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Parental behaviors and late adolescents' adjustment: The role of emotional security and emotional intelligenceAlegre, Alberto 27 March 2008 (has links)
Based on hypothesized relations advanced by Cummings and Davies (1995), the current study tests the hypothesis that parental availability and parental control, experienced during middle adolescence, relate to late adolescents' adjustment through influence on their emotional security. The study also examines the role of late adolescents' emotional intelligence and its relationship with parental behaviors, emotional security, and adolescents' adjustment. This study proposes a model of relationships where emotional security and emotional intelligence influence each other and mediate the relationship between parental behaviors and late adolescents' adjustment. Regression analyses show partial support for the hypotheses. / Ph. D.
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Känsla av sammanhang, subjektivt välbefinnande och generell hälsahos svensk- och arabisktalande gymnasieelever / Sense of Coherence, Subjective Wellbeing and General Healthamongst Swedish-speaking and Arabic-speaking Upper SecondaryJonsson, Lena, Sindsjö, Elin January 2016 (has links)
Hur ungdomar som kommit till Sverige hanterar sin nya tillvaro är ettaktuellt studieområde. Tidigare forskning har visat att känsla avsammanhang (KASAM), subjektivt välbefinnande (SVB) och generellhälsa (GH) spelar in i ungdomars psykiska välmående. Syftet medstudien var att undersöka skillnader mellan svensktalande ocharabisktalande gymnasieelever, och deras upplevelser av KASAM, SVBoch GH. Även könsskillnader undersöktes. En tredeladenkätundersökning genomfördes på två gymnasieskolor i två småsvenska kommuner. Totalt deltog 145 elever, varav 71 vararabisktalande. Sjuttio av studiens deltagare var kvinnor. Resultatetvisade inte signifikanta skillnader mellan grupperna i KASAM somövergripande variabel eller GH. Signifikanta skillnader återfanns docki en delkomponent av KASAM, samt inom SVB. Könsskillnader kundeendast observeras i SVB, vilket gör att resultaten delvis strider mottidigare forskning. Sammanfattningsvis visade studien att eleversmående skiljer sig relativt lite åt oberoende av etnicitet eller kön. / The way in which adolescents’ migrating to Sweden handle their newenvironment is a relevant area of study. Prior research has suggested that Sense of Coherence (SOC), Subjective Well-being (SWB) and General Health (GH) play an important role in adolescents’psychological well-being. The aim of the present study was to exploredifferences in reported SOC, SWB and GH between Swedish speakingand Arabic speaking upper secondary school students. Genderdifferences were also evaluated. A three-part survey was conducted inorder to examine the area of study. A total of 145 students took part, ofwhich 71 was Arabic-speaking. Seventy participants were women. Theresults did not show any significant differences in SOC as a whole, norin GH. However, significant differences were observed in a subcomponentof SOC, as well as in SWB. Gender differences wereobserved only in SWB. Overall, the results challenged prior researchfindings. In conclusion, adolescents’ well-being does not differsubstantially, regardless of ethnicity or gender.
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不同脈絡下,青少年的認同策略與適應問題之關係 / The relationship between adolescents’ identity strategies and adjustment problems in different contexts曾幼涵, Tseng Yu Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果說明了,有關認青少年同策略之使用與適應問題之關係,需放在脈絡下來探討;不同脈絡下,認同策略可能帶來不同的適應結果。而在特定脈絡下,青少年的個別差異則可調節認同策略與適應問題之關係。根據研究結果,我們進一步從研究者與實務者的角度來討論三種認同策略對於青少年之功能。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the ways in which adolescents approach identity issues (i.e. the three identity strategies: information-oriented, norm-oriented, and diffuse/avoidant-oriented) and adjustment problems. The relationship between identity strategies and adolescents adjustment problems has not been consistently replicated. Two reasons were considered: one was the limit of the Identity Style Inventory (ISI), which was extensively used to measure identity strategies. However, ISI could only measure the individuals’ “preference” of specific identity strategy, it ignored that people may use different identity strategies in different contexts. The other reason was the limit of theoretical view. In the past, such research issue was executed by the Western researchers; they didn’t consider the effects of culture differences. Our assumption was that one specific identity strategy will not necessary bring a specific adjustment outcome, but be influenced by “contexts”. For testing this assumption, we first identified two important identity domains in adolescence: learning domain and life-activity domain. Then, the new measurement tool named the Identity Strategy Inventory for Adolescence (ISI-A) was developed which measure three identity strategies in the two identity domains. Then, we used ISI-A to explore the relationship between adolescents’ identity strategies and adjustment problems in Taiwan. Furthermore, we explore how the individual differences (gender difference and different developmental stage) moderate the relationship between identity strategies and adolescent’s adjustment problems.
946 students (487 males, 456 junior high school students) in junior and senior high schools in Taipei were recruited. All students completed questionnaires on personal and family background, ISI-A, and Youth Self-Report Checklist (YSR) which measured externalizing and internalizing problem behaviors. Results indicated that the relationship between identity strategies and adjustment problems is different in different context. Information-oriented was considered the beneficial identity strategy in Western culture, but we found norm-oriented was more beneficial to adolescents’ adjustment than information-oriented. Like the findings in Western culture, we found diffuse/avoidant-oriented was detrimental to adolescents’ adjustment. Different identity domains determine the values of information-oriented. In learning domain, information-oriented was somewhat beneficial to adjustment, but in life-activity domain, information-oriented was detrimental to adjustment.
Gender differences and developmental stages in adolescence moderate the relationship between identity strategies and adjustment problems. In the two identity domains, norm-oriented reduce and diffuse/avoidant-oriented increase adolescents’ adjustment problems across different genders, but information-oriented influence only male’s adjustment problems. For junior high school’s students, adjustment problem was influenced by norm- and diffuse/avoidant-oriented in learning domain, but wasn’t by any identity strategies in life-activity domain. For senior high school’s students, however, identity strategies in the two identity domains have effect on adjustment problems. Furthermore, the influence of information-oriented was highlighted in senior high school students.
These findings indicate that it’s necessary to consider the relationship between adolescents’ identity strategies and adjustment problems in “contexts”. A specific identity strategy brings to different adjustment outcomes in different context. In a specific context, individual differences in adolescence moderate the relationship between identity strategies and adjustment problems. Based on these findings, we further discussed the three identity strategies’ function from the viewpoint of researcher and practitioner.
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