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Rätten att disponera allmänt vattenområde : Ur ett sakrättsligt perspektiv / Rights in rem on common waterWestman, Moa January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Besittning av och rådighet över medel innestående på konto / Possesion of and surveillance over the credit balance on an accountHansson, Maria January 2004 (has links)
<p>The possession over bills and coins has, on the whole, been replaced with a credit balance on an account. Almost all payments today are processed by transmitting digital data and not by using cash. The credit balance on an account is a demand that the holder ofthe account have towards his bank. </p><p>Law regarding three part relationships: By using Göranson’s theory you can say that the credit balance on an account may be object of possession. The holder of the account has independent and direct possession. By using the principle condictio indebiti, the holder of the account (A) can become owner of means despite that the person who did the deposit (B) did not intend to make the deposit to that specific account (A’s account). </p><p>Criminal law: The authors of the doctrine consider that the concept of the Swedish word ”besittning” is intended for physical objects and therefore the credit balance of an account may not be object of possession. According to the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal may the surveillance over an account be place on level with possession. When the credit balance of an account may be deemed as object of possession, then the means of the account can be object of embezzlement and unlawful disposal.</p>
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Besittning av och rådighet över medel innestående på konto / Possesion of and surveillance over the credit balance on an accountHansson, Maria January 2004 (has links)
The possession over bills and coins has, on the whole, been replaced with a credit balance on an account. Almost all payments today are processed by transmitting digital data and not by using cash. The credit balance on an account is a demand that the holder ofthe account have towards his bank. Law regarding three part relationships: By using Göranson’s theory you can say that the credit balance on an account may be object of possession. The holder of the account has independent and direct possession. By using the principle condictio indebiti, the holder of the account (A) can become owner of means despite that the person who did the deposit (B) did not intend to make the deposit to that specific account (A’s account). Criminal law: The authors of the doctrine consider that the concept of the Swedish word ”besittning” is intended for physical objects and therefore the credit balance of an account may not be object of possession. According to the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal may the surveillance over an account be place on level with possession. When the credit balance of an account may be deemed as object of possession, then the means of the account can be object of embezzlement and unlawful disposal.
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Borgenärsskydd för lösöre i överlåtarens vård : Besittningskonstitut - hur främmande är det egentligen för svensk sakrätt? / Protection Against the Transferor’s Creditor for Movable Property Detained With the Transferor : Possession Agency - Is It Really That Alien for Swedish Property LawDanielson, Axel January 2022 (has links)
Swedish property law, when it comes to acquisition of movable property, the transferee does not acquire ownership as such, instead, the sale is considered protected against the claim of the seller’s creditors (borgenärsskydd). This is achieved through the delivery principle (traditionsprincipen), meaning in its Swedish sense that movable property must not necessarily be delivered into the trans- feree’s possession, but rather that the transferor’s possibility to dispose over the movable is severed. This principle has been subjected to considerable alterations, mainly due to allowing situations where the delivery principle would otherwise be practically impossible. These alterations raise the question of how far these legal solutions can be detached from the fundamental principle. Therefore, it is relevant to ponder, if these solutions, which can merely be considered as artificial solutions to satisfy a formal requirement, are like the constitutum possessorium of civil law orders This thesis will attend to this issue, addressing the following three questions: Question (i): how does the concept of ownership apply to legal questions in relation to the delivery principle in Swedish property law and the Draft Common Frame of Reference respectively? Question (ii): does Swedish property law grant protection against the transferor’s creditors although the movable is detained with the transferor? Question (iii): is there any systematic compatibility in relation to the delivery principle in Swedish property law and DCFR respectively? Espe- cially when the movable is detained with the transferor. In relation to question (i), it has been found that in DCFR, ownership is closely linked with possession, which means that ownership follows the delivery of possession. This is not necessarily the case in Swedish property law. Question (ii) is answered in connection to a study of Swedish case-law, which results in that the movable can be detained with the transferor, provided that some require- ments are fulfilled, only if it is a result of a physical action and not solely due to a contract. However, case-law has evolved this general rule to be subjected to a propensity of looking past, or creating new, requirements in order not to create unnecessary complications of compliance as far as it concerns honest transac- tions. This has resulted in a kind of peculiar flexibility. In answer to question (iii), due to the new types of solutions created not to complicate certain transactions, the possibility of reaching similar results as the continental principle is more prominent than one might have thought. Despite certain resemblances, the sys- tematic compatibility must be seen as limited, due to the difference in the respec- tive rules’ aim.
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Borgenärsskydd för lösöre i överlåtarens vård : Besittningskonstitut – hur främmande är det egentligen för svensk sakrätt?Danielson, Axel January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Borgenärsskydd för lösöre i överlåtarens vård : Besittningskonstitut – hur främmande är det egentligen för svensk sakrätt? / Protection Against the Transferor's Creditors for Moviable Property Detained With the Transferor : Possesion Agency – How Alien Is It Really for Swedish Property Law?Danielson, Axel January 2022 (has links)
Swedish property law, when it comes to acquisition of movable property, the transferee does not acquire ownership as such, instead, the sale is considered protected against the claim of the seller’s creditors (borgenärsskydd). This is achieved through the delivery principle (traditionsprincipen), meaning in its Swedish sense that movable property must not necessarily be delivered into the trans- feree’s possession, but rather that the transferor’s possibility to dispose over the movable is severed. This principle has been subjected to considerable alterations, mainly due to allowing situations where the delivery principle would otherwise be practically impossible. These alterations raise the question of how far these legal solutions can be detached from the fundamental principle. Therefore, it is relevant to ponder, if these solutions, which can merely be considered as artificial solutions to satisfy a formal requirement, are like the constitutum possessorium of civil law orders This thesis will attend to this issue, addressing the following three questions: Question (i): how does the concept of ownership apply to legal questions in relation to the delivery principle in Swedish property law and the Draft Common Frame of Reference respectively? Question (ii): does Swedish property law grant protection against the transferor’s creditors although the movable is detained with the transferor? Question (iii): is there any systematic compatibility in relation to the delivery principle in Swedish property law and DCFR respectively? Espe- cially when the movable is detained with the transferor. In relation to question (i), it has been found that in DCFR, ownership is closely linked with possession, which means that ownership follows the delivery of possession. This is not necessarily the case in Swedish property law. Question (ii) is answered in connection to a study of Swedish case-law, which results in that the movable can be detained with the transferor, provided that some require- ments are fulfilled, only if it is a result of a physical action and not solely due to a contract. However, case-law has evolved this general rule to be subjected to a propensity of looking past, or creating new, requirements in order not to create unnecessary complications of compliance as far as it concerns honest transac- tions. This has resulted in a kind of peculiar flexibility. In answer to question (iii), due to the new types of solutions created not to complicate certain transactions, the possibility of reaching similar results as the continental principle is more prominent than one might have thought. Despite certain resemblances, the sys- tematic compatibility must be seen as limited, due to the difference in the respec- tive rules’ aim.
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Traditionsprincipen : En studie av riskbilden vid köp enligt köplagenJohansson, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
En kommitté med uppgift att utreda huruvida en övergång bör ske från traditionsprincipen till avtalsprincipen tillsattes den 14 mars 2013. Utredningen har påkallats bland annat med anledning av att köpares okunskap, beträffande kravet på tradition, föranleder ett omedvetet risktagande från köparens sida i form av att en förvärvad vara kvarlämnas i säljarens besittning. Om en köpare kvarlämnar en köpt vara i säljarens besittning riskerar han enligt gällande rätt att gå miste om såväl varan som erlagd köpeskilling, med anledning av att förvärvet inte är skyddat mot säljarens borgenärer. Säljarens borgenärer har följaktligen möjlighet att ta en kvarlämnad vara i anspråk för täckning av säljarens skulder. Om en övergång skulle ske till avtalsprincipen skulle köparens förvärv erhålla skydd mot säljarens borgenärer vid köpeavtalets ingående och köparen skulle därför kunna hindra att en köpt, men kvarlämnad, vara tas i anspråk för täckning av säljarens skulder. Köparen erhåller emellertid enbart separationsrätt till en vara om köpet uppfyller kravet på individualisering. För att erhålla separationsrätt krävs även att köparen kan uppvisa betryggande bevisning till stöd för sin rätt, vilket kan medföra att köparen, om han efter köpet kvarlämnar varan i säljarens besittning, riskerar att gå miste om den på grund av att han inte kan styrka sin äganderätt. En övergång kan därför innebära att köparen likväl riskerar att gå miste om en köpt vara, dels eftersom han kan vara ovetandes om kravet på individualisering och dels eftersom han kan ha svårt att styrka sin rätt. Även säljaren vidtar, när han ingår ett överlåtelseavtal, en risk för att göra en förlust, men det är osannolikt att den risken skulle förändras med anledning av ett principbyte.
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