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The role of targets and growth factors in neuronal ageingAndrews, Timothy John January 1993 (has links)
No description available.
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Analyse du façonnage de l'identité professionnelle des enseignants d'école primaire en formation initiale / Analysis of the shaping of professional identity of primary school teachers in trainingZimmermann, Philippe 11 April 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude du processus de façonnage de l’identité professionnelle (IP) de professeurs des écoles en formation initiale (PEFI). Usité dans des contextes institutionnels, professionnels et scientifiques, le concept d’IP revêt un caractère polysémique lui conférant toute sa complexité mais aussi tout son intérêt. Le discours institutionnel témoigne d’une préoccupation souvent réaffirmée mais, paradoxalement, d’une quasi-absence d’évocation explicite de l’IP. Au plan scientifique, la multiplicité des modèles théoriques qui définissent l’IP est à l’origine d’une ambiguïté sémantique la caractérisant. En s’inscrivant dans les théories culturalistes (Engeström, 1999 ; Leontiev, 1975 ; Vygotski, 1960), les postulats de la clinique de l’activité (Clot, 1999), de la psychodynamique du travail (Dejours, 1993) et de l’ergonomie (Wisner, 1995), cette thèse apporte un regard nouveau sur le concept d’IP, en l’appréhendant comme une activité de renormalisation des prescriptions reconnue par soi et par autrui. Menée avec six PEFI, la démarche clinique a permis la reconstitution de leurs itinéraires individuels ainsi que le repérage des caractéristiques communes au façonnage de leur IP. Les résultats mettent en exergue l’identification de quatre « bascules », correspondant aux passages par lesquels passent tous les PEFI dans le processus identitaire. Ces bascules rendent compte du caractère dynamique et singulier du façonnage de l’IP. Elles ont conduit à la construction de scénarios individuels du façonnage identitaire qui rompent avec les scénarios-types retrouvés dans nombre d’études. Des propositions pour penser la formation initiale en termes d’IP sont esquissées. / This thesis focuses on the study of the shaping process of the professional identity (PI) of preservice teachers (PT). Usual in institutional, professional and scientific contexts, the concept of PI is of a polysemous character, which gives it all its complexity and interest. The institutional discourse reflects an often reaffirmed concern about PI, but paradoxically, a virtual absence of explicit mention of it. From a scientific standpoint, the multiplicity of theoretical models that define the PI is at the origin of the semantic ambiguity characterizing it. By entering the culturalist theories (Engeström, 1999; Leontiev, 1975; Vygotsky, 1960), the postulates of clinical activity (Clot, 1999), of psychodynamics (Dejours, 1993) and of ergonomics (Wisner, 1995), this thesis provides a new perspective on the concept of PI, analyzing it as an activity to renormalize Prescriptions as recognized by oneself and by others. Conducted with six PT, the clinical approach allows the reconstruction of their individual routes and the identification of common characteristics in shaping their PI. Results highlight the identification of four turning points, corresponding to the steps common to all PT in the PI process. These turning points reflect the dynamic and unique shaping of the PI. They lead to the construction of scenarios shaping individual identity that break with the typical scenarios found in many studies. Proposals for rethinking initial training in terms of PI are outlined.
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Vad ska vi göra sen? : En utvärdering och förslag till utveckling av programmet Textil produktutveckling med entreprenörs- och affärsinriktning / What are we going to do next? : An evaluation and development of the educational program Textile product development focusing on entrepreneurship and businessLILJEDAHL, EMMA, FREDRIKSSON, ERIKA January 2010 (has links)
Under de år som gått sedan 1970-talets krisår har textilbranschens utseende förändrats. För att hitta nya nischer att utmärka sig i, har företagen velat se ett mer affärsmässigt tänkande i sin organisation, något som snappades upp av Textilhögskolan. På skolan såg man att det fanns ett kunskapshål som varken ekonomer, ingenjörer eller designers fyllde upp. Resultatet blev den tvååriga utbildningen Affärs- och produktutveckling med inriktning mot textila produkter, som sedan döptes om till Textil produktutveckling med entreprenörs- och affärsinriktning . Sedan starten 2006 har ett påbyggnadsår lagts till, och ett namnbyte skett, för att förtydliga utbildningens innehåll. Under en föreläsning uppkom dock frågan om huruvida studenterna känner att de egentligen lär sig det som utbildningen strävar efter att lära ut, och om de verkligen blir förberedda för arbetslivet. En förvirrad gästföreläsare frågade ett helt klassrum fullt med studenter från TPU vad de egentligen blir när det är färdigutbildade, och ingen kunde svara.Denna förvirring har gett upphov till den här rapporten som har som syfte att ge förslag för att förbättra och förtydliga utbildningen så att alla parter förstår vad den innehåller, samt ge en tydlig bild av vad som är tanken med de examinerade studenternas framtid. För att göra en fullständig belysning av programmet valde vi att titta på det ur tre synvinklar; studenternas, utbildningsledningens och branschens, samt även undersöka hur TPU står sig i konkurrens med andra utbildningar på Textilhögskolan. Denna information fick vi fram genom att göra intervjuer med studenter, ansvariga på skolan samt företag i branschen som arbetar med produktutveckling. Vi gjorde även en jämförelse mellan programinnehållet i TPU och två andra utbildningar på Textilhögskolan.Resultatet blev ett förändringsförslag som delades upp i kategorierna undervisning och marknadsföring. Vi fann att utbildningen inte gav ett tillräckligt underlag för att arbeta med det som teorin och empirin visade att en produktutvecklare gör, och det var tydligt att studenterna inte heller kände sig som produktutvecklare. Detta ledde i sin tur till ett förslag på namnbyte, vilka kurser som bör ändras för att passa in under det nya namnet samt ett förslag på hur skolan kan marknadsföra programmet. Vidare kom vi även till slutsatsen att om skolan vill behålla det nuvarande namnet får man göra en total omstrukturering av innehållet, men att man då riskerar att förlora det som var grundtanken med utbildningen. / <p>During the years since the textile crisis of the 1970’s, much has altered within the textile industry. In order to find new markets in which to succeed, a more businesslike approach has been sought after by the industry. This was picked up by the Swedish School of Textiles in Borås, who saw that there was a gap of knowledge that neither the economists nor engineering nor design students filled. The schools solution to this gap was the educational program Business and Product Development focusing on Textile products, later known as Textile Product Development focusing on Entrepreneurship and Business, TPU. Since the start in 2006, an additional year has been added, and the change in name was made in order to further emphasize the fundamental nature of the program. However, during a lecture the question arose to whether or not the students felt that they were actually learning the things that the education is striving to teach. A confused guest professor asked a room full of students from TPU what they were supposed to be working with after their education was finished. Equally confused, none of the students could answer this question.This confusion was the starting point of this essay, which has the purpose to improve and clarify the education in a way so it becomes clear to all involved parties what the aims and goals of the education are. Furthermore, the report also aims to give a clear picture of the intended roll of the students of TPU in the working life. In order to do this, we chose to look at the educational program from three different perspectives; the students’, the industry’s and the school management’s, and also investigate how competitive TPU are compared to other educational programs. To get these different perspectives, we interviewed the students, the school management and companies within the textile industry, who are working with product development. We also did a comparison between TPU and two other educational programs given at the Swedish School of Textiles. The result of the evaluation was that a change was needed. Thus, a proposition containing suggestions of change and improvement, divided in to the categories education and marketing was created. We found that the program TPU did not build the foundation that is needed in order to work with the things that the theory and empirics said that a product developer do. It also became clear that the students of TPU did not feel like product developers, nor were they becoming one. Consequently, we propose a change in title of the educational program, courses which should be included in order to fit the new title, and also a suggestion to how the school management can market the program. Furthermore, we also reached the conclusion that if the school decides to keep the original title, a complete restructuring of the study courses needs to be done, but doing this imposes a risk of losing the original aim and idea of the program.</p><p>Program: Kandidat inom Magisterutbildning i fashion management med inriktning modemarknadsföring</p>
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Analyse de l'activité professionnelle des tuteurs en formation à distance / Analysis of distance learning tutors professional activityDir, Mélissa 07 July 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur l’activité de travail des tuteurs à distance et ses opportunités de développement. S’inscrivant dans le champ de l’analyse de l’activité, elle combine uneapproche clinique (Clot, 1999) et une approche holistique (Engeström, 2000), au croisement de la psychologie du travail, de l’ergonomie et de la théorie de l’activité de troisième génération. L’analyse se centre sur l’activité de six tutrices à distance d’une entreprise privée de formation à distance. Après une enquête exploratoire, le recueil de données est composé d’entretiens d’instruction au sosie et d’autoconfrontation simple et croisée, complétés par des données ethnographiques, des données relatives à l’appareil prescriptif (guide du tuteur et entretien de formation), des traces de l’activité des tutrices à distance et des apprenants. Les résultats, qui mettent en évidence des écarts entre le prescrit et le réel de l’activité, révèlent plusieurs difficultés que les tutrices à distance rencontrent dans le cadre de leur travail. Celles-ci se manifestent par un certain nombre de contradictions notamment autour des règles qui régissent le système, entre prescription « infinie » et « sous-prescription ». Les outils associés à l’activité, tantôt source d’empêchement, tantôt à l’origine de processus développementaux, se révèlent aussi être au cœur de multiples contradictions. De la même manière, les résultats mettent en exergue le caractère nodal de l’activité alors même que les conditions organisationnelles semblent répondre à une logique industrielle. A ce niveau, l’absence d’échanges entre pairs notamment, interroge les opportunités de développement de l’activité de travail des tutrices à distance qui, à certains égards, semble participer au travail de « recréation » du genre professionnel « formateur » / This research focuses on the work of distance learning tutors and its development opportunities. The analysis of activity combines a clinical approach (Clot, 1999) and a holistic approach (Engeström, 2000) at the crossing of work psychology, ergonomics and third-generation Cultural Historical Activity Theory. It focuses on the activity of six distance learning tutors from a distance learning company. After an exploratory investigation, the data collection is composed of interviews “to a double”, simple self-confrontation and crossed self-confrontation interviews. At the same time, other data enrich the analysis: ethnographic data, prescriptive data, and traces data about distance learning tutors and e-learners. The results show differences between prescribed work and real work. They also reveal several contradictions and obstacles to the development mainly related to the rigidity of the prescriptive framework. Likewise, the major role of tools in developmental processes is highlighted. Then, the results underline the nodal nature of the activity even though organizational conditions seem to respond to an industrial logic. In this regard, the absence of peer-to-peer exchanges, in particular, questions the work development opportunities. This is all the more important given that distance learning tutors activity appears to contribute to the "recreation" of a specific professional genre:"trainer".
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Verksamhetsutveckling i socialt arbete : konstruktion och utprovning av en interaktiv modell / Activity development in social work practicePerdahl, Anna-Lena January 2009 (has links)
The main focus of this thesis has been the activity development of social work practice. The thesis presents the construction of a theoretical frame for developing social work practice; namely, Interactive Activity-Documentation model (IAD), and includes the process of testing and reviewing the model. The thesis was based on an interactive research design, which involved the researcher and the practitioners in the development and testing of the model. The researcher constructed the IAD model based on theoretical considerations concerning the characteristics of social work, the practice’s knowledge requirements, learning processes, reflexivity in relation to actions, the systematic documentation of actions and reflections and the need for an interactive process to enhance the usage of the model. The setting in which the testing and the development of the model took place was a family centre, an organization in which a social worker, a midwife, paediatric nurses and preschool staff work together to coordinate services for families with children. The material that was used during the testing and for the review of the model consisted of descriptions of the family center’s aims, goals and objectives in a foundation document, continuous descriptions and reflections of the practitioners’ actions, descriptions and reflections of how the families understand the practice, documents in which the content of the foundation document and the continuous descriptions and reflections from the practitioners and families are compared and notes from the practitioners’ discussions about the comparison. The study showed that the use of a model for activity development in social work practice provides the practitioners with the possibility to systematize their documentation and the tools that they use in the development process. Another finding in the study was the importance of dealing with explicit assumptions in the construction process. Explicit assumptions provide the opportunity to discuss the possibilities of the model and potential problems. The staff’s critical discussions concerning the resources of the organization revealed that, for example, time spent together with other staff members had a positive impact on the development process. The review also shows that development achieved by learning through reflection enhances critical thinking in social work practice.
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