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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of the Environmental Conditions in Lake Nakuru, Kenya, Using Isotope Dating and Heavy Metal Analysis of Sediments

Svengren, Henrik January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Temporal trends in West Antarctic accumulation rates: evidence from observed and simulated records

Burgener, Landon Kelly 05 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Reconstructed snow accumulation rate observations from five new firn cores show a statistically significant negative trend in accumulation rates over the past four decades across the central West Antarctic ice sheet. A negative temporal trend in accumulation is unexpected in light of rising surface temperatures and simulations run by GCMs. Both the magnitude of the mean accumulation rates and the range of interannual variability observed in the new records compares favorably to older records, suggesting that the new accumulation rate records may serve as a regional proxy for recent temporal trends in West Antarctic accumulation rates. The observed negative trend is likely the result of Southern Hemisphere high-latitude internal atmospheric dynamics, dominated by changes in the austral fall season. The well-documented positive trend in the Southern Annular Mode causes a low pressure center to form over the Amundsen Sea, which in turn produces lower accumulation rates across the western portion of the West Antarctic ice sheet. The new accumulation rate records are compared to several models/reanalyses to test the skill of simulated accumulation rate predictions. While the models/reanalyses and the new observations agree well in both mean and variability, the simulated records do not capture the full negative trend observed in the reconstructed records.

Pasture growth analysis: the relationship between herbage mass and herbage accumulation rate

Ferraro, Fernanda Pereira 23 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Morfogênese, características estruturais e acúmulo de forragem em pastos de capim-Tifton-85 manejados com diferentes IAF residual /

Silva, Wilton Ladeira da. January 2010 (has links)
Orientadora: Ana Cláudia Ruggieri / Banca: André Fischer Sbrissia / Banca: Kleber Tomás de Resende / Resumo: A produção de forragem é influenciada pelas estratégias de manejo impostas a ela, desta maneira, as técnicas para identificação do melhor momento para início e término do pastejo, aliadas aos estudos das características morfogênicas e estruturais das plantas, tornam-se úteis para direcionamento do manejo, pois buscam auxiliar no melhor entendimento do crescimento vegetal, e por conseqüência, da produção forrageira. O experimento foi realizado no setor de Forragicultura, em área pertencente à FCAV da UNESP - Jaboticabal no período de dezembro de 2008 a abril de 2009, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de índices de área foliar residual (IAFr) sobre as características morfogênicas e estruturais, além do acúmulo de forragem em pastos de Cynodon spp cv Tifton-85 sob regime de lotação rotacionada com ovinos. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por três IAFr, 2,4, 1,6 e 0,8, mantidos por regime de lotação rotacionada com ovinos. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos completos casualizados em arranjo de parcelas subdivididas no tempo com sete repetições, totalizando 21 unidades experimentais. Foram avaliadas nas condições de pré e pós-pastejo, as alturas do dossel, os IAF e a massa de forragem, além da taxa de acúmulo de forragem e as características morfogênicas e estruturais dos pastos. No pré e pós-pastejo as alturas médias e o IAF do dossel se comportaram de forma análoga, decrescendo com a diminuição dos IAFr. O maior valor de interceptação luminosa no pós-pastejo (68,19%), foi verificado para o IAFr 2,4 e o menor valor (35,57%) para o IAFr 0,8. A taxa de aparecimento de folhas foi maior para o dossel mantido sob IAFr 0,8 em função da sua menor taxa de alongamento de colmos (0,51 cm/perfilho.dia). Os pastos mantidos sob IAFr 0,8 apresentaram maior densidade populacional de perfilhos. A massa de forragem seca... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The production of forage is influenced by handling strategies imposed on the techniques to identify the best moment for the beginning and ending of grazing, linked to the studies of morphogenetic and structural characteristics of plants, become useful tools for the directing of management for they aim to aid the best understanding of vegetal growth, and as consequence, forage plants. The experiment was conducted at Setor de Forragicultura at Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias de Jaboticabal, at UNESP - Jaboticabal from December 2008 to April 2009, and aimed to evaluate the effect of residual leaf area index (LAIr) about the morphogenical and structural characteristics, and forage accumulation in pastures of Cynodon spp cv Tifton-85 in a rotational stocking system with sheep. The treatments were constituted by three LAIr, 2,4, 1,6 e 0,8, maintained by rotational stocking with sheep. A complete randomized block design was used arranged in sub-divided parcels with seven replications, totaling 21 experimental units. They were evaluated in pre and post-grazing conditions, the height of the sward, LAI and forage mass, besides the accumulation of forage rate and the morphogenetic and structural characteristics. In the pre and post-grazing, the average height and the LAI of sward, decreasing with the diminishing of LAIr. The biggest value of light interception in post-grazing (68,19%), was verified by LAIr 2,4 and the smallest value (35,57%) for LAIr 0,8. The stem elongation rate (0,51 cm/tiller.day). The grazing maintained by LAIr 0,8 had higher tiller population density. The total dry forage mass was 27,1% superior for LAIr 2,4 regarding to LAIr 0,8 in pre-grazing conditions, being this total production, 72,0% was composed by stem fractions and dead material. The biggest rates of dry matter accumulation were observed with LAIr 2.4, in the second and third grazing cycles... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating and Last Glacial Climate Reconstruction from the Lingtai Loess Section, Chinese Loess Plateau / Optisk stimulerad luminescence datering och klimatrekonstruktion av den senaste istiden från Lingtai loessektion, Kinesiska loessplatån

Lagerbäck Adolphi, Emma January 2016 (has links)
High resolution dating of loess on the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) using Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) has increased the understanding of past monsoon climate but also raised questions regarding dust mass accumulation rate (MAR), the presence of disturbances or gaps in the sediment record, a possible teleconnection between North Atlantic and East Asian monsoon climate, and whether these events are due to climate variability, local settings, or age model uncertainties. This study undertakes a detailed (<20cm sampling resolution) -OSL investigation of the Lingtai section to create an independent age model using linear regression, to reconstruct monsoon climate changes using magnetic susceptibility(MS) and grain size (GS) proxies, as well as to calculate MAR for the site. The data shows that between 44-15 ka climate changes from a period of strong summer monsoon to a strong winter monsoon. GS data show variable trends attributed to changes in dust storm activity and local environmental conditions. MAR data does not correlate with grain size and is different from other loess records on the CLP. Such differences are either due to local variations or age model uncertainties. No clear correlation with Heinrich events or teleconnection with North Atlantic climate is visible in the records over the Last Glacial period, and hiatuses or gaps are not obviously present at this site. It is suggested that using linear regression for continuous age model construction from the luminescence ages comes with uncertainties due to subjective bias when fitting the lines and determining shifts in the data, especially during MAR calculations. Further studies are needed to ascertain optimal methods for creating age models, and to constrain the reasons behind the variability between different sites and loess records on the CLP. / Högupplöst OSL-datering av loessjordar från CLP har ökat förståelsen av dåtida monsunklimat, men har även lyft frågan gällande MAR, närvaron av avbrott eller småskaliga event i jordsektionerna, möjligheten av en relation mellan de Nordatlantiska och Ostasiatiska monsunklimaten, och om dessa förändringar sker till följd av faktisk klimatvariation, lokala förutsättningar, eller osäkerheter i åldersmodellen. Studien genomförde en detaljerad (<20cm) OSL-undersökning av Lingtai-sektionen för att skapa en oberoende åldersmodell, återge monsunklimatförändringarna genom tillämpning av MS och GS proxies, samt beräkna MAR från platsen. Resultaten påvisar att mellan 44-15 ka förändrades klimatet från en period av stark sommar- till en stark vinter-monsun. Kornstorleks-resultaten påvisar stora variationer vilka kan kopplas till en förändring i sandstormsaktivitet samt de lokala förutsättningarna för deposition av sediment. MAR-resultaten överensstämmer inte med kornstorleksdatan och skiljer sig från den övriga empirin, detta kan bero på lokala variationer i regionen eller osäkerheter i åldermodellen. Det finns ingen klar korrelation mellan "Heinrich events" eller en "teleconnection" i sektionen, och avbrott samt störningar i sektionen är inte förekommande. Avsaknaden av korrelation antyder att användningen av regressionslinjer för att skapa kontinuerliga åldermodeller kommer innebära fortsatta osäkerheter i empirin, speciellt gällande beräking av MAR. Ytterligare studier krävs för att bestämma optimala metoder för att framställa åldersmodeller, samt att utröna orsaken till skillnaden mellan resultat från olika platser på plat


CAMILLE DELFINO VIEIRA 10 May 2022 (has links)
[pt] Os reservatórios de Vigário e de Santana são parte da bacia do Paraíba do Sul que fornecem água para três hidroelétricas integradas do sistema de energia da Light, com uma capacidade de geração de energia de 612 MW. Considerando o aumento da demanda e do fornecimento de energia, a operação das hidroelétricas gera mudanças no perfil de ocupação do solo, com consequente impacto nas taxas de erosão. Como consequência, os parâmetros originais relacionados ao assoreamento do reservatório não são mais aplicáveis, resultando numa vida útil menor do que a prevista nos projetos originais. Dentro das alternativas que permitem recuperar dados sobre a variação da velocidade de sedimentação em escala anual, diversos estudos destacam o uso do 210Pb. Este trabalho discute o estudo de testemunhos retirados em diferentes pontos dos reservatórios de Santana e de Vigário. Os perfis de umidade qualificaram 4 testemunhos para serem analisados através da técnica do 210Pb empregando o modelo CRS. Os metais Cr e Zn apresentaram valores de concentração acima do seu valor de TEL, e podem estar causando algum efeito colateral na fauna e flora da região. A datação por 210Pb evidenciaram um aumento significativo das velocidades de sedimentação. O aumento observado nos testemunhos de Vigário foi superior ao verificado no testemunho de Santana. Foi observado um lento incremento na taxa de sedimentação do reservatório de Vigário até o final da década de 1990, já Santana apresentou aumentos e reduções ao longo dos anos, sugerindo que este seja mais susceptível a variações anuais. / [en] The Vigario and Santana reservoirs are part of the Paraiba do Sul basin which supply water to three hydroelectric plants integrated in Light s energy system, with a power generation capacity of 612 MW. Considering the increase in energy demand and supply, the operation of hydroelectric plants brings changes in the soil occupation profile, and consequently, impacts on the erosion rates. Under the circumstances, the original parameters related to the silting of the reservoir are no longer applicable, resulting in a shorter useful life than expected in the original projects. Among the alternatives for recovering historical data on the variation of the sedimentation velocity on an annual scale, several studies highlight the use 210Pb. This work discusses the study of samples taken from different regions of the Santana and Vigario reservoirs. The moisture profiles qualified 4 cores to be analyzed using the 210Pb technique using the CRS model. The metals Cr and Zn showed concentration values above their TEL value, and may be causing some side effect on the fauna and flora of the region. The 210Pb dating showed a significant increase in sedimentation velocities. The increase observed in the Vigario cores was higher than that observed in the Santana core. A slow increase in the sedimentation rate of the Vigario reservoir was observed until the end of the 1990s, while the Santana reservoir showed increases and decreases over the years, suggesting that Santana is more susceptible to annual variations.

Aveia branca (Avena sativa l.) como suplemento na terminação de novilhas em pastagem de aveia (Avena strigosa Schreb.) e azevém (Lolium multiflorum) / White oat (Avena sativa l.) supplementation to finishing heifers on pasture of oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.) and ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum)

Azevedo Junior, Ricardo Lima de 31 March 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study aimed to investigate the effect of supplementation with white oats grain on the performance of heifers of 21 and 33 months of age on temperate pastures and the influence on productive parameters of pasture, performance, carcass and meat characteristis. Twenty-four Charolais x Nellore heifers, 12 with an average age of 21 months and average weight of 194.9 kg; and 12 with an average age of 33 months and average weight of 270.3 kg, were assigned to the treatments: With supplementation (WITH): heifers kept on pasture of oat + ryegrass receiving broken white oat grain at 0.6% body weight; Without supplementation (WITHOUT): heifers exclusively on pasture of oat + ryegrass. The experiment had a completely randomized design, in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement (two treatments x two ages); data were analyzed using the SAS statistical package (2013). The chemical analysis of qualitative simulation of grazing and white oat grain showed no differences (P≥0.05), for supplementation and age of heifers. The forage mass was significantly different (P≤0.05) with mean values of 966.16 and 774.76 kg/ha for heifers WITH and WITHOUT supplementation, respectively. The supplementation promoted a greater production of pasture (7116.03 vs. 6251.14 Kg /DM/ha) (P≤0.05). The stocking rate was significantly different (P≤0.05) for animals of different ages, 785.51 and 577.53 kg body weight/ha for heifers of 21 and 33 months of age, respectively. The daily body weight gain was statistically different (P≤0.05), with mean values of 1.40 and 1.20 kg body weight for heifers WITH and WITHOUT supplementation, respectively. The slaughter weight was influenced by age; heifers of 36 months of age were heavier than heifers of 24 months of age (422.71 vs. 336.83 kg) (P≤0,05). Hot and cold carcass yields were not influenced by supplementation and age of heifers. Supplementation significantly affected the absolute weight of carcass fat (47.75 vs. 41.60) (P≤0,05). Heifers of 24 months of age, without supplementation, presented a lower fat thickness (1.72 mm), thus determining a greater carcass cooling loss (2.38 kg/100 kg carcass) (P≤0,05). There were interactions for the variables palatability, juiciness and tenderness of the meat. / Objetivou-se neste estudo investigar a resposta da utilização da suplementação com o grão de aveia branca, no desempenho de novilhas de 21 e 33 meses de idade em pastagens de clima temperado e a resposta nos parâmetros produtivos da pastagem, no desempenho, características da carcaça e da carne. Foram utilizadas 24 novilhas cruzas Charolês x Nelore, sendo 12 com idade média inicial de 21 meses e peso vivo médio de 194,9 kg; e 12 com idade média inicial de 33 meses e peso vivo médio de 270,3 kg, distribuídas nos tratamentos: Com suplementação (COM): novilhas mantidas em pastagem de aveia + azevém, recebendo grão de aveia branca quebrada em nível de 0,6 % do peso vivo; Sem suplementação (SEM): novilhas mantidas exclusivamente em pastagem de aveia + azevém. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, em fatorial 2 x 2 (dois tratamentos x duas idades), os dados foram analisados com o auxílio do pacote estatístico SAS (2013). Para as análises bromatológicas de simulação de pastejo e do grão de aveia branca não foram encontradas diferenças (P≥0,05), para a suplementação e idade das novilhas. A massa de forragem apresentou diferença (P≤0,05) com médias de 966,16 e 774,76 kg/ha para novilhas COM e SEM suplementação, respectivamente. A suplementação promoveu maior produção de pastagem (7116,03 vs. 6251,14 kg/MS/ha) (P≤0,05). A taxa de lotação apresentou diferença (P≤0,05) em relação à idade das novilhas, apresentando médias de 785,51 e 577,53 kg de peso vivo/ha para as novilhas de 21 e 33 meses, respectivamente. O ganho de peso vivo diário apresentou diferença (P≤0,05), apresentando médias de 1,40 e 1,20 kg de peso vivo para novilhas COM e SEM suplementação, respectivamente. O peso de abate foi influenciado pela idade, sendo as novilhas de 36 meses mais pesadas do que as novilhas de 24 meses de idade (422,71 vs. 336,83 kg) (P≤0,05). Os rendimentos de carcaça quente e fria não foram influenciadas pela suplementação e idade das novilhas. A suplementação influenciou o peso absoluto da gordura na carcaça (47,75 vs. 41,60) (P≤0,05). As novilhas de 24 meses e sem suplementação apresentaram menores valores de espessura de gordura (1,72 mm) (P≤0,05), determinando maior quebra ao resfriamento da carcaça (2,38 kg/100 kg de carcaça) (P≤0,05). Foram encontradas interações para as variáveis palatabilidade, suculência e maciez da carne.

Morfofisiologia do capim-elefante adubado com composto orgÃnico proveniente da produÃÃo e do abate de pequenos ruminantes / Morphophysiology of elephant grass fertilized with organic compost from production and slaughter of small ruminants

Abner Josà GirÃo Meneses 28 September 2015 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / Como todas as demais atividades agropecuÃrias, a criaÃÃo de pequenos ruminante à geradora de resÃduos que, manejados inadequadamente, acarretam em impactos negativos ao meio ambiente. Entretanto, vale salientar que, quando corretamente manejados, os resÃduos oriundos da ovinocaprinocultura apresentam alto potencial como insumos agrÃcolas. Objetivou-se avaliar as caracterÃsticas morfofisiolÃgicas de Pennisetum purpureum cv Cameroon irrigado e submetido a doses de composto orgÃnico proveniente de resÃduos da produÃÃo e do abate de pequenos ruminantes. O experimento foi realizado em capineira de capim-elefante, na Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos, Sobral-CE. Os tratamentos foram doses do composto orgÃnico (0; 13,3; 26,6; 39,9; 53,2; 79,8 tha-1), alÃm de um tratamento mineral de nitrogÃnio e potÃssio numa dose equivalente a 720 e 900 kgha-1ano-1, respectivamente. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos completos casualizados em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com medidas repetidas no tempo, onde as parcelas corresponderam a sete doses de composto orgÃnico e um tratamento adicional (adubaÃÃo mineral) e, as subparcelas, quatro ciclos de crescimento da cultura. A eficiÃncia quÃntica potencial (FV/FM) apresentou valor de 0,75 na dose de 79,8 tha-1. PorÃm, a razÃo de decrÃscimo da fluorescÃncia (Rfd) respondeu de maneira quadrÃtica nos ciclos 1 e 2, denotando bom funcionamento do aparato fotossintÃtico ao longo dos ciclos. Nos ciclos 1 e 2, foi verificado a taxa de acÃmulo de forragem mÃxima de 278,9 kg de MSha-1dia-1, na dose de 70,63 tha-1. As variÃveis biomassa de lÃmina foliar verde (BLV) e de colmo verde (BCV) apresentaram comportamento quadrÃtico no ciclo 1, com ponto de mÃximo nas doses 67,73 e 63,05 tha-1, respectivamente. Comportamento semelhante foi verificado para as variÃveis eficiÃncia de uso Ãgua para produÃÃo de lÃmina (EUABLV) e de colmo (EUABCV), com ponto de mÃximo nas doses 62,94 e 60,28 tha-1 do composto. A anÃlise de contraste entre as doses do composto orgÃnico x adubaÃÃo mineral nÃo revelou efeito no primeiro ciclo para a maioria das variÃveis analisadas. Conclui-se que devido à alta taxa de mineralizaÃÃo do nitrogÃnio do composto orgÃnico nos dois primeiros ciclos de crescimento, hà a necessidade da suplementaÃÃo com o uso de adubaÃÃo nitrogenada nos ciclos subsequentes, com o propÃsito de garantir a manutenÃÃo da produtividade. / Similarly to other agricultural activities, small ruminant farming produces waste that, if managed improperly, results in negative environmental impacts. However, when properly managed, sheep and goat farming waste have a high potential to be used as agricultural inputs. This study evaluated the morphological and physiological characteristics of Pennisetum purpureum cv. Cameroon irrigated and subjected to different levels of organic compost from waste production and slaughter of small ruminants. The experiment was conducted in a cut and carry elephant grass at Embrapa Goats and Sheep, Sobral-CE. The treatments consisted of different levels of the organic compost (0; 13,3; 26,6; 39,9; 53,2; 79,8 tha-1) besides a mineral treatment of nitrogen and potassium equivalent to 720 and 900 kgha-1year-1 , respectively. This was a split-plot randomized complete block design with repeated measures over time, in which the plots corresponded to seven levels of organic compost and an additional treatment (mineral fertilization), and the subplots to four crop growth cycles. The potential quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) showed a value of 0,75 at a level of 79,8 tha-1. The fluorescence decrease ratio (Rfd) responded quadratically in cycles 1 and 2, indicating proper functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus over the cycles. In cycles 1 and 2, it was observed the maximum forage accumulation rate of 278,9 kg DMha-1day1 at a level of 70,63 tha-1. Biomass of leaf blades (LDB) and green stems (GCB) presented a quadratic response in cycle 1, with maximum point at the levels 67,73 and 63,05 tha-1, respectively. Similar behavior was found for the variables water use efficiency for blade production (WUELDB) and stem (WUEGCB), with maximum point at the levels 62,94 and 60,28 tha-1 compost. The contrast analysis between the levels of the organic compost x mineral fertilization evidenced no effect in the first cycle for most variables. In conclusion, due to the high rate of mineralization of nitrogen from the organic compost in the first two growth cycles, there is need for supplementation with nitrogen fertilizer in subsequent cycles, for the purpose of maintaining productivity.

Late Holocene Climate-Flood Relationships on the White River, Indiana, USA

Wright, Maxwell N. 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The frequency and magnitude of floods in the midcontinental United States have increased in recent decades due to changing precipitation patterns as global temperatures rise. These trends pose major social and economic risks to the region, which is home to tens of millions of Americans and a global agricultural center. It is therefore critical to understand if current fluvial dynamics are within the scope of past fluvial-climate relationships, or if they represent a novel response to recent climate and land-use changes. Presented is a 1600-year-long flood frequency record for the moderately sized (~29,400 km2 watershed) White River, Indiana. Flood frequencies were determined using 14C-based sediment accumulation rates at Half Moon Pond, an oxbow lake on the lower White River’s floodplain. Comparison with regional paleoclimate data shows that White River flooding was frequent when atmospheric circulation resembled the negative mode of the Pacific-North American (PNA) teleconnection, particularly during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (950-1250 CE) and the Current Warm Period (last ~150 years). During these times, the regional climate was dominated by warm-season precipitation originating from the Gulf of Mexico. Conversely, White River flooding was less frequent during the Little Ice Age (1250-1800 CE) when cold-season precipitation from the North Pacific/Arctic dominated (+PNA-like conditions). The pre-1790 CE White River flood history was antiphased with reconstructed Ohio River flood frequencies from southern Illinois. This dynamic is consistent with discharge in small to moderate sized watersheds being sensitive to rainstorm runoff and large watersheds being sensitive to snowmelt runoff. After 1790 CE, flooding frequencies of both river systems increased to their highest levels, despite a shift to -PNA-like conditions. This change was likely due to extensive Euro-American land-clearance, which increased runoff/erosion by reducing evapotranspiration, interception, and infiltration. While the White River responded strongly to climatic conditions in the past that were similar to present conditions (-PNA-like conditions), recent land-use practices have amplified the effects of the current hydroclimate. Since a warming climate is expected to increase regional average precipitation and extreme rainfall events, and that landscape modifications have lowered surface resilience to hydroclimate events, flooding will likely become more frequent in the coming decades.

Caracterização espaço-temporal do sistema estuarino-lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape (SP) a partir das associações de foraminíferos e tecamebas e suas relações com as variáveis ambientais / Spatio-temporal characterization of lagoon-estuarine system Cananéia-Iguape (SP) from the associations of foraminifera and thecamoebians and their relationships with environmental variables

Jaworski, Katia Simone 19 November 2010 (has links)
A população de foraminíferos e tecamebas no SELCI evidenciou variação espacial, caracterizando alta dominância de hialinos e porcelanáceos no verão, e aglutinantes no inverno. Essa distribuição da microfauna estava associada a maior influência marinha dos setores externos e a forte influência do regime regional de chuvas nos setores internos. Constatou-se como bioindicadores a espécie Pararotalia cananeiaensis indicando o alcance da cunha salina nas porções internas do sistema, os miliolídeos indicando ambientes com renovação de águas marinhas e fluxos mais energéticos no sistema, o gênero Miliammina spp. e as tecamebas indicando ambientes de baixa salinidade. Através do Ic foi possível detectar o impacto do balanço entre as influências continentais e marinhas no sistema, com a intrusão salina sazonalmente distinta, devido às próprias condições regionais e geomorfológicas do sistema. Na tentativa de encontrar ambientes hipóxicos foi aplicado o IAE, porém este índice não gerou resultados satisfatórios neste sistema estuarino, visto que outros fatores representaram ser variáveis mais importantes do que a concentração de oxigênio dissolvido. O cálculo da BFAR foi testado revelando que a geomorfologia do SELCI foi um fator determinante na distribuição das espécies e que a BFAR foi uma medida qualitativa do fluxo de MO no sistema. Através das análises estatísticas multivariadas foi possível determinar as associações da microfauna, sendo estas condicionadas, nas duas campanhas, principalmente pelos fatores salinidade, substrato e profundidade. / The population of foraminifera and thecamoebians in the CILES (Cananéia-Iguape Lagoon Estuarine System) evidenced spatial variation, characterizing high dominance of hyalines and porcelanaceous during the summer and agglutinated in the winter. This microfauna distribution was associated to stronger marine influence in the outer sections and to strong regional pluviosity in the inner sections. The bioindicator species were Pararotalia cananeiaensis, evidencing the extent of the salt water wedge in the inner portion of the system, the miliolidae, indicating environments with renewal of marine water and more energetic fluxes in the system and the gender Miliammina spp. and thecamoebians indicating areas of low salinity. Trough the Ic it was possible to identify the impact of the balance between marine and fresh waters influence in the system, with saline intrusion seasonally distinct, due to the system\'s own regional and morphological conditions. An attempt to identify hypoxia areas was made using the AEI (Ammonia-Elphidium Index) test, however, this index did not reveal satisfactory results in this estuarine system, since other factors seem to be more representative than the dissolved oxygen concentration. The geomorphology of the CILES was proved to be a determinant factor in the distribution of the species through the BFAR (Benthic Foraminifera Accumulation Rate) calculation, which was also a qualitative measure of the flux of organic matter (TOC) in the system. Statistical analysis proved that the associations of microfauna, was driven, in both campaigns, by salinity, substract and depth.

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