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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The midwife´s dialogue about alcohol in a lifecycle perspective with both parents-to-be

Högberg, Hjördis January 2016 (has links)
Alcohol use during pregnancy can damage the fetus. Midwives at antenatal care (ANC) screen pregnant women for risk drinking in early pregnancy. There are however, no routines involving both parents-to-be in a dialogue about alcohol. The aim of this thesis is to investigate alcohol use among pregnant women and their partners and to evaluate a method for midwives’ dialogue about alcohol in a life cycle perspective with both parents-to-be. Study I was a quasi-experiment within ANC. An intervention group (IG) received counseling with the midwife about alcohol use. The IG (238 couples) and a comparison group (271 couples) filled out questionnaires in early and in late pregnancy about alcohol use and support for an alcohol-free pregnancy. Study II was a cross-sectional study where 444 partners of pregnant women filled out a questionnaire at ANC about alcohol use, motives for decreased drinking and their perception about the midwives’ counseling about alcohol. Alcohol consumption was low among the pregnant women. One third (30 %) had decreased alcohol use before pregnancy and 90% stopped drinking after pregnancy confirmation. Of the partners, 24 % decreased alcohol use before pregnancy and 40 % decreased during pregnancy. Around 90 % of the women received support for an alcohol-free pregnancy, compared to 37 % of the partners. Twenty per cent of partners and 25 % of pregnant women reported alcoholism in their family. Partners who had alcoholism in the family drank more than partners without this experience. A majority, 95 %, of the partners in study II used alcohol, 29 % were binge drinking on a normal drinking day and 74 % were binge drinking occasionally. Most partners appreciated the counseling about alcohol and reported various motives for decreased alcohol consumption. Many pregnant women and partners decreased alcohol consumption in transition to parenthood, which is a crucial time for changing alcohol-drinking patterns. Involving both parents-to-be in counseling about alcohol restrictions during pregnancy may be a useful health promotion strategy.

Utav omsorg och eftertanke : en undersökning av Falu stads sparbanks sparare 1830-1914

Lilja, Kristina January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Utav omsorg och eftertanke : en undersökning av Falu stads sparbanks sparare 1830-1914

Lilja, Kristina January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Integrated Product Service Offerings for Rail and Road Infrastructure : Reviewing Applicability in Sweden

Lingegård, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
This research aims to explore and propose a more effective management of rail and road infrastructure and the possibility of a more resource-efficient road and rail infrastructure by applying business models based on performance and a life-cycle perspective. There is a lack of efficiency in the Swedish rail and road infrastructure industries - at the same time as the availability of the rail tracks and roads is essential. Rail and road infrastructure have long lifetimes, around 40-60 years, and during these decades regular maintenance and reconstruction are needed to ensure proper function. Large amounts of resources are required to construct the infrastructure, and the overall environmental pressure depends substantially on this. This research is largely based on interviews conducted with the buyer, contractors and design consultants for rail and road infrastructure in Sweden. Literature reviews have been conducted to develop the framework needed to analyze the empirical findings. This research contributes by building on theory in areas such as Integrated Product Service Offerings (IPSOs) and eco-design, and this abstract presents a brief summary of the overall conclusions. Several challenges for rail and road infrastructure in Sweden have been identified, such as the lack of information and knowledge transfer between different projects and actors. This is due to e.g. the use of traditional short-term contracts and conservative cooperate cultures, creating sub-optimizations in management. Increased collaboration, through e.g. partnering, seems to be a promising way to increase the information and knowledge transfer between actors by increasing trust and interaction. In this way, management would be more effective, and by involving contractors in the design phase, more efficient technical solutions could be developed and used. Additionally, increased involvement by the design consultants and an iterative information loop between design, construction and maintenance could also be beneficial. The research indicates that increased cooperation increases trust. In this way, there is a possibility to remove the detailed requirements that prevent new ways of working. Rail and road infrastructure have characteristics, such as the resources used and the importance of availability, that are well-suited for IPSOs. This performance-based business model with a life-cycle perspective provides incentives to optimize the use of resources and provide a holistic view for management that is lacking today for rail and road infrastructure. However, a long-term contract such as an IPSO creates uncertainties. The actors are risk-averse, which is an obstacle in the development of new business models and contract forms. Most of the risks and uncertainties identified are due to lack of experience. This implies that an implementation of IPSOs will have a steep learning curve. Additionally, risk allocation between the actors is important for effective management: too much risk for the suppliers will make them reluctant in developing new solutions, and they will use a risk premium to cover up for the risk.

Framgångsfaktorer vid strategiimplementeringexemplet grönt byggande, Skanska / Success factors in strategy implementation- example of green construction, Skanska

Hallersbo, Christoffer, Svahn, Robert January 2011 (has links)
Grönt byggande ligger i tiden och är en av framtidens nyckelfaktorer för konkurrenskraft och samhällsansvar i byggindustrin. För att lyckas ser dock vi en avgörande betydelse i att grönt förankras i hela organisationen samt att en grundläggande förståelse skapas. För att bättre nå ut hela vägen till organisationen anser vi att implementering spelar en betydande roll. I vårt examensarbete har vi valt att analysera de problemområden som vi stött på inom grönt byggande, för att därefter bryta ned dessa till mer konkreta nyckel- och framgångsfaktorer. Med denna studie hoppas vi kunna bidra med en förståelse för hur Skanska, Region Hus Stockholm Bostäder ska arbeta vidare för att lyckas implementera grönt byggande samt nå företagets mål inom området. Frågan vi inledningsvis ställde oss var: Finns det idag några generella framgångsfaktorer som kan generera förslag till handling för att lyckas med strategiimplementering? Hur ska Skanska arbeta för att lyckas förmedla, engagera och implementera grönt byggande inom Regionen Hus Stockholm Bostäder, från ledning till projekt? Vi har angripit frågan genom att på regionen empiriskt studera nuläget inom grönt byggande. Detta har gjorts genom personliga intervjuer med personal på regionen, samt insamling av relevant information genom tryckt material och intranät. Den teoretiska referensramen omfattar strategi- och implementeringsteori från vetenskapliga artiklar och annan aktuell litteratur. Därefter genomförde vi en analys för att klargöra skillnader och likheter mellan teorin och empirins olika delar. Utifrån litteraturstudierna och analysen lämnar vi följande rekommendationer för Region hus Stockholm Bostäder. Dels i form av fokusområden som kräver vidare undersökning samt konkreta nyckelfaktorer som främjar en grön implementering. De fokusområden vi funnit är: 1. Grönt byggande kräver en helhetsbild framför specifika gröna lösningar 2. Grönt byggande innebär mer än miljöpåverkan i form av energiförbrukning, återvinning samt vattenanvändning / Green construction is in time and it´s one of the key factors for the future with competitiveness and social responsibility in the construction industry. To succeed, it´s crucial that the green is anchored to the entire organization and that a basic understanding is created. To better reach all the way to the organization, we believe that implementation play a significant role. In our thesis we have chosen to analyze the problem areas that we encountered in green construction, and then break down into more specific key success factors. In this study we hope to contribute to an understanding of how Skanska, Region House Stockholm Housing should continue efforts to succeed in implementing green building practices and achieve its objectives in the field. The question we first asked ourselves was: Are there today some general success factors that can generate a draft document for the success of strategy implementation? How should Skanska work to successfully convey, engage and implement green building in the Region House Stockholm Housing, from management to project? We have addressed the issue by studying the region empirically, the current state of green building. This has been done through personal interviews with personnel in the region, and the collection of relevant information through printed materials and intranet. The theoretical framework includes strategic and implementation theory from scientific articles and other current literature. Subsequently, we conducted an analysis to clarify the differences and similarities between theory and empiricism different parts. Based on literature studies and analysis we provide recommendations for the Region House Stockholm Housing. First, in terms of focus areas that requires further investigation and specific key factors that promote green implementations. The focus areas we have found are: 1. Green building requires a holistic view in specific green solutions 2. Green construction is more than the environment in terms of energy use, recycling and water use

Forest-Fuel Systems : Comparative Analyses in a Life Cycle Perspective

Näslund Eriksson, Lisa January 2008 (has links)
Forest fuels can be recovered, stored and handled in several ways and these different ways have different implications for CO2 emissions. In this thesis, comparative analyses were made on different forest-fuel systems. The analyses focused on the recovery and transport systems. Costs, primary energy use, CO2 emissions, storage losses and work environment associated with the use of forest fuel for energy were examined by using systems analysis methodology in a life cycle perspective. The bundle system showed less dry-matter losses and lower costs than the chip system. The difference was mainly due to more efficient forwarding, hauling and large-scale chipping. The potential of allergic reactions by workers did not differ significantly between the systems. In difficult terrain types, the loose material and roadside bundling systems become as economical as the clearcut bundle system. The stump and small roundwood systems showed the greatest increase in costs when the availability of forest fuel decreased. Stumps required the greatest increase in primary energy use. Forest fuels are a limited resource. A key factor is the amount of biomass recovered per hectare. Combined recovery of logging residues, stumps and small roundwood from thinnings from the same forest area give a high potential of reduced net CO2 emissions per hectare of forest land. Compensation fertilization becomes more cost-effective and the primary energy use for ash spreading becomes low – about 0,25‰. The total amount of available forest fuel in Sweden is 66 TWh per year. This would cost 1 billion €2007 to recover and would avoid 6.9 Mtonne carbon if fossil coal were replaced. In southern Sweden almost all forest fuel is obtainable in high-concentration areas where it is easy to recover. When determining potential CO2 emissions avoidance, the transportation distance was found to be less important than the other factors considered in this work. The type of transportation system did not have a significant influence over the CO2 avoided per hectare of forest land. The most important factor analysed here was the type of fossil fuel (coal, oil or natural gas) replaced together with the net amount of biomass recovered per hectare of forest land. Large-scale, long-distance transportation of biofuels from central Sweden has the potential to be cost-effective and also attractive in terms of CO2 emissions. A bundle recovery system meant that more biomass per hectare could be delivered to end-users than a pellet system due to conversion losses when producing pellets.

Life-Cycle Considerations for Environmental Management of the Swedish Railway Infrastructure

Svensson, Niclas January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med den här avhandlingen är att förbättra möjligheter till miljöledning av järnvägens infrastruktur genom att utveckla en metod för att rikta in ansträngningar på att minska miljöpåverkan från infrastrukturens produkter. Metodens används i ett byggprojekt och dess robusthet blir testad. Den använder den materialrelaterade energianvändningen för att studera miljöpåverkan från infrastrukturen. Vidare studeras vilka förutsättningar och hinder det finns för att införa ett livscykelperspektiv i Banverkets organisation. Först analyserades de miljömässiga försättningarna genom en jämförande studie med vägtransportsystemet. Fokus låg även på infrastrukturens del i miljöpåverkan i jämförelse med själva transporterna i de bägge systemen. Sedan presenterades metoden och analyserades med avseende på användbarhet och robusthet. I de senare testen gavs materialtransporternas del av miljöpåverkan samt energiindikatorns miljörelevans extra utrymme.Slutligen studerades de organisatoriska förutsättningarna för att introducera metoden och införa ett livscykelperspektiv vid materialhanteringen. De organisatoriska förutsättningarna präglas mycket av Banverket miljöhistoria som främst handlar om miljögifter kopplade till lokala eller regionala miljöproblem. Dessutom finns det få miljörelaterade krav utifrån, vilket delvis kan förklara att livscykelperspektivet i mångt och mycket saknats inom organisationens materialhantering. Miljökraven på Banverkets inköp av produkter är oftast lagkrav, men eftersom de lagkrav som har anknytning till de globala miljöproblemen, vilka främst kan kopplas till uppströms produktframställning, inte är tillräckligt specifika, har organisationen svårt att översätta dessa till relevanta miljökrav vid upphandling. De avdelningar inom Banverket som är mest berörda av upphandlingen och arbetet med kravspecifikationer kräver mer stöd och kunskap för att kunna införa livscykelperspektivet i materialhanteringen. De upplevda miljöfördelar som järnvägen tycks ha över vägtrafiken är inte helt självklara. Vikten av indirekt miljöpåverkan från infrastrukturen är större för järnvägstrafiken än för vägtrafiken och detta i kombination med att den materialrelaterade energianvändningen är nästan uteslutande fossilbaserad leder till att miljöförsprånget minskar jämfört med trafikens miljöpåverkan. Om vägtrafiken minskar sitt fossilberoende i användningsfasen så måste järnvägssektorn antingen minska energianvändningen eller fossilberoendet i produktionen av järnvägsprodukter för att fortfarande kunna sägas ha miljöfördelar. För att kunna göra det senare måste nya perspektiv introduceras i Banverkets organisation. Metoden som presenteras i denna avhandling kan användas för att introducera dessa nya livscykelperspektiv och bidra till att Banverkets ansträngningar fokuseras på att minska infrastrukturens miljöpåverkan. Denna nya kunskap kan användas vid design av nya järnvägsprodukter och vid upphandlingen av dessa. Dessutom visar avhandlingen på var utförligare miljöanalyser av produkter kan behövas. Metoden använder en energiindikator för att uppskatta miljöpåverkan från materialanvändningen. Denna indikator är lätt att använda för miljöanalysen vilket gör det möjligt att enkelt introducera och inrikta livscykeltänkandet i organisationens miljöledning. Något som annars kan ligga utanför dess expertis, budget och tidsresurser. Metoden identifierar de tre produkter som är absolut viktigast att fokusera på om man vill minska miljöpåverkan från materialanvändningen i infrastrukturen. Dessa är räl, slipers och ballastmaterial där räl har överlägset störst användning av uppströms materialrelaterad energi. Genom att introducera miljökrav tidigt i designprocessen vid införande av dessa produkter kan stora miljövinster göras. Teknikavdelningarna samt upphandlarna behöver därför stöd för att introducera dessa starkare krav på uppströms miljöpåverkan. / The aim of this thesis has been to develop an approach for the scoping of environmental aspects regarding material use in the Swedish railway infrastructure in order to contribute to strategic environmental management. This is done through the development of a method based on the concepts of embodied energy and material flows, which is then tested for its robustness. Furthermore, a study has been made on which preconditions for life-cycle considerations there are for the manager of the Swedish railway infrastructure and how this relates to the actual environmental pressures from the product. The study has used the Swedish National Rail Authority, Banverket, as a case. First the environmental context was studied by an analysis of how the environmental pressure from material use compares to the operations phase and to other transport systems. Secondly, a scoping method for environmental pressure from material use in a large organization was developed and tests performed on its use and its robustness. Special focus was on the importance of materials transports and the environmental relevance of the energy indicator used. Finally, an organizational context was presented which showed the possibilities and hindrances to implementing life-cycle considerations in the environmental management of the Swedish railway infrastructure. It seems difficult to incorporate life-cycle considerations in an organization whose history is characterized by its work on solving specific local environmental issues. In addition, there seem to be limited pressures either from outside or inside the organization to adopt life-cycle environmental management. There is a need for clearer and more specific policy instruments governing many of the global environmental issues pertaining to upstream environmental pressures in order to make it easier for organizations to translate these into something useful in their environmental management. The departments with the most capacity to influence the environmental pressures from material use are demanding support and more knowledge about life-cycle considerations in order to set more relevant environmental requirements on the products. The perceived environmental advantage of the rail transport sector over road transports should not be taken for granted. The importance of the indirect environmental pressures for the rail infrastructure decreases this advantage, since its material-related energy use is almost entirely from non-renewable sources. Thus the rail transport sector needs to start decreasing the use of energy for production of railway infrastructure products or its reliance on nonrenewable energy sources for production. In order to start working with the environmental management of the railway products there is a need to adopt and introduce new perspectives. The approach developed in this thesis can be used to introduce these new perspectives, such as upstream environmental pressures, to the organization’s environmental management. It can also be employed to identify hot spots in the organization’s material use. Consequently, this new knowledge can be used in the design of new products, to set environmental demands in purchasing, and to focus further environmental analyses of the hot spots. It can also be used to broaden the perspectives in, for instance, environmental impact assessments, strategic environmental assessments and environmental reviews. The relative ease with which this indicator is collected and calculated can make it possible for the organization to include new environmental dimensions in their environmental management, which could otherwise be outside their expertise, budget or time frame. The scoping of environmental pressures, by using the approach presented in the thesis, pointed to three important railway infrastructure products. These are the products that Banverket needs to focus on first. One of the most important tasks in incorporating life-cycle considerations for products is to set environmental requirements when introducing new products to the material supply process. The requirements should already be present in the design phase of the products. Thus it is essential that the product developers get the support needed in finding relevant environmental criteria for the new product. One way to accomplish this is to employ an environmental coordinator with sufficient knowledge in the technical departments to work together with the design teams as an integral part of the design process. The overall environmental pressures from the railway transport system depend substantially on the upstream environmental pressures generated by the production of the infrastructure products. These pressures are totally dominated by three products. There is a large improvement potential in focusing the environmental management on these products by posing environmental requirements on their suppliers, in order to decrease the overall environmental pressures generated by the railway transport system.

Strategisk utveckling och ekonomistyrning : Ett livscykelperspektiv

Sundberg, Klas January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation synthesizes previous research and develops a model for the study of strategic development, strategic congruence and management control. The model is used to analyze a longitudinal case study of the Swedish engineering company Atlas Copco. Employing contingency theory, the study confirms that long-term survival of a company requires adaption to contingencies. Three levels of strategy are examined: corporate, business and functional. Previous research suggests that consistency between these levels (strategic congruence) is necessary for a company to be competitive. The dissertation challenges this proposition by using a life-cycle perspective and analyzes strategic congruence in the different phases of a life cycle. It also studies management control from a life-cycle perspective. In this context, two types of management control are examined: formal and informal. From a longitudinal perspective, the study further discusses how these types interact during organizational life cycles. The dissertation shows that strategic development is more complex than previous studies have indicated. It is a long, complex and non-linear process, the results of which cannot always be predicted. Previous models for strategy and management control are based on simple relationships and rarely take into account the fact that companies often go through different phases of strategic development. The case study shows that strategic incongruence may occur at times during organizational life cycles. Furthermore, the use of management control varies over time. In the maturity phase, formal control is in focus, while the use of informal control has a bigger role in both the introduction and decline phases. Research on strategy and management control has intensified in recent years. Still there is a gap regarding the coordination of complex corporate structures. The present study contributes with further knowledge on how companies manage long-term strategic development. Few studies deal with more than two levels of strategy. Moreover, the present study addresses the need to understand strategic congruence from a life-cycle perspective. This is particularly relevant in practice, when management in large companies face difficult issues for which they expect business research to assist them in the decision-making process.

Strategisk utveckling och ekonomistyrning : Ett livscykelperspektiv

Sundberg, Klas January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation synthesizes previous research and develops a model for the study of strategic development, strategic congruence and management control. The model is used to analyze a longitudinal case study of the Swedish engineering company Atlas Copco. Employing contingency theory, the study confirms that long-term survival of a company requires adaption to contingencies. Three levels of strategy are examined: corporate, business and functional. Previous research suggests that consistency between these levels (strategic congruence) is necessary for a company to be competitive. The dissertation challenges this proposition by using a life-cycle perspective and analyzes strategic congruence in the different phases of a life cycle. It also studies management control from a life-cycle perspective. In this context, two types of management control are examined: formal and informal. From a longitudinal perspective, the study further discusses how these types interact during organizational life cycles. The dissertation shows that strategic development is more complex than previous studies have indicated. It is a long, complex and non-linear process, the results of which cannot always be predicted. Previous models for strategy and management control are based on simple relationships and rarely take into account the fact that companies often go through different phases of strategic development. The case study shows that strategic incongruence may occur at times during organizational life cycles. Furthermore, the use of management control varies over time. In the maturity phase, formal control is in focus, while the use of informal control has a bigger role in both the introduction and decline phases. Research on strategy and management control has intensified in recent years. Still there is a gap regarding the coordination of complex corporate structures. The present study contributes with further knowledge on how companies manage long-term strategic development. Few studies deal with more than two levels of strategy. Moreover, the present study addresses the need to understand strategic congruence from a life-cycle perspective. This is particularly relevant in practice, when management in large companies face difficult issues for which they expect business research to assist them in the decision-making process.

ISO 14001:2015 Life Cycle Perspective

Our research is based on data triangulation methodology by which we are going to answer the question with a combination of two elements: the design and development in combination with life cycle perspective according to ISO 14001:2015 and organization consider the life cycle perspective when they design and develop their products, in a modified form introducing many new aspects of life-cycle thinking. This Master’sthesis aims to discuss the Sustainability approach through the use of Environmental Management Standards (EMS), the results achieved by organizations that implement and certify those EMS, and a special focus on the current process of ISO 14001:2015 revision and the logic behind it. Revisiting the concept of Sustainability, the status of the International Organization for Standardization 14001, requirements that related to that life cycle perspective in ISO 14001:2015, eco-design, circular economy and its expected outcomes are discussed. The ISO 14001:2015 revision will have major impacts on the more than 300,000 worldwide certified organizations and on the many professionals that work with it. Analysis of the development of a sustainability portfolio within a globally-operating manufacturing company, we came different illustrate the kinds of life cycle work involved in dealing with activities and interests, connecting activities and interests into action-nets, performing life cycle practices, and spreading the life cycle idea. Finally, we discuss implications of life cycle work for research in the field of organization and management studies and questions related to the topic with quality engineers within the organization.

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