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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O acompanhamento terapêutico e a Psicanálise: a escuta a partir da clínica da convivência / The therapeutic accompaniment and the psychoanalysis: the listening from the Coexistence clinic

Ana Carolina de Lima Jorge 01 September 2010 (has links)
Proveniente de uma prática, a presente dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo explorar a função do Acompanhamento Terapêutico (AT) na internação psiquiátrica, apontando a importância da clínica psicanalítica para seu desenvolvimento. Seu ponto de partida é explicitado pela localização da práxis do AT no contexto da reforma psiquiátrica, no intuito de caracterizá-la como uma importante alternativa ao modelo manicomial, uma vez que procura oferecer ao sujeito psicótico uma aproximação com o laço social. Em seguida, procura discutir, através da apresentação de um caso clínico, as práticas de tratamento voltadas para a clínica da psicose, circunscrevendo à clínica da convivência o setting de atuação do AT. No que tange especialmente à psicose, apresenta como fundamentação teórica a leitura freudiana e as elaborações de J. Lacan, procurando estudar não somente sobre o que incide na estrutura psicótica, como também busca entender o vinculo transferencial que emerge entre paciente e AT. Seus principais objetivos geram a torno da indicação clínica da escuta do delírio e da posição que concerne ao Acompanhante Terapêutico de se apresentar como secretário do alienado, creditando a ele a estratégia encontrada pela função do AT para o tratamento possível da psicose. / From the clinical practice, this master's dissertation aims explore the role of Therapeutic Accompaniment (TA) in psychiatric hospitalization, pointing out the importance of psychoanalytical clinic for their development. Its starting point is explained by the location of the TAs praxis in the context of the psychiatric reform, in order to characterize this praxis as an important alternative to the asylum model, since it aims to offer to the subject psychotic an approximation with the social link. Then, discusses through the presentation of a clinical case, the practices of treatment directed to the clinic of psychosis, restricting the setting of TherapeuticAccompaniment acting to the coexistence clinic. Regarding especially psychosis, this thesis presents as theoretical fundaments the reading of Freud and the elaborations of Lacan, seeking study, not only on what concerns about the psychotic structure, as well as trying to understand the transferencial bond emerges between patient and Therapeutic Companion. Its main objectives are the clinical indication of listening to delirium and the function to assume the position as secretary of alienated which concerns the TherapeuticCompanion, was determined as the strategy found by function of the TA for the possible treatment of psychosis.

O acompanhamento terapêutico e a Psicanálise: a escuta a partir da clínica da convivência / The therapeutic accompaniment and the psychoanalysis: the listening from the Coexistence clinic

Ana Carolina de Lima Jorge 01 September 2010 (has links)
Proveniente de uma prática, a presente dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo explorar a função do Acompanhamento Terapêutico (AT) na internação psiquiátrica, apontando a importância da clínica psicanalítica para seu desenvolvimento. Seu ponto de partida é explicitado pela localização da práxis do AT no contexto da reforma psiquiátrica, no intuito de caracterizá-la como uma importante alternativa ao modelo manicomial, uma vez que procura oferecer ao sujeito psicótico uma aproximação com o laço social. Em seguida, procura discutir, através da apresentação de um caso clínico, as práticas de tratamento voltadas para a clínica da psicose, circunscrevendo à clínica da convivência o setting de atuação do AT. No que tange especialmente à psicose, apresenta como fundamentação teórica a leitura freudiana e as elaborações de J. Lacan, procurando estudar não somente sobre o que incide na estrutura psicótica, como também busca entender o vinculo transferencial que emerge entre paciente e AT. Seus principais objetivos geram a torno da indicação clínica da escuta do delírio e da posição que concerne ao Acompanhante Terapêutico de se apresentar como secretário do alienado, creditando a ele a estratégia encontrada pela função do AT para o tratamento possível da psicose. / From the clinical practice, this master's dissertation aims explore the role of Therapeutic Accompaniment (TA) in psychiatric hospitalization, pointing out the importance of psychoanalytical clinic for their development. Its starting point is explained by the location of the TAs praxis in the context of the psychiatric reform, in order to characterize this praxis as an important alternative to the asylum model, since it aims to offer to the subject psychotic an approximation with the social link. Then, discusses through the presentation of a clinical case, the practices of treatment directed to the clinic of psychosis, restricting the setting of TherapeuticAccompaniment acting to the coexistence clinic. Regarding especially psychosis, this thesis presents as theoretical fundaments the reading of Freud and the elaborations of Lacan, seeking study, not only on what concerns about the psychotic structure, as well as trying to understand the transferencial bond emerges between patient and Therapeutic Companion. Its main objectives are the clinical indication of listening to delirium and the function to assume the position as secretary of alienated which concerns the TherapeuticCompanion, was determined as the strategy found by function of the TA for the possible treatment of psychosis.

O acompanhamento terapêutico e a intervenção em rede como estratégias que visam o fortalecimento da rede social/significativa do usuário do CAPS / The Therapeutical Accompaniment and the Network Intervention as strategies to improve the personal social network of a CAPS user

Felipe Kae Martins Prado 05 October 2016 (has links)
Realizamos um estudo num CAPSII da cidade de São Paulo. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa participativa, portanto uma pesquisa qualitativa que teve como referencial metodológico o Comunity-Based Participatory Research (CBPR). Tivemos a Reabilitação Psicossocial (RP) como referencial teórico, e tendo em vista a meta de emancipação e contratualização dos usuários do CAPS, realizamos uma pesquisa ação junto a um usuário e sua rede social. Mapeamos a rede social significativa deste usuário através do Mapa de Rede de Sluzki (2006), e iniciamos um trabalho de Acompanhamento Terapêutico (AT) junto ao usuário. Durante o processo compusemos as reuniões de Intervenção em Rede e ao fim construímos um segundo Mapa de Rede no intuito de avaliar se houve mudanças na composição da rede após as intervenções realizadas através desta pesquisa. A rede deste usuário era formada por pessoas do CAPS e de sua família que ao longo do processo apresentaram muitos recursos, era uma rede que inclusive já utilizara o AT e as reuniões de rede como forma de cuidado ao usuário e a própria rede. Vivenciamos nesse período, muitos momentos significativos e identificamos uma série de situações em que usuário e rede eram capazes de produção de sentido em seu cotidiano. Foi possível perceber a partilha de afeto entre o usuário e a rede, e inclusive entre os próprios membros da rede, e ao mesmo tempo havia troca de violência principalmente na relação entre o usuário e sua família. Era uma rede ciente dos preceitos da RP, mas ainda assim, com o agravamento da violência e se avaliava que o usuário estava pondo em risco a vida dele próprio e de seus familiares. A rede se viu impotente para lidar com essa questão e agiu afastando e internando o usuário. Durante o processo pudemos perceber que não somente o usuário, mas a família passara por um processo recente de perda de contratos sociais, especialmente quanto a trabalho e habitação. Ainda que apresente recursos é uma família que passou por um processo de exclusão do sistema de organização social, e o sentimento de impotência parece antes tratar desse processo do que da violência entre eles em si. Se apresenta tentador responsabilizar a família ou o serviço pelo processo vivido, mas parece se tratar de um processo mais complexo em que não se está claro qual é o papel de cada elemento. Através da convivência no serviço percebemos que a universidade e as pesquisas de pós graduação já compõem com o que se tem produzido nos CAPS, nesse sentido, mais do que eleger culpados, isso nos leva a supor ser necessário que nós, enquanto parte do problema, passemos a entender qual o papel que estamos desempenhando no processo, e talvez aí possamos fazer alguma diferença no ciclo que leva a violência, a impotência e a internação de uma pessoa / We conducted a study in a CAPSII at the city of São Paulo. This study is composed by a participatory research, using as a methodological referential the Community- Based Participatory Research (CBPR). The Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PR) was our theoretical referential, and based on the goal of emancipation of CAPS\'s users, we performed an action research with a user and his social network. We mapped the significant social network of this user with the Network Map of Sluzki (2006) and initiated a Therapeutical Accompaniment (TA) with him. During the process we did Network Interventions meetings and in the end we built a second Network Map, to evaluate if it changed after the interventions we performed during this research. This user\'s network was composed by people from CAPS e from his family, which during the process presented many resources, a network that already had used the TA and the network meetings to provide care for the user and for the network itself. We lived, during the entire period, several significant moments and identified that the user and the network were able to produce meaning in his daily life. We could observe the sharing of affection between user and network and also between the members of the network. At the same time an exchange of violence could also be observed, especially between the user and his family. Although the network was aware of the RP\'s precept, with the escalation of violence it was evaluated that the user was putting his and his family\'s life at risk. The network felt powerless to deal with this problem and acted moving away from the user and interning him. During the process we could notice that not the user alone, but the whole family have passed by a recent period of social contract loss, especially regarding work and habitation. Even though his family presents resources, it is a family that passed by a process of exclusion from the social organization system and the powerless feeling seems to be related to this process rather to the violence between them. It is tempting to charge family or the service by the lived process, but it seems a more complex process and the role of each element is not clear. We could notice that university and post-graduation research compose with what have been produced in the CAPS. Hence, more than electing the guilty ones, this lead us to suppose that is necessary that us, as part of the problem, start to understand what is our role in the process, then we perhaps might make any difference in the cycle that leads to violence, impotence and people\'s internment

Aproximações a uma metapsicologia freudiana da escuta: ressonâncias a partir do campo do acompanhamento terapêutico / A metapsychological approach of a Freudian listening: reverberations from therapeutical accompaniment field

Iso Alberto Ghertman 22 May 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho se dedica a refletir sobre a trama dos conceitos que operam no processo da escuta analítica. Para tanto, baseia-se no referencial freudiano e nos desdobramentos de suas ideias a partir de analistas contemporâneos. O disparador dessas reflexões foi a experiência clínica do autor naquilo que se convencionou chamar de clínica estendida, especificamente a clínica do acompanhamento terapêutico (AT). Por meio da singularidade dessa clínica, formulou-se a ideia de uma escuta nômade, a qual está subordinada não apenas ao campo transferencial em que se situa, mas também a um discurso que se descola da doutrina freudiana, delimitando um posicionamento ético e político na relação com o sofrimento. / The present paper aims at reflecting about the group of concepts that operate in the process of analytical listening. In order to do so, it was based on the Freudian reference and on the unfoldings of his ideas after reading the contributions of contemporary analysts. The trigger of these reflections was the clinical experience of the author in what can be called \"extended clinic\", specifically the clinic of therapeutical accompaniment. By means of the singularity of that clinic, the \"nomadic listening\" idea was formulated, and it is subordinate not only to the transference field where it lies, but also to a discourse that is taken from the Freudian doctrine, delimiting an ethical and political position in relation with suffering.

O processo inventivo dos 25 solfejos de Muzico e moderno systema para solfejar de Luís Álvares Pinto e de 34 peças selecionados do calendário do som de Hermeto Pascoal - aproximações estético-poéticas e questões editoriais / -

Marcos Rossetti Ferreira 30 April 2015 (has links)
Nossa tese contempla a abordagem de dois problemas inter-relacionados: 1) pensar sobre as analogias poéticas nos procedimentos composicionais entre dois ciclos de obras de autores de épocas distintas, Luís Álvares Pinto e Hermeto Pascoal; 2) realizar uma edição crítica destas pequenas peças musicais com seus acompanhamentos harmônicos realizados enquanto intervenções inventivas, viabilizando o acesso às obras por parte de um número maior de intérpretes-executores através da resolução dos elementos em aberto, uma vez que, no caso de Luís Álvares Pinto, há duetos que pressupõem trios e, no caso de Hermeto Pascoal, há uma voz solista que pressupõe duetos. Primeiramente, trabalhamos as questões confluentes e os elementos composicionais análogos que surgem quando aproximamos: 1) os 25 solfejos a duas vozes de Luís Álvares Pinto, parte final de seu tratado didático Muzico e Moderno Systema para Solfejar, de 1776; 2) 34 lead sheets selecionadas do Calendário do som, um manuscrito de 366 peças compostas por Hermeto Pascoal, entre 23 de junho de 1996 e 23 de junho de 1997, uma obra que contempla a composição de uma peça por dia ao longo de um ano. Visamos, assim, indagar sobre os procedimentos composicionais que transcendem realidades historicamente diferenciadas. Segundo, confeccionamos uma edição crítica das partituras de ambos os ciclos de obras destes dois compositores nordestinos e reconhecidos como músicos referenciais por seus pares em suas épocas, com a realização das harmonias. Outro objetivo importante é a aplicabilidade prática da tese: disponibilizar aos músicos intérpretes-executores interessados de dentro e fora da academia as partituras destas obras por nós editadas, viabilizando suas performances. Entendemos que esta última etapa de nossa tese representa um resultado efetivo e significativo de nossa pesquisa, cumprindo assim o papel acadêmico - ao lado do ensino e da pesquisa - de estender os resultados dos conhecimentos produzidos na universidade à comunidade na forma de prestação de serviços. O trabalho está inserido na linha de pesquisa: Música Brasileira: história, interpretação-execução, processos composicionais e editoriais do Grupo de Pesquisa do CNPq: Poíesis, Práxis e Theoria em Música, sob coordenação do nosso orientador. / Our thesis approaches two interrelated issues: 1) we discuss poetic analogies in compositional procedures that appear in two cycles of compositions by two different authors of distinct periods, Luís Álvares Pinto and Hermeto Pascoal; 2) We prepare a critical edition of these pieces with their harmonic accompaniment worked out in inventive interventions that make them accessible to a larger number of interpreters-performers. First, we work with confluent questions and analogous compositional elements that arise as we approach the 25 solfeggios in two voices by Luís Álvares Pinto and the 34 lead sheets retrieved from the Calendário do som . The 25 solfeggios belong to the final part of the didactic treaty Muzico e Moderno Systema para Solfejar, from 1776. The Calendário do som is a manuscript of 366 pieces composed by Hermeto Pascoal between 23 June 1996 and 23 June 1997, covering the composition of one piece a day along a year. We aim, thus, to inquire about the compositional procedures that transcend different historic realities. Secondly, we prepare a critical edition of the scores of the works that have been researched, and that contain realizations of the open elements. Thus, the practical application of the thesis: to make their performance feasible to a larger range of interested musicians, from within or outside the Academy. We understand that this last part of our thesis represents an effective and meaningful result of our research, playing in this way the academic role - besides teaching and research - of extending the knowledge produced at the university to the community, as a service provision. The work pertains to the research line: Brazilian Music: history, interpretation-performance, compositional and editorial processes of the CNPq Research Group: Poíesis, Práxis and Theoria in Music, coordinated by our supervisor.

J. F. Daube's "General-Bass in drey Accorden" (1756): A Translation and Commentary

Wallace, Barbara Kees 05 1900 (has links)
General-Bass in drey Accorden (1756), the first of Johann Friedrich Daube's theoretical works, is a practical instruction manual in thorough-bass accompaniment. It consists of a sixteen page preface followed by 215 pages of text and musical examples. The twelve chapters begin with a presentation of interval classification and a discussion of consonance and dissonance. Daube then explains a theory of harmony in which all "chords" are derived from three primary chords. These are illustrated with regard to their sequence in harmonic progressions, their resolutions—common and uncommon—, and their use in modulation. Seventy-two pages of musical examples of modulations from all major and minor keys to all other keys are included. Particular attention is given to the fully diminished seventh chord, which is illustrated in all inversions and in numerous modulatory progressions. Daube devotes one chapter to three methods of keyboard accompaniment. The subject matter includes textures, dynamics, proper doubling, the accompaniment of recitatives, full-voiced accompaniment, the use of arpeggiation, trills, running passages, and ornamentation in general.

Du risque au péril, dialectiques de la protection du vulnérable : la pratique du mandat judiciaire en direction des majeurs protégés / From risk to peril and dialectics of the protection of society’s most vulnerable : practice of the judicial mandate towards protected adults

Wanègue, Mickaël 17 March 2016 (has links)
Le mandataire judiciaire à la protection des majeurs (MJPM) intervient dans la vie d’autrui par décision de justice. Entre un cadrage de cette mission par des textes de loi et le face-à-face avec le majeur vulnérable, comment incarne-t-il sa mission de protection ? Et plus encore, quels sont les débats et les choix qui lui sont propres pour l’accomplir ? C’est par une approche qui articule l’ergologie et l’interaction langagière que nous observons sa pratique professionnelle au regard de la notion d’activité. Des entretiens avec des MJPM et avec leur direction, puis des observations directes de temps d’échange MJPM-majeur protégé apportent un éclairage nouveau sur la mission de protection. La relation humaine sous ce cadre juridique et dans la confrontation à la vulnérabilité est privilégiée. La pratique des MJPM est traversée de trois axes qui se croisent : l’autorité de justice, la vulnérabilité et l’autonomie à favoriser telle que la Réforme de la protection du 5 mars 2007 l’a introduite dans son cadre législatif. Les débats de normes avec leurs valeurs centrales partent de ce point nodal pour le MJPM. En conséquence, cette recherche les fait ressortir tantôt comme contenu de réflexion, tantôt comme besoin de formation pour mieux remplir sa mission. / Subsequent to court decision, authorized representatives (MJPMs) intervene in the lives of vulnerable adults ostensibly to ensure their protection. When contemplating statutory legislation and one-to-one interaction with vulnerable person/s, the central question is: How do MJPMs enact their perceived protection missions? Questions surround both debate and the choices proposed, and the strategies employed by authorized representatives when implementing the requisite protection policies. Professional practice investigates the notion of activity via a combination of ergology and language interaction. Interviews with MJPMs and their managers, and field observation of the interaction between MJPMs and protected adults elucidated the reality of the mission of protection. Priority is given to the human relationship institutionalized through a legal framework and confrontation with vulnerability. MJPM practices are crossed by three axes that have been identified and which intersect each other, i.e., the authority of the judiciary, vulnerability, and the self-autonomy of the protected person according to the legal reform of 5 March 2007. For the MJPM, debate surrounding the perceived norms, together with some main values, starts from this nodal point. The purpose of this study is not only to explicate and emphasize these values, but to underscore their value as training needs for the better fulfillment of the MJPMs’ mission.

A qualitative multiple case study investigating information exchange at lung cancer consultations

Smith, Allison January 2014 (has links)
Background: Effective information exchange is an asset to effective lung cancer care. Although a considerable body of evidence informs the approaches to ‘diagnostic bad news delivery’, the exchange of information that takes place between patients with cancer and professionals with whom they interact thereafter is less well documented. Information exchange has an influential role throughout the lung cancer care continuum, providing patients and professionals with details relative to the cancer diagnosis and the subsequent choices to be made in its management. Information on disease extent, treatment and related side-effects, rehabilitation and prognosis are judged by patients as the most prominent for them. Despite awareness of the specific categories relevant to information exchange needs, there is little evidence available exploring the information exchange process, per se, within cancer generally and even less within the lung cancer context. Aim: To investigate information exchange processes during lung cancer consultations, specifically exploring information content which is both exchanged and not exchanged. Design: Qualitative, multiple case study design. Methods: A case centred on a patient with lung cancer. Within the case were the patients, the health professionals they consulted with and accompanying companions. Seven cases were recruited, which included 12 companions. Data were collected in outpatient clinics between 2010 and 2011. Data were digital recordings of consultations; debrief interviews immediately post-consultation and later in-depth patient interviews. All interviews were transcribed and analysed for pattern matching and coding. Findings: Analysis of categorical data indicated cases were typical of the Scottish lung cancer population across all demographic domains, accept age and performance status. The preliminary analysis showed across cases, almost universal satisfaction with the level and content of information exchange for the main a priori categories of diagnosis, treatment and treatment outcome. Substantive analysis revealed that information content across the a priori categories was influenced by the presence of the accompanying companion. Within the clinical consultation, companion influence on information exchange was shown to be mediating, moderating or neutral. A key finding which emerged showed companion accompaniment to be a negotiated process, with three identifying levels of accompaniment. Non-negotiated companion presence at the clinic was associated with influential and expert companions who significantly moderated the content, direction and flow of information exchange, using the constructs of companion control, companion agenda and companion as expert. Persuasive influences further shaped non-negotiated accompaniment and were identified as demographic characteristics and relationship alliances. Patient and professional perspective regarding companion accompaniment was shown to be discordant. Conclusions: The level of negotiated companion presence at lung cancer clinics has direct implications for clinical care. There needs to be greater understanding among professionals of ways in which information exchange can be influenced by companions.

L’accompagnement des enseignants débutants du primaire : une situation potentielle de développement professionnel ? / The accompaniment of beginning primary school teachers : a potential situation of professional development?

Becue, Alain 02 October 2015 (has links)
Dans le contexte socio-économique du début du XXI siècle, l'éducation reste un enjeu sociétal majeur. Dans cette perspective, la question de la formation des enseignants et plus précisément celle de l'accompagnement à l'entrée dans le métier des débutants apparaît centrale. Nous l'interrogeons ici sous l'angle d'une recherche qualitative visant à comprendre dans quelle mesure le dispositif actuel de conseil pédagogique contribue au développement professionnel de professeurs débutants du primaire. Plus précisément, nous étudions, dans le cadre conceptuel de la didactique professionnelle, les cheminements des conclusions formulées au cours d'un entretien-conseil, de leur formulation jusqu'à leur transformation potentielle en compétences professionnelles. Cette recherche, en utilisant des références dans les théories de l'analyse interactionniste du discours et des activités cognitives de raisonnement et de problématisation, étudie de façon longitudinale l'accompagnement dans trois dyades enseignant débutant – conseiller pédagogique sur une année scolaire. Elle permet de mettre au jour, pour notre corpus, des résultats sur : 1) la nature des conclusions formulées lors des entretiens-conseils ; 2) les processus et difficultés qui aboutissent à la formulation des conclusions ; 3) le devenir des conclusions énoncées dans la suite de l'accompagnement ; 4) les conséquences du dispositif de conseil pédagogique dans le développement professionnel des débutants ; 5) les conditions minimales pour que l'accompagnement puisse être une situation potentielle de développement professionnel. / In the socio-economic context of the beginning of the 21st century, education remains a major societal issue. In this regard, the matter of teacher training, and more specifically that of supporting novices as they go into the profession, seems central. Here, we approach it from the perspective of a qualitative investigation aiming to understand the extent to which the current system of educational advice contributes to the professional development of novice primary school teachers. More specifically, within the conceptual framework of professional didactics, we study the progress of the conclusions drawn in the course of a counselling interview, from the moment they are drawn until the time they are potentially transformed into professional skills. Using references from the theories of interactionist analysis of speech and cognitive activities of reasoning and problematizing, this research examines longitudinally the way support is provided in three novice teacher – educational adviser dyads over the course of a school year. Within the boundaries of our corpus, it leads to the uncovering of results about : 1) the nature of the conclusions drawn during the course of the counselling interviews ; 2) the processes and difficulties that lead up to the drawing of the conclusions ; 3) the evolution of the conclusions formulated in the following interviews ; 4) the consequences of the system of educational advice on the professional development of novices ; 5) the minimal conditions necessary for the support to be a potential situation of professional development.

La educación a distancia remota en el marco de la estrategia “Aprendo en Casa” y su relación con las creencias y atribuciones causales de padres y madres de familia de Nivel Primaria: análisis bibliográfico y perspectivas de investigación / Distance education developed with the strategy “Aprendo en casa” and its relationship with the beliefs and causal attributions of parents at the Primary Level: bibliographic analysis and research perspectives

Rodriguez Pasion, Victoria Katherine, Espinosa Vallarino, Maria Daniela 06 July 2020 (has links)
Frente a la pandemia mundial por la COVID-19, el Ministerio de Educación del Perú implementó a nivel nacional la estrategia educativa a distancia “Aprendo en Casa”. En ese contexto, el objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar perspectivas de investigación en función del rol de las creencias y atribuciones causales de padres y madres de familia sobre la educación a distancia remota guiada por esta estrategia en el Nivel Primaria. Esta finalidad resulta relevante dado que, en las circunstancias generadas por la pandemia, el papel de los padres, como mediadores del aprendizaje, se ha oficializado. En ese sentido, identificar los juicios evaluativos desde las que perciben esta estrategia y la modalidad de enseñanza temporal, así como las razones a las que atribuyen su eficacia en el logro de aprendizajes, contribuye al reconocimiento de aspectos que podrían influir el proceso de acompañamiento que realizan con los estudiantes. En este documento, a partir de una revisión teórica que relaciona las creencias y las atribuciones causales con las características de “Aprendo en Casa” en el Nivel Primaria, se concluye que futuras investigaciones podrían indagar los factores a los que atribuyen los padres de familia el éxito o fracaso de esta estrategia. Además, se podría investigar cuáles son las creencias de los padres de familia sobre la educación a distancia en relación con experiencias como las de “Aprendo en Casa” y de qué rasgos contextuales dependen. / Facing the pandemic by COVID-19, the Peruvian Ministry of Education implemented the remote learning strategy “Aprendo en Casa” at a national level. In this context, the purpose of the following investigation is to identify research perspectives based on the role of the beliefs and causal attributions of parents on remote distance education guided by the educational strategy “Aprendo en Casa” in primary education. This proposal is relevant given that, in the circumstances generated by the pandemic, the role of parents as mediators of learning has become official. In this sense, identifying the evaluative judgments from which they perceive this temporary teaching strategy, as well as the reasons to which they attribute its effectiveness in achieving learning, contributes to the recognition of aspects that may influence the accompaniment process carried out with students. In this document, from a theoretical review that related the beliefs and causal attributions with the characteristics of “Aprendo en Casa” at a Primary Level, it is concluded that future research could investigate the factors to which parents attribute success or failure of the strategy “Aprendo en Casa”. In addition, the beliefs of parents about remote learning in relation to “Aprendo en Casa” and what contextual features they depend on could be furthermore investigated. / Trabajo de investigación

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