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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring Family Coherence and Adaptability Among Adoptive Families

Shaw, Emily, Hardman, Alisha, PhD 04 April 2020 (has links)
The current study sought to answer the question: Does reported family coherence and adaptability differ between parents who completed private, public, and international adoptions? The desired population was adoptive parents in the United States. The survey utilized two existing measures, the Family Sense of Coherence (FSOC) and the Family Adaptation Scales (FAS). Results of a one-way independent ANOVA showed that adoption type (i.e. private, public, international) had no significant effect on FSOC and FAS sum scores. Future research should recruit a larger and more representative sample of adoptive parents in the United States, so that findings can be used to tailor educational programming with adoptive parents.

A Phenomenological Exploration of Parent Experiences that Influence Positive Adoption Outcomes

Shelton, Deena 01 January 2018 (has links)
Children who age out of foster care face adjustments and mental health issues at higher rates than their peers, but those who are adopted have the opportunity to heal from previous trauma and experience better outcomes. To create healthy family systems for adopted children, adoptive parents need support and guidance as they personally adjust and help their children adjust to a new family system. Previous research has focused on child identifiers rather than on the broader family system in efforts to understand adoption success and failure. In this transcendental phenomenological study, adoptive parents provided their lived experiences of support during the adoption process. The results were analyzed using Giorgi, Giorgi, and Morley's descriptive phenomenological psychological method and the results were framed using an adapted version of Bronfenbrenner's ecological model. The results offered experiences of support at all 4 levels of the ecological model and provided a framework to use for future research to understand the influences of the sources of support and a guideline for agencies and counselors to use when serving adoptive families. The results can aid in the proactive development of training and support services for adoptive families and provide information for professionals by offering insight into the nontraditional structure of adoptive families. This information may also be used to inform counseling programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs that offer the marriage, couples, and families specialization.

Looking the Part: An Examination of Longitudinal Gender Presentation Among Children with Gay, Lesbian, and Heterosexual Adoptive Parents

Bruun, Samuel T. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Gender presentation, appearing in a way that fits social expectations of one’s gender role, represents one of the most obvious ways in which one’s gender identity becomes salient to others. This quality is especially relevant to note given the continued controversy surrounding children’s gender role development when raised by non-heterosexual parents. The current study is an examination of how gender presentation develops in adopted children with lesbian, gay, and heterosexual parents across two time points (Wave 1: N = 106, Mage = 36.07 months; Wave 2: N = 90, Mage = 8.34). Children’s gender presentation was analyzed using a novel coding scheme, consisting of several variables meant to target the presence of gender typed clothing. These elements of appearance were compared with several measures of child outcomes. It was found that children generally adhere to presentation elements of their assigned gender and there were limited differences by parental sexual orientation in any of the gender presentation variables. Additionally, there was no association found between conformity in gender presentation and children’s self-perception or parent or child gender-typical attitudes. The results of this initial study may prove to be useful in ongoing research surrounding children’s gender typicality.

A comparison of psychological adjustment and cognitive functioning between adopted and institution-reared children in Chile

Jimenez-Etcheverria, Pamela January 2018 (has links)
Many studies have shown that adopted children show higher levels of psychological adjustment than children living in institutions. However, there is little research comparing the behaviour and cognitive abilities of adopted and institution-reared children in Latin America, despite the large number of children living in institutional care. The aim of this thesis was to examine differences in the socio-emotional and cognitive functioning of adopted and institution-reared children in Chile, and to identify factors associated with the psychological adjustment and cognitive ability of adopted children. Data were obtained from 52 adopted children and their parents, and a comparison group of 50 children living in institutions. All adoptions were national and the children were aged between 4-9 years. Children’s psychological problems and attachment difficulties were assessed using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and the Relationship Problems Questionnaire, respectively, completed by adoptive parents or caregivers and teachers. Cognitive functioning was assessed using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III). The Structured Child Assessment of Relationships in Families was used to assess children’s perceptions of family relationships. Adoptive mothers and fathers were individually administered a standardised interview designed to assess parenting quality and questionnaire assessments of anxiety, depression, marital quality and parenting stress. Observational assessments of mother-child interaction were also carried out. Adopted children showed significantly higher levels of socio-emotional and cognitive functioning than institution-reared children, with the majority of adopted children scoring within the normal range and the majority of institutionalised children showed clinical levels of emotional and behavioural problems. The mean IQ score of adopted children was 23 points higher than that of the institutionalised group. Factors associated with more positive outcomes among the adopted children were a younger age at adoption and lower levels of maternal and paternal stress. Although a selection effect cannot be ruled out, with higher functioning children more likely to be adopted, the results point to a beneficial effect of adoption on the psychological development and wellbeing of institutionalised children in Chile.

La dimensió pedagògica en els processos d’adopció internacional. Rellevància de la dimensió educativa en les motivacions inicials per a l’adopció internacional, i en el marc dels processos de formació i valoració de idoneïtat, a Catalunya

Navarro Segura, Lisette 12 July 2012 (has links)
Les adopcions internacionals s’han convertit en una realitat normalitzada a la nostra societat. Aquest fet, fins l’actualitat, s’ha estudiat des de disciplines psicològiques o sociològiques però no pedagògiques. El nostre treball té per objectiu, per tant, avaluar la rellevància de la dimensió pedagògica tant en la motivació inicial dels pares adoptius com en els processos de formació d’aquests per a l’adopció internacional, a Catalunya (Espanya). Concretament la nostra recerca està formada per dos estudis, un sobre les motivacions inicials per adoptar i un altre sobre les activitats formatives per a l’adopció internacional. En el primer estudi s’analitzen qualitativa i quantitativament les motivacions inicials expressades per 362 unitats familiars. El resultat de l’anàlisi és un arbre categorial de motivacions inicials que està estructurat en tres grans categories, que són: a) motivació generalista del desig de ser pares; b) motivacions centrades en els pares, i c) motivacions centrades en l’infant i en l’exercici de les funcions parentals. Respecte el nostre objectiu obtenim que les motivacions inicials dels sol•licitants estan centrades, majoritàriament, en les motivacions focalitzades en els pares i les seves necessitats, i per tant, no en l’exercici de les funcions parentals. Quant al segon estudi, hem analitzat la formació prèvia a l’obtenció del certificat d’idoneïtat, a través de diferents tècniques i instruments com l’observació no participant, entrevistes als professionals, qüestionaris als sol•licitants, i entrevistes a famílies adoptives. El resultat obtingut és que els continguts de la formació vinculats a l’aptitud educadora representen només el 32% dels continguts treballats. Aquest percentatge és major en els equips on hi ha professionals de l’educació, com ara educadors socials i pedagogs. En canvi, aquests continguts s’haurien de treballar més en tant que les famílies adoptives un cop ha arribat el menor tenen problemes associats a l’aptitud educadora que es podrien reduir amb formació. Com a conclusió final, destacar que la dimensió pedagògica no està present de forma rellevant en els inicis dels projectes adoptius i tampoc és l’eix central sobre el que giren els processos formatius dels sol•licitants. En canvi, és una variable determinant per garantir la bona adaptació dels menors adoptats. / Las adopciones internacionales se han convertido en una realidad normalizada en nuestra sociedad. Este hecho, hasta la actualidad, se ha estudiado desde disciplinas psicológicas o sociológicas pero no pedagógicas. Nuestro trabajo tiene por objetivo, por tanto, evaluar la relevancia de la dimensión pedagógica tanto en la motivación inicial de los padres adoptivos como en los procesos de formación para la adopción internacional, en Cataluña (España). Concretamente, nuestra investigación está formada por dos estudios, uno sobre las motivaciones iniciales para adoptar y otro sobre las actividades formativas para la adopción internacional. En el primer estudio se analizan cualitativa y cuantitativamente las motivaciones iniciales expresadas por 362 unidades familiares. El resultado del análisis es un árbol categorial de motivaciones iniciales que está estructurado en tres grandes categorías, que son: a) motivación generalista del deseo de ser padres; b) motivaciones centradas en los padres, y c) motivaciones centradas en el niño y en el ejercicio de las funciones parentales. Respecto a nuestro objetivo obtenemos que las motivaciones iniciales de los solicitantes están centradas, mayoritariamente, en las motivaciones focalizadas en los padres y sus necesidades, y por tanto, no en el ejercicio de las funciones parentales. En cuanto al segundo estudio, hemos analizado la formación previa a la obtención del certificado de idoneidad, a través de diferentes técnicas e instrumentos como la observación no participante, entrevistas a los profesionales, cuestionarios a los solicitantes, y entrevistas a familias adoptivas. El resultado obtenido es que los contenidos de la formación vinculados a la aptitud educadora representan sólo el 32% de los contenidos trabajados. Este porcentaje es mayor en los equipos donde hay profesionales de la educación, como educadores sociales y pedagogos. Sin embargo, estos contenidos se deberían trabajar más en tanto que las familias adoptivas una vez ha llegado el menor tienen problemas asociados a la aptitud educadora que se podrían reducir con formación. Como conclusión final, destacar que la dimensión pedagógica no está presente de forma relevante en los inicios de los proyectos adoptivos y tampoco es el eje central sobre el que giran los procesos formativos de los solicitantes. En cambio, es una variable determinante para garantizar la buena adaptación de los menores adoptados. / International adoptions have become a reality in our society. This, until now, has been studied from psychological or sociological disciplines but not in pedagogy. Our main objective is assessing the relevance of the pedagogical dimension in the initial motivation of adoptive parents and in the training process for international adoption, in Catalonia (Spain). Specifically, our research consists of two studies, one on the initial motivations to adopt and one on the training activities for international adoption. The first study analyzes qualitative and quantitative the initial motivations of 362 families. The result of the first research is an initial motivation category, inside this, there are three main sections. These are: a) a general motivation to want to be parents; b) motivations focusing on parents, and c) child-centered motives and the exercise of parental functions. The obtaining results in the first study shows that the initial motivation focusing on parents is the highest mark of the three sections. On the second study, we analyzed the training to become adoptive parents, through different techniques and tools such as non-participant observation, interviews with professionals, questionnaires to applicants, and interviews with adoptive families. The result is the training content related to “educational ability” represents only 32% of the training. This percentage is higher in teams where there are professionals like social workers and educators. However, the “educational ability” content should be worked harder because the adoptive families have problems related to these abilities, and these difficulties would solve with the help of training. The final conclusion is, emphasize that the pedagogical dimension is not relevant in the beginning of their adoptive project, and the focus on training processes either. Nevertheless, it is a determining factor to ensure the successful adaptation of adopted children.

Effect of Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) with Adoptive Parents of Preadolescents: A Pilot Study

Swan, Alyssa 12 1900 (has links)
Older adopted children and their families often express high need for support for attachment and trauma related concerns. Post-adoption mental health intervention focused on enhancing the parent-child relationship among adoptive parents and adoptees is essential for fostering placement permanency among these families. This single group pilot study explored the effect of Child-Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) for adoptive parents of preadolescents who reported attachment related concerns, stress in the parent-child relationship, and child behavior problems. Participants were 11 adoptive parents ages 25 to 64 (55% male; 91% couples; 100% married; 56% European American, 27% Asian, 9% Hispanic, and 9% Black American) with adoptees between the ages of 8 to 14 (56% male; 56% Hispanic, 33% European American, and 11% Black American). All child participants were adopted out of foster care. Data was collected at baseline, pretest, midtest, and posttest. Results from non-parametric Friedman test of differences across 4 points of measure indicated that CPRT demonstrated statistically significant improvement for the 3 outcome variables: parental empathy, child behavior, and parent child relationship stress. Specifically, results indicated that prior to receiving CPRT (baseline to pretest), parents demonstrated no change or worsening in functioning across all variables, whereas during the intervention phase findings showed a large treatment effect for parental empathy, a medium effect for parenting stress, and a small effect for child behavior problems. Findings from this pilot study support CPRT as a promising mental health intervention for adoptive parents and preadolescent children. Clinical implications and recommendations for working with adoptive parents of preadolescents are explored within the context of these findings.


TABACCHI, ALESSIA 11 May 2021 (has links)
Il progetto di ricerca mira ad indagare, nell’orizzonte della pedagogia della famiglia, l’accompagnamento da offrire ai coniugi che si accostano all’adozione. Lo studio muove dall’assunzione di un paradigma sistemico e dialogale, nel quale la famiglia è intesa come realtà in divenire, che concorre alla crescita reciproca e vicendevole dei suoi membri (Pati, 2014). L’analisi della letteratura scientifica e del contesto adottivo rivelano zone d’ombra nella ricerca interdisciplinare, in particolare rispetto al periodo pre-adottivo, ed una esiguità di contributi provenienti dall’area pedagogica. Il presente lavoro si prefigge, pertanto, di raggiungere una comprensione più profonda dell’oggetto di ricerca, al fine di promuovere interventi di sostegno e accompagnamento educativo alla genitorialità adottiva. In una costante circolarità fra teoria e prassi, si è scelto di coinvolgere alcuni genitori adottivi in interviste semi-strutturate. Ciò, nella convinzione che far parlare l’esperienza e riflettere su di essa può favorire una definizione epistemologica e contenutistica del discorso pedagogico sull’adozione (Pati, 2004). L’indagine si propone di chiarire come si struttura e consolida la scelta adottiva dentro il progetto di vita familiare, di rintracciare le peculiarità educative sottese alla genitorialità e filiazione adottiva e di individuare percorsi di accompagnamento educativo per la famiglia adottiva. / The research project aims to inquire, in the context of family pedagogy, the help offered to couples who are approaching adoption. The study starts from the assumption of a systemic and dialogical paradigm, in which the family is understood to be in progress and contributes to the mutual growth of its members (Pati, 2014). The analysis of scientific literature and of the context about adoption reveal many unexplored areas in the interdisciplinary research, specifically regarding the pre-adoption interventions, as well as some contributions coming from the educational area. This work tries to reach a deeper understanding of the research subject, to gain involvement of educational accompaniment and support to adoptive parenting. In a constant exchange between theory and practice, it has been proposed to involve some adoptive parents in semi-structured interviews. It is believed that talking and reflecting on the experience, should encourage an epistemological and of content definition of the educational subject on adoption (Pati, 2004). The expected results are to clarify how the adoptive choice is structured and consolidated within the family life project; to outline educational peculiarities of adoptive parenting and sonship; and to suggest way of educational accompaniment to the adoptive family.


CANZI, ELENA CAMILLA ROSA 12 March 2015 (has links)
Il presente progetto di ricerca nasce dalla collaborazione tra il mondo accademico e il mondo dei servizi che si occupano di adozione e ha l’obiettivo di progettare e applicare un protocollo di accompagnamento delle famiglie nel primo anno post-adozione. Il primo contributo della tesi è dedicato alla presentazione dettagliata del protocollo, in termini di finalità, obiettivi, metodo e, grazie a uno studio di caso singolo, si mettono in evidenza le ricadute operative dell’applicazione del protocollo stesso nell’intervento con le famiglie. Il secondo contributo offre, invece, una panoramica della situazione all’arrivo dei bambini in famiglia: lo studio si pone l’obiettivo di valutare il benessere dei bambini, considerando il peso delle esperienze vissute prima dell’adozione, e il benessere di madri e padri, con un approfondimento specifico sulla dimensione dello stress genitoriale. Il disegno di ricerca longitudinale ha, poi, consentito di tracciare i percorsi di cambiamento cui le famiglie vanno incontro e a cui sono dedicati i successivi contributi. Si sono valutati sia il recupero dei bambini, con un’attenzione specifica all’area dello sviluppo cognitivo e agli aspetti socio-emotivi legati alle performance intellettive, nonché l’andamento del benessere genitoriale. In particolare, lo studio che chiude l’elaborato di tesi discute la specifica modalità con cui le madri e i padri adottivi sembrano affrontare la transizione genitoriale, in analogia o meno a quanto accade nelle famiglie biologiche: è stata rivolta specifica attenzione alla dimensione della qualità della relazione coniugale e del supporto sociale, ancora largamente inesplorate nel panorama della ricerca nazionale e internazionale. / The research project was promoted by the Athenaeum Center for Family Studies and Research with the cooperation of the public adoption agency “Il Cerchio” Centro Adozioni ASL Milano 1, and it was aimed at developing and applying a research protocol for the agency’s first year post-adoption practice. In the first study of the thesis the research protocol was presented, in terms of finalities, aims, method, and practical implications for the intervention with adoptive families through a single-case study. The second study documented the situation at children’s arrival into the new family and it was aimed at investigating children’s wellbeing, taking into account their pre-adoptive experiences, and parents’ wellbeing, especially focusing the attention on parental stress. The next two studies presented the longitudinal data about families’ changes during the first year post-adoption. Children’s recovery in the area of social, emotional, and cognitive development, and parents’ wellbeing were evaluated. In particular the last study discussed the specific way adoptive mothers and fathers cope with the transition to parenthood, comparing with biological families’ experiences, especially on marital relationship and social support, two dimensions still not largely explored in the field of national and international research.

Metaphoric Generative Genograms: A Journey to bring Genograms to life through metaphorical components

Garcia, Elisa 01 January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to offer a greater understanding of the potential of genograms through my clinical work from a Bowen Family Systems lens. I account for how I processed and effectively blended metaphorical components, by examining six cases from my two-year journal entries, of bringing genograms to life in sessions. I also explain how I created a useful tool, the Metaphoric Generative Genogram, that can benefit other clinicians working with children and families in the foster care community.

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