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An Investigation into Managers' Language Use in Earnings Press ReleasesRiley, Tracey Jean 01 February 2011 (has links)
For years, researchers have examined financial data in corporate earnings announcements and their influence on market participants. More recently, a body of research has been developing recognizing the impact of narrative disclosures and managers' deliberate language choices. However, no prior studies have investigated those language choices of managers which are likely unintentional in composing such narratives; language choices which, as previous research has revealed, escape conscious access. Using an empirically-grounded model which systematically classifies different predicates, I examined whether managers use systematic patterns of language when construing the earnings press release in a likely unintentional effort to channel or direct readers' attention. I found that managers write positive information using a more concrete construal than negative information. Additionally, I used experimental data to examine whether these systematic differences lead to different perceptions of the company and its value as an investment alternative. Nonprofessional investors performed an analysis of an earnings press release where I manipulated the valence of the narrative as positive or negative and the construal of the narrative as abstract or concrete. I found that these manipulations had an interactive influence on investment decisions. Specifically, investors were least likely to invest when a negatively valenced narrative was written concretely. I also found that the influence of the narrative on the investment decision was direct and not the result of the narrative influencing the investors' focus of attention on the accompanying financial statements. Additionally, I tested whether the investor judgments were due to intentional cognitive effects and found that the influence of the narrative on the investment decision was not conscious on the part of the investor. Lastly, I conducted an analysis of archival data to examine the relationship between managers' language use in forward-looking statements of the earnings press release and future firm performance and the extent to which the market responds to these linguistic clues. Results from the analysis suggest that construal is predictive of future firm performance and the market is incorporating this into pricing for firms that meet or beat earnings expectations.
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Patterns of corporate visual selfrepresentation in accounting narrativesEriksson, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation deals with firms’ visual and pre-visual self-representations in accounting narratives. Self-representations are those descriptions about the company that firms include in accounting narratives to convey the current standings and their identity. External stakeholders increasingly expect non-numerical information about firms to be disclosed, and accounting narratives are a key medium for firms to account for their activities and maintain legitimacy as social actors. The question of which reporting conventions exist for legitimating selfrepresentations, especially from a visual perspective, remains unexplored. The purpose of this study is therefore to explore the empirical phenomenon of self-representations in accounting narratives in relation to legitimation rhetoric. The study is based on three research papers dealing with different patterns of self-representations in accounting-related narratives, including corporate reporting and business model diagrams. The examples are viewed through the theoretical lenses of semiotics and institutional theory, particularly legitimation theory. The study combines visual methods (visual content analysis and visual taxonomy) with other methods (interviews, text analysis) to conceptualize and exemplify what is meant by self-representations in accounting narratives. The study finds that there may be multiple parallel pre-visual self-representations at play to influence representations of the self, that visual self-representations are becoming more common in accounting narratives, and that several rhetorical strategies for legitimation are observable in these representations. By showing how diagrams can serve a legitimating purpose in accounting narratives, it is argued that diagrams should be considered on par with graphs and photographs as visual rhetorical devices in accounting narratives, and that they could be used as key communicative elements in the accounting process. Second, based on the longitudinal and comparative examples of self-representations, it is suggested that self-representations increasingly refer to abstract rather than concrete referents. This change is discussed in terms of the increasingly digital and service-based knowledge economy, where material referents give way to “amaterial” values. The contribution of this study is to describe selfrepresentations through several empirical examples, and to thereby increase awareness among practitioners and researchers of how visuals serve as communicative resources with legitimating functions in accounting narratives. Four concepts are proposed as tools for explaining the observed developments, and for improving visual literacy with regard to accounting narratives: inclusive perspective on accounting narratives, amateriality, self-representation, and diagrams. / Denna licentiatavhandling handlar om företags visuella och ”för-visuella” själv-representationer i kontexten redovisning. Till självrepresentationer hör de beskrivningar som företaget inkluderar i sin externt rapporterade information för att förmedla dess ställning och identitet. Externa intressenter förväntar sig i ökande utsträckning att även icke-numerisk information redovisas av företaget, vilket gör denna typ av externt rapporterade information viktig för att redovisa aktiviteter och för företag att därigenom bibehålla legitimitet som sociala aktörer. Frågan om vilka rapporteringskonventioner som finns kring företags självrepresentationer är i dagsläget inte utforskad. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka det empiriska fenomenet självrepresentationer i kontexten redovisning kopplat till perspektivet legitimeringsretorik. Studien baserar sig på tre forskningsartiklar som behandlar olika empiriska exempel och mönster av självrepresentationer, exempelvis affärsmodellsdiagram. Dessa betraktas utifrån de teoretiska linserna semiotik och institutionell teori, speciellt legitimeringsteori. Studien kombinerar visuella metoder (visuell innehållsanalys och visuell taxonomi) med andra metoder (intervjuer och textanalys) för att konceptualisera och exemplifiera vad som menas med självrepresentation i kontexten redovisning. Studien finner att det kan förekomma många parallella för-visuella självrepresentationer som påverkar företags självuppfattning, att visuella självrepresentationer blir alltmer vanliga i företags externt publicerade information, och att flera retoriska legitimeringsstrategier förekommer i det undersökta materialet. Genom att visa hur diagram används som kommunikationsresurs så argumenterar studien för att fortsatt forskning behövs för att undersöka hur diagram, likt mer utforskade visuella format såsom grafer och fotografier, bidrar till företags legitimeringsretorik i externt publicerad redovisningskommunikation, samt att diagram kan fungera som viktiga resurser för självrepresentation i företags redovisningsprocess. Dessutom föreslås, baserat på longitudinella och jämförande exempel, att självrepresentationer i ökande grad relaterar till abstrakta snarare än konkreta referenter. Denna förändring diskuteras i termer av en alltmer digital och tjänstebaserad kunskapsekonomi, där materiella referenter överges till förmån för ”amateriella” värden. Studiens bidrag är att beskriva själv-representationer genom flera empiriska exempel, och att därmed öka medvetenheten hos praktiker och forskare om hur visuella format kan tjäna legitimeringssyften i kontexten redovisning. Baserat på studiens analys och resonemang lyfts fyra begrepp fram för att förklara den observerade utvecklingen, samt för att bidra till att förbättra praktikers såväl som forskares ”visuella läskunnighet”: ett inkluderande perspektiv på externt publicerad information, amaterialitet, självrepresentation, och diagram.
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