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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utav omsorg och eftertanke : en undersökning av Falu stads sparbanks sparare 1830-1914

Lilja, Kristina January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Besittning av och rådighet över medel innestående på konto / Possesion of and surveillance over the credit balance on an account

Hansson, Maria January 2004 (has links)
The possession over bills and coins has, on the whole, been replaced with a credit balance on an account. Almost all payments today are processed by transmitting digital data and not by using cash. The credit balance on an account is a demand that the holder ofthe account have towards his bank. Law regarding three part relationships: By using Göranson’s theory you can say that the credit balance on an account may be object of possession. The holder of the account has independent and direct possession. By using the principle condictio indebiti, the holder of the account (A) can become owner of means despite that the person who did the deposit (B) did not intend to make the deposit to that specific account (A’s account). Criminal law: The authors of the doctrine consider that the concept of the Swedish word ”besittning” is intended for physical objects and therefore the credit balance of an account may not be object of possession. According to the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal may the surveillance over an account be place on level with possession. When the credit balance of an account may be deemed as object of possession, then the means of the account can be object of embezzlement and unlawful disposal.

Hälsobokslut : En studie av tre landsting

Bäck, Linda, Sittkoff, Robin, Westerberg, Lisa January 2005 (has links)
Hälsobokslutet är ett relativt nytt begrepp som härstammar från flera olika redovisningsläror. På grund av den höga sjukfrånvaron i Sverige har regeringen utformat en handlingsplan med syfte att minska ohälsan. En del i denna handlingsplan är den om hälsobokslut. Syftet med hälsobokslutet är att företagen ska bli mer medvetna om den hälsostatus som råder på arbetsplatsen och utifrån det genomföra hälsorelaterade åtgärder. Syftet är att beskriva två olika hälsobokslutsmodeller och sedan jämföra tre genomförda hälsobokslut sinsemellan samt med modellerna. Syftet är även att klarlägga implementeringsarbetet och utröna om hälsoboksluten lett till några effekter i landstingen. För att få en förståelse för begreppet hälsobokslut och kunna besvara uppsatsens syfte används den kvalitativa metoden. Jämförelserna av både modellerna och hälsoboksluten har skett genom litteraturstudier och granskning av de upprättade boksluten. För att kunna fullfölja den klarläggning som förutsätts i syftet har vi genomfört intervjuer med de valda landstingen. De jämförelser som gjorts mellan hälsobokslut och modeller visar att hälsoboksluten skiljer sig på mycket få punkter från modellerna. Vad gäller jämförelserna mellan hälsoboksluten i de tre landstingen är de största likheterna att de alla kräver samarbete och är beroende av fungerande personaladministrativa system. De största skillnaderna mellan boksluten är omfattningen och antalet verksamheter det implementerats i. Implementeringsarbetet har varit olika svårt för de tre landstingen och svårigheterna har bestått i både tekniska problem och bearbetning av stora mängder information. Hälsobokslutet har lett till positiva effekter på sjukfrånvaron och ökat personalengagemang. / Health account is a rather new concept that originates from several different schools of accounting. Due to the high number of sick leaves in Sweden, the government has developed a document with the purpose of reducing the sick leave and the health account is a part of this plan. The purpose of the health account is to make companies and organisations more aware of issues concerning health in the workplace. From this point it is possible to take steps against illness. The purpose is first to describe two different health account models and then compare them to three completed health accounts. The purpose is also to examine the implementation process and to find out if the health accounts have lead to any effects in the county councils. To create an understanding for the expression health account, and to be able to answer the purpose of our thesis, we have used a qualitative method. Both the comparison of the models and the health accounts were realised through studies of literature and reviews of the health acounts. To be able to accomplish the clarification that was given in the purpose, we have conducted interviews with the selected county councils. Those health accounts that we have studied shows that they differ very little from the models. When it comes to the comparison between the health accounts, the main similarities are that they all require cooperation and they are dependent of well working personal administration systems. The main difference between the health accounts is to what extent they have been implemented in the organisation. The difficulties concerning the implementation have varied between the three county councils. The difficulties concern both technical problems and to handle large amounts of information. The health accounts had positive effects on sick leave and has also increased the interest in questions concerning the employees.

Processorientering i en global kundorienterad koncern : En studie av Sandvik Coromants verksamhetsstyrning

Smedeby Berg, André, Holmström, Karl January 2009 (has links)
För det multinationella företaget är det rimligtvis en stor utmaning att kunna ta hänsyn till såväl den lokala som den globala dimensionen. Förevarande uppsats syftar till att kartlägga hur organisk processorientering fungerar som styrform i en global kundorienterad koncern. Med utgångspunkt i vald teori formuleras en tes med innebörden att denna styrform förväntas vara lämplig för en global verksamhet där stora krav på kundfokus, flexibilitet och anpassningsbarhet ställs. Samtidigt förväntas den försvåra integrationen av koncernens dotterbolag. Studien genomfördes genom att undersöka hur skärverktygstillverkaren Sandvik Coromant organiserar sin globala verksamhet med dotterbolag i 130 länder. Intervjuer har genomförts med beslutsfattare vid huvudkontoret, på tre dotterbolag samt med en globalt kundansvarig. Utifrån en tematisering av intervjumaterialet dras följande slutsatser: Organisk processorientering tycks vara en användbar styrform för den globala kundorienterade koncernen och kräver relativt autonoma dotterbolag. På grund av det integrationsproblem som tenderar att uppstå till följd av autonomin samt ett komplext inbördes beroende som inte är uppenbart för de lokala organisationerna, krävs emellertid att koncernen är organiskt processorienterad även i den laterala dimensionen.  I Sandvik Coromant koordineras verksamheten således genom ett horisontellt styrt, globalt Key Account Management-system samt väl etablerade nätverk mellan dotterbolagscheferna. Detta tycks resultera i att beroendet synliggörs och dotterbolagen motiveras att se till helheten. På så sätt kan integration underlättas utan att differentieringen samordnas bort och hänsyn tas till såväl den lokala som den globala dimensionen.

The Renminbi Challenge: Is a Revaluation of the Chinese Currency a Wise Step Forward?

Stein, Christine January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to investigate if a revaluation of the Chinese renminbi is in China’s interest and whether or not a renminbi revaluation can contribute to correct the US current account deficit. For that purpose, advantages and disadvantages of a revaluation for China are discussed. Furthermore, the fundamental causes of the US current account deficit are analysed to evaluate to what extent a renminbi revaluation can correct this imbalance. The discussion is based on previous research in this area. The main result is that a revaluation of the Chinese renminbi is primarily beneficial for China. Additionally it is found that the fundamental causes of the US current account deficit are domestic macroeconomic conditions and not China’s exchange rate policy. Nevertheless, a renminbi revaluation can help to support to correct the imbalance situation. As evidence is found that a revaluation is beneficial for China, it is further analysed how the revaluation should be practically obtained. The basic result is that the renminbi revaluation should be initiated by more exchange rate flexibility rather than by a one-step appreciation.

The Impact of Trade Openness on Gross Domestic Product : A study of the Asian Financial Crisis

Glommen Andersson, Elin, Severin, Alexander January 2009 (has links)
This bachelor thesis in economics examines the Asian financial crisis, the impact on the countries in the region and how well they recovered financially. The countries that are taken into consideration are Japan, Indonesia, South Korea, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore.  The variables used to explain the implications of the crisis are GDP, trade openness, unemployment and current account. Descriptive statistics show that the most closed economy that was affected by a current account reversal was also the hardest hit in terms of GDP.  The statistics also show that all the countries under observation have recovered to their situation prior to the crisis in terms of GDP, but not in terms of the level of unemployment. Two regressions that were performed showed the relation between trade openness and the effect of GDP after the crisis, and the relation of trade openness to growth after the crisis. The regressions show that the more closed an economy is the larger the effect of a crisis. At the same time these countries had the highest growth rates after the crisis and were also among the first to recover. Theoretical reasons for these results are given.

Essays on Currency Crises

Karimi Zarkani, Mohammad 07 March 2012 (has links)
(None) Technical Summary of Thesis: The topic of my thesis is currency crisis. Currency crises have been a recurrent feature of the international economy from the invention of paper money. They are not confined to particular economies or specific region. They take place in developed, emerging, and developing countries and are spread all over the globe. Countries that experience currency crises face economic losses that can be huge and disruptive. However, the exacted toll is not only financial and economic, but also human, social, and political. It is clear that the currency crisis is a real threat to financial stability and economic prosperity. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the determinants of currency crises for twenty OECD countries and South Africa from 1970 through 1998. It systematically examines the role of economic fundamentals and contagion in the origins of currency crises and empirically attempts to identify the channels through which the crises are being transmitted. It also examines the links between the incidence of currency crises and the choice of exchange rate regimes as well as the impact of capital market liberalization policies on the occurrence of currency crises. The first chapter identifies the episodes of currency crisis in our data set. Determining true crisis periods is a vital step in the empirical studies and has direct impact on the reliability of their estimations and the relevant policy implications. We define a period as a crisis episode when the Exchange Market Pressure (EMP) index, which consists of changes in exchange rates, reserves, and interest rates, exceeds a threshold. In order to minimize the concerns regarding the accuracy of identified crisis episodes, we apply extreme value theory, which is a more objective approach compared to other methods. In this chapter, we also select the reference country, which a country’s currency pressure index should be built around, in a more systematic way rather than by arbitrary choice or descriptive reasoning. The second chapter studies the probability of a currency exiting a tranquil state into a crisis state. There is an extensive literature on currency crises that empirically evaluate the roots and causes of the crises. Despite the interesting results of the current empirical literature, only very few of them account for the influence of time on the probability of crises. We use duration models that rigorously incorporate the time factor into the likelihood functions and allow us to investigate how the amount of time that a currency has already spent in the tranquil state affects the stability of a currency. Our findings show that high values of volatility of unemployment rates, inflation rates, contagion factors (which mostly work through trade channels), unemployment rates, real effective exchange rate, trade openness, and size of economy increases the hazard of a crisis. We make use of several robustness checks, including running our models on two different crisis episodes sets that are identified based on monthly and quarterly type spells. The third chapter examines the links between the incidence of currency crises and the choice of exchange rate regimes as well as the impact of capital market liberalization policies on the occurrence of currency crises. As in our previous paper, duration analysis is our methodology to study the probability of a currency crisis occurrence under different exchange rate regimes and capital mobility policies. The third chapter finds that there is a significant link between the choice of exchange rate regime and the incidence of currency crises in our sample. Nevertheless, the results are sensitive to the choice of the de facto exchange rate system. Moreover, in our sample, capital control policies appear to be helpful in preventing low duration currency crises. The results are robust to a wide variety of sample and models checks.

Essays on Currency Crises

Karimi Zarkani, Mohammad 07 March 2012 (has links)
(None) Technical Summary of Thesis: The topic of my thesis is currency crisis. Currency crises have been a recurrent feature of the international economy from the invention of paper money. They are not confined to particular economies or specific region. They take place in developed, emerging, and developing countries and are spread all over the globe. Countries that experience currency crises face economic losses that can be huge and disruptive. However, the exacted toll is not only financial and economic, but also human, social, and political. It is clear that the currency crisis is a real threat to financial stability and economic prosperity. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the determinants of currency crises for twenty OECD countries and South Africa from 1970 through 1998. It systematically examines the role of economic fundamentals and contagion in the origins of currency crises and empirically attempts to identify the channels through which the crises are being transmitted. It also examines the links between the incidence of currency crises and the choice of exchange rate regimes as well as the impact of capital market liberalization policies on the occurrence of currency crises. The first chapter identifies the episodes of currency crisis in our data set. Determining true crisis periods is a vital step in the empirical studies and has direct impact on the reliability of their estimations and the relevant policy implications. We define a period as a crisis episode when the Exchange Market Pressure (EMP) index, which consists of changes in exchange rates, reserves, and interest rates, exceeds a threshold. In order to minimize the concerns regarding the accuracy of identified crisis episodes, we apply extreme value theory, which is a more objective approach compared to other methods. In this chapter, we also select the reference country, which a country’s currency pressure index should be built around, in a more systematic way rather than by arbitrary choice or descriptive reasoning. The second chapter studies the probability of a currency exiting a tranquil state into a crisis state. There is an extensive literature on currency crises that empirically evaluate the roots and causes of the crises. Despite the interesting results of the current empirical literature, only very few of them account for the influence of time on the probability of crises. We use duration models that rigorously incorporate the time factor into the likelihood functions and allow us to investigate how the amount of time that a currency has already spent in the tranquil state affects the stability of a currency. Our findings show that high values of volatility of unemployment rates, inflation rates, contagion factors (which mostly work through trade channels), unemployment rates, real effective exchange rate, trade openness, and size of economy increases the hazard of a crisis. We make use of several robustness checks, including running our models on two different crisis episodes sets that are identified based on monthly and quarterly type spells. The third chapter examines the links between the incidence of currency crises and the choice of exchange rate regimes as well as the impact of capital market liberalization policies on the occurrence of currency crises. As in our previous paper, duration analysis is our methodology to study the probability of a currency crisis occurrence under different exchange rate regimes and capital mobility policies. The third chapter finds that there is a significant link between the choice of exchange rate regime and the incidence of currency crises in our sample. Nevertheless, the results are sensitive to the choice of the de facto exchange rate system. Moreover, in our sample, capital control policies appear to be helpful in preventing low duration currency crises. The results are robust to a wide variety of sample and models checks.

Relationen : En kvalitativ studie av lärares uppfattningar beträffande lärare-elevrelationen med och utan Facebook

Hultman, Kristoffer, Lennermo, Oskar January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The study of Taiwanese Labor Insurance Pension System

Chuang, Shu-Hung 23 August 2011 (has links)
There are two labor insurance pension systems running in Taiwan at this moment in time; the labor insurance pension runs by the government, and the labor standards law pension system both old and new systems are the responsibility of the private companies. The labor insurance pension was introduced in 1950. Through the years due to the population ageing; people are living longer and having fewer children, the rapid changes of economy and etc. the original lump sum pension is no longer enough to sustain a standard of living for the worker-retirees. Moreover, the rate of the labor turnover is high for the reason that the majority of Taiwanese private companies are small to medium enterprises with the average life expectancy of around 13 years only. Therefore most of the workers who work for the private companies are not qualified to claim pensions after their retirements although they are covered by the labor standards law pension scheme. The pension provision intends to prevent poverty in old age but under this circumstance those retirees are not having their financial security in the old age and are creating social issues. To reinstate this issue, the labor insurance pension system has carried out by the government in January 2009, after a major update of the labor standards law pension system in July 2005, the method of repayment has changed from the defined benefit plan to the defined contribution plan in addition to allowing the qualifying years carry forward to the new employers when the workers change jobs. Furthermore, the pension repayment is revolutionized from a single lump sum payment to an individual retirement account system complemented by monthly repayments. All of these changes are to secure the worker-retirees financially in their old age. The objectives of this study disclose the transformations of the labor retirement insurance pension systems in Taiwan and the existing modification of the Labor Insurance Act, the benefits of the Labor Standards Act pension system along with the revised Labor Pension Act. A few important factors below have been concluded in this study after analysed the revise of pension benefits systems: First of all, the repayment has changed from a single lump sum payment to monthly repayments. Secondly, the method of repayment has changed from the defined benefit plan to the defined contribution plan. Finally is to determine who are safeguarded? The protection of the social insurance is not only for the small specific groups of people but the majority of individuals. As a result, nowadays the labor pension benefits systems in Taiwan have achieved the task of securing a standard living for the retired workers. The concept of this study is to learn the affect of the changing of the economic climate and increased life expectancy on the possible forthcoming pension¡¦s crisis followed by constructive proposals to anticipate the existing labor insurance pension systems meet the needs of the worker-retirees and achieve the objectives of sustainable management of the pension systems and maintain a secured society in Taiwan.

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