to the metrological measurements, this method is likely to solve the CLIC pre-alignment problem. Large scale facilities have been built and Monte-Carlo simulations have been made in order to validate the mathematical modelings of the measurement systems and of the alignment references. When this is done, it will be possible to extrapolate the modelings to the entire CLIC length. It will be the last step of the demonstration of the CLIC pre-alignment feasibility

Comissionamento dos parâmetros físicos dosimétricos em aceleradores lineares clínicos usando o dosímetro FXG / Physical Dosimetric Parameters Commissioning in Clinical Linear Accelerators using FXG dosimeter

Petchevist, Paulo Cesar Dias 22 May 2015 (has links)
A International Comission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) recomenda que a incerteza total de um tratamento radioterápico não deva ultrapassar de 5%, ou seja, cada etapa do processo de entrega da dose absorvida ao volume alvo do paciente tenha incerteza menor que esse valor (ICRU 50, 1993; ICRU 62, 1999). O cuidado com essas incertezas inicia-se na instalação da máquina (neste caso, de um Acelerador Linear Clínico), passando pela sua aceitação, pelo comissionamento, perdurando nos controles de qualidade posteriores e até em novos comissionamentos, se necessários. Os parâmetros físicos dosimétricos mínimos necessários a serem comissionados para feixes de fótons e elétrons são: Porcentagem de Dose em Profundidade (PDD), Perfis de Campos abertos e filtrados, Fatores de Espalhamento Total (Scp), Cone (Fcone) e de Transmissão (de Filtros em cunha FF, Bandeja FB, e de Transmissão intra FMLC,intra e de fuga inter lâminas FMLC,inter), além da Determinação da Posição Virtual da Fonte de Elétrons através da SSD efetiva (SSDeff). Para tal, a American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), através do seu protocolo mais recente, apresenta objetos simuladores, tipos e tamanhos de detectores, arranjos e procedimentos experimentais específicos, através dos quais é possível inferir os parâmetros dosimétricos de feixes de fótons e elétrons, usando varredura destes com câmara de ionização (CI), considerando o erro total das medidas menor do que 1% (AAPM TG 106, 2008). Entretanto este mesmo protocolo cita de maneira sucinta ou pouco detalhada, a possibilidade da utilização de dosímetros tipo gel para o citado comissionamento, já que possuem diversas vantagens a serem consideradas na Radioterapia, como equivalência ao tecido mole (Z e ), independência energética num amplo intervalo de energia de fótons e elétrons, além da alta resolução espacial. Desta forma, o objetivo geral deste trabalho é apresentar de forma inédita, o comissionamento dos parâmetros físicos dosimétricos de aceleradores lineares clínicos (PFDALC), especificamente através do dosímetro Fricke Xilenol Gel (FXG), como método alternativo e/ou complementar aos internacionais vigentes. Para tal, neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos dispositivos e procedimentos que proporcionassem aos usuários uma forma prática, eficiente e de baixo custo para obtenção dos parâmetros citados através do FXG, em relação aqueles obtidos com a CI (método padrão). Todos os resultados dos parâmetros físicos dosimétricos obtidos com o dosímetro citado foram validados com a CI, considerando a incerteza preconizada para a mesma. Esses resultados sugerem que o FXG efetivamente poderá ser utilizado para o comissionamento de aceleradores lineares clínicos e que um protocolo específico para este dosímetro poderá ser gerado. / The International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) recommends that the total radiotherapy treatment uncertainty should not exceeds 5%, in other words, considering that each step involved in the absorbed dose delivery process should not surpass the cited value (ICRU 50, 1993; ICRU 62, 1999). The uncertainties considered are those involved with, the machine installation (in this work, a Clinical Linear Accelerator), its acceptance, commissioning, followed by those related to subsequent quality controls and even new commissioning, if necessary. The minimum required physical dosimetric parameters to be commissioned for electron or photon beams are: the Percentage Depth Dose (PDD), the filtered and open Field Profiles, Total Scatter Factors (Scp), Cone Factor (Fcone), Transmission Factors: Wedge Filter (FF), Tray (FB), intra Leaf (FMLC,intra) and inter Leaf Leakage (FMLC,inter), besides the Virtual Source Position Determination (SSDeff). For this purpose, the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), through its last protocol, provides guidelines on phantom and detector selections, setting up of phantom for data acquisition (for scanning and no-scanning data), procedures for acquiring the cited beam parameters with ionizing chambers (CI) and methods to reduce the total measurement error lower than 1% (AAPM TG 106, 2008). However, this protocol does not present any information or details about the physical dosimetric parameters for clinical linear accelerators (PFDALC), through gel dosimeters once they present several useful advantages for Radiotherapy, such as: soft tissue equivalence (Z and ), wide energy independence range for photons or electrons beams and high spatial resolution. The scope of this work is to present an innovative way for physical dosimetric parameters commissioning, specifically using the Fricke Xylenol Gel (FXG) dosimeter, like an alternative and/or complementary method to that employed internationally. Devices and procedures have been developed for this work in order to infer the cited parameters, in a practical, efficient and low cost way, compared to that used with CI (standard method). All the FXG results obtained were validated with the CI, considering the uncertainty recommended for the last one. The results suggest that the FXG effectively can be used for physical dosimetric parameters commissioning for clinical linear accelerators and a new specific protocol can be generated.

Estudo de sistemas de núcleos exóticos leves 6He, 7Be+9Be / Study of light exotic nuclei 6He,7Be+9Be systems.

Pires, Kelly Cristina Cezaretto 20 May 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo do espalhamento elástico e de reações nucleares dos sistemas exóticos leves 6He+9Be e 7Be+9Be. A colisão 6He+9Be foi medida nas energias de Elab = 16,2 MeV e 21,3 MeV utilizando o sistema RIBRAS (Radioactive Ion Beams in Brasil) do Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram medidas distribuições angulares do espalhamento elástico, inelástico e a distribuição de partículas alfa produzidas na colisão 6He+9Be. As distribuições angulares elásticas foram analisadas por cálculos de Modelo Óptico, Canais Acoplados (CC) e Canais Acoplados com Discretização do Contínuo (CDCC). A secção de choque total de reação foi obtida da análise do espalhamento elástico. As distribuições de partículas alfa medidas foram comparadas com os resultados dos cálculos de CDCC para a quebra do projétil 6He e de CC para a quebra do alvo de 9Be e a secção de choque integrada em ângulo foi obtida. Analisamos dados do espalhamento quasielástico 7Be+9Be em Elab = 23,7 MeV que foram obtidos no laboratório CRC de Louvain-la-Neuve, na Bélgica. A distribuição angular quasielástica foi analisada primeiramente utilizando o formalismo de Modelo Óptico, o que forneceu o potencial de interação para este sistema e um fator de normalização para os dados experimentais que não foi obtido no experimento. A contribuição da excitação inelástica do núcleo 7Be na secção de choque quasielástica e a influência dos estados do contínuo no canal elástico foram investigadas por meio de cálculos de Canais Acoplados e de CDCC, respectivamente. A secção de choque total de reação 7Be+9Be foi obtida e comparada com 6He+9Be e outros sistemas da literatura. / A study of the elastic scattering and nuclear reactions in light exotic systems 6He+9Be and 7Be+9Be is presented. The 6He+9Be collision was measured at the energies Elab = 16.2 MeV and 21.3 MeV, using the RIBRAS system (Radioactive Ion Beams in Brasil) of the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo. Angular distributions of the elastic and inelastic scattering and the alpha-particles production in the 6He+9Be collision were measured. The elastic scattering angular distributions were analyzed by Optical Model, Coupled Channels (CC) and Continuum- Discretization Coupled-Channels (CDCC) calculations. The total reaction cross section was obtained from the elastic scattering analysis. The alpha-particle angular distributions were compared with the results of the CDCC calculations for the breakup of the 6He projectile and CC for the breakup of the 9Be target and the angle-integrated cross section have been obtained. The data for the 7Be+9Be quasielastic scattering has been measured at Elab = 23.7 MeV at CRC Radioactive Beam Facility at Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. The quasielastic angular distribution was analyzed firstly using the optical model formalism, which provided the potential for the 7Be+9Be interaction and a normalization factor for the experimental data that was not obtained in the experiment. The contribution of the inelastic excitation of the 7Be nucleus to quasielastic cross sections and the influence of the states of the continuum in the elastic scattering were investigated by Coupled Channels and CDCC calculations. The total reaction cross section 7Be+9Be has been obtained and compared with the 6He+9Be system and other systems of the literature.

Desenvolvimento de um sistema automatizado para controle operacional do acelerador industrial de elétrons Cockcroft-Walton / Automated system development for operating control for a Cockcroft-Walton industrial electron beam accelerator

Somessari, Samir Luiz 06 February 2019 (has links)
Os aceleradores de feixes de elétrons são utiizados em muitas aplicações, tais como pesquisa em física básica, química, medicina, biologia molecular, microeletrônica, agricultura e indústria, dentre outras. Na maioria dos aceleradores, por meio de aquecimento do filamento de tungstênio e da alta tensão via gerador Cockcroft-Walton, os elétrons passam por um campo elétrico na câmara em vácuo e são acelerados de acordo com a alta tensão aplicada, transferindo energia aos elétrons. Para fins industriais, um dos equipamentos mais utilizados é o Acelerador Industrial de Elétrons Dynamitron&reg;. No IPEN-CNEN/ SP, instalou-se um acelerador de feixe de elétrons Dynamitron&reg;, fabricado pela RDI Radiation Dynamics Inc., modelo DC1500/25/4, em 1978. A tecnologia analógica aplicada nesse acelerador industrial de elétrons data de 1960 e 1970. Assim, além da tecnologia de controle operacional obsoleta, não há mais peças e componentes sobressalentes originais, fornecidos pelo fabricante (RDI) ao equipamento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolvido um sistema automatizado para controle operacional do acelerador industrial de elétrons Cockcroft-Walton de 37,5 kW (1,5 MeV e 25 mA) no Instituto. / Electron beam accelerators are used in many applications, such as basic research in physics, chemistry, medicine, molecular biology, microelectronics, agriculture and industry, among others. In most accelerators, by means of heating a tungsten filament and high-voltage from a CockcroftWalton generators, the electrons go through an electrical field in the vacuum chamber and are accelerated according to the high-voltage applied to transferring energy to the electrons. For industrial purposes, one of the most used of equipment is the Dynamitron&reg; Industrial Electron Beam Accelerator. In IPEN-CNEN/SP, this Dynamitron&reg; Accelerator, manufactured by RDI - Radiation Dynamics Inc, model DC1500/25/4, was installed, in 1978. The analogical technology applied in this industrial accelerator dates from 1960 and 1970. Therefore, besides the obsolete operational control technology, there are not spare parts or components supplied by the manufacturer (RDI).The goal of this work was to develop an automated system for the operational control of the Cockroft-Walton industrial electrons accelerator of 37.5 kW (1.5 MeV and 25 mA), at IPEN-CNEN/SP.

Sintonia dos parâmetros de operação do primeiro estágio de aceleração do Mícroton do IFUSP / Tuning the Operational Parameters of the First Microtron Stage

Jahnke, Cristiane 14 March 2012 (has links)
O Laboratório do Acelerador Linear (LAL) do Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo está construindo um acelerador de elétrons do tipo Mícrotron. O acelerador possui dois estágios de aceleração: o Mícrotron booster e o Mícrotron Principal. Atualmente, o sistema injetor do acelerador, que é um acelerador linear, dispõe de um feixe de elétrons de 1,9 MeV. Este feixe será inserido no primeiro estágio de aceleração, o Mícrotron booster, que já está construído e será testado em breve. Sua função é elevar a energia do feixe para 5 MeV. O objetivo deste trabalho é o de otimizar os parâmetros de operação do Mícrotron booster por meio de simulação. Também tivemos como objetivo estudar a viabilidade da adaptação do projeto original, com feixe de entrada de 1,765 MeV, para um feixe de entrada de 1,9 MeV. Tendo como foco principal encontrar a admitância do acelerador, foram desenvolvidas algumas rotinas de simulação. A admitância do Mícrotron booster para um feixe de 1,765 MeV foi calculada em 3,08 pi mm.mrad, 0,58 pi mm.mrad e 0,38 pi keV.rad para os espaços de fase horizontal, vertical e longitudinal, respectivamente. Para o feixe de 1,9 MeV, uma condição de aceleração foi encontrada e os valores de admitância foram 3,65 pi mm.mrad, 0,62 pi mm.mrad e 0,77 pi keV.rad para os mesmos espaços de fase. Dados de caracterizações do feixe, realizados em trabalhos anteriores foram utilizados para determinar a configuração das lentes quadrupolares responsáveis pela inserção do feixe no acelerador. Tais simulações darão suporte ao início de operação do Mícrotron booster, auxiliando na determinação dos parâmetros iniciais de operação e otimização dos parâmetros finais. / The Laboratório do Acelerador Linear is building a racetrack microtron electron accelerator. It has two acceleration stages: the booster and the main microtron. The injection system has already been commissioned and is delivering a 1.9-MeV continuous wave beam. This beam will be injected in the booster stage, which is ready to be commissioned, and should increase the energy to 5 MeV. The aim of this work is to optimize the operation parameters of the booster stage by means of simulation tools. We also studied the feasibility of injecting the 1.9 MeV beam in the booster, which has been designed to operate with a 1.765 MeV beam. Some simulation routines had to be developed in order to determine the admittance of the booster stage. For the 1.765 MeV beam the admittances were determined to be 3.08 pi mm.mrad, 0.58 pi mm.mrad, and 0.38 pi keV.rad for the transverse horizontal, transverse vertical, and longitudinal phase spaces, respectively. For the 1.9 MeV injection beam we were able to find a viable acceleration condition, with slightly better admittances: 3.65 pi mm.mrad, 0.62 pi mm.mrad, and 0.77 pi keV.rad, for the same phase spaces cited above. The injection beam has been characterized previously, and the available data were used, in the simulation codes, to match the transverse beam emittances of the injector to the transverse beam admittances of the booster. The phase space manipulations were accomplished by tuning a quadrupole triplet placed before the booster entrance. These simulations are intended as a supporting tool for the commissioning of the booster stage, helping the experimental determination of the working parameters and their optimization.

Incubar ou acelerar? análise sobre o valor entregue para as startups pelas incubadoras e aceleradoras de negócios. / Incubate or accelerate? analysis of the value delivered to startups by business incubators and business accelerators.

Maruyama, Felipe Massami 11 December 2017 (has links)
Tanto as incubadoras como as aceleradoras são organizações especializadas no suporte de empreendimentos em fases iniciais, em especial, aqueles intensivos em inovação conhecidos como startups. Apesar da grande disseminação dessas organizações, há poucas informações na literatura que evidenciem as suas diferenças e as contribuições na jornada do empreendedorismo inovador. Assim, o objetivo principal deste estudo é comparar a diferença entre as propostas de valor das aceleradoras e das incubadoras a partir da percepção das startups que tenham sido tanto incubadas como aceleradas. Entre os objetivos específicos temos: discutir possíveis relações entre as aceleradoras e as incubadoras de negócios; apresentar a evolução das incubadoras e os fatores que induziram o surgimento das aceleradoras, descrevendo os diferentes arquétipos e as implicações que essas organizações têm no ecossistema de empreendedorismo; apresentar o cenário nacional do fenômeno de aceleração e de incubação. O levantamento de dados contará com duas etapas: análise documental de fontes de dados secundárias e estudos de caso com uso de técnica de entrevista e questionário semiestruturado. A análise documental foi feita a partir de banco de dados de artigos científicos, dados oficiais de governos, fundações, revistas e páginas web especializadas e editais de chamamento das próprias organizações. A análise documental fornecerá o retrato de como as incubadoras e as aceleradoras se promovem no ecossistema como organizações importantes no apoio às startups. Em seguida, através de abordagem exploratória descritiva e qualitativa, foram realizadas entrevistas com roteiros semiestruturados com fundadores de startups que foram incubadas e aceleradas, para compreender o valor que cada um desses processos forneceu ao desenvolvimento dessas empresas. Concluiu-se que existe uma dissonância entre o valor percebido pelas startups e o que as incubadoras e as aceleradoras promovem. Também foi possível identificar que a busca por recursos pelas startups tende a não seguir um processo linear, capturando as melhores oportunidades que estejam disponíveis no momento. Por fim, esta pesquisa é um passo exploratório para trazer novas evidências do fenômeno das startups e dos diferentes instrumentos que as constroem. Sugerem-se encaminhamentos que possam preencher lacunas na literatura a respeito dos fenômenos citados, indicando a necessidade de estudos futuros que adensem o conhecimento desse fenômeno. / Both incubators and acelerators are specialized organizations to support early-stage ventures, especially innovation-intensive ones known as startups. Despite the great spread of these organizations, there is a few information in the literature that show their differences and contributions in the journey of innovative entrepreneurship. The main objective of this study is comparing the difference between value porposition of accelerators and incubators from the perception of startups that have been both incubated and accelerated. The specific objectives are: to discuss possible relationships between accelerators and incubators; to present the evolution of the incubators and the factors that led to the emergence of the accelerators, describing the different accelerators archetypes and the implications in entrepreneurship ecosystem; to present the national scenario of acceleration and incubation. The data collection stage had two stages: documentary analysis of secondary data sources; and the case study using interview technique through semi-structured questionnaire. The documentary analysis was made from a database of scientific articles, official data from governments, foundations, journals and specialized web pages and incubators and accelerators calls for proposals. Documentary analysis provided a picture of how incubators and accelerators are promoted to the ecosystem and startups. Then, through a descriptive and qualitative exploratory approach, interviews were conducted with semistructured scripts with founders of startups that were incubated and accelerated to understand the value that each of these processes provided to the development of these companies. It was concluded that there is a dissonance between what the incubators and the accelerators promote and the value perceived by the startups, they are not being able to identify enough characteristics that distinguish them. The reason for it is the diversity of the needs and demands of the startups, different models of accelerators and incubators are formulated that, in many cases, overlap in the benefits offered. It was also possible to identify that the search for resources by startups, whether radical or disruptive startups, does not follow a linear process, capturing the best opportunities available in the ecosystem through a minimally tactical and selective approach. In order to contribute to the understanding of the growing formation of organizations supporting startups, such as incubators and accelerators, and considering the findings of this research, a tool was suggested to define the types of these organizations, loosely termed \"startup guiders\". This tool analyzes three basic dimensions: business model, value proposition and stage of intervention in the development of early-stages ventures. Finally, this research is an exploratory step in bringing new evidence of the phenomenon of startups and of the different instruments that construct them. It is suggested that there be gaps in the literature regarding the mentioned phenomena, indicating the need for future studies that increase the knowledge of this phenomenon.

A Near-Infrared Diffraction Radiation Spectrometer for MHz Repetition Rate Electron Bunch Diagnostics at the European XFEL

Fahlström, Simon January 2019 (has links)
We have built a spectrometer to investigate the Near-Infrared (NIR) range of this radiation, which is used for bunch diagnostics at the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser. This could give information on the development of microbunching, periodic features in the longitudinal charge profile of the bunches which have a negative impact on the operation of the facility. In general it offers an ability to investigate the influences of the laser heater, the compression, and other factors that affect the structure of the bunches. The CDR is generated 1934 m after the injector, at full acceleration. The spectrometer is based around the KALYPSO detector system, able to read out from a 256 pixel linear array detector at MHz frequencies, making it possible to obtain single bunch readings during current user operation of the facility, at 1.1 MHz. KALYPSO has an InGaAs sensor, sensitive in the range 0.9 – 1.7 μm. A 40 mm N-SF11 equilateral prism is used for dispersion. First measurements have been taken, and CDR has been detected. The spectrometer needs further calibration and resolution was lacking, but it can offer insight in to relative changes, and bunch-to and can be used as for fingerprinting the beam. A reduction in signal in the sensitive range and a skew towards longer wavelengths was seen when going from uncompressed to compressed beam. When varying the power of the laser heater the behavior varied from run to run, with changing machine settings. In some cases the CDR was attenuated, while FEL intensity initially increased, until the induced energy spread from the laser heater was large enough to inhibit the FEL process. Another, less expected, behaviour was also observed, where the initially low CDR intensity at first increased, while FEL intensity stayed the same, before it then followed the same pattern as in the first case.

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