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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vydržení / Easements

Medunová, Adéla January 2014 (has links)
Acquisitive prescription This Master's degree thesis deals with the topic of acquiring the right of ownership by prescription (usucaption). Its aim is to describe the form of the institute in Czech law and to put it into a broader framework. Acquisitive prescription is a means of original acquisition of ownership rights to things. It solves the problem, when possessor does not own the object of the possession. The ownership to the thing is acquired under these conditions: good faith of the possessor, just title, possession for required time. The thesis is composed to five chapters. The introduction summarizes the aims of the study and explains the concept and the structure of the thesis. Chapter One is introductory and defines basic terminology used in the thesis. It describes the concept of things and rights in rem in Czech private law. Then it explains the theory of possession, such as its fundamentals, its meaning and protection provided to the possessor. After that it focuses on definition of ownership and methods of acquiring the right of ownership. This chapter concludes with a short explanation of what is acquisitive prescription and what is its significance. Chapter two focuses on the history of this institute. It highlights the most important aspects of acquisitive prescription in ancient...

Vydržení v římském právu a jeho odrazy v moderních soukromoprávních zákonících / Acquisitive prescription in Roman law and its reflection in modern private law codes

Fruthová, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
Acquisitive prescription in Roman law and its reflection in modern private law codes Abstract Acquisitive prescription is a legal institute, which function is to reconcile state of fact with state of law. This institute served especially to acquire ownership for possessor of the thing by lapse of prescribed time, but it should also serve to acquire other laws, such as servitudes. This thesis focuses mainly on Roman law form of acquisitive prescription. In order to properly understand the concept it is essential to percept it in relation to a unique conception of Roman property law including all its specifics and differences from current view on ownership. First part of the thesis is dedicated to Roman ownership concept and its basic characteristics. Subsequent part describes the development through which the acquisitive prescription in Roman law proceeded during its existence. The thesis focuses on particular institutes such as usus auctoritas, usucapio, praescriptio longi temporis and praescriptio longissimi temporis. Firstly a form of acquisitive prescription in ancient and pre-classical era is investigated. The subject of interest here is the term of auctoritas. The next part of the thesis is focused on classical form of acquisitive prescription, where this type of acquisition was termed as usucapio. The...

Grammaticalization in Lithuanian: the Rise of Modal Meanings / Gramatinimas lietuvių kalboje: modalinių reikšmių susidarymas

Jasionytė, Erika 13 March 2014 (has links)
The present research focuses on the Lithuanian modal verbs gauti ‘get’, tekti ‘be gotten’ and reik(ė)ti ‘need’. The purpose of the research is to analyse the verbs gauti ‘get’, tekti ‘be gotten’ and reik(ė)ti ‘need’ within the framework of grammaticalization and to identify what aspects of grammaticalization are relevant (if at all) to the verbs under study. The study also aims at exploring the factors that trigger the rise of modal meanings and at comparing the semantic properties of the verbs gauti ‘get’, tekti ‘be gotten’ and reik(ė)ti ‘need’ in contemporary Lithuanian and in Old Lithuanian writings (the 16th and 17th centuries). The data of the contemporary Lithuanian language has been compiled from the Corpus of the Contemporary Lithuanian Language, namely its Central newspapers and Fiction parts. The examples of Old Lithuanian have been extracted from three Old Lithuanian Writings: “Postilė” by J. Bretkūnas (1591), “Postilė” by M. Daukša (1599), and “Punktai Sakymų” by K. Sirvydas (1629; 1644). The corpus-based study has shown that the verbs under analysis satisfy the parameters of frequency and polifunctionality. However, they do not exhibit any morphological or morphosyntactic properties that set them apart from the other lexical verbs. In Old Lithuanian Writings the verb reik(ė)ti ‘need’ is used as a modal verb while the verbs gauti ‘get’ and tekti ‘be gotten’ are rarely used in their modal meanings. In contemporary Lithuanian, reik(ė)ti ‘need’ and tekti ‘be gotten’... [to full text] / Disertacijos tyrimo objektu pasirinkti trys lietuvių kalbos veiksmažodžiai, – gauti, tekti ir reik(ė)ti, – iki šiol sulaukę mažai lingvistų dėmesio. Tikslas – ištirti lietuvių kalbos modalinius veiksmažodžius gauti, tekti ir reik(ė)ti iš gramatinimo reiškinio perspektyvos, išsiaiškinti, kurie gramatinimo parametrai relevantiški (jei išvis relevantiški) nagrinėjamiems lietuvių kalbos veiksmažodžiams, išnagrinėti šių veiksmažodžių modalinės semantikos ypatumus, modalinės reikšmės susidarymą lemiančius veiksnius, pateikti nagrinėjamų veiksmažodžių semantinį aprašą ir palyginti jų vartosenos ypatumus senojo periodo (XVI-XVII a.) ir dabartinėje lietuvių kalboje. Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos medžiaga surinkta iš „Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos tekstyno“ grožinės literatūros ir publicistikos patekstynio. Senosios lietuvių kalbos pavyzdžiai surinkti iš trijų senųjų lietuvių kalbos raštų: J. Bretkūno „Postilės“ (1591), M. Daukšos „Postilės“ (1599), ir K. Sirvydo „Punktai sakymų“ (1629; 1644). Tyrimas parodė, kad analizuoti veiksmažodžiai tenkina dažnumo ir polifunkciškumo parametrus. Vis dėlto gauti, tekti ir reik(ė)ti neišsiskiria griežtu sisteminiu struktūrinių požymių rinkiniu, kuris apibrėžtų modalinį jų statusą. Senuosiuose lietuvių kalbos raštuose veiksmažodis reik(ė)ti funkcionuoja kaip modalinis veiksmažodis, o veiksmažodžiai gauti ir tekti retai vartojami modalinėmis reikšmėmis. Dabartinėje lietuvių kalboje reik(ė)ti ir tekti įsitvirtinę kaip modaliniai veiksmažodžiai, o gauti tėra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Gramatinimas lietuvių kalboje: modalinių reikšmių susidarymas / Grammaticalization in Lithuanian: the Rise of Modal Meanings

Jasionytė, Erika 13 March 2014 (has links)
Disertacijos tyrimo objektu pasirinkti trys lietuvių kalbos veiksmažodžiai, – gauti, tekti ir reik(ė)ti, – iki šiol sulaukę mažai lingvistų dėmesio. Tikslas – ištirti lietuvių kalbos modalinius veiksmažodžius gauti, tekti ir reik(ė)ti iš gramatinimo reiškinio perspektyvos, išsiaiškinti, kurie gramatinimo parametrai relevantiški (jei išvis relevantiški) nagrinėjamiems lietuvių kalbos veiksmažodžiams, išnagrinėti šių veiksmažodžių modalinės semantikos ypatumus, modalinės reikšmės susidarymą lemiančius veiksnius, pateikti nagrinėjamų veiksmažodžių semantinį aprašą ir palyginti jų vartosenos ypatumus senojo periodo (XVI-XVII a.) ir dabartinėje lietuvių kalboje. Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos medžiaga surinkta iš „Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos tekstyno“ grožinės literatūros ir publicistikos patekstynio. Senosios lietuvių kalbos pavyzdžiai surinkti iš trijų senųjų lietuvių kalbos raštų: J. Bretkūno „Postilės“ (1591), M. Daukšos „Postilės“ (1599), ir K. Sirvydo „Punktai sakymų“ (1629; 1644). Tyrimas parodė, kad analizuoti veiksmažodžiai tenkina dažnumo ir polifunkciškumo parametrus. Vis dėlto gauti, tekti ir reik(ė)ti neišsiskiria griežtu sisteminiu struktūrinių požymių rinkiniu, kuris apibrėžtų modalinį jų statusą. Senuosiuose lietuvių kalbos raštuose veiksmažodis reik(ė)ti funkcionuoja kaip modalinis veiksmažodis, o veiksmažodžiai gauti ir tekti retai vartojami modalinėmis reikšmėmis. Dabartinėje lietuvių kalboje reik(ė)ti ir tekti įsitvirtinę kaip modaliniai veiksmažodžiai, o gauti tėra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The present research focuses on the Lithuanian modal verbs gauti ‘get’, tekti ‘be gotten’ and reik(ė)ti ‘need’. The purpose of the research is to analyse the verbs gauti ‘get’, tekti ‘be gotten’ and reik(ė)ti ‘need’ within the framework of grammaticalization and to identify what aspects of grammaticalization are relevant (if at all) to the verbs under study. The study also aims at exploring the factors that trigger the rise of modal meanings and at comparing the semantic properties of the verbs gauti ‘get’, tekti ‘be gotten’ and reik(ė)ti ‘need’ in contemporary Lithuanian and in Old Lithuanian writings (the 16th and 17th centuries). The data of the contemporary Lithuanian language has been compiled from the Corpus of the Contemporary Lithuanian Language, namely its Central newspapers and Fiction parts. The examples of Old Lithuanian have been extracted from three Old Lithuanian Writings: “Postilė” by J. Bretkūnas (1591), “Postilė” by M. Daukša (1599), and “Punktai Sakymų” by K. Sirvydas (1629; 1644). The corpus-based study has shown that the verbs under analysis satisfy the parameters of frequency and polifunctionality. However, they do not exhibit any morphological or morphosyntactic properties that set them apart from the other lexical verbs. In Old Lithuanian Writings the verb reik(ė)ti ‘need’ is used as a modal verb while the verbs gauti ‘get’ and tekti ‘be gotten’ are rarely used in their modal meanings. In contemporary Lithuanian, reik(ė)ti ‘need’ and tekti ‘be gotten’... [to full text]

”Den talar till mig från olika dimensioner” : Reklambilder ur ett perspektiv av en gemensam föreställningsvärld / ”It speaks to me from different dimensions” : Advertising pictures from a perspective of a cultural imaginary world

Holmqvist, Carl Johan January 2010 (has links)
<p>Denna studie syftar till att framhålla ett perspektiv på reklambilders symboliska och ontologiska egenskaper. Studien grundar sig i tre informanters egna betraktelser av den inre varseblivning och de känslor som uppdagats då de beskådat reklambilder. Uppsatsen behandlar några av de betraktelser som gjordes av informanterna, och belyser likheter dessa emellan. Vidare sätts betraktelserna i ett nytt perspektiv genom att behandla dem utifrån ett ontologiskt närmande, vilket uppdagar reklambildernas funktion som medel för reflektion, samt för upprätthållandet av en gemensam föreställningsvärld.</p> / <p>This study is an attempt to establish a perspective on the symbolic and ontological features of advertising pictures. The study is based on three informants's own observations of the inner perceptions and emotional states which were experienced while contemplating advertising pictures. The essay contains a presentation of some of the most interesting aspects of the observations made by the informants, and illuminates the similarities between those observations. Further, the observations are put into perspective by applying an ontological approach, which reveals the functioning of advertising pictures as objects for reflection, and as means to maintain a cultural imaginary world.</p>

”Den talar till mig från olika dimensioner” : Reklambilder ur ett perspektiv av en gemensam föreställningsvärld / ”It speaks to me from different dimensions” : Advertising pictures from a perspective of a cultural imaginary world

Holmqvist, Carl Johan January 2010 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att framhålla ett perspektiv på reklambilders symboliska och ontologiska egenskaper. Studien grundar sig i tre informanters egna betraktelser av den inre varseblivning och de känslor som uppdagats då de beskådat reklambilder. Uppsatsen behandlar några av de betraktelser som gjordes av informanterna, och belyser likheter dessa emellan. Vidare sätts betraktelserna i ett nytt perspektiv genom att behandla dem utifrån ett ontologiskt närmande, vilket uppdagar reklambildernas funktion som medel för reflektion, samt för upprätthållandet av en gemensam föreställningsvärld. / This study is an attempt to establish a perspective on the symbolic and ontological features of advertising pictures. The study is based on three informants's own observations of the inner perceptions and emotional states which were experienced while contemplating advertising pictures. The essay contains a presentation of some of the most interesting aspects of the observations made by the informants, and illuminates the similarities between those observations. Further, the observations are put into perspective by applying an ontological approach, which reveals the functioning of advertising pictures as objects for reflection, and as means to maintain a cultural imaginary world.

The Christian Minister Protagonist of Social Justice

Escott, N. Ellsworth January 1937 (has links)
No description available.

Interrupción en la prescripción adquisitiva de dominio frente a una denuncia de usurpación con auto de sobreseimiento

Gonzales Otoya Llerena, Luis Alonso January 2024 (has links)
En el presente trabajo de investigación de tipo cualitativo se realizó un análisis para lograr establecer el apartado a considerar para delimitar que el auto de sobreseimiento no califica como una causal de interrupción del proceso de prescripción adquisitiva de dominio para el mismo, se ha comenzado analizando las instituciones jurídicas de la prescripción adquisitiva de dominio y la usurpación en relación al auto de sobreseimiento y si el auto de sobreseimiento en una denuncia de usurpación interrumpe la prescripción adquisitiva de dominio para posteriormente sustentar las razones de la búsqueda de dicho apartado para garantizar la posición originaria obtenida por la usucapión, sobre la propiedad y que no se afecte el derecho de usucapir ante un auto que declara nula la responsabilidad penal sobre el proceso. / In this qualitative research study, an analysis was conducted to establish the criteria for determining that a dismissal order does not qualify as a ground for interrupting the adverse possession process. The study began by examining the legal institutions of adverse possession and usurpation in relation to a dismissal order, specifically whether a dismissal order in a usurpation complaint interrupts the adverse possession process. Subsequently, the reasons for seeking this clarification were presented to ensure the preservation of the original position obtained through adverse possession, safeguarding the right to adverse possession even when there’s an order declaring criminal liability null and void in the process.

Čas a jeho reflexe v právu / Time and its reflection in law

Kučerová, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
Time and its reflection in law Aim of this Master's degree thesis is to explain time as a quantity which influence human's life more than any other and that is one of the most relevant legal events which cause certain consequences in law. The aim of this work is to capture time as a quantity that influences human life more than any other, and that is one of the most legally relevant facts with which the law attaches certain legal consequences. The thesis is divided into nine chapters; the first four are devoted to philosophical and historical introduction to the concept of "time", while the remaining five are focused on the influence of time in the context of the current Civil Code. The first chapter follows the perception of time from the beginning of mankind, deriving primarily from the work of a major Romanian historian and philosopher of the last century - Mircea Eliade. The second chapter is dedicated to time as divisible quantity and describes the different ways to divide time through the day on a longer term units - years. The third chapter discusses the concept of time in ancient Rome from the perspective of the great scholars of his time - Isidore of Seville and Ambrosia Theodosius Macrobius. It describes not only the Roman division of time, but also the development of the Roman calendar...

Informe para la sustentación de expedientes: 328-2016 / 1879 – 2010

Castillo Gonzáles, Consuelo de Jesús 18 April 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional tiene por objeto el análisis de los principales problemas jurídicos de dos expedientes: uno, tramitado en la vía administrativa sobre barreras burocráticas y otro tramitado en la vía judicial referido a un proceso civil por prescripción adquisitiva de dominio. Así, para efectuar un análisis adecuado del expediente administrativo se inició con el desarrollo del resumen de cada acto procedimental los cuales son: denuncia, descargos, apelación y cada una de las resoluciones finales del Indecopi. Para que luego, se efectúe un análisis de la posición crítica de las resoluciones que pusieron fin a las instancias; y por último se consignó la doctrina y jurisprudencia (resoluciones administrativas) más importante para tomar una adecuada posición sobre los problemas jurídicos, presunta barrera burocrática ilegal. Además, también se efectuó análisis crítico del expediente civil sobre prescripción adquisitiva de dominio utilizando el mismo método antes referido, esto es: resumen, posición analítica, doctrina y jurisprudencia relevante. Sobre este expediente cabe resaltar que, entre otros problemas, se ha efectuado un análisis probatorio sobre el cumplimiento de los requisitos de posesión como propietario, pacífica, continua y como propietario. Cabe resaltar, que en ambas materias se ha puesto énfasis en ambas materias a la valoración de los medios probatorios, interpretación de la norma y que estas se adecúen dentro del marco constitucional. / The present work of professional sufficiency has as its objective the analysis of the main legal problems of two files: one, processed in the administrative way on bureaucratic barriers and another processed in the judicial way referring to a civil process for acquisitive prescription of domain. Thus, to carry out an adequate analysis of the administrative file, it began with the development of the summary of each procedural act, which are: complaint, discharges, appeal and each of the final Indecopi resolutions. So that later, an analysis of the critical position of the resolutions that put an end to the instances is carried out; and finally, the most important doctrine and jurisprudence (administrative resolutions) were consigned to take an adequate position on legal problems, allegedly illegal bureaucratic barrier. In addition, a critical analysis of the civil file on acquisitive prescription of domain was also carried out using the same method referred to above, that is: summary, analytical position, doctrine and relevant jurisprudence. Regarding this file, it should be noted that, among other problems, an evidentiary analysis has been carried out on compliance with the requirements of possession as owner, peaceful, continuous and as owner. It should be noted that in both matters, emphasis has been placed on both matters on the assessment of the evidence, interpretation of the norm and that these are adapted within the constitutional framework. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional

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